|最近,大赢家足球比分网苹果手机可以吗?ISO 7.1 行不行(mi撕xian)|||

时间: 09:30&& &文章来源:jinriedu&& &点击次数:147&& &参与评论 161人
  BEIJING, March 16 (Xinhua) -- As epidemic season for the Zika virus draws near, schools at all levels should strengthen precautions, a circular issued by the Ministry of Education (MOE) said Wednesday.According to the circular, anti-mosquito campaigns are necessary in schools, where extra cleaning should be done to prevent mosquitoes from proliferating, and information about the virus should be widely available to raise awareness about the disease.Students are also encouraged to exercise in order to improve their resistance to the Zika virus and to pay attention to food and water safety, the circular said.The circular called for better monitoring of the virus by medical facilities, which should report suspected Zika cases in a timely manner.More than ten Zika cases have been reported in China since the outbreak began. With recent rising temperatures, especially in south China, the number of mosquitoes is expected to rise, making it easier for the Zika virus to spread.  创新改变中国,创新改变世界。习近平指出:&创新是国家和企业发展的必由之路。&&十三五&规划建议提出:&深入实施创新驱动发展战略。&&学习中国&今天推出《习近平与&十三五&十四大战略》系列文章之&创新驱动发展战略&篇。图为:日至15日,习近平在天津考察工作。这是习近平在天津人力资源发展促进中心与应聘人员亲切交谈。科技创新引领  我国的科技成就星光熠熠,为我国经济社会发展提供了坚强支撑,为国防安全作出了历史性贡献,也为我国作为一个有世界影响的大国奠定了重要基础。实现创新驱动,需要科技创新继续冲锋陷阵,奋勇向前。&十三五&规划建议提出:&发挥科技创新在全面创新中的引领作用,加强基础研究,强化原始创新、集成创新和引进消化吸收再创新。推进有特色高水平大学和科研院所建设,鼓励企业开展基础性前沿性创新研究,重视颠覆性技术创新。实施一批国家重大科技项目,在重大创新领域组建一批国家实验室。积极提出并牵头组织国际大科学计划和大科学工程。&  党的十八大提出:&科技创新是提高社会生产力和综合国力的战略支撑,必须摆在国家发展全局的核心位置。&习近平指出:&当今世界,科技创新已经成为提高综合国力的关键支撑,成为社会生产方式和生活方式变革进步的强大引领,谁牵住了科技创新这个牛鼻子,谁走好了科技创新这步先手棋,谁就能占领先机、赢得优势。& 2013年5月,在天津视察期间,习近平来到位于滨海新区的天津国际生物医药联合研究院,观看了该院自主研发产品展示,察看了分析测试中心、药物筛选中心等,详细了解国家创新药重大专项课题研发情况。习近平指出:&科技创新是提高社会生产力和综合国力的战略支撑,必须摆在发展全局的核心位置。&  以科技为核心推动创新驱动发展适应我国经济发展的新要求。改革开放以来,中国经济增长突飞猛进。然而,如今人口红利等优势日趋消失,人口、土地、资源、环境的矛盾日益凸显。必须转变依托人口等要素驱动经济发展的方式,走以科技驱动创新发展的新路。日,习近平在湖南考察时指出:&我国经济发展要突破瓶颈、解决深层次矛盾和问题,根本出路在于创新,关键是要靠科技力量。&日,习近平主持中共中央政治局第九次集体学习时指出:&当前,从全球范围看,创新驱动是大势所趋。机会稍纵即逝,抓住了就是机遇,抓不住就是挑战。从国内看,创新驱动是形势所迫。我国经济总量已跃居世界第二位,同时,我国人口、资源、环境压力越来越大。我们要推动新型工业化、信息化、城镇化、农业现代化同步发展,必须及早转入创新驱动发展轨道,把科技创新潜力更好释放出来,充分发挥科技进步和创新的作用。&日,习近平在中国科学院第十七次院士大会、中国工程院第十二次院士大会上提到:&老路走不通,新路在哪里?就在科技创新上,就在加快从要素驱动、投资规模驱动发展为主向以创新驱动发展为主的转变上。&  在新一轮的科技革命中,世界各国都在以科技为核心推动创新发展,争取主动权。美国强调&对科技创新的支持是经济竞争力的关键&,力图保持领先优势和对全球经济的领导地位;欧盟提出要建立创新型欧洲,探索欧洲复兴之路。日,习近平主持中共中央政治局第九次集体学习时指出:&当前,从全球范围看,科学技术越来越成为推动经济社会发展的主要力量,创新驱动是大势所趋。&日,习近平到中国科学院考察工作时强调:&科技兴则民族兴,科技强则国家强,要结合实际坚持运用我国科技事业发展经验,积极回应经济社会发展对科技发展提出的新要求,深化科技体制改革,增强科技创新活力,集中力量推进科技创新,真正把创新驱动发展战略落到实处。&图为:日,习近平到中国科学院考察工作。这是习近平在实验室 了解科研人员利用同步辐射装置开展科研的情况。政府承担创新服务   发动创新驱动&新引擎&需要友好的创新环境。政府要转变政府履行创新职能的方式方法和体制机制,放松管理的手,举好政策的旗,铺好创新的路。&十三五&规划建议提出:&推动政府职能从研发管理向创新服务转变。完善国家科技决策咨询制度。坚持战略和前沿导向,集中支持事关发展全局的基础研究和共性关键技术研究,加快突破新一代信息通信、新能源、新材料、航空航天、生物医药、智能制造等领域核心技术。瞄准瓶颈制约问题,制定系统性技术解决方案。&&研发管理&更多面向的是科研单位,更多运用的是管理手段,更多聚焦的是研发环节,更多着力的是组织科研活动;&创新服务&面向的是产学研用、大中小微等各类创新主体,围绕从研发到产业化应用的创新全链条,采取的主要是服务方式。  随着全球化进程加快,世界各国纷纷强化创新战略部署。美国出台《创新战略》,从国家发展战略上重视创新,从国家发展路径上强化创新;欧盟通过《欧洲2020战略》,致力于成为最具国际竞争力的国家联合体;日本2009年就出台《数字日本创新计划》,逐步进入科学技术立国与战略调整阶段;韩国在2000年制定科技发展长远规划《2025年构想》,提出2015年成为亚太地区主要研究中心的目标。面对世界发达国家的超前部署,中国只有进一步增强危机意识,坚定不移地实施创新驱动发展战略,才能在综合国力的竞争中抢占先机。  创新驱动战略势在必行,政府创新职能转换刻不容缓,从研发管理转向创新服务,职能一变,活力立现。习近平指出:&实施创新驱动发展战略是一项系统工程,涉及方方面面的工作,需要做的事情很多。最为紧迫的是要进一步解放思想,加快科技体制改革步伐,破除一切束缚创新驱动发展的观念和体制机制障碍。&日,习近平主持中共中央政治局第九次集体学习时指出:&要面向世界科技前沿、面向国家重大需求、面向国民经济主战场,精心设计和大力推进改革,让机构、人才、装置、资金、项目都充分活跃起来,形成推进科技创新发展的强大合力。要围绕使企业成为创新主体、加快推进产学研深度融合来谋划和推进。要按照遵循规律、强化激励、合理分工、分类改革要求,继续深化科研院所改革。要以转变职能为目标,推进政府科技管理体制改革。&  创新驱动需要国家的政策保驾护航。&十三五&规划建议提出:&深化科技体制改革,引导构建产业技术创新联盟,推动跨领域跨行业协同创新,促进科技与经济深度融合。加强技术和知识产权交易平台建设,建立从实验研究、中试到生产的全过程科技创新融资模式,促进科技成果资本化、产业化。构建普惠性创新支持政策体系,加大金融支持和税收优惠力度。深化知识产权领域改革,加强知识产权保护。& 日,习近平主持召开中央财经领导小组第七次会议,习近平强调:&要抓紧出台实施创新驱动发展的政策和部署,抓紧实施国家重大科技专项,再选择一批体现国家战略意图的重大科技项目和重大工程,集中力量、协同攻关。要加快研究提出创新驱动发展顶层设计方案,研究提出中央财政科技资金管理改革方案。要抓紧修改完善相关法律法规,实施更加积极的创新人才引进政策。要研究在一些省区市系统推进全面创新改革试验,形成几个具有创新示范和带动作用的区域性创新平台。&日习近平在中国科学院考察时强调:&深化科技体制改革,增强科技创新活力,集中力量推进科技创新,真正把创新驱动发展战略落到实处&《中共中央国务院关于深化体制机制改革加快实施创新驱动发展战略的若干意见》指出:&到2020年,基本形成适应创新驱动发展要求的制度环境和政策法律体系,为进入创新型国家行列提供有力保障。&图为:日下午,习近平在杭州海康威视数字技术股份有限公司研发中心勉励科技人员多出成果。企业是创新主体   企业是经济活动的主体,技术创新本质上是一个经济过程,只有以企业为主体,才能坚持市场导向,反映市场需求。企业创新主体地位能否确立,主导作用能否发挥,很大程度上决定了创新驱动战略的成败。&十三五&规划建议提出:&强化企业创新主体地位和主导作用,形成一批有国际竞争力的创新型领军企业,支持科技型中小企业健康发展。依托企业、高校、科研院所建设一批国家技术创新中心,形成若干具有强大带动力的创新型城市和区域创新中心。完善企业研发费用加计扣除政策,扩大固定资产加速折旧实施范围,推动设备更新和新技术应用。&  创新驱动企业先行。创新是企业在激烈的市场竞争中的生存之道,是企业获得长期领先优势、在市场竞争中立于不败之地的法宝。日,习近平视察位于杭州高新区的海康威视数字技术股份有限公司。察看产品展示和研发中心,对他们拥有业内领先的自主核心技术表示肯定。习近平指出:&企业持续发展之基、市场制胜之道在于创新,各类企业都要把创新牢牢抓住,不断增加创新研发投入,加强创新平台建设,培养创新人才队伍,促进创新链、产业链、市场需求有机衔接,争当创新驱动发展先行军。& 缺乏创新,没有新技术,很容易在市场不断的洗牌中被淘汰出局。企业要靠创新赢得市场赢得先机。日,习近平来到位于济宁的山东如意科技集团有限公司,听产品介绍、看生产车间,了解企业生产经营。得知他们依靠科技创出多个知名纺织服装品牌,拓展国际市场成绩显著,习近平予以肯定。他指出:&企业是创新主体,掌握了一流技术,传统产业也可以变为朝阳产业。要深入实施以质取胜和市场多元化战略,支持有条件的企业全球布局产业链,加快形成出口竞争新优势,提高抵御风险能力。&  发挥企业的创新主导作用,需要有成熟、开放、公平竞争的市场环境,需要健全、合理的法律法规和良好的政策环境。2013年10月,中共中央政治局以实施创新驱动发展战略为题举行第九次集体学习。中共中央总书记习近平在主持学习时强调:&要加大政府科技投入力度,引导企业和社会增加研发投入,加强知识产权保护工作,完善推动企业技术创新的税收政策,加大资本市场对科技型企业的支持力度。&在中央财经领导小组第七次会议上习近平指出:&要围绕使企业成为创新主体、加快推进产学研深度融合来谋划和推进。&图为:日,中国科学院第十七次院士大会、中国工程院第十二次院士大会 在北京人民大会堂隆重开幕。习近平出席会议并发表重要讲话。人才是创新根基   创新驱动根本要靠人才。从长期看,经济发展取决于人的智力和技术。诺贝尔经济奖得主舒尔茨教授说:&经济发展主要取决于人的质量,而不是自然资源的丰富贫瘠或者资本存量的多寡。&因此,要优化创新生态,牢牢抓住&人&这一创新根本,使科技人员在创新中更好受益,激发广大科技人员内生动力。&十三五&规划建议提出:&扩大高校和科研院所自主权,赋予创新领军人才更大人财物支配权、技术路线决策权。实行以增加知识价值为导向的分配政策,提高科研人员成果转化收益分享比例,鼓励人才弘扬奉献精神。&  创新是人才固有的禀赋。要培养人才的创新意识,激发他们的创新潜能。习近平指出:&人才强国战略是科教兴国战略与创新驱动战略的重要内容,创新驱动战略以人力资源为第一资源,人是科技创新最关键的因素。&在中央财经领导小组第七次会议上习近平强调:&创新驱动实质上是人才驱动。为了加快形成一支规模宏大、富有创新精神、敢于承担风险的创新型人才队伍,要重点在用好、吸引、培养上下功夫。要用好科学家、科技人员、企业家,激发他们的创新激情。要学会招商引资、招人聚才并举,择天下英才而用之,广泛吸引各类创新人才特别是最缺的人才。&在西安市调研时习近平强调:&科技人员要树立强烈的创新责任和创新自信,面向经济社会发展主战场,面向国际科技发展制高点,努力多出创新成果,为实施创新驱动发展战略、建设创新型国家多作贡献。&在参加十二届全国人大三次会议上海代表团审议时习近平强调:&实施创新驱动发展战略,根本在于增强自主创新能力。人才是创新的根基,创新驱动实质上是人才驱动,谁拥有一流的创新人才,谁就拥有了科技创新的优势和主导权。要择天下英才而用之,实施更加积极的创新人才引进政策,集聚一批站在行业科技前沿、具有国际视野和能力的领军人才。&  开发运用人才资源,要破除体制机制障碍,充分保障科研人员的合理权益,调动科学家和科技人员、企业家、技能型人才和大众创新创业者等各类人才积极性,形成人才辈出、人尽其才的良好局面。日,习近平主持中共中央政治局第九次集体学习时指出:&着力完善人才发展机制。打通人才流动、使用、发挥作用中的体制机制障碍,最大限度支持和帮助科技人员创新创业。&日,习近平在中国科学院第十七次院士大会、中国工程院第十二次院士大会上强调:&我们要把人才资源开发放在科技创新最优先的位置,改革人才培养、引进、使用等机制,努力造就一批世界水平的科学家、科技领军人才、工程师和高水平创新团队,注重培养一线创新人才和青年科技人才。& &实施创新驱动发展战略,建设创新型国家,为实现&两个一百年&奋斗目标提供强大科技支撑,是时代赋予我国广大科技工作者的历史使命。&  爱国奉献、勇于超越是滋养科研发展进步的养分。要鼓励人才爱国家、讲奉献、敢为天下先,全力发挥创新才能,在为国奉献中实现创新价值。习近平强调:&具有强烈的爱国情怀,是对我国科技人员第一位的要求。科学没有国界,科学家有祖国。广大科技人员要牢固树立创新科技、服务国家、造福人民的思想,把科技成果应用在实现国家现代化的伟大事业中,把人生理想融入为实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦的奋斗中。&&我国广大科技工作者要敢于担当、勇于超越、找准方向、扭住不放,牢固树立敢为天下先的志向和信心,敢于走别人没有走过的路,在攻坚克难中追求卓越,勇于创造引领世界潮流的科技成果。&   &创新是一个民族兴旺发达的不竭动力。&&创新精神是中华民族最鲜明的禀赋。&中华民族从不缺乏创新的精神、创新的土壤、创新的人才、创新的成果。发展不止,创新不止。新时代、新社会、新目标需要新思想、新科技、新创造。全面建成小康社会已经铺开金光大道,创新驱动正在满血发力。(本文来源:学习中国)  LJUBLJANA, July 30 (Xinhua) -- Russian President Vladimir Putin and Slovenian President Borut Pahor highlighted the Russian Chapel as a symbol of peace as they addressed a one-hour ceremony on Saturday marking the centenary of the memorial to Russian WWI prisoner-of-wars who perished in Slovenia, Slovenian Press Agency reported.Pahor stressed that the ceremony gathered those who cared about peace, stressing that &we care whether there will be war or peace& and calling for overcoming hurdles in efforts to achieve &lasting peace& through dialogue.&We believe war and peace are always subject to political decision. We reject the notion that war is inevitable. We accept responsibility for peaceful resolution of all disputes. We want lasting peace,& he said.Putin said that the Russian Chapel was &a symbol of Russian-Slovenian friendship, the common striving for peace and prosperity.&He also thanked &generations of Slovenians& who took care of the Russian Chapel for preserving memory of Russian soldiers, stressing that he was glad to be in the &friendly Slovenia& where Russian guests are always &received with sincere hospitality.&Putin's arrival in Slovenia at the invitation of Slovenian President Borut Pahor was delayed more than an hour due to &uNPRedicted domestic obligations,& the Slovenian Press Agency (STA) reported.  The Internet is linking entrepreneurs in the developing world with investors in industrial nations through sites that broker small &people-to-people& loans. These so-called microloans go to family-owned businesses in Africa, Asia and other areas.A
loan lets a woman in Burundi start a business brewing banana beer, and a
loan helped a woman in Pakistan start an embroidery business that now supports 30 local families.These small entrepreneurs are featured in a multimedia exhibit called Half the Sky at the Skirball Cultural Center. Photographs, art and videos explain the plight of poor women in developing countries and how microloans are helping them.Corporate donations to the center provide each visitor to the exhibit with
to get them started as investors. With help from a volunteer, this man has just invested in a small business in Africa.The Internet microloan site Kiva is one of several partners in the project. Kiva's own website at kiva.org lets people invest small amounts of money in entrepreneurial projects from their homes, or any place with an Internet connection. The organization works through local micro-finance institutions in developing countries, and notes proudly that its clients& repayment rate is over 98 percent.Writer Bob Harris has invested in nearly 4,000 small businesses, and has visited many of them while researching a book about Kiva. &It's everything from clinics to schools to farmers, crafts people, urban transportation people - taxi drivers - pretty much anything you can come up with,& Harris said.Some investors, like Armenian-American computer consultant Peter Tashjian, focus on a single region. He lends to Armenians so that those in cities can expand their businesses, and those in the countryside can buy an extra cow or sheep.&And they actually are able to feed their families and make extra cheese and milk to sell in the markets,& Tashjian said.Bob Harris got involved in microlending after exploring the world as a travel writer and seeing poverty in the shadow of exclusive resorts.He has inspired a loose-knit group on the Kiva website called Friends of Bob Harris, whose members have invested more than .6 million.&And everybody who does it for any length of time and reinvests the money, it&s really kind of cool & Let&s see, the bicycle delivery guy in Nicaragua paid me back. I think I&ll invest in this student in the Philippines,& Harris said.These people say the Internet has forged new links, both social and commercial, that help others around the world pull themselves out of poverty.  央视网消息(新闻联播):国务院总理李克强30号与德国总理默克尔在合肥共同出席中德经济顾问委员会座谈会,并同两国企业家代表对话交流。  李克强表示,中德关系十分密切,合作日益深入。我们欢迎德国企业扩大对华投资,开展更多经贸合作。中国将进一步扩大投资领域的市场开放,对中外企业一视同仁,更好保护知识产权。当前,中国经济增速虽有所放缓,动能转换是一个艰难的过程,但内需潜力依然巨大,最大的回旋余地还是在中西部。希望德国企业更多到中西部投资兴业。中国仍是世界上最具吸引力的投资目的国之一,包括德国在内的外国企业对华合作前景广阔。  李克强指出,通过开展国际产能合作,将发达国家的高端技术同中国的中端技术装备相结合,可以更好适应发展中国家基础设施建设需求,扩大发达国家先进技术和产品市场,也可以助力中国产业结构升级,是三方受益之举。希望德国企业放眼世界同中国开展第三方市场合作,实现互利共赢。  默克尔表示,德中合作非常紧密。德方愿积极参与中国深化改革和经济结构调整的进程,参与中国中西部开发建设,成为中国良好的合作伙伴。德方欢迎中国企业赴德投资,将努力为他们在市场准入、签证等方面提供便利。  会后,两国总理共同见证了双边经贸投资、金融、城镇化建设、人文等领域十五个合作文件的签署。  两年多前,中国领导人首次在国际场合倡议共建&丝绸之路经济带&和&21世纪海上丝绸之路&,放飞&一带一路&梦想。如今,梦想开始照进现实,&一带一路&正在收获早期成果。&&一带一路&追求的是百花齐放的大利,不是一枝独秀的小利。&习近平主席在今年首访中东期间在当地媒体发表署名文章说。2016年是中国&十三五&规划开局之年,也是中国与沿线国家全力推进&一带一路&建设的年份。以&一带一路&为绢帛、以创新合作为笔墨、以共谋发展为气韵,中国与世界共同绘制的合作共赢壮丽画卷正在徐徐展开。一&上善若水,水利万物而不争。&2014年秋,北京举行的亚太经合组织(APEC)会议晚宴上,习近平主席向来自五湖四海的同事介绍了中国古代哲人的这句名言。同在北京APEC会议期间,习近平主席宣布中国将出资400亿美元成立丝路基金,为&一带一路&沿线国家基础设施建设、资源开发、产业合作等提供投融资支持。巧合的是,丝路基金投向&一带一路&的首单项目就跟&水&直接相关。2015年4月,位于中巴经济走廊的卡洛特水电站被确立为丝路基金首个对外投资项目。日,在距离巴基斯坦首都伊斯兰堡50多公里处的吉拉姆河畔,三峡集团承建的卡洛特水电站主体工程开工。中巴经济走廊是&一带一路&的旗舰项目之一。习近平主席2015年4月访问巴基斯坦时,双方确定了以经济走廊建设为中心,瓜达尔港、能源、交通基础设施、产业合作为重要领域的&1+4&合作框架。能源,是激活中巴经济走廊的血液。多年来,缺电是困扰巴基斯坦民生和经济的一大难题,即使在伊斯兰堡,夏天经常每天停电12小时左右。让水能资源丰富的吉拉姆河涌水成金,将大自然馈赠的湍急水流转变为清洁电力能源,是巴基斯坦人勾勒40年的梦想。如今,这一梦想正在成为触手可及的现实。30岁的瓦西&海德尔供职于三峡集团南亚公司。他告诉记者,这一项目将使巴基斯坦&通向发展和繁荣的光明彼岸,造福我们的同胞&。&一带一路&也给雄心勃勃的中国企业提供了布局海外、升级产业链、打造品牌的梦想平台。三峡集团南亚公司驻巴总代表盛震东告诉记者,作为目前中国对外投资在建的最大水电项目,卡洛特水电站是集团打造全产业链&走出去&的样板,也将为中国水电技术和标准走向海外提供一个典范。共商、共建、共享,是贯穿&一带一路&建设的主旋律。今年1月15日,巴基斯坦政府决定成立以总理谢里夫为主席的中巴经济走廊建设指导委员会,以更好地协调推进中巴经济走廊建设。日本外交学者网站评点说,中巴经济走廊将为巴&强力充电&。上善若水。在通晓中文的亚洲和平和解理事会主席、泰国前副总理素拉革看来,习主席经常引用的这句话,展示了中国倡议共建&一带一路&的真正含义,&就是要像水一样为所有人带来利益,而不对任何人构成威胁,这是非常重要的一点&。二回想起日习近平主席在哈萨克斯坦纳扎尔巴耶夫大学发表演讲的场景,达伊罗娃副校长至今心潮澎湃,&当时大学半圆形的大礼堂内座无虚席,大家都为这位和蔼的中国最高领导人所吸引,更为他表露出来的对中亚国家睦邻友好的意愿,以及他提出的&丝绸之路经济带&倡议激动不已&。&为了使我们欧亚各国经济联系更加紧密、相互合作更加深入、发展空间更加广阔,我们可以用创新的合作模式,共同建设&丝绸之路经济带&。这是一项造福各国人民的大事业。&习近平主席在演讲中说。&丝绸之路经济带&倡议提出之后,中亚沿线要津翕然响应。古丝绸之路重要驿站、中哈边境重镇霍尔果斯口岸,就见证了新丝路唤醒后的蓬勃生机。2014年,哈萨克斯坦总统纳扎尔巴耶夫提出&光明大道&经济计划,在基础设施建设等方面与&丝绸之路经济带&对接。同年12月25日,纳扎尔巴耶夫为&霍尔果斯-东大门&经济特区陆港的启用按钮揭幕。&霍尔果斯-东大门&经济特区是中哈共建的霍尔果斯国际边境合作中心的组成部分。作为哈境内最重要的物流中心,哈方对这一经济特区寄予厚望,希望通过它大幅提高哈中贸易额,并扩大中国与里海国家之间的贸易往来。据统计,自&霍尔果斯-东大门&经济特区陆港投入使用以来,2015年上半年霍尔果斯国际边境合作中心出口货运量同比增长近12倍,贸易额同比增长近10倍;进出区人员接近150万人次。哈萨克斯坦铁路总公司(哈铁总公司)总裁马明告诉记者,今年哈铁最重要的投资项目之一就是霍尔果斯口岸经济特区,计划将其建成中亚最大的陆地港,&我们的目标是让通过哈萨克斯坦的中欧间物流量达到海运的十分之一。&支持马明雄心的是红红火火的中哈物流数据。据哈铁统计,尽管2015年受油价下跌和货币贬值影响,哈进出口有较大幅度下滑,但中国经哈萨克斯坦去往欧洲的集装箱货运却几乎增长一倍。哈铁还计划在这一经济特区投资建设220余公顷的工业园,引进先进的原料加工业、制造业、化工业和制药等行业企业入驻,以期打造哈萨克斯坦未来经济产业升级的新引擎。&丝绸之路经济带&的前方更在万里之外的欧洲腹地。目前,连通中国和欧洲的铁路在霍尔果斯北面穿行数公里后转向俄罗斯,最终目的地是德国杜伊斯堡&&渝新欧铁路大动脉的终点。法国《世界报》作者伯努瓦&维特金在实地踏访霍尔果斯口岸后感慨,只要欧洲人开始在回程的列车中塞满中国消费者需要的产品,这条横贯亚欧大通道的线路有望实现&汽笛一响,黄金万两&。在纳扎尔巴耶夫大学副校长达伊罗娃看来,中国领导人倡议的&一带一路&也是民心相通和人文互鉴之路。在她的奔走推动下,该校成立了中国文化中心,&我最大的希望是能让更多学生有机会到中国学习,促进中哈文化交流和感情联络,也为哈萨克斯坦的发展建设培养更多人才&。三&连天浪静长鲸息,映日帆多宝舶来。&唐代诗人刘禹锡的诗句,道尽古代海上丝路舳舻往来的贸易盛况。经宋元海上丝路贸易胜景,明代郑和七下西洋后,海禁渐严,海上丝路的帆影离中国渐行渐远。日,在西行发出&丝绸之路经济带&倡议不到一月后,习近平主席南下&千岛之国&印度尼西亚,在印尼国会演讲中首倡建设&21世纪海上丝绸之路&。&东南亚地区自古以来就是海上丝绸之路的重要枢纽,中国愿同东盟国家加强海上合作&&共同建设21世纪海上丝绸之路。&在题为《携手建设中国-东盟命运共同体》的演讲中,习主席对&21世纪海上丝绸之路&的互利共赢愿景娓娓道来。2010年,东盟成员国通过了《东盟互联互通总体规划》,把发展基础设施建设和减少政策障碍等作为优先行动领域,把提高东盟一体化水平、国际竞争力、民众生活水平等作为主要目标。但总体规划的实施遭遇了资金、制度等众多挑战。&一带一路&倡议正是紧紧抓住了互联互通这把打开梦想大门的钥匙。海上丝路的宏伟蓝图中,中国轨道交通正在为实现东南亚域内的互联互通梦穿针引线。日,中老铁路老挝段开工奠基仪式在万象举行,老挝国家主席朱马里亲自挥锨,为老挝史上这一最大规模基建项目填土奠基。中老铁路贯穿老挝国内,是第一个以中方为主投资建设并运营、与中国铁路网直接连通的境外铁路项目,承载着老挝从内陆&陆锁国&到&陆联国&的转变之梦。一周后,中泰铁路合作项目在泰国大城府启动。这是泰国首条标准轨复线铁路,总长度约845公里,也将全部使用中国技术、标准和装备。中泰铁路项目将与中老铁路相连,实现中国与泰国铁路的互联互通。纵贯中南半岛的泛亚铁路&主骨架&初现雏形。日,印尼雅万高铁开工奠基仪式举行。这将是印尼乃至东南亚地区的首条高铁。预计2018年建成通车后,从首都雅加达到历史名城万隆的旅行时间将由3个小时缩短至40分钟以内。这是中国在海外全程参与规划、建设、运营和管理的首条高铁,也是中国高铁第一次全系统、全要素、全产业链走出国门。授人以鱼不如授人以渔。2015年7月,由中资企业牵头组建的&东盟制造中心&在马来西亚正式投产。该中心具备每年制造100辆动车组的能力,并兼营电力机车和轻轨车辆等全系列轨道交通装备制造能力。它的成立,标志着马来西亚成为东盟首个拥有轨道交通装备制造能力的国家。2015年4月在雅加达举行的万隆会议纪念峰会上,习近平主席深刻诠释了万隆精神新的时代内涵,呼吁构建以合作共赢为核心的新型国际关系,推动建设人类命运共同体。计利当计天下利。从雅加达到万隆,从昆明到万象,从中国到泰国&&&一带一路&融通的不仅仅是空间和距离,更是&中国梦&与&亚洲梦&的互联互通,是利益共同体、命运共同体梦想的相融相通。正如俄罗斯《导报》刊文指出,&一带一路&构想展现了中国对全球治理新理念的思考,&对中国来说,&一带一路&与其说是路,更像是中国最重要的哲学范畴&&&道&&。四&一带一路&建设不是中国一家的独奏,而是沿线国家的合唱。埃及苏伊士运河之畔,一座现代化产业新城在广袤的沙漠中拔地而起。城内厂房、街道干净整齐,绿树、花草装点每个角落,大型运输车川流不息,与城外一望无垠、寸草不生的荒漠恍如隔世。这座新城就是堪称中埃经贸和产业合作标杆的苏伊士经贸合作区。苏伊士经贸合作区地处&丝绸之路经济带&和&21世纪海上丝绸之路&的交汇点,也是&一带一路&和&苏伊士运河走廊&的黄金契合点。合作区起始的1.34平方公里早已全面建成,日,埃及政府向承建方埃及泰达特区开发公司新移交2平方公里土地使用权。今年1月21日,正在埃及进行国事访问的习近平主席为中埃苏伊士经贸合作区二期项目揭牌。2000多年前,中国汉代朝廷派遣使者前往埃及名城亚历山大,古丝绸之路成为联系双方的重要纽带。&中国同阿拉伯国家因为丝绸之路相知相交,我们是共建&一带一路&的天然合作伙伴。&2014年,习近平主席在中阿合作论坛第六届部长级会议开幕式上致辞说。在&一带一路&倡议的战略引导下,2015年9月,中埃两国签署《中埃产能合作框架协议》。&埃及人可以接受美国大片、美国快餐,但是实实在在的经济项目,我们更想跟中国合作。&埃及经济学家萨义德&阿尔说:&两国具体情况不同,埃及并不一味追求双边贸易数字上的平衡,而是愿意找到与中国共同生产、经营的领域,为两国人民带来实实在在的好处。&如今,合作区的发展进入加速阶段并经受住了当地局势一度动荡考验,起步区已吸引了一批产业规模和技术水平居世界前列的中资企业,以世界最大的玻璃纤维生产企业巨石为例,其投资不仅弥补了埃及在玻纤领域的空白,也让埃及跃居世界第三大玻纤生产国。目前,在园区工作的埃及人已有2000多名。&埃及人将苏伊士运河走廊经济带视为&埃及梦&,而合作区项目则是&埃及梦&开始的地方。&埃及泰达特区开发公司董事魏建青说。在北京大学阿拉伯-伊斯兰文化研究所所长吴冰冰看来,由于阿拉伯国家的综合性与多元性,&一带一路&倡议在中东各国的对接方式是灵活和多方位的。&&一带一路&倡议不是&一把&钥匙,而是&一串&共同发展的钥匙,可以与不同国家、不同国情对接,提供不同的双赢、多赢、共赢的合作方案。&五地中海,诸多古代文明的发源地和融汇圈,欧洲列邦海洋争霸的舞台,近代环球航海的起点,也曾是古代陆上丝路和海上丝路的交汇终点。希腊第一大港比雷埃夫斯港位于地中海东端,早在公元前5世纪初就已是古希腊和地中海沿岸主要港口。比港内陆可延伸至巴尔干地区,海运辐射可至地中海、黑海、北非等周边地区。如今,随着&一带一路&建设推进,比港正在迎来堪比昔日辉煌的历史性机遇。2014年7月,习近平主席出访拉美过境希腊期间对希腊领导人表示,中方愿意同希方一道努力,使希腊成为中欧合作的重要桥头堡和中转站,让两个古老文明焕发新的生机活力。今年1月20日,负责推进希腊国有资产私有化的私有化基金宣布,当天接受了中国中远集团对比雷埃夫斯港的投标,中远成为比雷埃夫斯港务局私有化项目的&首选投资者&。如果一切顺利,这意味着中远集团在接手经营比港部分码头5年多后,有望进一步扩大投资和运营规模,将比港打造成&中欧陆海快线&的南大门。而在中远集团接手之前,受希腊和欧洲债务危机冲击,比港一度破败不堪:集装箱堆场混乱不堪,靠港船舶压港严重,港区门口卡车堵塞长达5公里,绝大部分船东弃港而去&&中远接手后,很快以行动回应了当地关切。中远比港公司2010年6月正式接管二、三号码头的运营权,当年吞吐量为68.5万标准箱,到2015年已增至约300万标准箱。传统海运大国希腊的支柱产业重新焕发活力。债务危机高峰期间,希腊失业率猛增,而在中远接管的两年多内,比港为当地人直接创造了1000多个就业岗位。在希腊近年来此起彼伏的罢工浪潮中,中远码头的工人从未罢工一天。希腊国际海运联盟前主席阿尔万尼蒂斯说,中国投资增加了比港的运量,对希腊海运业和希腊经济大有帮助,&由于希腊在东地中海地区所处的特殊地理位置,我们非常欢迎中国提出的&一带一路&倡议,相信这一愿景将进一步提升未来比港和整个希腊经济的价值&。历史上,来自地中海沿岸的摩洛哥大旅行家伊本&白图泰、意大利的马可&波罗均曾带着对丝绸之路起点的憧憬,长途跋涉抵达古老的中国,将当时灿烂的中华文化和叹为观止的中华物产介绍到了欧洲。如今,&一带一路&正在重新塑造中国和欧洲的地理经济,创新中欧合作范式。欧盟高达3150亿欧元规模的&容克计划&与&一带一路&探索中欧发展战略对接。中国和中东欧国家&16+1合作&与&一带一路&实践对接。中俄决定将&丝绸之路经济带&与欧亚经济联盟建设对接。英国探讨基础设施升级改造计划和&英格兰北部经济中心&与&一带一路&对接,德国筹划&工业4.0&与&中国制造2025&对接机制。渝新欧、汉新欧、郑新欧、义新欧、哈欧&&连通中国内地与欧洲的国际班列在欧亚大陆上穿梭。清华大学国情研究院院长胡鞍钢指出,从经济学视角看,&一带一路&是一场规模宏大的&经济地理革命&;从国际关系视角看,&一带一路&开启了&共赢主义时代&,开创了互利共赢、非零和博弈的新模式。今年1月16日,亚洲基础设施投资银行开业仪式在北京举行。在57个创始成员国代表的注视下,习近平主席为亚投行标志物&点石成金&揭幕。&点石成金&,凝聚了大大小小国家合作共赢、梦想成真的共识。&你的梦想就是我们的梦想。&希腊前总理萨马拉斯曾这样告诉中国客人,这或许道出了&一带一路&沿线伙伴的心声。推荐阅读?今天,回家过年!?外国专家:唱衰中国论就像预测行星撞地球来源:经济日报、新华社编辑:王玥、王咏倩长按二维码下载&经济日报新闻客户端&  WASHINGTON, April 11 (Xinhua) -- The BRICS countries will continue to see robust economic growth in 2011, said the International Monetary Fund (IMF) on Monday.The world output is projected to rise by 4.4 percent this year, while emerging and developing economies will grow at a much higher 6.5 percent, said the IMF in its latest World Economic Outlook report (WEO).As leading emerging economies, the BRICS countries, which is the combination of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, will continue to outpace other countries, said the IMF.Among them, China's economic growth is expected to remain robust at 9.6 percent this year and 9.5 percent in 2012, with drivers of China's growth shifting increasingly from public to private demand, said the report.With respect to India, its output is projected to grow 8.2 percent in 2011 and 7.8 percent pared with China and India, Russia and South Africa is going to see a relatively moderate growth in the next two years. Russia' s output is expected to grow 4.8 percent this year and 4.5 percent in the next year. South Africa, a new member of BRICS, is projected to rise 3.5 percent in 2011 and 3.8 percent in 2012. However, the predicted growth rate of the two countries in 2011 and 2012 is stronger than what they achieved last year.  WASHINGTON, Jan. 11 (Xinhua) -- A hormone that extends lifespan in mice by 40 percent is produced by specialized cells in the thymus gland and protects against the loss of immune function that comes with age, a U.S. study said Monday.Published online in the U.S. journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the study's findings have future implications for improving immune function in the elderly, for obesity, and for illnesses such as cancer and type-2 diabetes.When functioning normally, the thymus produces new T cells for the immune system, but with age, the thymus becomes fatty and loses its ability to produce new T cells. This loss of new T cells in the body is one cause of increased risk of infections and certain cancers in the elderly.Led by Vishwa Deep Dixit, professor of comparative medicine and immunobiology at Yale School of Medicine, the researchers studied transgenic mice with elevated or reduced levels of a life-extending hormone called FGF21.They found that increasing the levels of FGF21 in old mice protected the thymus from age-related fatty degeneration and increased the ability of the thymus to produce new T cells, while FGF21 deficiency accelerated the degeneration of the thymus in old mice.&We found that FGF21 levels in thymic epithelial cells is several fold higher than in the liver -- therefore FGF21 acts within the thymus to promote T cell production,& said Dixit.&Elevating the levels of FGF21 in the elderly or in cancer patients who undergo bone marrow transplantation may be an additional strategy to increase T cell production, and thus bolster immune function,& Dixit said.Further studies will focus on understanding how FGF21 protects the thymus from aging, and whether elevating FGF21 pharmacologically can extend the human healthspan and lower the incidence of disease caused by age-related loss of immune function, he added.  外媒高度关注十八届五中全会的召开:为&全面建成小康&绘蓝图    国际在线专稿:10月26日至29日,十八届五中全会在北京召开,此次会议将审议国民经济和社会发展第十三个五年规划,外界对此高度关注。3年前召开的中共十八大提出确保到2020年&全面建成小康社会&,实现国内生产总值和城乡居民人均收入比2010年翻一番的目标。&十三五&规划将如何确保这一终极目标的实现,成为外媒关注的重点。  加拿大《环球邮报》26日刊文指出,周一(10月26日),五中全会拉开帷幕,与会人员将研究引领未来5年中国发展的经济蓝图。中共的五年规划虽然是中央计划经济时代的产物,但是如今依然发挥着重要作用。通过五年规划,政府突出未来工作的目标以及政策上的调整。  文章说,中国当前急需改革,在年的五年规划中,政府有望坚持一直以来在经济转型方面的努力,将经济增长模式从贸易投资驱动型向国内消费驱动型转变。同时,&十三五&规划将关注提高家庭收入和鼓励扩大可持续能源的使用等社会目标。  《新西兰先驱报》刊文指出,此次五中全会将讨论新的五年规划,这也是习近平就任中国国家主席以来制定的首个经济蓝图。五年规划将覆盖经济、外交、军事、环境等关乎国家建设的方方面面。与会代表将丰富或调整未来规划的部分内容,明确在未来如何在各省市落实规划。此次五中全会将重点关注经济&新常态&、绿色经济、生育政策调整等方面。  香港《大公报》评论称,此次五中全会勾画出中国未来五年经济、社会和民生等方面的整体发展路径与蓝图,备受海内外瞩目。中国经济的表现令国际社会不得不承认中国五年规划具有相当的科学性、合理性和实用意义,有其独特的优势。本次五中全会审议的&十三五&规划是十八大以后中国新一届领导集体主导的首个五年规划,也是决定五年后中国能否达到全面小康社会施政目标的重要节点,因而,&十三五&规划具有重要的战略意义。  &澳大利亚矿业&网站指出,为期4天的十八届五中全会将制定年中国经济的发展路线,备受瞩目。南非比勒陀利亚大学戈登商学院企业战略管理讲师马修(Matthew Birtch)称,此次会议至关重要,因为它是中国实现经济进一步增长的重要节点。  预知投资管理公司(Prescient Investment Management)资产管理部董事兼联席主管杜亮(音译)指出,近期的经济波动不会影响中国推进可持续发展的努力。他认为,经济的再平衡会使中国市场回归正常,虽然中国经济增速短期内在放缓,但最终中国会迎来一个可持续发展的社会。前沿咨询公司(Deloitte Frontier Advisory)新兴市场与非洲部执行董事马丁&戴维斯(Martyn Davies)也表示,中国经济规模远比经济增速重要。  新加坡《今日报》评论称,中国在五中全会上做出的决定将重塑世界。此次会议研究的&十三五&规划将力图使中国在2020年跨越&中等收入国家陷阱&。中国当前虽然面临诸多挑战,但是也有许多利好消息。旨在连接中国和亚欧各国的&一带一路&战略规划得以全面推进,处理政府腐败、环境恶化、地方债务、产能过剩等四大问题取得了显著成效。  文章称,虽然中国经济释放出的短期信号令人担忧,但是中国正在朝着&精简、清洁、绿色&的消费驱动型经济模式迈进。只要方法得当,&十三五&规划将使中国的市场竞争、政府信用度、公共服务得到较大改善,考虑到中国对全球的影响力,这对每个人而言都将是利好消息。(胡慧敏)  新华社记者饶爱民摄人民网新加坡11月7日电 (记者王尧、段晓梦)两岸领导人习近平、马英九7日下午在新加坡香格里拉饭店会面握手,之后习近平、马英九先后致辞。在习近平和马英九握手结束,步入会谈现场之后,据人民网前方记者观察,双方首先站在媒体面前停留十几秒,向大家挥手致意。待双方分别就坐后,习近平问:&马先生,我们可以开始了吗?&马英九回答说:&好。&随后,习近平首先致辞,他在致辞中强调,海峡两岸同胞是不可分割的命运共同体,我们是打断骨头连着筋的亲人。马英九在致辞中提出坚持&九二共识&的政治基础等五项建议。在马英九建议双方设置热线机制,处理急要问题时,据人民网记者现场观察,听到此处,习近平频频点头。双方致辞结束后,各媒体退场。  SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 6 (Xinhua) -- Bioengineers with the University of California at Berkeley have developed a heating and cooling system to significantly shorten the time it takes to obtain deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) results.By tweaking the process, researchers have opened a wide array of possibilities for the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests.These tests are vital in genomics applications and are used for a wide variety of purposes, such as paternity tests, forensic analysis and cloning. Traditionally, the PCR test can take hours, because the process needs a lot of heating and cooling, which up to now could only be done in a lab.The team shoots LED light at an ultra-thin film of gold, which energizes the electrons floating at the surface of the film. The excited electrons start oscillating and emitting heat, but as soon as the light turns off, the heating stops and the electrons cool down.The turbocharged thermal cycling was described in the journal Light: Science & Applications this month.Senior author and UC Berkeley professor of bioengineering Luke Lee said the research began with the aim of producing integrated diagnostics for developing countries by shortening the processing time and cutting costs to a bare minimum.In case of an infectious outbreak, checking patients in a matter of minutes can help stop possible pandemics, like check-ups at airports. As the disposable plastic chip being used is only worth half a U.S. dollar, the researchers believe it will be easily accessible for labs, governments or individuals.Lee noted that &we're not talking only about illnesses or genetics, but also how people would be able to tell if the water they are drinking is contaminated.&Thousands of DNA biomarkers can be integrated in the plastic chip, to check for specific data that requires monitoring. &We can create chips that can target certain environmental biomarkers, to help with agriculture, or food consumption. There are almost no limits to what biomarkers we can put in the chip.&The team will start manufacturing these DNA plastic chips soon, and they are confident they will be made available for medical and public use in two years.  DAMASCUS, May 1 (Xinhua) -- Registration for Syria's contentious June 3 presidential vote was wrapped up Thursday with 24 contenders, including incumbent President Bashar al-Assad, according to the Syrian parliament.Parliament Speaker Jihad al-Laham announced the names of the last seven people who have registered their candidacies at the Supreme Constitutional Court (SCC) before the deadline of Thursday afternoon.The 10-day registration for the elections started on April 22, triggering a barrage of criticism by the opposition and their Western backers.The head of the SCC, Judge Adnan Zuraiq, was quoted by state news agency SANA as saying that the applications of the 24 contenders are going to be studied by the court in accordance with the electoral law and constitution.Initial results will come out in five days, Zuraiq said.By law, each runner for the elections must secure the backing of 35 parliamentarians of the 254-member parliament, a condition limiting the number of those who would eventually be declared candidates as each lawmaker is permitted to back one candidate only.Voting for Syrians inside the country will start on June 3, while those overseas will cast their votes on May 28.Opposition groups inside and outside Syria have criticized the decision to hold the presidential elections amid the current civil war in the country. More than 150,000 people have been killed and one third of the population displaced in grinding clashes between government troops and armed militant groups.They also said that millions of Syrians are displaced in neighboring countries, many of whom don't have access to basic necessities, let alone access to polling stations.Hisham Sha'ar, who heads the Syrian supreme committee for presidential elections, said recently that Syrians left the country illegally can't cast their ballots.Government officials say President Bashar al-Assad is the &real guarantee& for the future of Syria and that it is very likely that he will be re-elected for a third seven-year term.Violence persisted in the run-up to the presidential race.On Thursday, a child was killed and 22 others wounded when mortar shells hit the pro-government suburb of Jaramana, east of the capital Damascus.Mortar attacks on Jaramana have become almost a daily occurrence as the area is adjacent to the rebel-held al-Mlaiha suburb, where intense battles are currently taking place between rebels and government troops trying to wrest control over the strategic area.SANA, the state news agency, said government troops on Thursday advanced in Damascus' eastern suburb of Jobar, killing an undisclosed number of rebel fighters.On the opposition side, the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said government air strikes hit a school on Wednesday in a rebel-held area in Syria's northwestern province of Aleppo, killing 20 people, including 17 children.The pro-opposition Sham Network said that 40 people were killed on Thursday in Aleppo, assigning the blame on aerial bombardment as well.The alleged attacks came just days after rebels near Damascus fired mortar shells at a school in a central Damascus district and killed 14 students and a twin car bombing against a government- controlled area in the central province of Homs that killed 100 people.  WASHINGTON, Aug. 8 (Xinhua) -- Americans see black-white relations in a more negative way today than they have at any time in the past 15 years, according to a new Gallup poll.Currently, the new poll found that only 47 percent of the people surveyed regard relations between blacks and whites as at least &somewhat good,& declining steeply from 70 percent in 2013.Meanwhile, whites' positive perception of black-white relations has dropped by 27 percent since 2013, from 72 percent to 45 percent, while blacks' positive perception in this regard has showed a smaller but noticeable decline of 15 percent, from 66 percent to 51 percent.The results were based on Gallup's Minority Rights and Relations poll, which interviewed more than 2,000 Americans, including more than 800 non-Hispanic whites. The poll was done from June 15 through July 10.According to Gallup, though Americans' perceptions of black- white relations have become increasingly more negative, their perception of relations among other racial and ethnic groups have been unchanged since 2013.As a result, the poll said that Americans are now the most negative in their evaluations of black-white relations since Gallup began tracking this measure. In 2013, they were the least positive about black-Hispanic relations. Historically, Americans have believed white-Asian relations to be the most positive.The results of the survey came unsurprisingly as multiple polls and surveys had indicated that an increasing number of Americans now perceive race relations as the most important problem in the country after a series of deadly encounters between white police officers and unarmed black men made headlines in the past 12 months.  Trade ministers with the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum meet this week in the western U.S. state of Montana. The meeting is one of a series leading up to an APEC summit in Hawaii in November. In Hong Kong and other Asian mega cities business is the life blood that drives the daily hustle and bustle in one of the most successful capitalist markets in the world. It is a dynamism that relies heavily on exports.Businessman Sunny Chai heads a manufacturing alliance in Hong Kong. He says removing barriers to trade must be among APEC's top priorities. &For member companies within the alliance, particularly those people who are selling raw materials or additives to materials for manufacturers within China, Thailand, Malaysia or Indonesia, I believe those kinds of manufacturers and companies will greatly benefit,& he said.With a market of more than two and a half billion consumers, APEC's 21 member countries account for about 55 percent of the world's GDP (gross domestic product) and 43 percent of global trade. Economist Fred Bergsten says APEC's rise reflects the growing importance of the region. &Things have changed a lot, particularly the relative importance of China and the other Asian members of APEC. But it's interesting APEC has in fact renewed the goals that were initially created back in the
start up of the APEC summits. At that time the leaders agreed to create free trade and investment in the region by 2010 to 2020,& he said.Despite some progress in reducing tariffs, the goal of an Asia-Pacific wide free trade zone remains largely unfulfilled.Bergsten says the Trans-Pacific Partnership proposed by the U.S. would level the playing field and create new opportunities on both sides of the Pacific. &The ASEAN countries [Association of Southeast Asian Nations] already have FTAs [free trade agreements] with each of the big northeast Asian countries: China, Korea,Japan. There are other intra-Asian agreements and all of those inherently discriminate against U.S. trade, thus U.S. business and particularly U.S. workers,& he said.Those hurdles include preferential treatment among some trading partners and uneven economic growth among member countries. Another is the currency dispute between the United States and China.Despite Beijing's promise to make its currency more flexible, the yuan, or renmimbi, has gained only five percent since June.The U.S. insists China's undervalued currency gives its exports an unfair advantage.But Sunny Chai says Asian manufacturers are wary of the currency debate because any sudden moves could affect their bottom line. &So when the [China's] currency goes up, the entire direct cost goes up so this is not a good thing for the manufacturers,& he said.Despite ongoing differences, Bergsten says there is room for agreement.At the trade ministers meeting in Montana beginning Thursday, discussions will range from export regulations to the development of incentives to promote trade in green technologies.But Bergsten says broader initiatives are likely to take place later this year. &I think President Obama has a huge opportunity to assert leadership in the region, try to move APEC toward the goal of free trade in the region and I think there's a good chance there will be important progress toward that to report at the summit in Hawaii in November,& he said.APEC represents a significant forum for American companies wishing to expand. Together the APEC countries purchase 58 percent of all U.S. exports. Trade officials say continued growth in the region is crucial to the administration's plan to double U.S. exports and create two million jobs.  President Barack Obama has unveiled a plan to boost the economy by helping some homeowners refinance their mortgages. The initiative, announced Wednesday, would build on an earlier White House program.Declining housing prices and widespread foreclosures are among the biggest drags on the U.S. economic recovery.President Obama went to a neighborhood near Washington where home values have dropped sharply, to lay out his proposal to fight the problem.“I am sending Congress a plan that will give every responsible homeowner in America the chance to save about ,000 a year on their mortgage by refinancing at historically low rates,& said President Obama.The plan would expand a program that was intended for at least four-million homeowners to refinance their mortgages at lower rates, but reached only about one million.Plunging home values have left an estimated 11 million Americans owing more than their homes are worth, according to one real-estate data firm. That amounts to one out of every four homeowners with a mortgage.President Obama says the problem has been deeper than many experts and officials expected, and that it will not be solved quickly.“It is going to take more time than any of us would like for the housing market to fully recover from this crisis,& said Obama. &This was a big bubble. And when it burst, it had a big effect. Home prices started a pretty steady decline about five years ago.”Some economists say Mr. Obama’s plan will not work. Cato Institute Financial Regulation Studies Director Mark Calabria says reducing mortgage rates helps the homeowner, but puts less money into the economy.“But I am also lowering, at the same time, the interest payment that goes to the bondholder, the investor, whether it is a retirement fund or a pension fund,& said Calabria. &So you are making one person wealthier with higher disposable income, but you are doing it at the same time that you are making another corresponding party poorer by the same amount.”Calabria also says the initiative does nothing to address the top cause of foreclosure, which is job loss by mortgage holders.The new program would cost between
billion and
billion. It would be paid for by a fee on large banks, a proposal Congress has previously rejected.  BRATISLAVA, Aug. 20 (Xinhua) -- Seven people were killed - two pilots in one plane and two pilots and three skydivers in another - in a collision involving two small aircraft near the village of Cerveny Kamen in Western Slovakia on Thursday.Slovak Interior Minister Robert Kalinak, at an improvised briefing near the crash site, said: &All of the 35 skydivers on board the two downed airplanes that collided mid-air during a skydiving rehearsal attempted to parachute to safety but three of them didn't succeed. An investigation will reveal the reason why they weren't able to save themselves.&There were two pilots and 17 skydivers on board each plane.&Shortly after take-off and the first aerial maneuver, there was an as-yet unexplained collision, after which they subsequently began to drop from the sky,& said Kalinak.&It's a terrible disaster, especially considering they were rehearsing a synchronized sky dive to bring joy at an air show that was set to take place in a couple of days,& he said.According to Juraj Gyenes from the Slovak Aviation and Maritime Investigation Office, the cause of the accident is still unknown. One of the planes dropped sharply and hit the other one shortly after taking off, he added.Ambulance operator Falck spokesperson Alena Lacykova-Krcova said: &Of the total number of 31 survivors, six skydivers were recommended for transportation to hospital, but two of them refused.&More than 200 firefighters, rescuers and police officers are searching the area to find the evidence for the investigation. At the moment, the bodies are being identified.  MOSUL, Iraq, Nov. 1 (Xinhua) -- Iraqi security forces took control of the state television building after seizing an eastern district of the city of Mosul on Tuesday.The victory came after more than two weeks of a massive offensive to dislodge Islamic State (IS) militants from their last major stronghold in Iraq.&The Iraqi counter-terrorism forces, backed by international coalition and Iraqi aircraft, managed to seize Gogjali district on the eastern edge of the city and took control of the state TV building,& Lieutenant General Abul-Amir Yarallah said in a statement issued by the Joint Operations Command (JOC).The troops are in heavy clashes with IS militants as they are trying to extend foothold inside the part of the city on the eastern side of the Tigris River, according to the statement.The latest advance came one day after the Iraqi forces began their final push to enter the urban areas in Mosul with the support of artillery attacks and airstrikes on IS positions.Security forces also freed two villages and nearby Shalalat area, some 7 km northeast of Mosul, a security source told Xinhua on condition of anonymity.Other troops are coming closer to the southeastern edge of Mosul after clearing the villages of Twila and Sharezad, the source said, adding that they could make a new push in the coming hours into the Jadidat al-Mufti district in the southeast of the city.IS militants, however, have been fighting off the offensive with mortar fire, rocket bombs, sniper attacks and suicide car bombs, the source said.On Oct. 17, Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi announced the start of a major offensive to retake Mosul, the country's second largest city.Since then, the Iraqi security forces have inched to the eastern fringes of Mosul and made progress on other routes around the city, preparing for a major battle to storm the city and drive out IS militants.Mosul, some 400 km north of the Iraqi capital of Baghdad, has been under IS control since June 2014, when Iraqi government forces abandoned their weapons and fled, enabling IS militants to take control of parts of Iraq's northern and western regions.  [央视新闻]总书记连线央视北美分台央视网讯:19日上午,习近平在中央电视台调研,来到总控中心同位于华盛顿市中心的北美分台视频连线,了解分台建设运行情况。当得知分台成立4年,每天提供5小时、全自制的节目,90%的工作人员来自当地,习近平对此表示肯定,向分台全体人员致以亲切问候和良好祝愿。  人民币纳入SDR货币篮子的意义重大。首先代表IMF乃至全球对于中国经济和金融改革的肯定,是对人民币可自由使用和国际化的肯定。其次,人民币成为除美元、欧元、英镑和日元外IMF篮子里面的五大国际货币之一后,IMF的188个成员国都会将人民币纳入其官方储备货币当中,这表明继国际贸易计价结算、金融投资交易之后,人民币国际化迈出了成为国际官方储备货币的关键的第三步。人民币加入SDR货币篮子有三大好处,一是表明国际社会对中国经济和金融改革的认可,对于人民币国际化的肯定;二是稳步推进人民币国际化,可以增加国际对人民币的信心,增加国际上人民币的使用,不仅会在各国官方储备货币里面增加人民币,而且会有更多的人民币资产配置;三是有助于促进中国金融改革,人民币加入SDR意味着中国要承担更多国际货币责任,这也反过来要求中国进一步稳妥推进包括汇率市场化在内的各项金融改革。人民币纳入SDR货币篮子对国内金融改革有推动的作用。首先,中国将稳步推进包括利率市场化在内的各项改革,中国的债券市场无论开放的数量还是质量将进一步提升,这有利于人民币回流机制的建立。对我国多层次资本市场的建设也有帮助,会促进资本市场国际接轨及互联互通的建设,中国也会进一步推进资本账户开放,为增加人民币国际使用提供更多更便捷的支持。其次,央行会进一步增加各项统计数据和政策的透明度,作为世界货币,央行的独立性也将进一步增强。我国已在统计数据的标准及透明度等各方面与国际接轨。最后,人民币加入SDR货币篮子后各国官方储备中会相应增加人民币,人民币国际化会加速推进。人民币加入SDR货币篮子之后,中国将承担更多的大国责任。中国不仅会坚定不移地推进国内的金融改革,而且会在完善国际货币体系方面尽到责任。SDR货币篮子纳入了人民币,可以增强货币篮子的稳定性和吸引力,在发生金融危机时,会提供更多的流动性支持,中国也会为提供公共品等方面承担更多的大国责任,这将利好全球金融体系及其稳定。(作者系中国人民大学重阳金融研究院研究员、合作研究部主任)  TEHRAN, Dec. 28 (Xinhua) -- Iran is ready to consider opening the European Union (EU) embassy in the Iranian capital Tehran if the EU submits a formal request, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman said here on Saturday.&Given the importance and capacities of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the region, some members of the EU have expressed willingness to open a (diplomatic) mission in Tehran,& the spokeswoman Marzieh Afkham told Tasnim News Agency.&In case Tehran receives a formal request (from the EU) in this regard, it is prepared to study the issue within the framework of the current relations,& she was quoted as saying.Western media reported that the EU member states have shown willingness to open an embassy in Iran.Tarja Cronberg, a Finnish politician and a member of the European parliament, said earlier that member states' ambassadors in Tehran have backed the idea when she met them in the Iranian capital on an official visit earlier this month.  WASHINGTON, Oct. 16 (Xinhua) -- U.S. aerospace firm Orbital ATK on Sunday delayed the launch of its sixth resupply mission to the International Space Station (ISS) for 24 hours due to a glitch with a ground support equipment cable.Orbital ATK's Cygnus cargo ship was originally scheduled to blast off on an upgraded version of its Antares rocket from Virginia's Wallops Flight Facility on Sunday evening.But hours before the planned liftoff, the company said in a statement a pre-launch check-out found a ground support equipment cable &did not perform as expected,& prompting the 24-hour postponement.&We have spares on hand and rework procedures are in process. The Antares and Cygnus teams are not currently working any technical issues with the rocket or the spacecraft,& the statement said. &The launch is now scheduled for October 17 at 7:40 p.m. EDT (2340GMT).&The upcoming flight will be the first resupply mission to launch on the upgraded Antares 230 vehicle, and the first launch from Wallops since an Antares rocket and its Cygnus resupply vehicle were lost seconds after liftoff in October 2014.An investigation into the accident found a failure in one of the two Aerojet Rocketdyne AJ26 engines, leading to a decision by Orbital ATK to replace them with RD-181, which was developed specifically for Antares by Russians.Since the accident, two Cygnus resupply missions were launched on United Launch Alliance Atlas 5 rockets to the station from the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida.The Virginia-based Orbital ATK is one of two U.S. companies that provide ISS cargo services for NASA. The other company is California-based SpaceX.  BERLIN, Nov. 18 (Xinhua) -- The United States and five European Union (EU) countries expressed their support for continuing sanctions against Russia in connection with the Ukraine conflict, the Obama administration announced on Friday.The statement came after U.S. President Barack Obama met with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Francois Hollande and the heads of government of Italy, Spain and Britain.All the heads of state agreed that the penalties should remain in force as long as Russia did not fulfill all the obligations arising from the Minsk armistice agreement, said the statement published by the White House.The fact that no permanent ceasefire was adhered to is worrying, said the statement, adding that security must be guaranteed and free and fair elections must be held in the occupied areas of Donetsk and Luhansk.According to the statement, the participants of the meeting also made a commitment to cooperate with NATO in the future.Obama's last official meeting with his European partners also touched upon the fight against Islamic State in Syria, Iraq and Libya as well as the refugee crisis.The meeting marked Obama's farewell visit to Europe before the U.S. president leaves office in January.  President Barack Obama is putting pressure on Congress to pass legislation he proposed earlier this year that he said will boost the U.S. economy.In an election year with the state of the economy as a major issue, President Obama is calling on lawmakers to help him move the nation's economic recovery forward.&We have created hundreds of thousands of jobs each month over the last several months,& said Obama. &So we are making progress, but everybody knows we need to do more. And in order to do that, we are going to need some more action from Congress. Democrats and Republicans have to come together.&The president went to Albany, New York on Tuesday to press Congress to advance bills he said will boost the economy, many of which Mr. Obama proposed in his State of the Union speech in January.&I know this is an election year, but it is not an excuse for inaction,& Obama said. &Six months is plenty of time for Democrats and Republicans to get together and do the right thing - taking steps that will spur additional job creation right now.&At a school in Albany, Mr. Obama announced what he called a &to-do list& for Congress that includes five measures he wants passed.One bill the president wants passed would eliminate a provision of the tax law that gives companies tax breaks for the expenses involved in moving facilities outside the United States.&At the very least, what we can do right away is stop rewarding companies who ship jobs overseas and use that money to cover moving expenses for companies that are moving jobs back here to America,& said the president.The other legislation on the list would help some homeowners refinance their mortgages at lower interest rates, create jobs for military veterans, and extend tax credits to producers of alternative forms of energy and small businesses that create jobs.Republicans on Capitol Hill immediately criticized the president&s remarks. A spokesman for House of Representatives Speaker John Boehner said Mr. Obama should press the Democratic-led Senate to pass bills proposed by the Republican-controlled House.Meanwhile, Senate Republicans on Tuesday blocked debate of a Democratic bill to keep interest rates on federal college loans from doubling on July 1.Republicans say they also want to prevent the rate increase, but disagree with the Democrats& plan to pay for the lower rates by raising some taxes.  RAMALLAH, June 28 (Xinhua) -- Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas told U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry Friday that the Israeli goodwill gestures were insufficient to resume peace talks, a Palestinian official told Xinhua.Abbas said during their meeting in Amman, Jordan, that Israel must freeze settlement building and adopt a two-state solution with pre-1967 lines as the borders of the future Palestinian state before resuming the negotiations, the official said on the condition of anonymity.&What Israel offers in terms of releasing a limited number of prisoners and increasing the Palestinian National Authority (PNA)' s influence in the West Bank is not enough for President Abbas to accept returning to the negotiating table,& the official added.Kerry, who has been trying to revive the peace talks between Israeli and Palestinians since March, has not made any breakthrough, the official added.The official Palestinian news agency, Wafa, reported that Abbas and Kerry met for two hours to discuss the latter's Mideast efforts.Kerry is scheduled to meet Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Friday night in Jerusalem.The peace talks between the two sides stopped in 2010 over a dispute on the Jewish settlement activities in the West Bank and East Jerusalem.  U.S. central bank officials are meeting in Washington, to consider whether new measures are needed to boost economic growth and cut the stubbornly high jobless rate.Federal Reserve policy makers are discussing options Tuesday and Wednesday before announcing any actions to try to spur the U.S. economy, the world's largest. The American economy only advanced 1.5 percent in the April-to-June period, while the unemployment rate has been stuck for 41 straight months above eight percent, an unusually high level.U.S. economists are divided on whether the central bank will act now or wait until September, after collecting more information on the country's economic trends. The government is to release unemployment and job-growth numbers for July on Friday.Central bank efforts have not significantly boosted the economy from the depths of the country's 2009 recession, its worst in seven decades. The Federal Reserve has twice bought U.S. bonds and mortgage-back securities in an effort cut long-term interest rates, which some analysts say it could do again.In part, the U.S. economy has been hurt by the stagnant economy in Europe's 17-nation euro currency union, one of its main trading partners. European Central Bank policy makers are meeting Thursday to consider whether to make direct purchases of Spanish and Italian bonds to help cut the borrowing costs for the debt-ridden Madrid and Rome governments.  WASHINGTON, April 5 (Xinhua) -- U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter said on Tuesday the Pentagon was planning to whittle down the number of four-star generals and admirals in military headquarters to counter inefficiencies within the command chain.&In the coming weeks, the Defense Department will look to simplify and improve command and control where the number of four-star positions have made headquarters either top-heavy, or less efficient than they could be,& said Carter here during a speech at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.&So where we see potential to be more efficient and effective, billets currently filled by four-star generals and admirals will be filled by three-stars in the future,& Carter added.Carter's remarks came as the Pentagon was preparing to update a 30-year-old law which reworked the Pentagon's command structure.Under the Pentagon's proposals, the updating of the 1986 Goldwater-Nichols Act would also include clarification of the role of the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, currently held by Gen. Joseph Dunford, and specify the chairman should look across all services and combatant commands to make recommendations, Carter said.  新华网约翰内斯堡12月3日电(记者霍小光)国家主席习近平3日在约翰内斯堡会见肯尼亚总统肯雅塔。习近平指出,当前,中肯平等互信、互利共赢的全面合作伙伴关系呈现强劲活力。中方愿同肯方一道努力,全面深化各领域友好合作,推动中肯关系不断迈上新台阶。双方要巩固政治互信,保持高层交往;拓展互利合作,实施好铁路、经济特区等重大合作项目;密切人文交流,推进中非联合研究中心、中国文化中心等项目,开展保护生态环境和野生动物合作;深化国际协作,就气候变化等重大国际和地区问题加强沟通协调,中方支持肯方在维护地区和平稳定方面发挥更大作用。肯雅塔表示,当前,肯中合作伙伴关系提高到新的水平,两国务实合作取得实实在在成果。肯尼亚愿加强同中国发展战略对接,深入开展铁路基础设施等项目实施,促进非洲国家经贸联系和人员往来,实现非洲同中国互利共赢合作。王沪宁、栗战书、杨洁篪等参加会见。  作者:国家行政学院经济学部主任、教授、博士生导师张占斌日,在中央经济工作会议上的讲话上习近平总书记首次提出&新常态&:我们注重处理好经济社会发展各类问题,既防范增长速度滑出底线,又理性对待高速增长转向中高速增长的新常态;既强调改善民生工作,又实事求是调整一些过度承诺;既高度关注产能过剩、地方债务、房地产市场、影子银行、群体性事件等风险点,又采取有效措施化解区域性和系统性金融风险,防范局部性问题演变成全局性风险。此后,习总书记在多次讲话中阐述了&新常态&的内涵。日,习近平在河南考察时的讲话指出,我国发展仍处于重要战略机遇期,我们要增强信心,从当前我国经济发展的阶段性特征出发,适应新常态,保持战略上的平常心态。日,习总书记在党外人士座谈会上的讲话强调,要把思想和行动统一到中共中央决策部署上来,正确认识我国经济发展的阶段性特征,进一步增强信心,适应新常态,共同推动经济持续健康发展。日,习总书记在亚太经合组织工商领导人峰会开幕式上的演讲上指出,中国经济呈现出新常态,有几个主要特点。一是从高速增长转为中高速增长。二是经济结构不断优化升级,第三产业、消费需求逐步成为主体,城乡区域差距逐步缩小,居民收入占比上升,发展成果惠及更广大民众。三是从要素驱动、投资驱动转向创新驱动。   习近平总书记提出的&新常态&重大战略判断:深刻揭示了中国当前经济发展阶段的新变化、


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