that’s over,let mthe sleeping beautyday and day。

jordans Dayspring and Nightfall
Dayspring and Nightfall
Seventh Chapter
Dayspring and Nightfall
Hurricane alone with part of wilful presecution, affront to wall of metallike seaside stronghold as helpless called accompanier. One top of tower of D.Land, a human warrior meeting gentle wind and looked over Sunshine sky. And turned to look forward Starfleet Land. There was born place himself, is daysdream place. He鈥檚 very thirst for go back on the fertile soil of country, would able to take a mass of soil throw out sky as before. But pity that in few centuries, V.Family still have strong power control there鈥檚 rich glebe. Open hands, continued great crying for far way. The Purple battle armored threw off especial soil smell as his exciting feeling on body. Famous freedom general Lamdorum who luck ran out from Starfleet Land while youngste that since started to strive for Starfleet Land鈥檚 liberation. He has passed Hundred battles, a human hero. And Lamdorum鈥檚 feet steps where human freedom warriors of base area in the freedom military. With better battle against to V.Family, Lamdorum used ten years to build an enormous size free city near D.L. shoreline. There鈥檙e main living people almost freedom warriors who against V.Family. Free City area 350, established firm metal stone wall, higher cannon towers, also have contain 10,000 battle ship sea pot. Near Free City many villages or thorps, mostly living with crop food. Many many tabernacles, small houses such rain water over green Campagna.
Great sound usually brought freedom warriors attentions. A freedom fighter sat near campfire, was talking something with other freedom fighters,鈥淎hey, We鈥檙e stay here have 10 days,jordans, why general still late to go free the Starfleet Land?鈥?
Other freedom warrior answered,鈥淒on鈥檛 hurry, Fater. Generals taking, I think that will be soon.鈥?
Nater.Fater spoke,鈥淚 have came from earth full of 5 years here. Do you think I鈥檓 not hurry?鈥?
Fater asked body side a man,鈥淗ey, Mr. Daobingwei, did you ask a good new about your sister?鈥?
Fuyi.Daobingwei no mood,鈥淚 have seek over every corner, no any key.鈥?
Fater had a pat Daobingwei鈥檚 shoulder,鈥淒on鈥檛 down, going on, sure be found.鈥?
Daobingwei smile said,鈥淭hanks Mr.Fater.鈥?
An ancient of China costume young had closing them, and greeting,鈥淓xcuse me, with politeness.鈥?br /&
鈥淢r. QinXunSheng, didn鈥檛 say any more, take a sit.鈥?One middle age man said.
QinXunSheng smile talked,鈥淭hanks, thanks uncle Gena.鈥?
Fater asked,鈥淪ometimes I don鈥檛 believe that, ancient man of Earth would dare arrived here ages, do you miss your country?鈥?
Qin touched on head, then,鈥淚 don鈥檛 remember the past events, since lost in this place, it鈥檚 very worry.鈥?Fater wonder said,鈥淵ou鈥檙e right, many people as your forget a lot of past things.鈥?
Qin great gloomy mood, missing couldn鈥檛 controlled, spoke out,鈥淏illow who鈥檚 beg锛宒ingring foot mountain. Lost don鈥檛 resume, moon lack bright wish鈥︹? People racily listened, together talked good. Gena took a dry wood threw into firepile, strong flames drive down cold on Qin鈥檚 body. Sparking fire spill to their a half old combat coat, then suddenly jumping, then moment slaked. Uncle Gena was turnning the big red potato at bar, hotting gas. Then softly a bit cut down a mass, and ate.
Loosely and not hurry said,鈥淣ow, we鈥檙e become a member of freedom military. So we should take cure of future. The occasion isn鈥檛 clear, because of freedom military generals disagree in one view, so have too late late begin to total attack, that鈥檚 general Lamdorum why blusterous of reason on city wall.鈥?then with the big sweet potato bar pointed to top of city wall, then pointed to Starfleet land鈥檚 way. Eating with talking,鈥淪tarfleet Land location in senter of Sky Col, end of south is resourceful Ancient God鈥檚 Continent, general Lamdorum suggested to first capture the Continent, as way for military important supply base, not only attacking, but also rest or living. And a part of D.H. nation chief of freedom military but thinking that first find a suitable freedome military base area in the Ancient God鈥檚 Continent, with chart to big plan. And I usually think the Starfleet Continent shuld be first free place by freedom military. There is very important battle plan place, always every nation of D.S. want to capture the target. Hundreds years ago, There鈥檚 a human happyness living zone, because V.Family invasion, human nation such fall low step! However, if want to defeat V.Family, We鈥檙e must capture Starfleet Continent.鈥?
Everybody cried at one time,鈥淯ncle Gena right, We must capture the Starfleet Continent!鈥?
Qin said again,鈥淪tarfleet Continent at distance of same far-fling sea from Sunshine Continent. Base on the sky col, We may be won鈥檛 wishes.鈥?
Gena a mouth bit again, then haha smile said,鈥淒oesn鈥檛 matter, Mr.Qin. We鈥檙e invited Astro-Netureism warrior againt them. We can use their science skills to help us to arrived Starfleet Land.鈥?
Fuyi.Daobingwei renew,鈥淚 went to Starfleet Land before last year, there鈥檚 guarding commander is V.Family B.general Aaroncou of general Pinorbarwi, old opponent of general and a sturmbling blcok. May be we should deal with the man.鈥?
Fater said,鈥淕eneral Aaroncou well name broad over D.S. Because his army, V. Family also long time tyrannize in Starfleet Land.鈥?
Uncle Gena threw out serveal hot potato, everybody happy hold, then he鈥檚 continued talked,鈥淭hat鈥檚 right, it鈥檚 certainly let us down thing. But don鈥檛 forget our freedom military wasn鈥檛 guerrilla combat of military every places at ago time, now our power are infection on everyplace of D.S. As long as we stick to faith, of course won鈥檛 lose!鈥?
General Lamdorum going on called Starfleet Land. He鈥檚 a patriot hero In the every freedom warriors eyes,. A freedom warrior had closing Lamdorum,鈥淕eneral Lamdorum, D.H.nation and D.nation general please you go to military tent for discussion.鈥?He stopped, and answered,mlb jerseys,鈥淚 see, I鈥檒l go back soon.鈥?
The genral tents established on a small sidehill where surrounding of freedom warriors tents or houses, countless firepile as land鈥檚 firebugs on plain. Freedom warrior rest here for tomorrow battle preparing. General approach in general tents, just a soldier moving in, then bethrew out again, and flap sound fell down in front of Landorum, ten and serveal commanders of nations are fury talking about how to against V.Family. He鈥檚 supported him and order to leave, then first find a place and sat down, face that taking way is not easy end. Sweep sights around, then asked a commander at side,鈥淎.nation commander Terrading, have you see D.H.nation commander occultfa?鈥?Terrading replied,鈥淕eneral Landorum, I just come here, they鈥檙e may be coming.鈥?Those words, occultfa come in from tent door and said,鈥淔inally you鈥檙e come here, I just a little thing go for a walk, so a little late, eveybody don鈥檛 mention, heyhey.鈥?Occultfa has strongback and tall, a lion brown hair, Die Hard mystery lette on forehaead, one suit of disregulation battle armored especial show his outstanding and spirit fierce, it鈥檚 said that Occultfa like to put enemy general weapon and armored occupied for himself, sometimes will had on body coat because adorned. He鈥檚 freedom captain鈥?
He鈥檚 sat on the general chair and talked to everyone,鈥淣ations hero generals! Thank your present to the meeting, this meeting will decide to first attacking goal of freedom military. Ago, we鈥檙e talking about such as topic, but couldn鈥檛 made a decision鈥?long 鈥?ime鈥? delay army occasion! Hope everybody can talking without limited, don鈥檛 want to fitful!鈥?
General Landorum first talked,鈥淢y suggestion have passed to everybody, I strong to need that first goal of freedom military should be Starfleet Land. Because Starfleet Land location in center of Sky Col ocean, there鈥檚 hold-balance of military main position. I hope we would considering with care, that Starfleet Land important effection at freedom military attacking path.鈥?
Occultfa asked one commander,鈥淒.nation elder Dma, What are you thinking that?鈥?
Dma a bit moving crutch, said,鈥淢y those words, must be destory the nail of Sea Dragon, that can be faster run. General Landorum is right in a kind of circses, but once my troops attack to Starfleet Land, Sea Dragon army may be deal with relieve the besieged by attacking the base of the besieger. Suppose that circs happened, our armies will locat at middle of both enemy units. May I ask how to capture Starfleet Land.鈥?
D.nation clan chief Pize called,鈥淭hat鈥檚 good, We can鈥檛 do the such suffer losses thing. Demand win V.Family, you鈥檙e young.鈥?He鈥檚 again knocked on table, send out the ping ping pong pong sound.
A human commander couldn鈥檛 controlled himself, laugh talked,鈥淎yea, really no thinking chief Pize also can going or play the drum, at the battlefield without lost. Ah~ah.鈥?Suddenly provoke guffaw. Landorum side warriros want to talk, but he prevented with mean glance.
Occultfa told to Pize,鈥淓nough! Please everybody don鈥檛 this manner, listening this chief talk!鈥?Elder Dma glance too, then he鈥檚 stopped to act.
A.nation Terrading said aloud,鈥淲aste the time of our that won鈥檛 an idea, I suggestion main goal to Starfleet Land, then both sides attacking at same action time, that will be fine.鈥?
Netureism Flolamp with sympathy, asked,鈥淐ommander Terrading, please talk what鈥檚 good idea?鈥?
Terrading answered,鈥淕eneral Landroum matter fact, Dma too, Starfleet Land have to deal with will, but We鈥檙e need to watch up Sea Dragon City鈥檚 intimidating. So I think that We should put up the confusion action both places, make suit confusion act, delay to them attacking our units in effective, that we can be get enough time to capture Starfleet Land. But鈥?the arrange of plan time I have not 100% holds.鈥?
Menbeca made up,鈥淲e don鈥檛 worry, Netureism have advancing spaceflight technology, must be make up everybody鈥檚 chink on time.鈥?
Flolamp said again,鈥淣ot bad, our Netureism have battle to V.Family serveral thousands years in the history, very clear the point. At this uprsing of freedom military, we bring Netureism strong attack and defense new style teel teeth battle fleets, I believe sure that with the fastest speed to accomplish caputre Starfleet Land task.鈥?
Elder Dma up to talked,鈥淐ommander Flolamp, you only bring only only 350 steel teeth battle fleets, one of enemy fleet sizer than you, may I ask you how to defeat?鈥?
Flolamp want to say, Menbeca first said,鈥淓lder Dma is not bad, only only 350 steel teeth battle fleets have not enough expectation ourselves. But don鈥檛 forget we also have Netureism elder Hesuner helping! Although has not appearance meeting here, but I promise to everyone. When we鈥檙e total attacking, Netureism space fleets will delay V.Family astro-fleets, let us have enough time to capture Starfleet Land in control. Once we鈥檙e occupy Starfleet Land, have at least power against to V.Family, So, please everybody cooperate in one idea. I also think commander Terrading talked to point, should be make effective confusion both sides.鈥?
Occultfa shade talked,鈥淭hat鈥檚 very good idea! Make confusion action, and attacking Starfleet Land, good idea! Hoha~! 鈥?br /&
Star lights brightly water land, everything likes so peaceful. Tomorrow, something will altered. Freedom military will uprising first total attacking, the first statision great possibility at Starfleet Continent.Dayspring, Fuyi.Daobingwei glanced distance, suddenly recall one of flash star because pity sisiter, he could not help to control suffering. There鈥檚 gun star, sister has lost there. For looking for sister, Daobingwei spended 7 years at universe ago. Past years with wind and rain, but still appearance rainbow鈥?a freedom warrior closing to one Daobingwei,鈥淢r. Daobingwei, Uncle Gena call you go back because together, We鈥檒l depart.鈥?Sea mew skim through cliff, as row to seaside. Countless freedom warriors were together in the wide seaside of pain. Fleet and fleet battle ship were snail moving with clarinoes, ready to depart. Uncle Gena had dressed life vest, hands on waist, was standing in front of warriors, and proud cried,鈥淏rothers and Sisters, we freedom war has arrived to top occasion. Tomorrow, that way Starfleet Land will belong to us (talking, and with middle fingers pointed to another side of sea. )鈥? today begin to morning after dark. At that time, everbody couldn鈥檛 worry that should how to live. We鈥檒l have good days. As long as occupy Starfleet Land. This reason of together today! Even if havey dark, we鈥檙e need to open big eyes! Task unsimple, almost same main army (people were surprise)! However, We must assure the freedom military to pass Sky Col (people shocked and surprise again.) Don鈥檛 look down Sky Col, there鈥檙e living V.Family in-law Sea nation below, they鈥檝e strong army. But don鈥檛 worry too, With us (people start to difficult color face)! We also have strong sea fleets, a great reputation sea robber Uncle Tidak captain, and his sea robber fleet. We鈥檙e only work is a capable sailor! If need, open few guns is right (people final relax a breath).鈥?Fater wondered,鈥淪tranger, self feeling our seems does nothing man, only sailor, such a bit fault.鈥?
One ship gently landing on check door of palace. Waken got off from ship and looked over surrounding, palace deffense clearly weaken down, almost new faces. Fast step to check exit, a team captain went to ask,鈥淕ood afternnon, officer. Please show up your cerfification book.鈥?Waken answered,鈥淵es, please waiting a minute.鈥?Team captain saw the book, with tool for checking. Sudden, a police car arrived from sky, Hedite and Koene walked to safety door, want to speake, team captain have an inpatient to say,鈥淲hy you again, yesterday I told you with clarity. Please go back, police officers. There鈥檚 our V.Family鈥檚 meeting. No invite no join, please go back!鈥?Hedite pretended to angry talk,鈥淒oesn鈥檛 like manner. Empire many cases happened these days, our police also very care V.Family inside queston. Wish you can let us join the meeting.鈥?Team captain said, 鈥淒arned, are we figure out cases ourselves?鈥?Keone follow said,鈥淐aptain, Don鈥檛 annoy.鈥?Waken aside asked,鈥淓xcuse me, team captain. Have you question with my passport?鈥?Team captain as inpatient, quick finish check job, told to Waken,鈥淭hanks for your cooperation, you can go.鈥?Hedite as sweat talked,鈥淲hy he can go, Why we can鈥檛 go?鈥?Team captain went to talk Hedite, Waken took a chance go out the checking door, racket noise far to more far. Palace still magnificence, but pity has lost past energy and spirit vision. Many places empty and no one, soundless. He鈥檚 act to lost way in the palace, straight deep of palace, with contract soldier experience, fast throught out way and way of small roundabout road, final come to deep of palace. Still soundless and no one had showed up in eyes. No guards, no anything moving, disenergy. Waken wondered,鈥淐harle.Guan 鈪?coupe former residence same as before, bese on no difference place in looking, more than lone and quiet, didn鈥檛 say survey. May be after assassinate case happened, the locale has cleaned. Also easy to here, must be another difference on way. Go out will be a good plan.鈥?When he鈥檚 along way back, Wintergun as ghost standed front him, frighten to Waken jumper than normal in heart. Wintergun looked in mind, wondered to asked,鈥淐aptain Waken, long time no see. What鈥檚 wind blowing you鈥檙e here?鈥?He鈥檚 compose answered,鈥淭oday I鈥檒l attendance to V.Family inportant meeting, the palace real bigger. I鈥檓 walking and walking, as lost way. I felicitate to meet you, else possible I couldn鈥檛 attendence the meeting on time.鈥?Wintergun said,鈥淭hank you,Captain Waken. The palace real huge. Here deep of palace, Charle.Guan 鈪?former living-house.鈥?Waken said,鈥淥h, I鈥檓 so sorry, I dare run to here, How to do, I also hurry up to join meeting?鈥?Wintergun answered,鈥淒on鈥檛 hurry, commander, this way, follow me.鈥?He鈥檚 already have another plan, even thinking Waken very possible to investigate murder cases of palace.
With Wintergun guided, Waken final came to the half moon meeting hall. Elder Gonggu and V.Family other people were talking about.
Gonggu does saw him coming, smile said,鈥淐aptain Waken, final come. Take a sit, please.鈥?Elder Gonggu usually dress long long gown, siting on suspend-moving chair go to acitvities in outer or inside of palace.
Waken said,鈥淚鈥檓 so apology for you, just I lost in palace, so a bit late.鈥?
Gonggu smile said,鈥淒oesn鈥檛 matter, never mind, We just begin to start. Unless you, also have some people still late. Find a place and sit down.鈥?
Waken answered,鈥淭hank elder.鈥?He鈥檚 look around enviorment, closing half people have not seen before. Gonggu talked again, 鈥淲aken, I introduce a man for you, this is V.Family military young officer PanZiNeng锛宩ust has graduated form D.S. War College.鈥?
Waken did a military salute,dunk sb, and talk,鈥淣ice to meet you, Mr. PanZiNeng, I鈥檓 Waken, D.S. Rocks Starfields rubbishs bases commander.鈥?br /&
PanZiNeng young and handsome, eyes showed up especially bright. A suit silvery white battle armored more showed up his hero. He鈥檚 saluted,鈥淣ice to meet you too, Waken. I鈥檓 so glad to know you.鈥?
Gonggu continued,鈥淲aken, that鈥檚 V.Family biology weapon master YuanSiBu. He鈥檚 bend head over at laboratory in the years and moths. We鈥檙e few chance to meet him. Today fortune to appeare our meeting, also for Charle.Guan 鈪?case.鈥?
Waken answered,鈥淢r. YuanSiBu, greetings, nice to meet you.鈥?
YuanSiBu said,鈥淵ou鈥檙e welcome, we鈥檙e for V.Family.鈥?Then introduced again,鈥淭hat鈥檚 my student Diligencefi, autoweapon expert. Come from royalty ancestry T.Family, is higher employee.鈥?Diligencefi had dressed a suit white of frock, disorder hair below high nose. He鈥檚 liberally standed,wholesale nba jerseys, talked,鈥淭hank you, Teacher Yuan, thank you Captain Waken. With family order came to here for V.Family transition. I wish would got support and help from everyone in the stay time. Thank you.鈥?
Waken standed too, and kind shake hand, talked,鈥淗ello, hello.鈥?
Gonggu continued,鈥淭hat鈥檚 Ms.Bianna, general Bianjia daughter. She鈥檚 D.S. Electric Rocks Starfields rubbishs bases commander.鈥?
Bianna saluted, said,鈥淚t鈥檚 better see for oneself rather than to hear for many times, commander Waken heroic
outstanding, no wonder elder Gonggu highly regard to you.鈥?
Waken hurry supplied,鈥淢s.Bianna overprise, I鈥檓 so touching. would able with Ms.Bianna to serving Six small Planets Zone for V.Family as my honour.鈥?Three minutes late, attendees saw Zuo Ge, Deco, Pinorbarwi were laugh talking and coming.
Elder Gonggu said,鈥淭here generals, good, take sit down please.鈥?
Ms. Bianna outface looked them, mouth mutter,鈥淚f elder over and over please, I look some one still at other side dissolute and cheerfulness.鈥?
Pinorbarwi beated to council board, and shouted,鈥淚f I鈥檓 not looking on general Bianjia鈥檚 face , must be good straight educate you.鈥?
Bianna made a ghost face,鈥淵oh, old man don鈥檛 angry, more urge worse to body.鈥?
Zuo Ge want but couldn鈥檛 do, then stared to them,鈥淗u鈥?a sound, compatibly said,鈥淥k, everybody keep silent, Don鈥檛 say other, talk to topic!鈥?
Gonggo promptly make up,鈥淭hanks for Wisedomer Gue Ge, That鈥檚 right, important topic.鈥?
Deco said,鈥淣ow we 鈥榬e disoptimism in the V.Family in circs. Since Onhogo has dead, V.Family power suffered a disastrous decline. Almost elite-warriors with Onhogo has been immolated at the Universe Empire Star battle, our strength lowing a lot. I thinking that first get well to recruit job, firm to community stability of D.S.鈥?
Bianna said,鈥淒.S. have many great immolated soldiers in the battle, who鈥檚 families all weep one鈥檚 heart out. Society influence too big? I think that first get well to conciliation job, It鈥檚 good.鈥?br /&
Pinorbarwi shouted,鈥淟ittle girl, it鈥檚 not time to your intersay!鈥?
Bianna want to talk, Gonggu promptly detered,鈥淧lease everybody calm down, We鈥檙e talking topic, didn鈥檛 mump!鈥?
Pinorbarwi loosely closing the seat, did a stretch, say,鈥淗am, I listening elder talking, don鈥檛 care.鈥?
She鈥檚 eyebrows closing to together, throught,鈥淰.Family because many guys as your bastard, result of murder to my father.鈥?Open the eyes again,鈥淗um鈥?a voice, then silent.
Elder Gonggu said again,鈥淕eneral Pinorbarwi and Ms.Bianna all right, recruit new soldiers is very important, but conciliation too. Everyone have question?鈥?
Waken said,鈥淚 want to say some words.鈥?
Deco observed the young commander in eyes. Minded,鈥淕onggu Why find a captain here for discussion V.Family big cases? hold a candle to the sun.鈥?
Zuo Ge said,鈥淭alking please, Waken.鈥?
Waken said,鈥淭hank you wisdomer Zuo Ge. Thanks everyone.鈥?
He鈥檚 continued,鈥淎ccording to the circs, We鈥檙e need to get well work is stabilization, strengthen border defense and imporve insdier of public security problem. Just generals have suggeste as same. I only repeated.鈥?
Gongge asked,鈥淲ould you explain?鈥?
Waken spoke,鈥淔irst we should get well to stabiliztion for society. Because V.Family in the Empire Star where great injured, D.S. people鈥檚 morale rifeness low. In the case, We鈥檙e not only need to save up consciousness everytime, but also need to arm in arm strive in a mind as better. And next is involved insider of country public security problem. Because V.Family worse than former in people鈥檚 heart. The history educate us, prewar or afterwar in any case, society usually tend to instability. Assort with army and police works are very inmportant. That will even more benefit social stability, prosperity.鈥?
Gonggu answered,鈥淲aken right, creditably D.S. suggeston insignia commander.鈥?
Waken talked,鈥淣ot at all, Elder. For V.Family is our underling resporisibility.鈥?
Zuo Ge,鈥淗am, Ok, Waken good hope!鈥?
Waken thanked,鈥淭hanks wisdomer Zuo Ge鈥檚 appreciation. Thank you very much.鈥?
Waken want turned to talking about Charle.Guan 鈪?problem, Gonggu first talked,鈥淐aptain Waken, needn鈥檛 humility, I believe you鈥檙e an action man.鈥?br /&
Waken deglutition of a few saliva, alone said,鈥淭hank鈥檚 elder Gonggu. Thank.鈥?Pinorbarwi鈥檚 thought,鈥淚t鈥檚 no fancy that boy isn鈥檛 simple, cunning than needlesharp little girl!鈥?
PanZiNeng still was sitting and silent, quite listen and attented to everybody talking. Elder Gonggu as discovered a point, asked to PanZiNeng,鈥淢r. PanZiNeng, What have you suggestion?鈥?
He鈥檚 firm with right,鈥淐aptain is right, but have some questions. I want to make up, May I?鈥?
Gonggu said,鈥淭alking without limited, We鈥檙e for V.Family.鈥?
PanZiNeng said,鈥淕.I.M.E. is locate in civil war phase, I think overseas problems sould be deal well unless insider of country problem. Because V.Family has lost in Universe Empire Star. Premier Liyidan is not great believer V.Family than former. And R.Family has general Gui, must be become the most threaten family of Empire ten familys. We鈥檙e should be deal well this side of involved, only do that can really consideration for all situation. Quite considering from V.Family benefits.鈥?
Gonggu said,鈥淭hanks PanZiNeng鈥檚 supply, very good.鈥?
Deco next talked,鈥淕reat Ten Family only T.Family send science and technology group to here. Other cast V.Family behind back, really darned. Recall to V.Family proud ages former. They鈥檙e faces such let me surfeit!鈥?Meeting suddenly quiet down. Everybody all considering something.
Faced to specially quiet people, Gongge said,鈥淣ow that if we鈥檙e keep places of question, it would be better to farther question. Since Universe Empire Star battle, D.S. peace under first great attacking. And Netureism roles of freedom military increasing, become our another eyesnail. As for G.I.M.E. V.Family of Ten Family that it鈥檚 necessity, earnest, entreat, urgent without stop problem. What would you have an opinion with the problem?鈥?
PanZiNeng first said,鈥淚 have realize with the problem. G.I.M.E. only face to Galaxies Commonwealth and S.country鈥檚 strong alliance hands, we鈥檙e need to manage for days and days worse intrusion of Netureism. Netureism following empire civil war broke out increase mightiness. There鈥檙e have a lot of rebellion starfields with Netureism shadow. When flames of war upgrade to one phase, I believe enemy will use 鈥淭wo Tactics Grasp鈥?to accomplish real goal. The grasps will appear up to choosing effective in win. Our enemy on side use bushfighting tactics destory and embarrass Empire government developping everywhere. Of course including V.Family area. Another side they鈥檙e use, control some parties,organizations or religion for attach and intervene interior. One hand grasp bushfighting to deal empire army, one hand grasp parties, organizations to control regime of Starfields everyplaces. Thereby come true to defeat empire army, and establish new country. When we鈥檙e looking at whole words, undifficult discover empire army now main enemy only regular army, but also may be some organizations or against-person, and they鈥檙e may be master in destroy G.I.M.E. economy, and other developping factors. In a kind of degree, defeat G.I.M.E. economy is defeat powerful empire.鈥?
Zuo Ge likes understood to talked,鈥淚 identify with Mr. PanZiNeng鈥檚 idea. Netureism鈥檚 knife chop big tree against method that usually give G.I.M.E. Ten Family uneasiness feeling. But, turn the words, How better to against and Windom鈥檚 union line? May be we鈥檙e find a real and total heal convulsion of D.S. way.鈥?br /&
Elder Gonggu turned to Waken,鈥淲hat鈥檚 suggestion from Captain Waken?鈥?
Waken understood to the question will be ask to Mr. PanZiNeng. But didn鈥檛 his thinking. Hurry said,鈥淭hank鈥檚 elder Gonggu considering. And thanks everyone give a chance to me continue. Countries contest expect colligation national power, also have a point need to special attention. That鈥檚 tactical important. With developping and progessing of words increasing, military weapon fly-developping and devilishness power usually give people鈥檚 worry. These hold-blance power enough to destroy anyone existent civilization word. But only from destroy angle depart to against opponents, bring ruin, also dark century coming, How better to against and blance terrible military power? Weapon technology developping is never avoid, great size kill and wound weapon probably countries or militarists and strategists attention thing in mind. Would ability to weigh weapon power way is only tactics, is not countries unstopping armament and millitary power in the middle. Because when military power arrived to some dgrees, can better to exert functionary is only tactics. Units can鈥檛 deal well to afterwar works, one of main reason is involved tactics handle. We could find inportant basis of tactics contain weapon from G.I.M.E. some starfields at buristing armred rebellion.鈥?
After a moment, Bianna bolt out,鈥淭hree generals, have you what鈥檚 top idea? Does it gun planets?鈥?
Zuo Ge thinking,鈥淎e, the little child, with heart look down us.鈥?
Pinorbarwi shouted,鈥淕ood words they鈥檙e talked, We鈥檙e say any more! Else your talk!鈥?br /&
Bianna pose like him,鈥淵our old man, your first, I posterity, shoud be manner.鈥?
Pinorbarwi flames gas above a hole, shouted,鈥淵ou鈥︹?
Elder Gonggu hands a waved, laugh, said,鈥淗o,hoho~, OK,Ok, we鈥檙e considering for V.Family, who鈥檚 talked is same. The war bring heave economy burden in the Empire starfields. Also our V.Family osculation, involved problem, everyone don鈥檛 forget submit personal suggestion book tomorrow. In that time then put today involved problem over again, turn to standard orbit.鈥?
The meeting continued, till to middle days.
Waken went back to the royal guest room, prepare to necessaries for tomorrow meeting. The shades coming, big guest room well lamplights. A shadow falshed at outside! He鈥檚 promptly called,鈥淲ho are you outside?鈥?Black shadow intent made down voice, told to Waken,鈥淲aken, please get out here, your thing was discovered.鈥?Waken first a surprise, glance moment then asked,鈥淲ho鈥檚 bawcock outside, why spoke?鈥?Black continued said,鈥淚f you don鈥檛 believe, quick know at fast, I advice you get out here at once!鈥?Waken talked,鈥淭hanks bawcock鈥檚 regard, but I couldn鈥檛 depend you鈥檙e a sentence, then gone. I also have meeting to open tomorrow, and I have not to do something.鈥?Black shadow didn鈥檛 say any more, next is hurry steps, Waken ask,鈥淲ho鈥檚 outside?鈥?鈥淓xcuse me, Captain Waken, I鈥檓 WinterGun, also SummerAxe brother.鈥?WinterGun polited. Waken put down works on hands, asked again,鈥淐ome in, please.鈥?WinterGun and SummerAxe walked in the mean time. Behind them is 2 team armored Royal Guards. SummerAxe go into with said,鈥淰.Family great pay for you! Why hid stealth into deep of palace?鈥?Wintergun hurry supplied,鈥淣o! No! Captain don鈥檛 misunderstand, elder Gonggu call me to meet you a things for conversation. Please don鈥檛 mind to brother SummerAxe, he still has the temper.鈥?Waken seems discovered something worng, force to say composedly,鈥淥k, Elder Gonggu called, I go!鈥?SummerAxe ehanced to deep breath, then said,鈥淐aptain Please!鈥?Waken slow and loosely put down meeting data, then fast step out room, two team of Royal guards firm gazed at him. Although besiged by round and round gurads, Waken without difference color on face, he鈥檚 knew depneded on that only cloudn鈥檛 punish himself, Elder Gonggu sould be released him. While the group had passing one and one col, suddenly loud air-alarm, defense fire were shooting to high air. A fleet straight risk into palace in fire, people very clear know Netureism battle fleet, fiercely attack defat down the battle fleet, then fell down. Waken want to ask something, and surrounding with gun noise. A team of V.Family soldiers were straight battle to Royal guards, Waken hurry looking for cover-point because avoided stray bullets. To stealth looked V.Family soldiers, wonder surprised a soldiers as Colonel Veten, and he鈥檚 closing. Waken looked up, and asked to,鈥淗ello, Are you Colonel Veten?鈥?Veten happy talked,鈥淵es, I鈥檓! Waken, I come here for save you!鈥?Waken sudden feeling serious things, might be an enemy trap. Promptly talked to Veten,鈥淒on鈥檛 say any thing first, fly out here then talk!鈥?Wintergun shouted near distance,鈥淐aptain Waken, What鈥檚 going on, What鈥檚 V.Family in your thinking?鈥?Then said, aside Summeraxe brandish gigantic axe, rushed on them, a strong heat power raid to their face, Waken and Veten hurry dodge. Gigantic axe flew out and dropped down beside. With second rocks and dust flying upwards, the axe power force to land showed up many tree cracks, they鈥檙e fell by a wallop. Summeraxe hands bone sounding, strong shouted,鈥淕reen Guy, keep back your life!鈥?Salvage action soldiers speed shot to Summeraxe. He鈥檚 hurry brandish another gigantic axe to blocking, bullets and laser bean as rain on his axe. Wintergun with sight, fast speed to put up the twin guns attacked, rescuring soldiers one by one dying down. Venter hurry cried,鈥淪eek out the cover-point, collecting fire to the closest enemy!鈥?Soldiers obey without slowing, strong cross fire, enemy鈥檚 action forced to cooling down. A small airship flew out from ruin Netureism battle fleet, then went to Waken and others. The airship flying with shooting, guards under assult of airship due to hurry up find a hidden place. Missile one after another fell down on heads of Royal guards, sudden bomb sound over places. A soldier opened the exit module in the airship, said aloud, 鈥淓verybody come on!鈥?Netureism battle fleet because didn鈥檛 endure the air attacking, finally fall down beside of small airship, ground as earthquake thumber. Some of palace structions became ruin place in minute because bounce of dropping fleet. Battle fleet detonation every parts, deep and strong smoke constinuly emit from battel fleet. Waken and Veten took a chance in the confusion, fast step on small airship then flew to sky. A team of battle planes after them. Because covering waken and others running. When airship through out the clouds, a lot of empire battle plane flood up, all appearance to them, Waken shouted out. Veten put communication phone and talk to behind battle plane,鈥淲e鈥檒l fly out the aerosuphere, cover us!鈥?Battle plane pilots order talked,鈥淵es, officer!鈥?Battle plane shot up one and one guided missiles, empire battle plane blasting in air. But empire battle plane too lot, when Waken and Veten dashed out D.S. Life Star, all following battleplane have falling.
Waken final went back to rubbishs bases with Venter. And Bordear and Elder Holen and some people waiting in the planefield for safety. Got off airship,
Waken straight to office,鈥淧ut鈥?closed door, only talked a words,鈥淟et me calm down!鈥?
Veten long breath, said,鈥淟uck I heard they鈥檙e talking on his battle coat from the meeting on time, if late in step, Waken sure to become prisoner, even I doubt our will involved that time.鈥?
Brondear said too,鈥淰.Family person why so blackness!鈥?
Elder Holen said,鈥淚t鈥檚 capable to running out from tiger, is a good ting. Real wish this thing never happened again.鈥?
Steborg talked to Vente,鈥淐olonel Veten should be calmness, the thing has step up, waken will covered revolting accusal, afraid you and me couldn鈥檛 out on the way!鈥?
Veten way to D.S. and shouted,鈥淭his鈥檚 V.Family cabal, I never afraid to them, if else dare die in battle!鈥?Hoen said,鈥淚 want to look soldiers for injured?鈥?
Hofi said,鈥淎ll right, soldiers very tired, with medicine-chest.鈥?
Hoen said too,鈥淢e too!鈥?br /&
Holen said,鈥淥k, you鈥檙e go.鈥?
Veten a bit shaked dust on body, unhurt. Total hang on plenty closing battle experience.
Brondear inpatient said,鈥淣ow the case pitch more after more complex, it鈥檚 dummy eating drug, never saying.鈥?
Steborg said,鈥淚f V.Family done is ture, Waken even jump into yellow river couldn鈥檛 clean up, only more after more yellow.鈥?
Elder holen said,鈥淚t鈥檚 fall low as the thing, everyone diseasy to run involved, We鈥檙e should good to sit down and talking about how to deal future.鈥?
Brodear said,鈥淓lder Holen, We should how to deal V.Family next trouble cases?鈥?
Waken silent and considering in the office, don鈥檛 believe will had those people such deal him in V.Family. That time, officer computer sounded,鈥淗ello, Waken, I鈥檓 Mr.Consciousness, Have you some free time to talk?鈥?br /&
Waken tasteless answered,鈥淗ello, Mr.Consciousness, straight words.鈥?
Consciousness said,鈥淎lthough I鈥檓 a coder, but I have human feeling programme. Now your feeling, I understood.鈥?
Waken said,鈥淢r.Consciousness, when happening on this occasion, What do you do?鈥?
Consciousness said,鈥淢y database may be choose 4 things in 3,000 classes. Each thing are: Surrender, but innocence chance only 30 %; second, with some strengthen men for innocence, chance only 40%; third, color case, but possibility very few, because you and Colonel Veten impertinence action, now D.S. fourth, to rechoose a new road, however innocence or yes, fast sword cut confusion. With your power, successful rate above 50%.鈥?
Waken asked,鈥淒o you think general QuQing will be choose that which road?鈥?
Consciousness answered,鈥淎ccording to his particular information, undifficult deduce to approach reality result, with 80% choose fourth.鈥?
Waken鈥檚 thinking were impatct himself one and one, no stopped. What should I do, to service for V.Family that it鈥檚 hand over to sea last time, gone for ever. V.Family people must be look him as rebel, especial in this conditions.鈥?
Sudden, knocked sound from outer of door, a soldier said outer,鈥淩eport to Captain Waken, V.Family fleets are going to the rubbishs bases, please order!鈥?
Waken lyin on sofa, said,鈥淟et me calm down, go back first.鈥?
Soldier silent, then straight to kick out the door, soldier fast into officer, with thunder scatter gun. Waken feeling not good, miss out,鈥淲ho are you?鈥?
Soldier put down the armet, showed up gold hair, sure be a lady, a crasher. Lady said,鈥淢y name鈥檚 Hanice, V.Family hero spy. With V.Family name judge you鈥檙e death penalty!鈥?
When over, the gun straight shooting string and string bullets. Waken hurry find place to avoid, the bullets blasting behind his back, put whole sofa became a pile of trash. Waken set teeth himself, eyes emit angry fire and asked again,鈥淲ho ever are you?鈥?She continued to shoot him, bullets strike to officer as thrash. Gun sound arose up all people鈥檚 attention, brondear with a group of soldiers rushed to officer. One bullet shot on Waken鈥檚 left hand, pain cried, She鈥檚 shooting faster. Suddenly there is opened a hollow of top of office, cataclasm ceiling were flying. Waken seems looked a strong man fast jumpped down, with body ward all bullets, body clothers sudden broken up. Bare out metal skin. She鈥檚 put up the minibomb, fast threw to Waken, but stranger steps stop her on the way, a fist beat her out office. Hanice鈥檚 hand hold the bomb that will be blast, strong man hurry grasped it, and speedly threw to sky. The bomb such smoke flower missile were exploding huge bomb on sky! Emblaze whole rubbishs bases. Strong man saw soldiers closing here, and ran to anotherside of office, talked to Mr.Consciousness,鈥淢r.Consciousness. I鈥檓 Megalith. Accomplished task, first gone.鈥?Then with flying speed running in the rubbishs bases, disappearance, only leaved rolling dust fog on had passed feetprints.
Colonet Veten soon order to soldiers took the lady into prison. Pass the breaking case, all knew up 70, 80%. Brondear closing unconsciousness Hanic, carefulness observe, then talked,鈥淭his woman looks like a V.Family killer, I saw her before in the V.Family area. He could escaped a disaster, luck to the mystery man.鈥?Elder holen and hofi promptly woke up the diswill Waken with salvage action. Soldiers all very angry, whole rubbishs bases covered emotion on the rack.
Elder Holen was careful to bind up wounds on Waken鈥檚 hand, said,鈥淚njured is not very hurt, will be fast health.鈥?
Brondear thanks,鈥淭hank elder Holen, I never think the thing will fast coming. I considering V.Family have an early malice.鈥?
Veten asked again,鈥淪o then, who will be next?鈥?
Steborg said,鈥淰.Family assassinate action fail, must be send person to kill Waken again, may be use other method place him in a deathtrap.鈥?
Elder Holen slowing standed,鈥淯p to that time, We鈥檙e sure no escape.鈥?
When Waken woke up, that is 5 hour late, Consciousness had seem waken standed, talked,鈥淗ow are you? Waken.鈥?
He鈥檚 enduring body pain, sat down on bed, said,鈥淚鈥檓 fine, thanks Mr.Consciousness鈥檚 save for my life.鈥?
Mr. Consciousness talked,鈥淚鈥檓 belong to rubbishs bases same as a memeber, I ought to.鈥?
Veten and others were bargaining how to deal V.Family case.
Consciousness said,鈥淰.Family send people kill you, probably because scare something, therefore want to uproot you.鈥?br /&
Waken talked,鈥淩eally little does thinking, I work laboriously for V.Family, the pay such that! If I wasn鈥檛 a contract soldier, my life couldn鈥檛 saved!鈥?
Consciousness said,鈥淩eality as that, some people get a goal by every kind of means.鈥?
Waken was considering, just if no one ward front of him, now dead in unknow.
He asked,鈥淲hat should I do for right?鈥?Consciousness told,鈥淚 have a book, you may be like, because the book can give difference people difference eductaion, especial under much environment.鈥?
Waken said,鈥淲hat kind of book?鈥?
Consciousness said,鈥淭hat鈥檚 an ancient book serveal ten thousands years ago. The book name鈥檚 Universe People, and the writer is a chinese HeQiLin, HeQilin鈥檚 Universe People science fiction colligate series novel total tens of books. Unless first chapter and final end, other each telling one or two legend per a book, Technicality, work of art, amusement and education go into together, very availability.鈥?
Mr.Consciousness said again,鈥淏ecause these books, My creater got an enlighten, made me and Megalith, he鈥檚 a talent scientist. For keep identity. I promised to never giveaway creater important news to anybody. Only this way would better accomplish his task with hands. My creater hope some heroes or ideals person can capable continue to order of words, when world under the utmost confusion. This鈥檚 main reason and goal why Mr.Megalith and I exicting in the world too. We鈥檙e conviction and guardianship in his faith, although creater鈥檚 wish may be closing unreality. Wish the books would give you a new hope.鈥?
Waken with guade of Mr.Consciousness opened ancient lock box system.
In the Starfleet land, freedom warriors were united for a landing battle. Sky and sea increasing murky gray, half of seaside deffense line full and congest deepping flames or smokes of war. Netureism battle planes were act an air to ground bomb action. In the sky of Starfleet Land. One and one terral bombes again and again dropped in defense battle-line. After blasting, many huge chasm from ground. Under Netureism cover, main freedom army final closing seaside. Hero dark horse howl coulds of spaces, a warrior proud standing on horseback, didn鈥檛 stop brandish arm with hand, amuse battle horse trample tenderness sandbeach, rending sky of shout assemble then roaring. General Lamdorum first rode a robot horse step on defense line, lead warrior strive courage progessing, million freedom military as speard sky and cover land flood to Starfleet Land. V.Family arranged a lot of astro-fleets for reinforce in the land, but Netureism Elder Hesuner fleets prevented their way, both till to furious spaces battle.
General Qu Qing took the confusion occasion, decidedly announced to D.S. that the loyalist E Family of V.Family established. Even announced with Charle.Guan 鈪b?s 2 years son name鈥檚 to E Family Second Legality Successor (E Family First Legality Successor is General Qu Qing), and got supported from some of V.Family army. Then recapture a great Zone of V.Family area near Sea Dragon City, and started up small size contest battle to V.Family.
And freedom military confusion action step by step grading, due to Sea Dragon incapability to dispatch army because self saved. Starfleet Land whole separate succor. Only one day, Starfleet total fell into freedom military in charge of hands. Freedom warriors standing on shoreline, again, again cheering and jump, there were human fairyland final liberated by freedom military. General Lamdorum was leading freedom military go into importance stronghold of land in the people cheering : Discussion of Sky City.
While Starfleet Land fell down, D.S. every area one after another sprang up rebellions and uprisings, whole Life Star got into civil war. V.Family no power control disintegrating complexion, D.S.Civil War ages coming.
The setting sun again inlay short goldsides on all of rubbishs bases, breathing, blowing, striving people. Office had not waiting to nigh shades, also lamplights brighting. Another side of square, huge sky screen still days and days news D.S. everday things. Waken only use 3 hours read over the book,air max 1, an idea appearance in mind. He鈥檚 not care to body鈥檚 suffering, took the gun a lameness a limp to highpace of square. Soldiers and works quickly together under called, square as thickly dotted standing people. Waken stepped on an aerocraft from high place. Leisurely rose up sky of square. He鈥檚 with power speeched,鈥淪oldiers, fellowmen, D.S. still passing a great war storm. That will be kill us, even our families and friends! Yesterday, you had seen fate from me! My wound because I strive for, We鈥檙e Why hard working in the rubbishs bases? For what? For beatific life and beautiful future! Now, everybody know, D.S. under deep water and heat flames, empire can鈥檛 stop to civil war forever! Your families and friends still struggle on death and life edge, what鈥檚 beautiful life can talk? Also what鈥檚 peace and developping? Rich money so what? Now! with two roads on your face. One road is going back D.S. home. This way full of danger, life even killed, What鈥檚 about future can considering? Another road is with me, for liberated D.S. to striving, to battle! Better than dead in stinking raceway! Warriors! Landsmen! For beautiful future, I need everybody for tomorrow home, We鈥檙e solidarity, take courage to against war! For D.S. real liberation to battle! Battle!!鈥?Mr.Brondear and Veten fllowing shouted,鈥淪olidarity, take courage to against war!鈥?Soldiers inch by inch high sound, the voice down and uprising over rubbishs bases,鈥淰.Family down!鈥?鈥淐ourage against war!鈥?鈥淏attle for myself!鈥?鈥淲aken long time!鈥?鈥淧eace long time!鈥?
Waken standed on high and high top of airship, looked over feelings of the masses billowy warriors in the square, very exciting feeling, said aloud to sky,鈥淭urquoise
sky bule stand for H.Family never cease stepps, as sky affectionatene yellow metal stand for sunshine orbit, carrying D.S. against all seas run dry a navy blue stand for immensity universe, boundless starfields-power are D.S. fellows forever.
With all warriors name to announce H.Family established! Henceforward, We鈥檙e gallop universe hero family! Hero Family long time! D.S. long long time!鈥?
Soldiers order shouted,鈥淗.Family long time! D.S. long long time!鈥?
Other people rose up fist, said aloud,鈥淔or H.Family! Long time! Long long time! 鈥?
Waken had shot to sky, gun sound continuslly louded up over bases, warriors after warriors threw away V.Family symbol of armet on head, some people even drew up a H letter on head.
Elder Holen exciting, old tear with great ease, talked aloud,鈥淰ery well, good! H.Family long time!鈥?Steborg exciting light up firebrand, ceaselessly brandishing鈥?Waken at the empire civil war, in the D.S. Starfields great rubbishs bases, with Mr.Consciousness, Brondear, Veten and some people assisting, with 50,000 soldiers upholding, and above 100,000 workers holding, announced H.Family established鈥?
Twilight Spirit鈥檚 Sinfonia鈥檚
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