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i请填写生词本名称![Adele]Turning Table什么意思??【adele吧】_百度贴吧
[Adele]Turning Table什么意思??收藏
你应该挂个牌子~oh na na,what's my name
=。=我以为你用那个Id就是那个高人呀。。我就是觉得MV的那个翻译太意译了~那个解释和自以为是的版本觉得都不是本意~觉得是Turn the table on sth但是又不太确定,应该理解是情侣之间一方明明理亏但是却先数落对方的不是那个意思有木有??我好像查过是反败为胜的意思啊??有点忘记了。。等解答呀~~
嘻嘻 等呆呆会中文了我们就可以问她了
我刚看了"停止你的刚愎自用"那个翻译 顿时感觉五雷轰顶不是说翻译全错或如何....只是有几句真的很奇怪我试著重翻译一下好了
阿呆一直抱怨他的前男友在争吵时"He's always ****ing turning the tables on me"turn the table on somebody是指改变局面,让对方或自己更占优势,简单来说就是"占上风"而阿呆这句话的意思大概是说无论他们吵什麼
最后总是他的前男友占了上风然后Ryan Tedder(onerepublic的主唱 也是turning table和rummer has it的制作人)很喜欢这个词
便把turning table加进歌曲里........我现在觉得翻成"你的自以为是"好像也没错turn table的确有改变局面的意思,不过"your turning table"应该是阿呆前男友每次在争吵中总是占上风的情况
Adele said in an interview that this song came to fruition after she was explaining her relationship with this guy by saying "He's always ****ing turning the tables on me," and Ryan Tedder (who helped her write the song,) said that he really liked the phrase (turning tables.)
This seems to be about a very volatile, and possibly abusive, relationship. Basically he's a bit of a sociopath in saying that he's been this fantastic boyfriend and "giving" her everything. He blames everything on her and every time they argue (about whatever, it's always over nothing), he turns the tables back on her, so she always loses. Since she can't match his supposed contribution to the relationship, she is abused, whether verbally, emotionally, or physically, so she decides to leave on her own. And in the next relationship she gets into a bad relationship, she'll be braver and get out before things get to that point, instead of asking the guy break up with her.
The meaning is all there, being with someone that is constantly just "turning tables" on you, someone that could be easily blaming you for everything that goes wrong in the relationship. In the song is clear that it's coming to a point that she can't keep up with it anymore and she is gearing up for the next time it happens so she would be her own "savior". What I hear is that she she still loves him yet she is getting tired and is ready to move on (for her own sake) "I've lived a hundred storms to leave you." And sometimes is what you have to do, and no matter what you try to do to make everything right, sometimes the answer is clear, you got to learn to let go
不过那个"请停止你的刚愎自用"翻译还是很多错误啊.....姑且不论turning table的地方All that I have is on the floor.他翻成"地上凌乱的尽是我的东西"这句话的意思应该是"我的底牌全摊在地上"就是说,我所有的一切现在都在地上,全都给你看透了Under your thumb, I can't breathe."在你的五指山下 我连喘息的机会都没有"我认为under you thumb应该是指被掐著脖子的状态,意思是说他的步步逼近让她无法呼吸"在五指山下"比较偏向"在掌握之中"的意思然后他的歌词打错了
应该是"Under honest guise I see"是指"在你诚恳的伪装之下""Where love is lost, your ghost is found""爱情已远去
我觉得这边的ghost有很多深思点,真面目?徘徊不去的记忆?not sure"I braved hundred storms to leave you""我必须越过千百个风暴才能离你而去"
意思是说要离开他很困难,因为她太爱他了"As hard as you try, I've never be knock down""无论你怎麼尝试
我都不会被打败"然后"standing on my own feet"应该是指靠自己的力量站起来
我觉得好像没有这个意思~~~最后一段I won't let you close enough to hurt me, No, I won't rescue you, you to just desert me, I can't give you the heart you think you gave me, It's time to say goodbye to turning tables, To turning tables, Turning tables, yeah, Turning, no, ooh.应该是决定要离开那个男人的感情,所以应该不会是回心转意啦~~~
又查了下=。=Turn the tablesMeaning
Reverse the positions of
adversaries. The phrases is often used when the weaker position subsequently
becomes dominant.
Origin Games like backgammon are known as 'tables' games. The
phrase 'turn the tables' derives from these games and from the practise of
reversing the board so that players play from their opponent's previous
The first known example of the figurative use of the
phrase in print is in Robert Sanderson's XII sermons, 1634:
"Whosoever thou art that dost another wrong, do but turn
the tables: imagine thy neighbour were now playing thy game, and thou
恩啊~~有帮助~~但是我觉得那个Under your thumb, I can't breathe.意译也没有问题~~具体形象话也ok~~我感觉就是那个男人有点control freak~~
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