玩《Pokémon Shuffle Mobile》有什么北京赛车技巧玩法

不氪金就玩不下去的Pokemon Shuffle 为何依旧让任豚无法自拔
不过既然是手机游戏,则自然少不了氪金元素,《Pokemon Shuffle Mobile》可谓是完美继承了任天堂氪金圈钱的传统,虽然相比国产手游好了不少,但依旧是处处充满了氪金的陷阱。首先坑爹的就是游戏的金币系统,在游戏中默认每次挑战都可以获得金币,每天登录也可以获得500金币,通常进行一局游戏可以获得20-30金币不等,按照每天进行15-20局游戏的频率计算,每天大约可以获得800-1000左右的金币,可是游戏中需要花钱的部分都要远远高于这个价格。
比如在每次捕捉失败后,游戏都会自动根据表现来增加捕捉几率,然而再次捕捉需要支付金币不等,也就是说差不多玩2-3天才能凑够这笔钱。按照游戏进度的增大,需要投球的频率也随之增大,在100关以后,几乎玩出S级评价,捕捉率也仅有个位数,这也就意味着如果玩家想要实现全捕捉,花钱是必须的,不然就是漫长的等待。在收费方面,《Pokemon Shuffle Mobile》采用钻石+金币的方法转换,每颗钻石可以兑换4000金币,也可以兑换5颗心的体力。每颗钻石售价6块人民币,买得越多优惠越多(pei)。
总的来说《Pokemon Shuffle Mobile》并没有跳出一般三消式的手游固定玩法,在内容上也并没有智龙迷城丰富,但胜在有口袋妖怪官方的IP授权,单凭这一点就足够吸引粉丝的注意,加上接连不断的后续关卡和特殊任务,的确造就不少的用户粘性。不过缺点也是非常明显的,游戏难度较大就是比较突出的问题,虽然从一方面来看这可以延长游戏时间让游戏更耐玩,但这种打着耐玩幌子追求氪金的设定,肯定会造成不少人的不满。& iOS下载 &
口袋妖怪消除(Pokémon Shuffle Mobile) 1.6.0
千万流量共享 百度高权重排名
软件大小: 89.1 MB
The Pokemon Company
软件语言: 简体中文
软件授权: 免费
支持类型: Touch、iPhone、iPad
口袋妖怪消除(Pokémon Shuffle Mobile)1.6.0应用截图
Pokémon Shuffle Mobile是任天堂新发布的三消类休闲手游,故网友又称其为口袋妖怪消除或神奇宝贝消消乐。《Pokémon Shuffle Mobile》并不算是一款三消游戏,而是仅仅是一款消除游戏,游戏中任意两种妖怪头像都能互换的操作方式跟传统三消游戏有较大区别。这种操作方式看似简单了许多,但实际上手之后发现,其难度还是需要动一番脑筋的。在任意转换的基础上,《Pokemon Shuffle Mobile》还加入了步数限制、属性相克等元素,部分关卡还会限制参战的妖怪数量,所以仅以一颗休闲的心玩这款游戏恐怕还不够。■ Introduction- A whole new puzzle game where you solve puzzles to battle Pok&monPok&mon Shuffle Mobile is a puzzle game where you line up three or more Pok&mon vertically or horizontally to battle against wild Pok&mon.You can play it casually—but battling, collecting, and leveling up Pok&mon can also provide hours of fun.- Lots of stages and lots of Pok&monOn top of the Pok&mon available at the initial release of Pok&mon Shuffle Mobile, additional stages and Pok&mon are planned, but this game already has a lot to offer! Both puzzle beginners and experts will have fun with Pok&mon Shuffle Mobile’s various levels of challenges.- Intuitive and easy game playAll you have to do in Pok&mon Shuffle Mobile is select a Pok&mon and its destination in the puzzle area to cause combos automatically—anyone can play it!Its simple gameplay blends with challenging strategic aspects to appeal to a full spectrum of players from beginners to experts. ■ Notes- Terms of UsePlease read the Terms of Use before using this application.- Device settingsYou may not be able to launch this application, depending on your device’s settings and/or how it is used. In order to maintain fairness among players, some functions may become inaccessible if certain operations (such as jailbreaking) have been performed.- Connection environmentIf you use this application in locations where reception is poor, your game data may become corrupted or lost.Please make sure to play this game in locations where reception is good.If communication is lost momentarily, you may be able to resume play in some cases by pressing the Retry button.Please note that we are unable to assist you if you experience problems due to communication errors.- Before making purchasesiOS version 7 or higher is required for this application. Available features may depend on your device’s iOS version.Please make sure that you can use the free-of-charge features of this product with no issues on your device before you make purchases.Certain devices and/or configurations may also cause the application to fail to work.- For inquiriesPlease visit
to report issues about Pok&mon Shuffle Mobile.版本 1.6.0 中的新功能The latest update brings even more ways to play!◇ Below are some of the new features that have been added:- A slew of new Pok&mon and new special skills!- Mission Cards that give you rewards for clearing stages with certain conditions. These rewards even include rare items like the elusive Lucarionite!- New Survival Mode that lets you attempt to set new records for most stages cleared in a row!Note: For more details about these new features, please read the explanations within your game or visit the Pok&mon Shuffle official website.◇ There have also been improvements made to the UI (both display and navigation) to make your play experience even smoother.
讲真口袋妖怪消除(Pokémon Shuffle Mobile)比有些益智休闲游戏强太多了,界面华丽,操作简单。
感觉比口袋妖怪消除(Pokémon Shuffle Mobile)上一个版本好用,强烈推荐大家试试。
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找了好久终于找到了口袋妖怪消除(Pokémon Shuffle Mobile)这款免费游戏
从读书开始就一直在用口袋妖怪消除(Pokémon Shuffle Mobile)了,越做越不错了,希望以后能更简洁一点
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