
Code editor for smartphones
We are proud to announce touchqode PRO with GitHub support, bash and arrows.
or check the blog about .
See blog to find out more about the
We have integrated FTP client, added support for PHP and you can run your code
via Scripting Layer Android for android.
Download from .
Please subscribe to our mailing list to stay updated,
we will also be happy to hear from you at .
We appreciate any feedback, comments, suggestions or encouragement.
In your android - search for "touchqode" in the market or go right
Support for html, javascript, more .
The presentation we gave at JSUG TU Wien was about android sensors.
We have received a couple of bug reports and feedback from you.
It is always great to hear from you.
More info about our first bug report and how
we fixed it is in
Why coding on smartphone?
Inspiration comes anywhere
Are you sitting i having lunch or just waiting, thinking about your project?
An idea just struck you, a sudden flight of inspiration?
You are not sure if the code is really as you think it should be?
Check your code in the phone and keep thinking.
Check if your ideas work
With touchqode editor you can find out in an instance.
And even implement the critical part of your idea.
Wherever you are, in the subway, on the bus, having pizza, walking, or hiking himalayan mountains.
Fix and relax
After you do what you have to, you can relax and enjoy the rest of your time with your friends,
or yourself.
Your idea has been addressed and you do not have to keep her in mind till you get to your computer.& & Touchqode 为你的智能手机带来软件开发工具,可随时随地编辑软件源码。& & 特点:语法高亮、代码建议、集成FTP客户端、搜索、文件同步、支持 Java 等多种编程语言、可运行简单脚本以及适合开发者使用的键盘。& & & & 项目……


更多关于 手机软件上能抢到票吗 的文章

