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Beijing tattoo, tattoo shop, tattoo tattoo woman, man, tattoo, Beijing's best tattoo, tattoo, tattoo
Commonly known as tattoo tattoo, ancient classical Chinese called nirvana, is depicted in the picture in the ideal dull skin, become the eternal life, to keep the memory as the most beautiful life in the picture is not bad, the original exclusive mark tattoo pattern whether text or pattern, the body is always in order to please yourself and others. No matter where you, the. Some people say that the tattoo is beautiful, mysterious, sexy and charming symbol, is also a unique personality and self embodiment of the most incisive, and personal expression of faith. Many people love this pain is beautiful, and the tattoo on his body sculpture. To have a new hope, a new place, a new beginning.
Tattoo as a part of human history and culture, has been extended for two thousand years. Life in the most impressive tattoo is unbelievable, will think underworld figures patents, in fact, this concept is not suitable for modern society in recent years, people increasingly open to Europe and the United States, Japan and other countries receive a large amount of cultural information, modern people not so traditional, no longer have tattoos as taboo in tattoo staff in some couples, lovers, love for the table will stay in each other's looks, some do not see the kind of clean. The first is handed down from the Maori, with shark teeth and animal bone spurs kunshang stick dipped in ink, with a small hammer into the skin. The second is the number of needle sticks tied together, the manual penetrate skin. The third is to use motor driven needle into the skin, this method is the commonly used method of tattoo artist. Modern understanding of the tattoo is very personalized cover and contain everything. This kind of permanent pattern with a little pain will be accompanied by a lifetime. The body language of the memorial, inspiring, relief, each person's understanding is not the same.
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