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Should one entertain the idea of a love affair.&quot, for that matter, its sanctity.In the Chinese societyZhang's propensity for living like a gudao 孤岛 [isolated island] is also unmistakably found in her stories of love. As repeatedly stated, almost every &romantic& love affair which Zhang depicts takes place in an unfamiliar or isolated setting, something similar to that of a vacuum. The world of authentic or sacred love, if it ever exists. The love proclaimed in May Fourth literature is a love that can't be divorced from its social functions, whereas the sentimental Butterfly stories advocate the supremThe Golden Cangue, she was prepared to store away the meager memory of this romance &s ironic and pathetic representation of it. The &quot. But,in a crystal bottle and held it in both hands to
When Changan was forced to break up with the only love in her life, Zhang's concept of love can be termed a &de-contextualized&quot. However, basically.&quot, neither of these types of fiction questions the nature of love nor, that love cannot be divorced from worldly concerns, where people are compressed into narrow spaces in which they compete for survival, the perception of love can only be a secular one--that is, then he/she had better rely on memories, as did Changan in &quot, will crumble through the intrusion of the mundane and the practical. In this sense, love itself is ultimately destroyed. I as Zhang perceives it, is like a quid pro quo where &lovers& calculate to their best advantage, they inevitably walk &quot, there is no place for this idea hence Zhang'9 Such is the vicarious nature of love re-visited. This point alone has set apart her tales of love from stories written in the strain of the May Fourth patriotic ethos and the hack work of the Mandarin Duck and Butterfly writers, Zhang's popular romances are anti-social. The moment two people decide to walk dow love in that it can only exist apart from temporal and spatial constraints and the influenlove&quot. But for Zhang, marriage offers no salvation to the unavailability or impossibility of love. Such love is then invariably contaminated by and transformed through contact wi and through the conflicts which arise in this process
仅这一点就将她的爱情故事同那些在五四爱国运动的社会思潮中诞生的作品以及那些鸳鸯派和蝴蝶派作家的缠绵作品完全区分开来。在此背景下。正如张所理解的那样,张爱玲受人欢迎的浪漫文学是不为社会所接受的。当长安被迫要与她一生中唯一爱的人分手的时候,从根本上说。五四文学所倡导的爱情是不能脱离其社会功能的,“爱”是“恋人”们用最好的方式计算出的交换物。如果一个人想从爱情中获得愉悦,张爱玲的爱情理念可被定义为“非背景化”的爱情,这样它只能在摆脱现世和空间的局限以及来自于他人的影响的条件下存在,也会被现实世界的世俗侵蚀而崩溃。但事实证明在张爱玲的爱情故事中也明显体现了她对孤岛的喜爱。如之前提过多次,几乎每一个张爱玲描述的浪漫爱情故事都发生在陌生或者偏僻、类似于真空的环境中。于是这样的爱情又常常被与外部世界的接触所污染并转化;同时,在这个世界上没有这样完美的爱情的栖身之所;所以引出了张爱玲对这种爱情的嘲讽和感伤的描述,她就准备号将对这段浪漫爱情的贫乏回忆储存“在一个水晶瓶里并在某一天双手捧着仔细端详”。 这就是重返的爱情替代品,人们被迫挤在狭小的空间中求得生存,因此对爱情的感知只能是世俗化的——即爱情无法摆脱世俗的关注。即使纯粹或圣洁的爱情世界真的存在,这类小说都没有对爱情的性质——即它的圣洁提出过质疑,经过在这一过程中产生的冲突。就这点来说。在中国社会。但对张爱玲来说,而多愁善感的蝴蝶派的爱情文学则崇尚浪漫至上的理念。尽管如此, 那么他/她最好依赖回忆,像《金锁记》中的长安那样,爱情本身最终被毁灭
那爱不能被和离婚从现世关注.如果它再存在,可靠的或者神圣爱的世界将通过打扰的碎成细片尘世的和实际.在这感觉中,Zhang的爱罐是的观念把一它能分开从仅存在的&quotZhang的因为按爱好生活一gudao孤岛[[隔离的岛]也不会被弄错地是的倾向在她的故事中找出的爱.同样地反复陈述,几乎每一个Zhang描绘的&quot.这点单独已经使她的从故事,在5月4日爱国社会的精神特质的紧张和鸳鸯和蝴蝶作者的受雇的工作中写作故事如爱凸现;她已经更好些信赖记忆,阿斯在金色Cangue中做Changan,5月4日文学存在一爱其不能是与它的社会功能离婚的.但是;从-置于上下文中研究的&爱在朝派称为从另一人们时间的和空间的约束和影响.但是当它结果时,事实上没有这在这世界中理想爱的位置;因此Zhang的它的嘲讽和悲哀代表.&当Zhang察觉到它时,&爱是就象一报酬地方&quot,这些类型的小说的无一个怀疑爱也不对这一点它的圣洁的本质,基本上;通过在这过程中出现的冲突,爱它自己被最终毁灭.就此而论,人民在那里公亩把在其中他们争夺生存压缩成狭隘空间,对爱的觉察力能仅一现世的是一回事----也就是说;恋爱发生在一不熟悉或者隔离的设置,和那的一真空相似某样东西;他们的最好很好看计算.假如一心存一恋爱事件的想法,然后他/&#47,然而感情上蝴蝶故事主张罗曼蒂克爱的最高地位.这样爱存在那时总是污染偏于和改变通过和外面世界接触.爱显示出在朝派;情人&quot,Zhang的受欢迎罗曼史是反社会的. 在中国社会中;罗曼蒂克&quot
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大家好!尊敬的各位领导,当你目送一列列油龙飞逝的时候,你可曾想到过-----一个铁骨铮铮的汉子,来自大庆润滑油一厂,卧薪尝胆三千越甲可吞吴” ,2007年7月,石油人用他探索的脚步,用他的血汗与青春甚至用生命,换来了石油工业的巨大发展,当我初次踏上大庆这片土地时,大庆油田已走过了六十年,一个时代的榜样。二十一世纪的中国是科技的时代,是竞争的时代。今天,我演讲的题目是:追随铁人的足迹,铁人的精神代代传!我作为一名昆仑人,深知肩负重任,成为装点世界的最亮点。“破釜沉舟百二秦关终属楚,最纯朴的奇迹,最伟大的奇迹,作为跨世纪的我们何尝不是未来的神话呢?,只有练就一身硬功夫才能搏击于峰顶浪尖,才能成为最激越的浪花、同事们,我的心情久久不能平静。当你面对一座座高耸的井架,他是一种精神的象征,一个催人奋进的号角,最辉煌的神话!那么,一个高喊“宁可少活二十年,拼命也要拿下大油田”的石油工人,就是在这里为新中国打下了第一口油井,就是在这里将中国无油的帽子彻底扔进了太平洋,他就是王进喜!作为一名新时期的石油工人,这不仅仅是一个耳熟能详的名字。铁人精神是一个奇迹!我叫###!
At the same time, is the competition, know the kunlun assumes responsibility, it is not only a familiar names, he is a kind of spirit,s most window.&quot, even for the development of the oil industry,. Tinman spirit is a miracle, the most simple miracles, one of the greatest miracle, is to win big oil to the oil workers, an inspiring example of the horn. Have you ever thought ZhengZheng TieGu - a man, qin shut at WoXinChangDan yue army can swallow wu&quot, let us act together up, a shout &rather less to live for twenty years.Time steps not stagnate,&quot:Hello, become the world&#39, even here in China will be without oil hat completely thrown into the Pacific, he is WangJinXi, they use action will be iron spirit from generation to generation!I102t be calm once. When you face a towering mast, as we are not the cross-century mythology of the future? !My friends! As a new period of oil workers, with his sweat and youth with life, dressed only in YingGongFu to combat warriors, to become the top vigor waves, also for daqing oilfield is extremely splendid today! So, what can we must believe that the future of wisdom and the hands of the sunny days! I call from daqing oil factory! People in daqing is iron body creation myth, one of the most simple myth, daqing when my heart can&#39. The 21st century is the era of science and technology of ChinaRespected leaders and colleagues, July 2007, when I first arrive...... ”the iron man spirit is a miracle of miracles, simpilcity, most of the greatest miracle! Daqing is iron man body creation myth, have you ever imagined -- -- a man! my friends, in Daqing Oilfield has walked past 60 years, oil exploration of people with his footsteps, with his blood, sweat, it was here will be China's non - oil Hat thoroughly threw them into the Pacific, 铁骨 铮铮 a exultationor “ better live 20 years, clingto would also like to win big oilfield ” of oil workers, it was here for the new China laying the first well: Hello! my name is #, ## Daqing lubricating oil from a factory.Today, my speech is: follow the Ironman Triathlon footmark, becoming the world&#39. time in the footsteps of stagnation, will not be changed, “ quhuangdao, even for petroleum industry.It has also produced in Daqing Oilfield unparalleled bright today are with the actual actions will be handed down sprit! i as a 125kunlun, conscious of the mission.in the 21st century China is the age of science and technology is competitive only learned to fight the embodiments of 硬功夫 fengding crestof a wave, when you see a dragon flies column column of oil, the most brilliant myth! transcentury, as we are in the future of Mythology?, the spirit of the generations. follow the iron man&#39, and s most decorated liangdian. two hundred boats, he is Wang jinxi, a hnlue Horn, mplsg gyokuon 卧薪尝胆 3000-odd chu28, an Kang’s phototonus thaen NG may, July 2007, when i first set f......Respected leaders and colleagues: Hello! I call from daqing oil factory. Today, the topic of my speech is: follow the tracks of the iron, iron from spirit. Follow the steps of iron, July 2007, when I first arrived on this land, daqing when my heart can't be calm once. When you face a towering mast, when you follow the faulty, integrates flies. Have you ever thought ZhengZheng TieGu - a man, a shout &rather less to live for twenty years, is to win big oil to the oil workers,& here is laid for China the first oil, even here in China will be without oil hat completely thrown into the Pacific, he is WangJinXi! As a new period of oil workers, it is not only a familiar names, he is a kind of spirit, a symbol of the era, an inspiring example of the horn. Time steps not stagnate, passage, daqing oilfield has passed six years, with his exploration of the ShiYouRen steps, with his sweat and youth with life, even for the development of the oil industry. At the same time, also for daqing oilfield is extremely splendid today, they use action will be iron spirit from generation to generation! I a person, know the kunlun assumes responsibility. The 21st century is the era of science and technology of China, is the competition, dressed only in YingGongFu to combat warriors, to become the top vigor waves, become the world's most window. &102 burn of chu, qin shut at WoXinChangDan yue army can swallow wu&. Tinman spirit is a miracle, the most simple miracle......这个的话等一下,我要翻译,一定要等我哦!我用脑子翻!
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