
请用英语表述以下内容.要点如下:1. 李明非常喜欢篮球.每天花很多时间打篮球和看篮球杂志,2. 他学习很努力.但英语学得不太好,3. 他的父母想请一位英语教师帮他学好英语,4. 就李明的父母为他请英语教师一事,谈谈你的看法 .要求:1. 不要逐句翻译,2. 字数60-80. 题目和参考答案——精英家教网——
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请用英语表述以下内容,要点如下:1. 李明非常喜欢篮球,每天花很多时间打篮球和看篮球杂志;2. 他学习很努力,但英语学得不太好;3. 他的父母想请一位英语教师帮他学好英语;4. 就李明的父母为他请英语教师一事,谈谈你的看法(至少两点) 。要求:1. 不要逐句翻译;2. 字数60-80.
&Li Ming likes basketball very much. He spends much time playing basketball and reading magazines about it. He studies hard,but isn't good at English. His parents are looking for an English teacher to help him with his English.& I think it's not necessary for him to have another English teacher,because he can get enough help from his English teacher at school. And his parents needn't pay extra money for that.& (I think it's good for Li Ming to have another English teacher,because he will improve his English more quickly. And it's also a good chance for him to practise oral English.)
题目来源: &
& When I was at University,I studied very hard. But a lot of my friends did very little work. Some did just enough to pass exams. Others didn't do quite enough. Fred Baines was one of them. He spent more time drinking in the Students' Union than working in the library.& Once at the end of a term,we had to take an important test in chemistry. The test had a hundred questions. Beside each question we had to write "True" or "False". While I was studying in my room the night before the test,Fred was watching TV. Fred usually worried a lot the night before a test. But on that night he looked perfectly calm. Then he told me of his plan. "It's very simple. There are a hundred questions and I have to get fifty correct to pass the test. I'll take a coin into the examination room. I haven't studied my chemistry book for months,so I'll just toss the coin. That way,Fm sure I'll get half the questions right."& The next day,Fred came happily into the exam room. As he sat tossing a coin for half an hour,he marked down his answers. Then he left,half an hour before the rest of us.& The next day,he saw the chemistry professor in the corridor. "Good morning,sir," he said. "Have you got the result of the test?" The professor looked at him and smiled, "Ah,it's you,Fred Baines. Just a minute. " Then he reached into his pocket and took out a coin. He threw it into the air,caught it in his hand and looked at it."I'm terribly sorry,Fred," he said. "You failed!"( & ) 1. This story mainly wants to tell us &&&&&& &.&&&A. chemistry is really hard to learn&&&B. there were too many questions for students to prepare for&&&C. good exam results need hard study&&&D. tossing a coin cannot always decide the result( & ) 2. Fred Baines was one of those who &&&&&& &.&&&A. did just enough to pass the exam&&&B. didn't work hard enough for their studies&&&C. had too much other work for the Students' Union&&&D. were quite good at passing exams( & ) 3. Fred came happily into the exam room because &&&&&&.&&&A. he had got ready for the exam&&&B. he knew the answers already&&&C. the other students would be behind him&&&D. he had his way to finish the exam( & ) 4. The chemistry exam in fact &&&&&& &.&&&A. was not very hard&&&B. took the other students an hour to finish&&&C. had more than one hundred questions&&&D. needed to be done by tossing a coin( & ) 5. The professor tossed the coin to tell Fred that &&&&&& &.&&&A. he was satisfied with his way for the exam&&&B. he wanted to make friends with him&&&C. his way for the exam would never work&&&D. the exam result depended on the coin
& Once there lived a man and his wife who had wanted a child of their own for a long time but didn't have one. At the back of their house there was a little window from which a wonderful garden could be seen. The garden was f (1)&&&&&& of beautiful flowers and vegetables. But it was surrounded by a high wall,and it b (2)&&&&&& to a powerful witch (女巫) .So no one ever went into the garden.& One day,the wife stood at the window and looked out into the garden. She saw a delicious vegetable called "lettuce”g (3)&&&&&& there. It looked so fresh and green that she hoped to have some. This c (4)&&&&&& for days,and she became very sad and sick. The husband became n (5)&&&&&& .& "What's wrong,dear wife?" he asked.& "If I can't eat those vegetables,I think I will die!" The wife answered. "Instead of 1 (6)&&&&&& my wife,I will get her some lettuce w (7)&&&&&& it costs”,the man thought.& In the evening,he c (8)&&&&&& over the wall into the garden. He q (9)&&&&&& picked a handful of the lettuce and brought it home. She made a salad with it and a &&&&&& (10) it all. It was so good that the next day she wanted some more. Her husband had to go into the garden again.1. f&&&&&& 2. b&&&&&& 3. g & & & &4. c & & &&5. n &&&&&& &6. 1 &&&&&&& 7. w & & &&8. c & & &9. g & & & &10. a&&&&&&
&Tim was a twelve-year-old boy and he studied in a middle school. His father,Mr Black,was an engineer. Tim liked to tell his father e 1&&&&&& about his school life. He thought his father was his b 2&&&&&& friend.& One night,Mr Black went into Tim's room and sat on the chair. Tim jumped onto b 3&&&&&& and was going to sleep. "How was everything going at school today?" Mr Black asked.& "It was too bad for me”, Tim answered. " I got a C in the English exam. Our teacher has told you about it on the p 4 &&&&&&,right?"& "Yes,but it was only a small part of the day”, said Mr Black. " There were also good parts,so tell me the best thing to you today."& Tim s 5&&&&&&and said, "We had a football match against Class 2&and we won the match!" "That's great!I am glad you had a good time," said Mr Black. "Just think about it b 6&&&&&& you go to sleep. Now I'm going to turn o 7&&&&&&the light. Have a good dream!" " Good night,Daddy," said Tim.& Every night Mr Black and Tim had a little talk like this. Every night Tim answered the same question "w&8&&&&&& was the best thing to you today?" Every night Tim went to sleep t 9&&&&&&about the best thing. It was a good way to end his day.P 10&&&&&& you want to try it. If so,just do it tonight.1. e &&&&&&2. b& & &&3. b &&&&&&4. p &&&&&&5. s &&&&&& &6. b &&&&&&7. o& & &&8. w &&&&&&9. t &&&&&&10. P&&&&&&&
& &Little Mike's grandma d (1)&&&&&& weeks ago. He missed her very much. One afternoon Mike went to the city park,where his grandma u (2)&&&&&& to go. There he saw an old lady. She looked very kind. She was sitting there,watching pigeons (鹤子) .Little Mike went up and sat n (3)&&&&&& to her. He took out his food and drinks and g (4)&&&&&& some to her. She smiled at him. Her smile was so sweet that Mike wanted to see it again. She s (5)&&&&&& to understand him,so once again she smiled. Mike was very glad.& They sat there all the afternoon,eating and t (6)&&&&&& As it grew dark,Mike got up to leave. Before he left,he hugged (拥抱) the old lady and she gave him her s (7)&&&&&& smile.When Mike got home,his mother was s (8)&&&&&& by the look of joy on his face. "I met a granny in the park. Her smile was like the kind of smile I had seen on Grandma's face."& The old lady also r (9) &&&&&&to her home happily. She told her son that she had had food and drinks with a little boy. "He was as 1 (10)&&&&&& as Brittany," she said. Her son was surprised,because he had never seen her so happy since Brittany,her grandson,died weeks ago.1. d & & &&2. u & & &&3. n&&&&&& 4. g&&&&&& 5. s &&&&&& &6. t&&&&&& 7. s & & &&8. s & & &&9. r & & &&10. 1&&&&&&
请你以学校学生会的名义,写一份有关即将在本校举办2011年英语夏令营活动的书面通知。内容如下&&时间7月29日至8月1日地点学校礼堂内容1.演讲,辩论2.谈学习英语的经验3.师生英语晚会4.游览市容&1.欢迎广大同学踊跃参加夏令营活动2.活动结束后写一篇日记,谈谈你的感想注意:1. 词数80~100;2. 意思连贯,语言通顺,避免逐条翻译;3. 开头部分已经给出,不计入总词数。参考词汇:make a speech/give a lecture &have a debate&Dear students,The English Summer Camp will &&&&&& && & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & Students Union注意:1. 词数80~100;2. 意思连贯,语言通顺,避免逐条翻译;3. 开头部分已经给出,不计入总词数。参考词汇:make a speech/give a lecture &&&&&& have a debate Dear students,The English Summer Camp will &&&&&& &Students Union
& One's attitude is always important. If you are lazy and weak,you will never taste any success. But if you are 1 &&&&&&,success and happiness will be more likely to come to you.& I love eating persimmons (柿子) .But you can't get them until autumn. If you try them before the right time,they probably 2 &&&&&& bad.& In Grade Six,because of my poor grades,my parents were 3 &&&&&& that I wouldn't be able to get into an excellent middle school. They 4 & & &&&me to study harder,but I didn't really understand why they were so anxious.& Summer came,and I studied hard. The hot weather made me sleepy and I couldn't 5 &&&&&& my textbooks. But every time I wanted to stop 6 &&&&&&,Mom would shout: "Hey you!Think about your 7 &&&&&&,If you don't work hard,you'll regret it!" I had to sit back down again and return to my textbooks. But all I 8 &&&&&& was playing with my friends and eating persimmons.& My mom would say to me,with a serious look on 9 &&&&&& face:"If a persimmon treedoesn't grow in summer,it can't bear fruit in autumn!Only by hard work 10 & & &&&you get the good result of your work."& Although I didn't understand it at that time,I 11 & & &&&came to see the truth of her words.A few months later,I succeeded in getting into the key&middle school. It was 12 & & &&&.& Walking in my new school,I could see quite a few persimmon trees. The fruit was so red that it looked as if it was on fire. Suddenly,I 13 & & &&&that working hard may be bitter but its fruit is sweet.& My mom was right:if a persimmon tree doesn't grow 14 &&&&&& summer,it can't bear fruit in autumn. I smiled. I had grown through the summer 15 &&&&&& now it was autumn. I tasted my success and enjoyed the fruits of my labors!( & ) 1. A. busy&&&B. clever&&&C. foolish&&&D. hardworking( & ) 2. A. look&&&B. taste&&&C. turn&&&D. smell( & ) 3. A. embarrassed&&&B. worried &&C. excited&&&D. interested( & ) 4. A. afforded&&&B. allowed&&&C. pushed&&&D. pulled( & ) 5. A. depend on&&&B. decide on &&C. work on&&&D. concentrate on( & ) 6. A. thinking&&&B. working&&&C. playing&&&D. enjoying( & ) 7. A. past&&&B. hobby&&&C. health&&&D. future( & ) 8. A. talked about&&&B. heard about& & &&C. thought about&&&D. considered about( & ) 9. A. her&&&B. your&&&C. my&&&D. his( & ) 10. A. have to&&&B. can&&&C. need&&&D. must( & ) 11. A. probably&&&B. particularly&&&C. gradually&&&D. maybe( & ) 12. A. spring&&&B. summer&&&C. autumn&&&D. winter( & ) 13. A. realized&&&B. considered&&&C. noticed&&&D. saw( & ) 14. A. before&&&B. during&&&C. after&&&D. in( & ) 15. A. and&&&B. but&&&C. or&&&D. so&
&I worked as a waiter at a cafe a few months ago. One night,just before I I &&&&&& (1) ,I found a large wallet on the floor near one of the tables. I was very b (2)&&&&&& at that time,so I didn't have time to check it for the owner's identification (身份) .I thought if there was anything i (3)&&&&&& in it,the owner would be b (4)&&&&&& . Sure enough an hour later,a man came into the cafe and asked if anyone had found a wallet. I asked him to describe the 1 (5)&&&&&& wallet,and after he had described it c (6)&&&&&& ,I gave him the wallet. He seemed very pleased and asked if I had opened the wallet. When I told him "No",he opened it at once and showed me that it had nearly$800. Then he took out a$20 bill and forced it in my hand. "A reward for your honesty (诚实) ,"he said and then turned and walked away.& Thinking about it later,I w (7)&&&&&& wondering whether I would have been so honest if I had known w (8)&&&&&& was in the wallet!But anyway I had saved someone's Christmas plan b (9)&&&&&& finding and returning the wallet. The nice f (10)&&&&&& it gave me was worth much more than the money.1. 1 & & & &2. b & & &&3. i & & &&4. b&&&&&& 5. 1 &&&&&& &6. c &&&&&& & 7. w & & &&8. w & & &&9. b & & &&10. f & & &
&I will never forget an accident that happened in my own childhood. When I was a boy of twelve,something happened to me that made me never 1 &&&&&& any birds in a cage.& We lived on the edge of a 2&&&&&& in South Carolina,and every evening many mockingbirds would come and rest in the trees and sing. There isn't any sound that can be 3 &&&&&& than the song of the mockingbird.& I decided to catch a young bird and keep it in a cage,4&&&&&& in that way,I could have my own musician.& I finally caught one and put it in a cage. The bird was 5 &&&&&& and fluttered about the cage,hut finally it became quiet in its new home. I felt pleased with 6 &&&&&& and looked after my little musician carefully.& On the second day,the bird's mother flew to the cage 7 &&&&&& food in her mouth. The baby bird ate up 8 &&&&&& she brought. I was pleased to see this. Certainly his mother knew better than I how to feed her baby.& The following morning when I went to see 9 &&&&&& my little bird was,I found it on the floor of the cage,dead. I was very surprised!What had happened!I had taken great 10 &&&&&& of the little bird!& Arthur Wayne,a famous scientist,happened to be in the forest where we lived at the time. Hearing me crying over the 11 &&&&&& of my bird,he told me what 12&&&&&&&A mother mocking?bird,finding her young in a cage,will sometimes bring it poison food. She thinks 13 &&&&&& better for her young to die than to live in a cage.&& 14&&&&&& I never catch any birds or put them in a cage.& All the birds have the right to 15 &&&&&& in the sky.( & ) 1. A. put&&&B. cut&&&C. draw&&&D. pull( & ) 2. A. river&&&B. forest&&&C. city&&&D. sea( & ) 3. A. more beautiful&&&B. less terrible&&&C. worse&&&D. noisier( & ) 4. A. but&&&B. or&&&C. and&&&D. though( & ) 5. A. lucky&&&B. silent&&&C. kind&&&D. frightened( & ) 6. A. yourself&&&B. myself&&&C. herself&&&D. himself( & ) 7. A. without & &B.around&&&C. in&&&D. with( & ) 8. A. someone&&&B. nothing&&&C. everything&&&D. anyone( & ) 9. A. how&&&B. what&&&C. which&&&D. whether( & ) 10. A. place&&&B. rest&&&C. picture&&&D. care( & ) 11. A. death&&&B. cage&&&C. food&&&D. health( & ) 12. A. could happen&&&B. would happen & && & & &C. had happened&&&D. has happened( & ) 13. A. one&&&B. it&&&C. that&&&D. this( & ) 14. A. Soon after&&&B. Since then&&&C. Just then&&&D. Long ago( & ) 15. A. jump&&&B. run&&&C. fly&&&D. walk
n. 〈板球〉快速投球者
n. 〈板球〉投快速旋转球的投手
n. 〈板球〉擅长投旋转球的球员
n. 玩滚球的人,玩球戏的人,投手;圆顶礼帽
initiative玩球用英语怎么说 完美作业网
我在玩球用英语怎么说?为什么要用the? 一般来说都是特指the baseball,the basketball,the table tennis等等。特指某一种球或者就是特指一个球the ball。所以是要用the的
玩球英文怎么说 play ball
你会玩些什么球?用英语怎么说 kinds of balls(什么球)不对,中文是有这样广泛的定义球类运动,但是英文每一个球类运动并没有定义词。像羽毛球就叫badminton所以恰当的表述应该是What kind of sports can you play?
玩球的英语单词是什么 play balls(football 、basketball 、volleyball 、tennis等等)play a ballplay with a ball为“同一个球玩、和一个球玩”,也可以写为play with ballsball也可以换成其他具体球类名词,如football 足球rugby 橄榄球basketball 篮球volleyball 排球baseball 垒球handball 手球hockey 曲棍球golf 高尔夫球cricket 板球baseball 棒球softball 垒球bowling/ bowls/ tenpin bowling 保龄球ice hockey/ puck 冰球football(美语中) 橄榄球golf 高尔夫球grounder 滚球polo 马球American football/ rugby 美式橄榄球table tennis乒乓球hockey 曲棍球handball 手球center forward水球billiards/ pool台球tennis 网球badminton 羽毛球football(英)/ soccer(美) 足球rugby 橄榄球tennis 网球handball 手球hockey 曲棍球golf 高尔夫球cricket 板球baseball 棒球softball 垒球pingpang 乒乓球(或者table tennis)
好球用英语怎么说?Well do!好球!Good shot!好球!Nice one, Bob!好球,鲍勃!He played a good-length ball back to the bowler.他传给投手一个落点好球.this pitcher throws more strikes than balls.这个投球手投了好几个好球.he finished with three strikes in the tenth frame.第十局他打了三个好球.His coach slapped him on the back to praise him for his good shot.教练拍拍他的背称赞他投了一个好球.call balls and strikes behind the plate.在本垒板后判为好球或坏球.The count is three and two with two away in the seventh.现在是第七局,两好球三坏球,两人出局.The pitcher threw a high inside pitch to brush the batter back.这投手一个高内角球,使击球手紧张而打不出好球.
我拿着它最喜欢的球去逗它玩用英语怎么说 我拿它最喜欢的球去逗它玩.英语:I was playing her/him with her/his favorite ball.即便是宠物, 也用his/him这类人称代词.
乒乓球用英语怎么说? 如果只“乒乓球运动”,可以用ping-pong或table tennis,如果指“乒乓球”这种小东西,可以用拟声词 pingpong ball,也可以用 table tennis ball。
“进一个球”用英语怎么说 进了一个球 I The ball to踢进一个球 kick a goal我投进了一个两分球 I put in a two-ball
英语翻译。你想玩球吗 do you want to play ball?ball 可以换成football,basketball等各种球。他们在打篮球 的翻译是:They are playing basketball 中文翻译英文意思,翻译英语
They play basketball
They play basketball
They are playing basketball
They play basketball
They are playing the basketball
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& a220 serv-u FTP server v6.3 for winsock ready...421 Too many users-please try again later. 220项服务u FTP服务器v6.3为胜利一击准备… 421名许多用户请以后再试一次。 & alarger communication
networks 更大的通讯网络 & afailed to start a recent hardware or software change might be thecause to fix the problem 没开始最近硬件或软件改变也许是解决问题的thecause & aturning gear 转动的齿轮 & a阐述鄱阳湖生态经济区傩文化数字化保护的意义, Elaborates the Poyang Lake ecology economic zone nuo culture digitization protection significance, & ahave you ever swum in the sed 让您游泳在SED & a证券公司直接投资业务风险控制问题研究 Negotiable securities company direct investment service risk control question research & a一对善良的姐妹住在一个美丽的宫殿里 Pair of good sisters live in a beautiful palace & a那天来了好多人 That day has come many people & ai just moved in about 5 days ago 我在大约5天移动了前 & aTe Amo & 8023 、One year four 、 Te Amo & 8023、一年四、 & a当你给自己过重的压力时,那会是一种负担 When you give oneself the overweight pressure, that can be one kind of burden & aVice President of Operations 操作的副总统 & awhen
person walked into your heart when you get hurt,never open their doors to the mind. 当人走了入您的心脏,当您得到创伤时,对头脑不要打开他们的门。 & agesamten inhalt 所有内容 & a首届校园乒乓球团体锦标赛第一名 First session campus ping pong association championship tournament first & a他的愿望是当个艺术家 His desire is works as an artist & a阆中市东兴乡中心学校 lang city Dongxing township center school & alook english 看英语 & a谁知道我的手机汽车停在哪儿了? Who knew my handset automobile did stop in where? & aget rising 得到上升 & a事实上,现在课堂教学中有很多无效的提问 In fact, in the classroom instruction has very many invalid inquiries now & a孤儿院活动 Orphanage activity & apay attention to keep warm! The weather always changing, but friendship forever 保持温暖的薪水注意! 天气总永远改变,但友谊 & aWhy It Never Worked Out With Anyone Else 为什么它未曾解决与的任何人 & a你拨一下我的手机号,看看我的手机放在哪儿了? You dial my handset number, where had a look my handset to place? & a贱小他 Is inexpensively small he & aBus Architecture 公共汽车建筑学 & a??? ??? ??? ?? ?? ??? ??, ?? ?? ??? ???. 正在翻译,请等待... & a在孤儿院做义工 正在翻译,请等待... & a选举权是人的基本权利 The voting right is human's basic right & a单据编号 Documentary evidence serial number & a新春联欢晚会 Early spring evening party & a英语考试要考听力 English test must test the hearing & a他们在打篮球 They are playing the basketball &


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