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你可能喜欢Storm surge versus turbidite origin of the Coniacian to Santonian sediments in the eastern part of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin
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AbstractZusammenfassung Die Bezno Schichtenfolge (Coniac bis Santon) enth?lt im ?stlichen Randteil des B?hmischen Kreidebeckens sogenannte flyschoide Fazies. NachJerzykiewicz () entstand sie im tiefen Wasser wie echte Turbidite. Die pal?ogeographische Rekonstruktion von Faziesbeziehungen, ausführliche Bearbeitung der Schichtenfolge in Bohrungen, und vollst?ndige Beckenanalyse erm?glichten eine Neudeutung von Transportmechanismen und Ablagerungsmilieu. Es werden Beweise für Flachwassersedimentation erbracht. Das Sedimentationsgebiet entsprach einem Bereich der Tonablagerung, der von Zeit zu Zeit w?hrend anomaler Bedingungen — seltenen, sehr schweren Sturmfluten durch Sandzufuhr gest?rt wurde. W?hrend dieser Sturmfluten wurde Sand ins Becken geschüttet bis zu einer Entfernung von 25 km von der Küste. Die Funktion von Traktionstr?men wird diskutiert im Verh?ltnis zum Einfluss von Trübestr?men. Die beschriebene flyschoide Fazies entspricht Schichtfolgen mit sandigen Sturmflutlagen.Do you want to read the rest of this article?
CitationsCitations7ReferencesReferences48ABSTRACT: Gravity acting alone moves sand down the slip slope of a dune, of an oversteepened submarine slope, and powers a debris flow. Continental and alpine glaciers also move sand and probably a significant number of the world’s sand grains have, at one time ór another in their history, been transported by ice. But the dominant agents are water and wind. Although one can but surmise, probably every sand grain on earth, from loose sand on a modern Chilean beach to sand in an early Precambrian quartzite in Canada, has been transported millions of times by water and thousands of times by wind, either on a continental desert, in coastal dunes, or on a dry floodplain. Thus streams and rivers, tidal and longshore currents in shallow water, waves in shallow water, contour currents in deep water along continental margins, density currents in oceans and deep lakes, wind, and ash flows and falls from volcanic explosions are the dominant agents that transport and sort sand and segregate it from mud, silt, and coarse particles.Chapter · Jan 1987 · Cretaceous Research ABSTRACT: Why is the study of sandy depositional systems central to the understanding of sand and sandstone? From earliest times geologists have wanted to know where and under what conditions a sandstone was deposited—to better envision its areal extent, its internal properties, and its relation to associated sediments. Sandy depositional systems also play a key role in helping us assign a basin to its proper type and in relating it to a plate tectonic or other genetic framework. With the exception of some carbonates, sandstones are commonly the most permeable of all sedimentary rocks—a key element in their economic significance for oil, gas, groundwater, and later mineralization by uranium, copper, zinc, and lead. In addition, placer deposits such as gold, rutile, and ilmenite are directly related to sandy facies. Identifying the correct depositional model and using it to map and predict the areal extent of a depositional system or one of its parts is the essential key to understanding the origin of known economic sandy deposits and finding new ones. Identification and mapping of sandy deposits in and across ancient basins also playa key role in classifying basins, help us better understand them, and help us place ancient basins in their proper paleoplate setting. Thus, from applied and theoretical viewpoints, we need to be able to identify and interpret ancient sandy deposits. In the 1970s and early 1980s studies on the depositional systems became a focal point for many sedimentologists with the result that today we routinely use both outcrops and subsurface data—wireline logs and cores—to distinguish better the diverse environments of sandy deposits.Chapter · Jan 1987 · Cretaceous Research ABSTRACT: Inferred shorelines are presented for the twelve Cretaceous stages, for the area of Europe and adjacent seas contained between approximately 35° and 65°N and between 15°W and 25°E. There is a brief stage-by-stage commentary and a bibliography of source materials.Article · Apr 1987 ABSTRACT: Facies evolution and vertical changes within the Late Cretaceous sequence of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin reveal fluctuations of intra- and extrabasinal circumstances. Evidence of periodic oscillations is recognized and two categories of aperiodic event indications are distinguished according to their significance and lateral persistence. Several lithoevents may be related to eustatic changes, while others indicate the independent evolution of the basin, influenced by epeirogenetic movements of segments of the Bohemian Massif.Article · Dec 1991 ABSTRACT: During the Cretaceous (145.5-65.5 Ma; Gradstein et al. 2004). Central Europe was part of the European continental plate, which was bordered by the North Atlantic ocean and the Arctic Sea to the NW and north, the Bay of Biscay to the SW, the northern branch of the Tethys Ocean to the south, and by the East European Platform to the east (Fig. 15.1). The evolution of sedimentary basins was influenced by the interplay of two main global processes: plate tectonics and eustatic sea-level change. Plate tectonic reconfigurations resulted in the widening of the Central Atlantic, and the opening of the Bay of Biscay. The South Atlantic opening caused a counter-clockwise rotation of Africa, which was coeval with the closure of the Tethys Ocean. Both motions terminated the Permian-Early Cretaceous North Sea rifting and placed Europe in a transtensional stress field. The long-term eustatic sea-level rise resulted in the highest sea level during Phanerozoic times (haq et al. 1988;Hardenbol et al. 1998). Large epicontinental shelf areas were flooded as a consequence of elevated spreading rates of mid-ocean ridges and intra-oceanic plateau volcanism, causing the development of extended epicontinental shelf seas and shelf-sea basins (Hays & pitman 1973; Larson 1991).
A new and unique lithofacies type, the pelagic chalk, was deposited in distal parts of the individual basins. Chalk deposition commenced during middle Cenomanian-early Turanian times. Chalk consists almost exclusively of the remains of planktonic coccolithophorid algae and other pelagic organisms, and its great thickness reflects a high rate of production of the algal tests. The bulk of the grains are composed of lowmagnesium calcite, representing coccolith debris with a subordinate amount of foraminifers, calcispheres, small invertebrates and shell fragments of larger invertebrates (H?kansson et al. 1974; Surlyk & Birkelund 1977; Nygaard et al. 1983; Hancock ).Chapter · Jan 2008 · Cretaceous Research +1 more author...ABSTRACT: Large-scale exposures of Cenomanian valley-fill clastics have long been provided by quarries in the Horou?any area at the southern edge of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin. This paper presents descriptive data and interpretations of facies and relative sea-level changes based on long-term study of successive quarry exposures, and on their comparison to the subsurface correlation framework of genetic stratigraphy on a basinal scale. The methods included sedimentological facies analysis, palynology, and outcrop gamma-ray spectrometry, supplemented by evaluation of cores and geophysical well-logs.
A deepening-upward succession exposed in the Horou?any area consists of fluvial through tide-dominated estuarine to wave-dominated lower shoreface deposits. Changes in fluvial depositional architecture, from strongly amalgamated channel fills of bedload-dominated streams, to isolated ribbon-like channel fills in mud-dominated floodplain strata, were recognised in fluvial successions and are interpreted to reflect phases of the base-level rise and flattening of stream gradients through time, with expansion surfaces in the fluvial strata corresponding to transgressive surfaces in the paralic to marine realm. Transgressive surfaces in the estuarine part of the record are characterised by significant channelling caused by tidal currents in the upper as well as lower-estuarine palaeoenvironments. The knowledge of stratal geometries from exposures has been essential to prevent interpretation of some of the estuarine channels as records of base-level fall (“sequence boundaries” in terms of traditional sequence stratigraphy). Tectonic subsidence was a minor influence on the valley filling style and therefore the long-term mid-Cenomanian to early Turonian multi-phase sea-level rise is considered to have been the main reason for formation and preservation of a relatively thick and complete array of depositional systems in the valley-filling strata. However, due to the lack of precise bio- or chemostratigraphic criteria for interbasinal correlation, individual phases of the relative sea-level record cannot yet be tied precisely to particular stratigraphic levels recognised in neighbouring basins.
Steinbrüche im Gebiet von Horou?any bieten seit Langem grossmassst?bliche Aufschlüsse Cenomaniumzeitlicher klastischer Talfüllungen am südlichen Rand des B?hmischen Kreidebeckens. Dieser Beitrag stellt beschreibende Daten und Interpretationen der Fazies und relativen Ver?nderungen des Meeresspiegels anhand von Langzeitstudien in aneinander gereihten Steinbruchaufschlüssen vor und vergleicht diese mit dem im Untergrund erarbeiteten beckenweiten Gerüst der genetischen Stratigrafie. Die Methoden beinhalten sedimentologische Faziesanalyse, Palynologie und im Aufschluss gemessene Gammastrahlenspektroskopie, erg?nzt durch Auswertung von Kernbohrungen und geophysikalische Bohrlochmessungen. Die sich ins Hangende vertiefende Abfolge von Horou?any besteht aus fluviatilen bis Gezeiten-dominierten ?stuarinen Ablagerungen sowie wellendominierten Ablagerungen der unteren Brecherzone. Ver?nderungen in der fluviatilen Ablagerungsarchitektur, von stark amalgamierten Rinnenfüllungen Bodenfracht-dominierter Flüsse zu isolierten, bandartigen Rinnenfüllungen in Schlamm-dominierten Auensedimenten, wurden in den Flussablagerungen erkannt und als Phasen des Anstiegs der Erosionsbasis und der Abflachung der Flussgradienten interpretiert. Erweiterungsfl?chen in den fluviatilen Abfolgen entsprechen transgressiven Fl?chen in den paralischen und marinen Bereichen. Transgressive Fl?chen im ?stuarinen Gebiet sind durch erhebliche von Gezeitenstr?mungen verursachten Rinnenbildungen sowohl im oberen als auch unteren Mündungsbereich gekennzeichnet. Die Kenntnis der Schichtgeometrien aus Aufschlüssen ist sehr wichtig, um nicht einige der eingeschnittenen Flussmündungskan?le als Hinweis auf einen Abfall der Erosionsbasis zu interpretieren (,,Sequenzgrenzen“ im Sinne der traditionellen Sequenzstratigrafie). Tektonische Subsidenz hatte nur einen geringen Einfluss auf den Ablagerungsstil der Talfüllung. Der langfristige, mehrphasige Meeresspiegelanstieg des mittleren Cenomaniums bis frühen Turoniums wird als Hauptgrund für die Bildung und Erhaltung einer relativ m?chtigen und vollst?ndigen Abfolge von Ablagerungssystemen angesehen, die in den talfüllenden Schichten dokumentiert sind. Aufgrund des Mangels an genauen bio- oder chemostratigrafischen Daten für eine weitreichende Korrelation k?nnen einzelne Phasen der relativen Meeresspiegelentwicklung noch nicht genau mit bestimmten stratigrafischen Niveaus parallelisiert werden, die aus Nachbarbecken bekannt sind.Article · Dec 2014
Full-text · Article · Dec 2014
Full-text · Article · Dec 2013 Article · Dec 2014 Data provided are for informational purposes only. Although carefully collected, accuracy cannot be guaranteed. Publisher conditions are provided by RoMEO. Differing provisions from the publisher's actual policy or licence agreement may be applicable.This publication is from a journal that may support self archiving.a_第499页_有道词典
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