since i leave for a faraway攻略第七关 place,i’ll do nothing

you can improve the power of you brain,no mattewhat age you are 的中
they say that the only limit on the power of the brain is the limit of what we think is possible .this is probably because of the way we are taught as children .when we first start learning to use our minds we are told what to do,for example,to remember certain facts ,but we are not taught how our memory works and how to make that best use of it .we are told to make noted hut we are not taught how our brains accept information and which is the best way to organize the information we want our brains to accept .I remember my dad teaching me the power of language at a very young age.Not only did my dad understand that specific words affect our mental pictures,but he understood words are a powerful programming factor in lifelong success.One particularly interesting event occurred when I was eight.As a kid,I was always climbing trees,poles,and literally hanging around upside down from the rafters of our lake house.So,it came to no surprise for my dad to find me at the top of a 30-foot tree swinging back and forth.My little eight-year-old brain didn鈥檛 realize the tree could break or I could get hurt.I just thought it was fun to be up so high.My older cousin,Tammy,was also in the same tree.She was hanging on the first big limb,about ten feet below me.Tammy鈥檚 mother also noticed us at the exact time my dad did.About that time a huge gust of wind came over the tree.I could hear the leaves start to rattle and the tree begin to sway.I remember my dad鈥檚 voice over the wind yell,鈥淏art,Hold on tightly.鈥 So I did.The next thing I know,I heard Tammy screaming at the top of her lungs,laying flat on the ground.She had fallen out of the tree.I scampered down the tree to safety.My dad later told me why she fell and I did not.Apparently,when Tammy鈥檚 mother felt the gust of wind,she yelled out,鈥淭ammy,don鈥檛 fall!鈥 And Tammy did鈥 fall.My dad then explained to me that the mind has a very difficult time processing a negative image.In fact,people who rely on internal pictures cannot see a negative at all.In order for Tammy to process the command of not falling,her nine-year-old brain had to first imagine falling,then try to tell the brain not to do what it just imagined.Whereas,my eight-year-old brain instantly had an internal image of me hanging on tightly.This concept is especially useful when you are attempting to break a habit or set a goal.You can鈥檛 visualize not doing something.The only way to properly visualize not doing something is to actually find a word for what you want to do and visualize that.For example,when I was thirteen years old,I played for my junior high school football team.I tried so hard to be good,but I just couldn鈥檛 get it together at that age.I remember hearing the words run through my head as I was running out for a pass,鈥淒on鈥檛 drop it!鈥 Naturally,I dropped the ball.My coaches were not skilled enough to teach us proper 鈥渟elf-talk.鈥 They just thought some kids could catch and others couldn鈥檛.I鈥檒l never make it pro,but I鈥檓 now a pretty good Sunday afternoon football player,because all my internal dialogue is positive and encourages me to win.I wish my dad had coached me playing football instead of just climbing trees.I might have had a longer football career.Here is a very easy demonstration to teach your kids and your friends the power of a toxic vocabulary.Ask them to hold a pen or pencil.Hand it to them.Now,follow my instructions carefully.Say to them,鈥淥kay,try to drop the pencil.鈥 Observe what they do.Most people release their hands and watch the pencil hit the floor.You respond,鈥淵ou weren鈥檛 paying attention.I said TRY to drop the pencil.Now please do it again.鈥 Most people then pick up the pencil and pretend to be in excruciating pain while their hand tries but fails to drop the pencil.The point is made.If you tell your brain you will 鈥済ive it a try,鈥 you are actually telling your brain to fail.I have a 鈥渘o try鈥 rule in my house and with everyone I interact with.Either people will do it or they won鈥檛.Either they will be at the party or they won鈥檛.I鈥檓 brutal when people attempt to lie to me by using the word try.Do they think I don鈥檛 know they are really telegraphing to the world they have no intention of doing it but they want me to give them brownie points for pretended effort?You will never hear the words 鈥淚鈥檒l try鈥 come out of my mouth unless I鈥檓 teaching this concept in a seminar.If you 鈥渢ry鈥 and do something,your unconscious mind has permission not to succeed.If I truly can鈥檛 make a decision I will tell the truth.鈥淪orry John.I鈥檓 not sure if I will be at your party or not.I鈥檝e got an outstanding commitment.If that falls through,I will be here.Otherwise,I will not.Thanks for the invite.鈥滭br/>People respect honesty.So remove the word 鈥渢ry鈥 from your vocabulary.My dad also told me that psychologists claim it takes seventeen positive statements to offset one negative statement.I have no idea if it is true,but the logic holds true.It might take up to seventeen compliments to offset the emotional damage of one harsh criticism.These are concepts that are especially useful when raising children.Ask yourself how many compliments you give yourself daily versus how many criticisms.Heck,I know you are talking to yourself all day long.We all have internal voices that give us direction.So,are you giving yourself the 17:1 ratio or are you shortchanging yourself with toxic self-talk like,鈥 I鈥檓 fat.Nobody will like me.I鈥檒l try this diet.I鈥檓 not good enough.I鈥檓 so stupid.I鈥檓 broke,etc.etc.鈥滭br/>If our parents can set a lifetime of programming with one wrong statement,imagine the kind of programming you are doing on a daily basis with your own internal dialogue.Here is a list of Toxic Vocabulary words.Notice when you or other people use them.But:Negates any words that are stated before it.Try:Presupposes failure.If:Presupposes that you may not.Might:It does nothing definite.It leaves options for your listener.Would Have:Past tense that draws attention to things that didn鈥檛 actually happen.Should Have:Past tense that draws attention to things that didn鈥檛 actually happen (and implies guilt.)Could Have:Past tense that draws attention to things that didn鈥檛 actually happen but the person tries to take credit as if it did happen.Can鈥檛/Don鈥檛:These words force the listener to focus on exactly the opposite of what you want.This is a classic mistake that parents and coaches make without knowing the damage of this linguistic error.Examples:Toxic phrase:鈥淒on鈥檛 drop the ball!鈥滭br/>Likely result:Drops the ballBetter language:鈥淐atch the ball!鈥滭br/>Toxic phrase:鈥淵ou shouldn鈥檛 watch so much television.鈥滭br/>Likely result:Watches more television.Better language:鈥淚 read too much television makes people stupid.You might find yourself turning that TV off and picking up one of those books more often!鈥滭br/>Exercise:Take a moment to write down all the phrases you use on a daily basis or any Toxic self-talk that you have noticed yourself using.Write these phrases down so you will begin to catch yourself as they occur and change them.
A long time ago and far away there lived a King and Queen .They was very happy,for their first child,a girl,had been born.鈥漌e must have a grand christening for her," said the King,who was delighted to have a daughter."We must invite all the fairies of the kingdom to bless her," said the Queen."How many are there now?" asked the King."Twelve or thirteen," said his wife."Send the invitations.We鈥檒l soon find out." There were twelve fairies,and they were all sent invitations.A thirteen fairy had not been heard of for so long that it was presumed that she was dead.No invitation was sent.The day of the christening was sunny and bright.The Princes was named Briar Rose,and the fairies began to give their gifts."She shall be beautiful,"said the first."She shall be wise,"said the second."She shall be good,鈥 said the third."She shall be kind," said the fourth.The gifts continued in this way,wishing all that was good for Briar Rose.Eleven of the twelve fairies had given their gifts when the room suddenly went dark.After a great flash of light a small dark figure stood in front of the King and Queen.It was the thirteenth fairy."Why wasn鈥檛 I invited to the christening?" she screamed.She was furious at being left out."All the fairies of the kingdom have given their blessings.Well,here鈥檚 mine for the Princess.On her sixteenth birthday she will prick her finger on a spinning wheel and die." Another flash of light and the fairy was gone."But we thought she was dead," said the King."What can we do?" The Queen was in tears.The twelfth fairy stepped forward.There is still my gift for Briar Rose," she said."The fairy鈥檚 curse cannot be undone,but I can change it a little.She will fall into a deep sleep that will last one hundred years," There was a great hubbub in the hall as everyone discussed the events.The following day the King issued a proclamation,ordering that all spinning wheels and spindles were to be destroyed.Throughout the land there were great fires as the spinning wheels were burned.Over the years,the Princess grew into a lovely girl.All who met her were enchanted by her.Eventually,the bad fairy鈥檚 wish was forgotten.All spinning wheels and spindles had been destroyed,so there was no reminder.And the fairy was not heard of again.And so,on Briar Rose鈥檚 sixteenth birthday,the King and Queen were due to arrive back from a far away visit.There was to be a large birthday party for the Princess.Briar Rose was wandering around the palace.Everyone was preparing for the party,so she could please herself where she went.As had never set foot in,she foot in,she decided to go exploring."I wonder what is in the great South Tower," she said.All the servants and courtiers wished her a happy birthday as she made her way across the palace.That part of the palace was very old,and there were very few people there.The base of the tower was in a corridor.The entrance was a small,very solid looking door.The key was on the outside."It鈥檚 very stiff,"said the Princess,as she turned the key."There!It鈥檚 open!" Stairs led up the tower in front of her .She began to climb them.Meanwhile,her parents had arrived back at the palace."Has anyone seen the Princess?" asked the King."Today is her sixteenth birthday-the day when the curse may fall.Somebody must know where she is." Nearly everyone had seen her,but nobody knew where she had been going."She must be found," said the Queen."If the prophecy is to come true,today is the day." A search of the palace and the grounds began.Meanwhile,the Princess had reached the top of the tower where there was another door.This time there was no key and the door was slightly open."There must be a wonderful view of the rest of the palace and grounds from the window,"said the Princess.Then she heard a strange whirring sound.It was unlike anything that she had ever heard before.She pushed the door open and went into the room.There,in the middle,sat an old woman working at a spinning wheel.Behind her was an enormous bed.The wheel was making the noise."What are you doing?" asked Briar Rose."I have never seen one of those before,what is it?" "It is a spinning wheel,"said the old women,"Would you like to try it my dear?" "Oh.May " asked Briar Rose.She sat on the stool in front of the wheel and the wheel whirred round.As soon as she touched the spindle she pricked her finger.She fell to the floor in a deep sleep.The old woman,who was really the thirteenth fairy in disguise,picked her up and laid her on the bed.At that moment,all over the place,people began to asleep.The cooks who were preparing for the party fell asleep over the stirring and tasting.The scullery maids fell asleep over the washing up.The laundry maid fell asleep while they dusted,polished and prepared for the party.The King and Queen,the courtiers and the guests fell asleep in the Great Hall.The guards fell asleep at their posts.The search parties looking for the Princess fell asleep while they searched- in the gardens,in the corridors,in the spare rooms,and some in the oldest part of the palace.Even the flies fell asleep on the stable walls.The birds and the butterflies fell asleep in the palace the palace vegetable gardens.The gardeners and their helpers,who were busy chasing off the rabbit,fell asleep in mid-chase.In the hearths the fires died down and the meat stopped cooking.The kitchen maid stopped plucking the chicken.The entire palace fell asleep,along with the Princess.A hedge of briar roses sprang up around the palace,protecting it from the outside world.Years passed,and from time to time a King鈥檚 son would come to the famous briar hedge to try and find the mysterious sleeping Princess that the legend spoke of.But none got through.The hedge was too strong and the Princes were cut to bits.A hundred years passed and the tale of the Sleeping Beauty,as the Princess was known,becomes a great legend.Very few people believed she existed.One day a King鈥檚 son came to the nearby village."Legend says," an old man was speaking in the village square."Legend says that the Princess lies asleep behind that great briar hedge just outside the village in my grandfather鈥檚 day,you could see the topmost turret of her tower,so they say." The Prince stopped to listen."Where can I find this hedge?鈥滺e asked."Just beyond the village,young sir,"said the old man.鈥滻f you鈥檙e going to try,you鈥檒l need more luck than the other young men who have had a go." "I shall try," said the Prince."We have heard of Sleeping Beauty in my kingdom." The Prince went to the hedge and held up his sword.He went to strike at the hedge,but where his sword met the thorns,great roses bloomed instead.A path opened for him,for the one hundred years were up.The curse was lifting.The hedge seemed to disappear before him.He went through into the palace grounds,walking past the sleeping rabbits,birds and butterflies,and the gardeners at their work.The kitchens were full of cooks and maids who hadn鈥檛 moved for a hundred years -- They were all fast asleep.Even the King and Queen who were seated at the table in the Great Hall were sleeping soundly!The Prince walked on through the palace,making his way to the tallest tower where he climbed the stairs and entered the tower room.There on the bed he saw Briar Rose fast asleep."She is so lovely," he said,He had fallen completely in love with her."How can I wake her?" He leant over and gently kissed her.Briar Rose鈥檚 eyelids flickered and she woke up.The first person she saw was the Prince and she fell in love with him.Together they walked down to the Great Hall.The King and Queen were just waking up,when the Prince and Briar Rose entered.The cooks in the kitchen woke up to carry on preparing the food and the chambermaids carried on with their work.竴涓?br/>鎶辨瓑The party was still to be held,but it was an engagement party instead of a birthday party.The Prince and Briar Rose were to be married.The hedge disappeared and the village saw the palace again and realized the legend had been true.The bad fairy was never heard of again.
June lst,1995Dear Peter,We鈥檙e so gald you鈥榬e coming to join us on Sunday.Here is how you can find us.We鈥檒l have our picnic in the People鈥榮 Park.You know where that is,don鈥檛 you?After you enter the park by the main gate,walk straight on till you come to a stream.Cross the stream and turn right.After walking for a while you鈥榣l come to a hill.Walk around to the other side of the hill.There you鈥檒l see a lake.We鈥榣l have our picnic there in the small woods by the lake.I鈥檓 sure you鈥榣l have no trouble finding us.Do come!Li Hua-------------------------------------------------------------------------May I have your attention,please?I have an announcement to make.The Student Union is going to hold a party on Saturday evening,August 15,to welcome our friends from the United States.The party will be held in the roof garden of the Main Building .It will begin at 7:30 P.m.There will be music,dancing ,singing,games and exchange of gifts.Will everybody please bring along a small gift for this purpose.Remember to wrap it up ,sign your name and write a few words of good wishes.Don鈥榯 forget:7:30,Saturday evening,roof garden,Main Building.There鈥檚 sure to be a lot of fun.Everybody is welcome.My parents live in the country.They keep a dog called Ah Fu.One day my parents went to work in the fields taking my little sister and Ah Fu along.While they were working,my sister walked to a river nearby.Ah Fu followed her there.She was trying to pick a flower when she fell into the river.Ah Fu barked and jumped into the water immediately.When my parents heard Ah Fu barking they ran to the river They saw Ah Fu swimming towards the bank carrying my little sister.My parents praised Ah Fu warmly.It was our brave Ah Fu who had saved my little sister.-------------------------------------------------------------------------It was Grandma鈥榮 birthday .Father ,Mother and I went to visit her.She lives with my uncle in a village not too far away.Early in the morning we bought some presents and took the bus to get there.Grandma and Uncle were so glad to see us.We gave the presents to Grandma and she was very happy.Then we sat down to talk,while Uncle went to prepare lunch .The meal was so nice that we all enjoyed it very much.At 4 o鈥檆lock,we said goodbye and set off for home.-------------------------------------------------------------------------Sun Shuwei,a world champion in diving,is a boy of 14 from Guangdong.He loved swimming when he was a small boy and at eight he became a member of the diving team in Guangdong Province.He studied hard at school and trained hard for five years before he came to the national team.A year later in 1990,he won a gold medal at the 11th Asian Games and became a world champion at the 6th World Swimming Championships early this year.-------------------------------------------------------------------------Zhang Ge Zhuang Primary SchoolUntil 1988 Zhang Ge Zhuang had no school of its own.It was pretty hard for the children of the village who had to go to school in other villages which were all far away.Now Zhang Ge Zhuang Primary School has three teachers,teaching 48 pupils.The teachers had finished middle school education before they returned to teach here.The pupils are divided into five different classes,in which six subjects are taught.These are Chinese,Maths,Science,Music,Drawing and Physical Education.Education is free for all children in the village.-------------------------------------------------------------------------On the way home,Mathilde found that the necklace was gone.She was frightened to death because it was too expensive for her.She and her husband hurriedly returned and looked wherever she had been that night,but couldn鈥檛 find it at all.What would they do?They had to buy a diamond necklace exactly like the one she borrowed from Jeanne and returned it to her.It cost them 36,000 francs.In order to pay off the debts,they suffered hunger and cold day and night.Ten years of hard work made young Mathilde so old that Jeanne could hardly recognize her when they happened to meet one day in a park.It was then that Mathilde found out the truth:the necklace she had borrowed from Jeanne was not a real diamond necklace.It was made of glass and cost only 500 francs at most!-------------------------------------------------------------------------I was walking along the street when a stranger stopped me and asked me the way to a new restaurant.I answered and told him the route and direction carefully.As soon as I finished,the stranger thanked me and started off.To my surprise,he went in wrong direction.Then I stopped him at once and told him what wrong he had made.Unexpectedly,he smiled and told me the truth that he didn鈥檛 really want to ask the way,but,instead,he was just trying to know whether everyone knew exactly where the new restaurant was,for he was the new owner of the restaurant.Then I knew who he was and what he wanted to do.-------------------------------------------------------------------------An Instructive DayToday is March 12,our national Tree Planting Day.Our Class observed the day by planting trees.In high spirits we talked and smiled all the way.As soon as we got to a piece of wasteland far from the school,we began to work.Some were enga some were busying themselves in covering the roots of the young trees with earth and watering the trees one by one.We worked so hard that soon each of us was wet in sweat.On the way home we kept on singing up,because we鈥檝e done a good thing to make our homeland green.-------------------------------------------------------------------------One day three men got a bottle of wine.But the wine was not enough for the three and each of them wanted to drink the wine alone.Then they all agreed that they each would draw a snake on the ground and the one who first finished drawing would be given the wine.So they began to draw on the ground with sticks.It was not long before one of the three finished drawing his snake.He took up the bottle of wine with pride.He was about to drink when he found the other two were still busy with their drawings.鈥淗ow slow you are!鈥 said he,鈥淚 can even add feet to my snake before you finish yours.鈥滭br/>He put down the bottle and began to add feet to his snake.But before he inished,another man took hold of the bettle and said,鈥淚鈥檝e finished.Snakes have no feet,so yours is not a snake.鈥漌ith these words he drank up the wine.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ladies and gentlemen,I want to say something about trees.As we know now trees are very important to human beings.First of all,they benefit our health.They send out oxygen for us to breathe.We can鈥檛 live without trees.Secondly,trees can beautify our environment.As trees are so important,we must do our best to protect them.We must enforce the tree protection laws.We must plant as many trees as possible.Only in this way can we live happily in the beautiful world.
lake of autumn(秋之湖)I remember quite clearly now when the story happened.
The autumn leaves were floating in measure down to the ground, covering the lake, where we used to swim like child...


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