Dolby Atmos 或 DTS-X 可叠加雅马哈官网的CINEMA DSP HD3进行播放吗?

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来源:家电论坛 阅读:
  【家庭影院网 .cn】至今,我们发现无论是在视频领域还是在音频领域,家庭影院技术正逐渐发生巨变。在视频领域,从4K的萌芽,到UHD超高清标准的建立,再到UHD Blu-ray和HDR的到来,都全面加速了家庭影院投影机的不断前进,1080p 全高清即将成为过去。在音频领域,我们沿用已久的5.1、7.1 环绕声音响系统,开始被更多扬声器组成的Dolby Atmos与DTS:X 新一代强调三维声音空间呈现的沉浸式环绕声系统所取代。而两者的结合掀起了掀起家庭影院新一波的发展浪潮,使得家庭影院所呈现的音视频效果更加逼近甚至超越专业电影院。
  一、旗舰级前级功放 (30万元级):
  全面支持Dolby Atmos、 DTS:X 与Auro 3D 这3个沉浸式音频技术及未来的音频科技
  声场优化:Trinnov Optimization
  APP:Trinnov Audio
  售价:3000,00 RMB
  二、旗舰级前级功放 (3万元级):
  1、加拿大 Anthem/圣歌 AVM 60 全景声前级 DTS:X ATOMS解码前级功放
  如果您喜欢欧美的声音,那么这款一定适合您:Anthem(圣歌)AVM 60
  支持Dolby Atmos 和 DTS:X、DTS Play-Fi音频流播放等最新功能,支持丰富的数码接入,提供11.1声道的解码输出,全平衡线路的设计,提供XLR和RCA解码模拟输出,装载Anthem Room Correction (ARC)房间校正技术,可以通过Wi-Fi 连接个人电脑调节音响系统。
  AVM 60的功能除了没有后级部分,其他功能全部都与圣歌MRX1120相同,而且因为没有后级部分机器不需要散热因而不产生任何噪音,如果您已经有了合适的后级功放那么可以考虑考虑这款圣歌 AVM 60,它几乎要比同门的合并功放MRX1120便宜五千元左右。这是我头一次见到旗舰级的前级要比合并机还要便宜的。
  声场优化:Anthem Room Correction
  APP:Anthem MRX Remote
  售价:2790,0 RMB
  马兰士AV声道A/V前置放大器/处理器采用最新音频和视频技术,所有部件经过精心设计,可以提供极致的音乐和电影环绕声体验。最值得一提的是,AV8802A具备令人惊喜的3D声音选项,包括杜比全景声(Dolby Atmos)与DTS:X,您可以添加额外的扬声器,实现真正宽阔的沉浸式环绕声体验。AV8802A将所有信号通过马兰士自主研发的HDAM和电流反馈技术进行精致处理,以进一步提升音频品质,然后再传递至XLR输出和独立功放。视频部分全部支持HDCP 2.2,具有先进的高分辨率视频处理和解码能力,配备视频升频功能,可将从传统分量输入的标清(SD)视频源插值为高清4K/60Hz全速率视频。如此分辨率的视频图像具有令人炫目的清晰和锐化效果。不仅如此,AV8802A附带稳定的WiFi和蓝牙联网能力,同时,还为黑胶唱片爱好者保留了唱头输入,并且无需另外的调谐器,因为AV8802A具有内置FM/AM无线电调谐器。
  APP:Marantz Remote
  售价:2680,0 RMB
  PR-SC5530是Onkyo旗舰级的环绕解码前级、通过THX最高等级Ultra2 Plus认证,主区(Main Zone)最多可以同时输出11.4声道,具备平衡(XLR)与单端(RCA)输出,其中.4最多可以接4支超低音喇叭,分为两组、可以分别设定两组超低音喇叭的距离与Level,它能够对应Dolby Atmos音讯进行解码,可袢7.1.4声道喇叭配置(超低音喇叭视为.1)、让装在天花板的4支上方喇叭与标准配置的7.1(至7.4)声道喇叭同时发声,若用家播放非Dolby Atmos节目,在聆听模式选择为Dolby Surround的状态下,本机就会在制式解码的声道以外作上方喇叭的处理,仍然能使所有喇叭同时发声、展现出有完整上方包覆感的三度空间音场。
  声场优化:ACCU EQ
  APP:Onkyo Remote
  2、雅马哈AVENTAGE CX-A前置放大器
  CX-A5100作为AVENTAGE系列旗舰型AV 前置放大器结合了精致的工艺,一流的音质。
  11.2声道AV前置放大器带来真实3D环绕声雅马哈AVENTAGE 系列的巅峰之作: 第二代旗舰AV前置放大器CX-A5100将于 2015年12月陆续在中国地区(香港、澳门除外)发售,产品颜色为黑色。和上一代旗舰CX-A5000相比,CX-A5100具备更多卓越功能: 支持Dolby Atmos&,支持DTS:X&,增加了两个XLR低音炮输出,内置Wi-Fi、支持蓝牙,并且完全支持4K 以及针对4K时代的兼容HDCP2.2 的HDMI。 雅马哈创新的CINEMA DSP HD3技术为CX-A5100再次改进,采用全新开发的信号处理算法,最大程度增强音箱的表现力,带来更丰富、更饱满、更沉浸式的音效。使用CX-A5100 结合MX-A5000后级功放,您不仅可以享受出色的3D 声场CINEMA DSP HD3 11.2声道或7.1.4声道全景声再现,而且能在家中体验电影院才有的环绕声新维度。
  所有声道都采用超高性能ESS ES9016 DACs 芯片, 提供192kHz/32-bit,并兼容高信噪比和动态范围, 确保真实再现来自蓝光和其他播放器的原声音质,以及从网络输入的高分辨率音源的原声音质。 支持蓝牙和内置Wi-Fi使安装更为便捷,并可轻松连接到各种音乐源。另外,兼容FLAC / WAV / AIFF, Apple无损 和DSD格式意味着能够通过网络连接到电脑、NAS或USB闪存,播放高解析度音乐。CX-A5100 也支持MusicCast ------雅马哈最新推出的多房间无线智能音乐系统,只需一个App 即可控制家中所有音频设备和所有音乐。
  四、旗舰级11声道 合并AV功放
  1、圣歌Anthem新旗舰MRX 1120全景声合并放大器
  圣歌MRX 1120合并式放大器具备强大的接口,可提供稳定的输入、输出,支持11.1声道,供电系统使用的是环牛变压器,输出功率为120W 8&O
  背面与正面共有8组HDMI输入与2组HDMI输出,并同时支持HDMI 2.0a和HDCP 2.2,3组光纤输入,2组同轴输入,5组模拟输入,最大支持32bit/768kHz数模转换,支持HDR高动态影像、BT.2020色域、21:9画面比例等等的图像技术。
  当然最令人赞叹的就是圣歌MRX 1120合并式放大器内部的ARC空间校正系统了,这个圣歌独家研发的ARC空间校正系统是在加拿大国家研究局(NRC)开发的系统的基础之上而成,是公认的能够超精准判断不同空间特性的频率优化系统。
  声场优化:Anthem Room Correction
  APP:Anthem MRX Remote
  售价:32,900 RMB
  2、安桥 TX-NR声道合并功放
  安桥 TX-NR3030支持Dolby Atmos杜比全景声音频解码,最高可以搭建7.2.4与9.2.2全景声系统,拥有每声道230W的功率输出,搭配最新的HDMI 2.0传输端子,具备传输4K/60p超高清视频信号的能力,内置了Wi-Fi与蓝牙无线传输功能,可以直接播放网络共享当中的高清无损音频文件。
  在音频处理方面,T X-NR3030拥有两块32bit的DSP处理芯片,而视频方面则为Marvell Qdeo视频芯片,支持4K升频处理与ISF视频校正功能,另外还加上了安桥全新研发的AccuEQ房间声学矫正系统,可以自动设置扬声器电平、距离以及分频点等参数。
  声场优化:ACCU EQ
  APP:Onkyo Remote
  售价:18,800 RMB
  1、天龙AVR-X7200WA 9.2声道A/V合并放大器
  AVR-X7200WA是2015年度 Denon AVR 系列的旗舰产品。
  AVR-X7200WA 拥有11.2声道处理能力9.2后级输出以及13.2前级输出。提供了巨大的灵活性。例如通过添加额外的 2 声道功率放大器,可实现高达 7.1.4 或 9.1.2 配置的独特杜比全景声体验。
  具有优良的制作工艺,带有左/ 右分离单片式功放设计和定制HDCT(Denon 高电流晶体管),确保以最小干扰提供最佳音质,具有每声道260W的功率输出。因有内置Wi-Fi 和蓝牙功能,能完美适配所有网络服务,包括AirPlay、网络音乐串流、互联网收音机和QPlay。通过8 个全HDCP 2.2 兼容HDMI 输入,可轻松处理4K 60Hz 直通信号,甚至将视频升频至1080p和4K 60Hz。支持现在全新的杜比全景声与DTS:X音轨
  有意思的是X7200WA带多音源/ 多区域功能的3组HDMI 输出
  可在不同的区域欣赏相同的源,也可按您的喜好欣赏不同的源。区域的源可以是模拟或2 声道数字PCM 源(包括光纤、同轴、HDMI 和网络)。这方便了喜欢在卧室听音乐的烧油,再也不用再把东西搬来搬去了,功放放在客厅,在卧室也可以享受高品质的两声道音乐。
  为实现对以上功能的便捷控制,天龙提供了适用于iOS和Android设备的最新DENON Remote App,其设置助手和高级图形用户界面有了进一步的改善,即便是新手也能通过设置向导非常方便地设置设备。
  声场优化:Denon Link HD
  APP:DENON Remote App
  售价:16,800 RMB
  RX-A3050 虽然身为9.2声道但却可通过外加两声道后级功放扩展到11.2 声道。并拥有雅马哈创新的CINEMA DSP HD3技术,带来3D沉浸式的音效。全部支持新一代基于对象的多维空间音频技术:杜比全景声和DTS:X&。另外,RX-A3050拥有高性能ESS科技192 kHz/32 bit ES9016 DAC芯片,临场声道则采用高质量ESS ES9006 DACs芯片带来出色的音质表现。
  支持高保真音频格式解码,包括DSD(2.6MHz / 5.6 MHz)、AIFF、WAV、FLAC和Apple 无损音频格式。可以通过下载Yamaha AV Controller App,用您的手机或平板电脑来轻松操作。同时也支持MusicCast ------雅马哈最新推出的多房间无线智能音乐系统,只需一个App 即可控制家中所有音频设备和所有音乐。
  APP:Yamaha AV Controller App
  售价:15,000 RMB
  1、安桥TX-RZ900 7.2声道A/V合并放大器
  这款家庭影院功放产品具备分立式低阻放大电路处理模块,Asahi Kasei出品348kHz/32-bit数模转换器,安桥专利的矢量线性修正电路(VLSC)在信号处理过程中以原始波形重组信号,与传统的滤波器不同,VLSC去除数模转换时产生的脉冲噪声,使声波以极高的保真度得以重现。
  由WiFi、AirPlay、蓝牙音频以及内置的网络电台等无线音乐欣赏方式所带来的便利。可以把手机与ipad等设备上的音乐串流到你的影院系统播放,便捷易用。可用的互联网广播和音乐订阅服务包括Spotify及更多平台。通过免费的Onkyo Remote智能手机app,还可以通过网络无线播放FLAC 192/24 以及DSD 5.6 MHz高解析度音乐。
  声场优化:ACCU EQ
  APP:Onkyo Remote
  售价:14,800 RMB
  2、雅马哈(Yamaha)RX-V AV功放机
  RX-V1079,拥有新款ESS DAC、对称电源放大布局和坚固的底部结构,同时支持4K 超高清并带有兼容HDCP2.2的HDMI 接口(7进/2出),支持Dolby Atmos&,支持DTS:XTM,7声道环绕声, 每声道110W ,ohms,20Hz-20kHz,0.06 % THD,2声道驱动。 每声道165W (8 ohms,1kHz,10% THD,1声道驱动)。对称电源放大布局和坚固的底部结构,专业高质量的数字音频来自ESS DAC芯片,内置Wi-Fi 和无线直连, 简单的网络连接。
  MusicCast 支持多个房间的无线音乐传输,配备蓝牙,支持无线音乐流媒体,压缩音质增强功能优化蓝牙音频传输。兼容 AirPlay,支持AV Controller app智能应用程序。支持高达2.8MHz/5.6MHz音频播放的DSD,192kHz/24bit音频播放的FLAC/WAV/AIFF,以及96kHz/24-bit的Apple无损格式音频播放。
  APP:Yamaha AV Controller App
  售价:9,800 RMB
  3、安桥TX-RZ800 7.2声道A/V合并放大器
  同样具备分立式低阻放大电路处理模块,Asahi Kasei出品的348kHz/32-bit数模转换器,安桥专利的矢量线性修正电路(VLSC)在信号处理过程中以原始波形重组信号。
  WiFi、AirPlay、蓝牙音频以及内置的网络电台等无线音乐欣赏方式所带来的无限便利。几乎任何音频都能够串流到你的家庭影院,便捷易用。可用的互联网广播和音乐订阅服务包括Spotify及更多平台。通过免费的Onkyo Remote智能手机app,还可以通过网络无线播放FLAC 192/24 以及DSD 5.6 MHz高解析度音乐。
  声场优化:ACCU EQ
  APP:Onkyo Remote
  4、DENON天龙 AVR-X声道 AV功放
  AVR-X4200W配备高级双天线RF收发器系统,在拥挤的城市环境,也能提供极可靠、无错误的串流传输。通过家庭Wi-Fi网络(或通过RJ-45以太网LAN端口有线连接)可连接互联网,从QPlay等流媒体音乐服务欣赏您最喜欢的曲目。还可以选择全球数千个互联网电台,欣赏应有尽有不同流派的音乐。通过AirPlay,可从iOS设备(包括iPod touch、iPhone和iPad)尽情无线收听您最喜欢的曲目,AVR-X4200W还获得DLNA 1.5认证,兼容家用PC或Mac。Denon AVR Remote App让您通过最喜欢的便携式设备轻松控制AVR-X4200W,为Apple和Android设备提供不同版本。
  AVR-X4200W配置Audyssey Pro ready,以提供最先进的专业室内校正。
  配备了DSP功能的Audyssey MultEQ XT32套件,其中包括室内均衡、Dynamic EQ和Dynamic Volume。Audyssey MultEQ XT32自动室内声音测量和校正系统使您的扬声器与室内声学特性相匹配, 实现最平稳、最自然的音调平衡。
  有8个HDMI输入(包括1个位于前面板上的便捷输入),带三HDMI输出,集成了高级视频处理器, 支持4K超高清60 Hz全速率视频、4:4:4纯色子采样和21:9视频直通,同时支持3D内容、HDR和BT.2020。AVR-X4200W还在所有HDMI输 入上兼容HDCP 2.2协议,可播放4K超高清版权保护内容。
  声场优化:Audyssey MultEQ XT32
  APP:Denon AVR Remote App
  更多新鲜好玩的家庭影院资讯请关注家庭影院网.cn (微信:cnhifi),全国极具影响力的家庭影院音响玩家互动媒体网站。
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The AVR-X channel AV Surround Receiver delivers incredibly immersive surround sound, plenty of amplifier power and unparalleled music playback options, thanks to built-in HEOS technology.&Enjoy an exceptional surround sound experience with the latest audio formats including Dolby Atmos and DTS:X. The AVR-X2400H&s 7 amplifier design means, you can run two dedicated overhead speakers in a 5.1.2 configuration.
The SC-LX901 is Pioneers latest top of the line AV Receiver featuring 11.2-ch Class D amplification and is fully-equipped for the latest multi-dimensional surround&sound formats, DTS:X& and Dolby Atmos&, featuring the Reflex Optimizer for Dolby enabled speakers. With&Ultra HD (4K/60p/4:4:4) upscaling/passthrough and HDR/BT.2020 standards ready, images are ever more&impressive. In addition to internet radio and various network streaming services, with Google Cast& built-in you&can use your mobile device to cast your favorite music to your receiver. The multizone feature supports powered&ZONE 2/ZONE 3 output.
The highest performance AVENTAGE AV receiver supports Dolby Atmos and DTS-X playback with CINEMA DSP HD3 and offers many outstanding features including 11.2-channel expandability for an unmatched 3D AV experience, high 64-bit precision EQ calculation YPAO, super-high quality ESS DAC and Zone 2/3 audio processing.
Immerse yourself in stunning 3D surround sound with the SR6012 AV receiver, featuring Dolby Atmos and DTS:X surround decoding, with the ability to drive overhead speakers. It is equipped with 9 channel amplification, rated at 185 watts per channel, so you can set up a 7.1.2 or 5.1.4 3D experience without a with an additional amp the set-up can expand to 7.1.4, as the SR6012 features 11.2 channel processing. in simpler surround set-ups two channels of the SR6012's integrated amplification can be assigned to drive speakers in a second audio zone, even playing a different source from that in the main room.
The SC-LX701 is one of Pioneers latest top of the line AV Receivers featuring 9.2-ch Class D amplification and is fully-equipped for the latest multi-dimensional surround&sound formats, DTS:X& and Dolby Atmos&, featuring the Reflex Optimizer for Dolby enabled speakers. With&Ultra HD (4K/60p/4:4:4) upscaling/passthrough and HDR/BT.2020 standards ready, images are ever more&impressive. In addition to internet radio and various network streaming services, with Google Cast& built-in you&can use your mobile device to cast your favourite music to your receiver. The multizone feature supports powered&ZONE 2/ZONE 3 output.
There&s a path to immersive surround-sound that won&t result in a messy living space, and it&s called the TX-L50. Slim, smart, and ready to fit into your existing furniture, the receiver cleans up cable clutter by integrating your players into the TV via one HDMI, and by letting you cast music wirelessly from smartphone apps in seconds.
The&RX-AS710D is the first slimline receiver to embrace Yamahas aventage philosophy of ultimate audio performance. Theres a powerful 7 channels of amplification with the flexibility of seven channel surround or 5.1 with an extra zone as well as MusicCast connectivity providing control, input sharing and music streaming across your home network or Bluetooth.
The Yamaha RX-A2070 AV Receiver + MusicCast is a pristinely designed 9.2 channel AV receiver that combines richly resonant bass sound and high-calibre sound performance, within a visually stunning, structurally resilient frame.
The Onkyo TX-NR575E is a 7.2-Channel Network A/V Receiver packed with features like Dolby Atmos and DTS:X, built in Wi-Fi, wireless music streaming and true 4k technology.&An object-audio-enabled amp that fits you like a glove, whether you&re a sports fan, music streaming subscriber, or film buff, the TX-NR575E has the front-end tech and high-octane power to thrill. HDMI& inputs pass 4K/60p video with 4K HDR and BT.2020 to your display with onboard decoding for Dolby Atmos& and DTS:X& sound, while Hi-Res Audio playback in DSD and 192/24 formats is available for stereo purists.
Enjoy a superb surround sound experience with the Denon AVR-X6300H, which features Dolby Atmos, DTS:X, and Auro 3D surround decoding, and is the first Denon AV receiver with 11 channels of amplification built-in. Dolby Atmos and DTS:X feature object-based surround sound with the ability to drive overhead speakers to deliver the ultimate immersive 3D audio experience, and the AVR-X6300H&s 11-amplifier design means all this can be delivered without any need for external amplification, even when running four overhead speakers in 7.1.4 configuration. Auro 3D is also supported, via an optional firmware upgrade.
The SC-LX801 is one of Pioneers latest top of the line AV Receivers featuring 9.2-ch Class D amplification and is fully-equipped for the latest multi-dimensional surround&sound formats, DTS:X& and Dolby Atmos&, featuring the Reflex Optimizer for Dolby enabled speakers. With&Ultra HD (4K/60p/4:4:4) upscaling/passthrough and HDR/BT.2020 standards ready, images are ever more&impressive. In addition to internet radio and various network streaming services, with Google Cast& built-in you&can use your mobile device to cast your favourite music to your receiver. The multizone feature supports powered&ZONE 2/ZONE 3 output.
The&RX-AS710D is the first slimline receiver to embrace Yamahas aventage philosophy of ultimate audio performance. Theres a powerful 7 channels of amplification with the flexibility of seven channel surround or 5.1 with an extra zone as well as MusicCast connectivity providing control, input sharing and music streaming across your home network or Bluetooth.
The Yamaha RX-A2060 is a high-grade audio design 9.2-channel AV receiver with high performance ESS DACs and support for Dolby Atmos and DTS-X. It provides for the latest HDMI, including HDR and BT.2020, and features a symmetrical power amp layout, YPAO 3D measurement & sound optimisation and Zone 2/3 audio processing.
The Yamaha RX-A670 AVENTAGE is a no compromise AV receiver that has been designed to produce immensely powerful, lifelike sound. By expertly combining both traditional and advanced technologies Yamaha have created a superb receiver that excels with both movies and music. This stunning machine will guarantee you a truly high-class sound experience in your own home.
A thrilling high-quality AV receiver occupying minimal space: that's the NR1608. High current discrete power amplifiers on all 7 channels deliver astonishing power and clarity, and it delivers immersive 3D surround sound thanks to both Dolby Atmos and DTS:X decoders, yet at just a little more than 3 inches tall it&s slim enough to slip into any TV cabinet. It&s fully compatible with the latest HDMI and HDCP 2.2 specifications on all 8 HDMI inputs, and will pass all the latest video formats & 4K 60Hz video, 4:4:4 Pure Colour sub-sampling, BT.2020, HDR and Dolby Vision from Blu-ray players, set-top boxes, games consoles and streamed/download 4K Ultra HD content to an Ultra HD TV or projector.
The Yamaha RX-V683 7.2 Channel Receiver features DTS-X, Dolby Atmos, &MusicCast, Bluetooth and WiFi connectivity, opening up a wide range of listening options to the user. Virtual Cinema Front and Cinema 3D DSP technologies and 4K UHD support make for an absolutely stunning, high quality sound and visual experience.
There&s a path to immersive surround-sound that won&t result in a messy living space, and it&s called the TX-L50. Slim, smart, and ready to fit into your existing furniture, the receiver cleans up cable clutter by integrating your players into the TV via one HDMI, and by letting you cast music wirelessly from smartphone apps in seconds.
The VSX-531 combines home theatre expertise and modern connectivity. Its HDMI ports are compatible with Ultra HD image signals and the sophisticated MCACC automatic calibration ensures that the multi-channel film sound is produced to its best effect in every living room. The modern, high-resolution dts ES and Dolby TrueHD surround formats are decoded, while the Advanced Sound Retriever breathes new acoustic life into data-reduced digital music files. So you can throw any audiovisual content at it that you want, the VSX-531 always turns it into an impressive experience.
The Onkyo TX-NR676E is a 7.2-Channel Network A/V Receiver packed with features like Dolby Atmos and DTS:X, built in Wi-Fi, wireless music streaming and true 4k technology.&Drive a full-scale surround system with effortless clarity. This thoroughbred A/V receiver streamlines access to app-based music, on-demand TV, games, and more. Linking your 4KTV and up to seven media players over HDMI&, the TX-NR676E processes all the popular Hi-Res and object-based audio codecs while Dynamic Audio Amplification boosts sound flawlessly for an adrenalin-pumping cinema experience.
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The highest performance AVENTAGE AV receiver supports Dolby Atmos and DTS-X playback with CINEMA DSP HD3 and offers many outstanding features including 11.2-channel expandability for an unmatched 3D AV experience, high 64-bit precision EQ calculation YPAO, super-high quality ESS DAC and Zone 2/3 audio processing.
Spotify Connect
With the Spotify app on your smartphone, you've got instant access to millions of songs and now you can stream those songs to your system by using Connect by Spotify. Just hit play to start streaming music.
App Control
Control device, settings or media from the manufacturer's dedicated app using a tablet or smartphone.
Bluetooth allows for wireless communication between devices within an area of about 10 meters, so you can stream your music directly to this device, with no complex networking.
When connected to your home network Apple AirPlay compatible products allow you to stream audio from any iPhone, iPad or iPod touch or computer running iTunes. Fantastic if your use iTunes as your primary music source.
Wi-Fi Enabled
Connects to your home network easily via Wi-Fi so no need to run a cable.
Dolby Atmos
Dolby Atmos will fill the room with multi-dimensional sound that makes you feel as if you are right in the middle of the story unfolding on the screen.
HDCP 2.2, ready for the latest Ultra HD 4k content.
This device features 4K compatibility, supporting features like 4K upscaling and 4K pass-through.
This unit is equipped with a USB port that allows you to enjoy audio and movie files from a USB memory device (USB flash drive).
DLNA Music Streaming
Enables you to stream music and audio from other DLNA certified devices such as PCs, smartphones and certain networked hard drives.
Apple Compatible
Designed to work with iOS devices such as iPod, iPhone and iPad.
Access your playlists, &What's new& and &Starred& lists on the latest Onkyo enabled equipment. All you need to enjoy Onkyo and Spotify in full HiFi is an internet connection and a Spotify Premium subscription.
Wireless Audio from your iOS device AirPlay lets you stream audio from your iPod touch/iPhone/iPad directly to your main system. Experience your hand-held music collection with unrivalled Onkyo power and fidelity. You can also stream every song and playlist from the iTunes library on your Mac or Windows PC to your compatible Onkyo system. iTunes and Onkyo
DTS-HD Master Audio
DTS-HD Master Audio is capable of delivering audio that is bit-for-bit identical to the studio master. DTS-HD Master Audio delivers audio at super-high variable bit rates
Dolby TrueHD
Dolby TrueHD audio is bit-for-bit identical to the highest-resolution studio masters. Dolby Pro Logic IIz adds a vertical dimension to your home theatre soundstage, delivering an expanded surround-sound experience from any 5.1-channel or stereo source.
Connect wirelessly to stream music using any device with bluetooth built in such as phones and laptops.
Wireless connection built in so there's no need for expensive adapters or network leads dragging across the floor.
Onkyo's room calibration system.
High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection
Up to date HDMI version to ensure compatibility with new media.
Yamaha Network Connectivity
Yamaha AV Receivers are the perfect control centers for a home entertainment network. Their network functions include support for FLAC 96/24 (high quality lossless format), compatibility with Windows 7 and DLNA 1.5 (for finding and playing digital sources) and web browser control from a PC or PDA.
Simply login and enjoy your Napster subscription on the best speakers in the house. This product supports streaming from existing Napster accounts, or sign up now for your free trial.
The actually measured sound field data contain the information of the height of the sound images. CINEMA DSP 3D mode achieves the reproduction of the accurate height of the sound images so that it creates the accurate and intensive stereoscopic sound fields in a listening room.
YPAO System Calibration
YPAO measures the shape of the room, the material of the wall and the position of the speaker, and then automatically adjusts the sound to create the ideal response and sonic quality.
With most AV components, watching or listening to what you want requires a number of steps. You have to turn on the AV component, turn on another component like a DVD player, select the source, select the surround mode and then press play. But with Yamaha
Compressed Music Enhancer
Yamaha employs sophisticated digital signal processing with exclusive algorithms to enable playback that improves the performance of compressed music formats, including MP3 and WMA. With the Compressed Music Enhancer, highs and especially lows are richer and smoother, bringing music back to life to be as close to the original as possible.
Virtual Presence Speaker
Virtual Presence Speaker mode provides the 3D sound without front presence speakers. Tell customers that the best way to enjoy 3D movies at home is with sound from a Yamaha AV Receiver equipped with CINEMA DSP 3D.
Silent Cinema
Yamaha has developed a natural, realistic sound effect DSP algorithm for headphones. Parameters for headphones have been set for each sound field so that accurate representations of all the sound field programs can be enjoyed on headphones.
DTS-HD delivers up to 7.1 channels of sound at a 96 kHz sampling frequency and 24-bit depth resolution with a constant bit rate of 6 Mbit/s
ECO mode reduces power consumption by about 20%. It can be set easily from the top of the GUI / OSD menu.
This unit allows you to configure a multi-zone audio system. The Zone2 feature allows you to set this unit to reproduce separate input sources in the main zone and the second zone (Zone2). You can control this unit from the second zone using the supplied remote control or via the control app.
Enables you to stream music and audio from other DLNA certified devices such as PCs, smartphones and certain networked hard drives.
Apple Compatible
Designed to work with iOS devices such as iPod, iPhone and iPad.
Wi-Fi Protected Setup
Setting up networks can be a pain with annoying passwords etc. If your router supports WPS you can connect this device at the touch of a few buttons - no annoying passphrases.
Dolby Audio
Dolby Audio
Features HDMI connectivity, ready to become the hub of your entertainment system.
Controller App
The AV controller app allows for straightforward and flexible control from a smartphone or tablet.
Virtual Surround Back Speaker
Even without using surround back speakers, you can experience more natural sound from behind you. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
4k Ultra HD
Ready for the latest 4k Ultra HD video format.
Yamaha MusicCast enables powerful multi-room audio capabilities for streaming music via Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connections.
JUKE is an online music streaming service.
Digital Audio Broadcasting provides access to a wider range of stations than traditional FM & AM broadcasts.
DAB+ radio is capable of higher quality audio and improved reception quality compared with standard DAB.
Digital Radio
Digital Radio
Music Streaming
DLNA enables you to stream music and audio from other DLNA certified devices such as PCs, smartphones and certain networked hard drives.
Dolby Atmos
Atmos is the latest surround sound technology from Dolby, allowing much more dynamic and flexible placement of sounds in the audio mix and adding the ability to add on additional &top& speaker channels.
Hi-Res Audio
Hi-Res audio enables playback of tracks which are even better than CD quality.
DTS:X is the next generation audio codec from DTS that leverages object-based audio to enable new audio experiences in immersion and interactivity.
4K Pass Through
4K Pass Through receives super high-def resolution video and pass it to a 4K compatible TV or projector. This ensures compatibility with the latest super high resolution video formats.
4K Upscaling
Enables the upscaling of standard definition and HD video to 4K (4096 x 2160) resolution. This helps you get the most out of your 4K display, and prepares you for the future if you do not already have one.
ECO mode reduces power consumption by about 20%*. It can be set easily from the top of the GUI/OSD menu.


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