10的负14次方减ba b c a除以c 余1负a次方得多少,怎么算的

下列溶液中离子可能大量共存的是A.含有大量Fe2+的溶液中:HCO3-、Na+、NO3-、Cl-B.酸性溶液中:Na+、K+、ClO-、AlO2-C.常温下,由水电离出的 OH-浓度为 10的负十四次方 mol/L 的溶液中:CH3COO-、CO32-、Na+、K+D.加入铝粉后产生氢气的溶液中:NH4+、Na+、NO3-、Cl-、Mg2+
A.Fe2+会与HCO3-发生双水解,不能共存.B.酸性溶液中含有大量的H+,H+会与ClO-结合生成弱酸HClO,不能共存.C..常温下,由水电离出的 OH-浓度为 10的负十四次方 mol/L,说明水的电离被抑制,可能含有大量的H+或OH-,若有大量的H+,H+会与CH3COO-结合生成弱酸CH3COOH,H+会与CO32-反应产生CO2和水,不能共存;若有大量的OH-,可以共存.D.加入铝粉后产生氢气的溶液可能是酸性也可能是碱性,酸性有H+的话,HNO3不会产生H2,碱性有OH-的话,NH4+和Mg2+均可以与OH-反应.综上,选C.
扫描下载二维码502 Bad Gateway
502 Bad Gateway转载于:http://blog.csdn.net/garfielder007/article/details/
&&&& 无私分享造就开源的辉煌。
&&&& 今是二零一一年十月十三日,明日14日即是本人刚好开博一周年。在一周年之际,特此分享出微软面试全部100题答案的完整版,以作为对本博客所有读者的回馈。
&&&& 一年之前的10月14日,一个名叫July (头像为手冢国光)的人在一个叫csdn的论坛上开帖分享微软等公司数据结构+算法面试100题,自此,与上千网友一起做,一起思考,一起解答这些面试题目,最终成就了一个名为:结构之法算法之道的编程面试与算法研究并重的博客,如今,此博客影响力逐步渗透到海外,及至到整个互联网。
&&&& 在此之前,由于本人笨拙,这微软面试100题的答案只整理到了前60题(第1-60题答案可到本人资源下载处下载:),故此,常有朋友留言或来信询问后面40题的答案。只是因个人认为:一、答案只是作为一个参考,不可太过依赖;二、常常因一些事情耽搁(如在整理最新的今年九月、十月份的面试题:、);三、个人正在针对那100题一题一题的写文章,多种思路,不断优化,即成(详情,参见文末)。自此,后面40题的答案迟迟未得整理。且个人已经整理的前60题的答案,在我看来,是有诸多问题与弊端的,甚至很多答案都是错误的。
& & (微软10题永久讨论地址:)
&&&& 互联网总是能给人带来惊喜。前几日,一位现居美国加州的名叫阿财的朋友发来一封邮件,并把他自己做的全部100题的答案一并发予给我,自此,便似遇见了知己。十分感谢。
&&&& 任何东西只有分享出来才更显其价值。本只需贴出后面40题的答案,因为前60题的答案本人早已整理上传至网上,但多一种思路多一种参考亦未尝不可。特此,把阿财的答案再稍加整理番,然后把全部100题的答案现今都贴出来。若有任何问题,欢迎不吝指正。谢谢。
&&& 上千上万的人都关注过此100题,且大都都各自贡献了自己的思路,或回复于上,或回复于本博客内,人数众多,无法一一标明,特此向他们诸位表示敬意和感谢。谢谢大家,诸君的努力足以影响整个互联网,咱们已经迎来一个分享互利的新时代。
&& &更新:有朋友反应,以下的答案中思路过于简略,还是这句话,一切以(多种思路,多种比较,细细读之自晓其理)为准(我没怎么看阿财的这些答案,因为编程艺术系列已经说得足够清晰了。之所以把阿财的这份答案分享出来,一者,编程艺术系列目前还只写到了第二十二章,即100题之中还只详细阐述了近30道题;二者,他给的答案全部是用英文写的,这恰好方便国外的一些朋友参考;三者是为了给那一些急功近利的、浮躁的人一份速成的答案罢了)。July、二零一一年十月二十四日更新。
& & 当然,读者朋友有任何问题,你也可以跟阿财联系,他的邮箱地址是: &(把#改成@)。
struct BSTreeNode
int m_nV // value of node
BSTreeNode *m_pL // left child of node
BSTreeNode *m_pR // right child of node
This is a traditional problem that can be solved using recursion.&
For each node, connect the double linked lists created from left and right child node to form a full list.
&* @param root The root node of the tree
&* @return The head node of the converted list.
BSTreeNode * treeToLinkedList(BSTreeNode * root) {
& BSTreeNode * head, *
& helper(head, tail, root);
void helper(BSTreeNode *& head, BSTreeNode *& tail, BSTreeNode *root) {
& BSTreeNode *lt, *
& if (root == NULL) {
&&& head = NULL, tail = NULL;
& helper(head, lt, root-&m_pLeft);
& helper(rh, tail, root-&m_pRight);
& if (lt!=NULL) {
&&& lt-&m_pRight =
&&& root-&m_pLeft =
& } else& {
&&& head =
& if (rh!=NULL) {
&&& root-&m_pRight=
&&& rh-&m_pLeft =
& } else {
&&& tail =
2.设计包含min 函数的栈。
定义栈的数据结构,要求添加一个min 函数,能够得到栈的最小元素。
要求函数min、push 以及pop 的时间复杂度都是O(1)。
Stack is a LIFO data structure. When some element is popped from the stack, the status will recover to the original status as before that element was pushed. So we can recover the minimum element, too.
struct MinStackElement {
struct MinStack {
& MinStackElement *
MinStack MinStackInit(int maxSize) {
& stack.size = maxS
& stack.data = (MinStackElement*) malloc(sizeof(MinStackElement)*maxSize);
& stack.top = 0;
void MinStackFree(MinStack stack) {
& free(stack.data);
void MinStackPush(MinStack stack, int d) {
& if (stack.top == stack.size) error(“out of stack space.”);
& MinStackElement* p = stack.data[stack.top];
& p-&data =
& p-&min = (stack.top==0?d : stack.data[top-1]);
& if (p-&min & d) p-&min =
& top ++;
int MinStackPop(MinStack stack) {
& if (stack.top == 0) error(“stack is empty!”);
& return stack.data[--stack.top].
int MinStackMin(MinStack stack) {
& if (stack.top == 0) error(“stack is empty!”);
& return stack.data[stack.top-1].
例如输入的数组为1, -2, 3, 10, -4, 7, 2, -5,和最大的子数组为3, 10, -4, 7, 2,
A traditional greedy approach.
Keep current sum, slide from left to right, when sum & 0, reset sum to 0.
int maxSubarray(int a[], int size) {
& if (size&=0) error(“error array size”);
& int sum = 0;
& int max = - (1 && 31);
& int cur = 0;
& while (cur & size) {
&&& sum += a[cur++];
&&& if (sum & max) {
&&&&& max =
&&& } else if (sum & 0) {
&&&&& sum = 0;
例如输入整数22 和如下二元树
则打印出两条路径:10, 12 和10, 5, 7。
struct BinaryTreeNode // a node in the binary tree
int m_nV // value of node
BinaryTreeNode *m_pL // left child of node
BinaryTreeNode *m_pR // right child of node
Use backtracking and recurison. We need a stack to help backtracking the path.
struct TreeNode {
& TreeNode *
& TreeNode *
void printPaths(TreeNode * root, int sum) {
& int path[MAX_HEIGHT];
& helper(root, sum, path, 0);
void helper(TreeNode * root, int sum, int path[], int top) {
& path[top++] = root.
& sum -= root.
& if (root-&left == NULL && root-&right==NULL) {
&&& if (sum == 0) printPath(path, top);
& } else {
&&& if (root-&left != NULL) helper(root-&left, sum, path, top);
&&& if (root-&right!=NULL) helper(root-&right, sum, path, top);
& sum += root. & &//....
5.查找最小的k 个元素
题目:输入n 个整数,输出其中最小的k 个。
例如输入1,2,3,4,5,6,7 和8 这8 个数字,则最小的4 个数字为1,2,3 和4。
This is a very traditional question...
O(nlogn): cat I_FILE | sort -n | head -n K
O(kn): do insertion sort until k elements are retrieved.
O(n+klogn): Take O(n) time to bottom-up build a min-heap. Then sift-down k-1 times.
So traditional that I don’t want to write the codes...
Only gives the siftup and siftdown function.
& i the index of the element in heap a[0...n-1] to be sifted up
void siftup(int a[], int i, int n) {
& while (i&0) {
&&& int j=(i&1==0 ? i-1 : i+1);
&&& int p=(i-1)&&1;
&&& if (j&n && a[j]&a[i]) i =
&&& if (a[i] & a[p]) swap(a, i, p);
void siftdown(int a[], int i, int n) {&&
& while (2*i+1&n){
&&& int l=2*i+1;
&&& if (l+1&n && a[l+1] & a[l]) l++;
&&& if (a[l] & a[i]) swap(a, i, l);
给你10 分钟时间,根据上排给出十个数,在其下排填出对应的十个数
数值: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
分配: 6,2,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0
0 在下排出现了6 次,1 在下排出现了2 次,
2 在下排出现了1 次,3 在下排出现了0 次....
I don’t like brain teasers. Will skip most of them...
struct Node {
& int Node *
// if there is no cycle.
int isJoinedSimple(Node * h1, Node * h2) {
& while (h1-&next != NULL) {
&&& h1 = h1-&
& while (h2-&next != NULL) {
&&& h2 = h2-&
& return h1 == h2;
// if there could exist cycle
int isJoined(Node *h1, Node * h2) {
& Node* cylic1 = testCylic(h1);
& Node* cylic2 = testCylic(h2);
& if (cylic1+cylic2==0) return isJoinedSimple(h1, h2);
& if (cylic1==0 && cylic2!=0 || cylic1!=0 &&cylic2==0) return 0;
& Node *p = cylic1;
& while (1) {
&&& if (p==cylic2 || p-&next == cylic2) return 1;
&&& p=p-&next-&
&&& cylic1 = cylic1-&
&&& if (p==cylic1) return 0;
Node* testCylic(Node * h1) {
& Node * p1 = h1, *p2 = h1;
& while (p2!=NULL && p2-&next!=NULL) {
&&& p1 = p1-&
&&& p2 = p2-&next-&
&&& if (p1 == p2) {
&&&&& return p1;
& return NULL;
3. ★用一种算法来颠倒一个链接表的顺序。现在在不用递归式的情况下做一遍。
Node * reverse(Node * head) {
& if (head == NULL)
& if (head-&next == NULL)
& Node * ph = reverse(head-&next);
& head-&next-&next =
& head-&next = NULL;
Node * reverseNonrecurisve(Node * head) {
& if (head == NULL)
& Node * p =
& Node * previous = NULL;
& while (p-&next != NULL) {
&&& p-&next =
&&& previous =
&&& p = p-&
& p-&next =
I don’t understand what is “Chuanyue”.
What is “Zhengli?”
What is “Tongyongzifuchuan”... a string with “*” and “?”? If so, here is the code.
int match(char * str, char * ptn) {
& if (*ptn == ‘\0’) return 1;
& if (*ptn == ‘*’) {
&&&&& if (match(str++, ptn+1)) return 1;
&&& } while (*str != ‘\0’);
&&& return 0;
& if (*str == ‘\0’) return 0;
& if (*str == *ptn || *ptn == ‘?’) {
&&& return match(str+1, ptn+1);
& return 0;
void reverse(char *str) {
& reverseFixlen(str, strlen(str));
void reverseFixlen(char *str, int n) {
& char* p = str+n-1;
& while (str & p) {
&&& char c = *
&&& *str = *p; *p=c;
Reverse the whole string, then reverse each word. Using the reverseFixlen() above.
void reverseWordsInSentence(char * sen) {
& int len = strlen(sen);
& reverseFixlen(sen, len);
& char * p =
& while (*p!=’\0’) {
&&& while (*p == ‘ ‘ && *p!=’\0’) p++;
&&& while (p!= ‘ ‘ && *p!=’\0’) p++;
&&& reverseFixlen(str, p-str);
KMP? BM? Sunday? Using BM or sunday, if it’s ASCII string, then it’s easy to fast access the auxiliary array. Otherwise an hashmap or bst may be needed. Lets assume it’s an ASCII string.
int bm_strstr(char *str, char *sub) {
& int len = strlen(sub);
& int aux[256];
& memset(aux, sizeof(int), 256, len+1);
& for (i=0; i& i++) {
&&& aux[sub[i]] = len -
& int n = strlen(str);
& i=len-1;
& while (i&n) {
&&& int j=i, k=len-1;
&&& while (k&=0 && str[j--] == sub[k--])
&&& if (k&0) return j+1;
&&& if (i+1&n)
&&&&& i+=aux[str[i+1]];
&&&&& return -1;
However, this algorithm, as well as BM, KMP algorithms use O(|sub|) space. If this is not acceptable, Rabin-carp algorithm can do it. Using hashing to fast filter out most false matchings.
#define HBASE 127
int rc_strstr(char * str, char * sub) {
& int dest= 0;
& char * p =
& int len = 0;
& int TO_REDUCE = 1;
& while (*p!=’\0’) {
&&& dest = HBASE * dest + (int)(*p);
&&& len ++;
& int hash = 0;
& int i=0;
& while (*p != ‘\0’) {
&&& if (i++&len) hash = HBASE * dest + (int)(*p);
&&& else hash = (hash - (TO_REDUCE * (int)(*(p-len))))*HBASE + (int)(*p);
&&& if (hash == dest && i&=len && strncmp(sub, p-len+1, len) == 0) return i-
&&& p++;
& return -1;
What is “comparing two strings”? Just normal string comparison? The natural way use O(n) time and O(1) space.
int strcmp(char * p1, char * p2) {
& while (*p1 != ‘\0’ && *p2 != ‘\0’ && *p1 == *p2) {
&&& p1++, p2++;
& if (*p1 == ‘\0’ && *p2 == ‘\0’) return 0;
& if (*p1 == ‘\0’) return -1;
& if (*p2 == ‘\0’) return 1;
& return (*p1 - *p2); // it can be negotiated whether the above 3 if’s are necessary, I don’t like to omit them.
★假设你有一个用1001 个整数组成的数组,这些整数是任意排列的,但是你知道所有的整数都在1 到1000(包括1000)之间。此外,除一个数字出现两次外,其他所有数字只出现一次。假设你只能对这个数组做一次处理,用一种算法找出重复的那个数字。如果你在运算中使用了辅助的存储方式,那么你能找到不用这种方式的算法吗?
Sum up all the numbers, then subtract the sum from .
Another way, use A XOR A XOR B = B:&
int findX(int a[]) {
& int k = a[0];&
& for (int i=1; i&=1000;i++)
&&& k ~= a[i]~i;
★不用乘法或加法增加8 倍。现在用同样的方法增加7 倍。
This is an interesting one. There is a traditional question that requires the binary tree to be re-constructed from mid/post/pre order results. This seems similar. For the problems related to (binary) trees, recursion is the first
In this problem, we know in post-order results, the last number should be the root. So we have known the root of the BST is 8 in the example. So we can split the array by the root.&
int isPostorderResult(int a[], int n) {
& return helper(a, 0, n-1);
int helper(int a[], int s, int e) {
& if (e==s) return 1;
& int i=e-1;
& while (a[e]&a[i] && i&=s) i--;
& if (!helper(a, i+1, e-1))
&&& return 0;
& while (a[e]&a[i] && i&=s) i--;
& return helper(a, s, l);
例如输入“I am a student.”,则输出“student. a am I”。
Already done this. Skipped.
This is interesting... Also recursively, the longest distance between two nodes must be either from root to one leaf, or between two leafs. For the former case, it’s the tree height. For the latter case, it should be the sum of the
heights of left and right subtrees of the two leaves’ most least ancestor.
The first case is also the sum the heights of subtrees, just the height + 0.
int maxDistance(Node * root) {
& return helper(root, depth);
int helper(Node * root, int &depth) {
& if (root == NULL) {
&&& depth = 0; return 0;
& int maxleft = helper(root-&left, ld);
& int maxright = helper(root-&right, rd);
& depth = max(ld, rd)+1;
& return max(maxleft, max(maxright, ld+rd));
要求不能使用乘除法、for、while、if、else、switch、case 等关键字以及条件判断语句
it is easy to get x/2, so the problem is to get n^2
though no if/else is allowed, we can easilly go around using short-pass.
using macro to make it fancier:
#define& T(X, Y, i) (Y & (1&&i)) && X+=(Y&&i)
int foo(int n){
& int r=n;
& T(r, n, 0); T(r, n,1); T(r, n, 2); … T(r, n, 31);
& return r && 1;
题目:输入一个单向链表,输出该链表中倒数第k 个结点。链表的倒数第0 个结点为链表的尾指针。
struct ListNode
ListNode* m_pN
Two ways. 1: record the length of the linked list, then go n-k steps. 2: use two cursors.
Time complexities are exactly the same.&
Node * lastK(Node * head, int k) {
& if (k&0) error(“k & 0”);
& Node *p=head, *pk=
& for (;k&0;k--) {
&&& if (pk-&next!=NULL) pk = pk-&
&&& else return NULL;
& while (pk-&next!=NULL) {
&&& p=p-&next, pk=pk-&
例如输入数组1、2、4、7、11、15 和数字15。由于4+11=15,因此输出4 和11。
Use two cursors. One at front and the other at the end. Keep track of the sum by moving the cursors.
void find2Number(int a[], int n, int dest) {
& int *f = a, *e=a+n-1;
& int sum = *f + *e;
& while (sum != dest && f & e) {
&&& if (sum & dest) sum = *(++f);
&&& else sum = *(--e);
& if (sum == dest) printf(“%d, %d\n”, *f, *e);
struct BSTreeNode // a node in the binary search tree (BST)
int m_nV // value of node
BSTreeNode *m_pL // left child of node
BSTreeNode *m_pR // right child of node
This is the basic application of recursion.
PS: I don’t like the m_xx naming convension.&
void swap(Node ** l, Node ** r) {
& Node * p = *l;
& *l = *r;
void mirror(Node * root) {
& if (root == NULL)
& swap(&(root-&left), &(root-&right));
& mirror(root-&left);
& mirror(root-&right);
void mirrorIteratively(Node * root) {
& if (root == NULL)
& stack&Node*&
& buf.push(root);
& while (!stack.empty()) {
&&& Node * n = stack.pop();
&&& swap(&(root-&left), &(root-&right));
&&& if (root-&left != NULL) buf.push(root-&left);
&&& if (root-&right != NULL) buf.push(root-&right);
输出8 6 10 5 7 9 11。
The nodes in the levels are printed in the similar manner their parents were printed. So it should be an FIFO queue to hold the level. I really don’t remember the function name of the stl queue, so I will write it in Java...
void printByLevel(Node root) {
& Node sentinel = new Node();
& LinkedList&Node& q=new LinkedList&Node&();
& q.addFirst(root); q.addFirst(sentinel);
& while (!q.isEmpty()) {
&&& Node n = q.removeLast();
&&& if (n==sentinel) {
&&&&& System.out.println(“\n”);
&&&&& q.addFirst(sentinel);
&&& } else {
&&&&& System.out.println(n);
&&&&& if (n.left() != null) q.addFirst(n.left());
&&&&& if (n.right()!=null) q.addFirst(n.right());
&&&& }&&&&
分析:这道题是2006 年google 的一道笔试题。
Again, this depends on what is “char”. Let’s assume it as ASCII.
char firstSingle(char * str) {
& int a[255];
& memset(a, 0, 255*sizeof(int));
& char *p=
& while (*p!=’\0’) {
&&& a[*p] ++;
&&& p++;
& while (*p!=’\0’) {
&&& if (a[*p] == 1) return *p;
& return ‘\0’; // this must the one that occurs exact 1 time.
题目:n 个数字(0,1,…,n-1)形成一个圆圈,从数字0 开始,
每次从这个圆圈中删除第m 个数字(第一个为当前数字本身,第二个为当前数字的下一个数
当一个数字删除后,从被删除数字的下一个继续删除第m 个数字。
Actually, although this is a so traditional problem, I was always to lazy to think about this or even to search for the answer.(What a shame...). Finally, by google I found the elegant solution for it.
The keys are:
1) if we shift the ids by k, namely, start from k instead of 0, we should add the result by k%n
2) after the first round, we start from k+1 ( possibly % n) with n-1 elements, that is equal to an (n-1) problem while start from (k+1)th element instead of 0, so the answer is (f(n-1, m)+k+1)%n
3) k = m-1, so f(n,m)=(f(n-1,m)+m)%n.&
finally, f(1, m) = 0;
Now this is a O(n) solution.
int joseph(int n, int m) {
& int fn=0;
& for (int i=2; i&=n; i++) {
&&& fn = (fn+m)%i;& }
题目:定义Fibonacci 数列如下:
f(n)= 1 n=1
\ f(n-1)+f(n-2) n=2
输入n,用最快的方法求该数列的第n 项。
分析:在很多C 语言教科书中讲到递归函数的时候,都会用Fibonacci 作为例子。
This is the traditional problem of application of mathematics...
f(n) = A^(n-1)[0,0]
this gives a O(log n) solution.
int f(int n) {
& int A[4] = {1,1,1,0};
& int result[4];
& power(A, n, result);
& return result[0];
void multiply(int[] A, int[] B, int _r) {
& _r[0] = A[0]*B[0] + A[1]*B[2];
& _r[1] = A[0]*B[1] + A[1]*B[3];
& _r[2] = A[2]*B[0] + A[3]*B[2];
& _r[3] = A[2]*B[1] + A[3]*B[3];
void power(int[] A, int n, int _r) {
& if (n==1) { memcpy(A, _r, 4*sizeof(int)); }
& int tmp[4];
& power(A, n&&1, _r);
& multiply(_r, _r, tmp);
& if (n & 1 == 1) {
&&& multiply(tmp, A, _r);
& } else {
&&& memcpy(_r, tmp, 4*sizeof(int));
This question checks how the interviewee is familiar with C/C++? I’m so bad at C/C++...
int atoi(char * str) {
& int neg = 0;
& char * p =
& if (*p == ‘-’) {
&&& p++; neg = 1;
& } else if (*p == ‘+’) {
&&& p++;
& int num = 0;
& while (*p != ‘\0’) {
&&& if (*p&='0' && *p &= '9') {
&&&&& num = num * 10 + (*p-’0’);
&&& } else {
&&&&& error(“illegal number”);
&&& p++;
PS: I didn’t figure out how to tell a overflow problem easily.
2010 年中兴面试题
输入两个整数n 和m,从数列1,2,3.......n 中随意取几个数,
使其和等于m ,要求将其中所有的可能组合列出来.
This is a combination generation problem.&
void findCombination(int n, int m) {
& if (n&m) findCombination(m, m);
& int aux[n];
& memset(aux, 0, n*sizeof(int));
& helper(m, 0, aux);
void helper(int dest, int idx, int aux[], int n) {
& if (dest == 0)&
&&& dump(aux, n);
& if (dest &= 0 || idx==n)
& helper(dest, idx+1, aux, n);
& aux[idx] = 1;
& helper(dest-idx-1, idx+1, aux, n);
& aux[idx] = 0;
void dump(int aux[], int n) {
& for (int i=0; i&n; i++)&
&&& if (aux[i]) printf(“%3d”, i+1);
& printf(“\n”);
PS: this is not an elegant implementation, however, it is not necessary to use gray code or other techniques for such a problem, right?
有4 张红色的牌和4 张蓝色的牌,主持人先拿任意两张,再分别在A、B、C 三人额头上贴任意两张牌,A、B、C 三人都可以看见其余两人额头上的牌,看完后让他们猜自己额头上是什么颜色的牌,A 说不知道,B 说不知道,C 说不知道,然后A 说知道了。
请教如何推理,A 是怎么知道的。如果用程序,又怎么实现呢?
I dont’ like brain teaser. As an AI problem, it seems impossible to write the solution in 20 min...
It seems that a brute-force edge cutting strategy could do. Enumerate all possibilities, then for each guy delete the permutation that could be reduced if failed (for A, B, C at 1st round), Then there should be only one or one group
of choices left.
But who uses this as an interview question?
3D 坐标系原点(0.0,0.0,0.0)
半径r = 3.0
圆心o = (*.*, 0.0, *.*)
4 个角坐标;
1:(*.*, 0.0, *.*)
2:(*.*, 0.0, *.*)
3:(*.*, 0.0, *.*)
4:(*.*, 0.0, *.*)
Crap... I totally cannot understand this problem... Does the *.* represent any possible number?
Reversing a linked list. Already done.
What do you mean by merge? Are the original lists sorted and need to be kept sorted? If not, are there any special requirements?
I will only do the sorted merging.
Node * merge(Node * h1, Node * h2) {
& if (h1 == NULL) return h2;
& if (h2 == NULL) return h1;
& if (h1-&data&h2-&data) {
&&& head = h2; h2=h2-&
& } else {
&&& head = h1; h1=h1-&
& Node * current =
& while (h1 != NULL && h2 != NULL) {
&&& if (h1 == NULL || (h2!=NULL && h1-&data&h2-&data)) {
&&&&& current-&next = h2; h2=h2-& current = current-&
&&& } else {
&&&&& current-&next = h1; h1=h1-& current = current-&
& current-&next = NULL;
写一个函数,它的原形是int continumax(char *outputstr,char *intputstr)
并把这个最长数字串付给其中一个函数参数outputstr 所指内存。
例如:&abcd1ss&的首地址传给intputstr 后,函数将返回9,
outputstr 所指的值为
int continumax(char *outputstr, char *inputstr) {
& int len = 0;
& char * pstart = NULL;
& int max = 0;
& while (1) {
&&& if (*inputstr &= ‘0’ && *inputstr &=’9’) {
&&&&& len ++;
&&& } else {
&&&&& if (len & max) pstart = inputstr-
&&&&& len = 0;
&&& if (*inputstr++==’\0’)
& for (int i=0; i& i++)
&&& *outputstr++ = pstart++;
& *outputstr = ‘\0’;
如把字符串abcdef 左旋转2 位得到字符串cdefab。请实现字符串左旋转的函数。
要求时间对长度为n 的字符串操作的复杂度为O(n),辅助内存为O(1)。
Have done it. Using reverse word function above.
题目:一个台阶总共有n 级,如果一次可以跳1 级,也可以跳2 级。
这道题最近经常出现,包括MicroStrategy 等比较重视算法的公司
f(n)=f(n-1)+f(n-2), f(1)=1, f(2)=2, let f(0) = 1, then f(n) = fibo(n-1);
28.整数的二进制表示中1 的个数
Traditional question. Use the equation xxxxxx10000 & (xxxxxx10000-1) = xxxxxx00000
Note: for negative numbers, this also hold, even with
where the “-1” leading to an underflow.
int countOf1(int n) {
& int c=0;
& while (n!=0) {
&&& n=n & (n-1);
&&& c++;
another solution is to lookup table. O(k), k is sizeof(int);
int countOf1(int n) {
&&& int c = 0;
&&& if (n&0) { c++; n = n & (1&&(sizeof(int)*8-1)); }
&&& while (n!=0) {
&&&&& c+=tab[n&0xff];
&&&&& n &&= 8;
29.栈的push、pop 序列
题目:输入两个整数序列。其中一个序列表示栈的push 顺序,
判断另一个序列有没有可能是对应的pop 顺序。
为了简单起见,我们假设push 序列的任意两个整数都是不相等的。
比如输入的push 序列是1、2、3、4、5,那么4、5、3、2、1 就有可能是一个pop 系列。
因为可以有如下的push 和pop 序列:
push 1,push 2,push 3,push 4,pop,push 5,pop,pop,pop,pop,
这样得到的pop 序列就是4、5、3、2、1。
但序列4、3、5、1、2 就不可能是push 序列1、2、3、4、5 的pop 序列。
This seems interesting. However, a quite straightforward and promising way is to actually build the stack and check whether the pop action can be achieved.
int isPopSeries(int push[], int pop[], int n) {
int i1=0, i2=0;
while (i2 & n) {
while (stack.empty() || stack.peek() != pop[i2]) {
if (i1&n)&
while (!stack.empty() && stack.peek() == pop[i2]) {
stack.pop(); i2++;
30.在从1 到n 的正数中1 出现的次数
题目:输入一个整数n,求从1 到n 这n 个整数的十进制表示中1 出现的次数。
例如输入12,从1 到12 这些整数中包含1 的数字有1,10,11 和12,1 一共出现了5 次。
分析:这是一道广为流传的google 面试题。
This is complicated... I hate it...
Suppose we have N=ABCDEFG.
if G&1, # of 1’s in the units digits is ABCDEF, else ABCDEF+1
if F&1, # of 1’s in the digit of tens is (ABCDE)*10, else if F==1: (ABCDE)*10+G+1, else (ABCDE+1)*10
if E&1, # of 1’s in 3rd digit is (ABCD)*100, else if E==1: (ABCD)*100+FG+1, else (ABCD+1)*100
if A=1, # of 1 in this digit is BCDEFG+1, else it’s 1*1000000;
so to fast access the digits and helper numbers, we need to build the fast access table of prefixes and suffixes.
int countOf1s(int n) {
& int prefix[10], suffix[10], digits[10]; //10 is enough for 32bit integers
& int i=0;
& int base = 1;
& while (base & n) {
&& suffix[i] = n %
&& digit[i] = (n % (base * 10)) - suffix[i];
&& prefix[i] = (n - suffix[i] - digit[i]*base)/10;
&&& i++, base*=10;
& int count = 0;
& base = 1;
& for (int j=0; j&i; j++) {
&&& if (digit[j] & 1) count +=
&&& else if (digit[j]==1) count += prefix + suffix + 1;
&&& else count += prefix+
&&& base *= 10;
一类似于蜂窝的结构的图,进行搜索最短路径(要求5 分钟)
Not clear problem. Skipped. Seems a Dijkstra could do.
要求:通过交换a,b 中的元素,使[序列a 元素的和]与[序列b 元素的和]之间的差最小。
var a=[100,99,98,1,2, 3];
var b=[1, 2, 3, 4,5,40];
If only one swap can be taken, it is a O(n^2) searching problem, which can be reduced to O(nlogn) by sorting the arrays and doing binary search.
If any times of swaps can be performed, this is a double combinatorial problem.
In the book &&beauty of codes&&, a similar problem splits an array to halves as even as possible. It is possible to take binary search, when SUM of the array is not too high. Else this is a quite time consuming brute force problem.
I cannot figure out a reasonable solution.
1******3***2 ,12*****3 这些都要找出来
Not a clear problem. Seems a bitset can do.
一个生产者线程将int 类型的数入列,一个消费者线程将int 类型的数出列
I don’t know multithread programming at all....
要求:(1)写出算法;(2)分析时间复杂度;(3)用C 写出关键代码
This is the traditional problem in Programming Pearls. However, the best result is too complicated to achieve. So lets do the suboptimal one. O(n^3) solution.
1) We have know that the similar problem for 1 dim array can be done in O(n) time. However, this cannot be done in both directions in the same time. We can only calculate the accumulations for all the sublist from i to j, (0&=i&=j&n)
for each array in one dimension, which takes O(n^2) time. Then in the other dimension, do the tradtional greedy search.
3) To achieve O(n^2) for accumulation for each column, accumulate 0 to i (i=0,n-1) first, then calcuate the result by acc(i, j) = acc(0, j)-acc(0,i-1)
//acc[i*n+j] =& acc(i,j)
void accumulate(int a[], int n, int acc[]) {
& int i=0;
& acc[i] = a[i];
& for (i=1;i&n; i++) {
&&& acc[i] = acc[i-1]+a[i];
& for (i=1; i&n; i++) {
&&& for (j=i; j&n; j++) {
&&&&& acc[i*n+j] = acc[j] - acc[i-1];
第36 题-40 题(有些题目搜集于CSDN 上的网友,已标明):
n 支队伍比赛,分别编号为0,1,2。。。。n-1,已知它们之间的实力对比关系,
存储在一个二维数组w[n][n]中,w[i][j] 的值代表编号为i,j 的队伍中更强的一支。
所以w[i][j]=i 或者j,现在给出它们的出场顺序,并存储在数组order[n]中,
比如order[n] = {4,3,5,8,1......},那么第一轮比赛就是4 对3, 5 对8。.......
下一轮由上一轮的胜者按照顺序,再依次两两比,比如可能是4 对5,直至出现第一名
编程实现,给出二维数组w,一维数组order 和用于输出比赛名次的数组result[n],
This question is like no-copying merge, or in place matrix rotation.
* No-copying merge: merge order to result, then merge the first half from order, and so on.
* in place matrix rotation: rotate 01, 23, .. , 2k/2k+1 to 02...2k, 1,3,...2k+1...
The two approaches are both complicated. However, notice one special feature that the losers’ order doesn’t matter. Thus a half-way merge is much simpler and easier:
void knockOut(int **w, int order[], int result[], int n) {
& int round =
& memcpy(result, order, n*sizeof(int));&
& while (round&1) {
&&& int i,j;
&&& for (i=0,j=0; i& i+=2) {
&&&&& int win= (i==round-1) ? i : w[i][i+1];
&&&&& swap(result, j, win);
&&&&& j++;
有n 个长为m+1 的字符串,
如果某个字符串的最后m 个字符与某个字符串的前m 个字符匹配,则两个字符串可以联接,
问这n 个字符串最多可以连成一个多长的字符串,如果出现循环,则返回错误。
This is identical to the problem to find the longest acylic path in a directed graph. If there is a cycle, return false.
Firstly, build the graph. Then search the graph for the longest path.
#define MAX_NUM 201
int inDegree[MAX_NUM];
int longestConcat(char ** strs, int m, int n) {
& int graph[MAX_NUM][MAX_NUM];
& int prefixHash[MAX_NUM];
& int suffixHash[MAX_NUM];&&
& int i,j;
& for (i=0; i&n; i++) {
&&& calcHash(strs[i], prefixHash[i], suffixHash[i]);
&&& graph[i][0] = 0;
& memset(inDegree, 0, sizeof(int)*n);
& for (i=0; i&n; i++) {
&&&& for (j=0; j&n; j++) {
&&&&&& if (suffixHash[i]==prefixHash[j] && strncmp(strs[i]+1, strs[j], m) == 0) {
&&&&&&&& if (i==j) return 0; // there is a self loop, return false.
&&&&&&&& graph[i][0] ++;
&&&&&&&& graph[i][graph[i*n]] =
&&&&&&&& inDegree[j] ++;
& return longestPath(graph, n);
&* 1. do topological sort, record index[i] in topological order.
&* 2. for all 0-in-degree vertexes, set all path length to -1, do relaxation in topological order to find single source shortest path.
int visit[MAX_NUM];
int parent[MAX_NUM];
// -1 path weight, so 0 is enough.
#define MAX_PATH 0&
int d[MAX_NUM];
int longestPath(int graph[], int n) {
& memset(visit, 0, n*sizeof(int));
& if (topSort(graph) == 0) return -1; //topological sort failed, there is cycle.
& int min = 0;
& for (int i=0; i&n; i++) {
&&& if (inDegree[i] != 0)
&&& memset(parent, -1, n*sizeof(int));
&&& memset(d, MAX_PATH, n*sizeof(int));
&&& d[i] = 0;
&&& for (int j=0; j&n; j++) {
&&&&& for (int k=1; k&=graph[top[j]][0]; k++) {
&&&&&&& if (d[top[j]] - 1 & d[graph[top[j]][k]]) { // relax with path weight -1
&&&&&&&&& d[graph[top[j]][k]] = d[top[j]] - 1;
&&&&&&&&& parent[graph[top[j]][k]] = top[j];
&&&&&&&&& if (d[graph[top[j]][k]] & min) min = d[graph[top[j]][k]];
&&&&&&& }&&
& return -
int top[MAX_NUM];
int finished[MAX_NUM];
int cnt = 0;
int topSort(int graph[]){
& memset(visit, 0, n*sizeof(int));
& memset(finished, 0, n*sizeof(int));
& for (int i=0; i&n; i++) {
&&& if (topdfs(graph, i) == 0) return 0;
& return 1;
int topdfs(int graph[], int s) {
& if (visited[s] != 0) return 1;
& for (int i=1; i&=graph[s][0]; i++) {
&&& if (visited[graph[s][i]]!=0 && finished[graph[s][i]]==0) {
&&&&& return 0; //gray node,
&&& if (visited[graph[s][i]] == 0) {
&&&&& visited[graph[s][i]] = 1;
&&&&& dfs(graph, graph[s][i]);
& finished[s] = 1;
& top[cnt++] =
& return 1;
Time complexity analysis:
Hash calculation: O(nm)
Graph construction: O(n*n)
Toplogical sort: as dfs, O(V+E)
All source longest path: O(kE), k is 0-in-degree vetexes number, E is edge number.
As a total, it’s a O(n*n+n*m) solution.
A very good problem. But I really doubt it as a solve-in-20-min interview question.
1.用天平(只能比较,不能称重)从一堆小球中找出其中唯一一个较轻的,使用x 次天平,
最多可以从y 个小球中找出较轻的那个,求y 与x 的关系式。
x=1, y=3: if a=b, c is the lighter, else the lighter is the lighter...
do this recursively. so y=3^x;
而且只输入一次,如何从这个输入流中随机取得m 个记录。
That is, keep total number count N. If N&=m, just keep it.
For N&m, generate a random number R=rand(N) in [0, N), replace a[R] with new number if R falls in [0, m).
3.大量的URL 字符串,如何从中去除重复的,优化时间空间复杂度
1. Use hash map if there is enough memory.
2. If there is no enough memory, use hash to put urls to bins, and do it until we can fit the bin into memory.
Have done this.
Do dfs, record low[i] as the lowest vertex that can be reached from i and i’s successor nodes. For each edge i, if low[i] = i and i is not a leaf in dfs tree, then i is a cut point. The other case is the root of dfs, if root has two
or more children ,it is a cut point.
* g is defined as: g[i][] is the out edges, g[i][0] is the edge count, g[i][1...g[i][0]] are the other end points.
int cnt = 0;
int visited[MAX_NUM];
int lowest[MAX_NUM];
void getCutPoints(int *g[], int cuts[], int n) {
& memset(cuts, 0, sizeof(int)*n);
& memset(visited, 0, sizeof(int)*n);
& memset(lowest, 0, sizeof(int)*n);
& for (int i=0; i&n; i++) {
&&& if (visited[i] == 0) {
&&&&& visited[i] = ++
&&&&& dfs(g, cuts, n, i, i);
int dfs(int *g[], int cuts[], int n, int s, int root) {
& int out = 0;
& int low = visit[s];
& for (int i=1; i&=g[s][0]; i++) {
&&& if (visited[g[s][i]] == 0) {
&&&&& out++;
&&&&& visited[g[s][i]] = ++
&&&&& int clow = dfs(g, cuts, n, g[s][i], root);
&&&&& if (clow & low) low =
&&& } else {
&&&&& if (low & visit[g[s][i]]) {
&&&&&&& low = visit[g[s][i]];
& lowest[s] =
& if (s == root && out & 1) {
&&& cuts[s] = 1;
1)设计一个栈结构,满足一下条件:min,push,pop 操作的时间复杂度为O(1)。
Have done this.
2)一串首尾相连的珠子(m 个),有N 种颜色(N&=10),
设计一个算法,取出其中一段,要求包含所有N 中颜色,并使长度最短。
Use a sliding window and a counting array, plus a counter which monitors the num of zero slots in counting array. When there is still zero slot(s), advance the window head, until there is no zero slot. Then shrink the window until
a slot comes zero. Then one candidate segment of (window_size + 1) is achieved. Repeat this. It is O(n) algorithm since each item is swallowed and left behind only once, and either operation is in constant time.
int shortestFullcolor(int a[], int n, int m) {
& int c[m], ctr =
& int h=0, t=0;
& int min=n;
& while (1) {
&&&& while (ctr & 0 && h&n) {
&&&&&& if (c[a[h]] == 0) ctr --;
&&&&&& c[a[h]] ++;
&&&&&& h++;
&&&& if (h&=n)
&&&& while (1) {
&&&&&& c[a[t]] --;
&&&&&& if (c[a[t]] == 0)
&&&&&& t++;
&&&& if (min & h-t) min = h-t;
&&&& t++; ctr++;
*每个词至多可以与1W 个词搭配
This problem can be solved in three steps:
1. identify the words
2. recognize the phrase
3. retrieve the information
Solution of 1: The most trivial way to efficiently identify the words is hash table or BST. A balanced BST with 100 words is about 17 levels high. Considering that 100k is not a big number, hashing is enough.&
Solution of 2: Since the phrase in this problem consists of only 2 words, it is easy to split the words. There won’t be a lot of candidates. To find a legal combination, we need the “matching” information. So for each word, we need
some data structure to tell whether a word can co-occur with it. 100k is a bad number -- cannot fit into a 16bit digit. However, 10k*100k is not too big, so we can simply use array of sorted array to do this. 1G integers, or 4G bytes is not a big number, We
can also use something like VInt to save a lot of space. To find an index in a 10k sorted array, 14 comparisons are enough.
Above operation can be done in any reasonable work-station's memory very fast, which should be the result of execution of about a few thousands of simple statements.&
Solution of 3: The information could be to big to fit in the memory. So a B-tree may be adopted to index the contents. Caching techniques is also helpful. Considering there are at most 10^9 entries, a 3 or 4 level of B-tree is okay,
so it will be at most 5 disk access. However, there are thousands of requests and we can only do hundreds of disk seeking per second. It could be necessary to dispatch the information to several workstations.
Dont understand.
42.请修改append 函数,利用这个函数实现:
两个非降序链表的并集,1-&2-&3 和2-&3-&5 并为1-&2-&3-&5
I don’t quite understand what it means by “not modifying linked list’s data”. If some nodes will be given up, it is weird for this requirement.
Node * head(Node *h1, Node * h2) {
& if (h1==NULL) return h2;
& if (h2==NULL) return h1;
& if (h1-&data & h2-&data) {
&&& head =h1; h1=h1-&
& } else {
&&& head = h2; h2=h2-&
& Node * p =
& while (h1!=NULL || h2!=NULL) {
&&& Node *
&&& if (h1!=NULL && h2 != NULL && h1-&data & h2-&data || h2==NULL) {
&&&&&&& candi = h1; h1=h1-&
&&&&& } else {
&&&&&&& candi = h2; h2=h2-&
&&& if (candi-&data == p-&data) delete(candi);
&&& else {
&&&&&& p-&next = p=
void preorderRecursive(TreeNode * node) {
& if (node == NULL)
& visit(node);
& preorderRecursive(node-&left);
& preorderRecursive(node-&right);
For non-recursive traversals, a stack must be adopted to replace the implicit program stack in recursive programs.
void preorderNonrecursive(TreeNode * node) {
& stack&TreeNode *&
& s.push(node);
& while (!s.empty()) {
&&& TreeNode * n = s.pop();
&&& visit(n);
&&& if (n-&right!=NULL) s.push(n-&right);
&&& if (n-&left!=NULL) s.push(n-&left);
void inorderNonrecursive(TreeNode * node) {
& stack&TreeNode *&
& TreeNode * current =
& while (!s.empty() || current != NULL) {
&&& if (current != NULL) {
&&&&& s.push(current);
&&&&& current = current-&
&&& } else {
&&&&& current = s.pop();
&&&&& visit(current);
&&&&& current = current-&
Postorder nonrecursive traversal is the hardest one. However, a simple observation helps that the node first traversed is the node last visited. This recalls the feature of stack. So we could use a stack to store all the nodes then
pop them out altogether.
This is a very elegant solution, while takes O(n) space.&
Other very smart methods also work, but this is the one I like the most.
void postorderNonrecursive(TreeNode * node) {
& // visiting occurs only when current has no right child or last visited is his right child
& stack&TreeNode *& sTraverse, sV
& sTraverse.push(node);
& while (!sTraverse.empty()) {
&&& TreeNode * p = sTraverse.pop();
&&& sVisit.push(p);
&&& if (p-&left != NULL) sTraverse.push(p-&left);
&&& if (p-&right != NULL) sTraverse.push(p-&right);
& while (!sVisit.empty()) {
&&& visit(sVisit.pop);
This is a problem to test OOP.
The object MagicCube must have following features
1) holds current status
2) easily doing transform
3) judge whether the final status is achieved
4) to test, it can be initialized
5) output current status
public class MagicCube {
& // 6 faces, 9 chips each face
& private byte chips[54];
& static final int X = 0;
& static final int Y = 1;
& static final int Z = 1;
& void transform(int direction, int level) {
&&& switch direction: {
&&&&& X : { transformX(level); }
&&&&& Y : { transformY(level); }
&&&&& Z : { transformZ(level); }
&&&&& default: throw new RuntimeException(“what direction?”);
&&& void transformX(int level) { … }&
& // really tired of making this...
请用5 分钟时间,找出重复出现最多的前10 条。
10M msgs, each at most 140 chars, that’s 1.4G, which can fit to memory.
So use hash map to accumulate occurrence counts.
Then use a heap to pick maximum 10.
3.收藏了1 万条url,现在给你一条url,如何找出相似的url。(面试官不解释何为相似)
What a SB interviewer... The company name should be claimed and if I met such a interviewer, I will contest to HR. The purpose of interview is to see the ability of communication. This is kind of single side shutdown of information
My first answer will be doing edit distance to the url and every candidate. Then it depends on what interviewer will react. Other options includes: fingerprints, tries...
A assignment problem. Two ways to solve. 1: duplicate each cell to as many as its value, do Hungarian algorithm. Denote the sum of the matrix as M, the edge number is 2M, so the complexity is 2*M*M; 2: standard maximum flow. If the
size of matrix is NxN, then the algorithm using Ford Fulkerson algorithm is M*N*N.
too complex... I will do this when I have time...
2.一个整数数组,长度为n,将其分为m 份,使各份的和相等,求m 的最大值
比如{3,2,4,3,6} 可以分成{3,2,4,3,6} m=1;
{3,6}{2,4,3} m=2
{3,3}{2,4}{6} m=3 所以m 的最大值为3
Two restrictions on m, 1) 1 &= m &= 2) Sum(array) mod m = 0
NOTE: no hint that a[i]&0, so m could be larger than sum/
So firstly prepare the candidates, then do a brute force search on possible m’s.
In the search , a DP is available, since if f(array, m) = OR_i( f(array-subset(i), m) ), where Sum(subset(i)) = m.
int maxShares(int a[], int n) {
& int sum = 0;
& for (i=0; i&n; i++) sum += a[i];
& for (m=n; m&=2; m--) {
&&& if (sum mod m != 0)
&&& int aux[n]; for (i=0; i&n; i++) aux[i] = 0;
&&& if (testShares(a, n, m, sum, sum/m, aux, sum/m, 1))
& return 1;
int testShares(int a[], int n, int m, int sum, int groupsum, int[] aux, int goal, int groupId) {
& if (goal == 0) {
&&& groupId++;
&&& if (groupId == m+1) return 1;
& for (int i=0; i&n; i++) {
&&& if (aux[i] != 0)
&&& aux[i] = groupId;
&&& if (testShares(a, n, m, sum, groupsum, aux, goal-a[i], groupId)) {
&&&&& return 1;
&&& aux[i] = 0;
Please do edge cutting yourself, I’m quite enough of this...
Suppose k parenthesis has f(k) permutations, k is large enough. Check the first parenthesis, if there are i parenthesis in it then, the number of permutations inside it and out of it are f(i) and f(k-i-1), respectively. That is&
f(k) = Sum_i=[0,k-1]_(f(i)*f(k-i-1));
which leads to the k’th Catalan number.
Scan from left to right, maintain a decreasing sequence. For each number, binary search in the decreasing sequence to see whether it can be substituted.
int[] findDecreasing(int[] a) {
& int[] ds = new int[a.length];
& Arrays.fill(ds, 0);
& int dsl = 0;
& int lastdsl = 0;
& for (int i=0; i&a. i++) {
&&& // binary search in ds to find the first element ds[j] smaller than a[i]. set ds[j] = a[i], or append a[i] at the end of ds
&&& int s=0, t=dsl-1;
&&& while (s&=t) {
&&&&& int m = s+(t-s)/2;
&&&&& if (ds[m] & a[i]) {
&&&&&&& t = m - 1;
&&&&& } else {
&&&&&&& s = m + 1;
&&& // now s must be at the first ds[j]&a[i], or at the end of ds[]
&&& ds[s] = a[i];
&&& if (s & dsl) { dsl = lastdsl = }
& // now trace back.
& for (int i=lastdsl-1, j=dsl-1; i&=0 && j &= 0; i--) {
&&& if (a[i] == ds[j]) { j --; }
&&& else if (a[i] & ds[j]) { ds[j--] = a[i]; }
& return Arrays.copyOfRange(ds, 0, dsl+1);
The key is that, from the middle point of the array, half of the array is sorted, and the other half is a half-size shifted sorted array. So this can also be done recursively like a binary search.
int shiftedBinarySearch(int a[], int k) {
& return helper(a, k, 0, n-1);
int helper(int a[], int k, int s, int t) {
& if (s&t) return -1;
& int m = s + (t-s)/2;
& if (a[m] == k)
& else if (a[s] &= k && k & a[m]) return helper(a, k, s, m-1);
& else return helper(a, k, m+1, e);
如何对n 个数进行排序,要求时间复杂度O(n),空间复杂度O(1)
So a comparison sort is not allowed. Counting sort’s space complexity is O(n).
More ideas must be exchanged to find more conditions, else this is a crap.
Have done this before.
Have done this before.
51.和为n 连续正数序列。
题目:输入一个正数n,输出所有和为n 连续正数序列。
例如输入15,由于1+2+3+4+5=4+5+6=7+8=15,所以输出3 个连续序列1-5、4-6 和7-8。
It seems that this can be solved by factorization. However, factorization of large n is impractical!
Suppose n=i+(i+1)+...+(j-1)+j, then n = (i+j)(j-i+1)/2 = (j*j - i*i + i + j)/2
=& j^2 + j + (i-i^2-2n) = 0 =& j=sqrt(i^2-i+1/4+2n) - 1/2
We know& 1 &= i & j &= n/2 + 1
So for each i in [1, n/2], do this arithmetic to check if there is a integer answer.
int findConsecutiveSequence(int n) {
& int count = 0;
& for (int i=1; i&=n/2; i++) {
&&& int sqroot = calcSqrt(4*i*i+8*n-4*i+1);
&&& if (sqroot == -1)
&&& if ((sqroot & 1) == 1) {
&&&&& System.out.println(i+”-” + ((sqroot-1)/2));
&&&&& count ++;
Use binary search to calculate sqrt, or just use math functions.
struct SBinaryTreeNode // a node of the binary tree
int m_nV // value of node
SBinaryTreeNode *m_pL // left child of node
SBinaryTreeNode *m_pR // right child of node
Have done this.
例如输入字符串abc,则输出由字符a、b、c 所能排列出来的所有字符串
abc、acb、bac、bca、cab 和cba。
Full permutation generation. I will use another technique that swap two neighboring characters each time. It seems that all the characters are different. I need to think about how to do it when duplications is allowed. Maybe simple
recursion is better for that.
void generatePermutation(char s[], int n) {
& if (n&20) { error(“are you crazy?”); }
& byte d[n];
& int pos[n], dpos[n];& // pos[i], the position of i’th number, dpos[i] the number in s[i] is the dpos[i]’th smallest
& qsort(s);& // I cannot remember the form of qsort in C...
& memset(d, -1, sizeof(byte)*n);&&
& for (int i=0; i&n; i++) pos[i]=i, dpos[i]=i;
& while (r = findFirstAvailable(s, d, pos, n)) {
&&& if (r== -1)
&&& swap(s, pos, dpos, d, r, r+d[r]);
&&& for (int i=n-1; i&dpos[r]; i--)&
&&&&& d[i] = -d[i];
int findFirstAvailable(char s[], byte d[], int pos[], int n) {
& for (int i=n-1; i&1; i--) {
&&& if (s[pos[i]] & s[pos[i]+d[pos[i]]]) return pos[i];
& return -1;
#define aswap(ARR, X, Y) {int t=ARR[X]; ARR[X]=ARR[y]; ARR[Y]=t;}
void swap(char s[], int pos[], int dpos[], byte d[], int r, int s) {
& aswap(s, r, s);
& aswap(d, r, s);
& aswap(pos, dpos[r], dpos[s]);
& aswap(dpos, r, s);
Maybe full of bugs. Please refer to algorithm manual for explansion.
Pros: Amotized O(1) time for each move. Only two characters change position for each move.
Cons: as you can see, very complicated. Extra space needed.
This problem makes me recall the process of partition in quick sort.
void partition(int a[], int n) {
& int i=j=0;
& while (i & n && (a[i] & 1)==0) i++;
& if (i==n)
& swap(a, i++, j++);
& while (i&n) {
&&& if ((a[i] & 1) == 1) {
&&&&& swap(a, i, j++);
&&& i++;&
55. 题目:类CMyString 的声明如下:
class CMyString
CMyString(char* pData = NULL);
CMyString(const CMyString& str);
CMyString& operator = (const CMyString& str);
char* m_pD
例如:输入两个字符串BDCABA 和ABCBDAB,字符串BCBA 和BDAB 都是是它们的最长公共子串,则输出它们的长度4,并打印任意一个子串。
分析:求最长公共子串(Longest Common Subsequence, LCS)是一道非常经典的动态规划
题,因此一些重视算法的公司像MicroStrategy 都把它当作面试题。
Standard DP...&
lcs(ap1, bp2) = max{ lcs(p1,p2)+1, lcs(p1, bp2), lcs(ap1, p2)}
int LCS(char *p1, char *p2) {
& int l1= strlen(p1)+1, l2=strlen(p2)+1;
& int a[l1*l2];
& for (int i=0; i&l1; i++) a[i*l2] = 0;
& for (int i=0; i&l2; i++) a[i] = 0;
& for (int i=1; i&l1; i++) {
&&& for (int j=1; j&l2; j++) {
&&&&& int max = MAX(a[(i-1)*l2+l1], a[i*l2+l1-1]);
&&&&& if (p1[i-1] == p2[j-1]) {
&&&&&&& max = (max & 1 + a[(i-1)*l2+j-1]) ? max : 1+a[(i-1)*l2+j-1];
& return a[l1*l2-1];
template&typename T& class CQueue
CQueue() {}
~CQueue() {}
void appendTail(const T& node); // append a element to tail
void deleteHead(); // remove a element from head
Stack&T& m_stack1;
Stack&T& m_stack2;
Traditional problem in CLRS.
void appendTail(const T& node) {
& m_stack1.push(node);
T getHead() {
& if (!m_stack2.isEmpty()) {
&&& return m_stack2.pop();
& if (m_stack1.isEmpty()) error(“delete from empty queue”);
& while (!m_stack1.isEmpty()) {
&&& m_stack2.push(m_stack1.pop());
& return m_stack2.pop();
struct ListNode
ListNode* m_pN
Have answered this...
分析:这是Adobe 公司2007 年校园招聘的最新笔试题。
I don’t know c++.
Maybe it can be done by implement an empty private default constructor.
struct ListNode
ListNode* m_pN
void DeleteNode(ListNode* pListHead, ListNode* pToBeDeleted);
分析:这是一道广为流传的Google 面试题,能有效考察我们的编程基本功,还能考察我们
Copy the data from tobedeleted’s next to tobedeleted. then delete tobedeleted. The special case is tobedelete is the tail, then we must iterate to find its predecessor.
The amortized time complexity is O(1).
struct ListNode
ListNode* m_pN
Have done this.
题目:输入两个字符串,从第一字符串中删除第二个字符串中所有的字符。例如,输入”They are students.”和”aeiou”, 则删除之后的第一个字符串变成”Thy r stdnts.”。
Have done this? Use a byte array / character hash to record second string. then use two pointers to shrink the 1st string.
64. 寻找丑数。
题目:我们把只包含因子2、3 和5 的数称作丑数(Ugly Number)。例如6、8 都是丑数,
但14 不是,因为它包含因子7。习惯上我们把1 当做是第一个丑数。求按从小到大的顺序的第1500 个丑数。
分析:这是一道在网络上广为流传的面试题,据说google 曾经采用过这道题。
Use heap/priority queue.
int no1500() {
& int heap[4500];
& heap[0] = 2; heap[1] = 3; heap[2] = 5;&
& int size = 3;
& for (int i=1; i&1500; i++) {
&&& int s = heap[0];
&&& heap[0] = s*2; siftDown(heap, 0, size);
&&& heap[size] = s*3; siftUp(heap, size, size+1);
&&& heap[size+1] = s*5; siftUp(heap, size+1, size+2);
&&& size+=2;
void siftDown(int heap[], int from, int size) {
& int c = from * 2 + 1;
& while (c & size) {
&&& if (c+1&size && heap[c+1] & heap[c]) c++;
&&& if (heap[c] & heap[from]) swap(heap, c, from);
&&& from = c=from*2+1;
void siftUp(int heap[], int from, int size) {
& while (from & 0) {
&&& int p = (from - 1)& / 2;
&&& if (heap[p] & heap[from]) swap(heap, p, from);
&&& from =
65.输出1 到最大的N 位数
题目:输入数字n,按顺序输出从1 最大的n 位10 进制数。比如输入3,则输出1、2、3 一直到最大的3 位数即999。
So maybe n could exceed i32? I cannot tell where is the trick...
Who will output 2*10^9 numbers...
题目:用递归颠倒一个栈。例如输入栈{1, 2, 3, 4, 5},1 在栈顶。
颠倒之后的栈为{5, 4, 3, 2, 1},5 处在栈顶。
void reverse(Stack stack) {
& if (stack.size() == 1)
& Object o = stack.pop();
& reverse(stack);
& putToBottom(stack, o);
void putToBottom(Stack stack, Object o) {
& if (stack.isEmpty()) {
&&& stack.push(o);
& Object o2 = stack.pop();
& putToBottom(stack, o);
& stack.push(o2);
从扑克牌中随机抽5 张牌,判断是不是一个顺子,即这5 张牌是不是连续的。2-10 为数字本身,A 为1,J 为11,Q 为12,K 为13,而大小王可以看成任意数字。
// make king = 0
boolean isStraight(int a[]) {
& Arrays.sort(a);
& if (a[0] & 0) return checkGaps(a, 0, 4, 0);
& if (a[0] == 0 && a[1] != 0) return checkGaps(a, 1, 4, 1);
& return checkGaps(a, 2, 4, 2);
boolean checkGaps(int []a, int s, int e, int allowGaps) {
& int i=s;
& while (i&e) {
&&& allowGaps -= a[i+1] - a[i] - 1;
&&& if (allowGaps & 0)
&&& i++;
2.n 个骰子的点数。把n 个骰子扔在地上,所有骰子朝上一面的点数之和为S。输入n,
打印出S 的所有可能的值出现的概率。
All the possible values includes n to 6n. All the event number is 6^n.
For n&=S&=6n, the number of events is f(S, n)
f(S,n) = f(S-6, n-1) + f(S-5, n-1) + … + f(S-1, n-1)
number of events that all dices are 1s is only 1, and thus f(k, k) = 1, f(1-6, 1) = 1, f(x, 1)=0 where x&1 or x&6, f(m, n)=0 where m&n&
Can do it in DP.
void listAllProbabilities(int n) {
& int[][] f = new int[6*n+1][];
& for (int i=0; i&=6*n; i++) {
&&& f[i] = new int[n+1];
& for (int i=1; i&=6; i++) {
&&& f[i][1] = 1;
& for (int i=1; i&=n; i++) {
&&& f[i][i] = 1;
& for (int i=2; i&=n; i++) {
&&& for (int j=i+1; j&=6*i; j++) {
&&&&& for (int k=(j-6&i-1)?i-1:j-6; k&j-1; k++)
&&&&&&& f[j][i] += f[k][i-1];
& double p6 = Math.power(6, n);
& for (int i=n; i&=6*n; i++) {
&&& System.out.println(“P(S=”+i+”)=”+((double)f[i][n] / p6));
例如输入数组{32, 321},则输出这两个能排成的最小数字32132。
分析:这是09 年6 月份百度的一道面试题,
Actually this problem has little to do with algorithm...
The concern is, you must figure out how to arrange to achieve a smaller figure.
The answer is, if ab & ba, then a & b, and this is a total order.
String smallestDigit(int a[]) {
& Integer aux[] = new Integer[a.length];
& for (int i=0; i&a. a++) aux[i] = a[i];
& Arrays.sort(aux, new Comparator&Integer&(){
&&& int compareTo(Integer i1, Integer i2) {
&&&&& return (“”+i1+i2).compare(“”+i2+i1);
& StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
& for (int i=0; i&aux.length, i++) {
&&& sb.append(aux[i]);
& return sb.toString();
输出旋转数组的最小元素。例如数组{3, 4, 5, 1, 2}为{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}的一个旋转,该数
This is like the shifted array binary search problem. One blind point is that you may miss the part that the array is shifted by 0(or kN), that is not shifted.
int shiftedMinimum(int a[], int n) {
& return helper(a, 0, n-1);
int helper(int a[], int s, int t) {
& if (s == t || a[s] & a[t]) return a[s];
& int m = s + (t-s)/2;
& if (a[s]&a[m]) return helper(a, s, m);
& else return helper(a, m+1, t);
ANSWER 简单的回溯就可以实现了。当然排列的产生也有很多种算法,去看看组合数学,
印象中Knuth 的&TAOCP&第一卷里面深入讲了排列的生成。这些算法的理解需要一定的数学功底,也需要一定的灵感,有兴趣最好看看。
Have done this.
题目:实现函数double Power(double base, int exponent),求base 的exponent 次方。
分析:这是一道看起来很简单的问题。可能有不少的人在看到题目后30 秒写出如下的代码:
double Power(double base, int exponent)
double result = 1.0;
for(int i = 1; i &= ++i)
double power(double base, int exp) {
& if (exp == 1)
& double half = power(base, exp && 1);
& return (((exp & 1) == 1) ? base : 1.0) * half *
72. 题目:设计一个类,我们只能生成该类的一个实例。
分析:只能生成一个实例的类是实现了Singleton 模式的类型。
I’m not good at multithread programming... But if we set a lazy initialization, the “if” condition could be interrupted thus multiple constructor could be called, so we must add synchronized to the if judgements, which is a loss of
efficiency. Putting it to the static initialization will guarantee that the constructor only be executed once by the java class loader.
public class Singleton {
& private static Singleton instance = new Singleton();
& private synchronized Singleton() {
& public Singleton getInstance() {
&&& return instance();
This may not be correct. I’m quite bad at this...
Build a suffix tree of x and inverse(x), the longest anagram is naturally found.
Suffix tree can be built in O(n) time so this is a linear time solution.
分析:这是一道广为流传的面试题,包括百度、微软和Google 在内的多家公司都
Delete every two different digits. The last one that left is the one.
int getMajor(int a[], int n) {
& int x, cnt=0;
& for (int i=0; i&n; i++) {
&&& if (cnt == 0) {&
&&&&& x = a[i]; cnt++;
&&& } else if (a[i]==x) {
&&&&& cnt ++;
&&& } else {
&&&&& cnt --;
&&& }&&&&&
struct TreeNode
TreeNode* m_pL
TreeNode* m_pR
Have done this. Do it again for memory...
TreeNode* getLCA(TreeNode* root, TreeNode* X, TreeNode *Y) {
& if (root == NULL) return NULL;
& if (X == root || Y == root)
& TreeNode * left = getLCA(root-&m_pLeft, X, Y);
& TreeNode * right = getLCA(root-&m_pRight, X, Y);
& if (left == NULL)
& else if (right == NULL)
题目:有一个复杂链表,其结点除了有一个m_pNext 指针指向下一个结点外,还有一个m_pSibling 指向链表中的任一结点或者NULL。其结点的C++定义如下:
struct ComplexNode
ComplexNode* m_pN
ComplexNode* m_pS
下图是一个含有5 个结点的该类型复杂链表。
图中实线箭头表示m_pNext 指针,虚线箭头表示m_pSibling 指针。为简单起见,指向NULL 的指针没有画出。请完成函数ComplexNode* Clone(ComplexNode* pHead),以复制一个复杂链表。
Have heard this before, never seriously thought it.
The trick is like this: ta


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