铸件sinkhole hole是什么缺陷

sinkhole是什么意思 sinkhole在线翻译 sinkhole什么意思 sinkhole的意思 sinkhole的翻译 sinkhole的解释 sinkhole的发音 sinkhole的同义词
sinkhole英 ['s??kh??l] 美 ['s??kho?l] sinkhole 基本解释名词污水池sinkhole 网络解释1. 污水池:传感节点散布在观察区域内采集与观察对象相关的数据,并将协同处理后的数据传送到Sink. Sink可以通过Internet或通信卫星实现传感器网络与任务管理节点通信. 3. 3. 3 污水池( sinkhole)攻击3. 3. 5 蠕虫洞(wormholes)攻击2. 2. 排水口:sinker 锤子 | sinkhole 排水口 | Sinkiang 新疆3. sinkhole的近义词3. 落水洞:sinker 下沉球;沉锤 | sinkhole 落水洞 | sinking agent 沉降剂sinkhole 双语例句1. He fought the fighter's controls to bring it down level after level until the wind ha even after reaching the landing deck in the depths of the sinkhole, R4-G9 had to extend th e starfighter's docking claws to keep it from being blown, skid ding, right off the deck.&&&&他努力稳住操控竿,驾驶着战机一层接一层地往下飞,直到风暴渐渐减弱;可即使是在溶洞深处的停机甲板降落,R4-G9仍不得不伸出战机的着陆爪,以免整架战机都被刮下平台。2. Go north to the 2nd sinkhole (70, 32). Mark it.&&&&向走至第二个排水口(70,32),标记它3. sinkhole的意思3. In 2007 an approximately 30-story-deep sinkhole swallowed several homes and killed three people in Guatemala City.&&&&2007年危地马拉一个大约30层深的大洞吞掉了很多房屋,并导致3人死亡。4. The dragonmount slipped sinuously through one of the wide oval apertures into the open air of the sinkhole, then turned and seized the sandstone with those hooked claws to carry Obi-Wan straight up the sheer wall.&&&&那头坐骑扭动着身躯,穿过一条宽敞的隧道,来到了溶洞的外层,接着,她用她那钩状的爪子抓住岩壁,开始驮着欧比旺沿着峭壁往上攀爬。5. We are swamped, not in a sinkhole of mediocrity, but in a surfeit of excellence.&&&&我们不是陷进了中庸的泥沼,而是陷入了过量的优秀。6. But those above a sinkhole particularly a rapidly sinking hole lose trust in terra firma.&&&&但那些天坑,出格是快速下沉的坑洞使陆地失踪去了可托任感。7. Mere moments of following the cries through the shadows of deserted hallways carved into the sandstone brought Obi-Wan in sight of an immense, circular arena-like area, where a ring of balcony was joined to a flat lower level by spokes of broad, the ceiling above was hung with yellowish lamp- rods that cast a light the same color as the sunbeams striking through an arc of wide oval archways open to the interior of the sinkhole outside.&&&&沿着这一声接一声的嗥叫,穿过深深嵌入岩石当中的幽暗的荒废廊道,欧比旺很快便来到了一个类似圆形角斗场的开阔场地,只见一个环形露台,通过波浪形的大斜坡与下层相连;天花板上挂着淡黄色的灯管,颜色与阳光别无二致的灯光洒落在一座拱门上,其下方是一个宽敞的椭圆形拱道,一直通向溶洞深处。8. 8. Vega's man are ready to blow down a sinkhole.&&&&维加的人正准备炸出一个坑来。9. H***ing to constantly find documents, forgetting commitments and appointments is a huge sinkhole.&&&&经常在寻找文件、忘记该完成的承诺事项和约会是个严重的漏洞。10. 10. Having to constantly find documents, forgetting commitments and appointments is a huge sinkhole.&&&&经常在寻找文件、忘记该完成的承诺事项和约会是个严重的漏洞。11. sinkhole11. If you don't make it across right away, you'll sink deeperand deeper into the sinkhole.&&&&&&如果不快速的穿越它的话,你会在那里越陷越深。12. So, sure, we grow up and we have kids in this sinkhole?&&&&&&那么 好吧我们长大结婚然后在这个破地方生孩子?13. Two members of a family whose home was swallowed by a sinkhole were found dead.&&&&&&天坑吞没了一个家庭的住所后,2名家庭成员被发现已经死亡。14. sinkhole的解释14. Maybe you can find your dream job, or a way out of a career sinkhole, or a financial windfall.&&&&&&或许,你可以找到自己的梦想工作,找到一条摆脱职业困境的出路,或是在薪酬上有意外的收获。15. Taking the Three|Gorge region, Yangtze River, as an example, the research represented four types of landform and discussed their genesis, which were funnel|shaped marsh sinkhole, neck|shaped karst landform, uvala between two gullies and dissolution tableland.&&&&&&本文以三峡地区为例,提出了该区泥灰质岩石分布区广泛发育的漏斗状沼泽凹地、脖颈状岩溶地貌、两沟之间的槽状谷地和溶蚀台地 4种地貌形态,探讨了这些地貌的成因,并指出各种岩溶地貌之间的相互关联和叠加。16. 16. These photos are of a sinkhole which occurred early this year in Guatemala.&&&&&&这些污水坑是今年年初形成的,这个洞吞了12间房子造成至少3人死亡17. The30-story-deep sinkhole in Guatemala that swallowed a three-story building in June.&&&&&&6月,危地马拉一个相当于30层楼高的天坑吞噬了一栋三层楼高的建筑。18. The ship is immobilized, sir. Vega's man are ready to blow down a sinkhole.&&&&&&这船不能动了,长官。维加的人正准备炸出一个坑来。19. Days earlier, a giant sinkhole swallowed up the entire playground of a primary school in the county.&&&&&&几天前,一个大陷坑吞噬了该县一个小学的整个操场。20. The sinkhole was caused by rains and an underground sewage flow.&&&&&&这个塌方的污水池是由于雨水和地下污水流动造成的。sinkhole 单语例句1. Instead, it has resurfaced to drag governments and economies down the sinkhole of austerity.2. And they concluded that the pigment was made by mixing the ingredients over low heat in rituals performed on the edge of the sinkhole.3. Several other holes more than one meter deep were found near the sinkhole, which quickly filled with water and turned into a pond.4. But this was no " trap ", this was a sinkhole.5. Local residents have suffered a shortage of drinking water since Monday after a sinkhole cut the main water pipes in the district.6. Residents of Xinwei village of Jiangxi province on Sunday remove belongings from their houses, which have been endangered by a sinkhole.7. A village that disappeared into a giant sinkhole caused by mining excesses will be rebuilt, officials said Friday.8. Sunshine and water pour into the limestone sinkhole as bats and swallows dash in and out.sinkhole的意思sinkhole 英英释义noun1. a depression in the ground communicating with a subterranean passage (especially in limestone) and formed by solution or by collapse of a cavern roof&&&&Synonym: sinkhole是什么意思,sinkhole在线翻译,sinkhole什么意思,sinkhole的意思,sinkhole的翻译,sinkhole的解释,sinkhole的发音,sinkhole的同义词,sinkhole的反义词,sinkhole的例句,sinkhole的相关词组,sinkhole意思是什么,sinkhole怎么翻译,单词sinkhole是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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