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The era of the Ming and Qing Dynasties become civilized Shandong family muster and growth and a major era, civilization, Shandong family often in Imperial rose, vast numbers of officials, many aristocratic family of the eve of the Li Ming and Qing Dynasties dynasties and enduring, constitute the connotation rich family culture and literature, the Ming and Qing Dynasties politics, economy, ideology, civilization, literature, and many other areas of far-reaching, in the inheritance and growth process of Qilu culture and Chinese traditional culture plays a very important role. Anqiu Cao since the early Ming Dynasty shift Ji Shandong since, Confucianism to get up, Longsheng in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, not only imperial officials, the number of the vast, prominent achievements, and tradition is rigorous, sincere family, invented the rich literature civilization results, in Shandong civilized family of growth and evolution has model, in the visual threshold of civilization research Anqiu Cao family has profound cultural significance. Paper is divided into seven parts. The introduction briefly introduces the significance of the Ming and Qing Dynasties Anqiu Cao family research, recall the academic discussions on Anqiu Cao in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the Ming and Qing Dynasties Anqiu Cao family research methods and conclusion. One to six chapters separation describes the Anqiu Cao in Ming and Qing Dynasty
from the perspective of civilization of Anqiu Cao fami Anqiu Cao family tea Anqiu Cao family li Cao Zhenji and K Cao Shenji life Huan performance criticism and literary attainments and topic. The first chapter, officials and growth of Anqiu during the Ming and Qing cao. The early Ming Dynasty, Anqiu Cao an ancestor Cao de by Caozhou shift nationality Shandong Anqiu, for the farming industry, since the fifth ancestor Cao Teng started learning Confucianism, in the early Ming, Anqiu Cao family of imperial officials gradually Longsheng, the experience of the Ming and Qing Dynasties to the occasion on behalf of family of revolt industry decline, before the Qing Dynasty in Anqiu Cao in imperial examination and official, literary and other reached the most glorious vigorous period. And in the imperial officials emerged out of a certain family characteristics and its official characteristics of projection said: in the family members of any district office, dominate Chushi rate high, brave, low sweetness Feng G upright and incorruptible official, t compassionate reasonableness of plain, pay attention to the place of education and so on. Anqiu Cao family history during the two dynasties, imperial power is very long, and many of the global approximation of Shandong family history, its composition and the reason is the following: General Longsheng daiting the value of imperial examination in Ming and Qing Dynasties,
Shandong and Anqiu regional strong imperial fashion is the Imperial Longsheng ci Anqiu the Cao family for accumulation of economic strength for the family members to provide a guaran taking the imperial examinations as the family teachings, for people should encourage and support the supply of energy to teach, especially with family culture increasingly rich and inheritance, as a member of the Cao family offspring development offerred a between each arm also provides favorable conditions for steady growth of cao. Plain in the late Qing Dynasty near the beginning, Anqiu Cao spirit of pragmatism, adapt to the tide of family culture and diverse in new private school, under the new education system still talented people, to the prosperity of the family life force. The second chapter, from the perspective of civilization in Anqiu Cao family literature research. The first section describes the poetry creation of the accomplishments of Anqiu caoshi. Anqiu Cao family literature remains abnormal rich, in the Ming and Qing dynasties have 18 people for literary attainments raised, at all levels chronicles arts test, literary circles, such as. The second section describes the creation of the cultural spirit of the Cao family. Anqiu CaoShi with a fierce family, said absolutely solid energy to study at home in the inheritance of civilization. First and foremost, Anqiu Cao family to Confucian Confucian civilization for biologists acoustic energy kernel, concern for people's livelihood, benevolence folk love has also become one end of the Cao family literary creation in the main spiritual civilization. Secondly, the Confucian civilization in the importance of self-cultivation and also attaches great importance to introspective self-esteem, based on this, Anqiu Cao family in literary creation, it is full of ancient family members about social life joy, anger, sad, fear, singing and philosophical thinking, a full discussion of the meaning of individual life and follow. Again, infiltration in the unlettered and eclectic Qilu civilization, kinds of ingenious innovation from time to time to permeate in Cao's literary creation of spiritual civilization. The third section describes the regional culture and literary creation of the Cao family. Anqiu Cao family members over the parties, in the long-term officials, differences to geography, regional civilization more or less affects the literary creation, and medium Qilu scenery, cultural characteristics and further affects Anqiu Cao family's literary creation. The third chapter, the early period of the Qing Dynasty Anqiu Cao family literary friends. Cao Anqiu before the mid Qing Dynasty in literature, officials have reached the top, in the early Qing Dynasty political situation unreal and at the beginning of the Qing Dynasty literary transformation occurred in Eph into an indelible impact. This kind of influence in a certain level performance in the family of social intercourse, Anqiu Cao in friends also uphold the plain decorous family tradition, heavy like-minded friends, Chongyi dismiss, in the literature on mutual responsory, in career helped each other, in huantu comfort each other. Before the mid Qing Cao family in Cao Zhenji Cao Shenji, as the representative of the more influential literary friends movement slightly concentrated in Jingshi, Shandong, Anhui, Guizhou,. And the wonderful literary creation performance occurred widespread influence. The from four aspects: examination of the Anqiu Cao literary friends: 1, Anqiu Cao friendship and the capital literary circle, including Cao Shenji, Cao Zhenji and fiv Cao Zhenji and Wang Shizhen, Jin Tai Shi Z Cao Zhenji and capital CI poet of making friends. 2, Anqiu Cao friendship and hill left literary circle, examination of the Anqiu Cao and the early period of the Qing Dynasty mountain left literary circle and civilization, Shandong family friends. 3, Cao brothers in Anhui, Guizhou literary friends, Cao Zhenji, Cao Shenji served by reason of separation in Anhui, Guizhou to universal literature intercourse in the early Qing poetry the profound influence. 4, Cao Qing people, and left his friends in the Cao monk is a concern. The fourth chapter, the family and family traditions teach Anqiu caoshi. First section examines the Anqiu Cao teachers is the family traditions teach, the Cao family teaching methods abnormal rich, such as earnest teachings of family education, family education, repair spectrum of ancestor worship Jing Zong teach, private schools teach and so on, the Cao family in teaching and keep re examination teaching guide, do not force scholarship &Wen& the severity of the criterion, make sure the feie officials vigorously. The second section examines Anqiu Cao family tradition civilization features. The era of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Confucian thought in the country know shape occupies a dominant position, Anqiu Cao family education the focus of the content is the Confucian thought as the basic. &Filial piety& and &righteousness& heirloom, to &loyalty& and &embodies the& prosperous, of course, under the feudal system, Cao filial piety and denouncing also Eph into prevent the existence of time limitations. The third section examines mother education and Anqiu CaoShi tradition inheritance. Mother education in Anqiu Cao trait inheritance plays a very important role, Anqiu Cao attention to women in the family traditional virtues taught, the family of women Hitani Sukeo godson, in suffering husband of the deceased, and often or is independent to widows and identity Godson talent, or at the same time with the maiden effort to teach younger, plays a crucial role in the inheritance and continuity of family civilization denouncing. And Anqiu Cao family mother often not by the mother directly pointing studies, but through the process of moral education and promote the academic utilitarian family juniors, with epigrams godson, shown on home school denouncing the automatically inherit. Anqiu Cao family history of Mother Church of the typical cases and the rise and fall of a family of probation, refraction of the corners of the intimate relationship between mother's education and the era of the Ming and Qing Dynasties civilization, Shandong family rise and fall. The fifth chapter, Cao Zhenji and Ke Xue poems. Cao Zhenji at the beginning of the Qing Dynasty poetry factional disputes, style and thawing process, its poetry absorbing and eventually can unique of poetry in the early Qing Dynasty relief Ming Shi Yu thread on form itself, the characteristics of growth had a positive impact. Section 1 of this chapter on the assessment describes the Cao Zhenji and poetry movement, includes: 1, Cao Zhenji biog 2, Cao Zhenji works compil 3, Jinan poetry group and the late poetry of Cao Z 4, Siku Quanshu alone received Anthology of Ci in Qing Dynasty Kexue CI 5, Cao Zhenji poetry writing practice. The second section Kexue CI in the early of Qing Dynasty Ci, expounds the effect of Ci in the early Qing Dynasty of Kexue CI creation and &Ke Xue Ci of Qing CI change into the offer, Cao Zhenji& Ke Xue Ci &in the early Qing Dynasty reveres CI background occurred, with rich has practical subjects, to elegant thinking, elegant words, is both high and steep Qi candid, male deep Cang steady, rely on remote deep wind purpose and secluded deep and small Wan, bold and graceful, and win the elegant lingering wind, at the beginning of the Qing Dynasty CI unconventional, unique. Section three Cao Zhenji poetry and the early Qing Dynasty poetry, Cao Zhenji in poetry creation in many ways stopped unconscious breakthrough and innovation, initiated the creation of a large number of epistolary poems, in the poetry theme documentary, career made useless break the mountains Jiyou poem arrogate to oneself Naga Toriocky steep scenery, into the rich implication of Ci, diedang Fangdan heroic, high and steep Qi candid, in the mountains of the Qing Dynasty poetry unique characteristics. Cao Zhenji poetry no matter in subject and poetic environment still writing skills, to be brave in to develop the spirit of innovation, in the poetry of the early Qing Dynasty factional disputes, showing peculiar aesthetic value and artistic characteristics. The sixth chapter describes the &Cao Jia Yi& Cao Shenji. Cao Shenji precocious as early as, but in San Francisco at the beginning of the Qing Dynasty in the untimely death, was martyred, execute Guizhou in seven years time, partition and imperial family news, even once accused of Ni Chen, thus cause a long period of time since the loyal inverse debate, basedon the multi facts, again making Cao Shenji faithful and sympathetic to calamity for the reality. Cao Shenji Zhiyu dynasties, prominent political credit, but also because of the accessibility of the huantu, Ji Huan sublime, be caused by the name Guanming mask, but Cao Shenji poetry is superb, is still the number of works quality, are sufficient to occupy a place in the literary circles of the early days of Qing Dynasty. Cao Shenji poetry with official experience style characteristics appear relatively obvious three stages: late poetry of the Tang Dynasty, follow the outer progenitor Liu Zhengzong advocate of Jinan poetry group, masters, with the appearance of the poetry of the Song Dynasty, Qing Ca is a depression era in the thief and Guizhou, written in blood and tears, plaintive desire unique, unique style of the early poetry. Cao Shenji poetry creation and poetic aesthetic feature of evolution at the level of a reaction the poetry style in the early Qing Dynasty melting process.目录:中文摘要8-12英文摘要12-14导言15-20&&&&一、明清安丘曹氏家族研究的意义15-16&&&&二、明清安丘曹氏家族学术研究回顾16-18&&&&三、明清安丘曹氏家族研究方法及结论18-20第一章 科第蝉联---明清安丘曹氏的仕宦与发展20-76&&&&第一节 由农耕之家向诗书雅道——明前期安丘曹氏溯源20-26&&&&&&&&一、占籍连池20-22&&&&&&&&二、以儒起家22-26&&&&第二节 仕宦方荣——明中后期的安丘曹氏家族的兴盛26-44&&&&&&&&一、麟凤多才振家声26-32&&&&&&&&二、明中后期安丘曹氏家族成员宦绩考述32-38&&&&&&&&三、安丘曹氏科举家族形成原因分析38-44&&&&第三节 损益盈虚,与时偕行——明清易代之际的安丘曹氏家族44-50&&&&&&&&一、科举仕宦的式微45-47&&&&&&&&二、经世致用,勇于任事的价值取向47-50&&&&第四节 趋于鼎盛——清前中期安丘曹氏家族的再度辉煌50-70&&&&&&&&一、龙凤兄弟,渊源有自50-54&&&&&&&&二、科举连绵,锦上添花54-57&&&&&&&&三、仕宦政绩及特点57-64&&&&&&&&四、科甲鼎盛之因64-70&&&&第五节 流风余韵——清晚期安丘曹氏家族的转型70-76&&&&&&&&一、盛世繁华,渐行渐远70-73&&&&&&&&二、清末民初安丘曹氏家族的转型73-76第二章 文化视域中的安丘曹氏家族文学76-148&&&&第一节 安丘曹氏的诗文词创作成就76-92&&&&&&&&一、家族文献著述考略76-80&&&&&&&&二、家学渊源与承继80-92&&&&第二节 曹氏家族创作的文化精神辨析92-123&&&&&&&&一、家国之念----儒者之文学93-98&&&&&&&&二、身世之慨- -对人生意义的探寻98-117&&&&&&&&三、文学创作中敢为人先的创新意识117-123&&&&第三节 区域文化与曹氏家族的文学创作123-148&&&&&&&&一、山川风物与曹氏文学123-139&&&&&&&&二、山左人文环境与曹氏文学139-148第三章 安丘曹氏家族的文学交游148-215&&&&第一节 安丘曹氏交游与京师文学圈149-176&&&&&&&&一、曹申吉、曹贞吉与五友的交游149-155&&&&&&&&二、曹贞吉与王士禛、金台十子的交游155-167&&&&&&&&三、曹贞吉交游与京师词坛167-176&&&&第二节 安丘曹氏交游与山左文学圈176-192&&&&&&&&一、安丘曹氏与山左文学圈176-182&&&&&&&&二、曹氏家族与山东文化世家的家族世交182-192&&&&第三节 诗文之交与仕途挚友---曹氏兄弟在安徽、贵州的文学交游192-206&&&&&&&&一、曹贞吉在安徽的文学交游192-198&&&&&&&&二、曹申吉的黔中交游198-206&&&&第四节 兴亡话题与隐逸情节---与清初遗民、僧人的交游206-215&&&&&&&&一、与清初遗民的交游206-211&&&&&&&&二、与僧人的交游211-215第四章 尊儒重教---安丘曹氏的家族教育与家风215-270&&&&第一节 重教尚文的家族教育传统215-226&&&&&&&&一、重教传统与丰富的教育方式216-222&&&&&&&&二、首重科举教育222-224&&&&&&&&三、有余力则学“文”224-226&&&&第二节 安丘曹氏家族家风文化特点226-253&&&&&&&&一、对儒学的选择---家风基调的奠定226-228&&&&&&&&二、“孝悌”与“节义”传家228-238&&&&&&&&三、“忠贞”与“济世”兴邦238-250&&&&&&&&四、曹氏忠孝节义之门风的时代局限性250-253&&&&第三节 母教与安丘曹氏家风的传承253-270&&&&&&&&一、安丘曹氏注重对家族中女性的传统妇德教育255-258&&&&&&&&二、母教的主要内容258-265&&&&&&&&三、母教实施的方式特点265-270第五章 英辞风誉,播于寰宇----曹贞吉与珂雪诗词270-344&&&&第一节 曹贞吉及其诗词创作活动270-303&&&&&&&&一、曹贞吉生平考略270-276&&&&&&&&二、曹贞吉作品结集考略276-282&&&&&&&&三、曹贞吉早期诗歌与济南诗派282-288&&&&&&&&四、《四库全书》独收清词别集《珂雪词》原因探析288-297&&&&&&&&五、曹贞吉的诗词创作理论297-303&&&&第二节 《珂雪词》与清初词坛303-319&&&&&&&&一、清初词坛对《珂雪词》创作的影响303-307&&&&&&&&二、《珂雪词》对清初词坛变革的贡献307-319&&&&第三节 曹贞吉诗歌与清初诗坛319-344&&&&&&&&一、山水纪游诗320-328&&&&&&&&二、书信诗词328-344第六章 “曹氏之贾谊”---曹申吉344-382&&&&第一节 曹申吉生平考略344-353&&&&&&&&一、有声黉序345-346&&&&&&&&二、青云平步346-348&&&&&&&&三、羁留黔中348-350&&&&&&&&四、忠逆之辩350-353&&&&第二节 知遇两朝---曹申吉宦绩考述353-359&&&&&&&&一、弱冠登九列---曹申吉顺治朝宦绩考述353-355&&&&&&&&二、竭智尽忠---曹申吉康熙朝宦绩考述355-359&&&&第三节 身负芳名早---曹申吉的文学成就359-382&&&&&&&&一、曹申吉作品概述360-364&&&&&&&&二、曹申吉与清初诗坛364-382结语382-385参考文献385-400攻读学位期间研究成果目录400-401后记401分享到:相关文献|


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