请问intel处理器版本 Xeon E7 8894V4有4.5Ghz版本?

Intel Xeon E7-8893 v4 - CM2 & Intel &
& E7-8893 v4
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Intel Xeon E7-8893 v4 specifications
The specs can be used for short-term listings on auction and classifieds sites
Architecture / Microarchitecture
Processor core &?&&
Core stepping &?&&
Manufacturing process&
Data width64 bit
The number of CPU cores4
The number of threads&
Floating Point UnitIntegrated
Level 1 cache size &?&&
Level 2 cache size &?&&
Level 3 cache size60 MB 20-way set associative shared cache
Physical memory&
Low power features&
Integrated peripherals / components
Integrated graphics&
Memory controller&
Other peripherals&
Electrical / Thermal parameters
Maximum operating temperature &?&&
Thermal Design Power &?&&
Notes on Intel Xeon E7-8893 v4
Detailed side-by-side comparison
If you want to compare in detail the Intel E7-8893 v4 with any other processor
from our CPU database please select desired processor using one of the following methods:
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model number, part number, core name, microarchitecture, manufacturing
process, socket name, operating frequency, bus speed, the number of
cores and threads, cache size, TDP and GPU type.
Here are some examples of searches: E7-8893 v4, CM2, Intel Xeon 3.2GHz, Broadwell-EX Socket
Watt, Broadwell 4 cores 8 threads, 0.014 micron 60 MB noGPU
Historical price chart
The chart below shows official prices of Intel Xeon E7-8891 v4 and E7-8893 v4 processors:
Q: I have an Intel Xeon E7-8893 v4 processor. Can I upgrade it?
A: Probably yes. CPU compatibility is determined by your motherboard. Please see CPU-Upgrade.com resource for CPU support list for your board.
Xeon E7-8893 v4 Overclocking
Sorry, overclocking information is not available at this time.
Related news stories
Intel launched Xeon E7-4800 v4 and E7-8800 v4 server CPUs
Jun 10, 2016: Intel launched Xeon E7 v4 microprocessors earlier this week.
Codenamed Broadwell-EX, Xeon E7 v4 products are aimed at enterprise
and mission-critical applications, and scale up to 4 or 8 sockets
depending on SKU. Additionally, third-party vendors are expected to
offer systems supporting up to 32 sockets. New in the forth generation
Xeon E7 CPUs is more efficient Broadwell microarchitecture, more cores
and support for more memory.
CPU ID information for the Xeon E7-8893 v4
We don't have CPU ID information for the Intel Xeon E7-8893 v4 CPU in our
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CPUs, related to Intel Xeon E7-8893 v4
Please see
page for the enhanced list with extra options.
Cores /Threads
Intel Xeon E7-8800 v4 family, Socket 2011-1
&& Xeon E7-8893 v44 / 83.2 GHz&60 MB&&&&&
&& 10 / 202.8 GHz&60 MB&&&&&
&& 14 / 282.1 GHz&35 MB&&&&&
&& 18 / 362.2 GHz&45 MB&&&&&
&& 20 / 402.1 GHz&50 MB&&&&&
&& 18 / 362.4 GHz&45 MB&&&&&
&& 22 / 442.2 GHz&55 MB&&&&&
&& 24 / 482.2 GHz&60 MB&&&&&
&& 24 / 482.4 GHz&60 MB&&&&&
Other families, Broadwell micro-architecture, Socket 2011-1
&& 8 / 162.1 GHz&20 MB&&&&&
&& 10 / 202 GHz&25 MB&&&&&
&& 14 / 282 GHz&35 MB&&&&&
&& 16 / 322.1 GHz&40 MB&&&&&
&& Within each category, the CPUs are sorted from slower (at the top) to faster (at the bottom)
&& Background color of specs and features indicate whether they are better or worse than similar spec/feature of the Xeon E7-8893 v4
&& Click on the & icon to compare any CPU in the table with the Intel Xeon E7-8893 v4 (Javascript required).
&& The 'Price' column shows official Intel prices as of Feb 7, 2018. Prices for obsolete and tray-only processors are not provided.
&& Features abbreviations:
TBT - Dynamic Acceleration / Turbo Boost / Burst Performance
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Intel Xeon E7-8893 v4 review, or your experience with the microprocessor.
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(c) Copyright 2003 - 2017 Gennadiy Shvets&>&&>&正文
Intel发布Xeon E7-8894 v4处理器 频率提升200MHz就多卖1724美元
10:22:03 来源:超能网 作者:bolvar 编辑:听风飞舞 浏览:loading
  上周末Intel悄悄发布了14nm Broadwell-EX架构中的最新成员——Xeon E7-8894 v4处理器,24核48线程,基础频率2.4GHz,加速频率3.4GHz,TDP 165W。与去年6月发布的Xeon E7-8890 v4相比规格变化不大,只是基础频率提升了200MHz,但售价却从7174美元增加到了8898美元,200MHz的代价换来的是1724美元的成本提升,无怪乎Intel现在如此重视数据中心、服务器市场。
  Xeon E7系列处理器是Intel针对4路、8路服务器市场推出的高性能超多核处理器,现在是14nm Broadwell-EX架构,最多24核48线程,而前代22nm Haswell-EX最多不过是18核36线程,缓存容量也从45MB提升到了最多60MB。
  这次发布的Xeon E7-8894 v4将取代之前的E7-8890 v4成为新旗舰,24核48线程,频率2.4-3.4GHz,缓存60MB,TDP功耗165W,最高支持3.07TB DDR4/DDR3内存。
| 热心读者
Intel CPUs and Supported Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) Versions
The follow table lists the&minimum&versions and update releases of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) that are required to support Intel processors.
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7
Family Name
Knowledgebase Resource(s)
Knowledgebase Resource(s)
Knowledgebase Resource(s)
Knowledgebase Resource(s)
Xeon(R) Processor X5500, W5500, L5500, E5500 series
Xeon(R) Processor X7500, X6500, L7500, E7500, E6500 series
Not supported
Xeon(R) Processor X5600, W3600, L5600, E5600 series
Xeon(R) Processor E-2800, E-4800 and E-8800 series
Not supported
Core(TM) i3-2100,&&& i3-2300 Family Processors
Not supported
Xeon(R) Processor E3-1200 series
Not supported
Xeon(R) Processor (EP) E5-26XX/16XX&
C600 Chipset
Not supported
Xeon(R) Processor (EN) E5-24XX&
C600 Chipset
Not supported
Xeon(R) Processor (EP/4S) E5-46XX&
C600 Chipset
Not supported
Xeon(R) Processor (EP) E5-26XX/16XX V2&
C600 Chipset
Not supported
Xeon(R) Processor E3-1200 V2 Series
Not supported
Xeon(R) Processor (EN) E5-24XX V2&
C600 Chipset
Not supported
Xeon(R) Processor (EP-4S) E5-4600 V2 Series
Not supported
Xeon(R) Processor (EX) E7-88XX/48xx/28xx V2&
C600 Chipset
Not supported
Xeon(R) Processor E3-12XX V3&
C226 Chipset
Not supported
Xeon(R) Processor (EP) E5-26XX/16XX V3&
C610 Chipset
Not supported
Not supported
Xeon(R) Processor (EP) E5-46XX V3&
C610 Chipset
Not supported
Not supported
Xeon(R) Processor (EX) E7-88XX/48xx V3&
C600 Chipset
Not supported
Not Supported
Xeon(R) Processor E3-12XX V4&
C226 Chipset
Not supported
Not supported
Xeon(R) Processor E5-26XX/46XX V4&
C610 Chipset
Not supported
Not supported
Xeon(R) Processor E7-88XX/48XX V4&
C610 Chipset
Not supported
Not supported
Xeon(R) Processor E3-12XX V5&
Not supported
Not supported
Xeon(R) Processor (Centerton SOC) S1200
Not supported
Not Supported
Xeon(R) Processor (Avoton SOC)&
Not supported
Not Supported
Xeon(R) Processor (Broadwell-DE SOC)&
Not supported
Not Supported
Please note that this applies only to bare metal environment, and not to virtual environment. Additionally, only those Intel processors that have been publicly launched by Intel are listed above.
For more information on Intel processors, including the ability to look up processors by their pre-release codenames, please visit&.
(1)&RHEL 5.4 plus RHSA-; RHEL5.5 recommended and required for greater-than 256GB memory or greater-than 64 CPUs
(5)(6)(12)(26)(27)(5)(10)(25)(15)(33)(14)(37)(37)(38)(44)(25)(15)(50)(20)(15)(5)(3)(15)(31)(47)(28)(31)(19)(20)(23)(43)(17)(43)(41)(59)(34)(81)(22)(22)(21)(4)(5)(28)(87)(2)(2)(10)(11)(1)(1)(7)  近日,英特尔最贵的处理器问世了,这枚芯片名称是&Xeon&E7-8894&V4,官方提供的单价是&8898&美元,隶属于至强系列,定位为高端服务器处理器。为什么会那么贵呢?对此英特尔的解释是,这是公司有史以来最快的服务器芯片,性能上打破了处理器企业应用程序的速度纪录。  根据官方公布的信息了解,Xeon&E7-8894&V4&处理器采用了&24&核设计,拥有高达&48&个线程,最高主频为&3.4GHz,高速缓存容量达到&60MB,TDP&为&165W。除了这一型号,Xeon&E7&系列的&Xeon&E7-8890&v4,也是一枚&24&核处理器,报价为略低的&7174&美元,功能上类似,都是专攻企业关键性任务的&4&路及&8&路高端服务器使用,只是初始主频相比&Xeon&E7-8894&的&2.4GHz&低了??0.2GHz,最高频依然是&3.4GHz。  此前英特尔最贵的芯片是为超级计算机打造的&Xeon&Phi&7290F,最高&72&核心设计,不过售价为更低的&6401&美元。其实,上面提到的处理器无论哪一个型号,均比桌面&PC&的芯片贵出超过四倍以上,目前消费领域的顶级芯片&Core&i7-6950X&官方报价为&1723&美元。  英特尔的&E7-8894&v4&仍基于两年前的&Broadwell&微架构设计,目标市场是经常性大型交易且对稳定性有极高要求的金融企业和零售业,因为一台服务区崩溃可能会损失数亿美元。E7-8894&v4&提供了很多企业级的稳定性功能,例如&RAS&特性,能够在崩溃发生之前诊断、发现和解决问题。  E7-8894&v4&芯片将是英特尔获利颇高的产品,小批量生产,同时捆绑技术一同销售,包括服务区和网络设备,并且不会提供太多讨价还价的机会,英特尔的谈判筹码就是自身超过&90%&的服务器市场均搭载自家芯片。?  有报道称,今年第二季度英特尔在服务器市场将面对&AMD&的竞争,因为&AMD&也准备了全新一代&ZEN&处理器,其中代号为&Naples&的芯片采用了&32&核心设计。不过&AMD&没有提供确切的市场目标,目前最有可能卖给云服务提供商。


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