had on his estates the rights offering high a

Condo residents should moderate expectations, get more involved in estate matters | Sqfeed Journal
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Condo residents should moderate expectations, get more involved in estate matters
I agree with Mr Sivarajah Nathan that condominium living should be exclusive, with every resident playing his part to be responsible and respectful to contribute towards a pleasant and harmonious environment (“Abide by rules for good condo living”; Feb 16). Condo residents generally have high and often unrealistic expectations. HDB upgraders are used to town council services and to leaving the running of their estate to someone else. When they move into a condo, they become more demanding, more protective of their rights, and less tolerant of inconsiderate neighbours. Few know or bother about how to take care of their estates. The management council could try to overcome apathy and abuse by creating awareness of the way the condo is managed. Publicity about emerging issues, problems affecting the development, as well as the steps being taken to tackle them may be posted on notice boards, the estate’s website or in newsletters...&#46
Related ArticlesSupreme Court Denies Review of Superman Rights | Hollywood Reporter
Eriq Gardner
John Romita Snr/DC Entertainment
The estate of Superman co-creator Joseph Shuster can't leap the high court to grab back rights from DC Comics
Warner Bros. can rest a bit easier today after the U.S. Supreme Court denied review of a challenge to its Superman rights.
The request for a hearing came from the estate of Superman co-creator Joseph Shuster, which attempted to exploit the termination provisions of the 1976 Copyright Act to reclaim their portion of the lucrative character.
In November 2013, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed a ruling that a 1992 agreement made by Jean Peavy, the sister of Shuster, precludes the estate's attempt to terminate a copyright grant.
That agreement was executed in the aftermath of Shuster's death, when Peavy wrote to Warner subsidiary DC and asked the company to pay her brother's final debts and expenses. DC agreed and also increased survivor benefits, but the company's executive vp at the time,&Paul Levitz, admonished, &This agreement would represent the author/heir's last and final deal with DC and would fully resolve any past, present or future claims against DC.&
As a result, a federal judge ruled, &the broad and all-encompassing language of the 1992 Agreement unmistakably operates to supersede all prior grants.&
The Shuster estate, represented by attorneys Marc Toberoff and ScotusBlog founder Tom Goldstein & the same pair that recently took a
involving Marvel's rights to the high court & looked to challenge the assessment.
The appellants' brief posed the issue as &whether and under what circumstances may the Copyright Act&s inalienable termination right be eliminated by contract?&
But without much comment, the Supreme Court denied cert on Monday. The only thing that was noted was that Chief Justice John Roberts took no part in consideration. An explanation wasn't given.
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Eriq Gardner


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