华为lte fdd cpecpe e5172路由怎么管理

  欧盟近日公布了2013年的行业研发投资评比结果,公布了以欧元为单位的全球50强企业研发投资总额。  结果显示,去年的季军——德国汽车制造商大众汽车(Volkswagen)摘得桂冠,今年研发投资额达到95亿欧元,约合130亿美元。  除了一些老牌日本公司,其他亚洲国家的企业还有两家跻身百强,它们是名列第二的韩国三星电子和排名第31位的中国华为。  上榜前十名之中有五家美国公司,分别是:微软、英特尔、默克、强生和辉瑞。  总体来看,研发投入最多的100家企业里有36家来自美国,28家属于欧盟的公司,还有22家是日本企业。  
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  另一篇文章  持续进行终端技术创新  华为是全球最早商用4G手机和MBB的厂商(德国电信,西班牙电信,沃达丰,日本Emobile、NTT等)。目前,华为的4G网络遍布全球六大洲,华为已获4G商用合同,位列业界第一。GSA最新报告显示,截至2013年9月,全球已有213张4G商用网络,分布在全球81个国家;华为部署了其中的100张,其中,LTE FDD占90张,TDD占15张,FDD和TDD融合网络5张。目前华为LTE已进入全球90多个首都城市,以及全球前10大金融城市中的9个,包括伦敦、中国香港、新加坡、苏黎世、首尔、东京、日内瓦、多伦多等,并助力德国电信、西班牙电信、日本软银、Telenor、TeliaSonera、沃达丰、巴蒂电信、沙特电信、阿联酋电信开通了4G商用业务。  华为也是目前业界唯一商用了LTE cat4终端的厂家,包括智能手机Ascend D2、平板MediaPad10、Mobile WiFi E5776、USB Dongle E3276和室内型CPE E5172等。目前这些终端已经在日本软银、中国移动[微博]、南非Telkom和澳大利亚Optus等项目被广泛使用。软银选择在东京最繁华的商业区——银座区域,在0.32平方公里面积内,建设了9个3.5GHz LTE-A基站,华为协助解决了高频段的覆盖和同频干扰问题,仅仅使用80MHz的带宽,在30km/h的速度下,实现了外场演示峰值最大770Mbps、平均超过500Mbps的吞吐量。  华为还是目前唯一商用LTE TDD 3.5G终端的厂商,也是唯一能够生产3.5G多模终端的厂商。中国移动在广东启动的4G放号预约中,可供预约的4G终端包括华为G716智能机、华为E5 MIFI。华为通过与高通[微博]、海思、Altair等芯片伙伴的合作,可以提供全频段、全形态的LTE TDD终端,是LTE TDD终端最主要的推动力量之一。华为D2-LTE获颁首批TD-LTE终端进网许可证:9月4日工信部正式颁发了国内首批LTE(TD-LTE)终端进网许可证,华为D2成为了首批取得LTE进网许可证的4款手机之一。  在与英国移动运营商EE的合作中,华为开通了全球最快4G LTE-Advanced(LTE-A)网络。该网络在伦敦市中心的科技城开通,可提供的峰值速率高达300Mb/s,是目前LTE商用网络速率的2倍。  2013年,在成都、杭州、韩国首尔三地,华为携手中国移动实现全球首个跨地域TD-LTE网络环境下的VoLTE语音通话。该语音通话基于华为端到端解决方案,包括SingleRAN、SingleEPC、SingleCore IMS等系统解决方案。
  软银样板:  全力进行4G网络部署  软银在TD-LTE策略上较激进,快速决定选择华为建网,高效完成建网后立即商用,经第三方ICT测试,被评为日本速率最快的网络;软银在建网的同时,组织若干终端厂家提供定制智能手机,并在业内率先推出6款TD-LTE智能机,华为高迪作为第一款智能机于2012年10月秋季发布,由软银总裁孙正义首发。  华为独家承建东京、大阪、名古屋的网络,提供特色的TD-LTE网络解决方案。比如,减少小区边缘干扰提升用户体验的单频段网络(SFN)和波束赋型(Beamform)技术。所占软银TD-LTE网络份额70%,现网最高体验速率达770Mbps。软银在营销中声称其TD-LTE是日本所有运营商中最快的MBB技术。面对日本复杂的无线环境,华为克服东京地震等不利因素,高速、优质地将TD-LTE网络建设起来。  截至日,软银基站数超过40000个,覆盖日本92%人口,7月底, AXGP网络商用放号超过200万用户;已总共推出16款TDD智能手机,5款Mifi。2013软银冬季发布会,软银发布4款LTE TDD手机(三款夏普,一款富士)+1款华为的Mifi(唯一一款国外厂商的产品)。  作为客户,软银首席技术官Junichi Miyakawa对华为的评价是:华为在东京最复杂的场景下建造了全球最好的移动宽带网络。
  链接  华为在国内的4G标杆网络  杭州,勇于尝鲜:最先思考如何利用现有TDS设备平滑演进到TD-LTE,从单站功能验证、簇组网验证到大规模组网验证,实践低成本快速建网模式。另外,杭州TDFi公交车引领中国4G商用模式,到“B1”蹭网去,曾传遍杭州大街小巷。  深圳,敢于创新:摄像机上配备一个TD-LTE即摄即传终端模块取代传统卫星传播车,进行现场画面实时传递,带来媒体采编行业革命。对高档居民区,提供基于TD-LTE的eMBMS、IPTV、无线网上冲浪等创新业务,将电视屏和互联网屏融合起来,丰富人们的互联网生活。  成都,中西部TD-LTE的先行者:助力四川移动开通西部首个TD-LTE网络,TDD手机首次实现视频通话。6月财富论坛,4载波聚合技术(1Gbps速率),4GB大小电影下载不到半分钟。  上海,4G明珠的体验馆:5载波聚合,小区速率达1.2Gbps。东部桥头堡,最快完成D频段网络部署。Blade RRU演绎高度集成理念,AAU、AtomCell、LampSite等创新产品集体亮相。  北京,和谐的4G网络:华为Nastar提升厂家网络运维能力,整合无线、核心网一致性,实现工具化的网络问题精确定位,提高客户满意度。
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Huawei has unveiled a new mobile LTE hotspot E5770 with integrated RJ45 LAN interface at MWC in Barcelona. The E5770 LTE router also has a very powerful battery (5,200 mAh), achieving an operating time of up to 20 hours. The Internet could be connected via the LTE cellular modem or via LAN interface.
First MiFi hotspot with LTE Cat4 and RJ45 interface
The Huawei E5770 is the first mobile wireless router from Huawei, which is combined LTE Category 4 with a RJ45 LAN interface and a powerful battery. As we know before, the fastest 3G mobile Wi-Fi hotspot was Huawei E5730, which also has an Ethernet port, but unfortunately it did not support LTE, and a maximum of 42.2 Mbit/s could be achieved on UMTS network. Huawei E5770 provide better solution with higher speed for LTE network.
The Huawei E5770 comes with a black, leather-like plastic surface and has a small 0.96 inch OLED display on the front that displays the information such as the network operator name and the used data volume. Under a cover on the side, you will find the RJ45 LAN port and the microUSB port for charging the battery. In addition, a USB with output of 5V/2A is available, so you can use the Huawei E5770 also for charging other devices such as smartphones (“Power Bank” function).
LTE and Wi-Fi
Based on the LTE Modem in Huawei E5770, it can reach speeds of up to 150 Mbit/s for the downlink and 50 Mbit/s for the uplink in the LTE network. In the UMTS network, possible speed could reach up to 42.2 Mbit/s in the downlink on DC-HSPA+. Which frequency bands are supported, Huawei didn’t indicate at MWC in Barcelona. However, it is assumed that there will be several variants for different markets like other Huawei models such as E5786.
However, it’s a pity that Huawei E5770 wireless module only works in the 2.4 GHz band, the 5 GHz band is not available in this device. Up to 10 users can be connected simultaneously with the Huawei E5770, an eleventh device can connect to the internet via the USB interface.
Huawei E5770 is a perfect pocket router for travel. It provides a wonderful solution for business journey. When user need internet at hotel or outdoor, Huawei E5770 would be a good partner. We believe Huawei E5770 will be available soon.
Remote office connectivity in one device
If you need more than just high-speed 4G LTE Internet for up to 32 users, choose the Huawei B890 4G LTE Smart Hub. Connect a landline phone and charge or connect other devices with the USB port.
Ethernet support for POS devices and more
If you require Ethernet connections for point-of-sale devices or anything else, the Huawei B890 provides three Ethernet ports.
Fast browsing, streaming and download speeds
Even with 32 users and a landline connected, you’ll enjoy 4G LTE speeds for your mobile Internet with download speeds of up to 75 mbps.
Just plug it in and go
All you have to do to get online is plug the Huawei B890 4G LTE Smart Hub into AC power anywhere provider has network coverage.
What comes in the box
Huawei B890 4G LTE Smart H AC charger, Ethernet Cable, Quick start guide
Ethernet x1 (optional)
LAN Interface
Ethernet x3
Phone interface
WLAN Standard
Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n
WLAN Encryption
WLAN Data Rate
Up to 300Mbps WAN Con
Antenna Type
Internal 2.4GHz Wi-Fi antenna supports 802.11 b/g/n x2
Web-based management, configuration back up and restoration
Weight / Dimensions
530g /222 x48 x 1611 mm
V3 SIM card
4G LTE : LTE: v
4G (HSPA): 1700MHz AWS (Band IV) / 1900MHz (Band II) / 850MHz (Band V)
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Embedded 4G LTE modem support manufacturer rated peak download speeds up to 75Mbps
Falls back to DC-HSPA+ outside LTE coverage area, provide peak download speeds up to 42Mbps
Connect up to 32 Wi-Fi enabled devices/users simultaneously
1 RJ11 port for access to a regular voice phone connection via a corded or cordless phone
3 x 10/100 Ethernet LAN ports for wired connectivity
Built in DHCP Server and NAT provides high speed routing capability and instant protection to block potential security risk intrusion attempts
Automatic Internet failover to Wireless WAN for alternate Internet connectivity (ADSL/Cable/Fibre)
1 USB port for data storage and sharing
Management and configuration via web users interface from any computer or smartphone
Easy plug and play set up to get your connected in minutes, no software installation needed
This modem kills two birds with one stone, providing both better mobile coverage and fast Internet without a cable into the house. Have Internet before, the modem as a backup that takes over if the fixed network fails.
Not everyone is so lucky that they live so that it is possible to get fast broadband to the door. Build cabin today, there will not be natural to embed copper wire to get a dial tone.
Better mobile coverage
With external antenna, we find that the signal is significantly better.
With external antenna, we find that the signal is significantly bedre.Foto: Manufacturer
Huawei B890 provides Internet via the mobile network, a solution with 4G in many cases gives as good as it speeds fiber and coax-users experience. In addition, it comes with a clever extra feature. The router is namely also a DECT base &#8211; ie technology used in good old wireless landlines. It comes with a phone with its own charging station. Do you generally poor mobile coverage inside the cabin, this is brilliant. Base station have higher power than your phone, and then you can bring mobile calls via DECT phone, even after the regular phone must succumb.
You can dial out and receive calls, send SMS and otherwise make the most of what you otherwise could with a regular cell phone. Buyer you own SIM card into the router will this get their own phone, and you get &#8220;landline&#8221; on the purchase. The only thing you must remember is that you need a SIM card that also supports speech. It does not have the usual SIM cards for mobile Internet.
Since most subscriptions include free speech, this is no stupid solution. It is especially useful if there are more people who use the phone &#8211; for example, children who do not yet have their own telephone, or if the modem is used in a workplace. It also gives you the opportunity to have a separate telephone number in the cabin, boat or home office.
Read also: Test of Huawei B593 4G modem
Range of up to 300 meters
Do you dual cards will DECT phone call while your mobile phone.
If you do not want to spend money on having a separate SIM card or a twin card to the router, you can use the SIM card from your phone, and still be available for calls &#8211; at least as long as you are near. DECT phone looks enough like a mobile phone from the days before the entry smartphone, but it works only within range of the base station, max 300 meters.
With this &#8220;mobile&#8221; you have better conditions for coverage where other mobiles falls out.
With this &#8220;mobile&#8221; you have better conditions for coverage where other mobiles falls ut.Foto: Espen Irwing Swang
Do you need it, you can associate all six handsets to the base station. One handset supplied the other may be DECT phones you already have, or you can buy new ones.
The router supports both 3G and thus 4G but not GSM / 2G. That means it will not work in areas where you only have EDGE coverage. When you speak with the DECT phone modem will use 3G. You can surf and talk at the same time, but then will also go surfing via 3G.
Supports the new 800 MHz networks
Photo: Espen Irwing Swang
The modem supports 4G of the &#8220;new&# MHz frequency, in addition to 900/ and 2600 MHz. Maximum download speed is 100 Mbps, while the maximum upload speed is 50 Mbps. There are faster modem, but in today&#8217;s networks have little to gain from buying so-called CAT4 modem with max 150 Mbps download, because operators no case lets you charge the nights with so fast downloads.
Read also: Better 4G coverage from NetCom
On the router, there are three LAN ports and 1 WAN port, whether you use it in combination with WAN. When the SIM card will serve as a backup when the WAN is down.
In addition, the router a USB port that lets you share external memory or printers.
The wireless router communicates at 2.4 GHz, but not at 5 GHz. This means that the connection can be a bit iffy though there are many other wireless networks nearby.
Tested with and without external antenna
For this test, we got us an external antenna to put on the house wall, or in our case, the cabin wall. The external antenna is a Poynting XPOL 8 dBi panel antenna 4G. That it has 4G in the name naturally means that it supports 4G frequencies, but it also supports 3G and 2G, if you were wondering. But modem from Huawei also has no support for 2G.
The antenna provides a minimum of 8 dBi gain antenna signal and measures 26 x 26 centimeters. It weighs only a pound and a fastening bracket makes installation simple. The antenna is directional, so it pays to inform themselves about where the signal is strongest before installing the firm. Best is to place the antenna as high as possible, especially because the highest frequencies muted much of vegetation or house walls.
The antenna comes with two five-meter long antenna cables, which are screwed on the back of the router. Fixing on the router itself is narrow, and the two connectors are fairly close. Here it is okay to use a small wrench to get the cables in place.
Approximate coverage map
The coverage map shows that it is a difficult area cottage is in, but both Netcom (purple = 4G) and Telenor (blue = 4G) claims to have coverage exactly where the cabin is located.
The coverage map shows that it is a difficult area cottage is in, but both Netcom (purple = 4G) and Telenor (blue = 4G) claims to have coverage exactly where the cottage ligger.Foto: Espen Irwing Swang
The area cabin is located, according to their coverage maps to Netcom and Telenor have access to 4G. In both cases, the lodge is situated in an area where coverage map has some holes, but since the cabin is located on a hilltop, and in addition is marked for coverage on both maps, we expected to get good speed on mobile broadband.
Our first attempt was to wander around inside the cabin to find out where the coverage was the best. It turned out that we were at a couple of points in the living room got symbol H + on your mobile screen. 4G so we have nothing, neither when we strolled a walk around the cabin. So we put the modem on the loft and made some measurements. The modem was moved around, but we never came across 3 Mbps download with Netcom. With Telenor we got speeds of up to 10Mbps, which is actually okay, but not quite what we had expected.
External antenna, faster web
Then it was time to try with the external antenna.
Since we would wait to drill holes in the cabin wall until we knew it had something for themselves, we pulled cable through a window in the loft. Then antenna panel raised to ceilings and revolved around hoping that 4G would report for duty. It did not happen.
But it happened otherwise. Suddenly 3G coverage to Netcom been much better, and we measured download speeds up to 13 Mbps. Could Telenor coverage make a percentage equal big jump, it would approach the speed you get from traditional broadband ..
But Telenor polls ended at the same speeds with Netcom.
Now both Netcom and Telenor in the process of building out its 4G network with base stations that support 800MHz. This rate increases coverage considerably, and hopefully it also means that we will not long be ours &#8220;broadband at the cottage,&#8221; as the ads with deadlines.
Read also: &#8211; Do not be fooled by 4G promo
But for it to be useful, must also data quotas increased. When we tested were Netcom quota of 8GB exhausted during one day. Our eminent PC discovered namely that it had net access and synchronized in the dark of night both OneDrive, DropBox and Googe Disk. Also mobile phones as their chance to send images to cloud storage.
It helps little to set the phones and cameras so they only sync over Wi-Fi, when Wi-Fi is the gate to the mobile network.
Mobile calls via DECT
Photo: Espen Irwing Swang
The accompanying DECT phone worked as expected, with good sound quality and a simple user interface. There is already a little nostalgic with phone keys, and strictly speaking have extra phone limited benefit when we still have mobile coverage at the cabin. But you are among those who have weak mobile coverage of the cabin, the outer reinforcing antenna hopefully help you avoid having to stand with his head out the window to make contact with the outside world.
In our test gets router operate fairly undisturbed by other networks, and we experienced 2.4GHz 802.11 b / g / n as sufficient. With the modem in place we can also follow what happens at the cabin, via IP cameras connected to the wireless network. This works fine on 3G. There is no problem to flow TV2 Sumo or Netflix in HD quality to the TV, as long as you have enough data available on subscription.
The Huawei E5172 is a new wireless router for 4G LTE TDD FDD global networks, it features a download speed of up to 150Mbps and provides access to up to 32 WiFi devices as well as desktop computers through an Ethernet cable.
The E5172 features a single RJ45 Ethernet port, WiFi for up to 32 users and also features an RJ11 telephone port for the connection of a standard analogue telephone to enable GSM calls or can be configured within the web browser interface to enable this POTS phone to make calls over a VoIP service instead. Of course, when using a telephone to make calls over GSM then the 4G SIM card being used with the E5172 4G Router will need to support voice calls.
The E5172As-22 router features an external antenna connector which is the SMA screw type so can be connected to an external 4G antenna if required. The WiFi antennas are inside the router casing and cannot use external WiFi antennas. The E5172 only provides a single SMS antenna port so cannot be used with 4G MiMo antennas and we recommend using an external 4G antenna only in situations where the router is located in a position with very poor or no signal, but an external 4G antenna can be located nearby in a location with a good 4G network signal.
The E5172 CPE Router is an ideal home entertainment and information exchange hub, providing multiple devices simultaneous high-speed Internet access, high-definition video downloads and real-time video viewing and transmission. The Huawei E5172 is also perfect for SOHO and small businesses with its connectivity options to VOIP telephone and fax, printers and other office equipment.
Huawei E5172As-22
4G LTE-FDD 800/900/00MHz
4G LTE-TDD 2600Mhz
2G GSM/GPRS/EDGE 850/900/MHz.
4G LTE gateway
Connect your computers, tablets, and other devices to the Internet via high-speed 4G LTE channel. In addition to the device, you need a SIM card with the best rate of the cellular operator. The ability to connect an external antenna can greatly improve communication in remote areas. In the absence of LTE coverage, E5172 switches to 3G.
WiFi access point and connect to LAN
E5172 router may be included in a wired Ethernet network to &#8220;distribute&#8221; the Internet via cable, and at the same time it can be WiFi access point (802.11 b / g / n) to wireless devices.
Connect your phone
E5172 has a connector for connecting a regular phone. You will be able to provide access to the Internet and make voice calls as if it was an ordinary cell phone. Optional (check when buying!) Complete with E5172 can go built-in battery that will provide job number, if you suddenly lost external power. E5172 also supports VoIP SIP.
Features 4G LTE modem
Standards GSM: GPRS, EDGE
Data Transfer 3G HSDPA, HSPA +, HSUPA
Data Transmission 4G: LTE to 150 Mbit / s
Reception / shipped SMS: yes
Connector for Outer GSM/3G/LTE antenna: yes
Standards LTE FDD: 00/900/800 MHz, TDD 2600 MHz
Features Wi-Fi hotspot
Standard: 802.11 b / g / n
Antenna Type: Internal
Privacy Protection: WEP, WPA, WPA2
features Router
Ethernet Ports: 1 x LAN
Speed LAN Ports: 10/100 Mbit / s
IP Filter: Yes
Virtual server (port forwarding): Yes
DHCP server: Yes
IPv6 Support: Yes
VoIP adapter: EST, SIP
Connect the phone / fax
Number of ports RJ-11: 1
storage of data
USB Host: no
General characteristics
Web interface: Yes
Compatibility: Windows XP/Vista/7/8, Mac OS X 10.6/10.7/10.8
Dimensions (W × H × D): 173 × 124 × 32 mm
Weight: 500 g
The Huawei B539s-22 4G routers offer execeptional value for money, but still packed with features ideal for SOHO businesses. This embedded 4G router enables the user to insert their 4G SIM card and connect multiple devices using the Ethernet ports for wired connections or connect via the high speed WiFi wireless hotspot.
Huawei B593s-22 Features:-
&#8211; High Speed Embedded 4G Router &#8211; Insert 4G SIM and share your internet.
&#8211; 4 x LAN Ports for wired connectivity
&#8211; Enhanced WiFi Coverage
&#8211; File Sharing
&#8211; VPN Pass-through
&#8211; Easy to use Mobile Control
&#8211; Secure Online Upgrade
&#8211; LTE Cat4 and CSFB & VoIP supported
&#8211; WiFi 802.11 b/g/n for up to 32 users
&#8211; Rear panel of B593 is removable and reveals 2 x SMA External Cellular Antenna Connectors for External 4G Antennas.
&#8211; Features RJ11 Telephone port but this is not for GSM Calls &#8211; it is for VoIP Calls (NOT SKYPE) &#8211; however VoIP over 4G is not always supported by UK 4G service providers.
As a high-performance LTE CPE device, the B593s-22 enables home office (SOHO) users to get access to wireless and wired networks.
Router Overview
The B593s-22 supports the following frequency bands:
Frequency division duplex (FDD): 00/900/800 MHz
Time division duplex (TDD): 2600 MHz
Huawei 4G 3G 2G Router
The B593s-22 can work in any of the following network standards:
Dual Carrier High Speed Packet Access Plus (DC-HSPA+)
High Speed Packet Access Plus (HSPA+)
High Speed Uplink Packet Access (HSUPA)
High Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA)
Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS)
Enhanced Data Rates for Global Evolution (EDGE)
General Packet Radio Service (GPRS)
Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)
The B593s-22 provides the following services and functions:
Data services
Short message service (SMS)
USB Sharing services
Security functions
Maintenance and management
You can buy from here:
Huawei E5175 (EG LTE CPE Technical Specifications:
* LTE CAT6 Download Speed up to 300mbps, upload speed to 50Mbps @ 20MHz + 20MHz BW
* LTE FDD DD800/900/00MHz, TDD 2600MHz
* DC-HSPA+/HSPA+/UMTS 900/2100MHz
* GSM/GPRS/EDGE 850/900/MHz
* WiFi 802.11b/g/n/ac, 2.4GHz/5GHz, up to 64 devices
* 4 RJ45(GE) interface + 2 RJ11 Interface + 1 USB host interface
* Two External antenna connector (Buy Huawei E5175 External Antenna)
* Firewall, CS Voice, VoIP, VoLTE, TR069 Remote Management
* HTTP Online Upgrade, QoS, USB Share, UPnP
* IPV6, DLNA, Fax, Print, VPN
HUAWEI E5175s-22 LTE Cat6 Router Technical Specifications
Model Number
HUAWEI E5175s-22
SIM Lock Status
Unlocked, SIM Card Free
4G LTE Router /LTE Wireless Gateway
Opterator Model
Vodafone B4000
LTE Category 6 (3GPP Release 11) WiFi Router
Network Bands
4G/LTE Frequency Bands
Huawei E5175S-22 : Band 1/3/7/8/20/38 (FDD 800/900/00MHz & TDD 2600MHz)
850/900/ MHz
Data Rate Speed
4G/LTE FDD link Speed
Downstream: 300Mbit/s
Upstream: 150Mbit/s
4G/TD-LTE link Speed
Downstream: 224Mbit/s
Upstream: 20Mbit/s
3G DC-HSPA+ Link Speed
Downstream: 42Mbit/s
Upstream: 5.76Mbit/s
3G HSPA+ Link Speed
Downstream: 21Mbit/s
Upstream: 5.76Mbit/s
3G UMTS Link Speed
Downstream: 384Kbit/s
Upstream: 186Kbit/s
Other Features
MIMO Support
WiFi Support
802.11 b/g/n/ac, WiFi peak speed to 300mbps, 2.4GHz/5GHz
Maximum Users Supported
SD Card Slot
YES, SD card up to 32GB
1 x USB 2.0 for host sharing and Printer
External Antenna
2 External antenna (SMA female)
Ethernet Port
4 x RJ-45 (One for WLAN/LAN, Three for LAN)
Telephone port
2 x RJ-11 for Analog Telephone
Working time:
OS Supported
Windows/Linux/Mac OS
IPV 6 Support
Supported Operators
Telekom, Vodafone, Orange, E-plus, A1,3 UK, EE, STC, Telstra,
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Huawei E5186 4G LTE CAT6 CPE Router
300Mbps 4G LTE CPE Wireless Gateway
100% Unlocked CPE router for Worldwide Use
LTE FDD 700/MHz TDD 2300Mhz
DC-PA+/HSPA+/UMTS 900/2100MHz
LTE CAT6 Download Speed up to 300mbps, upload speed to 50Mbps @ 20MHz + 20MH
Wi-Fi: 802.11 b/g/n/ac, 2.4GHz/5GHz, 64 Wi-Fi users simultaneously
Free fast DHL/Fedex/Aramex/EMS Shipping to Anywhere
Huawei E5186 4G LTE Router
Huawei E5186 4G LTE router is an outstanding LTE-Advanced (CAT6) router which supports band 1/3/7/8/20 and 38. In addition to LTE-Advanced by device Category 6 (CAT6), all previous users have use of the LTE standard. Also, the operation over 3G and 2G is readily possible.
The E5186 wireless router also dominates the latest wireless standard AC so that internal networks can be established with a maximum data rate of 300Mbps. It could support WiFi 2.4Ghz and Wi-Fi 5GHz, and enables up to 64 Wi-Fi devices to enter int o the mobile network at one time.
Huawei E5186 Broadband Router Specifications
Huawei E5186s-61a Network:
* LTE FDD 700/MHz TDD 2300Mhz
* DC-PA+/HSPA+/UMTS 900/2100MHz
* GSM/GPRS/EDGE 850/900/MHz
* LTE CAT6 Download Speed up to 300mbps, upload speed to 50Mbps @ 20MHz + 20MHz BW
WiFi 802.11b/g/n/ac, 2.4GHz/5GHz, supports Wi-Fi devices up to 64 devices
Interface port:
* 4 RJ45(GE) interface + 2 RJ11 Interface + 1 USB host interface
* Firewall, CS Voice, VoIP, VoLTE, TR069 Remote Management
* HTTP Online Upgrade, QoS, USB Share, UPnP
* IPV6, DLNA, Fax, Print, VPN
Size: 194 x 177 x 64 mm , about 450g
1 * new Huawei E5186s-61
1* network cable
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From 2014, Huawei bring a new 4G router E5186 to its 4G product range, which is expected to mark a quantum leap in the development for 4G equipment. It’s virtual that all of the new standards are on board and will shape new global standards from the end of 2014. For the first time, LTE-Advanced (CAT6) and VoLTE are supported on the same device, that is Huawei E5186 LTE Wireless Gateway. You can read more about the new flagship below.
Features and characteristics of Huawei E5186
Manufacturer and type designation
(HiSilicon chip)
Download rate
Up to 300 Mbit/s
Upload rate
Up to 50 Mbits/s
Supported LTE Bands:
LTE 2600 MHz / 2100 MHz / 1800 MHz /
900 MHz / 800 MHz (FDD) + LTE 2600 MHz TDD
LTE-Advanced Support
yes (first time)
Backward compatible with
HSPA/HSPA+/UMTS (900/2100 MHz); GSM
MIMO Support
Connector for external antenna
yes, 2 SMA connectors (Buy Huawei E5186 Antenna)
LTE modem category 6! (CAT6)
With integrated telephone system
yes, VOIP SIP Client
Support VoLTE (Voice over LTE)
Connection for analog phones
yes, 2xRJ11
Integrator answering machine
Network | LAN & WLAN
4 LAN Gigabit ports (RJ45)
WLAN standards
WLAN 802.11b/g/n/ac for up to 64 users
5 GHz WLAN support
yes, 1 x USB 2.0
Dimensions / Weight
194 x 177 x 64 mm and 450 grams
Information material
Not available online
LTE Advanced and VoLTE
In spite of the appearance of Huawei E5186 looks like its predecessor Huawei B593, the standard is still the new evolution of the LTE technology.
Many European operator such as O2, Vodafone and Telekom, start deploying the further significant faster LTE-Advanced network from this summer. With the LTE-Advanced technology, the data rate of 225-300 Mbps could be achieved. We also concern about “true” LTE telephone which has not been in use. The so-called VoLTE is very convenient when calling significantly increases. Huawei E5186 could also work at the outdoor environment and is therefore ideally equipped for the future.
Technology at a glance
As already indicated, the wireless capabilities of the E5186 are outstanding. LTE is supported on the band 1/3/7/8/20 and 38 on Huawei E5186s-22. But there is Huawei E5186s-61 which supports different LTE frequency bands. In addition to LTE-Advanced
Category 6 ( CAT6 ), the operation over 3G and 2G is also possible. So all mobile phone types are supported by Huawei E5186. The router also dominates the latest wireless standard AC so that internal networks can be established with a maximum data rate of 1300 Mbps. A bottleneck via WLAN is therefore not to be expected in LTE-Advanced mode.
On the back of Huawei E5186, there are 4 Gigabit LAN ports (RJ45), two RJ-11 jacks for phones and a USB port. In addition, the power port and an on/off switch are at the side of phone jacks. Two external antennas can also be connected as usual, in case the reception conditions are not sufficient.
You will probably never find a DECT connection at Huawei. However, the operation over VOIP is possible on E5186. What is new, as already mentioned, the support of Voice over LTE ( VoLTE ). If the provider offers the LTE technology, calls can thus be handled directly by the contract SIM card via mobile phone. The advantage for customers: more stable connections, call setup in under 2 seconds, and perfect voice quality.
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Third speedbox LTE is a new wireless router, telecom, is the first to support LTE-Advanced. The apparatus is provided with a terminal application thought and wireless or LAN and internet. Six is due to the speed of LTE reaches 300 Mbit / s. Here is a summary of technical data of speedbox LTE.
The function and performance of speedbox 3
The manufacturer and model (HUAWEI Hisilicon e5186s &#8211; 22A chip)
Until 300 Mbit / s downloadrate
Until 50 Mbit / s uploaddrate
LTE LTE supports ligament: 2600 MHz / 2100 MHz and 1800 MHz /
The 900 MHz and 800 MHz (FDD LTE TDD + 2600 MHz)
Support LTE-Advanced (first)
Backward compatible with UMTS HSPA, HSPA +: (GSM; 9002100 MHz);
Support for MIMO 2&#215;2 MIMO
The external antenna connector is SMA connector 2
Category: Cat6
Without an integrated telephone system
Wired and wireless networks |
4 port Gigabit LAN LAN port (RJ45)
Wireless standard 802.11b / N / G wireless communication / users up to 64
Support is 5 GHz wireless
WEP encryption, WPA, WPA2
USB does not
Size / weight of 190 x 200 x 32 mm (about 518
Information materials
The test report, with three read speedbox router.
Not available online documentation.
From 9 since the end of ;&#8230;
And speedbox III, along with the little brother not router market! This is the first time in Germany all routers have what respectively, LTE-Advanced LTE hardwarekategorie Cat6 supports. Therefore, before the hardware supporting netzstart available.
The first impression
In the original model is known Huawei Telecommunications Series, as usual expensive black. Located just 4 Gigabit ports on the back. Notice the first 4 LED information on the &#8220;power&#8221;, &#8220;fashion&#8221;, WiFi and router configuration signal. One can be directly through the browser. The right router provides a WPS and Wi &#8211; Fi and a button, a reset button. The SIM card will also be in the top right of the space axis.
Only the quickest is good enough
Who is a new high performance routers, wireless search, obtain an attractive solution with the new device of the German telecom. Third speedbox LTE LTE-Advanced support in addition to give up halfway up to 300 Mbps download speed (50 Mbps upload speed) also uses the latest 802.11ac wireless LAN standard. This feature at 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz. In addition, of course, are also integrated in the slow interfaces, need to use. The wireless 802.11 a / B / g and the use of N and GSM 2G / 3G and 4G can start, if not now available. And LTE band (900 / 1800800 and 2600 / 2100 MHz coverage. The external antennenanschluss is a small found hidden behind the back cover. The box can be up to 64 terminal and wireless routers in the network.
As a basic telecom router state e5186 HUAWEI godfather. Third speedbox LTE technology based on the device, but there are still some differences. Also bezeichnungszusatz e5186s &#8211; 22A proposed modification. The original e5186 also holds two RJ11 connectors and a standard USB 2. Similarly, software (Firmware), you find a sign in front of the different operators. In addition, the voice information in front of the LED.
At this point is clear, why have no doubt that the hardware speedport two substitution, but mobile ticketing sales. Because they do not support digital or analog phone. Who do not want to give up, should expect in b4000. That he is using this technique has been used to. Of course also calls without question. Vodafone is therefore less of a problem, because their family fare only VoIP Telecom, on the contrary. Send and receive text messages (SMS) is possible for three speedbox LTE.
The appropriate fare
Full time course, routers need a ticket, provide enough power. A mobile surftarife (data and Telecommunications), also Allnet principle surface (magenta Mobil). The realization of the two current up to 150 Mbit / s. Start the LTE-Advanced value doubled, but has been the development of radio technology field and availability. We suggest that the data have been from the comfort of the 14.95 euro. Because it is not necessarily the most expensive bag. The maximum speed of choice &#8220;(level LTE euros per month), to obtain an updated maximum data rate.
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