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拼音jīng xì 注音ㄐㄧㄥ ㄒㄧˋ词性近义词、、反义词基本解释◎ 精细 jīngx&[delicacy] 精致细密带蜘蛛网状的精细网织品引证解释1. 《论语·乡党》:“食不厌精,膾不厌细。”后谓服食精美为精细。《三国志·吴志·是仪传》:“服不精细,食不重膳,拯赡贫困,家无储畜。”《南史·齐纪上·高帝》:“穀中精细者,稻也。” 宋 吴自牧 《梦粱录·天晓诸人出市》:“六部前丁香餛飩,此味精细尤佳。”2. 精密细致。 南朝 梁元帝 《金楼子·聚书》:“书极精细。” 宋 赵昇 《朝野类要·举业》:“若武举人召试閤职,则为舍人,所试文字,尤精细於常制。” 清 李斗 《扬州画舫录·小秦淮录》:“﹝ 黄秀才 文暘 ﹞为《古今通考》六卷,辨“安阳”、“平阳”为 战国 钱,识“神农钱”为倒文,皆极精细。” 鲁迅 《三闲集·文艺与革命》:“他们也许只顾到艺术的精细微妙,并没想到如何激动民众。”3. 精明能干。 元 关汉卿 《裴度还带》第二折:“他显耀些饱暖衣食,卖弄些精细伶俐。” 明 高明 《琵琶记·两贤相遘》:“怎生得精细妇人,与他使唤方好。”《老残游记》第十八回:“这里 白公 对 王子谨 道:‘贵县差人有精细点的吗?’”4. 细心;仔细。 北魏 贾思勰 《齐民要术·造神麴并酒》:“造酒法……冷煖之法,悉如常酿,要在精细也。” 明 王守仁 《传习录》卷下:“我亦近年体贴出来如此分明,初犹疑只依他恐有不足,精细看无些小欠闕。”《红楼梦》第九十回:“你还精细些,少不得多分点心儿,严紧严紧他们才好。” 鲁迅 《书信集·致王志之》:“因此,看文章也不能精细,所以你的小说,也只能大略一看,难以静心校读,有所批评了。”5. 清醒;苏醒。 元 无名氏 《碧桃花》第二折:“一会家觉精细,一会家又觉昏迷,害的你病懨懨无些箇气力。” 元 无名氏 《刘弘嫁婢》楔子:“大嫂,我那里喫的粥汤,趁我这一回儿精细,分付您者。”相关汉字、||
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精确 基本解释精确[jīng què]词典:精确的,准确的;正确无误的。词典:精密;精确的;清晰的;正规的。词典:准确的;严密的;精密的,精确的。词典:正确;精密;精确;严格。词典:正确,精确。精确 汉英大词典精确[jīng què] precise:  例:精确的统计        下一个精确的定义    give     精确无误    wit    计算之精确    prec    她使自己的措词更加精确。    She fined down her choice of words.    有必要核对一下这些数字的精确性。    There is need to check the accuracy of these figures.    飞机每天精确地按时刻表飞行在各条航线上。    Planes fly daily over regular routes with timetable precision.精确 网络解释1. accuracy:作者总结出IT领域的专业术语主要由复合法(composition)、派生法(derivation)、转化(conversion)、拼缀(Blending)、首字母缩略(acronym)等几种方式构词,以及专业术语在科技交际中具有传递信息负荷量大(complex load of meaning)、精确(accuracy)、系统(syste精确 双语例句1. 更精确的地图直到14世纪开妈出现。&&&&With the spread of trade and increasing reliance on the compass.2. 2. 通过与简支的单向受压板和四边简支单向纯弯板的稳定性问题的理论解的对比,验证了模型的合理性和精确性。&&&&The characteristic equation of the stability analysis is deduced and the corresponding computational program is developed.3. 因此,该燃料喷射控制器可以合适地实现气缸相互间的燃料喷射阀的喷射特性变化量的精确学习和短时间内的学习的执行。&&&&Thus, the fuel injection controller suitably achieves accurate learning of an inter-cylinder variation in the injection characteristic of the fuel injection valve and performing of the learning in a short time.4. 它的目的是为了精确地及清楚地撷取产品或零件的所有几何特性。&&&&Its purpose is to accurately and unambiguously capture all the geometric features of a product or a component.5. 精确的翻译5. 为了强化协商,本文分析了假设推理和推测计算的基本理论,并以此为基础给出了推测计算的扩展框架,定义了协商语言,提出了协商算法,并将其嵌入到了推测计算中,从而可以提高推测计算的精确性。&&&&To strengthen negotiation, basic theories of abduction and speculative computation are introduced, based on these theories, framework extended of speculative computation is presented, and negotiation language and negotiation algorithm are presented, and the algorithm is embedded in speculative computation. Thus it can improve the accuracy of speculative computation.6. 为实现着月末段的自主障碍物识别,提高月球自主软着陆精确度和安全性,提出了一种基于高程图数据的危险区扫描识别方法。&&&&In order to soft-land on the moon more safely and precisely, a method for detecting and recognizing the hazards based on the Elevation Map in the last descending phase is proposed.7. 见二级系统精确轧制力预报的意义)。&&&&See Significance of Accurate Level 2 Force Prediction.8. \u\u006E\u\u002E\u\u\u\u002E\uF\u006D8. 针对服务匹配的问题,本文提出了一种基于语义距离的非精确服务匹配算法。这个算法是在传统匹配算法的基础上引入语义距离和相似度的概念来实现的,并针对SCSD平台的服务描述,对GSCM语义距离算法进行了一定的修正,在SCSD平台上给出了该算法的实现。&&&&As to the problem of service matching, this paper provides non-exact service matching algorithm based on the semantic distance, which is realized by introducing the definition of semantic distance on the basis of traditional matching algorithm, modifies CSCM semantic distance algorithm to some extent aiming at service description of SCSD platform and gives out the realization of this algorithm on SCSD platform.9. 9. 此外,通过精确施胶和精确的浆糊计量,能让瓦楞在单面机上不接触,防止了楞尖的塌陷。&&&&In addition, by sizing and precise measurement of the paste, can make a single side of Corrugating in without contact to prevent the collapse of the cord to tip.10. 10. 针对大型蓄电池存储容量在线实时检测技术难题,采用高档AVR单片机ATMEGA8L为核心,设计了输入信号±100mV、测量端与测试系统间电气全隔离的安时计,采用了最小二乘算法对系统误差进行了校正,辨识出了精确的系统模型,以很少的单片机代码量实现了最小二乘算法。&&&&this paper develops a new type of on large battery capacity real-time detection technology. ATMEGA8L as the core of ampere2hour meter with the input signal at ±100mV and the measurement of electrical isolation. Using the least-squares algorithm identify the system`s model with the MCU code rarely achieved the least-squares algorithm. Analysis of the test results shows reliable performance, high precision.11. 小麦精播要求最终实现田间种子精确三维定位,其中粒距均匀度最难控制。&&&&&&The purpose of wheat precision seeding is to realize the three dimensional positioning of seeds in field.12. 12. 基于蒸发硒化工艺和薄膜中元素扩散机理,本文建立了一种切实可行的新颖的生长CuInSe〓基薄膜及其相关缺陷化合物〓、Cu〓Se〓和Cu〓Se〓等的周期顺序蒸发工艺,以利于真空硒化时精确控制Cu、In、Ga和Se原子在薄膜体内的百分比含量,从而获得高质量特定化学比的多晶薄膜。&&&&&&Based on both diffusion mechanism of the atoms in films and selenization of metal layers process, a novel periodic sequentially-evaporated and vacuum-selenized annealing process are developed to prepare the films, such as 〓, 〓, Cu 〓Se〓 and Cu 〓Se〓 in this paper. The atomic percent of Cu and In and Ga and Se in those films can be precisely controlled using such process, resulting in qualified stoichiometric polycrystalline films.13. 目的寻找精确反映蚯蚓提取物中蛋白质含量的测定方法。&&&&&&Objective To select an accurate method for determining the protein contents in earthworm extract.14. 基于Labview开发系统进行仿真和应用试验,结果表明:通过谐波小波自适应滤波,能够精确提取动不平衡信号。&&&&&&In labview development system, the results of simulation and applycation test show that: through adaptive filtering based on harmonic wavelet, the dynamic imbalance signal can be extrated accurately.15. danci.911cha.com15. u 本产品融合了大量高科技精确控制、跟踪、测量、感应技术克服船体摇动带来的变化,实时跟踪卫星获得清晰的电视图像。&&&&&&L Internally installed multi-satellite parameters that can change tracking satellite automatically.16. 辐射管采用鼓风--引风式辐射管烧咀,空气消耗系数控制在1.05-1.1,炉温控制精确。&&&&&&The radiation tube is equipped with blow-sauction burner. Air consumption rate is controlled in the range or 1.05-1.1. the furnace temperature is controlled accurately.17. 17. 采用最新直线导轨设计及进口皮带,确保花架稳定性及耐用性,保持刺绣精确度。X方向采用3条皮带设计(680mm及750mm机专用),Y方向采用5条皮带设计,确保刺绣产品在花架任何位置的稳定性。&&&&&&Using the latest linear way and imported belts ensures stability and durability of the embroidery frame.18. 该年龄限定了金矿化年龄的下限,即金矿化不可能早于印支期,但并不能确定金矿化的精确年龄。&&&&&&This age may be the lower limit of the gold ore formation, which means the mineralization time is not earlier than Indo-chinese epoch.19. 在中国加入世贸的今天,我公司集研,生产,销售,技术服务,培训为一体,为客户建立可靠,优质,具有较佳经济效益的电阻系列,以更专业,更精确,更优质的服务与新旧客户携手更进,超越--新高峰!&&&&&&In China's accession to the WTO today, our company set research, production, marketing, technical services, training as a whole for customers to build reliable, high quality, with better cost-effective series resistance to a more professional, more accurate and better quality services and new and old customers to go beyond - to new heights!20. 20. 从混凝土受单轴压力时的应力应变关系来看,混凝土卸载时有残余变形,不符合弹性关系;如果对其应用弹塑性本构关系,又很难精确定义屈服条件。&&&&&&In this paper, the author briefly reviewed the study about the constitutive relation and constitutive model of the concrete, and made some comments to it.精确是什么意思,精确在线翻译,精确什么意思,精确的意思,精确的翻译,精确的解释,精确的发音,精确的同义词,精确的反义词,精确的例句,精确的相关词组,精确意思是什么,精确怎么翻译,单词精确是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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Work is very fine, very fine very slippery
There are many Yemenis are very fine, very slippery
Works very thin very fine, very much slides
Works very fine, very fine, very slippery
Work is very fine, very fine very slippery
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