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素颜是什么意思 素颜在线翻译 素颜什么意思 素颜的意思 素颜的翻译 素颜的解释 素颜的发音 素颜的同义词 素颜的反义词 素颜的例句
素颜 基本解释素颜名素颜 网络解释1. suyan:所谓的、不离 The so-called, not bad | 素颜' Su-Yan ' | 不要排斥涐 Do not exclude E2. su ti ki:素顏 su ti ki | 場所 ba xio | 言葉 ko ko素颜 双语例句1. 请问素颜姐姐,我可以不用客户要求的报关编码报关吗,清关资料上写他需要的海关编码,你看这样做可行吗?&&&&FULL SET OF ORIGIALS, CLEAN ON BOARD, MADE OUT TO THE ORDER AND BLANK ENDORESED, MARKED FREIGHT COLLECT AND THE NUMBER OF THE CREDIT, NOTIFY TO APPLICANT2. 袁泉以素颜出镜,不仅展现出夏日里的清新气质,且不失典雅内敛的本色。&&&&Wintenberger with plain yan, not only show in the summer of fresh and elegant temperament, collect.3. 她架着一副眼镜,素颜的她脸上出现了雀斑。&&&&She was wearing glasses and appeared rather freckly without her makeup.4. 素颜4. 阿诗以一脸素颜和便服打扮,手持红玫瑰花束和一袋献品去到阿梅灵前供奉,她指食物都是师父最爱的早餐,当中有蛋治、奶茶、可乐以及水果。&&&&Ah Sze in casual dress, holding red roses and some food which was her C-fu's favourite breakfast items including, egg sandwiches, tea, coke and fruit.5. 素颜5. 保安到场前,熊黛林迅速戴上黑框眼镜遮掩素颜,郭富城则极力装作若无其事,但表情却难掩僵硬,而且气得双耳通红根本无心作赛。&&&&Before security arrived at the scene, Xiong黛林rapid wear black glasses to cover up Su-Yen, Aaron Kwok strongly pretend as if nothing had happened, but it can not conceal his face stiff and ears red with anger simply no match for.6. 但这次合作下来,奥利弗。斯通对范冰冰的美貌留下深刻印象,据工作人员透露,大导演除了一到摄影棚就与范冰冰来个美式热情的拥抱外,还直夸范冰冰素颜时真美,不排除未来有合作机会。&&&&However, this co-operation down, Oliver Stone on beauty Fan Bingbing impressed, according to staff revealed that apart from one director to the studio with American Fan Bingbing to a warm embrace, but also直夸Fan Bingbing Su-Yen true when the United States, do not rule out future opportunities for cooperation.7. 希望有一天您能看到真正的素颜荒歌。&&&&Hope u one can see this true face singing in the field.8. PS:最后的那张是素颜,只不过被压缩了&&&&Life is to be whole, not to be perfect.9. 有趣的是,71%的女性认为男性比较喜欢化了妆的女人,而事实上,有40%的中国男性表示自己喜欢素颜的女人。&&&&Interestingly, 71% of women believe men prefer Hua Lezhuang woman, in fact, 40% of Chinese men, Su-Yen said he liked woman.10. 点评:这是她家小狗出生后自拍的,不仅素颜,还。。。&&&&Comments: This is the dog to her home after the birth of self-timer, not just makeup, but also...11. 2008年时,她曾出演了由香港导演徐克拍摄的影片《女人不坏》,徐克称她是素颜美女。&&&&&&In 2008, she also starred in the movie Not All Women Are Bad by Hong Kong director Tsui Hark, who called her " beautiful without make up ".12. 现在还不知道用素颜自拍宣传癌症这个活动是从哪里或者怎样掀起的,虽然上周作家LauraLippman在网上发起了一个类似活动支持演员KimNovak和她在奥斯卡上的露面。&&&&&&It's not known where or how the trend for using a no make-up selfie started this time around although last week author Laura Lippman caused an online storm with a similar campaign in support of actress Kim Novak and her appearance at the Oscars.13. 去年12月度假的一天,我一时无聊,掏出了手机,举到面前,来了一次素颜自拍。&&&&&&One day last December, while on vacation, I whipped out my cell phone in a moment of boredom, held it in front of my face, and took an unflattering selfie.14. 14. 所以,当调查显示四分之三的男人更喜欢素颜时,就是指在上述情况下。&&&&&&So when the campaign says that three-quarters of men prefer the natural look, it is in this context.15. 如今,所有的素颜照、幕后、独家照片狗仔队们的杀手锏都转由明星们自己在线上传。&&&&&&Now, all the without-makeup, behind-the-scenes, exclusive pictures-the bread and butter of the paparazzi-are being posted online by stars themselves.16. 事实上,Twitter和Facebook上数以千计的女性卸下妆容,拍下了自己的素颜照片上传网络,并带上标签素颜自拍。&&&&&&In fact the trend has taken Twitter and Facebook by storm with thousands of females wiping off their make-up and posting photos using the hash tag # NoMakeUpSelfie.17. 突破乳腺癌项目参与与创收一代主管KathAbrahams说道:我们很高兴看到素颜自拍活动病毒性宣传的成功。&&&&&&Kath Abrahams, Director of Engagement and Income generation at Breakthrough Breast Cancer, said:'We are delighted to see the success of the no make-up selfie viral campaign.18. 但希拉里不仅敢于素颜示众,而且允许记者拍照四处流传(或者至少在不同的博客间转载),反映了当前梳妆打扮的趋势。&&&&&&However, the fact that she had not only showed her naked face in public but allowed a picture to be taken for posterity (or at least various blogs) reflects a current trend in grooming.19. 据英国《每日电讯报》报道,今年三月,英国慈善组织&癌症研究协会发起了一项号召女性上传素颜自拍照的在线活动。&&&&&&The online campaign was launched in March by charity organization Cancer Research UK, reported The Telegraph. It asked women to post selfies without wearing makeup.20. 现在,伴随着这个自拍活动,Facebook上的素颜自拍关注癌症小组已经获得153690个赞以及几百张照片的上传。&&&&&&Now, following this new viral selfie campaign the Facebook group No Make Up Selfie For Cancer Awareness has more than 153, 690 likes and hundreds of photo uploads.素颜是什么意思,素颜在线翻译,素颜什么意思,素颜的意思,素颜的翻译,素颜的解释,素颜的发音,素颜的同义词,素颜的反义词,素颜的例句,素颜的相关词组,素颜意思是什么,素颜怎么翻译,单词素颜是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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你的素颜依然那么美 用英语怎么说
You are still so beautiful without wearing make up.
You are always bautiful even when you don't wear any make-ups.
Your plain face is still so beautiful.


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