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【攻击的拼音】:ɡōnɡ jī
【攻击的反义词】:防守 守卫
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攻击 基本解释攻击[gōng jī]词典:攻击,进攻,抨击。词典:攻击;袭击,进攻;威胁,殴打;侵犯人身。词典:指控;指责,谴责。词典:装载;控诉;使充电;索价。词典:攻击,侵犯。攻击 汉英大词典攻击[gōng jī](进攻) launch an offensive:  例:发起总攻击    launch a general offensive(恶意指责) vilify:  例:人身攻击        攻击别人    cha    他们的无端攻击是别有用心的。    Their groundless accusation is made with ulterior motives.{免疫} challenge攻击 网络解释1. offensive:我们后来看到的王千源事件等等,他们已经从自卫(Defensive)变成了攻击(offensive从大学校园走向了社会街头. 他们从一开始只是要表达自己的意见,而现在变成了对个人的攻击;变成了他们想阻碍和改变主流媒体对中国的看法.攻击 双语例句1. 狂暴 -给予巨魔狂战士更快的移动速度和攻击频率。不过,他们受到的攻击也会造成更多的伤害。&&&&Berserk - Gives the Troll Berserker faster move however, they will also take more damage from attacks.2. 斯诺鲍接着发动第二次攻击,穆丽尔、本杰明和所有的羊,随着打头的斯诺鲍冲向前去,从各个方向对这伙人又戳又抵,而本杰明则回头用他的小蹄子对他们尥起蹶子来。&&&&Muriel, Benjamin, and all the sheep, with Snowball at the head of them, rushed forward and prodded and butted the men from every side, while Benjamin turned around and lashed at them with his small hoofs.3. 被格档的攻击将会被减少30%的伤害。&&&&Blocked attacks will simply hit for 30% less damage.4. 4. 格档一次攻击不再是避开攻击中的所有伤害&&&&Blocking an attack no longer avoids all of the damage of an attack.5. 种族蔑称;对有墨西哥血统的人的带有攻击性的用语。&&&&E offensive terms for a person of Mexican descent.6. 6. 种族蔑称;对具有拉丁美洲人血统的人的攻击性的的用语。&&&&E offensive terms for persons of Latin American descent.7. 攻击在贾拉拉巴德附近的一个市场发生,南加哈尔省东部的首都。&&&&The attack happened at a market near Jalalabad, the capital of the eastern Nangarhar province.8. 国防部官员说武装分子正在策划更加精密的、配合更协调的攻击。&&&&Defense officials say insurgents are waging more sophisticated and coordinated assaults.9. 最后,对信任机制的有效性和抗攻击能力进行了理论分析和实验验证。&&&&Furthermore, a method is put forward in this paper for determining belief factor.10. 其中:提出了一种基于多智能体的作战模型框架,在该框架下,作战模型由作战环境模型、作战智能体模型和作战模型参数三部分构成;提出了一种作战环境模型,定义了作战空间和作战环境参数,描述作战单元、作战环境的空间特性和作战环境因素对作战单元作战行为的影响;提出了一种作战智能体模型,它由属性和行为模型两部分构成,定义了作战智能体的空间属性、物理属性和品质属性,用以描述作战单元的各种行为能力和状态,分别建立了作战智能体的侦察、机动、攻击、通信、适应性行为模型和上述行为规则的元规则,用以描述作战单元之间的交互作用关系;提出了一种基于知识表示方法的作战智能体模型形式化描述方法,使得作战智能体模型能够以一种便于从概念模型向仿真模型转化的方式进行表达;研究了基于多智能体的作战模型的建模工作流程,确定了各个步骤中的主要工作;提出了一种基于多智能体的作战仿真策略,采用作战智能体反复随机排序的方法,解决单处理器、单线程条件下,事件的并发问题。&&&&Secondly, a kind of multi-agent based combat model is proposed. A kind of framework of the multi-agent based combat model is proposed, which is composed of the combat environment model, combat agent, and combat model parameters. A kind of the combat environment model is proposed, in which the combat space and the combat environment parameters are defined to describe the spacial traits of the combat units and combat environment, and the influence of those combat environment factors on the action of the combat units. A kind of combat agent model is proposed, which is composed of properties and behaviour model. The spacial properties, physical properties and quality properties are defined to describe the abilities and state of combat units. The behaviour models of reconnaissance, maneuverability, attack, communication and adaption are established to describe the interaction between combat units. And several meta rules of those action are given. A kind of knowledge representation based method is proposed to give a formalization description to the combat enity model, which makes it more convenient to translate the combat agent from the concept model to the simulation model. The modeling process of the multi-agent based combat model is discussed, and the main task of every step is ascertained. A kind of simulation strategy is proposed, which gives the combat agents a random sequence at every simulation step, to dispose those concurrent events with single processor and single thread.11. 所以,耶和华使迦勒底人的王来攻击他们,在他们圣殿里用刀杀了他们的壮丁,不怜恤他们的少男处女&&&&&&Sword in the house of their sanctuary, and had no compassion upon young man or maiden, old12. 这样看来,为了真理和正谊的利益,限制使用辱骂性的语言实比限制使用其他武器还重要得多;而假如说限制还必须有所区别的话,那么,作为举例来说,挫折对于不信教的触犯性的攻击就比挫折对于宗教的触犯性的攻击更需要得多。&&&&&&For the interest, therefore, of truth and justice, it is far more important to restrain this employment of vituperative lan and, for example, if it were necessary to choose, there would be much more need to discourage offensive attacks on infidelity, than on religion.13. 回归正题,法师向来攻击高,防御可怜,血量就更可怜,典型的阮三郎——不是你死就是我亡。&&&&&&Recursive subject, charge of rabbi all along is high, defence is pitiful, hematic quantity is more pitiful, typical Ruan Sanlang -- not be you die even if I die.14. 另外还一个特点就是每一次隐身后隐身的位置都会出现一个僵尸,僵尸的攻击比桑土公有过之而无不及。&&&&&&Is also a feature of every stealth will post the location of stealth a zombie, zombie attacks Bissan beyond public land.15. 剑专业化:这天赋的免费额外攻击再也引发额外的攻击。&&&&&&Sword Specialization: This talent`s free extra attacks can no longer trigger additional extra attacks.16. 16. 剑专:剑专产生的额外攻击显示为黄色而不是以前的白色。&&&&&&Sword Specialization: This ability now grants extra yellow attacks instead of extra white attacks.17. 攻击17. 露丝没有明白他的道理,只觉得他对于现存秩序的攻击太意气用事。&&&&&&This attack of his on the established had seemed to her just so much wilfulness of opinion.18. 巴伦可以做得到一个控球后卫要做的任何事情,他可以用暴扣的方式去攻击篮筐也可用突破到内线得分的方式摧毁一支球队,他是一个让人难以置信地出色的传球手,在场上他是绝对致命的,他可以投三分球,他可以冲击内线,他可以通过诡异的飞身抢断去切断对手的传球路线和打乱对手的进攻,总而言之他无所不能。&&&&&&Baron is capable of doing anything a point guard can do-he can explode to the basket and destroy a team with forays to the paint, he`s an unbelievable passer, he`s absolutely deadly in the open floor, he can make the three, he can post up, he can disrupt another team`s offense when he`s ball-hawking in the passing lanes, everything.19. 19. Pencak Silat有丰富的防卫和攻击技术。&&&&&&Pencak Silat has a wide variety of defence and attacking techniques.20. 攻击什么意思20. 对于这种狂热的爱国主义来说,代表性的人物也会瞬间变为被攻击的对象&&&&&&It's testament to the fever pitch of nationalism that even iconic figures can suddenly find themselves under attack.攻击是什么意思,攻击在线翻译,攻击什么意思,攻击的意思,攻击的翻译,攻击的解释,攻击的发音,攻击的同义词,攻击的反义词,攻击的例句,攻击的相关词组,攻击意思是什么,攻击怎么翻译,单词攻击是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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【成语】: 群起攻击
【拼音】: qún
【解释】: 很多人一起反对、指责。
【举例造句】: 对于这种,我们要。
【拼音代码】: qqgj
【用法】: 作谓语、定语、宾语;指集体反对
【英文】: rally together to attack
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【攻击的拼音】:ɡōnɡ jī【攻击的意思】:(向对方)发起进攻。【攻击的反义词】:防守 守卫攻击造句1、梭子鱼攻击其他动物时,速度比火车还快。2、总攻开始了,我军发起了猛烈的攻击。3、刺猾浑身是刺,是用来防御外物攻击的吗?4、他遭到了别人的恶意攻击。5、进行人身攻击,是不道德的行为。
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