Android Studio中PendingIntent.getBroadcasphpcms get标签红,提示connot resolve symbol

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然后在自己实现的Receiver里用传进来的参数Intent intent实现
日期: 14:07:47
android:permission="android.permission.BIND_ACCESSIBILITY_SERVICE" &
&action android:name="android.accessibilityservice.AccessibilityService" /&
android:resource="@xml/qianghongbao_service_config" /&
&?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?&
android:description 这个是设置服务的描述,在用户授权的界面可以看到。
android:accessibilityEventTypes 这个是配置要监听的辅助事件,我们只需要用到typeNotificationStateChanged(通知变化事件)、typeWindowStateChanged(界面变化事件)
android:packageNames 这个是要监听应用的包名,如果要监听多个应用,则用","去分隔
android:accessibilityFeedbackType 这个是设置反馈方式,方式有如下几种
public void onAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent event) {
protected boolean onKeyEvent(KeyEvent event) {
return super.onKeyEvent(event);
public void onInterrupt() {
protected void onServiceConnected() {
public void onReceiveJob(AccessibilityEvent event) {
final int eventType = event.getEventType();
if (eventType == AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_NOTIFICATION_STATE_CHANGED) {// 通知栏事件
Parcelable data = event.getParcelableData();
if (data == null || !(data instanceof Notification)) {
// 开启快速模式,不处理
if (QiangHongBaoService.isNotificationServiceRunning() && getConfig().isEnableNotificationService()) {
List&CharSequence& texts = event.getText();
if (!texts.isEmpty()) {
String text = String.valueOf(texts.get(0));
notificationEvent(text, (Notification) data);
} else if (eventType == AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_WINDOW_STATE_CHANGED) {// 界面改变事件
} else if (eventType == AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_WINDOW_CONTENT_CHANGED) {// 界面内容改变事件
if (mCurrentWindow != WINDOW_LAUNCHER) { // 不在聊天界面或聊天列表,不处理
if (isReceivingHongbao) {
/** 所有通知栏事件,都在该方法处理 */
private void notificationEvent(String ticker, Notification nf) {
String text =
int index = text.indexOf(":");
if (index != -1) {
text = text.substring(index + 1);
text = text.trim();
if (text.contains("[微信红包]")) { // 红包消息
/** 打开通知栏消息 */
private void newHongBaoNotification(Notification notification) {
isReceivingHongbao =
// 以下是精华,将微信的通知栏消息打开
PendingIntent pendingIntent = notification.contentI
boolean lock = NotifyHelper.isLockScreen(getContext());
if (!lock) {// 未锁,自动点开通知
} else {// 锁屏,显示通知,微信自带,不作任何处理
NotifyHelper.showNotify(getContext(), String.valueOf(notification.tickerText), pendingIntent);
// 锁屏 || 模式非自动抢
if (lock || getConfig().getWechatMode() != Config.WX_MODE_0) {
// 开启声音,震动提示
NotifyHelper.playEffect(getContext(), getConfig());
/** 执行PendingIntent事件 */
public static void send(PendingIntent pendingIntent) {
} catch (PendingIntent.CanceledException e) {
private void openHongBao(AccessibilityEvent event) {
if ("".equals(event.getClassName())) {
// 点中了红包,下一步就是去拆红包
} else if ("".equals(event.getClassName())) {
// 拆完红包后看详细的纪录界面
if (getConfig().getWechatAfterGetHongBaoEvent() == Config.WX_AFTER_GET_GOHOME) { // 返回主界面,以便收到下一次的红包通知
} else if ("".equals(event.getClassName())) {
mCurrentWindow = WINDOW_LAUNCHER;
// 在聊天界面,去点中红包
mCurrentWindow = WINDOW_OTHER;
* 收到聊天里的红包
private void handleChatListHongBao() {
int mode = getConfig().getWechatMode();
if (mode == Config.WX_MODE_3) { // 只通知模式
AccessibilityNodeInfo nodeInfo = getService().getRootInActiveWindow();
if (nodeInfo == null) {
if (mode != Config.WX_MODE_0) {// 非自动抢
boolean isMember = isMemberChatUi(nodeInfo);
if (mode == Config.WX_MODE_1 && isMember) {// 过滤群聊
} else if (mode == Config.WX_MODE_2 && !isMember) { // 过滤单聊
// 下面就是,激动人心的抢红包代码
List&AccessibilityNodeInfo& list = nodeInfo.findAccessibilityNodeInfosByText("领取红包");
if (list != null && list.isEmpty()) {// "领取红包"关键字节点获取不到
// 从消息列表查找红包
AccessibilityNodeInfo node = AccessibilityHelper.findNodeInfosByText(nodeInfo, HONGBAO_TEXT_KEY);
if (node != null) {
isReceivingHongbao =
} else if (list != null) {
if (isReceivingHongbao) {
// 最新的红包领起
AccessibilityNodeInfo node = list.get(list.size() - 1);
isReceivingHongbao =
* 点击聊天里的红包后,显示的界面
private void handleLuckyMoneyReceive() {
AccessibilityNodeInfo nodeInfo = getService().getRootInActiveWindow();
AccessibilityNodeInfo targetNode =
int event = getConfig().getWechatAfterOpenHongBaoEvent();
int wechatVersion = getWechatVersion();
if (event == Config.WX_AFTER_OPEN_HONGBAO) { // 拆红包
if (wechatVersion & USE_ID_MIN_VERSION) {
targetNode = AccessibilityHelper.findNodeInfosByText(nodeInfo, "拆红包");
String buttonId = "";
if (wechatVersion == 700) {
buttonId = "";
if (buttonId != null) {
targetNode = AccessibilityHelper.findNodeInfosById(nodeInfo, buttonId);
if (targetNode == null) {
// 分别对应固定金额的红包 拼手气红包
AccessibilityNodeInfo textNode = AccessibilityHelper.findNodeInfosByTexts(nodeInfo, "发了一个红包", "给你发了一个红包", "发了一个红包,金额随机");
if (textNode != null) {
for (int i = 0; i & textNode.getChildCount(); i++) {
AccessibilityNodeInfo node = textNode.getChild(i);
if ("android.widget.Button".equals(node.getClassName())) {
targetNode =
if (targetNode == null) { // 通过组件查找
targetNode = AccessibilityHelper.findNodeInfosByClassName(nodeInfo, "android.widget.Button");
} else if (event == Config.WX_AFTER_OPEN_SEE) { // 看一看
if (getWechatVersion() & USE_ID_MIN_VERSION) { // 低版本才有 看大家手气的功能
targetNode = AccessibilityHelper.findNodeInfosByText(nodeInfo, "看看大家的手气");
} else if (event == Config.WX_AFTER_OPEN_NONE) {// 静静地看着
if (targetNode != null) {
final AccessibilityNodeInfo n = targetN
long sDelayTime = getConfig().getWechatOpenDelayTime();
if (sDelayTime != 0) {
getHandler().postDelayed(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
}, sDelayTime);
public void onReceiveJob(AccessibilityEvent event) {
private void openRed(AccessibilityEvent event) {
this.rootNodeInfo = event.getSource();
if (rootNodeInfo == null) {
mReceiveNode =
/* 如果已经接收到红包并且还没有戳开 */
if (mLuckyMoneyReceived && (mReceiveNode != null)) {
int size = mReceiveNode.size();
if (size & 0) {
String id = getHongbaoText(mReceiveNode.get(size - 1));
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (this.shouldReturn(id, now - lastFetchedTime))
lastFetchedHongbaoId =
lastFetchedTime =
AccessibilityNodeInfo cellNode = mReceiveNode.get(size - 1);
if (cellNode.getText().toString().equals("口令红包已拆开")) {
if (cellNode.getText().toString().equals(QQ_HONG_BAO_PASSWORD)) {
AccessibilityNodeInfo rowNode = getService().getRootInActiveWindow();
if (rowNode == null) {
mLuckyMoneyReceived =
public void recycle(AccessibilityNodeInfo info) {
if (info.getChildCount() == 0) {
/* 这个if代码的作用是:匹配“点击输入口令的节点,并点击这个节点” */
if (info.getText() != null && info.getText().toString().equals(QQ_CLICK_TO_PASTE_PASSWORD)) {
/* 这个if代码的作用是:匹配文本编辑框后面的发送按钮,并点击发送口令 */
if (info.getClassName().toString().equals("android.widget.Button") && info.getText().toString().equals("发送")) {
for (int i = 0; i & info.getChildCount(); i++) {
if (info.getChild(i) != null) {
在实现该控件之前,先说一下该控件的难度, 一、
下面是效果图: 实现上图的效果,一共自定义了两个 控件,viewpager+底部导航图标 下面我先来讲解一下,viewpager的实现: 1.初始化 pre name="code" class="java"/** 点击按下的坐标 **/PointF downP = new PointF();/** 当前按下的坐标 **/PointF curP
前言 入职接近半个多月,有几天空闲,所以想着能不能自己实现一个库来练练手,因为之前一直想要实现下拉刷新的功能,因此就有了这样一个自制的下拉刷新库——RefreshWidgetLib. 关于下拉刷新 下拉刷新,作为一个几乎每个应用都会出现的一种控件,不言而喻,它对于提高用户体验有着很重要的作用,而且也已经成为了人们习惯的一种操作。说起下拉刷新这种设计,最早的引入者是在2008年上线的Tweetie,Tweetie引入了如今随处可见的“下拉刷新”设计,不仅有多达数百款App Store应用使用这种设计,就连苹
AIDL是Android实现IPC的一种重要的方式,理解它的原理对理解Android进程间通信有很大的帮助。AIDL的定义,已经有很多介绍的文章了,这里就不做详解了。我们直接从实例入手来分析AIDL实现原理。 AIDL的使用 首先需要定义AIDL接口IMyService.aidl: // IMyService.aidl package com.chuck. // Declare any non-default types here with import statements inter
OC与Swift两种实现方式基本上区别不大,主要是在一些对象或方法的调用方式不同 OC代码样式: self.view.backgroundColor = [UIColor blackColor];
CAEmitterLayer *emitterLa = [CAEmitterLayer layer];
emitterLa.emitterPosition = CGPointMake(self.view.bounds.size.width/2, sel
前言 相信很多朋友在开发中都会遇到图片上传的情况,尤其是多图上传,最 经典的莫过于微信的图片选择了。所有很多情况下会使用到多图选择。 所以就有了这篇文章,今天抽点时间写了个控件。 支持自定义选择图片的样式 支持设置图片选择数量 支持图片预览,删除 支持图片拍照 先来看看效果 实现分析 假如不定义控件,我们要实现这样一个功能,无非是写个GridView在item点击的时候去显示图片进行选择,在返回界面的时候进行GridView的数据刷新。我们把这些逻辑写在我们自定义的GridView中,就成了一个新的控件。
在360对DroidPlugin的特点介绍中有云: 插件的四大组件完全不需要在Host程序中注册,支持Service、Activity、BroadcastReceiver、ContentProvider四大组件。 实现了进程管理,插件的空进程会被及时回收,占用内存低。 之所以支持Service,Activity,ContentProvider三大组件,是因为DroidPlugin在AndroidManifest文件中预先注册了8个运行插件的进程,每个进程预注册Service一个, ContentProvi
本篇介绍ListView控件,这是Android中比较重要也比较复杂的控件,这里只谈到使用ViewHolder机制优化即可。 一、ListView简介 ListView是Android系统中显示列表的控件,每个ListView都可以包含很多个列表项。 二、ListView的使用 概念不多说,直接来介绍使用方法。 ListView中比较复杂的是数据适配器,其作用是把复杂的数据(数组、链表、数据库、集合等)填充在指定视图界面,是连接数据源和视图界面的桥梁。常见的Android原生的适配器有ArrayAdapt
一、前言 本周有位入行开发不久的朋友问我回调究竟是个什么概念,在网上看了很多的回调函数解释,但是越看越乱。虽然回调函数这个梗已经不新鲜了,这里还是用书面的形式记录下。 如果有了解的,就无需再看。 二、概念 概念上,这里引用百度百科的解释,如下: 回调函数就是一个通过 函数指针 调用的函数。如果你把函数的 指针 (地址)作为 参数传递 给另一个函数,当这个指针被用来调用其所指向的函数时,我们就说这是回调函数。回调函数不是由该函数的实现方直接调用,而是在特定的事件或条件发生时由另外的一方调用的,用于对该事件或
接下来就进入聊天界面了,我的界面效果如下几个图所示: 这其中包括两个点:仿微信按住说话功能,表情管理 第一个,按住说话 按钮的功能,通过重写Button完成, /** * 控制录音Button * 1、重写onTouchEvent;(changeState方法、wantToCancel方法、reset方法); * 2、编写AudioDialogManage、并与该类AudioRecorderButton进行整合; * 3、编写AudioManage、并与该类AudioRecorderButton进行整合;
Copyright (C)
ITfish.netSDK Version: M5 Introduction In this tutorial we will create an application called PhoneFinder. This application will illustrate how to deal with sending and receiving SMS messages. The idea of the application is that when your phone is lost or stole
First, create the Android project Project name: SendMessage BuildTarget: Android2.1 Application name: Send SMS Package name: com.changcheng.Activity Create Activity: SendMessage Min SDK Version: 7 Second, the editing works 1. Edit strings.xml file sa
Activity Android in, Activity is the root of all programs, all of processes are running in the Activity among, Activity has its own life cycle (see /feisky/archive//1637427 . html, controlled by the system life cycle,
Activity Android中,Activity是所有程序的根本,所有程序的流程都运行在Activity之中,Activity具有自己的生命周期(见/feisky/archive//1637427.html,由系统控制生命周期,程序无法改变,但可以用onSaveInstanceState保存其状态). 对于Activity,关键是其生命周期的把握(如下图),其次就是状态的保存和恢复(onSaveInstanceState onR
Android中,Activity是所有程序的根本,所有程序的流程都运行在Activity之中,Activity具有自己的生命周期(见/feisky/archive//1637427.html,由系统控制生命周期,程序无法改变,但可以用onSaveInstanceState保存其状态). 对于Activity,关键是其生命周期的把握(如下图),其次就是状态的保存和恢复(onSaveInstanceState onRestoreIns
Android系列之Intent传递对象的几种实例方法,需要的朋友可以参考一下 在Android中intent传递对象主要有2种方式分别是,Bundle.putSerializable(Key,Object)和Bundle.putParcelable(Key, Object);当然这些Object是有一定的条件的,前者是实现了Serializable接口,而后者是实现了Parcelable接口,以下是我为大家做的一个实例 首先我们建立一个工程项目命名为:ObjectTestDemo 然后我们再修
一.几个关键概念 1.MessageQueue:是一种 数据 结构,见名知义,就是一个消息队列,存放消息的地方.每一个线程最多只可以拥有一个MessageQueue数据结构. 创建一个线程的时候,并不会 自动 创建其MessageQueue.通常使用一个Looper对象对该线程的MessageQueue进行管理.主线程创建时,会创建一 个默认的Looper对象,而Looper对象的创建,将自动创建一个Message Queue.其他非主线程,不会自动创建Looper,要需要的时候,通过调 用pr
I try to give the example for learning how to use the intent to redirect one activity to other activity. Environment: android 4.0 elipse 3.62 jdk 1.6.0_26 First ,create two activities,Activity1 and Activity2(from activity1 to activity2) src/Activity1
&LinearLayout android:id=&@+id/information_plate& android:layout_width=&fill_parent& android:layout_height=&wrap_content& android:orientation=&horizontal& android:background=&@drawable/scrolling_message&quot
I can text message fees from a hair into a 1 minute, there is no mobile phone manufacturers to use my text messaging protocol. QQ:
Many users may be directly to your J2ME project ported to Android platform blunt, in fact, Google provides us with a good file size and time and date parsing class, which is located android.text.format this package, it provides a powerful analytical
1. Message Queue role l Android in your program, the new to create a thread, or threads (Thread) time, and does not automatically establish the Message Loop. l Android is not in the Message Queue Global data structure, for example, different objects
在一个Android应用中,主要是由四种组件组成的,这四种组件可参考&Android应用的构成&.而这四种组件是独立的,它们之间可以互相调用,协调工作,最终组成一个真正的Android应用.在这些组件之间的通讯中,主要是由Intent协助完成的.Intent负责对应用中一次操作的动作.动作涉及数据.附加数据进行描述,Android则根据此Intent的描述,负责找到对应的组件,将 Intent传递给调用的组件,并完成组件的调用.因此,Intent在这里起着一个媒体中介的作用,专门提供组
Android基本的设计理念是鼓励减少组件间的耦合,因此Android提供了Intent (意图) ,Intent提供了一种通用的消息系统,它允许在你的应用程序与其它的应用程序间传递Intent来执行动作和产生事件.Intent作为联系各Activity之间的纽带,其作用并不仅仅只限于简单的数据传递.通过其自带的属性,其实可以方便的完成很多较为复杂的操作.例如直接调用拨号功能.处理接收短信,诸如此类,都可以通过设置Intent属性来完成. Intent主要有以下四个重要属性,它们分别为: Act
The first approach, using action to jump. 1, using Action jump, if there is a program AndroidManifest.xml an Activity in a defined segment of IntentFilter that contains the same Action then this Intent with this goal Action matches. If this IntentFil
Activity Android in, Activity is the basic of all procedures, all of processes are being run in Activity, Activity has its own life cycle (see /feisky/archive//1637427 . html, controlled by the system life cycle, the p
Start-ups often troubles us is when some of the problems have been easy to solve, often we would spend much effort to find a solution, the last to know that so simple, this is the result of the English world. Intent on Android application development
Java code Notification n = new Notification (R.drawable.face_1, &Service started&, System.currentTimeMillis ()); PendingIntent contentIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity (this, 0, new Intent (this, TServiceHolder. Class), 0); n.setLatestEventInfo
介绍Android中Intent的各种常见作用. 1 Intent.ACTION_MAIN String: android.intent.action.MAIN 标识Activity为一个程序的开始.比较常用. Input:nothing Output:nothing & activity android:name =&.Main& android:label =&@string/app_name& & & intent-filter & &
SMS implementations android average user would need time to adapt to the use of get used to, will andorid SMS mode set in our usual (general user) habits. View pictures in the process of character change can guess the expression of the principle of T
这篇文章主要介绍了android中intent的action属性使用示例,提供了使用intent拨打电话.发送短信.播放mp3的代码 Action :规定了Intent要完成的动作,是一个字符串常量.使用setAction()来设置Action属性,使用getAction()来获得Action属性.既可以使用系统内置的Action,也可以自己定义.系统自定义的action,如ACTION_VIEW, ACTION_EDIT, ACTION_MAIN等等. 1.自定义Action 在&目的Acti
1. Message Queue role l in your Android program, the new birth of a thread, or thread (Thread), we will not automatically establish its Message Loop. l Android, and there is no Global Village of the Message Queue data structure, for example, differen
Safe to say that in the past 20 years, selling a mobile phone have each SMS message function. In fact, SMS mobile phone message is a killer application that provides mobile operators to create a stable revenue source. Understand how to use your appli
0 _id 1 thread_id in the SMS screen displayed on the first of several groups (the same message a contact line in the agreement), the English name of topic. 2 address line, please 3 person? Existing phone book name. Maybe 4 date Date 5 protocol? .. 6
1. Review the role Message Queue In the previous years, introduced the Android's Thread, Looper, Message Queue, and the relationship between the four Handler. First review as follows: l UI thread is usually the main thread, and Android to start a pro
How to start an application in another application installed How an application through an event, try to start another application has been installed. //----- Before the core part-----name parameter is the application's package name , The latter is t
MessageQueue:消息队列,使用FIFO规则执行,每一个线程只可以拥有一个MessageQueue,在创建Looper对象会创建一个 MessageQueue用来容纳Message队列的,其中的Message是由Looper来分发的,Message不能直接添加到MessageQueue中,而是要通过与Looper关联的Handler去添加. 创建一个线程的时候,并不会自动创建其MessageQueue.通常使用一个Looper对象对该线程的MessageQueue进行管理.主线程创建时,
intent最主要的特点是它是一个用户概念.像所有其它ANDROID概念一样,不能从系统的角度去理解它.应该从用户的角度去理解它.意思是,当我们要解释某一个东西的时候,不是说,这个在系统中的功能是......而是说,这个是......换句话说,既然是Android,自然要说&人&话. intent另一个特点是它的内涵:意图,意欲.意思是,它所表达的全部就只是一个&我想要...(什么)&这样的概念.可以用消息来解释它的存在,说:哦!我明白了,它就是消息嘛!但是这样说是
In the seam using the rich text editor can be used richfaces editor component, rich: editor component function has been quite perfect, and what needs to be customized toolbar. &rich:editor& is based entirely on the TinyMCE website, which is based Ja
3. From the main thread to send a message to the child thread (Continued) The example above, the child thread by sending messages to the main thread. This section describes how to send a message to the main thread from child thread. The methods were:
Intent The last chapter we learn Activity, that some may question, Activity How to achieve between the jump, or how to achieve switching between screens. The question asked quite a standard. First, that we first understand the Androd System Activity
categories: Android 在Android开发中,我们常用的布局方式主要有LinearLayout.RelativeLayout.FrameLayout等,通过这些布局我们可以实现各种各样的界面.与此同时,如何正确.高效的使用这些布局方式来组织UI控件,是我们构建优秀Android App的主要前提之一.本篇内容就主要围绕Android布局优化来讨论在日常开发中我们使用常用布局需要注意的一些方面,同时介绍一款SDK自带的UI性能检测工具HierarchyViewer. 布局原则 通
intent是一个内容,是用来被传送的东西.而广播是一个行为.它也可以是一个内容.但这时候的内容是更高一层次的intent内容.它仍然是一个intent.intent与广播并没有本质上的区别.也正由此才引发它们之间的什么区别的疑问. 使用一个intent,你可以调用任何Activity.而使用一个广播具有&完全相同&的能力.那我们为什么还需要广播呢? 因为系统中存在的并不只有调用一个问题.intent是可以用来解决任何调用问题,但它解决不了通知的问题.而调用与通知显然是不一样的东西.调
DateFormat.format(dateFormat, calendar)方法的使用: 关键是dateFormat这个字符串的格式: 在这个函数里,一般使用的格式是yyyy MM dd hh mm ss.但是在这个方法里面,时间显示的永远是12小时制的. 如果需要显示24小时制的,把hh 换成kk即可.
Android Intent use a comprehensive summary of several Intent should be something peculiar to Android. You can specify the procedures Intent to perform actions (such as: view, edit, dial), and the program execution to the action when the required info
Transfer from East Fangshang Zhi Chen Dahai csdn blog: If it is from BroadcastReceiver start a new Activity, do not forget i.setFlags (Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); public class MyReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver ( public static final String acti
Transfer from East Fangshang Zhi Chen Dahai csdn blog: If it is from BroadcastReceiver start a new Activity, do not forget i.setFlags (Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); public class MyReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver ( public static final String acti
Intent, usage Intent should be something peculiar to Android. You can specify the procedures Intent to perform actions (such as: view, edit, dial), and the program execution to the action when the required information. Are well specified, simply call
Android Intent should be considered in specific things. You can specify the procedures Intent to perform actions (such as: view, edit, dial), and the program execution to the action of the necessary information. After all specified, just call startAc
First of all forgive me for writing the title of the article so long. In fact, I still find it too short because it can not be written out so I will not write. Because I really do not know how to define the title of this article may be called &Luanta
android is very simple to send text messages, In Mainfest.xml first need to add permissions: &uses-permission android:name=&android.permission.SEND_SMS&& &/ uses-permission& &uses-permission android:name=&android.permission.R
If it is from BroadcastReceiver start a new Activity, do not forget i.setFlags (Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); public class MyReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver { public static final String action = &acc&; public void onReceive (Context context
This is the original relentless snow, reprinted Please indicate the source: /blog/961576 Android Development Technology Exchange Group 86,686,524 (full) please add 120,059,404 Wrote Read the previous sections should be tutoria
online these days to write a variety of search code SMS monitoring service, and then returns a message with gps address and resolve gps address shown on the map a small program, but returned to the message displayed when the map a problem, my method
android's many functions are needed permission to operate, there are still many features we can direct the operation, just specify in the configuration file permissions on the line, but despite some indication of the authority, but still no permissio
1, Intent role Intent is to be implemented by the abstract description of the action, is generally used as a parameter, the Intent to assist with communication between the various components android. For example, call startActivity () to start an act
Android Today, we need to give talk about how to pass objects in the Intent, as I now know there are two ways, one is Bundle.putSerializable (Key, Object); the other is Bundle.putParcelable (Key, Object); Object Of course, these are certain condition
package irdc. import java.util.T import java.util.TimerT import import android.os.B import android.os.H import android.os.M import android.telephony.SmsM import android.util.L public cl package org.jzkangta.activity01; import import android.content.I import android.os.B import android.view.V import android.view.View.OnClickL import android.widget.B public class Acti
There are three basic components of Android Activity, Service and BroadcastReceiver, they are dependent on Intent to start. This article is about the life cycle of Activity and Activity of Intent for use. Example has been used before the Activity, in
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