
主演: Greg Wise ... Hawkin /
Juliet Stevenson ... Catherine /
Lee Ingleby ... Young George Bennett语言:英语上映日期:日制片国家/地区:英国
There are no new stories.
But part of what raises Place of Execution into the realms of excellence is that it gl this brilliant drama contains many prime time touchstones.
Parental break-up that’s resulted in a stroppy, rebellious teen, check. A fast-tracked young policeman whose university education is viewed as hoighty-toighty by the rest of the force, check. Sinister stepfather with perhaps too keen an interest in his stepdaughter - this is familiar territory.
Yes, we’ve been here before, but then we’re supposed to have been. The past is being relived in the present.
Alison, a 13 year old school girl disappeared without a trace in 1963. The case was assigned to young DI George Bennett (Lee Ingleby), and, although a body was never found, he’s still haunted by the case.
In the present day, Catherine Heathcote (Juliet Stevenson) is a respected journalist who’s putting the finishing touches to a documentary about the case when without warning, the now retired DI Bennet (Philip Jackson) pulls his support to the documentary. But why?
The action moves skilfully from the early ‘60s to the present as flashbacks are interwoven with the current story, and the beautiful backdrop of the Yorkshire village of Scardale, where the action takes place, is used to haunting effect.
The image of a group of caped policeman surrounding a dead body like a group of bedraggled vultures, each waiting for the other to take the first peck, is particularly effective.
Although this is creepy, compelling viewing that moves at a stately, yet confident pace, there are some darkly humorous moments to break the tension. “Come on, let’s get the knicker sniffer,” is not something you’d expect a modern-day policeman to say.
Which is probably for the best.
Superbly acted, gripping and slick, if the standard remains this high, we know exactly where we’ll be for the next three weeks.
真相和正义是一个故事的两端执行死刑的英文怎么说_沪江英语学习网网页版学习工具 &
& 执行死刑的英文:put to execution参考例句:The rituals of execution seemed less to cast out the evils of humanity than to feed its bloodlust.执行死刑的繁文缛节看来与其说是消弭了人类的罪恶,倒不如说是满足了人类的杀戮欲。Connecticut has executed just one person since capital punishment was reinstated in 1976.自1976年恢复死刑以来,康涅狄格州仅对一个人执行死刑。:v. 放,置,使处于;表达,说明put a crimp into妨碍|束缚Put on the screw施加压力strike [ put on ] a pose of装出...面貌[样子]I put it on the books.我把它挂在账上。The candidate was put in the other day.这个候选人不久前当选了。:n. 实行,执行;完成;奏效;死刑They executed a spy.他们处死了一个间谍。But will it do execution?但它能奏效吗?the execution of steps舞步表演 antipersonnel force杀伤力an agency of the executive branch of government.政府的行政分部的一个专业行政部门。翻译推荐:相关热点:place of execution
...文森 李·恩格里比 格雷·怀斯 菲利普·杰克森 类型:都市 更新时间: 剧情:电视剧《道德的刑场》(Place of Execution)是一部由丹尼尔·伯希威尔执导,茱丽叶特·斯蒂文森、李·恩格里比、格雷·怀斯、菲利普·杰克森联袂主演的英国电视剧。
He was sent to the place of execution and force to walk the last fifty meters of his life silently.
He was sent to the place of execution and force to walk the last fifty meters of his life silently。
The clocks are on the stroke of three, and the furrow ploughed among the populace is turning round, to come on into the place of execution, and end.
But the action of the Republic takes place long before the defeat of Athens, before the rise of the Thirty and the execution of Athens .
Current and former Better Place officials said that poor execution of the company's strategy rather than the technology itself was the root cause of the company's collapse.
As well as paintings and sculptures, the book also includes sketches, including Gauguin's depiction of an execution taking place, which he drew while someone was beheaded by a guillotine.
Hiding in plain sight in the catalog's opening essay by Sam Bardaouil was an iconic image of revolution: a painting of an execution in the Place de la Concorde.
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音标:[ ˌeksi'kju:ʃən ]&&发音:&&名词复数: executions&&&
中文翻译n.1.实行,履行,执行;贯彻。2.执行死刑;强制执行;执行命令。3.作成,完成;签名盖印使法律文件生效;执行法律。4.扮演,演奏,(演奏)技巧,手法。5.成功,奏效;效果;(武器的)杀伤力。短语和例子forcible execution 强制执行。 The execution leaves much to be desired, though the idea is good. 设想虽好,执行起来很难如愿。 execution by hanging 绞刑。 carry [put] into execution 实行,实施。 do execution奏效,见效;(武器有)摧毁作用 (He did great execution among the cakes. 他吃掉很多饼)。 Every shot did execution . 百发百中。 E- Dock 【英史】(泰晤士 (Thames) 河畔处决海盗等的)死刑码头。 make good execution 【军事】摧毁;使敌方受重大损失。 put to execution 处死刑,执行死刑。&&&&执行死刑... &&&&&&行刑... &&&&&&劫后余生... &&&&&&异常性执行; 异常运行... &&&&&&执行行为... &&&&&&实际执行... &&&&&&行政处分行政强制执行; 行政强制执行... &&&&&&先予执行... &&&&&&广告执行... &&&&&&执行代理... &&&&&&任意处决... &&&&&&异步执行... &&&&&&扣押和强制执行... &&&&&&曙光女神之光; 曙光女神之宽恕... &&&&&&成批执行... &&&&&&执行后受益; 执行受益... &&&&&&最佳执行... &&&&&&中断执行; 中止实行... &&&&&&预算执行... &&&&&&施工能力... &&&&&&实行, 实现, 实施... &&&&&&代码执行... &&&&&&全部照办... &&&&&&执行令状; 执行命令... &&&&&&执行异常中止... &&&&&&常务副董事长... &&It was frequently required before execution .它经常在行刑前使用。`military executions are conducted differently .军法处决则是另一种情形。Her musical execution was quite exceptional .她的音乐技能更是大家望尘莫及的。He did great execution among the cakes .他吃掉很多饼。The idea was correct, the execution defective .这个主张是正确的,但执行上有缺点。This law was seldom or never put in execution .这条法律却很少或者从来也没有施行过。The pianist 's execution of the concerto was marvelous .那钢琴师弹的协奏曲神乎其神。Then three were tied to the pillar for execution .接着有三个人被捆在刑柱上准备行刑。Its execution involved an outrage upon the law of nations .它的实施是对国际法的严重违反。The execution leaves much to be desired , though the idea is good .设想虽好,执行起来很难如愿。更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&&&
英文解释t of doing so using knowledge as distinguished from
"they criticised his performance as mayor"; "experience generally improves performance"同义词:, , , unlawful premeditated killing of a human being by a human being同义词:, , the act of accomplishing some aim or
"the agency was created for the implementation of the policy"同义词:, , putting a condemned person to death同义词:, , , a routine court order that attempts to enforce the judgment that has been granted to a plaintiff by authorizing a sheriff to carry it out同义词:, (law) the completion of a legal instrument (such as a contract or deed) by signing it (and perhaps sealing and delivering it) so that it becomes legally binding and enforceable同义词:, (computer science) the process of carrying out an instruction by a computer同义词:,
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All rights reserved“执行力”用英文怎么说?
09-02-09 &
execution HR是用这个
Executive force
执行力  implementation capacity
执行力:    1. Execution
     2. Executive Ability
   所谓执行力(Executive Ability)就是将战略规划落到实处,是一门如何完成任务的学问。它是一种由企业领导者发起并最先掌握,继而带动整个组织形成的一种战略执行...
 3. Execute
   执行力(Execute): 能够把高层的决策很好地贯彻到执行中去。执行力是最容易出问题的地方,也是中层管理者必须具有的能力。
 4. Enforceability
执行力:   1. Execution
2. Executive Ability
  所谓执行力(Executive Ability)就是将战略规划落到实处,是一门如何完成任务的学问。它是一种由企业领导者发起并最先掌握,继而带动整个组织形成的一种战略执行...
    3. Execute
  执行力(Execute): 能够把高层的决策很好地贯彻到执行中去。执行力是最容易出问题的地方,也是中层管理者必须具有的能力。
    4. Enforceability


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