外径300mm的钢管 壁厚610mm.板厚6mm.分四节

CitationsSee all >14 References
AbstractIn welded pipe joints of austenitic stainless steel, the mismatch of residual stress distribution often occurs between a variety of measurement method and the numerical simulation. It is especially known that non-destructive measurement such as X-ray diffraction method makes remarkable different due to the microstructure evolution by the welding. Meanwhile, the multi-pass girth welded pipe joints of austenitic stainless steel in this work were consistent with the thermal-elastic-plastic analysis and the typical stress distribution due to the welding was obtained. This reason was clarified from the welding metallurgical evaluation. The material of FA (ferrite to austenite) mode solidification with K-S relationship has the random and fine structure, compared with other systems. Therefore, specific systems facilitate the X-ray stress measurement in the welded zone of austenitic stainless steel and the pure stress by the welding could evaluate.Discover the world's research13+ million members100+ million publications700k+ research projects
CitationsCitations3ReferencesReferences14ABSTRACT: A new procedure using indentation technique was proposed in this study for semi-nondestructive measurement of non-equiaxial residual stress field. The stress evaluation formula using the Vickers and Knoop indenters was constructed based on the addition rule. In the newly proposed procedure, the Vickers and Knoop indenters are used so that the procedure does not require the reference value of hardness or indentation load under non-stress state. In this regard, however the proposed procedure requires two constants for stress determination. One is the load ratio between Vickers and Knoop indenters and the other is the conversion factor determining the relation between existing residual stress and load change due to the existing residual stress. The two constants were quantified by the measurement of the indentation load - depth curve and the existing residual stress using X-ray diffraction method. The accuracy of stress determination using the newly developed procedure was validated using welded specimens of high strength steel with different non-equiaxial stress fields. As the results, it was confirmed that the developed stress measurement using indentation technique provided good agreement with the X-ray stress measurement. Thus the newly developed procedure using indentation technique is expected to be a useful semi-nondestructive technique for determining the non-equiaxial residual stress at welds. Full-text · Article · Dec 2014 ABSTRACT: In this study, a procedure for the semi-nondestructive measurement of non-equibiaxial stress field, which was developed by means of indentation technique without reference load under non-stressed state, is applied to estimate the distribution of residual stress in aluminum alloy welds. The procedure requires two constants for stress determination. One is the ratio of indentation load between Knoop and Vickers indenters, and the other is the conversion factor determining the relation between residual stress and change of indentation load due to the residual stress. They were experimentally quantified and then the distribution of weld residual stress was measured by the developed procedure using indentation technique. The measurement result was compared with those estimated by various other stress measurement techniques of X-ray diffraction and stress relief methods, and numerical simulation developed in previous study. As the results, it was confirmed that the developed stress measurement technique using indentation technique provided good agreement with other stress estimation techniques. Thus, the developed procedure using indentation technique is expected to be a useful semi-nondestructive technique for estimating the residual stress in aluminum alloy welds. Full-text · Article · Oct 2015 ABSTRACT: In this study, the effect of machined surface layer on stress measurement by means of instrumented indentation technique and X-ray diffraction method was comparatively investigated through the use of three weld specimens of low-carbon austenitic stainless steel with different mac as-cutout, mechanically-polished and electrolytically-polished specimens. Tensile and compressive stresses exist respectively in the machined surface layer of as-cutout and mechanically-polished specimens. Meanwhile, no stress and no machined surface layer exist in electrolytically-polished specimen. Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) bead-on-plate welding was performed under the same welding heat input condition to introduce the residual stress into these three specimens. Against these three specimens, firstly the X-ray diffraction method was applied, then the instrumented indentation technique was applied and finally the stress relief technique was applied to measure the distributions of residual stress after welding. Based on a comparison between these stress measurement results, the instrumented indentation technique was in good agreement with the stress relief technique rather than the X-ray diffraction method, even though both machined surface layer and penetration of indenter had almost the same depths. That is why it can be considered that the instrumented indentation technique measures the residual stress in deeper areas of material surface than penetration depth of indenter. A distinction between the instrumented indentation technique and X-ray diffraction method in surface stress measurement was thus clarified from a viewpoint of measurement depth. Full-text · Article · Apr 2016 Conference PaperJune 2012Residual stress due to welding can result in brittle fracture, fatigue failure, or stress corrosion cracking in welded structures. The measurement of residual stresses on the surface is of great importance particularly when crack initiation needs to be evaluated for welded components. There are several ways to measure non-destructively the residual stresses on the surface, and the reflection... Conference PaperJanuary 2011 · American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Pressure Vessels and Piping Division (Publication) PVPResidual stress due to welding can result in brittle fracture, fatigue failure, and stress corrosion cracking in welded structures. Measuring residual stresses are of great importance, if crack propagation needs to be evaluated. However, it is especially known that the X-ray diffraction method makes remarkable different for austenitic stainless steel, because the microstructures in welds... ArticleJuly 2013 · Journal of the Society of Materials Science JapanIn this study, we focused on the principal stress value and direction in weld residual stress fields. We used specimens welded under three heat input conditions, and so the weld metal of each specimen had a different solidification structure. We evaluated the principal stress value and direction of the specimens by X-ray stress measurement. In the specimen welded under the smallest heat input... ArticleAugust 2012 · Journal of Physics Conference SeriesIn this study, a comparison of weld residual stress measurements between the X-ray diffraction technique and the stress relief technique is performed with the focus on the effect of the thickness on the stress measurement results. As the difference in the thickness becomes smaller, the difference in the stress measurement results also becomes smaller. At the weld center, where the stress... Data provided are for informational purposes only. Although carefully collected, accuracy cannot be guaranteed. Publisher conditions are provided by RoMEO. Differing provisions from the publisher's actual policy or licence agreement may be applicable.This publication is from a journal that may support self archiving.沧州无缝化钢管外径610mm 价格,批发,品牌,生产厂家-中国制造交易网
沧州无缝化钢管外径610mm: 我公司专业生产无缝化钢管,工艺采用优质卷板,复验合格后纵剪或带卷进行自动成型与熔接,在计算机控制**熔合温度的同时,清除钢管的内、外毛刺,无损检测合格的钢管在极少氧化的气氛中整体加热至910℃-950℃度出炉,除鳞经张力减径机多道次轧制,使钢管各处金相组织、晶粒状态、几何尺寸及力学性能全面均一。[1]产品执行API SPEC 5L、API SPEC 5CT、EN10217标准。本产品广泛应用于可燃性及非可燃性流体输送管道及锅炉、钢结构。 无缝化钢管也叫热轧无缝化钢管或热轧钢管 。无缝化钢管的生产工艺钢管的无缝化重要是通过涨力减径来完成的 涨力减径过程是空心母材不带芯棒的持续轧制进程。 在保证母管焊接质量的条件下, 焊管涨力减径工艺是将焊管整体加热到950摄氏度以上, 再经涨力减径机(涨力减径机共有24道次)轧制成各种外径与壁厚的成品管, 采用此工艺所生产的热轧钢管与普通的高频焊管有实质的差别, 通过加热炉加热后其焊缝与母体的金相组织和机械性能可以到达完整一致此外 , 通过多道次的涨力减径机轧制和主动把持使得钢管的尺寸精度尤其是管体圆度和壁厚精度) 优于同类无缝管。**发达国度生产的流体管,锅炉管中已大批采取焊管无缝化工艺,随着社会的发展,国内热轧焊管逐步取代无缝管的局势已经形成。 国标焊接钢管执行的标准为国标,主要的标准有GB/T(低压流体输送用镀锌焊接钢管),GB/T,般低压流体输送,用螺旋缝埋弧焊钢管SY。作液体输送用:给水、排水。作气体输送用:煤气、蒸气、液化石油气。作结构用:作打桩管、作桥梁;码头、道路、建筑结构用管等。国标焊接钢管主要使用的材质Q235A,Q235B、20#、Q345(16Mn)、L245(B)、L290(X42)、L320(X46)、L360(X52)、L390(X56)、L415(X60)、L450(X65)、L485(X70)、L555(X80)。国标焊接钢管根据焊缝的不同可以分为螺旋国标焊接钢管和直缝国标国标焊接钢管。 保养维护???厚壁钢管质量的关键要数壁厚的均匀度,厚壁钢管的壁厚得不到控制将直接影响钢管质量和用途,厚壁钢管,大口径厚壁钢管一般用在各种机械加工,厚壁零件加工,厚壁钢管的管壁的均匀将直接影响后期加工零件的质量,厚壁钢管的管壁得不到控制,是整体钢管的质量得不到严格把关。选择适宜的场地和库房保管厚壁钢管的场地或仓库,应选择在清洁干净、排水通畅的地方,远离产生有害气体或粉尘的厂矿。在场地上要清除杂草及一切杂物,保持厚壁钢管干净。在仓库里不得与酸、碱、盐、水泥等对厚壁钢管有侵蚀性的材料堆放在一起。不同品种的厚壁钢管应分别堆放,防止混淆,防止接触腐蚀。大型型钢、钢轨、辱钢板、大口径厚壁钢管、锻件等可以露天堆放。???中小型型钢、盘条、钢筋、中口径厚壁钢管、钢丝及钢丝绳等,可在通风良好的料棚内存放,但必须上苫下垫。一些小型厚壁钢管、薄钢板、钢带、硅钢片、小口径或薄壁厚壁钢管、各种冷轧、冷拔厚壁钢管以及价格高、易腐蚀的金属制品,可存放入库。库房应根据地理条件选定,一般采用普通封闭式库房,即有房顶有围墙、门窗严密,设有通风装置的库房。库房要求晴天注意通风,雨天注意关闭防潮,经常保持适宜的储存环境。合理堆码、先进先放堆码的原则要求是在码垛稳固、确保安全的条件下,做到按品种、规格码垛,不同品种的材料要分别码垛,防止混淆和相互腐蚀,禁止在垛位附近存放对厚壁钢管有腐蚀作用的物品,原则.露天堆放的型钢,下面必须有木垫或条石,垛面略有倾斜,以利排水,并注意材料安放平直,防止造成弯曲变形.堆垛高度,人工作业的不超过1.2m,机械作业的不超过1.5m,垛宽不超过2.5m.垛与垛之间应留有一定的通道,检查道一般为O.5m,出入通道视材料大小和运输机械而定,一般为1.5~2.Om.垛底垫高,若仓库为朝阳的水泥地面,垫高O.1m即可;若为泥地,须垫高O.2~0.5m。若为露天场地,水泥地面垫高O?3~O?5m,沙泥面垫高0.5~O.7m.露天堆放角钢和槽钢应俯放,即口朝下,工字钢应立放,厚壁钢管的I槽面。不能朝上,以免积水生锈 . 外径(毫米)壁? 厚(毫米)88.599.5理 论 重 量 (公斤/米).71.91..6.77.100..1.84...--81.99...91....17....003....90(465)--101....--104....--108....--115....)--120....--122....--131....--137....67227.49★ 公司营销承诺:一、质量保证 从正规厂家直接进货,严格按用户要求的无缝钢管标准供货,并对质量负责到底,对不相符的材料包退、包换、包赔。二、周到服务 电话联系及时答复;批零兼营,一片起售,帮助余缺调剂;办理运输,送货上门;节假日不休息,随到随提。★ 公司宗旨:信誉**,诚信为本。★ 公司精神:创新是永恒的主题,超越是不懈的追求。★ 公司经营理念:以客户为中心,质量为根本,信誉为生命。★ 公司经营方针:拾遗补缺诚实守信争市场,塑造自己竞争之中求发展
联系人:张新木电话: 地址:中国 河北 沧州 沧州市 永济东路63路网站:主营:&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
聊城市鑫轩钢材有限公司主营5mm*1mm—630mm*80mm无缝钢管.结构用无缝钢管、流体用无缝钢管、液压无缝钢管、电力用无缝钢管、石油输送用无缝钢管、化肥设备用无缝钢管、煤矿用无缝钢管、无缝钢管、化工用无缝钢管、纺织用无缝钢管、汽车;水利用无缝钢管,精密无缝钢管、光亮无缝钢管、 工医疗用无缝钢管、管道用无缝钢管、支柱用无缝钢管。同时公司拥有拔管机组能生产材质10#、20#、45#,外径18—127mm壁厚3—20mm无缝钢管。精扎机组5条,可生产外径10-89mm ,壁厚1-12mm不同材质的精密无缝钢管,卷管机组可生产材质20#、16Mn外径400—1600mm壁厚20—60mm厚壁钢管,可定尺到12米,适用于:输送、管道、桥梁、铁塔、制辊、工程支柱等。公司常年代理包钢、成都、天津、宝钢、鞍钢、西钢、冶钢、安钢、衡钢、常钢等十大钢厂及德国、日本、俄罗斯等进口生产的大中型优质无缝钢管常备资源材质为:10#、20#、35#、45#、16Mn、27SiMn、CrMo910、15CrMo、35CrMo。执行国标:GB/T8162-99结构管、GB/T8163-99流体管、GB/T3087-99中低压管、GB/T5310-95高压锅炉管、GB/T化肥专用管、27SiMn液压管、高压合金管...专业、诚信、高效、共赢” 我们在广泛的领域里寻求真诚的合作,在此,经理携全体员工,将凭借良好的信誉,雄厚的实力,优质的产品,低廉的价格 于广大用户。谨向对企业一贯给予关怀、 支持和帮助的新老朋友和广大客户表示衷心的感谢!并真诚希望与之建立长期的合作关系,互惠互利,共求发展。我公司本着“质量 ,信誉至上”的经营原则,将为广大新老客户提供优质的产品和 ,调质硬度编辑 三保: 保证质量、保证时间、保证数量 宗旨: 雄厚的实力、优质的产品、低廉的价格、一流的 。郑重承诺: 保证以 的产品、最优的质量、 的价格、最完善的 来答谢新老顾客的信赖。经营原则: 顾客至上、质量优良、品种齐全、价格合理公司可为用户订做各种特殊规格,特种材质,交货及时,价格低,质量优,并附原始材质证明书。我们比的是质量,而不是打的价格战。别看别人价格便宜了,材质和数量您注意到了吗?这样带来的损失您计算过吗?好消息:从今日起在鑫轩钢材定购货物的朋友,均可获得公司提供的江北水城特产一份。这是为您精心准备的公司合作流程合作程序:报价→签订正式合同→收定金30﹪→货到后付全款卸车100%保证质量,支持专业机构化验100%保证数量,重量差100%退还!任何产品出厂后都付有材质证明书!鑫轩钢材的 承诺:质量优,数量准,品质高,礼品多。鑫轩钢材的奋斗目标:与您成为朋友,为朋友排忧解难是我们的责任!152×4.5-6-8-12-14-16-18-20-25-30377×30-37-40-45-5038×4-5-6-7-8-9-10159×4.5-6-10-12-14402×10-15-20-25-30-3539×3.5-5-8-10159×16-18-20-22-25-30406×10-20-25-28-35-4042×3.5-4-5-6-7-8-9-10168×8-10-12-14-20-25-30-35426×10-12-14-16-20-25-30-35-4045×3.5-4-5-6-7-8-9180×8-12-16-25-30450×10-12-14-16-20-25-34-40-5048×3.5-4-5-6-7-8-9-10180×32-34-38-40-45-50480×10-12-14-16-18-20-25-30-4051×3.5-4-5-6-7-8-9-10194×6-8-12-16-20-25-30-40-45-50500×10-12-14-16-20-25-34-40-5056×3.5-4-5-6-7-8-9-10203×6-7-10-15-20-25-30510×10-12-14-16-20-25-34-40-5057×3.5-5-6-7-8-9-10-12203×32-36-40-45-50530×10-12-14-16-18-20-30-4060×3.5-4.5-5-6-7-8-9-12-14219×6-8-12-16-18-20-25560×10-14-16-20-25-30-40-50-6063×3.5-4.5-5-6-7-8-9-10-12-14219×30-40-45-50-55580×10-14-16-20-30-40-50-7068×4-4.5-5-6-7-8-9-10-12-14-16219×55-58-60-65-70600×10-14-18-25-20-30-50-60
这种钢经调质后用于制造承受中等负荷及中等速度工作的机械零件,如汽车的转向节、后半轴以及上的齿轮、轴、、花键轴、顶尖套等;经淬火及中温回火后用于制造承受高负荷、冲击及中等速度工作的零件,如齿轮、主轴、油泵转子、滑块、套环等;经淬火及低温回火后用于制造承受重负荷、低冲击及具有耐磨性、截面上实体厚度在25mm以下的零件,如蜗杆、主轴、轴、套环等;经调质并高频表面淬火后用于制造具有高的表面硬度及耐磨性而无很大冲击的零件,如齿轮、套筒、轴、主轴、曲轴、心轴、销子、连杆、 螺钉、螺帽、进气阀等。此外,这种钢又适于制造进行碳氮共渗处理的各种传动零件,如直径较大和低温韧性好的齿轮和轴。


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