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&&&&&&&&&&&&入门级触控笔:Adonit Jot Pro 2.0 平板电容触控笔 ADJP3B 多色可选 日淘
今天这款Adonit Jot Pro 2.0 平板电容触控笔日亚限时促销,黑色特价2336日元,约合¥135,重量极轻,建议凑单带回更划算。日淘购买链接
Adonit Jot Pro的笔头由可拆卸的笔针和圆盘两部分组成,不仅带有适合普通人的操控习惯来控制出笔粗细,而且有特殊设计的接触面来保证精度,号称「目前市面上最精准的触控笔」设计。2代的Adonit Jot Pro的笔尖更细,更容易在屏幕上写出纤细的字体。Adonit甚至设计了磁力装置,能够方便的吸在iPad 2和New iPad身边。不到200元的价位可以被多数人接受,品质和体验也有所保障,让Jot Pro 2.0成为最佳的入门之选,长时间使用或者作为进阶的垫脚石。
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【 工作时间:周一至周五 11:00 - 20:00 / Mondy to Friday 11am - 8pm 】ADONIT Jot Pro高精度极细电容笔 平板手写笔 iPad air绘画笔 三星平板通用 台湾原装进口正品 蓝色-数码影音-亚马逊中国
ADONIT Jot Pro高精度极细电容笔 平板手写笔 iPad air绘画笔 三星平板通用 台湾原装进口正品 蓝色
第 1 页, 共 1 页
1 个优惠,价格 ¥197.78 起
精密:采用了PRECISION DISC接触技术,能令笔记更精确清楚,提供高准精度的手写输入 球点:搭配【ball point】设计书写角度可达于40度缓冲设计,使用时能减轻鼻头撞击屏幕产生的压迫感 犹如传统Ball Pen圆珠笔的使用 体验 电镀:采用了表面电镀效果的JOT Pro手写拥有了一个非常粉嫩与光滑的质感。采用铝合金材质,因为金属材质的原因,这款JOT Pro色彩感更加饱满,饱满色彩及丝毫没有毛刺的表面已经完全可以称为艺术品了。JOT Pro是从客户的角度出发去设计产品 如果你愿意拥有一款手写笔,那么这ADONIT 非常值得你去拥有。 防滑:中间采用进口防滑橡胶包围的部分在手握的时候更具有手感减低长期使用疲劳感,这款手写笔在笔尖处采颜料托盘这样你可以清晰看到电容屏上你所绘画的细节可以360度旋转的笔拖让你可以顺利完成各个角度的绘画笔尖上的小托盘非常细跟圆珠笔一样它也提供一个旋转的笔尖帽不用的时候只需旋转盖就好 磁铁:更加完美的是ADONIT铝材质内部为磁铁 当你不使用的时候便更加吸附于iPAD2/3/4 MINI上,防止滚动和关闭iPad屏幕,非常方便而且不易丢失,让你可以随时携带在身上。
商品尺寸12.7 x 1 x 1 cm
商品重量23 g
发货重量141 g
3.0 颗星,最多 5 颗星04 星02 星01 星0与其他买家分享您的想法热门买家评论留言者已确认购买手感一般,感觉上要小心翼翼的使用。角度不够广泛,很多情况下要竖着使用,很麻烦,有一点小失望。没有描述的那么精细,只是相对而言,还有待提高。
1,414 个人发现此评论有用.
1.0 颗星,最多 5 颗星My adonit product is defective and scratched my Nook HD+ screen -- WARNING留言者R. E. Hayes -
已在美国亚马逊上发表(Original review May 2013 -- Edited April 20, 2015 to add photo of grit in stylus tip per reader request)I purchased the Adonit Jot Pro capacitive touch stylus yesterday afternoon from a local retailer at a price of $30.
After using the new stylus for about half an hour, I noticed a long, deep scratch across the screen of my Nook HD+ tablet.
I turned off the tablet to clean the screen and found that the new stylus had been scratching the screen all over.
Upon closer inspection of the new stylus, a defect in manufacturing was discovered in which a tiny, hard piece of grit was molded into the clear disc that constitutes the stylus' tip.I emailed Adonit customer support at
with the details of the damage to my property and a request for compensation.
Demonstrating a consistent aloofness to my concerns, support representative Michael's response was that their products are not made to scratch device screens, and that the warranty does not cover anything beyond the stylus itself.My first warning to the potential customer of this company is that there is no statement of warranty provided with the Jot Pro product in its own packaging.
Secondly, the warranty, which was emailed to me instead, doesn't actually provide the customer with any guarantee of support or compensation.I took magnified photographs from various angles with a Canon 60D and provided the images to Michael, requesting that he allow me to send the defective stylus to his company and let them conduct their own independent investigation and inspection.
This offer was in good faith on my part as I would no longer retain any physical evidence of the defective product, and as such would put my full trust into the Adonit company to inspect the device, investigate my complaint that the defective stylus disc scratches glass, and offer reasonable compensation: the replacement of my Nook device or the servicing of its screen.
Furthermore, by sending the stylus to Adonit, I would no longer be able to acquire a refund from the place of purchase for the product.My request for Adonit to receive the defective stylus and conduct their own independent inspection was three times denied.
Seeing that the opportunity for reasoning together has been consistently ignored over eight exchanges of correspondence, I am bringing my experience to the attention of any potential customer I can reach.Adonit buyer beware:
This startup sells merchandise that is overpriced for its margin of error in manufacturing and risk of loss to personal property in usage.
Should you purchase their stylus products, as per my experience, you may receive a defective tip that etches deep scratches into your screen glass.
Should you experience such personal loss, as per my experience, the Adonis customer support will demonstrate no interest whatsoever in inspecting the product in question to determine a flaw in manufacturing or any company liability for ruined customer property.
477 个人发现此评论有用.
4.0 颗星,最多 5 颗星Almost Perfect....but not quite留言者IBCotts -
已在美国亚马逊上发表已确认购买Adonit almost nailed it with the 2nd generation jot pro.
The smaller disk allows for a high degree of precision that isn't found in other styli.
The dampening tip doesn't have much give to it so the tapping sound is still present and the rubber ring securing the cap will hopefully solve the problem of the cap spontaneously loosening itself.The one problem is after a few hours of use the skipping started.
Having used the "old" jot pro for a year, I was expecting this to occur.
A VERY tiny dab of thermal paste placed inside the disc immediately corrected the problem.
I don't know why the manufacturer refuses to address this problem but check any review site or discussion forum and you will see this issue over and over again.
One of the most expensive styluses on the market shouldn't require this bandaid approach in order to function correctly.This stylus is almost perfect.
If and when adonit addresses the skipping issue I will happily edit this review and give the stylus 5 stars.
58 个人发现此评论有用.
5.0 颗星,最多 5 颗星I LOVE IT!
And YES it does come with the cap even though no photo here shows it.留言者N. Babb -
已在美国亚马逊上发表已确认购买Just so you know, if you are reading this before ordering, the cap is SCREWED onto the packaging so it has to be unscrewed to get it out.The review:-----Update 2+ months later...
I LOVE this thing!
After fixing the initial skipping discussed below, I have not had any skipping problems and still no scratching!
This is one of those things I love so much I would buy it again, just because.-----`Yes, I have only had it one day so I haven't had the scratching problems yet (and hope I never do!) but, I did have the skipping problem within about an hour.....ARGH!!!
But, rather than having my usual knee jerk reactions, and returning it unloved, I decided to ask for help from the company.
I got this response this morning...did it and all is well again!
No more skipping, and all that was necessary was cleaning the disk! (the old fashion way, I licked it...shhhhh, don't tell)Here is the "official solution" from the company."I'm really sorry to hear about that issue you ran into with your stylus! Skipping and loss of functionality can actually be caused by one of several different issues - here are a few suggestions that may help though:1. The disc's surface should be cleaned with a tissue or soft microfiber cloth.2. Taking the disc off and blowing into the socket can remove dirt.3. Polishing the Jot's metal ball tip with tin foil can remove micro-corrosion affecting conductivity.Generally we don't recommend the thermal paste method you mentioned, because it can potentially damage the plastic disc on your stylus and make the problem worse in the long run. Thermal paste can also contain tiny bits of grit that can scratch your tablet's screen (thermal paste is roughly the same consistency as toothpaste, if that gives you an idea).If the suggestions I mentioned above don't work, you might just need a new disc for your stylus - issues with the contact detection skipping in the way you're describing are actually not a symptom of a problem with the entire stylus, just the disc."


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