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1、割双眼皮需要多少钱与每个人的方案决定,现在割双眼皮方法有埋线法、切开法和韩式三点双眼皮三种方式,医学整形 医生相关问答:
2A C流感疫苗(加强)有什么副作用?
答: 去医院检查没有怀孕,可是月经都十天没来了,以前最多就三四天啊,怎么回事啊
答: 为病人看病的医生是如何预病毒防传染的? 0分
提问时间: 16:51
答: 肾上腺皮质激素可以用于各类过敏反应的抗过敏治疗.
答: 不知道你是哪的人,不过从你看医生所做的描述的话,可能主要看的是中医,中医重调理,而且诊断面狭隘(靠诊脉,而现在哪有再世华佗,老祖宗的东西他们现在连皮毛都没学会,...
Regional Integration, Disaster Relief, Security Expected to Highlight ASEAN Meeting东盟外长将讨论宪章等一系列问题  Foreign ministers from the Association of South East Asian Nations - ASEAN - are meeting in Singapore this week to discuss a range of issues, including progress toward ratifying a charter promoting regional integration. 东南亚国家联盟10个国家的外长这个星期在新加坡就一系列问题展开讨论,其中包括批准一部促进地区一体化的宪章。ASEAN members agreed on the creation of a charter late last year. Among other things, it commits Southeast Asian nations to notions of democracy and human rights. It also sets out common rules for negotiations in trade, investment, environment and other fields, and aims to turn the region into a free trade zone by 2015. 东盟各成员国去年年底同意颁布一部宪章,其中一项内容就是东南亚各国致力于民主和人权的理念。宪章也将就贸易、投资、环境等问题设立一些基本准则,目标是到2015年时把这一地区建立成一个自由贸易区。Singaporean Foreign Minister George Yeo says Burma recently approved the charter and will likely formally announce its decision when regional foreign ministers meet Sunday. Only Thailand, Indonesia and the Philippines have not ratified the agreement. 新加坡外长杨荣文表示,缅甸最近批准了这部宪章,而且很有可能在星期天各国外长举行会议的时候宣布其决定。只有泰国、印度尼西亚和菲律宾还没有批准这项协议。Carl Thayer, a regional security specialist at the Australian National University, says the charter will be a key item on the foreign ministers' agenda. 澳大利亚国立大学地区安全事务专家卡尔.塞耶表示,有关宪章的讨论将是外长会议的关键日程。"The foreign ministers are meeting at a time where they know they are working towards a summit where the real decisions are made by the heads of government and for the ASEAN charter to pass. So one of their major concerns will be to get progress reports on the four or five Indonesia, the Philippines, being two notable ones," said Thayer. 他说:“各国外长们都知道,他们正在为首脑会议进行准备。在首脑会议上,各国领袖将作出真正的决定,让宪章获得通过。因此,外长们最关注的问题之一就是了解四、五个尚未通过这部宪章的国家的情况,其中最引人注目的国家是印度尼西亚和菲律宾。”Observers say the Philippine Senate could block ratification of the charter unless Burma's military releases the country's opposition leader, Aung San Suu Kyi, who is currently under house arrest. 观察家们认为,除非缅甸军人统治者释放仍然遭到软禁的反对派领导人昂山素季,否则菲律宾上议院不会批准这部宪章。Singapore, which currently leads the regional bloc, says it is confident the charter will be ratified by the end of the year. 目前担任东盟主席国的新加坡表示,新加坡相信这部宪章将在今年年底获得批准。ASEAN foreign ministers are also expected to discuss disaster relief and management following the devastating cyclone and earthquake that struck Burma and China, respectively, in May. 预期,东盟各国外长们还将讨论援救努力和危机管理问题。今年5月,缅甸和中国分别遭受了热带风暴和地震的袭击。ASEAN played a key role in brokering an agreement between Burma and the ed Nations in a bid to speed up relief efforts.  东盟在缅甸和联合国之间斡旋,为加快救援努力发挥了关键作用。Burma was criticized by the West and human rights groups for restricting access to the hardest hit areas and for refusing direct aid.  西方国家和人权团体批评缅甸限制救援团体进入受灾最严重的地区并且拒绝接受直接援助。Carl Thayer, regional security analyst at the Australian National University, says ASEAN is likely to stand by its response and the agreement with the ed Nations and Burma. 地区安全事务专家卡尔.塞耶说,东盟很有可能对东盟的反应以及联合国和缅甸的协议进行辩护。"ASEAN will have to be able to defend its record in providing humanitarian assistance to Burma after cyclone Nargis against Western charges that the Burmese government was late and responsible for an awful lot - they have to put a gloss on that in particular," he said. 他说:“西方国家指责缅甸政府在热带风暴‘纳尔吉斯’袭击后迟迟不能提供救援,应当对人民遭受的苦难负责。东盟将不得不对它向缅甸提供人道主义救援的记录进行辩护。东盟尤其要对这件事情轻描淡写。”The ASEAN foreign ministers are preparing to welcome North Korea as a regional partner when Pyongyang signs a Treaty of Amity and Cooperation, seen as a significant symbolic step by ASEAN as a forum for dialogue on regional security issues. 东盟各国外长正在准备欢迎北韩在签署和睦与合作条约后成为东盟的一个地区夥伴。这一举动被看成是东盟发展成为地区安全对话论坛的象征性一步。ASEAN will also be looking at possible solutions to rising oil and food prices amid warnings inflation could threaten political stability. 东盟还将讨论解决油价和食品价格高涨的办法。有警告说,通货膨胀有可能威胁这一地区的政治稳定。81Script:“This is brilliant…” said Ron. J.K. Rowling has written seven Harry Potter books, dozens of other authors have climbed on the bandwagon. The term Harry Potter brings up dozens of titles on Amazon, from Unlocking Harry Potter to Who Killed Dumbledore. But the boy wizard shows up beyond the fiction section. Next to business books about the man who used to run GE, you might find, If Harry Potter Ran General Electric. The Harry Potter fans are emailing me ,uh, in incredible quantities to tell me they have learnt lessons from the stories that they had never seen before. In the end, only one will go down in history.Author Tom Morris says Rowling’s characters like Dumbledore are great role models for business. He shows how sustainably great leadership has to come from a great person that you need a high competence and deep character to really sustain as a leader. And he is an ideal teacher for Harry.Expecto PatronumVoldemort is a fantastic ...There are books condemning Rowling’s use of magic, but Dow Krulwich wanted to teach his children about Jewish themes, and he wrote Harry Potter and Torah. There is a lot of discussion in religious literature about things like can magic be used on the Sabbat, is it a considerable work? Is it prohibited on the Sabbat as a work? And to explain that in general might seem interesting or not interesting, but if you explain it through Harry Potter, it seems like fun. And Krulwich doesn't think Harry's coattails will shorten after the seventh book. Look at Sherlock Homes, people love certain, certain books and certain movies have kept their appeal for a long time, I think that Harry Potter certainly is the same. Though a slew of unauthorized titles have come out this year to ride the wave. There is one segment of Potter publishing that will come to an end, and there's a book that speculate on whether Harry will die. With that settled, fans will have to debate other parts. So what leadership skills do you think Harry Potter has to run General Electric?Un, well, most of all I think that he just has a good personality and people like him when they know him and I think that that’s important when you are running a business, you have to be likable, you have to be charismatic. Morris says Potter is a natural leader. He doesn’t do what’s easy, he does what’s right. He doesn't, he doesn’t do what’s safe, he does what’s needed. And I think we need more leaders, uh, capable of doing that today. I don't want to fight.Potter made J.K.Rowling the first billionaire author. A few others have made a buck too. Jim Boulden CNN, London. Notes:Sherlock Homes(福尔斯): a fictional detective of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, who first appeared in publication in 1887. He is the creation of Scottish born author and physician Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.Make a buck: to gain wealth05US Presidential Candidates Debate Economy, Foreign Policy麦凯恩、奥巴马辩论会上激烈交锋 The two major party candidates for president of the ed States, Republican Senator John McCain and Democrat Senator Barack Obama met in a spirited debate over the financial crisis and foreign policy Friday at the University of Mississippi. The two candidates clashed frequently over such issues as tax cuts, Iran's nuclear ambitions and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.美国两大政党的总统候选人、共和党的麦凯恩和民主党的奥巴马星期五在密西西比大学举行激烈的辩论,讨论美国金融危机和外交政策问题。两位候选人在减税、伊朗的核野心以及阿富汗和伊拉克战争等问题上频繁交锋。Although this was to have been a debate focused exclusively on foreign policy issues, the grave financial crisis that almost undermined the debate was the top issue addressed during the first half of the debate. Both Senators came to Mississippi from Washington, where they had been involved in the effort to put together an emergency package to stem the crisis.虽然原计划这次辩论专门讨论外交政策问题,但是美国严峻的金融危机却是第一场总统候选人辩论的头半场的首要议题。金融危机险些让第一场辩论不能如期举行。两位候选人参议员都是从华盛顿来到密西西比的。他们在首都参与了为制定因应金融危机的应急计划所作的努力。On Wednesday, Senator McCain suspended his campaign and called for a postponement of the debate in order to concentrate on the financial crisis. Senator Obama said he would come to the debate alone, if necessary, and for two days the fate of this first presidential debate of the 2008 election was uncertain. On Friday, however, just hours before the event was to take place, Senator McCain said enough progress had been made in Washington for him to come to the debate.星期三,麦凯恩中断了自己的竞选,他呼吁推迟候选人辩论,集中对付金融危机。奥巴马则表示,如果必要,他会一个人参加辩论。有两天时间,大家不知道2008年总统选举的第一场辩论能否举行。但是,星期五,在辩论原计划举行的时间前几个小时,麦凯恩说,在华盛顿已经取得了足够的进展,因此他能够到密西西比参加辩论。In their responses to questions about the crisis, the two senators gave support to the general idea of a government bail out plan, but differed over what needed to be done to restore the nation's economic health. Senator McCain said government needs to restore fiscal responsibility.两位参议员在回答有关金融危机的问题的时候,都表示持政府拯救金融机构的总体设想。但是两人在应该采取哪些具体措施来恢复国家经济健康的问题上意见分歧。麦凯恩说,政府需要重新负担起财政责任。"We have to, obviously, cut spending. I have fought to cut spending. Senator Obama has 800 billion dollars in new spending programs. I would suggest that he start by canceling some of those new spending programs that he has," he said.他说:“很明显,我们必须削减开。我曾为削减开而奋斗。奥巴马参议员曾用8千亿美元来推动新的政府开项目。我建议他先取消一些他的新项目。”Senator Obama fired back, accusing Senator McCain and Republicans of approving tax cuts for the wealthy while neglecting the needs of average working Americans.奥巴马还以颜色,他指责麦凯恩和共和党人一方面批准给富人减税,同时却忽视普通美国工薪阶层的需要。"If we are spending 0 billion on tax cuts for people who do not need them and we're not even asking for them and we are leaving out health care, which is crushing on people all across the country then, I think, we have made a bad decision and I want to make sure we are not short-changing our long-term priorities," he said.他说:“如果我们用3千亿美元来给那些不需要减税的人减税,而且根本不问这些人需不需要减税,我们正在忽视医疗保健,这使全国各地的人们受害。我认为,我们作出了很糟的决定,我要确保不再改变我们的长远的头等大事。”When the debate moved to foreign policy, the exchange became more heated, with Senator McCain frequently suggesting that Senator Obama did not fully understand such issues as the threat of a nuclear Iran or how to deal with Russia. Senator Obama fought back with criticisms of the Bush administration's policies, which he said Senator McCain has largely supported. Senator McCain hailed the success of the military surge in Iraq and Senator Obama attacked the decision to invade Iraq in the first place. 接下来辩论议题转到外交政策。两人的交锋变得更加激烈。麦凯恩频繁暗示奥巴马不完全理解伊朗核武化的威胁等问题,也不理解应该怎样对付俄罗斯。奥巴马则反唇相讥,批评布什政府的政策,并且说,麦凯恩基本上持布什的政策。麦凯恩则称赞美国军队在伊拉克的军事成功。One of the fiercest exchanges between the two candidates came over the issue of Iran and what to do about its plan to develop nuclear weapons. Senator McCain emphasized the threat this would pose to Israel and attacked Senator Obama for saying he would hold direct meetings with Iranian leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.奥巴马还抨击布什从一开始根本就不应该打伊拉克战争。两位候选人辩论中一次最激烈的交锋有关伊朗问题。谈到伊朗发展核武器的计划时,麦凯恩强调,这将对以色列构成威胁,他抨击奥巴马,说奥巴马曾表示愿意跟伊朗领导人艾哈麦迪内贾德举行直接会晤。"What Senator Obama does not seem to understand is that if, without precondition, you sit down across the table from someone who has called Israel a stinking corpse and wants to destroy that country and wipe it off the map, you legitimize those comments. This is dangerous. It is not just naive, it is dangerous," he said.他说:“奥巴马似乎不理解,如果不预设条件,就跟伊朗人谈判,那你就把伊朗人的声明合法化了。伊朗人说,以色列是一具发臭的僵尸,他们要摧毁以色列,把以色列从地图上消灭掉。奥巴马这样作很危险,这样作不仅天真,而且危险。”Senator Obama responded by defending his willingness to meet with any foreign leader at any time if he believed it would make the ed States more secure.奥巴马的反应是,为他愿意在任何时候跟所有外国领导人会晤进行辩解,只要这些会晤能让美国更安全。"Now, understand what this means, meeting without preconditions. It does not mean that you invite them over for tea one day. What it means is that we do not do what we have been doing, which is to say that 'until you agree to do exactly what we say, we will not have direct contacts with you," he said.他说:“请理解我的意思。我说的无条件会晤,意思是请他们来喝茶。我的意思是,我们不再沿用过去的作法,不再说,‘除非你完全同意我们的立场,否则我们就不会同你进行直接接触。”Senator Obama said one of McCain's own advisors, former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, had endorsed the idea of meeting with Iran's leaders without preconditions. Senator McCain said that was not true. In a recent meeting with other former secretaries of state, Kissinger did say U.S. officials should meet with the Iranians without preconditions, but he did not say the two presidents should meet.奥巴马说,麦凯恩自己的一个顾问,前国务卿基辛格就持无条件会晤伊朗领导人。麦凯恩说,这不是事实。他说,基辛格最近会晤其他前任美国国务卿的时候确实表示,美国官员应该无条件会晤伊朗人。但是基辛格没有说两国总统应该会晤。The next scheduled debate will be between the two vice presidential candidates, Republican Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska and Democratic Senator Joe Biden of Delaware. That event is scheduled for October 2 at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri.按计划,下次辩论将在两位副总统候选人之间举行。他们是共和党的佩林州长和民主党的拜登参议员。下次辩论将在10月2号在密苏里州圣路易市的华盛顿大学举行。61President Bush presided at a White House ceremony Monday honoring women around the world who are fighting for freedom.  布什总统星期一在白宫主持仪式,向世界各地为自由而奋斗的妇女表示敬意。March is women's history month in the ed States. And the president recognized not only those who have made a difference in the past, but those who are changing lives today. 在美国,3月是妇女历史月。布什总统高度赞扬了那些曾作出重大历史贡献,以及那些正在创造历史的妇女。"We take pride in the progress women have made here at home and we know that millions of women abroad are still working to secure their basic rights," said President Bush. 布什总统说:“我们为美国妇女所取得的进步而自豪,而且我们也知道,在世界其它地方,还有千百万妇女在为争取自己的基本权益而奋斗。”He made specific mention of women who are playing a key role in emerging democracies, such as Afghanistan and Iraq. And he pointed to Liberian President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf as an example of just how much an empowered woman can do to bring a country on the brink of collapse to a hopeful future. 布什总统特别提到了在新兴民主国家发挥关键作用的妇女,例如阿富汗和伊拉克妇女。他还以利比里亚女总统埃伦.约翰逊.瑟利夫为例,说明妇女一旦被赋予权力,就能发挥多么巨大的作用,把一个濒临崩溃的国家带上充满希望的道路。"Liberians call President Johnson 'the iron lady' and 'Ma', said Mr. Bush. "I am proud to call her 'friend.'" 布什总统说:“利比里亚人把约翰逊总统称为‘铁夫人’和‘妈妈’。而我则骄傲地把她称为‘朋友’。”Mr. Bush also spoke of the women who take on tyrants in an effort to bring freedom to their countries. He told the stories of activists in Cuba and Belarus. And he pledged America's ongoing commitment to the Democracy movement in Burma led by Nobel Laureate Aung San Suu Kyi. 布什总统也谈到了向暴君作斗争,争取国家自由的妇女。他讲述了古巴和白俄罗斯民运分子的事迹。他承诺美国将始终如一地持诺贝尔和平奖得主昂山素季所领导的缅甸民运。"Aung San Suu Kyi has never wavered," he said. "Her courage and her writings have inspired millions. And in so doing, they have put fear into the hearts of the leaders of the Burmese junta."  布什总统说:“昂山素季从不动摇。她的勇气以及她的文章鼓舞了千百万人。这给缅甸军政权带来了内心的恐惧。”Among those attending the event at the White House were women who hold key posts in the president's cabinet, serve in Congress, and represent their countries as ambassadors in Washington.  在白宫参加这一仪式的有在布什总统政府和美国国会担任重要职位的妇女,以及一些国家驻美国的女大使。43Change vs. Experience Key Themes in US Election Campaign变革与经验是美国总统竞选主题  The U.S. presidential election is more than four months away. But the contest between Democrat Barack Obama and Republican John McCain is aly shaping up as a clear choice between change and experience.  离开美国总统大选还有四个多月。但是在民主党人奥巴马和共和党人麦凯恩之间的选战已初步成型,就是要在变革和经验之间作一抉择。With the primary battles over, Barack Obama is focused now on his Republican opponent, John McCain, and the quest to become the first African-American president. 随着初选的结束,奥巴马如今把矛头集中指向他的共和党对手麦凯恩,争取成为第一位非洲裔美国人总统。"There are independents and Republicans who understand that this election isn't just about the party in charge of Washington, it's about the need to change Washington," Obama said. 他说:“有些独立人士和共和党人明白,这次选举不仅是为了什么政党入主华盛顿,而是为了有必要改变华盛顿。”Senator McCain, if he wins in November, would be the oldest first term president in history, but he hopes to emphasize his extensive experience in the military and in Congress.  如果麦凯恩参议员在11月取胜,他将是美国有史以来最年长的第一任总统。而麦凯恩希望强调的是自己在军中及国会内的广经验。"I admire and respect Senator Obama," McCain said, "but he does not have the knowledge, background or judgment to lead this nation in these difficult and challenging times, and I do." 他说:“我赞赏并尊重奥巴马参议员。但是他并不具备在目前的艰难复杂时期领导这个国家的知识、背景经验或者判断力。而我却具备这一切。”Obama heads into the election campaign with a slight lead in the polls. Voter worries should benefit Obama, says Thomas Mann of the Brookings Institution.  奥巴马展开竞选时,民调显示他略微领先麦凯恩。而民主党人与共和党人相比能量更为充沛。有专家说,选民对众多议题的关注对奥巴马有利。设在华盛顿的布鲁金斯学会的政治学者托马斯.曼说:"Because of a very unpopular Republican president, a public that believes overwhelmingly that the country is off on the wrong track, deep concerns about the health of the economy and an unpopular war in Iraq," he said. “由于一位非常不得人心的共和党总统,绝大部分公众都认为这个国家如今走错了方向,他们为经济景况以及失去民心的伊拉克战争深感忧虑。”Polls also show Obama gaining, in some states, with white working-class voters. They preferred Hillary Clinton during the Democratic primaries. 民调也显示,在某些州奥巴马正逐步得到白人劳工阶层选民的持。他们中许多人在民主党初选阶段都更拥护克林顿参议员。Quinnipiac University pollster Clay Richards believes, "At this point, an awful lot of those working class voters see Senator Obama as the best candidate to turn the economy around, and that is the most important issue in their mind and overcomes their tendency to vote for the GOP [Republican] candidate in other races." 在康涅狄克州的琴尼派克大学的民调人员克莱.理查德说:“在目前阶段,有相当多的选民把奥巴马看作是扭转经济逆境的最佳人选。这是他们心目中最重要的问题,经济问题压倒了他们在其它竞选中选举共和党候选人的趋势。”Senator McCain says he has an uphill climb to the White House.  鉴于总体的政治气氛,麦凯恩参议员承认他入主白宫的道路艰难。He adds, "I know I have to out-campaign my opponent in every respect, and so I do not underestimate. I consider myself an underdog."  他说:“我明白我必须在每一方面都争取胜过我的对手,所以我不低估对方的力量,我认为自己是占下风的一方。”McCain has a history of appealing to political moderates and that will make him competitive, says Thomas Mann.  然而麦凯恩向来在政治温和派中颇得人心。专家托马斯.曼说,这一点使他在大选中具有竞争力。Mann says, "Because of his fascinating biography, his reputation for character and independence."  他说:“由于他引人入胜的个人经历,众所周知的性格和独立精神。”McCain's status as a war hero could appeal to voters concerned about protecting the country from terrorism. That could give him an advantage over Obama.  麦凯恩的战斗英雄身份可能对关心保护国家不受恐怖分子侵害的选民很有吸引力。托马斯.曼说,这可能是他胜过奥巴马的有利因素。"Some people have doubts about his qualifications as commander in chief," says Mann. "So, he has a hurdle to clear, a threshold to reach that he is trustworthy on matters pertaining to national security."  托马斯.曼说:“有些人对奥巴马担当统帅的资格抱有疑虑。所以奥巴马要扫除这个障碍,跨越这个门槛,要实自己在国家安全事务上是值得信赖的。”The economy, rising fuel prices, health care and Iraq are expected to be the major issues in the campaign. Americans will elect their next president on November 4. 预计,美国经济、飞涨的油价、健康保险和伊拉克等问题是竞选中的主要议题。美国人将在11月4号选举下届总统。20
AU Considers Backing Power-Sharing Proposal for Zimbabwe非盟各外长辩论是否让津权力分享 Africa's top peace and security body will hold a special heads-of-state level meeting on Zimbabwe during a continental summit this weekend in the Egyptian resort of Sharm el-Sheikh. Leaders are to consider backing a Kenya-style power-sharing proposal that would allow President Robert Mugabe to stay in office for another two years. 非洲最重要的和平与安全组织将在埃及度假地沙姆沙伊赫召开一场特殊的首脑会议,讨论津巴布韦问题。各国领袖将考虑是否持一项提议,采取肯尼亚的权力分享模式,让津巴布韦总统穆加贝能够继续执政两年。African Union foreign ministers argued behind closed doors Friday about how to respond to Zimbabwe's political crisis. Diplomats attending the meeting described it as heated, with ministers sharply divided over a proposed power sharing deal similar to the one reached in Kenya after last December's disputed election.  非洲联盟各国外长星期五在闭门会议中就如何回应津巴布韦的政治危机展开激烈讨论,与会官员表示,讨论非常激烈,各国外长对于让津巴布韦在经历了去年底争议不断的总统选举后,采取类似肯尼亚权力分享模式的建议有严重分歧。Diplomats roughly described the deal as giving opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai the post of prime minister in a government led by President Robert Mugabe, with the understanding that Mr. Mugabe would not run in the next election, to be held in 2010. 根据官员的粗略描述,这项建议是让反对党领袖茨万吉拉伊在穆加贝政府中担任总理职务,而穆加贝将不再参加下一届预定在2010年举行的总统大选。African Union Commission Chairman Jean Ping said heads of state would take up the issue at a special meeting of the AU Peace and Security Council during the summit. He told reporters he is convinced the continental body can find a credible solution. 非洲联盟委员会主席.说,各国领袖将在非洲联盟和平安全理事会的特殊会议上讨论这个议题,他告诉记者说,他有信心非洲联盟能找到一个可靠的解决方案。"A debate will go on the level of heads of state, and some decisions might be taken," he said. "There are discussions going on, on an inclusive government, which was called by some as the Kenya model, which mean that sharing power. This has been mentioned according to you by Tsvangirai, himself and the government is also talking about an inclusive government." 让.平说,“各国领袖将展开讨论,可能做出某些决定,现在有些讨论是有关包容各党派的政府,也就是部分人所说的肯尼亚模式,那就是权力分享。这个提议茨万吉拉伊本人也曾经提到,津巴布韦政府也在讨论包容性政府。”In a sign of just how sensitive the issue is, Chairman Ping did not mention Zimbabwe's political turmoil in his opening address to the summit Friday, except in a final sentence that did not appear in the prepared text. He said only that heads of state would issue an important declaration.  津巴布韦议题到底有多敏感,从让.平在星期五外长会议开幕致词可以看出,让.平的致词一开始对津巴布韦局势只字未提,直到快结束的最后一句话才提到,而这段话并没有在原先预备的讲稿中。让.平表示,只有各国领袖才会就此发表重要声明。Afterward, he told reporters the AU was required to react to events in Zimbabwe in its role as guardian of shared African values. 会后,让.平对记者说,非洲联盟必须担任捍卫非洲共同价值的角色,对津巴布韦的情势做出反应。"We are here playing the role of guardians, of these values, so when we see there is a violation of some of these shared values, it is our duty to react, and to call some of our members to order," he added.Ping and several foreign ministers attending Friday's meeting reacted defensively to suggestions that the African Union's credibility could be hurt by a failure to condemn what the ed States and others have called Zimbabwe's 'sham' election. 外界说,如果非洲联盟不谴责被美国和其他国家称为“羞耻的”津巴布韦选举,将严重伤害非洲联盟的可信度。让.平和几位出席星期五会议的外长们对这种说法做出辩解。Senegal's Foreign Minister Cheik Tidian Gadio urged non-African countries to give the continental body a chance. He noted that the organization is only eight years old, and Commission Chairman Ping, a former Gabonese foreign minister, has only been in office a few months."The new president Jean Ping didn't even get a chance to sit on his chair and he's aly in the planes running to Zimbabwe, between Chad and Sudan, trying to be a firefighter around the continent," said Cheik Tidian Gadio. "Please give a chance to the African Union. The crisis in Zimbabwe will not damage for good the credibility of this organization. The fact that today we spent most of our time discussing Zimbabwe and suggesting a way out, compromise and power sharing proves that the world is listening to us and we have something to do about this crisis." 加迪奥说,“让.平主席还没有坐上主席位子,就已经搭飞机往返于津巴布韦、乍得和苏丹,试图在非洲各地担负救火任务,请大家给非洲联盟一个机会,津巴布韦危机不会伤害非洲联盟的好名声。事实上,今天我们花了大部分时间来讨论津巴布韦和可能的解决方案,妥协与权力分享,这明世界在倾听我们,而我们有工作要做。”The heads of state gathering in Sharm el-Sheik will be facing a host of difficult security issues. Peace and Security Commissioner Ramtane Lamamra says his priorities include efforts to bring a semblance of stability to Somalia, the recent fighting between Djibouti and Eritrea, and efforts to strengthen the joint AU/ed Nations peacekeeping force in Darfur. 在沙姆沙伊赫召开的首脑会议上,各国领袖将面临许多艰难的安全议题,和平安全委员拉玛拉说,他的首要任务包括给索马里带来稳定,解决吉布提与厄立特里亚间的战争,以及强化非洲联盟与联合国在达尔富尔的维和任务。Diplomatic sources say Burkina Faso's foreign minister is to be named joint mediator on Darfur during this AU summit. 外交人士透露,布基纳法索外长将在这次会议上被提名为达尔富尔调停特使。The gathering of heads of state is set to begin Monday. Zimbabwe's President Mugabe is expected to be among the more than 30 African leaders on hand for the two-day event. 非洲联盟首脑峰会预定在星期一举行。津巴布韦总统穆加贝与其他30多个非洲国家领袖都将出席这场为期两天的会议。23
Hello. Its another busy day at the offices of Tip Top Trading…你好,这又是Tip Top Trading办公室忙绿的一天。And I said no John, not at my age, Id rather take the bus…然后我说,不,约翰,不是我的年龄该做的事,我宁愿坐公交。…yeah Pete, thats great, so well deliver 2,000 bananas by Friday.是的,皮特,很好,我们会在周五前送去2000个香蕉。Lets have a beer soon… yeah… cheers mate.让我们改天喝杯啤酒,再见,伙计。But there are two people who are busy annoying each other…但有两个人在闹得不可开交。So you did what?所以你做了什么?You ordered the second-hand ones? !你定了二手的?Chillax Hannah… Anna!冷静,汉娜。安娜!…theyre just oranges…他们只是橙子。…plastic lemons actually.其实是塑料柠檬。Anna is struggling to work with Rachel, Mr Socrates favourite Sales Executive, who hes sent in to help out… or hinder more like!安娜正尽力和瑞秋合作,这是苏格拉底先生最喜欢的员工,他派她来提供帮助或者更像是制造麻烦!Look, Im off for a cappuccino, everything will be just fine. Ciao.我去喝杯卡布奇诺,一切都会好的,再见。Anna, has Rachel gone out?安娜,瑞秋走了吗?Yes.是的。Shes a bit of a man-eater.她简直是食人族。She almost ate me once.她有一次差点吃了我。She eats men?她吃人?Well, not exactly.也不是。I worked with her in my last job.我上一份工作和她一起合作。 /594


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