Could you send us theccpit us commerciall invoice

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Commercial Invoice
The Commercial Invoice is important for the clearance process used by customs officials to classify merchandise so that duties & taxes can be correctly assessed.
The sample Commercial Invoice shown below is a generic form. Please note that Customs authorities reserve the right to require additional documents and information.
1. Shipper/Exporter:
Provide contact name, company name, and full address.
2. Country of Manufacture:
The country in which each of the commodities in your shipment was originally manufactured or produced.
3. Importer:
If the shipment will be handled by an importer who is not the recipient, add the full name and address here.
4. Add the FedEx International Air Waybill number, our main reference for your shipment.
5. Your description of each commodity must include:
Full description
Harmonized code (where possible)
Reason for export/intended use
Any part or serial numbers
Country of manufacture
6. Before you sign the Declaration
Ensure that all the information is consistent with the Air Waybill or your shipment could be delayed in customs. Certain commodities may need extra documentation or export licenses. FedEx requires one original commercial invoice with three copies, all individually signed. We also recommend that you put a copy inside one package.
For details on any specific Commercial Invoice requirements for this country please check with FedEx .
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分析礼貌原则在商务英语函电中的应用及教学的启示.doc 3页
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摘要: 留学生论文在各国之间商务交往日渐频繁的今天 商务英语函电作为广泛使用的联系方式和信息载体 越来越受到重视 在依靠商务英语函电传达信息时 其中的语言艺术非常重要 因为得体 礼貌的商务英语函电不仅能够促成贸易 还能改善和加强双方的关系 促进交流与合作 本文从商务英语函电的态度 语法 实践操作 3 个层面分析了礼貌原则在商务英语函电中的应用及对教学的启示 1 礼数准则礼数准则 是语用学的次要钻研成绩之一 是对于众人外交进程中事实状况的假定或者注释 Leech 1983 以为 众人正在语言外交中 都正在盲目或者没有盲目地恪守着言语的某些 准则 Principle 通过一直地推断和考证 况且正在吸引 Grice 1975
对于于 人机会话含意
conversational implicative
以及 竞争准则 the Cooperative Principle
的根底上 于 1983 年正在语用学准则? 一书里零碎地提出了礼数准则
Politeness Principle
被公以为是顺利外交的一条非常主要的语用准则依据 Leech 的实践 礼数准则能够详细地表现正在 条原则 maxim
上 得体原则 Tact maxim
尽量少让外人吃哑巴亏 多使外人得益 大方原则 Generosity maxim
过分少使本人得益 多让本人吃亏 赞美原则 Approbation maxim
过分少抬高别人 多赞美外人 谦虚原则 Modesty maxim
过分少赞美本人 多抬高本人 分歧原则 Agreementmaxim
过分缩小单方的一致 增多单方的分歧怜悯原则
Sympathy maxim
过分缩小单方的好感增多单方的怜悯[1]礼数准则正在商务英语函电中的使用能够设想 正在生意 合作强烈的昨天 一封短少情面趣 言语抒发艺术差的生意信函是很难起到帮助维系优良的业务联系和保证买卖顺利的作用的 [2]一封顺利的商务信函定然是礼数的 那样 如何将礼数准则详细使用到商务英语函电中 从而达到事倍功半的成效 这是一个不值钻研的成绩态 度邮寄人或者许无奈改观信函所要抒发的形式 但是能够掌握行文的语气 礼数 踊跃 确定的姿态无疑会给信函 加分以您为先的姿态外行文中采取以您为先的姿态 正在商务英语函电的翻译中被宽泛倡导 由于第二人称的运用 能够起到以对于方为核心的抒发成效 标明站正在对于方的角度和角度思忖成绩 从而无效地缩小摩擦[3]试比拟上面两组句子A1. We allow 2 percent discount for cashpayment.A2. You earn 2 percent discount when you paycash.B1. I am afraid we cannot deliver at the weekend.B2. You can have your goods delivered anyweekday.这两组句种子践上抒发的是相反的意义 然而每组的第二句拙劣地使用了以您为先的姿态 思忖到了对于方的感想 使对于方主张失去了充足的尊重 当然 这并没有是相对于的 商务英语信函中 正在传送没有好信息的信函时 能够运用第一人称 多让本人承当责任 对于对于方少加非难 异样能表现 You Attitude 的实质 [4]也就是说 正在传送消沉消息时 将差错属于自己 而正在转达踊跃消息时 将功绩属于对于方 这正是礼数准则中得体原则和大方原则的表现 过分少让外人吃哑巴亏 多使外人得益 过分少使本人得益 多让本人吃哑巴亏踊跃的姿态礼数没有仅是容易的客气 更主要的是行文中所贯通的踊跃姿态 正在转达踊跃消息时 应充足地抒发高兴之情 即便正在转达消沉消息时 也应充足抒发遗憾之情 旨正在惹起对于方的同感 相似 正在收到对于方的询盘或者许订单时示意感激 正在对于对于方提出理赔或者许没有能满意对于方的请求时示意可惜 正在合约成功签署或者许产品成功抵达时示意欢快 正在产品没有能成功到达时示意无法 正在因为己方的忽略给对于方带来丧失时示意负疚 之类 该署都是礼数准则平分秋色歧原则和怜悯原则的表现 要过分做到缩小单方的一致 增多单方的分歧 缩小单方的好感 增多单方的怜悯请看以次句子C1. We are glad to know that you are interestedin our products.C2. We are pleased to inform you that the goodsyou ordered will be shipped within a week.C3. We assure you of our prompt attention to thisorder.C4. I m afraid that we c
Dear Sony ,
&&& Thanks for
your reply, i have to tell you that we could ship the goods before
our New Year, But now, there is a problem, when you receive the
goods, the Chinese bank is having their holidays, at that time, we
will waiting for the bank and get your 60% payment, then i will
send you original B/L, therefore, the goods have to be in your
Ports for some days.That is to say, you only can get our original
B/L after our New year.
&& To solve this proble, you
could pay 100% TT in advance, after our shipping the goods, i will
send you original& B/L for your taking the goods
from Manila Port.
&& Waiting for&
your urgent answer!
&& After confirm this, i will fax
the contract and PI to you !
Dear Emily:
Thanks for your immediate response.& Suppossing
after you finish the production, you give us an advice so we can
send our balance before your holiday, I think there will not be
anymore problem.& Is this okey with
you?& Please e-mail or fax the sales contract to
avoid any delay in our first negotiation.
Hoping for our immediate response.
Thanks and best regards.
Dear Sony,
&&& Now i am
attaching 2 PI and a sales contract to you, pls check it, if no
problem with you, pls let me know, then i will signature in PI and
contract right now, then fax them to you.
Dear Emily:
Can you indicate bamboo ware instead of bamboo
mat?& Or you can signed both sales contract and
will verify what is their duties tomorrow.& You
can e-mail them with signature to avoid any delay so I may request
our boss to signed them tomorrow and will fax them to you the
signed proforma invoice / sales contract.
Hoping for your immediate response.
Thanks and best regards.
Dear Sony,
I have changed them again, exact date, Pls check it.
Would you advise me when you send your money to our account, after
our boss confirms your money is on& our bank
account, we will arrange for producing to make sure the shipping
time, thanks for your understanding.
Best Wishes
Dear Sony,
How are you ?
So far, i haven't received your fax, you know, there is a short
time for us to produce,
so i am waiting for your urgent reply.
Many thanks!
Best Wishes
Dear emily,
we just faxed it right now, please check it again.
Many thanks for your fax, i just got them.
After getting your 40% of amount by TT, we will arrange for all
production, when we finish
them, i will advise you and you have to pay the other 60% to
Now my boss is joining a meeting, maybe a few minutes my boss will
sign them and fax to you.
Best Wishes
Dear Ms. Emily:
We will be scheduling our 40% deposit either tomorrow or on
Thursday.& I will fax to you the copy once I
receive them.
Thanks and best regards.
Dear Sony,&
Many thanks for your deposit, I am trying to fax them to you, but
there is problem with your fax, no sign for& me to
fax, would you check your fax machine and make sure i can fax the
contract to you without any delay
Dear Emily:
Good morning!
You can fax the signed sales contract at fax no.
632-XXX-XXXX.& I will see to it that nobody will
use this fax machine.
Awaiting for your immediate response.
Thanks and best regards.
Good afternoon!
By the way, Can i& know whether you have sent
money to our bank account, if so, pls send the cope of bank invoice
to me by email.
I will check it in our bank, thanks very much!
Dear Emily,
Hi! we already sent the money in your bank account, but we are
still waiting the copy. can you try to ship the goods before our
said date, our boss is asking if this is possible.
Best Wishes
I& have arranged all raw materials for your goods,
if my boss gets your money, we will produce the goods at once
and& finished the goods during a few days, if we
get the money quickly, we will ship the goods earlier than our said
date. if you don't mind, would you pls tell me how much did you
sent to us?
&&& Thanks for
your cooperation!
Looking forward to your urgent reply!
Best Wishes
we aill fax you the copy now.
Dear Jamie,
Thanks very much, i am waiting you !
The fax No is 86-572------
Many thanks!
I have got your fax, i have arranged our workers to produce the
goods right now.
Once we finish the goods, i will advise you.
Best Wishes
Dear Emily:
I'm glad you received already the copy of our T/T remittance and
we hope you can ship them earlier.& Please advise
us once the goods are ready for shipment so we send to you the full
payment.& I would like to remind you also that you
have to submit the undervalue commercial invoice and you have to
fax to us the advance copy of all shipping documents and send the
original copy via special courier.& How about your
brochure/catalog, when are you going to send them to us?
Hoping for your immediate response.
Thanks and best regards.
这个客人也很细心,一次又一次地提醒我要给他undervalue commercial invoice
Dear Sony,
Thanks for your cooperation, i will send you all documents that you
asked, don't worry, It's our pleasure to decrease the buyer's
cost,& i hope our goods can sale well in your
Once our goods are finished, i will inform you.
Thanks again!
Dear Emily:
Thank you for your e-mail hereunder.& I would
like to follow up the brochure / catalog that I am requesting
because I want to present to our boss all your bamboo
product.& At present, we are still developing some
other product.
Hoping for your immediate response.
Best regards.
Dear Sony,
Thanks for your early reply.
No problems, i will send our brochure to you with original B/L
together, i will be very gladed to help you develop other new
Best Wishes
Dear Emily:
Good day to you!
Please advise development of our order so we may schedule our
T/T remittance to avoid delay on your
Hoping for your immediate response.
Thanks and best regards.
I am about to inform you about the development of producing, thanks
for your email.
Tomorrow, we will finished all your goods and ship the goods to our
Port on 6th,, the Vessel will start its trip on 10th, , May be the
goods will arrival in your Port on .
Thanks again!
Kindest regards
Dear Emily:
Thank you for the information on the development of our
order.& If the goods will be ship on your Port and
ETD , I think we have to send our full T/T remittance either onto
avoid delay on your shipment.& Please fax or
e-mail to me the advance copy of all shipping documents and courier
to us the original copy.&
With very best regards,
Dear Sony,
So far, we have finished all products, because your goods are less
than one container, we have to send the goods to our Port 4 days
before ETD.
If you don't mind, would you pls send the balance account to us
ealier than , which will make sure the exact ETA, because our
Finance Department will finish their work with bank on 10th, Feb, i
know you must worry about our goods, now, i can make sure that i
could follow the contract with sincerity, i am waiting your repeat
&&& Thanks for
your undertand!
&&& Looking
forward to your urgent reply!
Best Wishes
Dear Emily:
I already requested to our Finance Dept. to send our T/T early
on morning because today is Friday already.& I
will send you the copy on Monday.
Thanks and best regards.
&&& If you have
sent your copy of bank invoice, pls let me know!
&&& Many thanks
for your kind!
Best Wishes
Dear Emily:
Send today our full T/T payment amounting to
US$.& Will fax to you said copy within today.
Thanks and best regards.
&&& Thanks for
your reply.
&&& Because some
problems with our fax, you have to fax to 86
&&& Looking
forward to your& fax!
we already faxed the copy of our payment to the number that you
please check.
thank you.
Best Wishes
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We value the privacy and security of the information that you share with us. This Privacy Policy describes how we collect, use, share, protect and process your information. Any information that you provide to us is used strictly to process and fulfill your purchase and/or for internal analytical purposes, as described in this Privacy Policy. We only share information for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy, and we will not sell or redistribute any of your information to any third party. We use commercially reasonable efforts to protect your information from unauthorized disclosure. We may use the information from your order to process your purchase, provide a refund, provide customer service, improve or customize our products and services or fulfill applicable financial, tax, legal or compliance requirements. If you have any questions or concerns related to this Privacy Policy, please contact us.
Delivery Policy
Upon receipt of your order, the services will be performed to you in accordance with the terms applicable to the services that you purchased. The nature of the services you purchased and the date of your purchase may impact the timing of performance of the services. The services will be deemed to be successfully delivered to you upon performance of the services.


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