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第一章 VB 开发环境与 VB 概述 习题答案习题一、选择题 1. B 11. C 2. A 12. D 3. A 13. A 4. B 14. D 5. D 6. B 7. A 8. A 9. C 10. B第二章 常用控件与界面设计 习题答案习题一、选择题 1. C 11. B 21. B 31. B 41. B 51. D 61. B 2. B 12. B 22. B 32. C 42. A 52. D 3. C 13. D 23. B 33. B 43. B 53. C 4. A 14. A 24. C 34. B 44. B 54. D 5. A 15. B 25. C 35. D 45. D 55. D 6. B 16. B 26. C 36. B 46. A 56. C 7. B 17. B 27. A 37. D 47. A 57. A 8. B 18. C 28. B 38. D 48. B 58. C 9. C 19. C 29. B 39. B 49. D 59. C 10. C 20. D 30. C 40. A 50. C 60. B 第三章实验与习题实验实验 3_1 ?算术运算 Private Sub Command1_Click() Const a As Single = 3, b As Single = 2, c As Single = -1, d As Single = 6 Dim x As Single, y As Single, z As Single, m As Single x = 2: y = 1: z = 1: m = 1 List1.Clear List1.AddItem a / (b + c / b) List1.AddItem (x + Sqr(x ^ 2 + 1)) ^ (1 / 3) List1.AddItem ((2 * y) / (a * x + b * y) * (a * x - b * y)) List1.AddItem 1 + 1 / (1 + 1 / m) List1.AddItem 1 / 2 * (d / 3) ^ (2 * x) List1.AddItem Log(y + Cos(x) ^ 2) List1.AddItem Abs((Exp(x) + Sin(x) ^ 3) / (x + y)) List1.AddItem Log((Exp(x * y) + Abs(1 / Tan(z) + Cos(x) ^ 3)) / (x + y - z)) List1.AddItem Sin(45 * 3.1415 / 180) + (Exp(10) + Log(10)) / Sqr(x + y + 1) List1.AddItem Log(a) / Log(b) End Sub ?关系运算 Private Sub Command2_Click() List1.Clear List1.AddItem Mid(&Visual Basic&, 1, 12) = Right(&Language Visual Basic&, 12) List1.AddItem &ABCRG& &= &abcde& List1.AddItem Int(134.69) &= CInt(134.9) List1.AddItem 78.9 / 32.77 &= 97.5 / 43.87 And -45.4 & -4.98 List1.AddItem Str(32.345) = CStr(32.345) End Sub ?逻辑运算 Private Sub Command3_Click() Dim x As Integer, y As Integer Dim C1 As Integer, C2 As Integer, C3 As Integer C1 = 70: C2 = 80: C3 = 90 x = 9: y = -2 List1.Clear List1.AddItem x + y & 10 And x - y & 0 List1.AddItem (x% &= 0 And y% &= 0) Or (x% & 0 And y% & 0) List1.AddItem x = 0 Xor y = 0 List1.AddItem C1 + C2 + C3 &= 255 Or C1 & 90 And C2 & 90 And C3 & 80 End Sub 实验 3_2 略 实验 3_3 略 实验 3_4 ?零售结算 Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim dj As Single, sl As Single, je As Single, n As Integer Label1.Caption = &金额:& dj = InputBox(&请输入商品的单价:&, &单价框&) sl = InputBox(&请输入商品的数量:&, &数量框&, 1) je = dj * sl n = MsgBox(&共计金额=& & je, vbOKCancel + vbInformation, &结果&) If n = vbOK Then Label1.Caption = &金额:& & Str(je) & &元& End Sub ?产生随机数 Private Sub Command2_Click() Dim m As Integer, n As Integer Dim x1 As Integer, x2 As Integer, x3 As Integer m = Val(Text1.Text): n = Text2.Text Randomize x1 = Int(Rnd * (n - m + 1) + m) x2 = Int(Rnd * (n - m + 1) + m) x3 = Int(Rnd * (n - m + 1) + m) Label4.Caption = &结果为:& & Str(x1) & Str(x2) & Str(x3) End Sub ?求逆序数 Private Sub Command3_Click() Dim a As Integer, h As Integer, t As Integer, n As Integer Randomize a = Int(Rnd * (999 - 100 + 1) + 100) h = Mid(CStr(a), 1, 1) t = Mid(CStr(a), 2, 1) n = Right(CStr(a), 1) Label5.Caption = a & &--&& & Format(n * 100 + t * 10 + h, &000&) End Sub 实验 3_5 略 习题 选择题1. D 11. D 21. D 31. B 41. B 51. C 61. B 71. C 81. C2. B 12. D 22. C 32. C 42. C 52. B 62. B 72. B 82. B3. B 13. D 23. D 33. A 43. B 53. D 63. C 73. B 83. D4. D 14. C 24. A 34. D 44. D 54. D 64. A 74. D 84. B5. B 15. D 25. A 35. A 45. C 55. D 65. B 75. D 85. B6. D 16. D 26. B 36. B 46. C 56. A 66. B 76. C 86. B7. D 17. B 27. A 37. B 47. A 57. B 67. D 77. B 87. A8. B 18. A 28. A 38. B 48. D 58. A 68. A 78. D 88. D9. C 19. D 29. C 39. C 49. B 59. A 69. A 79. A 89. C10. A 20. B 30. A 40. D 50. A 60. A 70. A 80. D填空题1、2 - 2、整型 长整型 单精度 双精度 3、0 False “” 4、Chr(Int(Rnd*(Asc(“L”)-Asc(“C”))+Asc(“C”))) x&0 And y&0 Or x&0 And y&0 c&=”a” And c&=”z” Or c&=”A” And c&=”Z” x&=10 And x&20 x&z Xor y&z 5、False 2 True False True True True True 6、188 .56 、a=1 b=1 a=2 b=1 a=3 b=1 a=4 b=1 8、Y Mod 4=0 And Y Mod 100&&0 Or Y Mod 400 =0 9、He Said, “Good morning”. 10、EDEF 11、(A&0 And A&&Int(A)) And (B&0 And B&&Int(B)) 12、a+b+c+d (a+b+c+d)/4 sum aver 13、(f-2*h)/2 (4*h-f)/2简答题1、略 2、Private Sub Form_Click() Const g = 9.8 Dim V0 As Single, t As Single Dim S As Single V0 = InputBox(&请输入 V0 的值:&) t = InputBox(&请输入时间 t 的值:&) S = (1 / 2) * g * t ^ 2 + V0 * t MsgBox (&位移量为:& & S) End Sub 3、Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim l As Single, w As Single, h As Single Dim s As Single l = Text1.Text w = Text2.Text h = Text3.Text s = (l * w + l * h + w * h) * 2 Label1.Caption = s End Sub 第四章选择分支与循环实验答案实验 4-1 方法一: x&=5 ; y 方法二:Is&=2 ;Case Else 实验 4-2 Shape1.BackColor=vbR Inter=15; Inter=Inter-1; I 实验 4-3 b&c b=a a=k 实验 4-4 方法二: s* t/s&10^-5 实验 4-5 方法一:m&=10^-4 ; (-1)^(n+1)*m 实验 4-6 x2=x3 ; &10^-6 实验 4-7 实验 4-8 i+2*j+5*k=10 ; n 实验 4-9 题目一:a) 5 b)i=16 p=12 n=5 c)i=9 p=8 n=1 题目二:120 10 实验 4-10 N=1 ; S=N& &*3 & & &+1 & 实验 4-11 Len(st); Ch=Lcase(ch) ; Case E Mid(Char,I,1)&St 实验 4-12 i\100 ; (i Mod 100)\10习题一、 选择题 1. C 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. A 6. B 7. B 8. D 9. B二、填空题 1. Is=0 ; 1 To 10 ; Is &10 2. 9 3. 3 ; 4 15 4.This Is A Book 5. 3 ; 3 ; 3 5 6. 32 0 7. 4 8. 15 1 9. 1 ; 401 ;104 10. 1 2 3 ;1 3; 1 11. (3) 12. 2 0 24 13. 10 14 14. BAABC CBAABC 15. X Mod P=0 ; X=X+1 ;Find=False 16. abs(t)&10^(-7) ; s+t 17. Mid(n,1,1)=Mid(n,2,1) And Mid(n,3,1)=Mid(n,4,1) S=S+1 18. Mid(n,i,1)&Mid(n,i+1,1) 19. &输入 n&;N/I=0 ;Print I 第五章数组实验5_1 Int(90 * Rnd) + 10 a(i) = a(21 - i) a(21 - i) = t 5_2 k = x Mod 10 i=i+1 5_3 s 5_4 max & a(i, j) row = I col = j 5_5 1 ReDim Preserve prime(m) prime(j) 5_6 d Mod 2 5_7 Exit For a(j + 1) = a(j) 5_8 NCI A(j) = A(j + 1) 5_9 A(i, 1) J Min = Max Not Flag 5_10 ch &= &0& And ch &= &9& P = P & ch ReDim Preserve C(k) 5_11 Private Sub Form_Click() Dim x As Integer, i As Integer, k As Integer, j As Integer Dim a() As Integer x = InputBox(&输入正整数 x=&) i=2 P &的质因子为:&; Do While x &= i If x Mod i = 0 Then k=k+1 ReDim Preserve a(k) a(k) = i x=x\i Else i=i+1 End If Loop For j = 1 To UBound(a) Print a(j); Next j End Sub习题 一 选择题1. A 11. B 2. C 12. D 3. D 4. C 5. B 6. D 7. D 8. B 9. D 10. B二 填空题1. 2. Variant ReDim A(N) A(1) If M & A(I) Then M = A(I) Int(26 * Rnd) + 65 Chr(t) i + 1 To 10 A(i) & A(j) InStr(s, &,&) Right(s, Len(s) - n) s3.4. 5.6. I+1 7. k = 6 - i C j max = m 8. j = a j=j-3 9. i + 1 i=i+1 10. 2 3 7456 654 321 TC1三 编程题1. Option Explicit Option Base 1 Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim a(10) As Integer Dim i As Integer, max As Integer For i = 1 To 10 a(i) = Int(90 * Rnd) + 10 Print a(i); Next i Print i=1 max = 0 Do While i &= 10 If a(i) Mod 3 = 0 Then If a(i) & max Then max = a(i) End If End If i=i+1 Loop If max = 0 Then Print &无要找的数& Else Print max & &是最大的能被 3 整除的数& End If End Sub 2. Option Explicit Option Base 1 Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim A() As Integer Dim I As Integer, m As Integer Dim K As Integer ReDim A(10) For I = 1 To 10 A(I) = I Print A(I); Next I Print m = InputBox(&?? m&) ?? K=9+m ReDim Preserve A(K) For I = 11 To K A(I) = A(I - 10) Next I For I = 1 To 10 A(I) = A(I + m - 1) Next I For I = 1 To 10 Print A(I); Next I Print End Sub 3. Option Explicit Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim I As Integer, J As Integer, K As Integer Dim a() As Integer, n As Integer, p As Integer Dim s As String, Flag As Boolean p=1 For K = 10 To 100 I=1 Do While I &= 10 And Not Flag J=1 Do While J &= 10 And Not Flag n=I^2+J^2 If n = K Then Flag = True ReDim Preserve a(p) a(p) = K p=p+1 s = I & Str(J) & Str(K) List1.AddItem s End If J=J+1 Loop I=I+1 Loop Flag = False Next K End Sub 4. Option Explicit Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim A(10) As Integer Dim B(10) As Integer, S As String Dim I As Integer, J As Integer, X As Integer A(1) = Int(90 * Rnd) + 10 S = A(1) For I = 2 To 10 Do X = Int(90 * Rnd) + 10 For J = 1 To I - 1 If X = A(J) Then Exit For Next J If J = I Then A(I) = X S = S & & & & A(I) Exit Do End If Loop Next I Text1.Text = S B(1) = Int(90 * Rnd) + 10 S = B(1) For I = 2 To 10 Do X = Int(90 * Rnd) + 10 For J = 1 To I - 1 If X = B(J) Then Exit For Next J If J = I Then B(I) = X S = S & & & & B(I) Exit Do End If Loop Next I Text2.Text = S S = && For I = 1 To 10 For J = 1 To 10 If A(I) = B(J) Then S = S & & & & A(I) End If Next J Next I Text3.Text = S End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() Text1.Text = && Text2.Text = && Text3.Text = && Text1.SetFocus End Sub 5. Option Explicit Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim I As Integer, J As Integer Dim a() As Integer, K As Integer, Sum As Integer K = Val(Text1.Text) I=1 Do J = K Mod 10 ReDim Preserve a(I) a(I) = J Sum = Sum + J K = K \ 10 I=I+1 Loop Until K = 0 Text2.Text = Sum End Sub 6. Option Explicit Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim a(100, 2) As Integer, K As Integer Dim I As Integer, J As Integer Dim M As Integer, N As Integer K=1 For I = 1 To 99 For J = 1 To 99 If I & J Then M=I-J N=I+J If Sqr(M) = Int(Sqr(M)) And Sqr(N) = Int(Sqr(N)) Then List1.AddItem I & & & & J a(K, 1) = I a(K, 2) = J K=K+1 End If End If Next J Next I End Sub第六章 参考答案实验实验 6-1 1、 Exit Do 2、 Y(X) 3、 X &= -1 实验 6-2 【题目二】42 、26、8 实验 6-3 1、 s1, key 2、 s As String 3、 ch &= &a& And ch &= &z& 4、 Mid(s, i, 1) = Chr(Asc(ch) + k - 26) 思考:解密函数 Private Sub dec(s As String, k As Integer) Dim i As Integer, ch As String * 1'解密过程 For i = 1 To Len(s) ch = Mid(s, i, 1) If &A& &= ch And ch &= &Z& Then If Asc(ch) - k & Asc(&A&) Then Mid(s, i, 1) = Chr(Asc(ch) - k + 26) '小于 A 的 ASCII 值则加上 26 Else Mid(s, i, 1) = Chr(Asc(ch) - k) End If ElseIf ch &= &a& And ch &= &z& Then '多分支格式,ch 介于小写 a 与 z 之间 If Asc(ch) - k & Asc(&a&) Then Mid(s, i, 1) = Chr(Asc(ch) - k + 26) '小于 a 的 ASCII 值则加上 26 Else Mid(s, i, 1) = Chr(Asc(ch) - k) End If End If Next i End Sub 实验 6-4 1、 b() As Integer, st As String 2、 L &= R 3、 ReDim Preserve b(R) 4、 L = L + 1 辗转相除法求最大公约数函数 Private Function Gcd(ByVal p As Integer, ByVal q As Integer) As Integer Dim r As Integer r = p Mod q Do While r && 0 p=q q=r r = p Mod q Loop Gcd = q End Function 实验 6-5 【题目一】 age = age(n - 1) - 3 【题目二】 1、(Left + Right) / 2 2、Left = Mid + 1 实验 6-6 1、3 -1 2、7 4 3、3 4、7-1 0实验 6-7 【题目一】 1、 Sqr(2 + t) 2、 Abs(a - 1) & eps 【题目二】 1、 Dim X As Integer 2、 &S(& & I & &)=& & S(I) 3、 (j * i + 1)习题参考答案一 选择题1. B 11. D 21. C2. D 12. A 22. C3. C 13. A 23. B4. C 14. A 24. A5. D 15. B 25. D6. B 16. B 26. D7. B 17. D 27. A8. B 18. C 28. B9. A 19. D10. D 20. B二、填空1(1) 2(1) 3(1) 4(1) 5(1)4 6(1) 7(1) 8(1) 9(1) 10(1) 11(1) 形式 、 (2) 按地址传递 、 (2) 窗体模块 、 (2) 6 20 101 6 26 、 (2) 10 6 、 (2) 6 5 、 (2) 11 、 (2) Fun(i) 、 (2) 4 、 (2) 实在 ByVal 标准模块、 (3) 类模块-2 5 8 7 Fun=p 20.798 -5 7 12(1) 29 、 (2) 28.7 13(1) k=j 、 (2) b() As Integer 14(1) gec 、 (2) ge 、 (3) 3 15(1) p1 = True And p2 = True 或 p1 And p2 、 (2) p1 = p2 C 2 (3) Isp = True 、 (4) m Mod i = 0 16(1) Convert(st) 、 (2) Len(s) 、 (3) &A& To &F& 、 (4) k = k + p * h 17(1) isualVi 、 (2) sualVisu 18(1) s + a 、 (2) n + 1 、 (3) x As Single, n As Integer 、 (4) p * (x + i) / ((2 * i - 1) * i * x)、三、改错题1、 Option Base 1 Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim A() As Integer, I As Integer, J As Integer, Logic As Boolean Dim K As Integer ReDim A(1) A(1) = 50 ―――――――― 'K=1 For I = 51 To 149 K=1 '位置错 Logic = False Call Sub1(A, I, Logic) If Logic Then K=K+1 ReDim A(K) 'ReDim Preserve A(K) A(K) = I End If Next I For I = 1 To UBound(A) Text1 = Text1 & Str$(A(I)) If I Mod 5 = 0 Then Text1 = Text1 & vbCrLf Next I End Sub Private Sub Sub1(A() As Integer, N As Integer, F As Boolean) Dim I As Integer, J As Integer, Ub As Integer Ub = UBound(A) For I = 1 To Ub For J = 2 To A(I) If A(I) Mod J = 0 And N Mod J = 0 Then Exit For End If Next J F = True Next I End Sub 2、 Option Explicit Option Base 1'Exit SubPrivate Sub Command1_Click() Dim I As Integer, Flg As Boolean, S1 As Integer, S2 As Integer Dim J As Integer, K As Integer, P() As Integer ReDim P(1) P(1) = 2 For I = 3 To 150 Step 2 For J = 2 To Sqr(I) If I Mod J = 0 Then Exit For Next J If J & Sqr(I) Then ReDim Preserve P(UBound(P) + 1) P(UBound(P) + 1) = I 'P(UBound(P)) = I End If Next I For I = 80 To 125 If fun(I, P, S1, S2) Then 'If fun(I, P, S1, S2) Text1 = Text1 & Str$(I) & &=& & Str(S1) & &*& & Str$(S2) & vbCrLf End If Next I End Sub Private Function fun(N As Integer, P() As Integer, S1 As Integer, S2 As Integer) As Boolean Dim I As Integer, J As Integer For I = 1 To UBound(P) For J = 1 To UBound(P) - 1 If N = P(I) * P(J) Then S1 = P(I) S2 = P(J) 'fun = True Exit Function fun = True '位置错 End If Next J Next I End Function 3、 Option Explicit Private Sub Get_Chess(Chess() As Integer, idx As Integer, Over As Integer) Integer Dim Ub As Integer, Counter As Integer, K As Integer Ub = UBound(Chess) Chess(idx) = 0 Counter = 1 K=0 '位置错 Do Until Counter = Ub - 1 Do Until K = 2 idx = idx + 1 If idx & Ub Then idx = 1 K = K + Chess(idx) Loop Chess(idx) = 0 Counter = Counter + 1 Loop For Over = 1 To Ub If Chess(Over) && 0 Then Exit For Next Over End Sub Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim Chess(32) As Integer, I As Integer, J As Integer Dim K As Integer, idx As Integer For I = 1 To 32 For J = 1 To 32 Chess(J) = 1 Next J Call Get_Chess(Chess, I, K) If K = 23 Then Text1 = &从第& & Str$(I) & &号棋子开始取& Exit For End If Next I End Sub 5、 Option Explicit'ByVal idx As Private Sub Form_Click() Dim S As String, Flg As Boolean Do S = InputBox(&输入一个自然数&) If S = && Or Not IsNumeric(S) Then MsgBox &请重新输入&, 48 + vbOKOnly Else Exit Do End If Loop judge(S, Flg) ' Call judge(S, Flg) If Flg Then Print S; &是回文数& Else Print S; &不是回文数& End If或 judge S, FlgEnd Sub Private Sub judge(Ch As String, F As Boolean) Dim L As Integer, I As Integer L = Len(Ch) F = True ' F = False For I = 1 To L If Mid$(Ch, I, 1) && Mid$(Ch, L + 1 - I, 1) Then Exit Sub Next I F = False ' F = True End Sub四、编程题1、编程验证任一大于 2 的偶数可以表示成两个素数之和。 Private Function Prime(a As Integer) As Boolean Dim i As Integer For i = 2 To Sqr(a) If a Mod i = 0 Then Exit Function Next i Prime = True End Function '方法一 Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim m As Integer, i As Integer m = InputBox(&请输入一个大于 2 的偶数&) If m &= 2 Or m Mod 2 && 0 Then MsgBox &请输入大于 2 的偶数&: Exit Sub If Prime(2) And Prime(m - 2) Then Print m & &=2 +& & m - 2 Else Do i=i+1 If Prime(2 * i + 1) And Prime(m - (2 * i + 1)) Then Print m & &=& & 2 * i + 1 & &+& & m - (2 * i + 1) Exit Do End If Loop While 2 * i + 1 & m - (2 * i + 1) End If End Sub '方法二 Private Sub Command2_Click() Dim m As Integer, i As Integer, p() As Integer, n As Integer Dim flg As Boolean m = InputBox(&请输入大于 2 的偶数&) If m &= 2 Or m Mod 2 && 0 Then MsgBox &请输入大于 2 的偶数&: Exit Sub ReDim p(1) p(1) = 2 n=1 For i = 3 To m - 2 Step 2 If Prime(i) Then n=n+1 ReDim Preserve p(n) p(n) = i End If Next i For i = 1 To n For j = 1 To n If p(i) + p(j) = m Then Print m & &=& & p(i) & &+& & p(j) flg = True Exit For End If Next j If flg = True Then Exit For Next i End Sub 2、求组合数 C n ?mn! m !( n ? m )!(n&=m) ,程序中必须包含一个求阶乘的通用过程。 Private Function Fact(a As Integer) As Long If a = 0 Or a = 1 Then Fact = 1 Else Fact = a * Fact(a - 1) End If End Function Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim n As Integer, m As Integer, result As Single n = Val(Text1.Text) m = Val(Text2.Text) If n &= m Then result = Fact(n) / Fact(m) / Fact(n - m) Text3.Text = result Else MsgBox &要求 n&=m,请重新输入& Text1.Text = && Text2.Text = && Text1.SetFocus End If End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() Text1.Text = && Text2.Text = && Text3.Text = && Text1.SetFocus End Sub 3、 编写一个查找 10 到 300 之间所有同构数的程序, 程序中必须包含一个判定某数是否是同 构数的 Function 过程 Istgs。若一个数出现在自己平方数的右端,则此数为同构数。如 5 在 52=25 的右端,25 在 252=625 的右端,故 5 和 25 为同构数。 Private Function Istgs(n As Integer) As Boolean Dim s As String, L As Integer L = Len(CStr(n)) s = CStr(n ^ 2) If Right(s, L) = n Then Istgs = True End Function Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim n As Integer For n = 10 To 300 If Istgs(n) Then List1.AddItem n & &^2& & &=& & n ^ 2 Next n End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() End End Sub 4、编写程序,随机生成一个由三位正整数组成的 3 行 4 列的数组,求数组每一行的最大元 素及其所在列号,程序中必须包含一个求一行中最大元素及其所在列号的通用过程。 (若一 行中有多个最大元素则取其中之一即可)Private Sub CmdDisp_Click() Dim a(3, 4) As Integer, i As Integer, j As Integer Dim m As Integer, mj As Integer Randomize For i = 1 To 3 For j = 1 To 4 a(i, j) = Int(900 * Rnd + 100) Print a(i, j); Next j Print Next i For i = 1 To 3 m=0 Call max(a, i, m, mj) Print &第& & i & &行最大值为& & m & &,在第& & mj & &列& Next i End Sub Private Sub max(a() As Integer, i As Integer, m As Integer, maxj As Integer) Dim j As Integer m = a(i, 1): maxj = 1 For j = 2 To UBound(a, 2) If a(i, j) & m Then m = a(i, j) maxj = j End If Next j End Sub Private Sub CmdEnd_Click() End End Sub 5、一个整数 N 的因子和(不包括 N)等于 N,则 N 被成为完全数。例如,28=1+2+4+7+14, 28 是完全数。编写程序验证:介于 10 到 10000 之间的完全数,把它们的各位数字加起来得 到一个数, 再把这个数的各位数字加起来又得到一个数, 一直做下去, 直到得到一个一位数, 这个数是 1,程序中必须包含一个判定某数是否是完全数的过程。例如,28 的各位数字加起 来得到一个数 10,再把 10 这个数的各位数字加起来又得到一个数是 1。Private Function IsWqs(n As Integer) As Boolean Dim sum As Integer, i As Integer For i = 1 To n / 2 If n Mod i = 0 Then sum = sum + i Next i If sum = n Then IsWqs = True End Function Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim n As Integer Dim sum As Integer For n = 10 To 10000 If IsWqs(n) Then t=n P &=&&; Do sum = 0 For i = 1 To Len(t) - 1 sum = sum + Mid(CStr(t), i, 1) Print Mid(CStr(t), i, 1); &+&; Next i sum = sum + Mid(CStr(t), i, 1) If sum && 1 Then Print Mid(CStr(t), i, 1); &=&; &,&; &=&&; Else Print Mid(CStr(t), i, 1); &=&; End If t = sum Loop Until sum = 1 Print End If Next n End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() End End Sub 6、找出 500 以内的超完全数,程序中必须包含一个判定某数是否是超完全数的过程。设符 号 Ф(N)表示 N 的所有因子的和(包括 N 在内) ,若 Ф(Ф(N) )=2N,则 N 就是一个超 完全数。例如,16 的因子和为 1+2+4+8+16=31,而 31 的因子为 1+31=32,32=2*16,故 16 是一个超完全数。 Private Function Judge(n As Integer) As Boolean Dim sum As Integer sum = yz(n) If yz(sum) = 2 * n Then Judge = True End Function Private Function yz(n As Integer) As Integer Dim i As Integer For i = 1 To n If n Mod i = 0 Then yz = yz + i Next i End Function Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim n As Integer For n = 1 To 500 If Judge(n) Then Print n Next n End Sub 7、编写程序,通过调用通用过程找出 100 以内的所有不可表示成两个平方数之和的数。 Private Function pfh(n As Integer) As Boolean Dim i As Integer, t As Single For i = 1 To Int(Sqr(n)) t=n-i^2 If Sqr(t) = Int(Sqr(t)) Then pfh = True Next i End Function Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim n As Integer, t As Integer For n = 1 To 100 If pfh(n) = False Then t=t+1 P If t Mod 10 = 0 Then Print End If Next n End Sub 8、编写程序,通过调用通用过程找出 30 以内所有的无平方因子数。若一个数不能被大于 1 的数的平方整除,则该数就是一个无平方因子数。 Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim n As Integer, j As Integer, flg As Boolean For n = 2 To 30 flg = False For j = 2 To n If pfs(j) And n Mod j = 0 Then flg = True Exit For End If Next j If flg = False Then P Next n End Sub Private Function pfs(n As Integer) As Boolean If Sqr(n) = Int(Sqr(n)) Then pfs = True End Function 9、编写程序,通过调用通用过程验证下列命题:任意一个正整数和其反序数相加,得到一 个新的正整数,再对这个新整数重复上述步骤,最终一定可以得到一个回文数(例如,正整 数 351,其反序数为 153,351+153=504,504+405=909,909 是回文数) 。 '求反序数 Private Function fxs(n As Long) As Long Dim i As Integer, s As String For i = 1 To Len(CStr(n)) s = Mid(CStr(n), i, 1) & s Next i fxs = s End Function '判断某数是否为回文数 Private Function Hws(n As Long) As Boolean Dim i As Integer, s As String, L As Integer s = CStr(n): L = Len(s) For i = 1 To Len(s) / 2 If Mid(s, i, 1) && Mid(s, L + 1 - i, 1) Then Exit Function Next i Hws = True End Function Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim x As Long, t As Long x = InputBox(&请输入一个正整数:&) t=x Do While Hws(t) = False P &+&; fxs(t); &=&; t + fxs(t) t = t + fxs(t) Loop End Sub 10、找出 1000 以内所有的奇妙平方数,程序中必须包含一个判定某事是否是奇妙平方数的 过称。所谓奇妙平方数,是指此数的平方与它的逆序数的平方互为逆序数。例如,122=144, 212=441,12 与 21 互逆,144 与 441 互逆,12 就是奇妙平方数。 '求反序数 Private Function fxs(n As Long) As Long Dim i As Integer, s As String For i = 1 To Len(CStr(n)) s = Mid(CStr(n), i, 1) & s Next i fxs = s End Function Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim n As Long, t As Long For n = 1 To 999 t = fxs(n) If t ^ 2 = fxs(n ^ 2) And n Mod 10 && 0 And n & t Then List1.AddItem n & & & & t List2.AddItem n & &^2& & &=& & n ^ 2 & & & & t & &^2& & &=& & t ^ 2 End If Next n End Sub 11、编写程序,查找介于 300~2000 之间的所有只有两个数字相同的完全平方数,程序中必 须包含一个判定某数是否是只有两个数字相同的完全平方数的过程。 所谓完全平方数是指其 平方根为整数的数。例如 676、900、1521 等都是介于 300~2000 之间符合条件的数。 Private Function Judge(n As Integer) As Boolean Dim i As Integer, L As Integer, a(9) As Integer, t As Integer If Sqr(n) = Int(Sqr(n)) Then L = Len(CStr(n)) For i = 1 To L t = Mid(CStr(n), i, 1) a(t) = 1 Next i For i = 0 To 9 Sum = Sum + a(i) Next i If Sum = L - 1 Then Judge = True End IfEnd Function Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim a As Integer For a = 300 To 2000 If Judge(a) Then List1.AddItem a Next a End Sub 12、编写程序,随机生成 8 个不相等的三位正整数,将他们显示在列表框 1 中,并在列表框 2 中显示其中的奇偶间隔数,程序中必须包含一个判定某数是否是就间隔数的过程。所谓奇 偶间隔数是指:该数据的各位与百位为奇数,十位为偶数。例如 147 就是一个就间隔数。 Private Function F(n As Integer) As Boolean Dim i As Integer For i = 1 To Len(CStr(n)) If i Mod 2 = 1 And Mid(CStr(n), i, 1) Mod 2 && 1 Then Exit Function If i Mod 2 = 0 And Mid(CStr(n), i, 1) Mod 2 && 0 Then Exit Function Next i F = True End Function Private Sub CmdDisp_Click() Dim a(8) As Integer, i As Integer, j As Integer Randomize Do t = Int(900 * Rnd + 100) For j = 1 To i If t = a(j) Then Exit For Next j If j = i + 1 Then i=i+1 a(i) = t List1.AddItem a(i) If F(a(i)) Then List2.AddItem a(i) End If Loop Until i = 8 End Sub Private Sub CmdClear_Click() List1.Clear List2.Clear End Sub Private Sub CmdEnd_Click() End End Sub13、编写一个找出所有三位绝对素数的程序。所谓绝对素数是指该数本身是素数,其逆序数 也是素数的数。例如,107 与 701 都是素数,所以 107 和 701 都是绝对素数。 Private Function prime(a As Integer) As Boolean Dim i As Integer For i = 2 To Sqr(a) If a Mod i = 0 Then Exit Function Next i prime = True End Function Private Function nx(n As Integer) As Integer Dim i As Integer, s As String For i = 1 To Len(CStr(n)) s = Mid(CStr(n), i, 1) & s Next i nx = Val(s) End Function Private Sub CmdFind_Click() Dim n As Integer, t As Integer For n = 100 To 900 t = nx(n) If prime(n) And prime(t) And n & t Then List1.AddItem &(& & n & &,& & t & &)& End If Next n End Sub 14、随机生成一个 4 行 5 列由两位正整数组成的数组,并找出其中所有的峰元素。所谓峰元 素是指本行内为最大,在本列中也为最大的数组元素。 Option Base 1 Dim a(4, 5) As Integer Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim i As Integer, j As Integer Randomize For i = 1 To 4 For j = 1 To 5 a(i, j) = Int(Rnd * 90 + 10) Picture1.Print a(i, j); Next j Picture1.Print Next i End Sub Private Sub Fp(a() As Integer, i As Integer, maxj As Integer, Flg As Boolean) Dim max As Integer, j As Integer, t As Integer max = a(i, 1): maxj = 1 For j = 2 To UBound(a, 2) If a(i, j) & max Then max = a(i, j) maxj = j End If Next j For t = 1 To UBound(a, 1) If a(t, maxj) & max Then Flg = False Exit Sub End If Next Flg = True End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() Dim i As Integer, m As Integer, mj As Integer, f As Boolean For i = 1 To 4 f = False m = 0: mj = 0 Call Fp(a, i, mj, f) If f = True Then Text1.Text = Text1.Text & &(& & i & &,& & mj & &):& & a(i, mj) End If Next i End Sub Private Sub Command3_Click() Picture1.Cls Text1.Text = && End Sub 15、编写程序,随机生成 30 个无重复数的三位整数,找出其中的降序数。所谓降序数是指 所有高位数字都大于低位数字的数。Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim a(30) As Integer, i As Integer, j As Integer Dim Flag As Boolean Randomize Do t = Int(900 * Rnd + 100) For j = 1 To i If t = a(j) Then Exit For Next j If j = i + 1 Then i=i+1 a(i) = t Text1.Text = Text1.Text + Str(a(i)) If i Mod 10 = 0 Then Text1.Text = Text1.Text + vbCrLf If IsDown(a(i)) Then List1.AddItem a(i) Flag = True End If End If Loop Until i = 30 If Flag = False Then List1.AddItem &无降序数& End Sub Private Function IsDown(n As Integer) As Boolean Dim i As Integer, S As String S = CStr(n) For i = 1 To Len(S) - 1 If Mid(S, i, 1) & Mid(S, i + 1, 1) Then Exit Function Next i IsDown = True End Function Private Sub Command2_Click() Text1.Text = && List1.Clear End Sub第七章实验程序调试实验 7_1 Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim A(7) As Integer, St As String Dim I As Integer, J As Integer Dim Temp As Long St = Text1.Text Temp = Val(St) 'If Temp & 1000000 Or Temp & 9999999 Then ' MsgBox &数据不合要求 &, 48, &输入一个 7 位整数& ' Exit Sub 'End If For I = 1 To Len(Temp) A(I) = Mid$(St, I, 1) Next For I = 1 To 6 For J = I + 1 To Len(Temp) If A(I) & A(J) Then Temp = A(I) A(I) = A(J) A(J) = Temp End If Next Next St = && For I = 1 To Len(Temp) St = St & A(I) Next Text2 = St End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() Text1.Text = && Text2.Text = && End Sub Private Sub Command3_Click() End End Sub 实验 7_1 思考题目答案: Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim A(7) As Integer, St As String Dim I As Integer, J As Integer Dim Temp As Long St = Text1.Text Temp = Val(St) 'If Temp & 1000000 Or Temp & 9999999 Then ' MsgBox &数据不合要求 &, 48, &输入一个 7 位整数& ' Exit Sub 'End If For I = 1 To Len(Temp) A(I) = Mid$(St, I, 1) Next For I = 1 To 6 For J = I + 1 To Len(Temp) If A(I) & A(J) Then Temp = A(I) A(I) = A(J) A(J) = Temp End If Next Next St = && For I = 1 To Len(Temp) St = St & A(I) Next Text2 = St End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() Text1.Text = && Text2.Text = && End Sub Private Sub Command3_Click() End End Sub实验 7_2 改错题答案: Option Base 1 Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim Fb(20) As Integer, i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer Fb(1) = 1 Fb(2) = 2 i=2 Do i=i+1 Fb(i) = Fb(i - 1) + Fb(i - 2) Loop Until Fb(i) & 1000 For k = 1 To i - 1 Text1 = Text1 & & & & Fb(k) Next For k = 2 To i - 1 For j = 2 To Sqr(Fb(k)) If Fb(k) Mod j = 0 Then Exit For Next If j & Sqr(Fb(k)) Then Text2 = Text2 & & & & Fb(k) Next End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() End End Sub 实验 7_3 改错题答案 Option Base 1 Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, s As String Dim a() As Integer, k As Integer, gcd As Integer, lcd As Integer List1.AddItem &聪明数对如下:& For i = 1 To 9 For j = i To 9 s = && Call gld(i, j, gcd, lcd) If i * j - (i + j) = (gcd + lcd) Then k=k+1 ReDim Preserve a(2, k) a(1, k) = i a(2, k) = j s = s & Str$(a(1, k)) & &,& & Str$(a(2, k)) List1.AddItem (s) End If Next Next End Sub Private Sub gld(ByVal a As Integer, ByVal b As Integer, gcd As Integer, lcd As Integer) Dim aa As Integer, bb As Integer, r As Integer aa = a bb = b Do r = a Mod b a=b b=r Loop Until r = 0 gcd = a lcd = (aa * bb) / gcd End Sub习题答案 选择题1.D 2.A 3.B 4.D 5.B 6.B 7.C 8.C 9.C 填空题1.中断 2.ctrl+break 3.本地 4.debug.print k改错题Option Explicit Option Base 1 Private Sub Form_Click() Dim a(10) As Integer, i As Integer, j As Integer Dim b(10) As Integer, k As Integer, l As Integer Randomize For i = 1 To 10 a(i) = Int(Rnd * 19) + 1 Print a(i); Next Print j=1 k = 10 For i = 1 To 10 For l = 2 To a(i) - 1 If a(i) Mod l = 0 Then Exit For Next If l = a(i) Then b(j) = a(i) j=j+1 Else b(k) = a(i) k=k-1 End If Next For i = 1 To 10 Print b(i); Next Print End Sub编程题Option Explicit Option Base 1 Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim i As Integer For i = 1 To Len(Text1.Text) Text2.Text = Text2.Text & Convert(Mid(Text1.Text, i, 1)) & vbCrLf Next End Sub Private Function Convert(a As String) As String Dim Ascii As Integer Dim Binary As String Ascii = Asc(a) Do While Ascii & 0 Binary = Ascii Mod 2 & Binary Ascii = Ascii \ 2 Loop Convert = Binary End Function第八章文件实验答案实验8_1 图片浏览器: Private Sub Dir1_Change() File1.Path = Dir1.Path End Sub Private Sub Drive1_Change() Dir1.Path = Drive1.Drive End SubPrivate Sub File1_DblClick() Dim fileName As String fileName = File1.Path + &\& + File1.fileName Image1.Picture = LoadPicture(fileName) HScroll1.Max = Image1.Width - Picture1.Width + VScroll1.Width VScroll1.Max = Image1.Height - Picture1.Height + HScroll1.Height If Image1.Width & Picture1.Width Then HScroll1.LargeChange = HScroll1.Max / 10 HScroll1.SmallChange = VScroll1.Max / 20 HScroll1.Enabled = True Else HScroll1.Enabled = False End If If Image1.Height & Picture1.Height Then VScroll1.LargeChange = VScroll1.Max / 10 VScroll1.SmallChange = VScroll1.Max / 20 VScroll1.Enabled = True Else VScroll1.Enabled = False End If End SubPrivate Sub Form_Load() File1.Pattern = &*.*.bmp& Image1.Left = 0: Image1.Top = 0 HScroll1.Top = Picture1.Height - HScroll1.Height - 50 HScroll1.Left = 0 HScroll1.Width = Picture1.Width - 50 VScroll1.Top = 0 VScroll1.Left = Picture1.Width - VScroll1.Width - 50 VScroll1.Height = Picture1.Height - HScroll1.Height - 50 HScroll1.Min = 0: VScroll1.Min = 0 End Sub Private Sub HScroll1_Change() Image1.Left = -HScroll1.Value End Sub Private Sub VScroll1_Change() Image1.Top = -VScroll1.Value End Sub实验 8_2 顺序文件操作 Option Base 1 Dim a(4, 4) As Integer Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim s As Integer Dim i As Integer Dim j As Integer Open &c:\test.txt& For Input As #12 Do While Not EOF(12) i=j\4+1 Input #12, a(i, (j Mod 4) + 1) j=j+1 Loop For i = 1 To 4 For j = 1 To 4 Picture1.Print Format(a(i, j), &@@@&); Next Picture1.Print Next Close #12 Command2.Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() Dim i As Integer Dim j As Integer Dim sum As Integer For i = 1 To 4 sum = sum + a(i, i) Next Text1.Text = sum End Sub Private Sub Command3_Click() End End Sub实验 8_3 记录文件操作 Option Explicit Option Base 1 Private Type Stu_Score Studentname As String * 6 Language As Integer Math As Integer English As Integer End Type Dim Student As Stu_Score Dim Filenum As Integer Dim Reclength As Long Dim str As String Private Sub Command1_Click() Student.Studentname = Text1 Student.Language = Text2 Student.Math = Text3 Student.English = Text4 Print List1.ListIndex List1.AddItem Text1 & & End Sub& & Text2 & && & Text3 & && & Text4Private Sub Command2_Click() Text1 = &&: Text2 = &&: Text3 = &&: Text4 = && End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() Filenum = FreeFile Reclength = Len(Student) Open &score& For Random As #Filenum Len = Reclength List1.AddItem &姓名 语文 数学 英语& Do While Not EOF(Filenum) Get #Filenum, , Student With Student str = .Studentname & & & & .Language str = str & .Math & & & & .English List1.AddItem str End With Loop List1.RemoveItem (List1.ListCount - 1) End Sub Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer) Close #Filenum End Sub习题答案:一. 选择题: 1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.C 6.C 7.A 8.B 9.C 10.C 11.D 12.C 13.D 14.D 15.C 16.A 二. 填空题 1.目录列表框 2.文本 3.Close #1 4.GFEDCBA 5. EOF(Fileno) #Fileno,L 6.len(LastRecord) filelen(“score”) 7.close #1 FreeFile chr 8. “data.txt” for input as #11 not EOF(11) s Insert(a(i),0) Preserve b(UBound(b)+1) a(i) 9. LineInput(#1,st) print #3, ,subSt Mid(st,i+1,1) p 三. 改错题 第一题: Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim s As String, i As Integer s = Text1.Text Call sub1(s) Open &a.txt& For Output As #12 For i = Len(s) To 1 Step -1 Print #12, Mid(s, i, 1) Next Close #12 End Sub Private Sub sub1(st As String) Dim i As Integer, l As Integer, k As Integer Dim p As Integer, al As String * 1 For i = 1 To Len(st) al = Mid(st, i, 1) p=i+1 Do Until p & Len(st) If al = Mid(st, p, 1) Then For k = p To i + 1 Step -1 Mid(st, k, 1) = Mid(st, k - 1, 1) Next Mid(st, i + 1, 1) = al Exit Do Else p=p+1 End If Loop Next End Sub 第二题: Option Explicit Private Function SuShu(m As Long) As Boolean Dim i As Long For i = 2 To Int(Sqr(m)) If m Mod i = 0 Then Exit Function Next SuShu = True End Function Private Sub Form_Click() Dim st As String, c As String Dim num As Long, a() As Long Dim i As Long, j As Long, k As Long st = InputBox(&请输入任一数字串&, &查找素数&) c = && i=1 k=1 Do While i &= Len(st) If k &= Len(st) Then c = c + Mid(st, k, 1) num = Val(c) If SuShu(num) Then j=j+1 ReDim Preserve a(j) a(j) = num End If k=k+1 Else c = && i=i+1 k=i End If Loop Open &a.txt& For Output As #14 Print #14, st For i = 1 To j Print #14, a(i) Next Close #14 End Sub四. 编程题 第一题: Option Explicit Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim i As Integer Dim s As String Open &c:\test.txt& For Output As #10 For i = 1 To 100 If prime(i) Then Write #10, i End If Next Close #10 MsgBox &ok& End Sub第二题: Option Explicit Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim i As Integer Open &c:\test.txt& For Output As #10 For i = 1 To 16 Print #10, If i Mod 4 = 0 Then Print #10, vbCrLf End If Next Close #10 MsgBox &ok& End Sub第三题: Option Explicit Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim Source As String Dim LineStr As String Open Text1.Text For Input As #10 Do While Not EOF(10) Line Input #10, LineStr Source = Source + LineStr Loop Text3.Text = Search(Source, Text2.Text) Close #10 End Sub Private Function Search(Source As String, word As String) As Integer Dim num As Integer, i As Integer For i = 1 To Len(Source) - Len(word) If Mid(Source, i, Len(word)) = word Then num = num + 1 i = i + Len(word) '跳过 word 单词长度后继续查找 End If Next Search = num End Function第四题: Option Explicit Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim Studentname As String Dim English As Integer Dim Math As Integer Dim Computer As Integer Dim Allscore As Integer Dim Avgscore As Double Open &c:\test.txt& For Input As #10 Open &c:\test1.txt& For Output As #11 Do While Not EOF(10) Input #10, Studentname, English, Math, Computer Allscore = English + Math + Computer Avgscore = Allscore / 3 Print #11, Studentname, English, Math, Computer, Allscore, Avgscore Loop Close #10 Close #11 Kill &c:\test.txt& Name &c:\test1.txt& As &c:\test.txt& End Sub第五题: Option Explicit Private Type StudentType Studentno As String * 6 Studentname As String * 6 English As Integer Math As Integer Computer As Integer End Type Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim Tempstudent As StudentType Dim Filenum As Integer Dim Filenum1 As Integer Dim Reclength As Long Filenum = FreeFile Reclength = Len(Tempstudent) Open &score& For Random As #Filenum Len = Reclength Filenum1 = FreeFile Open &tempfile& For Random As #Filenum1 Len = Reclength Do While Not EOF(Filenum) Get #Filenum, , Tempstudent With Tempstudent If Not (.Computer & 60 And .English & 60 Or .Computer & 60 And .Math & 60 Or .English & 60 And .Math & 60) Then Put #Filenum1, , Tempstudent End If End With Loop Close #Filenum Kill &score& Name &tempfile& As &score& End Sub第九章习题一.选择题 题号 答案 题号 答案 1 A 7 B 2 B 8 B 3 A 9 C 4 C 10 D 5 C 11 D 6 B 12 D二.填空题 1.左键 右键 中间键 2. Style 3.AutoSize 4.Picture1.Move 200, 100, Picture1.Width / 2, Picture1.Height / 2 5.Picture1.Line ()-Step(), RGB(255, 0, 0), BF 6.以()为圆心,水平半径长为 500,垂直半径长为 1000, 60°为起始弧度值, 270°为结束弧度值的一段圆弧,并且圆弧的端点和圆心相连接。 (或者直接画出如下图 也可) 7.AB A 8. RGB(Int(Rnd * 256), Int(Rnd * 256), Int(Rnd * 256)) (x1, 800), 400 三.编程题 1.Option Explicit Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim x As Single, y As Single, a As Integer Const pi = 3.1415926 Line (50, 1500)-() Line ()-() Line ()-() Line ()-() Line ()-() Line ()-() For a = -360 To 360 If Abs(Cos(a * pi / 180)) & 0.4 Then y = (-1) * Tan(a * pi / 180) * 500 + 1500 x = a * 8 + 3000 PSet (x, y), RGB(255, 0, 0) End If If Abs(Sin(a * pi / 180)) & 0.4 Then y = (-1) * Cos(a * pi / 180) / Sin(a * pi / 180) * 500 + 1500 x = a * 8 + 3000 PSet (x, y), RGB(0, 0, 255) End If If a Mod 90 = 0 Then Line (x, 1500)-(x, 1600) Print a End If Next End Sub 2.Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim i As Integer, j As Integer Dim x As Integer, y As Integer Dim flag As Boolean flag = False x = 500 y = 500 For i = 1 To 9 For j = 1 To 9 If flag Then Line (x, y)-Step(200, 200), RGB(255, 255, 255), BF flag = False Else Line (x, y)-Step(200, 200), RGB(0, 0, 0), BF flag = True End If x = x + 200 Next j x = 500 y = y + 200 Next i End Sub 3.Private Sub Command1_Click() Const pi = 3.1415926 DrawWidth = 2 FillStyle = 0 FillColor = RGB(180, 180, 180) Circle (), 800, , -7 * pi / 6, -5 * pi / 6 FillColor = RGB(210, 210, 210) Circle (), 800, RGB(210, 210, 210), -7 * pi / 6, -5 * pi / 6 End Sub第十章习题一.选择题 题号 答案 题号 答案 二.填空题 1. 数据 2. 绑定 3.AddNew 1 D 9 C 2 C 10 B 3 C 11 A 4 B 12 A 5 C 13 A 6 B 14 A 7 A 15 B 8 A 16 ADatabaseName RecordSource DataSource DataField DataSource Delete UpdateDataField 4.关系 5.关系 mdb 6.Data.Recordset.Update 7.DELETE FROM xsh WHERE 性别=”男” 8.ALTER TABLE xsh ADD COLUMN Sex text(2) 三.编程题 1. CREATE TABLE xsh (Number Text(5),Name Text(6)) ?建立表 ALTER TABLE xsh ADD COLUMN Sex Text(2) ?添加字段 ALTER TABLE xsh DROP COLUMN Sex ?删除字段 SELECT Number,Name,Sex FROM xsh Where Sex = “男” ?数据查询 INSERT INTO xsh(Number,Name,Sex) VALUE(“98001”,”李小平”,”男”) ?添加纪录 DELETE FROM xsh WHERE Sex=”男” ?删除纪录 UPDATE xsh SET Name=”王东升” WHERE Name=”李小平 ?更新纪录” 2. .INSERT INTO kch(课程编号,课程名称,课程性质,学分) VALUE (“k004”,”Java 程序设 (1) 计”,”专业选修”,2) (2).DELETE FROM kch WHERE 课程名称=”操作系统” (3).UPDATE kch SET 学分=2 WHERE 课程编号 = “k003 3.Private Sub M1_1_Click() Data1.Recordset.AddNew Data1.Recordset.Update Data1.Recordset.MoveLast End Sub Private Sub M1_2_Click() Data1.Recordset.MoveNext MsgBox &数据更新成功!!&, vbInformation, &提示信息& End Sub Private Sub M1_3_Click() Data1.Recordset.Delete Data1.Recordset.MoveLast End Sub Private Sub M1_4_Click() Picture1.Print &课程编号&, &课程名称&, &课程性质 &, &学分& Data1.Recordset.MoveFirst Do Until Data1.Recordset.EOF Picture1.Print Data1.Recordset.Fields(0), Data1.Recordset.Fields(1), _ Data1.Recordset.Fields(2), Data1.Recordset.Fields(3) Data1.Recordset.MoveNext Loop End Sub模拟练习一答案笔试模拟题(一) 答案第一部分 计算机基础知识1. A 11. B 2. D 12. C 3. C 13. D 4. A 14. C 5. B 15. D 6. B 16. D 7. D 17. C 8. C 18. D 9. A 19. C 10. C 20. B第二部分 Visual Basic 程序设计一、选择题 62. D 63. A 64. B 65. C 66. D 67. D 68. A 69. B 70. B 71. A二、填空题 (1) (X+Y&20)Or (X&5 And Y&5) (2) 31 (3) 63 (4) 0 (5) 4 (6) 2 3 4 5 6 (7) 6 7 8 (8) 10 (9) 1 1 2 (10) 1 1 1 (11) 3 1 4 (12) 1 3 1 (13) 6.5 (14) 4 9 13 (15) 19.5 (16) Val(Text1.Text) (17) x^n 或 t*x (18) s*n (19) t/s &= 10 ^ -5 (20) x-1 或 Sqr(x) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) Flag = False List1.AddItem x 10 i+1 temp Text2.Text & sort(i) and total(p2) Mod 6 = 0 &(& & p1 & &,& & p2 & &)& m + Val(Mid(Cstr(n), i,1)) total = m第三部分上机改错与编程一、改错题 Option Explicit Private Sub Form_Click() Dim a(10) As Integer, i As Integer For i = 1 To 10 a(i) = i Next i For i = 1 To 10 '改为 For i = 1 To 9 If p(a(i) + a(i + 1)) = False Then Print a(i), a(i + 1) '改为 p(a(i) + a(i + 1)) = True Next i End Sub Private Function p(x As Integer) As Boolean Dim i As Integer p = False For i = 2 To Int(Sqr(x)) If x Mod i = 0 Then Exit For '改为 Exit Function Next i p = True End Function 二、编程题 Option Base 1 Dim A(5, 5) As Integer Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim i As Integer, j As Integer For i = 1 To 5 For j = 1 To 5 A(i, j) = Int((9 - 1 + 1) * Rnd + 1) Picture1.Print A(i, j); Next j Picture1.Print Next i End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() Dim Sum1 As Integer, Sum2 As Integer Dim i As Integer, j As Integer For i = 1 To 5 For j = 1 To 5 If i & j Then Sum1 = Sum1 + A(i, j) Else If i & j Then Sum2 = Sum2 + A(i, j) End If End If Next j Next i Text1 = CStr(Sum1) & &-& & CStr(Sum2) & &=& & CStr(Sum1 - Sum2) End Sub模拟练习二答案第一部分 基础知识一、选择题 DBBBD BBABC AABAA DABDC第二部分 VB 程序设计一、选择题 CCCCB AACDB 二、填空题 1、$$***$$$$***** 2、0.6 1.8 5.4 3、11 2 43 4、1 5 2 8 3 5、2 2 109 6、sum=1 a*(x^2/(2*n*(2*n-1))) Abs(a) &=0.0000001 sum 7、Len(a) zh(b) 1 n 8、UBound(P) P(I)+P(J)+P(k) I Mod J =0 I 9、Len(st) Mid(st,i,1) A(idx)+1 Asc(“a”) 25第三部分上机改错与编程一、改错题 Option Explicit Private Sub Form_Click() Dim n As Integer Dim flg As Boolean ' Dim flg As Integer n = InputBox(&input n:&) Call Conver(n, flg) If flg = True Then P &是降序数& Else P &不是降序数& End If End Sub Private Sub Conver(n As Integer, flg As Boolean) ' byval flg as Boolean Dim x As String, i As Integer x = Trim(Str(n)) For i = 1 To Len(x) - 1 If Mid(x, i, 1) & Mid(x, i + 1, 1) Then Exit For '& Next i If i = Len(x) Then flg = True Else flg = False End Sub 二、编程题 Private Sub Command1_Click() ?生成列表 Dim i As Integer Dim j As Integer Dim k As Integer For i = 10 To 10000 If Prime(i) Then For j = 2 To Sqr(i) For k = 2 To Sqr(i) If i = j ^ 2 + k ^ 2 And j & k Then List1.AddItem Str(i) & &=& & Str(j ^ 2) & &+& & Str(k ^ 2) End If Next k Next j End If Next i End Sub Private Function Prime(x As Integer) As Boolean ?判断是否是素数过程 Dim n As Integer Dim i As Integer n = Sqr(x) For i = 2 To n If x Mod i = 0 Then Prime = False Exit For End If Next i If i & n Then Prime = True End If End Function Private Sub Command2_Click() ?清除列表 List1.Clear End Sub Private Sub Command3_Click() End End Sub ?返回 模拟练习三答案第一部分 基础知识一、选择题 1.D 2.C 3.D 4.C 5.C 6. C 7.A 8. A 9. A 10.C 11.A 12.B 13.A 14.C 15.B 16.C 17.A 18.C 19.B 20.A第二部分 VB 基础知识一、选择题 21.B 22.B 23.B 24.B 25.D 26.A 27.A 28.C 29.B 30.D 二、填空题 (1)Option Base1 (2) LBound (3)Ubound (4)过程 (5)模块 (6)3 (7)7 (8)23 (9)10 4 6 (10)34 12 22 (11)44 (12)10 8 (13)5 2 (14)12 -10 (15)x&2000 (16) x&3000 (17) y=0.8*x (18) y=0.7*x (19) t&eps (20) (-1)^n (21) t*x^2/n (22) Exit For (23) p2=True (24) i (25) True (26) Str2=Str2&Convert(A(I)) (27) d=Mid(St,I,1) (28) S= “” (29)S=B&S (30)Convert=S第三部分上机改错与编程一、 改错题 1) For j=1 To Ubound(b) 改为 For j=1 To Ubound(b)-1 2) Private Function wanshu(x As Interger,b()As Interger) As Boolean 改为 Private Function wanshu(ByAal x As Interger,b()As Interger) As Boolean 3) For i=2 To x-1 sum=1 改为 sum=1 For i=2 To x-1 二、 编程题 Option Explicit Dim n As Integer,Samp() As Integer Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim i As Integer n=InputBox(&输入样本个数 n: &,,10) ReDim samp(n) For i=1 To n samp(i)=Int(99*Rnd)+1 Text1=Text1&Str(samp(i)) Next i End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() Dim Max As Integer, Min As Integer,i As Integer Dim news() As Single ReDim news(n) Call MaxMin(samp,Max,Min) For i=1 To n new(i)=(samp(i)-Min)/(Max-Min) List1.AddItem samp(i)& &--&&&new(i) Next i End Sub Private Sub MaxMin(a()As Integer,Max As Integer,Min As Integer) Dim i As Integer Max=a(1):Min=a(1)\ For i=2 To UBound(a) If a(i)&Min Then Min=a(i) ElseIf a(i)&Min Then Max=a(i) EndIf Next i End Sub Private Sub Command3_Click() Text1=&&:List.Clear End Sub模拟练习四答案第一部分1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. C D B C B A C B B D B D C B D A C D D 第二部分一 选择题 21. A 22. A 23. B 24. D 25. D 26. C 27. B 28. A 29. A 30. C 二 填空题 1. C 2. CW 3. 8 4. 4 9 2 5. 3 5 7 6. 8 1 6 7. 3 8. 9.6 9. 17 10. 178 11. 178 12. 6 13. 5 14. 17 15. N/Fm 16. P() as Integer 17. ReDim Preserve P(Idx) 18. I 19. Int(41*Rnd) C20 20. fan(a) 21. b(j)+abs(a(i,j)) 22. Fz&Fm 23. Exit Function 24. Fz&Fm 25. Mid(S,i,1) =Mid(S,n,1) 26. Vilidata=True 27. &c:\data.txt& For Input As #11 28. Not EOF(11) 29. ReDim Preserve B(UBound(B) + 1) 30. B(i) = B(i - 1) 第三部分上机改错与编程改错题 Option Explicit Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim a(9) As Integer, x As Integer, k As Integer, i As Integer Do While i &= 9 x = Int(Rnd * 900 + 100) k = x Mod 10 If a(k) = 0 Then a(k) = x i=i+1 Text1 = Text1 & Str(a(k)) End If Loop sort a For i = 0 To 9 List1.AddItem a(i) Next i End Sub?x=a(k)?sort(a)Private Sub sort(a() As Integer) Dim temp As Integer, n As Integer, i As Integer, j As Integer n = UBound(a) For i = 0 To n For j = i + 1 To n If a(i) & a(j) Then temp = a(i) a(i) = a(j) a(j) = temp End If Next j Next i End Sub 编程题 Option Explicit Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim i As Integer, s1 As Integer, s2 As Integer Dim k As Integer s1 = Text1: s2 = Text2?a(j)=a(i) For i = s1 To s2 If luck(i) Then k=k+1 List1.AddItem Str(i) End If Next i Text3 = k End Sub Private Function luck(ByVal n As Integer) As Boolean Dim a(4) As Integer, k As Integer Do k=k+1 a(k) = n Mod 10 n = n \ 10 Loop Until n &= 0 If (a(1) + a(2)) = (a(3) + a(4)) Then luck = True End Function Private Sub Command2_Click() Text1 = &&: Text2 = &&: Text3 = && List1.Clear Text1.SetFocus End Sub模拟练习五答案第一部分计算机基础知识1.D 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.C 6.C 7.B 8.C 9.A 10.D 15.C 16.A 17.A 18.D 19.B 11.B 20.D 12.A 13.B 14.D第二部分 VISUAL BASIC 程序设计一.选择题: 21.d 22.b 23.c 24.c 25.c 26.c 二.填空题: (1) .6 (2) 1.8 (3)5.4 (4)DHL (5)NRV (6)XBF (12)15 15 (13)6.5 (14)4 9 13 (15)19.5 (16)X&=1 (19) byval N as integer (19) N=N\10 (20) F=false (22)k=10 (23) b(j)=a(i) (24)k=k-1 (25)b(i) 27.a 28.d 29.b 30.b(7)1 (8)-2 (9)6 (10)X=4 (11)26 (17)2 (18)Fib(n-1)+Fib(n-2) (21) prime=true (26) false(27)exit sub(28)str(n)(29) s1(30)true第三部分上机改错与编程一. 改错题: Option Explicit Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim exp As Integer, idx As Integer For idx = 2 To 10000 If Mersenne(idx, exp) Then If Prime(idx) Then List1.AddItem idx & &=& & 2 & &^& & exp & &-1& End If End If exp = 0 Next End Sub Private Function Mersenne(N As Integer, exp As Integer) As Boolean Dim M As Integer, ex As Long M=N ex = 1 Do While M & ex exp = exp + 1 ex = ex * 2 Loop If M + 1 = ex Then Mersenne = True End If End Function Private Function Prime(N As Integer) As Boolean Dim k As Integer For k = 2 To Sqr(N) If N Mod k = 0 Then Exit Function Next Prime = True End Function 二. 编程题: Option Explicit Option Base 1 Dim a() As Integer Private Function Prime(n As Integer) As Boolean Dim k As Integer For k = 2 To Sqr(n) If n Mod k = 0 Then Exit Function Next Prime = True End Function Private Sub subVal(ByVal n As Integer) Dim i As Integer Dim count As Integer For i = 2 To n / 2 If n Mod i = 0 And Prime(i) = True Then count = count + 1 ReDim Preserve a(count) a(count) = i End If Next End Sub Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim i As Integer Dim n As Integer Dim s As String n = Val(Text1.Text) subVal (n) Do While n & 1 For i = 1 To UBound(a) If n Mod a(i) = 0 Then n = n / a(i) If s = && Then s = s + Str(a(i)) Else s = s + &*& + Str(a(i)) End If Exit For End If Next Loop Text2.Text = s End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() Text1.Text = && Text2.Text = && End Sub Private Sub Command3_Click() End End Sub


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