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mondrian war项目maven编译
环境:JBoss 7.1
mondrian采用的是ant build,而项目要求maven build,过程如下:
&project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/maven-v4_0_0.xsd"&
【上篇】【下篇】Maven Repository: jaxen >> jaxen >> 1.1-beta-7 >>
1.1-beta-7Note: There is a new version for this artifactNew Version
Jaxen is a universal Java XPath engine.
LicenseApacheCategoriesOrganizationHomePageDate(Nov 24, 2005) Files (226 KB) RepositoriesUsed By
&!-- /artifact/jaxen/jaxen --&
// /artifact/jaxen/jaxen
compile group: 'jaxen', name: 'jaxen', version: '1.1-beta-7'
// /artifact/jaxen/jaxen
libraryDependencies += &jaxen& % &jaxen& % &1.1-beta-7&
&!-- /artifact/jaxen/jaxen --&
&dependency org=&jaxen& name=&jaxen& rev=&1.1-beta-7&/&
// /artifact/jaxen/jaxen
    @Grab(group='jaxen', module='jaxen', version='1.1-beta-7')
;; /artifact/jaxen/jaxen
[jaxen/jaxen &1.1-beta-7&]
# /artifact/jaxen/jaxen
Include comment with link to declaration
Compile Dependencies (5)Category/License
Group / ArtifactVersionUpdatesBSD
Apache 2.0
DevelopersNameEmailDev IdRolesOrganizationBob McWhirter
bob&at&bobThe Werken CompanyJames Strachan
james_strachan&at&yahoo.co.ukjstrachanSpiritsoftDavid Megginson
dmegginson&at&users.sourceforge.netdmegginsonMegginson TechnologiesErwin Bolwidt
eboldwidt&at&users.sourceforge.neteboldwidtMark A. Belonga
mbelonga&at&users.sourceforge.netmbelongaChristian Nentwich
xcut&at&users.sourceforge.netxcutAlexander Day Chaffee
purpletech&at&users.sourceforge.netpurpletechPurple TechnologiesJan Dvorak
jdvorak&at&users.sourceforge.netjdvorakAttila Szegedi
szegedia&at&users.sourceforge.netszegediaPeter Royal
peter.royal&at&proyalScott Sanders
scott&at&dotnot.orgssandersdotnotBrian Ewins
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That’s all we know.引用来源 Jetty7/8 的Maven插件配置:http://wiki.eclipse.org/Jetty/Feature/Jetty_Maven_Plugin Jetty9 最新的Maven插件配置:http://www.eclipse.org/jetty/documentation/current/jetty-maven-plugin.html 或者 最新RELEASE版配置 Jetty 各个版本的限制:http://wiki.eclipse.org/Jetty/Starting/Jett
&Project xmlns = & http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 & xmlns: xsi = & http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance & xsi: schemaLocation = & http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/maven-v4_0_0.xsd && &lt
pom as a project object model. Xml maven said by item, use the pom.xml to achieve. Describes the project: including the developers to follow the rules, defect management system, organization and licenses, project url, project dep
What is a pom? pom as a project object model. Xml maven project that by using the pom.xml to achieve. Describes the project: including th developers need to follow the rules, defect management system, organization and licenses, p
pom.xml文件(实践用): &project xmlns=&http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0& xmlns:xsi=&http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance& xsi:schemaLocation=&http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/maven-v4_0_0.xsd&& &
一 问题描述 在本机搭建了基于Scala的Eclipse Plugin+scala2.10.3的开发环境, 但打开maven项目pom.xml文件时,却报空指针异常, pom editor打开失败. 查找了网上的一些资料,发现这是scala-ide-play2的一个BUG导致的. 可以参考如下信息: scala-ide-play2 Version 0.4.0.v-2_10--8c62ead breaks Maven POM Editor #176 https://gith
&project xmlns=&http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0& xmlns:xsi=&http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance& xsi:schemaLocation=&http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/maven-v4_0_0.xsd&& &modelVersion&
引用说明 Maven Plugin配置,配置信息参考以下文档,分两步执行,也可以使用其它方案: http://tomcat.apache.org/maven-plugin-2.2/index.html http://tomcat.apache.org/maven-plugin-trunk/tomcat6-maven-plugin/run-mojo.html http://tomcat.apache.org/maven-plugin-trunk/tomcat7-maven-plugin/run-m
httpclient EntityEnclosingMethod httpMethod = new PostMethod (url); / / Here the use of connection pool technology. MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager manager = new MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager (); / / Set parameters: the maximum number of conn
1, CAS client HTTPS change HTTP method 1. Casclient.jar modify all the items used to package edu.yale.its.tp.cas.util.SecureURL.class in the jar files (need to decompile java class files into a &SecureURL.java&), will be below code for https acc
The problem is in my J2ME version of XHTML browser upgrade when they were introduced, I have tried many ways, made a lot of posts and asked a lot of people do not find a viable solution. Finally, I connected the PC on a general-purpose use of OTA int
This article is reproduced, if offended, you can notice I deleted. The outset, this article can be found in GOOGLE on this, so is the original, but not first. In this record, only memo. Has done an experiment to enable HTTPS in Tomcat 5.5 connections
When the java client requests https protocol implementation services, abnormal: 'unable to find valid certification path to requested target' Is because the service side's certificate has not been certified, we need to do is to import the server cert
tomcat6 configure two-way authentication 1, generate a server-side certificates keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -dname &cn=localhost,ou=sango,o=none,l=china,st=beijing,c=cn& -alias server -keypass password -keystore server.jks -storepass password -v
1. Https What is this? Https is based on security purposes, Http channel, its security infrastructure by the SSL layer to be guaranteed. Originally developed by netscape R & D, which offers the communications of both authentication and encryption com
Today, when Yahoo was doing and found that less than a third-party tool to intercept client and server communications, previously have come to never come across such a situation, carefully looked at, and its https based on the url request, gg next fo
HTTPS (Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol) Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol is a secure communication channel, which is based on HTTP developed for the client to exchange information between computers and servers. It uses Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
Basics: Cookie has three forms: 1.https only: when the server redirect to http from https protocol agreement, this cookie will expire. 2.http only: when the server redirect to https from http protocol agreement, this cookie will expire. 3.http and ht
1. Fist of the Get / Post A heavy fist is the most basic and most important, like martial arts person must be rolling steady gait. java code HttpClient httpclient = new HttpClient ();// create a client-side, similar to open a browser GetMethod getMet
jar list: 1.axis-1.3.2.mons-discovery-0.2.mons-logging-1.0.4.jar 4.jaxen-1.1.jar 5.jbossall-client-4.0.5.jar 6.jstl-1.1.2.jar package com .*. webservice.service. import javax.xml.namespace.QN import org.apache.axis.client.C
Abstract JSSE is the SSL and TLS a pure Java implementation, through the JSSE can be easily programmed to the HTTPS site visit. However, if the site's certificate without the authority of the validation, JSSE will refuse to trust the certificate and
1, on the response.sendRedrect method. Under the HTTPS protocol, IE seems to be when dealing with sendRedrect problem. When a redirect, IE HTTPS will become the original HTTP, detected only after the normal return back HTTPS protocol. Under normal ci
Import Certificate In the DOS window, cut into the implementation of certification path: keytool-import-keystore &% JAVA_HOME% / jre / lib / security / cacerts&-storepass changeit-keypass changeit-alias bocommca-file test_root.cer &Test_roo
This time to launch its product preview version of the user to deploy there. Received a call yesterday, said in https environment, just click on to and Flex related stuff on the old error, and then disappear authority may re-login. After learning of
https can be interpreted as http security protocols, often through the http protocol that we can get a lot of useful information, such as submitting a form, we can crawl into the http protocol tcp packets. For example, the following is commview 6.0 t
This article is mainly about maven2 core set of two documents with the understanding: pom.xml and setting.xml. pom.xml in folder to create the project, setting.xml maven package in the conf folder after extracting. Start with settings.xml, settings.x
Elements describe the parent gives the location of the parent project, if the words on a parent project. If not specifically pointed out that if the value is the parent case for the current project. Location is a as a group ID, artifact ID and versio
&?php echo (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] != 'off') ? 'https://' : 'http://';
Reference /display/JIRA/Running+JIRA+over+SSL+or+HTTPS # RunningJIRAoverSSLorHTTPS-ImportCertificateIntoTheTruststore , this is with jira, but almost. CA as a formal application to fill in something, even money, a lot o
In a previous project, you need to be encrypted SSL link to visit, so do a little homework on the HTTP. Today, these knowledge points, to be a summary and description. 1.https realization principle (Results here refer to Miami students Bowen) There a
The problem is in my J2ME version of XHTML browser upgrade when they were introduced, I tried many ways, made a lot of posts and asked a lot of people do not find a viable solution. Finally, I connected the PC on the general OTA use WireShark interce
Very good over the wall site: https: / /
eclipse adding M2_REPO variables, can be used. m2 directory jar maven compile local library to avoid the error. But this process I had a problem: Update pom in the jar, the implementation of the maven command jar from the server to download to a loca
Exposure time ago webservice, the webservice ssl based need to ensure security and to provide digital support. Not previously been engaged on this part, after groping least some harvest. Now to share some of my experience about. A digital certificate
Production of non-issuance of certificate keytool keytool-genkey-alias tomcat-keyalg RSA-keystore d: \ tomcat.keystore In this command, keytool generated certificate is the JDK comes with a tool. The RSA algorithm as the main security algorithm, whic
Recently the project was changed from ant maven, reform process, some problems, mainly to achieve the functionality easy to find. maven official documents, may be due to read English every reason, often does not work with finished, especially the plu
Configuring the environment: XP, Tomcat 5.5, jdk1.5.0_09, IE6.0 HTTPS It is developed and built its Netscape browser, for data compression and decompression operations, and returns the results back to the network upload. Netscape HTTPS actually appli
recent introduction of ssl encryption when google search. But I try to use locally https: / /
time will always jump to .hk Later discovered that as long as the first jump to the English google search page, and then
Google this week opened https search service, we can finally seized and &learning& related articles, but the domestic users will be forced directly add https 302 to .hk, so to The first point was to use
HTTPS (Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol) Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol is a secure communication channel, which is based on HTTP developed for the client to exchange information between computers and servers. It uses Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
This article is for developers to quickly realize https access, if it is also requested details about the deployment of product knowledge. Test environment: Ubuntu Server 10.04 JDK: 1.6.20 openssl-1.0.0a tomcat6.0.26 tomcat5.5.29 Click here for the s
First install the Microsoft Tools iis60rkt.exe 1. Sharepoint in the usual way to create web application 2. In the IIS Manager Web Sites view in selecting the site you just created Identifier No. 3. In the command line execution selfssl.EXE / S: 18830
Defined by the pom.xml jar package versions and dependencies, to facilitate the management of jar files. As a project object model pom. Xml maven said by item, use the pom.xml to achieve. Describes the project: including develope
What is a HTTPS: HTTPS (Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol) Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol is a secure communication channel, which is based on HTTP developed for the client to exchange information between computers and servers. It uses the Secur
LVS lvs project website: http://www.linuxvirtualserver.org/ lvs linux operating system is based on the virtual server to achieve load balancing between the service node. It is based on linux kernel implementation, 2.6.X kernel modules by default inte
Applied for a ssl certificate, finally put up a https, but the problem came again, android and java do not even recognize this certificate, you must use the custom mode. Big problem The android's httpclient version should be 4.0, very few spoke of al
1. Create project and change the basic configuration information project In the command line run the following command to create a project: mvn archetype:create -DgroupId=net.jianxi.tutorials -DartifactId=numopers -DpackageName=net.jianxi.tutorials -
What is https secure connection? https, the Hypertext Transfer Protocol over Secure Socket Layer (http secure connection). As we all know, we surf the Internet, usually using http protocol (hypertext transfer protocol), by default, data is transmitte
URL http prefix in front of the surface is to use SSL encryption. Between your computer and the server send and receive the information transmission will be more secure. SSL enabled Web server needs to obtain a server certificate and the certificate
Recently the project team to give customers in Japan to be a product, I have to upgrade by upgrading the server. To test, you want to take their computer servers. Server requires the https login, and do not show port number. It took some effort, read
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processed in 0.079 (s). 9 q(s)Maven Repository - POM file for XPath jaxen 1.1-beta-6 1.1-beta-6Summaryjaxen.
Jaxen is a universal Java XPath engine..DeclarationHere is the list of declaration for jaxen. If you use Maven you can use the following code to add the dependency for this POM file.
Depends onThe jaxen-1.1-beta-6 has 5 dependencies.The most popular ones are listed in the following table along with their categories and number of artifacts depending on them.
CategoryArtifactDepended By CountXMLdom4j: the flexible XML framework for Java6
Depended byThe following table lists the most popular artifacts which are depending on jaxen-1.1-beta-6. Their categories and depend by count are also listed.
CategoryArtifactDepended By CountXMLdom4j: the flexible XML framework for Java343XMLdom4j: the flexible XML framework for Java84XMLdom4j: the flexible XML framework for Java25PluginThe following plugins are used in the jaxen-1.1-beta-6.jar
maven-surefire-pluginPackagesThe following packages are defined in the jaxen-1.1-beta-6.jar
POM File SourceHere is the content of the POM file.
&description&Jaxen is a universal Java XPath engine.&/description&
&name&Jaxen Users List&/name&
&name&Jaxen Developers List&/name&
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&name&Jaxen Announcement List&/name&
&name&David Peterson&/name&
&name&Mark Wilson&/name&
&name&David Peterson&/name&
&name&Jacob Kjome&/name&
&name&Michael Brennan&/name&
&name&Default Repository&/name&
&name&Default Site&/name&
&|&Email:info &|&& Demo Source and Support. All rights reserved.


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