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&&500万 速译通 英汉/汉英/双语词典 翻译/解释/意思 如下: (查询0.002秒)(第2个版本的新版在线词典上线了,查询新版本)
{adj.}黑色的,黑的,漆黑的,黑人的,有关黑人的,暗淡的,阴郁的,悲惨的,凶恶的,不吉利的,愤怒的,弄脏的,污秽的,身穿黑衣的,黑市的,非法交易的,被(罢工工人)抵制装卸的[英],不荣誉的,不镀锌的,无镀层的,吸收全部辐射能的{n.}黑人,黑色,黑漆,黑颜料,黑墨水,骨灰,煤,黑色动物,黑皮,黑毛,黑斑,污点,黑衣,丧服,(小麦的)黑穗病,黑穗病霉菌,黑色岩层,(靶子等的)黑点,击中黑心的一发,诺福克火鸡,跳字,帐簿的贷方wear black穿黑衣,着丧服{vi.}变黑,暂失知觉,从事贩卖奴隶{vt.}使变成黑色,弄黑,弄脏,用黑鞋油擦,管制[英],封锁,联合抵制,绑架(土人)作为黑奴
词形变化:&过去式和过去分词:blacked&&现在分词:blacking&&复数形式:blacks&&比较级:blacker&&高级:blackest&大小写不同的单词:&&黑色的,布莱克,变黑&&&&习惯短语和短句: "Blacks have always been the indigestible mass. 黑人总是一个难吸收的群体 "black" lighting 不耀眼的照明 500 chests Ceylon black tea 500箱锡兰红茶 A Black Muslim. 穆斯林 A Eurasian bird(Coccothraustes coccothraustes) having a thick bill,a short,white-tipped tail,and brown,white,and black plumage. 锡嘴雀一种产于欧亚大陆的鸟(锡嘴雀),有粗大的喙、尾短且有白色尾尖,羽毛呈褐色、白色或黑色 A North American warbler(Dendroica striata),the male of which has a black cap. 黑顶白颊林莺一种北美鸣禽(黑顶白颊林莺林莺属),其雄性有一黑冠 A badge of mourning,such as a black hatband or veil. 服丧佩带物表示哀悼的标志,如帽上的黑带或黑色面纱 A black hen lays a white egg [谚]黑鸡生白蛋,丑妇生俊儿。 A black hen lays a white egg. [ 谚]黑鸡生白蛋,丑妇生俊儿,a hen on策划中的阴谋 A black powder,C9H18FeN3S6,used as an agricultural fungicide. 福美铁一种用作农业杀霉菌剂的黑色粉末,c9h18fen3s6 A black variety of garnet. 黑榴石一种黑色石榴石 A brouhaha by the football players resulted in three black eyes. 足球队员们因小事发生争吵结果有三人被打得鼻青脸肿 A daddy longlegs spider is more venomous than a black widow,but it can open its mouth wide enough to bite a person. 成年长腿蜘蛛的毒性比黑寡妇要大的多,它的嘴可以张大到足以咬住人 A finch(Fringilla montifringilla) of northern Eurasia,having black,white,and rust-brown plumage. 燕雀欧亚大陆北部的一种雀(燕雀燕雀属),具有黑色、白色和锈褐色的羽毛 A large bird(Corvus corax) having black plumage and a croaking cry. 乌鸦一种的大鸟,(渡鸦)羽毛黑色,叫声嘶哑 A large carnivorous feline mammal(Panthera tigris) of Asia,having a tawny coat with transverse black stripes. 虎一种生活在亚洲的大型食肉性猫科哺乳动物(虎),毛皮黄褐色且有横向的黑色条纹 A large grayish shore bird(Catoptrophorus semipalmatus) of North America,having black wings with a broad white stripe. 白羽鹬北美洲的一种略带灰色的大滨鸟(半蹼白翅鹬),长有带宽白边的黑色翅膀 A lonely star shone out against the black sky. 一颗孤星在黑色夜幕的衬托下发出光亮 A long time ago,many black people were taken to America as slaves. 很久以前,许多黑人作为奴隶被掠到美洲 A man's dress jacket,usually black with satin or grosgrain lapels,worn for formal or semiformal occasions. 夜小礼服、晚餐服男式的礼服外套,通常是黑色,有亚麻的或粗丝绸的翻领,在正式或半正式场合穿着 A pig of a breed developed in the United States,having a black body with a white,beltlike band. 汉普夏猪在美国生长的一种猪,全身黑色,有一个带状白条 A rare,bearlike mammal of the mountains of China and Tibet,having woolly fur with distinctive black and white markings. 猫熊,熊猫产于中国和中国西藏山区的一种稀有,象熊的哺乳动物栗色毛皮上带有明显的黑色花纹 A shadowy figure in a black Homburg traversing the fogbound park. 头戴黑色翘边帽的神秘人在因浓雾而进退不能的公园来回徘徊 A shrub or small tree(Vaccinium arboreum) of the southeast United States,having leathery leaves and hard black berries. 越橘树,臼莓一种灌木或小乔木(臼梅越桔属)产于美国东南部,叶子象皮革,浆果黑色,种子坚硬 A shrub(Ilex glabra) of eastern North America,having black,berrylike fruit. 光滑冬青一种北美洲东部的(冬青属光滑冬青)灌木,有黑色的象浆果的果实 A small European warbler(Sylvia atricapilla),the male of which is gray with a black crown. 黑顶林莺欧洲一种体形小的鸣禽(黑顶林莺),其雄性为灰色并有黑色肉冠 A small North American diving duck(Bucephala albeola) having black and white plumage and a densely feathered,rounded head. 巨头鹊鸭一种体型小的北美潜水鸭(巨头鹊鸭),有黑白色的羽毛和稠密的毛,圆脑袋 A wary glance at the black clouds. 谨慎地瞥了一眼乌云 Acid Chrome Black T [化]酸性媒介黑T Afro-American black studies 黑人研究 Afro-Amany black people preferred to be called African-American or Afro-American. 非裔美国人文化,许多黑人喜欢被称作非裔美国人(african-americanorafro-american) After the fight he was black and blue all over. 打了那一架后,他浑身上下青一块紫一块 Algol printing black [机]阿果印染黑 An American migratory songbird(Dolichonyx oryzivorus),the male of which has black,white,and yellowish plumage. 长刺歌雀美洲鸣鸟,一种候鸟(长刺歌雀),雄鸟羽毛呈黑色、白色和黄色 An Old World shrike(Lanius senator) having black and white plumage with a reddish crown. 伯劳,鸫一种东半球伯劳鸟(林?伯劳),具有黑白相间羽毛和红色冠顶 An Old World songbird(Turdus merula),the male of which is black with a yellow bill. 乌鸫一种东半球鸣禽(乌鸫),其雄性为黑色,鸟嘴呈黄色 An orange and black North American butterfly(Limenitis archippus),resembling but somewhat smaller than the monarch. 副王峡蝶一种桔色和黑色相间的北美蝴蝶(北美副王蛱蝶杨蛱蝶属)象但略小于大蝴蝶 Aniline blue black [医]苯胺蓝黑 Any of numerous black,gray,or white sea birds of the order Procellariiformes,especially the storm petrel. 海燕属鹱形目中的一种黑色、灰色或白色的海鸟,尤指海燕 Any of several North American plants,especially blue cohosh,black cohosh,and baneberry. 类叶草一种北美洲植物,尤指兰升麻、黑升麻毛莨科植物及类叶升麻 Any of several auks of the genus Cepphus,having black plumage with white markings. 海雀,海鸽一种海鸽属的海雀,生有带白色斑纹的黑色羽毛 Any of several butterflies,chiefly of the genus Nymphalis,having wings with orange,black,and brown markings. 蛱蝶一种蝴蝶,主要是蛱蝶属,翅膀上有桔黄色,黑色和褐色斑点 Any of similar or related plants,such as the black horehound. 唇形科植物任何与夏至草相似或相关的植物,例如黑夏至草 Any of various similar trailing or twining plants,such as the black bindweed. 旋花属植物一种相似的蔓生或缠绕植物,如黑旋花 Asians always hang out with Asians,blacks with blacks,Spanish with Spanish. 亚洲人与亚洲人打交道,黑人与黑人打交道,西班牙人与西班牙人打交道 Assam Carbon Black 阿萨姆碳黑 B acid chrome black 酸性铬黑 B indanthrene direct black 阴丹士林直接黑 Be black,he have to endure the taunt of his classmate. 因为是黑人,他不得不忍受他同学的奚落 Bean black root virus [医]菜豆黑根病毒 Bee black gueen-cell virus [医]蜜蜂黑王台病毒 Berlin black 无光黑漆 Black & Decker {n.}百得,布莱克-德克尔 Black Act 取缔流浪者条例 Black Americans 美国黑人 Black Body [医]黑体 Black Book 黑名册 Black Chamber {n.}暗室 Black Code 黑人法典(奴隶制取消前南部某些州的奴隶法)[美] Black Code" 黑人法典(奴隶制取消前南部某些州的奴隶法)[美] Black Codes 黑人法典 Black Country {n.}黑区(英格兰中部的工业区,曾有严重工业污染) Black Death {n.}黑死病(14世纪蔓延欧亚两洲的鼠疫) Black English 黑人英语 Black Forest 德国山林区 Black Forest gateau 黑山林蛋糕 Black Fri {n.}黑色星期五 Black Fri. {n.}黑色星期五 Black Friar 黑修士 Black Friday 耶稣受难日(复活节前的星期五) Black Hand 黑手党 Black Henbane [医]莨菪,莨菪叶粉,菲沃斯[解痉药] Black Hills {n.}布莱克山 Black Hills of South Dakota {n.}南达科他州布莱克山,布莱克山 Black Humor 黑色幽默 Black Intelligence Test of Cultural Homogeneity [医]黑人文化同性智力测验 Black Lawyer {n.}黑人律师 Black Maria==>{n.}[口]囚车 {}警车,爆炸时发出浓烈黑烟的一种榴弹,(牌)黑桃王后 Black Mass 追思弥撒 Black Mesa Coal-slurry Pipeline 黑梅萨煤浆管道 Black Monday==>{n.}黑色的星期一(一九八七年十月十九日纽约股市大崩盘) {}复活节后的星期一,[学生俚语]倒霉的星期一,(放假后的)开学第一天 Black Mountain college {n.}黑山学院 Black Muslim {n.}黑人穆斯林,黑色穆斯林(成立于一九三一年的美国黑人组织成员,信奉伊斯兰教,主张建立单独的黑人社会) Black Organization of Students {n.}黑人学生组织 Black Orpheus 《黑歌手》 Black P 英国政府的黑皮书(系批评现行政策、措施、制度等的政府文件,封皮为黑色),黑豹党人 Black Panther 黑豹党人 Black Panthers {n.}黑豹党员(一九六五年创立的美国黑人政党,主张武力夺权) Black Paper (英国政府的)黑皮书(系批评现行政策、措施、制度等的政府文件,封皮为黑色) Black Power==>{n.}[美]黑人权力(美国民权运动时Stokely Carmichael喊出来的口号) {}黑色火药 Black Prince 黑太子的别名 Black Radio 冒充对方电台的心理战广播 Black Rod 英国上院的引座官,英属殖民地立法机构中的引座官,黑杖侍卫 Black Rouge [医]四氧化三铁,黑氧化铁,磁性氧化铁[药用辅料] Black S 黑海 Black Sea {n.}黑海 Black Sea berth term {n.}黑海班轮条件 Black September {n.}巴勒斯坦恐怖组织黑色九月 Black Shirt 黑衫党党员 Black Tea and Longjin Tea are salable in our market. 史:红茶和龙井茶在我们那很好卖 Black Watch 苏格兰高地警卫团 Black Widow {n.}黑寡妇 Black and Tan {n.}black and tans (英国)爱尔兰王室警吏团 Black and White Bleaching Cream [医]2%氢醌乳膏[皮肤脱色药] Black and White Ointment [医]3%雷琐辛软膏[局部止痒药,防腐药] Black and WhiteTelevision 黑白电视 Black and blue 遍体鳞伤 Black and blue color [医]黑蓝色 Black and white show a striking contrast. 黑和白形成明显的对比 Black classification of cavities [医]布莱克窝洞分类 Black clouds portend a storm. 乌云是暴风雨的前兆 Black currant reversion virus [医]黑醋粟退化病毒 Black currant variegation virus [医]黑醋粟杂色病毒 Black currant vein pattern virus [医]黑醋粟脉纹病毒 Black currant yellow virus [医]黑醋粟黄化病毒 Black gauze cap 乌纱帽 Black heel disease [医]黑踵病 Black in color. 乌黑色的 Black is the opposite of white. 黑是白的对立面 Black leather trousers seem to be quite the rage these days 近来黑色皮裤似乎风靡一时 Black mark 指记过符号,过失,损坏名声的东西 Black oil was ozzing out of a crack in the engine casing. 黑色的油正从发动机壳的缝隙中慢慢渗出 Black people aren't allowed into such places. 黑人不允许到这些地方去 Black pepper stunt virus [医]黑胡椒矮化病毒 Black raspberry latent ilarvirus [医]黑木莓潜伏等轴不稳环斑病毒 Black sheep 喻指害群之马,不肖之子 Black widow spider antiserum [医]黑寡妇蜘蛛抗毒血清 Blacked the stove. 擦黑炉子 Blacked their faces with charcoal. 用木炭弄黑他们的脸 Blacks and other nationally oppressed peoples 黑人及其他遭受民族压迫的各族人民 Blacks are still widely discriminated against in some countries. 在有些国家,黑人仍然广泛地受到歧视 Brunswick black 一种黑色清漆 Cabbage black ring spot virus [医]甘蓝黑环斑病毒 Cherry black canker virus [医]樱桃黑溃疡病毒 China black tea {n.}中国红茶 Chlorazol black E [医]氯唑黑E Comparable values given for loose black tea were 31 mg,38 mg,and 40 mg per cup of beverage. 所给的散装红茶可作对照的数据为每杯饮料中含31mg,38mg和40mg Dacron color-sealed black staple and tow 大可纶色封型黑色短纤维和丝束 Diamond black [医]金刚黑 Dictators usually black out all criticism of the government. 独裁者通常都禁止批评政府的言论公开发表 Direct Diazo Black BH [化]直接重氮黑BH Direct Fast Black G [化]直接耐晒黑G Dressed in black for the trial,eyes hidden behind sunglasses,Linor had to be strong. 庭审时林诺身着黑衣头戴墨镜,表现得很坚强 E diamond black PG extra 特级金刚黑 Either of two edible North American sunfishes,the black crappie or the white crappie. 刺盖太阳鱼两种产于北美的可食用太阳鱼,包括暗斑刺盖太阳鱼或刺盖太阳鱼 Either of two edible North American sunfishes,the black crappie(Pomoxis nigromaculatus) or the white crappie(P. annularis). 刺盖太阳鱼两种产于北美的可食用太阳鱼,包括暗斑刺盖太阳鱼(黑刺日鱼)或刺盖太阳鱼(白刺日鱼) English black mint 英国黑种薄荷 Eriochrome black A [医]羊毛铬黑A Eriochrome black T [化]酸性媒介黑T Eriochrome blue black B [化]酸性媒介蓝黑B Eriochrome blue black R [化]酸性媒介蓝黑R Eriochrome blue black SE [医]羊毛铬蓝黑SE European black berry 欧洲黑莓 European black hawthorn 欧洲黑山楂 Every bean has its black [谚]每一粒豆都有黑嘴,人人都有自己的弱点。 Every bean has its black.==>{st.}人各有其短 {}[谚]每一粒豆都有黑嘴,人人都有自己的弱点 Every white hath its black,and every sweet its sour [谚]有白必有黑,有甜必有苦,事物各有缺陷。 Fast sulphon black F [医]坚牢砜黑F Ferric Oxide Black [医]四氧化三铁,黑氧化铁,8651黑氧化铁,磁性氧化铁[药用辅料] Frankfort black 法兰克福黑(一种优质黑色颜料),(铜板印刷用)黑色油墨 Fuso Black Body 平板式远红外线加热炉 Gentleman usher of the black rod 黑棍侍卫 German black 德国黑 He fell down the stairs and was all black and blue. 他从楼梯跌下而青一块紫一块了 He is a villain/scoundrel of the deepest/blackest dye. 他是个穷凶极恶的恶棍 He is the first black to be elected as mayor 他是第一位被选为市长的黑人 He punched me until I was black and blue. 他打得我全身青一块紫一块的 He sided with the Black students and resigned his post. 他站在黑人学生一边,辞去了他的职务 He was dressed all in black. 他穿了一身黑 Her black hair accentuated the delicateness of her skin. 她那乌黑的头发更衬托出她洁嫩的皮肤 Her black hair accentuateed the delicateness of her skin. 她那乌黑的头发更衬托出她洁嫩的皮肤 Himalayan black bear 喜马拉雅黑熊 His black eye was a beaut. 他的那只被打得发青的眼睛美极了 I changed my black and white television for a color set. 我把黑白电视机换成了一台彩色的 I got into Lady Whatsit's black books as soon as I mentioned that I was a Labour supporter. 我一说到我支持工党,沃茨特女士就对我不满起来 I saw a white cat and a black one. 我看到一只白猫和一只黑猫 I see the volcano vomitting black smoke. 我看到火山喷出黑烟 I want the contract in black and white. 我要这项合同见诸文字 I want this agreement in black and white. 我希望这项协议写成书面的 In black and white 白纸黑字,黑白分明,是非分明 In facsimile,a picture having a range of toneslying between picture black and picture white. 在传真技术中,具有一系列处在图象黑电平与白电平之间色调的图象 In the black 营利,赚钱,有盈余 It is a black bear. 这是一头黑熊 It wifi describe how a black hole is generally formed,how it functions,and the effects it has on the universe. 文中将说明黑洞一般是怎样形成的,它的活动方式,以及它对宇宙的影响 James Toback's Black and White {n.}詹姆斯·托巴克的黑与白 Japan black 黑沥青(清)漆 Joseph Black 布莱克,j Joseph Black () 布莱克,j Journal of Black Psychology 黑人心理学杂志 Low-hanging black clouds befogged the city. 黑云压城 Many people were taken off by the Black Plague. 许多人被黑死病夺去了生命 Mapico black {n.}[商]玛皮珂黑(磁性氧化铁粉末,防锈剂,用于油漆) Mars black 马尔斯黑(渗透力强,快干,覆盖力强,质地粗糙,宜于厚涂) Men in Black {n.}黑衣人 Mexican black cherry tree having edible fruit. 墨西哥一种黑色的樱桃树,果实可食 Mordant Black T [化]酸性媒介黑T Mr Miller is a black swan,an honest lawyer! 米勒先生是一位诚实的律师,非常难得 Mr. Black is being paged. 有人在叫布莱克先生的名字要找他 Mrs Black 布莱克夫人 Mrs Rumbold was a large,unsmiling lady in a tight black dress. 朗博尔德夫人是一个身材高大,不带笑容的女人,穿着紧身黑色衣裙 Mustard black [医]黑芥 My brother is the black sheep of the family. 我弟弟是我们家的害群之马 NZB New Zealand black mouse [医]新西兰黑鼠 New zealand black mice virus [医]新西兰黑鼠自动免疫病毒 Northern Black Polished Ware Culture 北方磨光黑陶文化 Ostwal's theory,based on pigments,assumes that color is subtractive and that all colors mixed together produce black. 奥斯特沃德建立在色素基础上的理论假定颜色是可减的,所有的颜色混在一起产生黑色 PG direct black FF extra 特级直接黑 Paint Shop Pro paint the devil blacker than he is 言过其实 Paris black [医]巴黎骨炭,动物炭,象牙炭 Penny Black 黑色便士 Perhaps every profession has got its black sheep. 也许每个行业都有害群之马 Phenolic Constituents in Black Tea 红茶中的酚类成分 Poison Black Cherry [医]颠茄,颠茄叶,颠茄草粉,颠茄根[胃肠解痉药] Pontacyl blue black SX [医]滂酰蓝黑SX Potato black ring spot nepovirus [医]马铃薯黑环斑线虫传多角体病毒 Rice black streaked dwarf fijivirus [医]水稻黑条纹矮裴济病毒 Rice black streaked dwarf reovirus [医]水稻黑条纹矮呼肠孤病毒 S/CNB4586 QINDAO BLACK BRISTLES200CASES SHIPPED WSSEASTWIND SAILING FOURTENNTH DIRECT YOURPORT 合同nb4586号下二百箱青岛黑猪鬃已装东风轮十四日直驶你港 Schwarzschild black hole [天物]施瓦兹希尔黑洞 She bought a black nightie to wear on her honeymoon 她买了一件黑色睡衣准备在蜜月时穿 She wore a black silk evening gown. 她穿着一件黑色丝质晚礼服 Spanish black 西班牙黑(用软木炭制的黑颜料) Sudan black 苏丹黑 Sudan black B [医]苏丹黑B Sudan black B fat staining [医]苏丹黑B脂肪染剂 Sudan black B stain [医]苏丹黑B染色(一种脂肪染色法) Sudan black stain [医]苏丹黑染剂 Tall hat of black fur worn by British guardsmen (英国卫兵戴的)黑皮高帽 The Life of Brian was a black comedy about the life of Chrest. 《布赖恩的一生》是部关于救世主一生的黑色喜剧 The black bear lies up during the day in caves or amongest rocks. 那只黑熊白天躲在山洞里或藏在岩石间 The black box showed why the plane had crashed. 黑匣子揭示了飞机坠毁的原因 The black bryony. 缠绕藤本植物 The black horse bagan to move ahead halfaway through the race. 那匹黑马在比赛进行到一半时开始领先了 The black ox has trampled on sb's foot 灾祸已降到某人头上。,某人已到老年。 The black ox has trod on sb's foot 灾祸已降到某人头上。,某人已到老年。 The black ox has trod on sb's foot.==>{st.}灾祸临头 {}灾祸已降到某人头上,某人已到老年 The designer romanticized the little black dress. 设计者使这个黑衣服浪漫化了 The devil is not so black as he is painted [谚]魔鬼并不象人们所画的那么黑(指人们害怕或不喜欢的人并不象 一般说的那么坏,事情没有传说的那么可怕)。 The integration of black children into the school system inthe Southern States of America 美国南方各州准许黑人儿童进入白人学校之事 The poor boy was beaten black and blue. 那个可怜的孩子被打得遍体鳞伤 The pot calls the kettle black [谚]五十步笑百步,乌鸦嫌猪黑。 The pot calls the kettle black. {st.}责人严而律己宽 The public scandal left a black mark on his career. 这一尽人皆知的丑闻给他的事业留下了污点 The sky blacked over. 天空变黑了 The strikers declared the cargo black. 罢工者宣布那批货不予处理 The union has blacked a shipping firm 工会禁止一家运输公司做生意 There is a black sheep in every flock [谚]到处都有害群之马。 There,he taught English and perfected his martial arts,earning black belts in Aikido,karate,judo,and kendo. 他在那儿教授英文,精修武技,赢得了合气道、空手道、柔道和剑道的黑带 These ghettoes in12 big cities are packed with eight million Black Americans. 12个大城市的黑人区拥挤不堪地住着800万美国黑人 Things look black 事情不妙,事态险恶,有恶化之势。 This scroll was written by a famous calligrapher using a very big brush charged with black ink. 这幅条幅是一位著名的书法家用一把很大的蘸满黑墨的大刷子写的 Tomato black fleck virus [医]番茄黑点病毒 Tomato black ring nepovirus [医]番茄黑环线虫传多角体病毒 Tomato black ring virus [医]番茄黑环线虫传多角体病毒 Two blacks do not make a white [谚]两黑不等于一白,两个错误不等于一个正确。 U.S. Blacks [医]美国黑人 Vat Black BBN [化]还原黑BBN Volumes of black smoke poured fromthe chimney. 烟囱里冒出来团团黑烟 We bought the company then a month later,black Monday,we lost it 我们买下该公司,而一个月後的黑色星期一,我们一亏涂地 We serve black tea,green tea and puer tea. 侍者:我们有红茶、绿茶和普洱茶 Weakly Acid Black BR [化]弱酸性黑BR When there are black clouds you can tell it's going to rain. 有乌云的时候,就知道快下雨了 Yet they point to the fact that enrolment of blacks and Latinos throughout the state system has remained stable since 1996. 不过他们还指出这样的事实,即在整个州内各大学招收的黑人和拉美学生总数自1996年以来仍然保持稳定 a black dog 黑狗 a black flag 黑旗(海盗旗或升在监狱外宣布执行死刑的旗) a black hen lays a white egg 乌鸡生白蛋,丑妇生俊儿 a black look 怒目而视 a black mark 污点 a blackthrough the pitch-it was pitch-dark in the celler. 漆黑的、没有月亮的夜晚,穿过漆黑的森林,这个房间里一片漆黑 a black plum is as sweet as a white 黑李之甜,可与白李相比,猫能捕鼠,不在黑白 a black scientist 黑人科学家 a black sheep==>{n.}败家子,败类,害群之马 {}拒绝参加罢工的工人 a black silk negligee 一件黑色丝绸女式长睡袍 a black snake 长鞭子,运煤火车 a black swan (澳大利亚产)黑天鹅,珍品 a black widow 丈夫老是去打高尔夫球而常被丢在家里的妇人 a chalcedony with alternating blackused in making cameos. 黑白带纹相交的玉髓,用作浮雕宝石 a gentleman in a black coat and striped trousers 一位身着黑色上衣和条子裤的绅士 a job traditionally slotted for blacks 向来专供黑人做的工作 a pool of black gore 一滩黑红的血 a rich black loam of India. 印度的一种肥沃的黑色沃土 a skirt of solemn black 深黑色的裙子 a snake covered with orange and black reticulations 背上呈橘黄和黑色网状花纹的蛇 a yak in no-glaze black 无光黑牦牛 above black there is no colour,and above salt no savour 没有黑就没颜色,没有盐就没有味道 accretion by black hole 黑洞吸积 acetylene black 乙炔黑 acetylene carbon black [医]乙炔碳黑 acid alizarine black 酸性茜素黑 acid blue black [医]酸性蓝黑 acid blue black 6B [商]酸性蓝黑6 acid chrome black [机]酸性铬黑 acid milling black [医]酸性磨黑 acid milling black b [建]酸性磨黑B,蓝光酸性黑 acid resisting black varnish 耐酸沥青(黑)漆 acid-milling black [医]酸性磨黑 activated carbon black 活性炭黑 active anthracene black 活性蒽炭黑(补强剂) active low structure black [化]活性低结构炭黑 adoption of black market babies {n.}黑市婴儿的收养 after black clouds,clear weather 乌云过后好晴天,否极泰来 alizanthrene black b [建]茜士林黑B,蓝光还原黑 all black and blue {adj.}遍体鳞伤 all black races {pl.}所有的黑种人 alternate black and white blocks 黑白格图案 aluminium soap-carbon black thickened grease [化]铝皂-碳黑稠化润滑脂 aluminum soap-carbon black thickened grease [化]铝皂-碳黑稠化润滑脂 amido black 胺黑 amine black green [机]氨黑绿 an ankle-length black garment worn by priests or choristers. 牧师或唱诗班指挥穿的一种到踝部的黑色外衣 aniline black 苯胺黑 aniline black byestuffs 苯胺黑染料 aniline black dyestuffs 苯胺黑染料,苯胺黑类染料 anti black tongue factor [医]抗黑舌病因子 antimony black 锑黑 arbon black 炭黑 artificial black or white signal [电]仿黑或白色信号 artificial black signal 模拟黑色信号,黑电平测试信号 artificial black white 仿黑白色信号 artificial silk black [机]人造丝染用黑 as black [dark] as midnight 漆黑 as black as a crow 极黑,漆黑 as black as a crow sloe 极黑,漆黑 as black as a raven 极黑,漆黑 as black as a sweep 非常黑 as black as coal 墨黑,极黑,其黑如煤 as black as ebony 墨黑,极黑 as black as ink 墨黑,极黑 as black as jet 墨黑,极黑 as black as midnight 漆黑 as black as my hat {adj.}很黑的(漆黑的) as black as night 昏黑,漆黑 as black as one is painted {adv.}像人们所说的那么坏 as black as one's hat {adj.}墨黑的 as black as pitch==>{n.}漆黑(黑洞洞) {}漆黑的 as black as soot 墨黑,极黑 as black as your hat {adj.}很黑的(漆黑的) as)black as a crow 极黑,漆黑 as)black as a raven 极黑 as)black as a sloe 极黑 as)black as hell 漆黑的 as)black as ink 前途暗淡,一片漆黑 as)black as thunder 面带怒容,非常生气,脸色阴森 as)dark[black] as a stack of black cats [美、口]黑暗,漆黑 as)dark[black] as a stack of black cats [ 美、口]黑暗,漆黑,stack up总起来,加起来 (飞机)分层盘旋飞行与某人相称[比较](to),与...较量(with)符合事实,有道理 (使)堆积,(使)堆放在一起 (使)排队等候,使(车辆)阻塞 attried black 球磨碳黑 audit black box research method {n.}审计黑箱研究法 automatic black level circuit 自动黑电平电路 automatic black level control 自动黑电平控制 backlash by white racists against black civil rights advances. 白种人对黑人民主权利进程不利的抵抗 bacterial black rot 细菌性黑斑病 baking black varnish 沥青烘漆 be black in the face {vi.}脸色发紫 be get sb's black books 使某人欢心 be get sb.'s black books 失某人欢心 be in a black mood 情绪低落 be in sb's bad [black] books 使某人欢心 be in sb's black books 失某人欢心 be in sb.'s black books 失某人欢心 be into sb's black books 使某人欢心 be into sb.'s black books 失某人欢心 be pot calling the kettle black {v.}五十步笑百步 beat black and blue 打得青一块紫一块[焦头烂额] beat sb black and blue 把某人打得青一块紫一块 beat sb. black and blue 把某人打得青一块紫一块 being black {n.}作为黑人 benzanil black 亚苯基苯胺黑 birch black [化]桦木黑,桦木炭黑 black & white picture 黑白图片 black (Italian) poplar 黑杨 black (wood) charcoal 黑炭 black -and-white film 黑白影片,黑白胶片 black -heart malleable iron 黑心可锻铸铁 black American {n.}美国黑人 black Americans 美国黑人 black Chinese croaker 中国黑姑鱼 black House member {n.}黑人议院成员 black Indian hemp [医]黑大麻,夹竹桃麻[根] black Maria {n.}囚车 black Plantain 长叶车前 black Thu {n.}黑色星期四 black Thur {n.}黑色星期四 black Thur. {n.}黑色星期四 black Thurs {n.}黑色星期四 black Thurs. {n.}黑色星期四 black Thursday {n.}黑暗的星期四,黑色星期四 black [blood] pudding (用猪血、肥肉丁、洋葱等制成的)黑香肠 black abalone 黑鲍(鱼) black acid prairie soils 黑色酸性湿草原土 black acids 黑色酸 black acrylic matt enamel 黑色丙烯酸消光磁漆 black act [法]取缔游民条例 black adobe soil 黑色冲积粘土 black advance (在竞选对手露面场合安排的)预先捣乱 black agent {n.}黑户 black agouti [医]黑灰色(自交系) black air drying paint 黑色风干漆 black alkali 黑碱 black alkali soil 黑碱土,碱土 black alum 黑矾 black amber [化]煤精 black amino alkyd baking transistor paint 黑氨基醇酸烘干晶体管漆 black and blue 青一块紫一块 black and brown pigments 黑色和褐色色素 black and red test [医]红黑字母试验 black and tan 黑色而有棕色斑点的猎狗,[美]共和党在美国南部的一个派系,主张党内应有适当比例的黑人代表,[美]向黑人开放的白人夜总会 black and tans 爱尔兰王室警吏团 black and white==>{n.}写在纸上,墨画 {}黑白 black and white ( 指电影、电视、照片等)黑白 black and white CRT display [医]黑白阴极射线管显示器 black and white advertisement {n.}黑白广告 black and white advertising [经]黑白广告 black and white aerial photograph 黑白航摄照片 black and white channel 黑白通道 black and white display 黑白显示 black and white draft of the trademark {n.}商标黑白墨稿 black and white film 黑白胶片 black and white fluorescence angiography unit [医]黑白电视血管造影装置 black and white gradation [医]黑白层次 black and white holography 黑白全息照相术 black and white horror movies 黑白恐怖片 black and white image 黑白图像 black and white infrared image 黑白红外影像 black and white level [电]黑白位准 black and white map 单色图 black and white panchromatic roll 黑白全色照相胶卷 black and white photographic paper 黑白相纸 black and white picture [电]黑白图 black and white positive film 黑白正片 black and white signal carrier 黑白信号载波 black and white television {n.}黑白电视 black and white television picture tube 黑白显像管 black and white transmission [电]黑白发射 black and white tube 黑白电视显像管 black and white work 木石构造 black annealed iron wire 黑退火钢丝 black annealed wire 黑退火钢丝 black annealing 黑退火,(薄板)初退火,粗退火 black anodizing 黑色阳极化 black antimony [化]黑锑,[医]锑黑,三硫化锑 black arches moth 松针毒蛾(僧尼舞毒蛾) black area 黑区 black armband 黑臂纱 black art {n.}魔术(妖术,邪术),妖术 black as a crow 极黑,漆黑 black as a raven 极黑 black as a sloe 极黑 black as ebony 极黑 black as hell 漆黑的 black as ink 前途暗淡,一片漆黑 black as my hat {adj.}很黑的(漆黑的) black as the Styx 漆黑 black as thunder 面带怒容,非常生气,脸色阴森 black as your hat {adj.}很黑的(漆黑的) black ash [化]粗碳酸钠 black ash furnace [机]黑灰炉 black ash liquor [机]黑灰液 black ash waste [医]黑灰废液 black background 黑色背景 black backing varnish 黑底漆 black baking varnish 黑色烘干漆 black ball 秘密反对票 black bamboo 紫竹 black bamboo rhizome [医]紫竹根 black band 黑带,无火花换向区,菱铁矿 black band iron carbonate ore 黑泥碳酸铁矿 black bank==>{n.}黑人银行 {} 黑人银行
black bar 黑条 black bass 黑鲈[鱼] black batch 炭黑共沉胶 black batt [机]炭质页岩 black bean 黑大豆,豆豉 black bean aphid 蚕豆蚜 black bean tar [医]黑豆溜油[皮肤科用药] black bear {n.}黑熊 black bee 黑色种蜜蜂 black beer 黑啤酒 black beetle 蟑螂 black belt==>{n.}黑人聚居的地带 {}黑带,有黑带段数的练武者 black berry 欧黑莓 black bile 黑胆汁体液 black bile body humor 黑胆汁体液 black bill of lading {n.}不记名提单 black bindweed 荞麦蔓 black birch [医]黑桦 black bituminous baking enamel 黑沥青烘干磁漆 black blasting powder 黑色火药 black body 绝对黑体 black body coefficient [机]黑体系数 black body locus 黑体轨迹 black body radiation [电]黑体幅射 black body temperature 黑体温度 black body type cell 黑体式光电池 black bolt [化]粗制螺栓 black bond {n.}不记名债券 black book {n.}黑名册,可疑人物册 black border 黑色边缘 black border effect 黑色边缘效应 black bottle 毒药 black bottom plough 黑粘土(犁体)犁 black bottom plow 黑粘土犁 black bourse {n.}黑市证券交易所,外汇黑市 black box {n.}黑盒子 black box calf 黑匣,测谎器 black box model [计]黑箱模型,未知框模型 black box program characterization [计]黑箱程序特征记述 black box regulation [医]黑箱调节 black box testing [计]黑箱测试 black box theory 黑箱理论 black boy gum [化]禾木胶 black bread 黑面包 black brick 青砖 black brick tea 红砖茶 black bridge washer valve 黑色桥形洗涤阀 black brittleness 低温脆性 black bronze glaze 乌金釉 black brow bean {n.}黑眉豆 black bulb thermometer 黑球温度计 black buran 黑风暴 black burst generator 黑场发生器 black cable 黑色信号电缆 black calcareous soil 碳酸盐黑土,黑色石灰土 black calfskin leather tanned with chromium salts. 用铬盐硝制过的黑色小牛革 black camera paint 黑色照相机漆 black canarytree fruit [医]乌榄 black canarytree leaf [医]乌榄叶 black canarytree root [医]乌榄根 black canarytree seed [医]乌榄仁 black canker 黑水病 black canker of apple 苹果黑色溃疡病 black cap 宣判死刑时法官所戴的黑色帽子,犯人上绞架时戴的黑色帽子 black capitalism {n.}黑人资本主义 black carbon 碳黑 black carbon counter 炭黑计数器 black cargo {n.}棘手货 black carp 青鱼 black carp gall [医]青鱼胆 black carp meat [医]青鱼 black carp occipital bone [医]青鱼枕 black case work 暗箱操作 black casse 变黑 black catechu [医]黑儿茶 black chaff 小麦黑颖病 black chaff of rice 黑谷物 black chaff of wheat 黑颖病,小麦黑颖病 black chalk 一种用于制绘图铅笔的硬黑土 black charcoal 黑炭 black check 树脂囊 black check tactic {n.}空额支票策略 black check) bread streaks 面包条纹,面包孔性不匀,呈条带状 black cherry 黑樱桃 black cherry aphid 樱桃瘤额蚜 black cherry bark [医]野黑樱皮 black cigar 黑雪茄(巴西烟叶制的雪茄烟) black circuit [计]黑线路 black citrus aphid 桔二岔蚜 black clay glaze pottery 泥釉黑陶 black clip 黑色电平削波 black clipper 黑色电平切割器 black clipping 黑色电平限幅,黑色电平切割 black cloth 黑布 black coal [机]黑煤 black coat {n.}牧师,教士 black coat worker {n.}职员阶层 black coated worker {n.}工程技术人员,职员 black coating 黑涂料 black coating of tongue [医]黑苔 black cobalt 钴土 black coffee 黑咖啡 black coffee with cognac and lemon peel and sugar. 掺法国白兰地、柠檬皮和糖的黑咖啡 black cohosh [医]黑升麻,美升麻 black cohosh root [医]升麻,黑升麻 black collar axle 带内凸肩车轴 black collector 炭黑收集器 black college {n.}黑人学院 black coloured kidney beans 大黑花菜豆 black comedy 阴沈喜剧 black compression 黑色信号压缩,黑度压缩,黑度饱和 black consciousness {n.}(南非)黑人意识运动 black content 黑色含量 black contracts 秘密级的合同 black cook 蒸焦 black copper [机]黑铜矿 black copper oxide [医]黑氧化铜 black core 炭斑 black coring 黑心(砖的缺陷),砖心炭斑 black corundum 黑刚玉 black cost workers {n.}职员阶层 black cotton clay 黑棉土 black cotton soil 黑棉土 black coucal meat [医]小毛鸡 black countersunk head rivet 粗制沉头铆钉 black cow tongue 日本须鳎 black creek canal virus [医]黑港渠病毒 black croaker 角珊瑚 black crop {n.}豆类作物 black culture 黑人文化 black curd beans [医]豆豉 black curded bean 豆豉 black curded beans 黑豆豉 black currant 红醋栗 black currant flower oil [化]黑茶?子花油 black currant pastilles {n.}黑茶鹿子糖锭 black currant rash [医]黑醋栗疹,黑色干葡萄状疹 black currant reversion 黑刺莓重瓣病 black cutworm 小地老虎 black dammar 黑达马树脂 black dark comedy 荒诞喜剧,黑喜剧 black darkness {n.}漆黑一团 black date 黑枣 black death 黑死病,鼠疫 black deeds 凶恶的行为 black degeneration of brain 脑黑色变性 black dermatographism 黑色划皮现象 black dermographism [医]黑色皮肤划痕症 black despair {n.}深深的绝望 black dial 黑表盘 black diamond 黑金刚石,黑色金刚石 black diamonds {n.}煤 black discolouration 变黑,出现黑斑(于烧成物表面) black disease [医]黑病(羊传染性坏死性肝炎) black disease of bees 黑蜂病 black disease vaccine 黑色病疫苗 black dog 沮丧 black dot tinea [医]黑点癣 black dotted caddisfly 斑须泥苞虫 black draught 黑色顿服剂 black drop 黑滴 black dwarf 黑矮星 black dye 黑色染料 black dyes 黑色染料 black earth 黑土 black earth soil [医]黑钙土 black economy==>{n.}漏税的现金交易经济 {}黑色经济 black enamel 黑瓷漆 black enamelled conduit 黑磁漆铁管 black end 黑端病 black endorsement {n.}不记名背书 black exchange rate {n.}黑市外汇率 black eye {n.}发青的眼圈(失败,不好的名声),黑眼圈,被打得发青的眼圈 black eye-spot 黑眼病 black faced type 粗体字 black factice [化]黑油膏,黑色硫化油膏 black fallow 黑色休闲地,秋耕闲地 black falsehellebore [化]藜芦 black falsehellebore root and rhizome [医]藜芦 black feedback 未知反馈 black fever 黑色热 black fig 黑无花果 black figure {n.}余额,顺差 black figure nation
black finish adjust-able wrench 发黑处理可调扳手 black finish combination pliers 发黑处理钢丝钳 black finishing varnish 黑色罩漆 black flag {n.}海盗用的骷髅旗 black flah oil [机]黑鱼油 black flat taper head rivet 粗制平锥头铆钉 black flesh 可供买卖的黑人奴隶(总称) black flux 粗碳酸钾 black fly 墨蚊 black fog 黑雾 black food {n.}黑色食品 (富含黑色物质的健康食品,如黑芝麻、香菇、乌贼干等) black foot 媒人 black foot disease [医]乌脚病 black forest 德国山林区 black forest earth 暗色森林土 black friction tape 绝缘胶带 black frost 黑霜,黑冻 black fruit rot of apple 苹果黑腐病 black fungus {n.}云耳 black furnace 冷炉,不加热炉 black fused alumina 黑刚玉 black gauze cap 乌纱帽 black gibbon bone [医]猿骨 black ginger {n.}带皮的干生姜 black glass 黑色玻璃 black glaze 乌釉 black globe thermometer [医]黑球温度计 black goggles 黑色扩目镜 black gold==>{n.}煤 {}黑金,石油 black gonorrhea [医]血尿性淋病,出血性淋病 black goods {n.}黑色家用器具(指电视机、音响设备等,相对于洗衣机、冰箱等白色器具)[英] black gown 有学问的人,学者,黑衣教士(在印第安部落中传教的耶稣会教士)[美] black granite 黑花岗石,暗色花岗岩 black grease [机]黑润滑膏 black gum [机]黑桉树 black hairy tongue [医]黑舌病,黑舌,黑毛舌 black hand 黑手党 black harness oil 黑色皮革油 black hat 新来的移民[澳俚] black haw [医]黑荚蓬 black head [医]粉刺,黑头粉刺 black heart 黑心病 black heart malleable cast iron [机]黑心展性铸铁 black heart malleable castings [机]黑心展性铸件 black heart malleable iron 黑心可锻铸铁 black heart of potato 马铃薯黑心病 black heart process 黑心可锻化处理 black heat-proof varnish 黑色耐热漆 black heat-resisting paint 黑色耐高温漆 black heel 黑足跟 black hellebore [医]黑嚏根草 black henbane leaf [医]莨菪叶 black henbane root [医]莨菪根 black henbane seed [医]天仙子 black hole {n.}黑洞 black hole binary 双黑洞 black hole lung [医]黑洞肺 black hole neighbourhood 黑洞邻域 black horse [计]黑马 black house 黑市 black house market {n.}黑市外汇买卖 black humor 黑色幽默 black humorist 黑色幽默作家 black humour 黑色幽默(以幽默态度对待悲惨和痛苎的现实) black humus earth 黑色腐殖土 black hyacinth bean 黑扁豆 black ice {n.}透明薄冰,黑冰(因薄可映物而无白色) black in the face {adj.}脸色发紫 black index pulse 黑色指引脉冲 black ingratitude 恶毒的忘恩负义 black ink {n.}贷方,顺差,余额 black ink figure nation 国际收支顺差国 black insulating tape 黑色绝缘胶布 black interval 黑间隔 black iron [机]黑铁板,平铁 black iron conduit 黑铁导线管 black iron hexagon nut 黑铁六角螺丝帽 black iron ore 磁铁矿 black iron oxide [医]黑氧化铁,磁性氧化铁 black iron pipe 黑铁管 black iron washer 黑铁垫板 black issue {n.}黑人问题 black ivory==>{n.}非洲的黑奴 {}象牙墨(象牙烧制的黑色颜料) black ivory [ 史]非洲的黑奴 black jack 用皮革包的铅头短棍[美],海盗黑旗,二十一点牌戏,黑栎树[美],[苏、古]黑色短上衣,铁闪锌矿 black jade 墨玉 black japan 日本黑(一种含有沥青质的涂金属用的黑色快干油漆),沥青漆 black japanned iron hinge 黑漆铁铰链 black japanned iron wire hasp and staple 黑漆铁丝锁牌 black japanned screen door spring hinge 黑漆纱门弹簧铰链 black japanned spring hinge 黑漆单弹簧铰链,黑漆双弹簧铰链 black jetbead fruit and root [医]鸡麻 black jura 黑侏罗世 black kernel 稻黑粒病 black kerneled rice 黑米 black kite beak [医]鸢嘴 black kite brain [医]鸢脑髓 black kite fat [医]鸢油 black kite gall [医]鸢胆 black kite talons [医]鸢脚爪 black kite wing-bone [医]鸢翅骨 black knight {n.}黑骑士(指个人或公司试图以不正当手段接管另一家公司) black knot 黑节疤病 black knot of plum 梅李黑结带病 black lacquer 黑漆(用于家具和做工精致的小盒等) black large washer 粗制大垫圈 black lava glass 黑色熔岩玻璃 black law {n.}关于黑人的法律 black lead {n.}石墨(笔铅) black lead brush [机]石墨刷 black lead lubrication 石墨润滑剂 black lead ore 黑铅矿 black lead paint 石墨涂料,黑铅漆 black lead powder 黑铅粉 black leaf spot 黑色叶斑病 black leg 黑脚病 black leg of beet 甜菜立枯病,甜菜蛇眼病 black leg of potato 马铃薯胫病 black lenbane 莨菪根 black leopard {n.}黑豹 black letter {n.}黑体字 black letter book 以哥特体印的书 black letter conflict rule {n.}硬性冲突规范 black letter day {n.}平日,非节假日,不吉利的日子 black letter law {n.}黑体字法律 black letter of bill {n.}无记名票据 black level [电]黑面水平 black level clamping 黑电平箝位 black level clamping circuit 黑色电平箝位电路 black level restoration 黑色电平复位 black level setting circuit 黑色电平调整线路,黑色电平固定线路 black level shift 黑电平偏移 black lie 用心险恶的谎言 black light {n.}不可见光 black light sources [医]黑光源 black light therapy [医]黑光疗法 black light verification 黑光核对印鉴法 black lightning 黑闪 black lignite [机]黑色褐煤 black line 黑线病 black line character {n.}黑线人物 black lipid film 黑脂膜 black lipid membrane 黑脂膜 black lipid membraneBLM [医]黑脂膜 black liquor 醋酸铁液 black liquor solid 黑液固体物 black list 黑名单 black list at {n.}的黑名单 black literature {n.}黑人文学 black locust 洋槐 black locust flower [医]刺槐花 black looks 怒气冲冲的样子,敌视的脸色,恶狠狠的样子 black loose smut of oat 燕麦散黑穗病 black lung==>{n.}黑肺病 {}黑[矽]肺病,肺尘病,煤尘肺 black lung disease 黑肺病 black lye [化]黑液,纸浆黑液 black magic==>{n.}魔术,妖术 {}巫术,妖术,邪法 black magnesia [医]黑苦土,黑色氧化镁 black mail {n.}敲诈,勒索 black man {n.}黑人 black manganese 黑锰矿 black mangrove 海榄雌(树) black maple 黑糖槭 black marble in grains 黑大理石粒 black marble mantel clock 黑大理石座钟 black maria {n.}警车 black mark==>{n.}记过符号(污点,损坏名誉的东西),黑点,黑星号,污点 {}不利(于某人)的鉴定符号 black mark-line 墨斗线 black market {n.}黑市交易,黑市 black market bargain {n.}黑市交易 black market contract {n.}黑包工合同 black market exchange 黑市外汇 black market exchange rate {n.}黑市外汇汇率 black market financing 黑市筹资 black market of gold {n.}黄金黑市 black market operation {n.}黑市交易 black market outlet 黑市销路 black market price 黑市价格 black market purchase {n.}黑市采购 black market rate 黑市汇率 black market rate of exchange {n.}黑市汇率,黑市外汇 black market rates [经]黑市率 black market sale {n.}黑市销售 black market speculative trading {n.}黑市投机买卖 black marketeer {vt.}做黑市交易 black marketeering {n.}黑市交易 black marketeering channel {n.}黑市交易渠道 black marketering channel {n.}黑市交易渠道 black marketing {n.}黑市买卖 black marks {n.}污点,缺点,不佳评语 black marlin 黑枪鱼 black marrow [医]黑髓 black mart 黑市 black mart price {n.}黑市采购,黑市价 black mart purchase 黑市采购 black mart sale {n.}黑市销售 black mass 追思弥撒 black matrix 黑色矩阵,黑底 black meadow soils 暗色草甸土 black measle [医]黑麻疹 black measles 黑麻疹,出血性麻疹,出血性麻珍 black medic 天蓝 black medic herb [医]老蜗生 black mercuric sulfide 黑色硫化汞 black mercury sulfide [医]黑硫化汞 black mild steel carriage bolt and nut 黑铁马车螺丝闩 black mild steel fish bolt and nut 黑铁鱼尾螺丝闩 black mild steel flat head rivet 黑铁扁头铆钉 black mild steel flat head tinmen rivet 黑铁号头铆钉 black mild steel hexagonal nut 黑铁六角螺丝帽 black mild steel pan head rivet 黑铁锥头铆钉 black mild steel round head rivet 黑铁圆头铆钉 black mild steel square nut 黑铁四方螺丝帽 black mineral oil 重矿物油 black mist {n.}腐败行为 black mold 黑霉 black money 黑钱 black moonstone 黑色月光石 black mordant 黑色煤染剂,醋酸铁液 black morello cherry 莫雷氏黑樱桃 black mortar 黑砂浆 black mould 黑霉 black mould of rice 黑变病 black mustard 黑芥子,芥末 black mustard oil [机]黑芥子油 black nape 黑肚(未去黑膜的腹壁) black narness oil [机]黑色皮革油 black negative 黑色为负 (正极性调制) black negative or positive 黑负或黑正 black nickel 黑色镍 black night {n.}黑夜 black night shade 龙葵 black nightshade {n.}龙葵 black nightshade herb [医]龙葵 black nightshade seed [医]龙葵子 black nucleus 黑核 black nut [化]粗制螺母 black ocher 锰土 black oil 润滑重油 black oil conversion 黑油转化 black oil fuel [机]黑油燃料 black oil train 重油专用列车 black olive 鸟榄 black onyx 黑宝石 black opal 黑蛋白石 black ore deposit 黑矿型矿床 black out {vt.}用墨等涂掉(熄灭灯光,眼前发黑,查禁) black out curtain [医]遮光帘 black out level 熄灭电平 black out of video signals 视频信号熄灭 black out pulse 熄灭脉冲 black out signal 熄灭信号 black outlook {n.}暗淡的前景 black oxide [化]黑色氧化物(指VO-3) black oxide finish 氧化发黑处理 black oxide of iron [医]黑色氧化铁(剂) black paint 黑漆 black paint soil amendment and mulch 黑色涂料和覆盖 black palm 黑棕 black paper {n.}黑皮书 black patch 黑片病,黑块,黑斑点 black patches 黑斑点 black paternoster 咒诅 black peach aphids 山核桃黑蚜 black peak 黑色信号峰值 black pearl 黑珍珠 black people {n.}黑种人 black pepper {n.}(未成熟胡椒子所做的)黑胡椒粉 black pepper fruit [医]胡椒 black pepper oleoresin [医]黑胡椒油树脂 black petrel 黑叉尾海燕 black petroleum products 石油重油 black phenolic ready mixed paint 黑色酚醛调和漆 black photo paper [化]感光防护纸 black piedra 黑色发结节病 black pigment [机]炭黑 black pigment stone [医]黑色素(结)石 black pipe 非涂锌管 black plague 黑死病,鼠疫 black plate 黑钢板 black plate for tinning 马口铁卷板 black pod 黑荚果病,黑荚病 black point 黑点病 black pomfret 乌鲳 black poplar 黑杨 black poplar grove 黑杨小林 black population {n.}黑人人口 black porch 黑色电平肩,黑肩 black porgy 黑鲷 black positive 黑色为正(负极性调制) black pot 炼硫釜 black pottery 中国古代的黑陶,黑陶器 black pottery with clay glaze 泥釉黑陶 black powder 黑火药 black power 黑色火药,黑人权力 black power U.S. {n.}美国黑色权力 black power of attorney {n.}无记名委托书 black precipitate [医]黑色沉淀[物]氧化亚汞 black print 黑版 black process [机]生产气体炭黑的过程 black products 黑色石油产品 black programs 秘密级的程序 black pudding==>{n.}[英](用动物血、油脂等制成的)黑香肠 {}血肠 black pure phenolic resin primer 黑色纯酚醛底漆 black rabbit skin plate 黑色兔皮褥子 black race {n.}黑种人 black racer 黑游蛇 black radiation [机]黑体辐射 black radish [医]黑萝卜 black rain 黑雨 black raspberry 黑树莓,黑色覆盆子,黑色悬钩子 black rate 黑市价 black reclaim [化]黑再生胶 black red 黑红 black red heat 黑红色温度 black reference level 黑色基准电平 black region 黑色信号区域 black rice stink bug 稻黑蝽 black right whale 黑露脊鲸 black ring 黑环病 black ring virus 黑环病毒 black root 黑根 black root of rice [医]稻苗根黑腐病 black root of tobacco 烟草根黑腐病 black root rot 黑根腐病 black root rot of jujube 枣蔬点病 black root rot of sweet potato 甘薯拟黑斑病 black rot 黑腐病 black rot of cabbage 蔬菜黑腐病 black rot of carrot 胡萝卜黑斑病 black rot of cucurbits 瓜类黑腐病 black rot of grape 葡萄黑腐病 black rot of pear 梨轮纹病 black rot of rice grains 黑蚀米病 black rot of sweet potato 甘薯黑疤病 black rot of vine grape 葡萄黑腐病 black rouge 黑红铁粉 black rough bolt 粗制螺栓 black rubber 炭黑橡胶 black rubber cape-back coat 黑橡胶披肩 black rubber hat 黑橡胶帽 black rubber insertion 夹布胶片 black rubber police coat 黑橡胶警衣 black rust 黑锈病,杆锈病 black saddle seed 黑色马鞍种子 black salsify 鸦葱 black salt 黑盐 black sapote 黑肉柿 black sassafras [医]黑洋檫木例句与用法: Ah!My child,I know they have both suffered grief. They have has the black ox tread on their feet. 啊!我的孩子,我知道他俩都遭不幸。他们尝到了人世的悲痛。 Most African people are black people. 大多数非洲人是黑人。 A member of a group living in southern Alabama and southeast Mississippi,of mixed white,Black,and Native American ancestry. 阿卡迪亚人居住在阿拉巴马南部和密西西比东南部的一个民族,混有白人、黑人和印第安人的血统 The sexy starlet is a real eye-popper in her black bikini. 身著黑色比基尼的性感女星实在令人大饱眼福。 I changed my black and white television for a colour set. 我把黑白电视换了一台彩色的. After her husband died,she dressed in deep black for the rest of her life. 她丈夫去世后,她终生都穿着黑色丧服。 The lorry had been blacked by strikers and could not be unloaded. 那辆货车遭罢工者抵制而无法卸货. The future looks black. 前途暗淡. The strikers declared the cargo black. 罢工者宣布那批货不予处理. Do you have a black jacket? 你有一件黑夹克吗? He blacked his shoes before visiting his father-in-law. 在拜访岳父之前,他把鞋子擦黑。 The plane dived suddenly,causing the pilot to black out. 飞机猛然俯冲致使驾驶员昏厥. I think I have her phone number in my little black book. 我想在我的女友姓名地址记录簿中,有她的电话号码。 I must be in his black books because he keeps deliberately avoiding me. 我一定不讨他的喜欢,因为他总是故意避开我。 The population of the city was thinned out by the black death. 这个城市的人口由于黑死病而减少了。 We bought the company then a month later,Black Monday,we lost it. 我们买下该公司,而一个月后的黑色星期一,我们一亏涂地。 My father made home so disagreeable to me that what was called by schoolboys Black Monday was to me the whitest in the whole year. 父亲把家弄得令我心情很不愉快,所以学童们所称的"倒霉的星期一"倒成了我一年当中最快乐的日子。 Blackblack radio transmissions. 间接宣传;间接无线电传送 The poke of her black bonnet hide her face from him. 她那黑色帽子的前沿遮住了她的脸,使他看不见。 Black Widow is a (dead) cert for (ie is sure to win) the next race. '黑寡妇'马下一场比赛赢定了. Mr. black of the Electronic Co. has just rung up saying that he will come to see you this Friday morning. 电子公司的布莱克先生刚才来电话说,他本周五上午来看您。 A dry red wine made from the black grape variety Cabernet sauvignon. 卡勃耐酒一种无甜味的红色的酒,用卡勃耐白葡萄的变种黑葡萄制成 "What is it like down there?"shouted Marvin from the upper cave."Like the Black Hole of Calcutta,but a lot wetter,"came the reply. "下面怎么样?"马文在洞穴上方喊道。"像加尔各答城的小地牢,又闷又热,不过要潮湿得多。"下面回答道。 Carver,who was black,was born in Missouri in1864. 卡佛是个黑人,1864年出生在密苏里州。 Some criticized Clinton's move as"a slap in the face of the black community."Others said President Bush showed more guts when he stuck with Clarence Thomas during his Supreme Court nomination fight. 有些人批评克林顿的做法是"对所有黑人的污辱。"另一些人说布什总统在支持托马斯争取最高法院提名时,表现了更大的魄力。 She remembered nothing (about him) except that his hair was black. 她(对他)什麽都不记得,只记得他的头发是黑的. A dense mass of black hair framed his face. 浓密的黑发衬托著他的面庞. The measure of hue and saturation of a colour,undiluted with white,black or grey. 未用白色、黑色或灰色冲淡的颜色的色调和色饱和度的度量。 One of a breed of small,black dairy cattle of Irish origin. 克立牛一种产于爱尔兰的黑色小乳牛 A mixture of black manganese oxide minerals. 硬锰矿一种黑色氧化锰矿的混合物 Mr Miller is a black swan,an honest lawyer! 米勒先生是一位诚实的律师,非常难得。 It's impolite to call the black people Negros. 称呼黑人为Negro是不礼貌的。 I'd like it to be black,(or) white or grey. 那个东西我喜欢黑的、 (或)白的或灰的. As prices have dropped lower and lower,the outlook looks black for many companies in the city. 当价格一再下跌,对市内许多公司来说前景大为不妙。 The black sedan suddenly drew out into the traffic. 黑色轿车突然开动,驶进了车流。 Her black hair accentuateed the delicateness of her skin. 她那乌黑的头发更衬托出她洁嫩的皮肤。 The actress wore a black wig over her blond hair. 女演员的金发上戴着黑色的假发。 In 'the black cat' the adjective 'black' modifies the noun 'cat'. 在'黑猫'这一词组中,形容词'黑'修饰名词'猫'. The pine trees were black against the morning sky. 在早晨天空的映照下,那些松树呈黑色。 All lights are blacked out during air defence exercises. 在防空演习时对一切灯火都实行管制。 The mourners were all in black. 送葬者都穿着黑衣服。 There is an alternation of black and white stripes in that cloth. 那匹布黑白条纹相间。 Suddenly the train roared into a tunnel and everything was black. 突然火车轰隆隆地驶入一个隧道,四周的一切都漆黑一团。 I wonder whether Mr Black has any roses in his garden. 我不知道布莱克先生的花园里有没有玫瑰。 Conventional outward signs of grief for the dead,such as a black armband or black clothes. 戴孝为哀悼死者而采用的一种传统的标志,如戴在臂上的黑纱或黑衣服 Any of a breed of gray or black draft horse originally used in France for drawing artillery and heavy coaches but now bred in other countries for general purposes. 柏雪龙马一种产自法国的灰色或黑色的马,用来拉火炮和四轮大马车,现在其它国家大量养做它用 Mrs. Black shopped around till she got what she wanted at a price she could afford. 布莱克夫人从一家商店兜到另一家商店,最后以出得起的价格买进了她所需要的东西。 A black horse was on the inside track at the start of the race. 赛马一开始,一匹黑马便一马当先,冲到内圈。 A small black horse had the inside track at the start of the race. 比赛开始时,一匹小黑马领先跑内圈。 A bacterial or fungal disease of certain plants,such as the cabbage and potato,that causes the stems to turn black at the soil line. 黑胫病某些植物,如卷心菜和土豆的一种细菌或真菌疾病,引起茎干在与土接壤处变黑 He was dressed in a pair of black trousers. 他穿着一条黑色裤子。 Every bean hath its black. [谚]人孰无过。 His black eye was a beaut. 他的那只被打得发青的眼睛美极了。 That black eye you got in the fight is a beauty! 瞧你被打得眼青鼻肿,真漂亮极啦! The kids bedaubed the wall with black paint. 那些小家伙用黑漆把墙壁涂画得乱七八糟。 Low-hanging black clouds befogged the city. 黑云压城。 Black clouds betoken a storm. 乌云预示暴风雨即将来临。 The boy riding on the bicycle hit a big tree and was all black and blue. 骑自行车的男孩撞到大树而身上伤痕斑斑。 A field of burning grass is billowing thick black clouds of smoke into the sky. 一片燃烧着的草冒出的滚滚黑烟直冲云霄。 Black coffee leaves a bitter taste in the mouth. 不加奶的咖啡在嘴里留下了一些苦味. Things don't look as black as that. 情况并非如此之糟。 It was a cold,black night. 那是个寒冷而漆黑的夜晚。 This was one of the blackest crimes ever committed. 这是迄今犯下的最令人发指的罪行之一。 He gave her a black look. 他对她怒目而视。 Their future looked black. 他们的前途暗淡。 He was the first black to be elected as Mayor. 他是第一位被选为市长的黑人。 The black shows up against the white. 在白色的衬托下,黑色很显目。 The lady dressed in black is his aunt. 那位身着黑色衣服的女士是他的姑妈。 The children blacked the door with their finger marks. 孩子们的指痕将门弄得又脏?趾凇? The sky blacked over. 天空变黑了。 The strikers blacked the ship. 罢工者拒不干船上的工作。 The servant blacked his boots. 仆人给他的靴子擦黑鞋油。 He was black and blue all over. 他遍体鳞伤。 She beat the poor boy black and blue. 她把那个可怜的男孩打得遍体鳞伤。 I was black and blue after I had fallen down the stairs. 我从楼梯上摔下来,摔得青一块紫一块的。 He fell down the stairs and was all black and blue. 他从楼梯跌下而青一块紫一块了。 I want the contract in black and white. 我要这项合同见诸文字. The film was shot in black and white. 这部电影拍成了黑白片。 Black and white are opposites. 黑和白相反。 Most old films were made in black and white. 多数旧电影片都是黑白的. Is the film in colour or black and white? 这胶卷是彩色的还是黑白的? It is a black bear. 这是一头黑熊。 He whipped up a pistol and shot at the black bear. 他急忙抓起手枪,向那头黑熊射击。 Any of12 levels of proficiency at the grade of black belt in martial arts such as judo and karate. 段在东方武术中,黑腰带的级别精通达12级中的任一级,如柔道和空手道 A karate black belt chopped my knee when I sparred with him. 我和一个空手道黑带对打时,他砍了我膝盖。 Any of a breed of heavy-set dog originating in China,having a long,dense,reddish-brown or black coat and a blue-black tongue. 中国家犬,松狮犬一种身材矮胖的狗,最早在中国饲养,有长、密、红褐色或黑色的皮毛和蓝黑色的舌头 As there's no cream,we'll have to content ourselves with black coffee. 既然没有奶油,我们只好喝清咖啡算了. Give her some black coffee that'll help to sober her up. 给她一些清咖啡--让她清醒清醒。 I drink black coffee while he prefer it with cream. 我爱喝清咖啡而他喜欢加奶油的。 The growing black economy is beginning to worry the government. 黑市经营日益泛滥,政府已开始担忧。 The committee gave him a blackthey turned down his proposal. 委员会使他大受挫折;他们断然拒绝了他的提议。 The blow gave him a black eye. 一拳把他的眼眶打青了。 His subversive action will give a black eye to the whole liberal movement. 他的颠覆行为将使整个自由运动丧失信誉。 If you go on making fun of me,I'll give you a black eye. 如果你继续开我的玩笑,我就揍你一顿。 He was a dealer in black flesh. 他是个黑奴贩子。 In this area black frost usually comes first in early December. 这个地区通常在12月初开始出现严霜。 The black humor is overwhelming in that novel. 那部小说有太多荒诞的幽默。 She took up black humour for just one of her novels. 她只在一本小说中采用了黑色幽默的手法。 Black ice makes driving very dangerous. 光滑的坚冰使行车变得很危险。 The lorry skidded on a stretch of black ice. 货车在薄冰路面上打滑.英英解释(Powered By WordNet):名词[1.n.black]同义词:[black(n.黑色,黑颜料,黑人 adj.黑色的,弄脏了的,忧郁的 vt. (使)变黑,涂黑)] [blackness(n.黑色,阴险)] [inkiness(n.墨黑)]注释例句:the quality or state of the achromatic color of least lightness (bearing the least resemblance to white)上位词 -> [achromatic color] [color(n. (=colour)颜色,色彩,脸色,风格,外貌 vt.给...涂颜色,改变...的颜色,粉饰,脸红,歪曲 vi.获得颜色,变色)] [visual property] [property(n.财产,所有物,所有权,性质,特性,(小)道具)] [attribute(n.属性,品质,特征,加于,归结于)] [abstraction(n.提取)] [entity(n.实体)]下位词 -> [coal black]反义词 -> [white(n.白色,蛋白,白种人 adj.白(色)的,白种人的)]派生词 -> [black(n.黑色,黑颜料,黑人 adj.黑色的,弄脏了的,忧郁的 vt. (使)变黑,涂黑)] [black(n.黑色,黑颜料,黑人 adj.黑色的,弄脏了的,忧郁的 vt. (使)变黑,涂黑)] [black(n.黑色,黑颜料,黑人 adj.黑色的,弄脏了的,忧郁的 vt. (使)变黑,涂黑)] [black(n.黑色,黑颜料,黑人 adj.黑色的,弄脏了的,忧郁的 vt. (使)变黑,涂黑)][2.n.black]同义词:[total darkness] [lightlessness] [blackness(n.黑色,阴险)] [pitch blackness] [black(n.黑色,黑颜料,黑人 adj.黑色的,弄脏了的,忧郁的 vt. (使)变黑,涂黑)]注释例句:to"they fumbled around in total darkness";"in the black of night"上位词 -> [dark(n.黑暗,夜,黄昏,暗色,无知,模糊 adj.黑暗的,暗的,(头发、皮肤等)黑色的,隐秘的,无知的,隐晦的,模糊的)] [illumination(n.照明,阐明,启发,灯彩(通常用复数))] [state(n.情形,状态,国家,政府,州 adj.国家的,国有的,国营的,州的,正式的,典礼用的 vt.声明,陈述,规定)] [attribute(n.属性,品质,特征,加于,归结于)] [abstraction(n.提取)] [entity(n.实体)]派生词 -> [pitch-black(adj.漆黑的,墨黑的)] [black(n.黑色,黑颜料,黑人 adj.黑色的,弄脏了的,忧郁的 vt. (使)变黑,涂黑)][3.n.black]同义词:[Black(n.黑色,黑颜料,黑人 adj.黑色的,弄脏了的,忧郁的 vt. (使)变黑,涂黑)] [Joseph Black]注释例句:British chemist who identified carbon dioxide and who formulated the concepts of specific heat and latent heat ()实例 -> [chemist(n.化学家,药剂师)][4.n.black]同义词:[Black(n.黑色,黑颜料,黑人 adj.黑色的,弄脏了的,忧郁的 vt. (使)变黑,涂黑)] [Shirley Temple Black] [Shirley Temple]注释例句:popular child actress of the 1930's (born in 1928)实例 -> [actress(n.女演员)][5.n.black]同义词:[Black(n.黑色,黑颜料,黑人 adj.黑色的,弄脏了的,忧郁的 vt. (使)变黑,涂黑)] [Black person] [blackamoor(n.黑人(尤指非洲黑人),皮肤黑的人)] [Negro(n.黑人)] [Negroid(adj.黑人似的,黑人系统的 n.黑人)]注释例句:a person with dark skin who comes from Africa (or whose ancestors came from Africa)上位词 -> [person(n.人,身体,容貌,[语法]人称)] [organism(n.生物体,有机体)] [living thing] [whole(n.全部,全体,整体,完全之体系 adj.所有的,完整的,完全的,纯粹的,未损伤的,未打破的 adv.完全,整个)] [object(n.物体,目标,宾语,对象 vi.反对,拒绝,抗议 vt.提出...来反对)] [physical entity] [entity(n.实体)]下位词 -> [Negress(n. 女黑人)] [Black man] [Black woman] [colored person] [darky(n.黑人)] [nigger(n.(对黑人的冒犯称呼)黑人,黑鬼)] [Tom(n.雄动物,雄猫)] [pickaninny(n. (=picaninny)黑人小孩,澳大利亚土著小孩)]成员总称 -> [Black race]所有总称 -> [Black race]所有 -> [Africa(n.非洲)]惯用法 -> [Africa(n.非洲)][6.n.black]同义词:[black(n.黑色,黑颜料,黑人 adj.黑色的,弄脏了的,忧郁的 vt. (使)变黑,涂黑)]注释例句:(board games) the darker pieces上位词 -> [man(n.男人,人类,人,丈夫,雇工 vt.为...配备人手,操纵,在...就位,使振奋)] [game equipment] [equipment(n.装备,设备,器材,装置,铁道车辆,(一企业除房地产以外的)固定资产,才能)] [instrumentality(n.手段)] [artifact(n.人造物品)] [whole(n.全部,全体,整体,完全之体系 adj.所有的,完整的,完全的,纯粹的,未损伤的,未打破的 adv.完全,整个)] [object(n.物体,目标,宾语,对象 vi.反对,拒绝,抗议 vt.提出...来反对)] [physical entity] [entity(n.实体)]所有 -> [chess(n.国际象棋)] [checkers(西洋跳棋)]种类 -> [chess(n.国际象棋)] [checkers(西洋跳棋)]反义词 -> [white(n.白色,蛋白,白种人 adj.白(色)的,白种人的)][7.n.black]同义词:[black(n.黑色,黑颜料,黑人 adj.黑色的,弄脏了的,忧郁的 vt. (使)变黑,涂黑)]注释例句:black clothing (worn as a sign of mourning);"the widow wore black"上位词 -> [clothing(n.衣服)] [covering(n.遮盖物)] [artifact(n.人造物品)] [whole(n.全部,全体,整体,完全之体系 adj.所有的,完整的,完全的,纯粹的,未损伤的,未打破的 adv.完全,整个)] [object(n.物体,目标,宾语,对象 vi.反对,拒绝,抗议 vt.提出...来反对)] [physical entity] [entity(n.实体)]动词[1.v.black]同义词:[blacken(v.使变黑,诽谤变黑)] [melanize(黑化)] [melanise] [nigrify(vt.使黑,使变黑)] [black(n.黑色,黑颜料,黑人 adj.黑色的,弄脏了的,忧郁的 vt. (使)变黑,涂黑)]注释例句:"The smoke blackened the ceiling";"The ceiling blackened"上位词 -> [discolor(v.使脱色,使污染 v. (使)变色,(使)退色)] [change(n.改变,变化,转变,找回的零钱,找头,辅币 vt.改变,变革,改造,兑换)]反义词 -> [whiten(vt.使白,变白,刷白,漂白 vi.变白)]派生词 -> [black(n.黑色,黑颜料,黑人 adj.黑色的,弄脏了的,忧郁的 vt. (使)变黑,涂黑)]形容词[1.a.black]同义词:[black(n.黑色,黑颜料,黑人 adj.黑色的,弄脏了的,忧郁的 vt. (使)变黑,涂黑)]注释例句:being of the achromatic colorhaving little or no hue owing to absorption of almos"black leather jackets";"as black as coal";"rich black soil"另外 -> [dark(n.黑暗,夜,黄昏,暗色,无知,模糊 adj.黑暗的,暗的,(头发、皮肤等)黑色的,隐秘的,无知的,隐晦的,模糊的)]属性 -> [value(n.价值,估价,评价,价格,[数]值,确切涵义 vt.估价,评价,重视)]另外 -> [dark(n.黑暗,夜,黄昏,暗色,无知,模糊 adj.黑暗的,暗的,(头发、皮肤等)黑色的,隐秘的,无知的,隐晦的,模糊的)]反义词 -> [white(n.白色,蛋白,白种人 adj.白(色)的,白种人的)]派生词 -> [blackness(n.黑色,阴险)][2.a.black]同义词:[black(n.黑色,黑颜料,黑人 adj.黑色的,弄脏了的,忧郁的 vt. (使)变黑,涂黑)]注释例句:of or belonging to a racial group having dark skin especially of sub-Saharan A"a great people--a black people--...injected new meaning and dignity into the veins of civilization"- Martin Luther King Jr.近义词 -> [African-American] [colored(adj. (指人种)有色的)] [negro(n.黑人)] [negroid(adj.黑人似的,黑人系统的 n.黑人)]反义词 -> [white(n.白色,蛋白,白种人 adj.白(色)的,白种人的)][3.a.black]同义词:[black(n.黑色,黑颜料,黑人 adj.黑色的,弄脏了的,忧郁的 vt. (使)变黑,涂黑)]注释例句:marked by anger or res"black looks";"black words"近义词 -> [angry(adj.生气的,愤怒的,狂暴的(风雨等))][4.a.black]同义词:[black(n.黑色,黑颜料,黑人 adj.黑色的,弄脏了的,忧郁的 vt. (使)变黑,涂黑)] [bleak(adj.寒冷的,阴冷的,荒凉的,凄凉的,黯淡的)] [dim(adj.暗淡的,模糊的,无光泽的,悲观的,怀疑的 vt.使暗淡,使失去光泽 n. 笨蛋、傻子)]注释例句:offeri"the future looked black";"prospects were bleak";"Life in the Aran Islands has always been bleak and difficult"- J.M.S"took a dim view of things"近义词 -> [hopeless(adj.没有希望的,绝望的,不可救药)][5.a.black]同义词:[black(n.黑色,黑颜料,黑人 adj.黑色的,弄脏了的,忧郁的 vt. (使)变黑,涂黑)] [dark(n.黑暗,夜,黄昏,暗色,无知,模糊 adj.黑暗的,暗的,(头发、皮肤等)黑色的,隐秘的,无知的,隐晦的,模糊的)] [sinister(adj.险恶的)]注释例句:stemming from evil charawi"black deeds";"a black lie";"his black heart has concocted yet another black deed";"Darth Vader of the dark side";"a dark purpose";"dark undercurrents of ethnic hostility";"the scheme of some sinister intelligence bent on punishing him"-Thomas Hardy近义词 -> [evil(adj.邪恶的,带来麻烦的,不幸的,有害的,诽谤的 n.邪恶,不幸,罪恶)][6.a.black]同义词:[black(n.黑色,黑颜料,黑人 adj.黑色的,弄脏了的,忧郁的 vt. (使)变黑,涂黑)] [calamitous(adj.多灾难的,不幸的)] [disastrous(adj.损失惨重的,悲伤的)] [fatal(adj.致命的,重大的,命运注定的,不幸的,致命的,毁灭性的)] [fateful(adj.宿命的,重大的,决定性的,致命性的,预言性的)]注释例句:(of events) having extremely unfortunate "the stock market crashed on Black Friday";"a calamitous defeat";"the battle was a disastrous end to a disastrous campaign";"such doctrines,if true,would be absolutely fatal to my theory"- Charles D"it is fatal to enter any war without the will to win it"- Douglas MacA"a fateful error"近义词 -> [unfortunate(adj.不幸的,不合宜的,不吉利的,使人遗憾的 n.不幸的人)][7.a.black]同义词:[black(n.黑色,黑颜料,黑人 adj.黑色的,弄脏了的,忧郁的 vt. (使)变黑,涂黑)] [blackened]注释例句:(of the face) made black especially as"a face black with fury"近义词 -> [colored(adj. (指人种)有色的)][8.a.black]同义词:[black(n.黑色,黑颜料,黑人 adj.黑色的,弄脏了的,忧郁的 vt. (使)变黑,涂黑)] [pitch-black(adj.漆黑的,墨黑的)] [pitch-dark(adj.漆黑的)]注释例句:"a black moonless night";"through the pitch-black woods";"it was pitch-dark in the cellar"近义词 -> [dark(n.黑暗,夜,黄昏,暗色,无知,模糊 adj.黑暗的,暗的,(头发、皮肤等)黑色的,隐秘的,无知的,隐晦的,模糊的)]派生词 -> [pitch blackness] [blackness(n.黑色,阴险)][9.a.black]同义词:[black(n.黑色,黑颜料,黑人 adj.黑色的,弄脏了的,忧郁的 vt. (使)变黑,涂黑)] [grim(adj.严酷的)] [mordant(n.媒染,媒染剂,金属腐蚀剂,金属箔粘着剂 adj.讽刺的,媒染性的,有腐蚀性的 vt.以媒染剂处理)]注释例句:harshl"black humor";"a grim joke";"grim laughter";"fun ranging from slapstick clowning ... to savage mordant wit"近义词 -> [sarcastic(adj.讽刺的)][10.a.black]同义词:[black(n.黑色,黑颜料,黑人 adj.黑色的,弄脏了的,忧郁的 vt. (使)变黑,涂黑)]注释例句:(of intelligence operations) del"black propaganda"近义词 -> [covert(adj.隐蔽的,偷偷摸摸的,[律]在丈夫保护下的 n.掩蔽处,隐藏处)][11.a.black]同义词:[bootleg(v.私卖(酒))] [black(n.黑色,黑颜料,黑人 adj.黑色的,弄脏了的,忧郁的 vt. (使)变黑,涂黑)] [black-market(v.在黑市卖)] [contraband(n.违法交易,违禁品,走私 adj.禁运的,非法买卖的)] [smuggled]注释例句:distribut"the black economy pays no taxes"近义词 -> [illegal(adj.违法的,不合规定的)][12.a.black]同义词:[black(n.黑色,黑颜料,黑人 adj.黑色的,弄脏了的,忧郁的 vt. (使)变黑,涂黑)] [disgraceful(adj.可耻的,不名誉的)] [ignominious(adj.可耻的,不光彩的,下流的)] [inglorious(adj.不名誉的,不体面的,可耻的)] [opprobrious(adj.嘴不干净的,无礼的,粗野的,该骂的,可耻的)] [shameful(不体面的)]注释例句:(used of conduct or character) deserving or bringi"Man...has written one of his blackest records as a destroyer on the oceanic islands"- Rachel C"an ignominious retreat";"inglorious defeat";"an opprobrious monument to human greed";"a shameful display of cowardice"近义词 -> [dishonorable(adj.不名誉的)][13.a.black]同义词:[black(n.黑色,黑颜料,黑人 adj.黑色的,弄脏了的,忧郁的 vt. (使)变黑,涂黑)]注释例句:(of coffee) without cream or sugar近义词 -> [undiluted(adj.未搀水,未冲淡的,纯粹的)]派生词 -> [blackness(n.黑色,阴险)][14.a.black]同义词:[black(n.黑色,黑颜料,黑人 adj.黑色的,弄脏了的,忧郁的 vt. (使)变黑,涂黑)] [smutty(adj.煤黑的)]注释例句:soil"with feet black from playing outdoors";"his shirt was black within an hour"近义词 -> [dirty(adj.肮脏的,卑鄙的,下流的,暴风雨的,恶劣的(天气) vt.弄脏 vi.变脏)]派生词 -> [blackness(n.黑色,阴险)]西安速译通信息科技专注词典与翻译领域, 给您带来更好的查询体验, 联系Email:


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