
six six six是什么梗 six six six含义介绍
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  six six six是什么梗?想必很多的小伙伴在逛贴吧时,总是看到有人发six six six,那么大家都理解这个是什么意思了吗?
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音标:[ siks ]&&发音:&&名词复数: sixes&&&
中文翻译n.1.六个人[物]。2.六人一组;由六个单位组成的东西;六个汽缸的发动机[汽车]。3.六的记号。4.六点钟。5.六岁。 6. 〔英国〕六便士;六先令;六点的纸牌;(骰子的)六点。7.〔pl.〕一磅重六支装的蜡烛;六分利公债;(手套、鞋子的)六号。短语和例子six and six 六先令六便士。 two and six 二先令六便士。 six and eight (pence) 六先令八便士〔英国以前付给律师的一般报酬〕。 It is sixof one and half-a-dozen of the other. 半斤八两;难兄难弟。 six feet above contradiction 〔美国〕傲慢的。 a six months 〔美剧〕定期半年的契约。 six ways to [for] Sunday 〔美俚〕在许多方面;完全,彻底。 at sixes and sevens 乱七八糟;意见不一致。 six to one 六比一;优劣悬殊。&&&&一先令六便士&&&&在六点钟&&&&six有四个驱动轮的六轮卡车; 六轮大卡车&&&&〔美俚〕大卡车。 &&&&six六百六十六&&&&〔美军俚〕(有6个驱动轮的)六轮卡车,6×6型卡车;六轮卡车。 &&&&梅毒特效药六○六 (=arsphenamine)。 &&&&六组&&&&6或6点&&&&六度&&&&六六顺&&&&六●六&&&&六个人一组&&&&差一刻六点&&&&第6感&&&&安特卫普六君子&&&&六点差一刻&&&&六个基本驾驶仪表&&&&前六名&&&&大六法; 指美国六大会计事务所&&&&第6章; 第六章&&&&六国俱乐部&&&&疯狂六&&&&六步&&&&第六型人格&&&&攻城器制造所
例句与用法Val did come like a shot at six o'clock .六点钟,法尔飞一般地来了。We jogged along, six in the party .我们一行六人,磨磨蹭蹭地往前走。I hope to arrive towards six o'clock .我希望在将近六点的时候到达。The strike has been on now for six weeks .罢工至今已进行六个星期了。Gradually the six men settled into a routine .六个人渐渐走上了正轨。I have to go back by the six o'clock train .我得坐六点钟的火车回去。Infusion should be completed within six hours .输注应于六小时内完成。Kazeh is only a group of six vast excavations .卡结赫只是六个大凹地。The queen 's coach was drawn by six horses .女王的御辇是由六匹马拉的。The road divides six miles from here .这条路在六英里之外有分岔。更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&&&
英文解释a playing card or domino or die whose upward face shows six pips同义词:, the cardinal number that is the sum of five and one同义词:, , , , , , , , , , denoting a quantity consisting of six items or units同义词:, , , ,
百科解释SIX (Slovak Internet eXchange) is a Slovak internet exchange point, established at the Center of Computer Technology of Slovak University of Technology (SUT). , the SIX interconnects 47 ISPsSIX peering matrix operating in the Slovak Republic, and has a peak traffic rate of 23.详细百科解释
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他们在填炮的时候喊的two six是什么意思收藏
&Two, six, heave& is a phrase used to coordinate seamen's pulling. It is widely believed to derive from the orders used in firing shipboard cannons in the British Royal Navy. The team of six men had numbered roles. After loading, it was the task of the men numbered two and six to heave (in a coordinated fashion) the cannon out the gunport for firing, using simple effort for a light cannon or a tackle apiece for larger ones. There are a number of problems with this source (i) Two men would be insufficient to haul out a gun, which could weigh in excess of two and a half tons (ii) numbers two and six would be on the same side of the gun (even numbers being on one side and odd numbers on the other) (iii) there is no reference to the phrase in any literature prior to the second world war, making it highly unlikely that it was in use before this time.维基百科贴过来的囧TZ
喊two six,就是两边一起拉绳子,把大炮拉出炮门舷窗。two six也许指的是滑轮的绳子根数,引申为拉滑轮上的绳子。
都是大神 收下我的膝盖吧 OTZ
登录百度帐号推荐应用num. 六,六个
n. 六,六个
n. (Six)人名;(法、德)西克斯
六来自古英语 siex,来自 Proto-Germanic*sehs,来自 PIE*sweks,六,词源同拉丁语 sex,六。
six: [OE] The Indo-European ancestor of six was *seks, which also produced Latin sex (source of English sextant, sextuplet, etc), Greek héx, Welsh chwech, Russian shest’, etc. The word’s Germanic relatives include German sechs, Dutch zes, and Swedish and Danish sex. =& Old English siex, six, sex, from Proto-Germanic *sekhs (cognates: Old Saxon and Danish seks, Old Norse, Swedish, and Old Frisian sex, Middle Dutch sesse, Dutch zes, Old High German sehs, German sechs, Gothic saihs), from PIE *s(w)eks (cognates: Sanskrit sas, Avestan kshvash, Persian shash, Greek hex, Latin sex, Old Church Slavonic sesti, Polish sze??, Russian shesti, Lithuanian szeszi, Old Irish se, Welsh chwech).
 Six-shooter, usually a revolver with six chambers, is first attested 1844; six-pack of beverage containers is from 1952, of abdominal muscles by 1995. Six of one and half-a-dozen of the other "little difference" is recorded from 1833. Six-figure in reference to hundreds of thousands (of dollars, etc.) is from 1840. Six feet under "dead" is from 1942.
 Phrase at sixes and sevens originally was "hazarding all one's chances," first in Chaucer, perhaps from dicing (the original form was on six and seven); it could be a corruption of on cinque and sice, using the French names (which were common in Middle English) for the highest numbers on the dice. Meaning "at odds, in disagreement or confusion" is from 1785, perhaps via a notion of "left unsettled."
1. They identified six plants as having potential for development into pharmaceutical drugs.
他们验明6种植物有可能提炼出药物麻醉剂。 来自柯林斯例句 2. The election was held six months ahead of schedule.
选举提前了6个月举行。 来自柯林斯例句 3. Their countries had been at war for nearly six weeks.
他们的国家陷入战争状态已将近6个星期了。 来自柯林斯例句 4. Any property which does not sell within six weeks is overpriced.
任何房产如果6周内还卖不出去就说明定价过高。 来自柯林斯例句 5. She bought Ann two bras and six pairs of knickers.
她给安买了两件胸罩、6条内裤。 来自柯林斯例句


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