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Wafin: Moroccan Connections in America
&Aug 9, 2017
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Things I wish someone told me before I came to the U.S.By Ahmed Allali&
I wish someone told me not to get off the car when stopped by a cop as a sign of respect for them.
I wish someone told me not to pick up random kids in the park and kiss them on the cheeks like we do on Morocco without being considered psychos.
I wish someone told me that I would have to call two weeks in advance to get together with friends and neighbors
I wish someone told me what was inside hot dogs before I ate them.
I wish someone told me a doctor抯 visit without insurance can cost up to $2,000.00
I wish someone told me that my late payments on credit cards would put a black mark on my credit report for a long time.
I wish someone told me I would feel lonely most of the time, even if I am amongs thousands of people.
I wish someone told me not to just get an education, but get an education in the right field.
So what did you wish someone told you before you came to the U.S?
I think some moroccans wish that someone in Morocco told them what rednecks were before half the haragas ended up marrying one and then marrying into their insane redneck families.( i feel so sorry when i see a poor Moroccan all tied up in a family that has to mow their grass to find major appliances
I think some moroccans wish they spent less on their clothes and more on retirement after living here 5 years.
I think some moroccans wish they would have kept in better contact with the people back home, especially when they calm down and want to get married and haven't talked to anyone in 5 years.
Um. I wish someone would tell moroccans before they come here to stay away from bad people with bad habits so they do not get all messed up with the wrong people. If your new best friend knows all the ladies nights in town and offers to take you RUN
I wish someone would tell the moroccans that tell you they are Spanish when you go out that being Moroccan is so much cooler than being Spanish and if your name is Mustafa, mike or miguel doesn't suit your face khouya..hahahah
ImaneI&:&I wish someone told me how much it really costs international students to study here.
I wish someone would have told me get your BS at home and come as graduate student instead of undergrad.
I had been trying to pass this message in Morocco so they can avoid what I went through BUT no one would believe me... It is hard for people back home to grasp the American system unless they come and live here for a while!
The other side of it is:
Would you have believed if someone told you .. before you came here?
norafena&:&This is such an interesting issue. You reminded my "tales" from
when I first moved to the US, the most hilarious one is when "...Someone mentioned to me that the pepperoni pizza that I was eating has pork on it, I took it back to the store and went off on the manager-with my broken accent-for adding pork to my pepperoni pizza, my logic was that pepperoni comes from peppers, so why the pizza had pork instead" :)
The most important part of this issue, is how can we help the newcomers to avoid our mistakes? I always think of starting an agency (physical or online) to provide advice, support and help to the newcomers. Most importantly to teach them about their rights and the laws in this country. I met several moroccans who are taking advantage of, by another Moroccan who is usually a family member.
I recently met a young woman whose uncle is using her as a maid/babysitter almost a "slave" on return of her tiny cold room and unnutritional meals.
I am devastated by stories like this...
So I would like to discuss further with all members here their suggestions on helping the new lost Moroccan in this country.
To wafin's moderators: How about if we add a new page to this site, that handles exclusively the issues of newcomers.
Thank you Mr. Allali for raising these concerns.
kawkaw&:&I Wish someone told me how my moroccan adviser would abuse me once he got me here. I wish someone told me that as an international student you have no rights, that they can cut your assistanship any time with no reasons, that you cannot fight the system even If the law says it's you right. I wish someone told me that you have to fight for the CPT, OPT, H1 visa...I wish someone told me that with no credit history you cannot even buy a cell phone.....
Kaoutar&:&I wish someone had told me to dress casually when going out for a dinner with friends, instead of getting all dressed up the way we do it back home.
I wish someone had told me that giving a hug is OK but giving a kiss can come as a surprise.
I wish someone had told me not to insist when someone said no when I offered tea and cookies
I wish someone had told me that there was was nothing wrong with paying your own bill and not worrying about the others when hanging out with friends.
I wish someone had told me that it was not politically correct to call someone a "peasant" or a "Red Indian" even when you did not mean to say anything bad about that person.
I wish someone had told me that I was supposed to help out while staying with friends, and not to expect to be waited on
Most importantly I wish someone had told me to keep a good share of my critical mind at home and to refrain from voicing my opinion about just about everything.
karen28&:&Asalaam Alaikum,
I wish someone had told you that the "GRASS IN NOT GREENER"
on the other side!
I wish someone had told you, for every one trying to get out, someone is trying to get in.
I wish someone had told you before you went that this is the greatest country. and if you men keep running away to marry away......who is going to marry our women?
I wish someone had told you that, while you are away Morocco is thriving.
I wish someone told you can always come home...insha'allah.
PACCO01&:&I wish someone would of told me to work hard save money for
a while and get out of this country before i get stuck in the American system of bills and......
batma&:&I wish somebody told me how materialistic life is in here.
mostafa4321&:&this is a subject that hit home so hard. I am
so glad that we finally summoned our courage and started talking about this. All the anecdotes mentioned in this article or what other member added are so brutally true. I wish somebody told me that trying to strike a friendship with Moroccan from a different region of morocco will be so blinded by regionalism and steal form you . I am so disgusted how Moroccan here try to exploit other new comers out what they have so precious in life . their humanity. all the other races help each other and back each other to start businesses to get into new ventures except us. all we do and see how
we can be better than the others and envy any one who achieved and prospered . I thought that the Moroccan in the usa are somewhat of an elite section of migrants( educated and wise) I was hit right smack on my face when reality settled . compared to our Moroccans in France and Europe, we are far from being united and helpful.
I do support a section in Wafin to help our new brothers who are completely lost ideologically and
emptied emotionally by betrayal, lies exploitation. let us change change ,change and be like the Indians , Pakistanis , Iranians , Lebanese
iwish&:&yes!! i wish someone told me before i came to the us that
i have to work hard for little money to pay off my bills
i wish someone told that there is no access to medical treatment unless you wait several hours and pay a huge bill
i wish someone told that i will face all kind of abuses and discriminations
i wish someone told that with a degree or certificate there is no guarantee for job
i wish someone told that with my looking i m considered as terrorist until further notice
i wish someone told that even with my citizenship i have to struggle to bring my wife
yes i wish someone told before...
yes there is no better place like home
yaj454s&:&I was schocked to read all these pessimistic views regarding life in the US.
Is everyone Ok?
It seems like many are complaining about bills, culture, cost of living, and stuff.
The greatest country in the world is not perfect.
However, we have to agree that living is the US is much better that other places, especially hardship countries such as Morocco.
Unless, one comes from a wealthy Moroccan family, where the money keeps flowing in and there is no need to work, I cannot see how one could say that life here is hard..This is capitalism at best.
This is not France...This is not a land for laziness, welfare..The truth is you gotta work for it to make it happen..The United States offers more opportunities for success than most places...At least here, in case of an emergency, one will be seen at the hospital and receive treatment utilizing the latest technologies.
In Morocco, any real emergency lead to a sure death..Won't you rather pay $$$ than dying because there are no gloves, or the equipment doesn't work or got stolen by a greedy doctor as it happens in Morocco..Come on guys...get real.
thefalcons&:&Wow. Did any anyone ever told you what 锟絤in lhmara ltiyara means锟


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