sumamount和total的区别 totality的区别

adj. 全部的;完全的;整个的 | vt. 总数达...
adj. 全部的;完全的;整个的
vt. 总数达
n. 总数,合计
n. (Total)人名;(法、德)托塔尔
- 引用次数:186
Aim To investigate the surgical therapy for chronic total occlusion of coronary artery.
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- 引用次数:1591
Section two investigates tax risk system from total amount and structure.
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- 引用次数:561
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- 引用次数:873
With the greenhouse cultivating prolonging, the total N and P of soil accumulated, but the total K shortened.
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- 引用次数:58
Carbon stock of the soil which is the important part of carbon storage in Cunninghamis lanceolata ecosystem accounted for from 25.76% to 76.78% of total carbon stock.
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- 引用次数:883
China\'s total geothermal resources are 7.9% around the world, ranking second, fewer than the United States\'.
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- 引用次数:5
Soil total N,soil organic carbon and biochar amendment rates(0,2.4,12,48 t·hm-2) had significantly positive correlation(n=12,p<0.01).
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- 引用次数:2
In the recent years, total loss shipwrecks of dry bulk carriers have happened frequently, whose loss is the most serious of all the marine disasters. As for each single ship, the losses are quite considerable.
参考来源 - 大风浪中载货干散货船安全评价研究
- 引用次数:1
参考来源 - 六点十二边图的图设计及其应用
[ 't?ut?l ]
the whole amount
a quantity obtained by the addition of a group of numbers
add up in number or quantity
determine the sum of
damage beyond the point of repair
constituting the ful complete
including everything
without conditions or limitations
complete in extent or degree and in every particular
A total is the number that you get when you add several numbers together or when you count how many things there are in a group. 总数
The companies have a total of 1,776 employees.
The total number or cost of something is the number or cost that you get when you add together or count all the parts in it. 总的
They said that the total number of cows dying from BSE would be twenty thousand.
If there are a number of things in total, there are that number when you count or add them all together. 总共
I was with my husband for eight years in total.
If several numbers or things total a certain figure, that figure is the total of all the numbers or all the things. 总计为
The unit's exports will total $85 million this year.
If someone totals a vehicle, they are in a serious accident and the vehicle is so badly damaged that it is not worth repairing. 彻底撞毁 (车辆)
Buddy totalled his car.
You can use total to emphasize that something is as great in extent, degree, or amount as it possibly can be. 完全的
You were a total failure if you hadn't married by the time you were about twenty-three.
Young people want something totally different from the old ways.
Result Kuzhi injection in the most effective concentration dilution had no interference to TAL.
That brings difficult to some analysis work such as calculating users to tal visit time or recognizing custom conversations.
Similar to the FDTD method, the PSTD computed region is divided into the to tal-filed zone, scattering-field zone and connection zone.
So I would go on in front of audience and before that I would say to myself, "Tal, don't be nervous.
And he looks at me and says, " "Well I don't know Tal. I expected you to be taller."
And afterwards, the producer or the interviewer would walk me out and say something to the effects of "well thank you Tal for the interview.
Business conditions in the U.S. continue to be a relative source of comfort, according to Barclays analyst Tal Shapsa in New York.
Soldiers have been moving earth to construct a trench and a berm around Tal Afar, forcing traffic to go through rather than around security checkpoints.
Iraqis now have a small Air Force, that recently conducted its first combat airlift operations — bringing Iraqi troops to the front in TAL Afar.
- 来自原声例句
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any unorganized text graphics sound or video
a collection of data
enable people to add sort group summarize and print data
data program
data that has been processed in a meaning ful and useful way
What are the levels of data in a Database ? ( from lowest to highest)
Bits, Characters, Fields, Records
the lowest layer made of 1's and 0's
letters, numbers, and symbols (represented by a byte)
areas that contain data identified by field names(Ex: F A city); Group of characters
contain a group of fields
contain related group of records
data files
the top layer made of one or more data files(Ex: ABC Company Address Book mailing list, Employee list, Vendor list)
what are the different types of data?
logical data, memos, objects, Binary large Objects(BLOBs), Default value
fields accept only a certain type of data called ________
only &yes& or &no& answers are allowed in this field
logical data
large units of text
pictures, sound, video
entire spreadsheet file or picture file
BLOBs - Binary Large Object
pre-defined values such as today's date
defult value
within a record one field is identified as the key field or ________; must be a unique entry such as social security number or Student ID number.
primary Key
_____ create flat files containi files cannot be l are easy to use and customize, are not as complex as database management systems
File Management Programs
contain MULTIPLE are programs that enable data to be stored modified and extrac are more difficult to learn than....
Database Management Systems (DBMS)
the most widely used type of DBMS
Relational database Management System
In Relational Database Management Systems data in several files are related through the use of a ________
common key field
each record in the file has the same key field but unique key field contents, so that the field can be used to identify a record
the way a common key field works
supplements DBMS by bringing together all data in organizes managemtn's decision making process
Data Warehousing
all of the data from one huse company is placed in a _______ which is capable of storing all the informaiton that a coporaiton possesses.
data warehousing
uses a technique called Drill Down to view performance data of the entire company
Data Warehousing
simliar to the Data Warehouse but it only supports one divison of an organization rather than the entire firm
is the data e used to find unknown patterns of data in the data warehouse
data mining
specially phrased quesiton to access specfic information from a client/server database
the latest trend
information is stored in databases that are avalible through the internet
Web-based integration
What are the characteristics of a good Database?
integrity, Data independence, Avoidance of data redundancy, Data security, and Data maintenence
the validity of the data
Data integrity
defines acceptable input ranges for each field
data validation
Types of _____ are: alphabetic check, numeric check, range check, consistency check, completeness check.
data validation
makes sure data are not accessible to unauthorized users. Data is also proected from loss due to equiptment failure
Data security
how data is stored so that it can be used with different types of application programs, It also refers to the separation of the data in a database to contr it doesnt matter what software uses it, it can get the data out.
Data independence
the procedures for adding, updating, and deleting records
data maintenance
avoiding the repetition of data
avoidance of data redundancy
In order for information to be valuble it must be ______.
Accessible, Accurate, Complete, Economical, Relevant, Reliable, Secure, Simple, Timely, Verifiable
it can be found quickly and easily
it doesnt contain errors
it doesnt omit anything important
the benefit exceeds the cost of the producing of the information
it is related to the task you are trying to perform
it is available every time you need it
unauthorized people cant accesss the inforation
it doesnt over whellm you
it is up to date
it can be confirmed or double checked
handles an organizations accounting needs, including purchasing, sales & enable managers to make o can produce summary and exception reports
TPS - Transaction Processing System
a computer based system that supports the information needs of different
Work with transaction processing systems
Management Information System MIS
MIS help managers make informed _________
tactical decisions
______ create reports that tell managers if their goals are being met
enables a manager to retrieve information(data) that cant be supplied by fixed and predetermined Management Information System (MIS)
Decision Support System (DSS)
enables managers to import up to the minute reports from transaction databases
Online Analytical Processing (OLAP)
used to capture **knowledge** created by employees and make it available when needed
Knowledge Management Systems
systems that deal with expert knowledge in a particular area
expert systems
1st Generation, consists of Binary Numbers(0's and 1's); is the earliest programming language, is the only language the computer understands is machine dependant
Machine Language
each family of processors has its own machine language making it _______
machine dependant
2nd Generation -resembles machine language, is a low level language, uses brief abbreviations(mnemonics) for
a program is written in source code(text file) and translated into machine language by an assembler
Assembly language
whats a mnemonic?
3rd Generation - high level languages that tell the computer what to do and how to do it.
procedural languages
uses a complier or interpret Fortran and COBOL are 3rd gen. languages
Procedural Languages
a program that changes source code to object code
translates source code one line at a time and executes the instructions
the source code is produced by the _______
4th generation langues are ____ and __
report generators and query languages
languages for printing database reports (4th Generation)
Report Generators
languages for getting information out of databases (4ht Gen)
Query languages
4th Gen languages are ______; they do not force programmers to follow procedures to produce results
_______ relies on compoent reusability, uses objects that contain data and procedures, and eliminates the distinction betwe EX: Visual Basic and C ++
Object Oriented Programming (OOP)
the ability to quickly build a program by utilizing ready to use specific purpose modules
Component reusability
unit of computer information that contains data as weel as all of the methods that process and manipulate data
refers to an objects capacity to pass on its characteristi bikes
the first true cross platform
it works on macs windows or UNIX
What are the phases of the Program Development Life Cycle?
1. Defining the problem
2. Designing the program
3. Coding the program
4. testing and debugging the program
5. Formalizing the solution
6. Implementing and maintaining the program
In desinging the program _____ show the top - bottom design
structure charts
in designing the program ___ show the logic of the program
in designing the program ___ is alternative to flow charts
pseudo code
are computer and problem solving professionals who determine an organizations information system needs
systems analysts
a collection of components organized into a functioning whole to accomplish a goal
constructed by people who serve some purpose
an artificial system
Systems have a _________
life cycle
prelimary design stage, detailed design stage, fabrication assembly integration and test stage, production and customer support stage, and termination and disposal stage
life cycle of a system
The ____ is a model used to improve the quality of information systems by providing an organized approach to problem solving
Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
the core idea of ___ is to ensure that each step is performed properly before going to the next one
When avoiding mistakes ______________ is required throughout all phases
What are the five Phases of the Systems development life cycle?
2. Analyze
4. Implement
5. Maintain
identify problems and opportunities
plan of SDLC
analyze and document existing programs
Analyze of SDLC
design the system
Design of SDLC
implement the system
implement of SDLC
support the system
maintain of SDLC
the sum total (totality) of all project products and their features
uncontrolled changes when someone says what if we added this - unadded things that prevent from meeting deadlines
scope creep
a plan that specifies the project's goals and specifies all of the activities that must be completed for the project to succeed
project plan
everything that you plan to accomplish with this project
created to provide a timeline of activities and track completion times
Gantt Chart
if it is ________ we can do it with existing proven technology
technically feasible
if its _____ we can do it with organization's available resources
Operationally feasible
if its ____ we can do it with available fiscal/physical resources we currently have now
economically feasible
______ and _______ help to improve the design phase
JAD - Joint Application Development & CASE - Computer aided software engineering
used to describe the different enities of the information system and their relationships
entity relationship diagrams
show how data move throughout the system
data flow diagram
through ___ users dont have to imagine what the system specifications mean in terms of a working system, instead they can experience the system and find problems with it
prototyping tool
When Implementing the system what are the two oursourced project the team sends?
Requests for Quotation & Request for Proposal
request for a vendor to quote a price for specific components of the information system
request for quotation (RFQ)
request for a vendor to write a proposal for the design, installation, and configuration of the information system
request for Proposal ( RFP)
Phase 4 of SDLC Implementing the system it is _____________; decisions are made as to whether the system is to be developed in house or outsourced
deciding to buy or build
What are the two types of testing when developing the software?
Application testing and Acceptance testing
programs are tested individually and then tested together
application testing
users evaluate the system to see whether it meets their needs and whether it functions correctly
acceptance testing
In Converting systems, conversion occurs in what ways?
parallel conversion, pilot conversion, phased conversion, and direct conversion
run old and new system the same time to test answers- safest
parallel conversion
test one part of the organization
pilot conversion
over different time periods
phased conversion
switch to new system at once and turn off old system- most risky
direct conversion
a ______ determines if the new system has met its goals
post implementation system review
After a post implementation system review, if the new system is found to be deficient the _________ begins again
Systems development Life Cyce
a buisness organization
the use of technology information systems and computers within a buisness
enterprise computing
refers to conducting business internationally where the transaction of goods and services is transparents to the consumer
activities that have an identifiable output and add value to an organizations customers
Business processes
are managed by a central IT each network entity contains the same software and configuration settings
centralized structures
enable each user to customize th each network entity contains its own software and configuration settings
distributed structures
when upgrading, ____ are easier and less costly to upgrade than di bc can buy software in bulk and easier b/c everything is gettin ghte same technology
centralized structures
In Maintenance, ____ are easier and les
centralized structures
how well a hardware or software system can adapt to increased demands
the ability of software and hardware from different v our program didnt work on macs
a written plan with detailed instructions on what is to be done if disaster strikes
disaster recovery
Involved in disaster recovery. a back up facility that is kept in a state of readiness at all times (most expensive option)
Involved in disaster recovery. a back up facility that is made operational once the disaster occurs, not ready before then
When dealing with a big enterprise system, you system is only as good
_________ is when a failure of any one component will cause a malfunction in an entire system
Single point of Failure (SPOF)
software that integrates all facets of a business into a single computer system
Enterprise resource planning (ERP)
______ replaces standalone computer systems with a single unified software program
Enterprise Resource Planning
software tracks interactions between a company and its customers with a focus on customer retention (main thing: CUSTOMER RETEnTION and SATISFACTION)
Customer Relationship Management - CRM
Computerization has changed the way organizations ma more of the relationship is being managed electronically
________ uses standardized formatting to allow public and private enterprises to publish and share financial information with each other across all computer platforms and the internet
Extensible Buisness Reporting Language (XBRL)
______ data tags are based on standardlized accounting definitions
web sites that offer an arrary of resources and services are called _________
web portals
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