onemagi calenderr怎么用

one calendar
Lake T is well-known traditional crafts, has a long history and superb techniques-called "Wenfangsibao" one calendar "MAO Ying Jia Tianxia of technology" reputation, it is China's cultural development and cultural exchanges with other important tools.
Since each event is stored as a unique document, users can move, delete or update one calendar event without affecting the other related events.
"If one member of a couple experiences unemployment in one calendar year, they are 70 percent more likely to experience divorce in the following year, " she said.
But there is still a recovery period involved that some observers claim takes at least one calendar year.
So this MAPP program is a one calendar year, full-time study.
The key is that in one calendar quarter, we saw an upward change at a 4.5 percent annualized rate.
Yes, this does mean that one seventh of humanity hit a Google web page in just that one calendar month.
This is one award in one calendar year - one favourite record.
- 来自原声例句
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多功能年历; All-in-One Year Calendar (Planner) – Markups, Holidays, Birthdays, Notes, Sync, Fiscal Week N 2.1
千万流量共享 百度高权重排名
软件大小: 1.1M
VoidTech Inc.
软件语言: 简体中文
软件授权: 限免
支持类型: iPad
多功能年历是为 iPad 量身打造的年历。它充分利用了 iPad 的大屏幕和多指触摸功能,而且操作简单自然,功能齐全。该应用软件除了支持与 iPad 自带日历同步,显示多国节日和 iPad 通讯录中联系人生日、周年等纪念日,还含有标记系统及备忘录,等等。它能完全代替日用挂历,并使日常记录及长期规划变得更加方便快捷。
All-in-One Year Calendar app, designed just for the iPad with its large multi-touch screen, is an easy-to-use yet powerful yearly planner, complete with markups (scribbles or colors), notes, holidays, event syncing with iPad supported calendars, advanced recurrence, birthdays and anniversaries from Contacts, fiscal week numbers, and tons of calendar customizations. It works perfectly for day-to-day and long-term planning. See your deadlines in a glance, track important dates, schedule vacations, record shift work, and much more.
? Press and hold anywhere on the calendar to show/hide the floating markup toolbox.
? Drag the toolbox anywhere you want.
? Select from 3 markup groups - icon, background color, or text color - and simply tap on a date to apply/unapply or overwrite.
? Deselect the selected markup from a group and tap on dates to easily erase any markup from that group.
? Quickly apply markups for multiple days such as 5 days in a row, an entire month, or all Tuesdays by dragging your finger across consecutive days in a row/column within a month after selecting a markup style.
? Configure a legend to name markups or obtain a count and listing. To add a markup to the legend, first apply it on the calendar, then in the date-detail window, markup legend toolbox, or Settings > Markup, tap on the markup to name it.
? Double tap on the toolbar of the floating markup toolbox to show/hide the markup legend.
? Select desired countries and holidays to display from Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Colombia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, UAE, UK, and US.
? Create events with custom repeat rules.
? Two-way sync with the built-in Calendar app and with all the external calendars supported by the iPad, such as Google Calendar, MobileMe, Exchange server, Outlook, iCal, and CALDav.
? One-way sync with subscribed calendars (ics files).
? Syncing with external and subscribed calendars requires account setup in iPad's Settings – Mail, Contacts, Calendars – if not configured already.
? Optionally displays birthdays, anniversaries, etc., from iPad's built-in Contacts app every year.
? Start weeks from any day.
? Weekend days can be any day(s) of the week.
? 3 week number methods: ISO standard, US style, or full week.
? Week numbers can start from any month for your fiscal calendar.
? Choose a color, and/or pick any image from your photo album as the background and adjust the opacity.
? Set colors for the default, weekend, and holiday text.
? Calendar can be set using language and format from your regional settings by enabling Localized Text in Settings.
? Save, copy, email, and AirPrint (requires a compatible HP printer) an image of the year calendar with markup legend or notes.
Please visit our website for the full list of features and HD screenshots. Description/Manual and FAQ can be also found inside the app.
We have more updates and new features in mind. Your suggestions can help us set priorities. A feedback/support form is built into the app for your convenience. Thank you!
找了好久终于找到了多功能年历; All-in-One Year Calendar (Planner) – Markups这款限免应用
多功能年历; All-in-One Year Calendar (Planner) – Markups是一款老司机都知道的好工具!希望继续一路往前~
不错不错,多功能年历; All-in-One Year Calendar (Planner) – Markups基本能满足我的需求
这个多功能年历; All-in-One Year Calendar (Planner) – Markups应用虽然有一点瑕疵,但是它是免费的啊!不然要求再多了!
我用过这么多的学习办公应用里,多功能年历; All-in-One Year Calendar (Planner) – Markups是操作最简便的。
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