
有没有一种软件可以背单词 就是说比如字母a那么a开头的所有单词都显示出来 而不是单单的只有查单词_百度知道
有没有一种软件可以背单词 就是说比如字母a那么a开头的所有单词都显示出来 而不是单单的只有查单词
有一个是手机屏幕解锁的时候背单词的 记得叫锁屏单词吧(&﹏&)记不清了 感觉那个不错 而且可以根据需要下载四级 六级 考研词汇等等
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J, j
/ dVeI; dVe/ n (pl J's, j's / dVeIz; dVez/) the tenth letter of the English alphabet 英语字母表的第十个字母: `Joker' begins with (a) J/`J'. joker 一字以j字母开始.
abbr 缩写 = joule(s).
/ dVAb; dVAb/ v (-bb-)
1 [I, Ipr, Ip, Tn, Tn.pr] ~ (at sb/sth) (with sth); ~ sb/sth (with sth) poke or push at sb/sth roughly, usu with sth sharp or pointed 捅, 刺, 戳, 猛击(某人[某物])(通常指用利器或尖物): He kept jabbing (away) at the paper cup with his pencil. 他用铅笔(不停地)戳著纸杯. * a blackbird jabbing at a worm, ie using its beak 啄食蠕虫的黑鹂 * He jabbed at his opponent, eg of a boxer aiming a quick blow. 他猛击对手(如拳击手以快拳出击). * She jabbed me in the ribs with her elbow. 她用肘顶我的肋部.
2 (phr v) jab sth into sb/sth force sth into sb/sth 使某物捅或刺某人[某物]: He jabbed his elbow into my side. 他用肘猛顶我的腰. jab sth out force or push sth out by jabbing 戳出某物: Be careful with that umbrella
you nearly jabbed my eye out! 小心那把伞--你差一点把我的眼睛戳出来! =&Usage at nudge 用法见nudge.
n (a) sudden rough blow or thrust, usu with sth pointed 捅; 刺; 戳; 猛击: a jab in the arm 刺在手臂上的一下. (b) (infml 口) injection or inoculation 注射; 打针; 接种: Have you had your cholera jabs yet? 你打霍乱预防针了吗?
/ 5dVAbE(r); `dVAbL/ v
1 [I, Ip] ~ (away/on) talk rapidly in what seems to be a confused manner 急促而含混不清地说话: Listen to those children jabbering away! 你听那些孩子叽叽喳喳地说个没完!
2 [Tn, Tn.p] utter (words, etc) rapidly and indistinctly 急促而含混不清地说(话等): He jabbered out what I assumed was an apology. 他叽叽咕咕地说了些我认为像是道歉的话.
n [U] chatter 急促而含混不清的话; 唠叨: the jabber of monkeys 猴子吱吱的叫声.
/ 5VAbEU; VA`bo/ n ornamental frill on the front of a woman's blouse or a man's shirt (衬衫胸部的)装饰褶边.
/ dVAk; dVAk/ n
1 (usu portable) device for raising heavy weights off the ground, esp one for raising the axle of a motor vehicle so that a wheel may be changed (通常指便携式)起重器, 千斤顶(尤指更换机动车车轮时用的).
2 ship's flag flown to show nationality 船上表示国籍的旗子: the Union Jack, ie the flag of the United Kingdom 英国国旗.
3 Jack familiar form of the name John 杰克(约翰的昵称).
4 (also knave) (in a pack of playing-cards) card between the ten and the queen (纸牌中的)杰克, J(介於王后与十点之间): the jack of clubs 梅花J.
5 (in the game of bowls) small white ball towards which bowls are rolled (滚球戏中)作靶子的小白球.
6 (idm 习语) before you can/could say Jack Robinson =& say. every man jack =& man. a jack of `all trades person who can do many different kinds of work but not necessarily well 博而不精的人.
Jack Frost
(joc 谑) frost considered as a person (拟人化的)霜: Look what pretty patterns Jack Frost has painted on the windows. 瞧霜大哥在窗户上绘制了多麽美丽的图案.
n (derog 贬) self-important official 自命不凡的官吏.
n (pl -boxes) toy in the form of a box with a figure inside that springs up when the lid is opened 玩偶盒(开盒盖时其中的玩偶能跳起).
n pumpkin with holes cut in it so that it looks like a face, used as a lantern (by placing a candle inside) for fun 南瓜灯笼(在南瓜上挖成人面形窟窿, 内点蜡烛).
n large hare of Western N America 杰克兔(北美西部产的大野兔).
Jack tar (also tar)
(dated nautical 旧, 海) sailor 水手; 水兵.
/ dVAk; dVAk/ v (phr v) jack sth in (sl 俚) abandon (work, etc) 打算离开; 放弃(工作等): I can't concentrate any more. I'm going to jack it in. 我再也无法集中精神了. 我不打算干了. jack sth up (a) raise sth using a jack1(1) 用千斤顶顶起某物: to jack up a car 用千斤顶把汽车顶起. (b) (fig infml 比喻, 口) increase (salary, payment, etc); raise 增加(薪金, 报酬等); 提高: It's time you jacked up my allowance. 您该给我增加点儿零用钱了. (c) (infml 口) arrange or organize sth that is in disorder 把凌乱的事物安排好或料理好: Everything' the whole system needs jacking up. 一切都乱了, 整个系统有待整顿.
/ 5dVAknaIf; `dVAk9naIf/ n pl -knives / -naI-9naIvz/
1 large pocket-knife with a folding blade (可放衣袋内的)大摺刀.
2 (sport 体) dive in which the body is first bent double and then straightened 屈体跳水.
v [I] (esp of an articulated lorry) bend sharply in the middle into a V-shape, usu as the result of an accident (尤指铰接的货车)弯成V字形(通常因交通事故所致): A heavy lorry has jack-knifed on the motorway, causing long delays. 一辆重型铰接货车在高速公路上撞成V字形, 耽搁了很长时间.
/ 5dVAkR:l; ?@ - `dVAkl/ n wild animal of Africa and Asia that is related to the dog 胡狼, 豺(产於亚非).
/ 5dVAkEneI `dVAkE9neps/ n (pl unchanged复数不变) (dated 旧) mischievouschild 无礼的家伙; 顽童: Come here, you young jackanapes!过来, 你这个小淘气鬼!
/ 5dVAkAs; `dVAk9As/ n
1 male ass 公驴.
2 (fig infml 比喻, 口) foolish person 愚蠢的人; 笨蛋.
/ 5dVAkbu:t; `dVAk9but/ n
1 tall boot, esp one worn by certain soldiers 长统靴(尤指某些军人穿的).
2 (fig 比喻) tyranny 军事压迫; 暴政: under the jackboot of a dictatorial regime 在专制制度的暴政下.
/ 5dVAkdR:; `dVAk9dR/ n bird of the crow family (noted for stealing small bright objects) 寒鸦, 穴鸟(以偷取明亮的小东西而闻名).
/ 5dVAkIt; `dVAkIt/ n
1 short coat with sleeves 短上衣; 夹克: a tweed jacket 花呢上衣. =&illus 见插图.
2 outer cover round a boiler, tank, pipe, etc to reduce loss of heat (锅炉、 槽、 管等的)保温套: a water jacket, iecover used to cool an engine (发动机的)冷却套.
3 (also`dust-jacket) loose paper cover for a hardback book (精装书的)护封.
4 (of a potato) skin (指马铃薯)皮: [attrib 作定语] , jacket potatoes, ie potatoes baked without being peeled 带皮烤熟的土豆.
/ 5dVAkpCt; `dVAk9pBt/ n
1 (in various games, esp poker) stake or prize that continues to be added to until won (多种游戏中, 尤指扑克)累积的赌注(逐渐增加直到赌赢为止).
2 (idm 习语) hit the jackpot =& hit1.
/ 9dVAkE5bIEn; 9dVAkE`biEn/ adj of the reign of the English king, James I (1603-25) 英王詹姆斯一世时期的(年): ,Jacobean `literature, `architecture, `furniture, etc 英王詹姆斯一世时期的文学、 建筑、 家具等.
/ 5dVAkEbaIt; `dVAkE9baIt/ n supporter of the English king James II (reigned 1685-88) after his overthrow, or of his descendants who claimed the throne 英王詹姆斯二世(年在位)被推翻後的遗民或拥戴其後裔复辟的人: [attrib 作定语] the first Jacobite rebellion 英王詹姆斯二世追随者的第一次叛乱.
/ dVE5ku:zI; dVE`kuzI/ n (propr 专利名) bath with underwater jets of water that massage the body 按摩浴缸(水下喷水可起按摩作用).
/ dVeId; dVed/ n [U]
1 hard, usu green, stone from which ornaments, etc are carved 玉; 翡翠: [attrib 作定语] a jade vase, necklace, etc 翡翠花瓶、 项链等 * jade-green eyes 碧绿的眼睛.
2 ornaments, etc made of jade 玉制的饰物等: a collection of Chinese jade 收藏的一批中国玉器.
/ dVeId; dVed/ n
1 tired or worn-out horse 疲惫的马; 衰老的马.
2 (dated derog or joc 旧, 贬或谑) woman 女子: You saucy little jade! 你这个糟女人!
/ 5dVeIdId; `dVedId/ adj (derog or joc 贬或谑) tired and lacking zest, usu after too much of sth 疲倦的, 缺乏热情的(尤指因厌倦): looking jaded after an all-night party 在通宵欢聚之後显得疲惫不堪 * (fig 比喻) a jaded appetite 吃腻了的胃口.
/ dVAg; dVA^/ n (infml 口)
1 bo spree 一阵痛饮; 欢闹.
2 period of concentrated activity, strong emotion, etc 一阵精神集中的活动、 感情激动等.
/ 5dVAgId; `dVA^Id/ adj with rough, uneven, often sharp, notched 边缘不整齐的(常为锐利的); 有V形缺口的: jagged rocks 犬牙交错的岩石 * a piece of glass with a jagged edge 边缘参差不齐的玻璃.
/ 5dVAgjUE(r); `dVA^jJ9Br/ n large spotted memberof the cat family inhabiting parts of central America 美洲豹; 美洲虎.
= gaol.
/ dVE5lCpI; dVE`lBpI/ n (infml 口) battered old car 破旧的汽车.
/ dVAm; dVAm/ n
1 [U] sweet substance made by boiling fruit with sugar until it is thick, usu preserved in jars, etc 果酱: He spread some strawberry jam on his toast. 他把草莓酱涂在烤面包片上.
2 [C] type of this 果酱: recipes for jams and preserves 果酱和蜜饯的制作方法.
3 (idm 习语) money for jam/old rope =& money.
/ 5dVAmI; `dVAmI/ adj (-ier, -iest) (infml 口)
1 covered with jam 涂有果酱的: Don't wipe your jammy fingers on the table-cloth. 你别在桌布上擦沾了果酱的手指.
2 (Brit infml 口) (a) lucky 幸运的: You jammy so-and-so! 你这个幸运的家伙! (b) easy 容易的: This is one of the jammiest jobs I've ever had. 这是我干过的最轻松的工作.
/ dVAm; dVAm/ v (-mm-)
1 [esp passive 尤用於被动语态: Tn.pr, Tn.p] ~ sb/sth in, under, between, ~ sb/sth in (a) squeeze sb/sth (into a space) so that he/it cannot move out 将某人[某物]塞(进某空间)不能出来: sitting in a railway carriage, jammed between two fat men 坐在火车里夹在两个胖子中间出不来 * The ship was jammed in the ice. 轮船卡在冰中间无法驶出. * Don't park there
you'll probably get jammed in. 别把汽车停在那里--有可能夹在里面开不出来. (b) thrust sth forcibly or clumsily into a space 将某物硬塞入某处: The newspapers were so tightly jammed in the letter-box he could hardly get them out. 报纸紧紧塞在信箱里, 他很难取出来. * He jammed his key into the lock. 他把钥匙卡在锁里了.
2 [I, Tn, Tn.p] ~ sth (up) (cause sth to) become immovable or unworkable because sth has stuck (使某物)因被卡住而不能动弹或发生故障: The key turned halfway and then jammed. 钥匙转了一半就卡住了. * There's something jamming (up) the lock. 有什麽东西把锁卡住了.
3 [Tn, Tn.p] ~ sth (up) crowd (an area, etc) obstruct 堵塞(某地方等); 阻塞: The holiday traffic is jamming the roads. 假日的车辆堵塞了道路. * a river jammed up with logs 被圆木堵塞了的河流 * a corridor jammed full of people and luggage 挤满了人和行李的走廊.
4 [Tn] (broadcasting 播) make (a message, programme, etc) difficult to understand by sending out a signal at the same time (发射无线电波)干扰(信息、 节目等): The government tried to jam the guerrillas' transmissions. 政府设法干扰游击队的无线电通讯.
5 (phr v) jam sth on apply (esp brakes) suddenly and forcibly 急拉, 猛踩(尤指制动器): As soon as she saw the child in the road, she jammed on her brakes. 她一见路上有个小孩, 便猛踩刹车.
1 crowding together of people, things, etc so that movement is dif congestion 拥挤; 拥塞: a `traffic jam in a town 城里的交通堵塞 * a `log-jam on a river 河面上的圆木堵塞.
2 failure or stoppage of a system, machine, etc caused by jamming (系统、 机器等卡住造成的)失灵或停顿: a jam in the dispatch department 发送部门的文件积压.
3 (infml 口) difficult or embarrassing situation 困难的处境; 窘况: How am I going to get out of this jam? 我怎样才能摆脱困境呢? * be in/get into a jam 陷入困境.
jam session
performance of improvised jazz 爵士乐的即兴演奏.
/ 9dVAm5pA `dVAm`pAkt/ adj [usu pred 通常作表语] (infml 口) ~ (with sb/sth) very full orcrowded 挤满; 拥挤: a stadium jam-packed with spectators挤满观众的体育馆.
/ dVAm; dVAm/ n vertical post at the side of a doorway, window frame, fireplace, etc (门、 窗、 壁炉等的)侧柱.
/ 9dVAmbE5ri:; 9dVAmbE`ri/ n
1 celebration 大聚会; 庆祝会.
2 large rally of Scouts or Guides 童子军的大会.
/ in informal use 俗读作 dVAn; dVAn/ abbr 缩写 = January: 1 Jan 年1月1日.
/ 5dVAN `dVAN^l/ v
1 [I, Ip, Tn] (cause sth to) make a harsh metallic noise (使某物)发出刺耳的金属撞击声: The fire-alarm kept jangling (away). 火警报警器响个不停.
2 (phr v) jangle on sth irritate (nerves, etc) by making an unpleasant noise 发出噪声刺激(神经等): Her voice jangles on my ears. 她的声音我觉得很刺耳.
n [sing] harsh, usu metallic, noise 刺耳的声音(通常指金属声).
/ 5dVAnItE(r); `dVAnEtL/ n (US) = caretaker.
/ 5dAVnjUErI; ?@ -jUerI; `dVAnjJ9ZrI/ n [U, C] (abbr 缩写 Jan) the first month of the year, coming before February 一月. For the uses of January see the examples at April. 关於January的用法见April词条中的示例.
/ dVE5pAn; dVE`pAn/ n hard shiny black varnish 黑色亮漆.
v [Tn usu passive 通常用於被动语态] (-nn-) cover (esp sth made of wood or metal) with japan 在(尤指木制品或金属制品)上涂黑色亮漆.
/ dVeIp; dVep/ n (dated infml 旧, 口) joke played on sb 玩笑; 嘲弄.
/ dVE5pCnIkE; dVE`pBnIkE/ n ornamental type of quince tree, with red flowers 贴梗海棠(装饰用的植物, 开红花).
/ dVB:(r); dVBr/ n
1 (a) cylindrical container, usu made of glass 广口瓶: I keep my paint-brushes in old `jam jars. 我把画笔存放在旧果酱瓶里. =&illus at pot 见pot插图. (b) this and its contents 广口瓶及其所盛之物或量: a jar of plum jam 一瓶梅子酱.
2 tall vessel with a wide mouth, usu cylindrical, with or without handles 罐子; 杯子; 缸: large jars of olive oil 大罐子的橄榄油 * a `wine-jar 酒缸.
3 (Brit infml 口) glass (of beer) (啤酒)杯: We're going down to the pub for a few jars. 我们打算去酒馆喝几杯啤酒.
/ dVB:(r); dVBr/ v (-rr-)
1 [I, Ipr] ~ (on sb/sth) have a harsh or an unpleasant effect 有不舒服或不愉快的感觉: His tuneless whistling jarred on my nerves. 我听到他吹著不和谐的口哨声感到心烦意乱.
2 [I, Ipr] ~ (with sth) clash 不和谐; 不一致; 冲突; 抵触: (fig 比喻) Her comments on future policy introduced a jarring note to the proceedings. 她对未来政策的评论是与会议议程唱反调. * His harsh criticism jarred with the friendly tone of the meeting. 他批评得十分尖刻, 与会议中的友好气氛很不协调.
3 [Tn] give a sudden or painful shock to (sb/sth); jolt 使(某人)受震动而痛疼; 使(某物)震动, 动摇: He jarred his back badly when he fell. 他这一跌, 背部 得很重.
4 (phr v) jar against/on sth strike sth with a harsh unpleasant sound 撞击某物发出刺耳的声音: The ship jarred against the quayside. 船撞在码头上发出刺耳的声音.
1 unpleasant sound or vibration 令人不快的声音或颤动: The side of the boat hit the quay with a grinding jar. 船舷撞到码头发出刺耳的声音.
2 sud jolt 令人难受的猛然震动; 颠簸: He gave his back a nasty jar when he fell. 他这一跌, 背部疼得很厉害.
/ 5dVB:gEn; `dVBr^En/ n [U] (often derog 常作贬义) technical or specialized words used by a particular group of people and difficult for others to understand 术语; 行话; 切口: scientific jargon 科学术语 * She uses so much jargon I can never understand her explanations. 她用的术语太多, 我怎麽也听不懂她的讲解.
/ 5dVAsmIn; ?@ 5dVAzmEn; `dVAzmEn/ n [U] shrub with white or yellow sweet-smelling flowers 茉莉.
/ 5dVAspE(r); `dVAspL/ n [U] red, yellow or brown semi-precious stone 碧玉(一种次宝石, 呈红色、 黄色或褐色).
/ 5dVR:ndIs; `dVRndIs/ n [U]
1 disease caused by an excess of bile in the blood which makes the skin and the whites of the eyes become abnormally yellow 黄疸.
2 (fig 比喻) state of mind in which one is jealous, spiteful or suspicious 忌妒; 怨恨; 猜疑: Do I detect a touch of jaundice (ie a slight hint of jealousy, etc) in that remark? 我听出那话里有点儿忌妒之意吧?
adj affected by jealousy, spite, bitter 受忌妒、 怨恨、 猜疑等影响的: a jaundiced mind, opinion, outlook, etc 有偏见的思想、 看法、 观点等 * He has rather a jaundiced view of life. 他对生活有点儿怨天尤人的看法.
/ dVR: dVRnt/ n short journey, made for pleasure 短途游览: She's gone on a jaunt into town. 她到城里游逛去了.
/ 5dVR:ntI; `dVRntI/ adj (-ier, -iest) feeling or showing cheerfulness and self- sprightly 扬扬得意的; 轻松愉快的: wear one's hat at a jaunty angle, ie tipped to one side, as a sign of high spirits, etc 歪戴著帽子, 得意扬扬.
adv: swagger jauntily 神气活现大摇大摆地走.
n [U].
/ 5dVAvlIn; `dVAvlIn/ n
1 [C] light spear for throwing (usu in sport) 标枪(通常指运动中用的).
2 the javelin [sing] sporting contest in which competitors try to throw this the furthest 标枪(田径运动项目): She came second in the javelin. 她获得标枪比赛第二名. =&illus 见插图.
/ dVR:; dVR/ n
1 (a) [C usu pl 通常作复数] either of the bone structures containing the teeth 颌: the upper/lower jaw 上[下]颌. (b) jaws [pl] the mouth with its bones and teeth 口部, 嘴(包括颌骨及牙齿): The crocodile's jaws snapped shut.  鱼的嘴啪的一声合上了. * (fig 比喻) into/out of the jaws of death, ie into/out of great danger 陷入[摆脱]险境. (c) [sing] l lower jaw 脸的下部; 下颌; 下巴: a handsome man with a strong square jaw 长著一副结实的方下巴的漂亮男子 * The punch broke the boxer's jaw. 这一拳捣坏了那个拳击手的下巴. =&illus at head 见head插图.
2 jaws [pl] narrow mouth of a valley, channel, etc (山谷、 水道等的)狭窄入口: the jaws of a gorge, canyon, etc 峡谷等的口.
3 jaws [pl] part of a tool, machine, etc that grips or crushes things (工具、 机器等的)钳夹部分, 夹紧装置: the jaws of a vice 虎钳口. =&illus at vice 见vice插图.
4 [U, C] (infml 口) (a) long dull talk, usu giving moral advice 冗长的话(通常指说教). (b) talkativeness 流言蜚语; 饶舌.
5 (idm 习语) one's `jaw drops (infml 口) one shows sudden surprise or disappointment 吃惊; 失望: My jaw dropped when I saw how much the meal had cost. 我看到那顿饭要花这麽多钱真大吃一惊.
v (infml 口)
1 [I, Ipr, Ip] ~ (on) (at sb) talk at length about sb's faults, behaviour, etc (对某人的错误、 行为等)喋喋不休地说.
2 [I, Ip] ~ (on) gossip 说闲话.
n either of the two bones forming the lower jaw in most mammals 下颌骨.
/ dVeI; dVe/ n noisy European bird with brightly coloured feathers 松鸦(产於欧洲, 羽毛鲜艳, 喜鸣叫).
/ 5dVeI wR:k; `dVe 9wRk/ v [I] walk carelessly across or along town streets without paying enough attention to traffic or traffic signals 无视交通规则任意行走.
/ dVAz; dVAz/ n
1 [U] music of American Negro origin, characterized by the use of improvisation and strong, often syncopated, rhythms 爵士乐: traditional jazz 传统爵士乐 * modern jazz 现代爵士乐 * [attrib 作定语] jazz music/musicians 爵士乐曲[乐师] * a `jazz band 爵士乐队.
2 [U] (sl derog 俚, 贬) nonsense 假大空; 废话: Don't give me that jazz! 别跟我胡扯!
3 (idm 习语) and all that jazz (sl usu derog 俚, 通常作贬义) and similar things 以及类似的东西: She lectured us about the honour of the school and all that jazz. 她给我们讲了学校的荣誉还有一大堆这类的事情.
1 [Tn, Tn.p] ~ sth (up) play or arrange (music) in the style of jazz 用爵士乐风格演奏(乐曲); 将(乐曲)改编为爵士乐: a jazzed-up version of an old tune 被改编为爵士乐的古老曲调.
2 (phr v) jazz sth up make sth more lively 使某事物更有生气: jazz up a party, a magazine, a dress 使聚会、 杂志、 连衣裙显得富有生气.
adj (infml 口)
1 of or like jazz (似)爵士乐的.
2 flashy or showy 绚丽的; 花哨的: jazzy clothes, colours, etc 绚丽的衣物、 颜色等 * a jazzy sports car 花哨的跑车.
je ne sais quoi
/ VE nE seI 5kwB:; VE nE se `kwB/ (French 法) (usu pleasing) quality that is difficult to describe (通常指好的)难以描述的特性: His new play has a certain je ne sais quoi. 他的这出新戏有些地方真是妙不可言.
/ 5dVelEs; `dVZlEs/ adj
1 feeling or showing fear or resentment of possible rivals in love or affection 忌妒的; 妒忌的: a jealous husband 好忌妒的丈夫 * jealous looks 忌妒的样子.
2 ~ (of sb/sth) feeling or showingresentment of sb's advantages, achievements, envious妒羡的; 羡慕的: He was jealous of Tom/of Tom's success.他妒羡汤姆[汤姆的成就].
3 ~ (of sth) anxiously protective (of one's rights, belongings, etc); possessive(对自己的权利、 所有物等)精心守护的, 占有的: keeping a jealous eye on one's property 精心保护自己的财产 * She's jealous of her privileges. 她极为珍视自己的特权.
/ 5dVelEsI; `dVZlEsI/ n (a) [U] being jealous 忌妒; 妒羡: a lover's jealousy 情人的忌妒. (b) [C] act or remark that shows a person to be jealous 忌妒, 妒羡, 羡慕(的言行): She grew tired of his petty jealousies. 她越来越讨厌他那种心胸狭窄的忌妒行为. Cf 参看 envy1.
/ dVi: dVinz/ n [pl] trousers of strong cotton for informal wear 牛仔裤: She was wearing a pair of tight blue jeans. 她穿著蓝色紧身牛仔裤.
/ dVi:p; dVip/ n (propr 专利名) small sturdy motor vehicle with four-wheel drive 吉普车.
/ dVIE(r); dVIr/ v [I, Ipr, Tn] ~ (at sb/sth) laugh at or mock (sb/sth) 嘲笑, 嘲弄(某人[某事物]): a jeering crowd 起哄的人群 * jeer at a defeated opponent 嘲弄被击败的对手 * They jeered (at) the speaker. 他们讥笑发言的人.
taunt 揶揄的言语; 嘲讽: He ran off, their jeers ringing in his ears. 他一跑了之, 耳边仍回响著他们的冷嘲热讽.
n [U]: He had to face the jeering of his classmates. 他只得面对同学们的奚落.
/ dVI5hEUvE; dVI`hovE/ n (Bible 圣经) name of God used in the Old Testament 耶和华(《圣经?旧约》中对上帝的称呼).
Jehovah's Witness
member of a religious organization which believes that the end of the world is near and that everyone will be damned except its own members 耶和华见证人(相信世界末日在即的一种教派的教徒, 认为除该教教徒外, 一切人都将受到惩罚).
/ dVI5dVu:n; dVI`dVun/ adj (fml 文)
1 (of writings) du unsatisfying to the mind (指文字)枯燥无味的, 言之无文的.
2 unsophisticated 幼稚的; 不懂世故的.
Jekyll and Hyde
/ 9dVekl En 5haId; 9dVZkl En `haId/ single person with two personalities, one good (Jekyll) and one bad (Hyde) 有善恶双重人格的人: I'd never have expected him he's a real Jekyll and Hyde. 我从来没有想到他会那样, 他真是有善恶双重人格.
/ dV dVZl/ v [I]
1 set 成胶状; 凝结: This strawberry jam is still runny: I can't get it to jell. 这草莓酱还是太稀, 凝结不起来.
2 (fig 比喻) become definite 定形; 明确化: My ideas are beginning to jell. 我的想法逐渐明确了.
/ 5dVelI; `dVZlI/ n
1 (a) [U, C] clear (fruit-flavoured) food substance made of liquid set with gelatine, usu prepared in a mould, which shakes when moved 果冻: Can I have some more jelly, please? 请再给我点果冻行吗? * All the strawberry jellies had been eaten. 草莓冻都吃光了. * (fig 比喻) She went into the interview room, her legs shaking like jelly, ie She was so nervous that she was unsteady. 她走进面试室, 两腿抖得像果冻一样颤颤巍巍. * [attrib 作定语] a jelly mould 果冻模子. (b) [U] savoury food like this made from the juices of meat and gelatine 肉冻.
2 [U] type of jam made of strained fruit juice and sugar (滤过的果汁和糖制成的)果酱: blackcurrant jelly 黑醋栗果酱.
3 [U] jelly-like substance 果冻状物: petroleum jelly 矿脂.
adj [usu attrib 通常作定语] like jelly 胶凝的; 做成冻子的; 胶冻状的: jellied eels 鳗冻.
jelly baby
small fruit-flavoured sweet in the shape of a baby, made from gelatine 胶糖娃娃(娃娃形状的果味凝胶软糖).
n (pl unchanged or ~es 复数或不变或作 jellyfishes) sea animal with a jelly-like body and stinging tentacles 水母; 海蜇.
/ 5dVemI; `dVZmI/ (US jimmy / 5dVImI; `dVImI/) n short heavy steel bar used by burglars to force open doors and windows (窃贼撬门窗用的)短铁撬, 铁撬棍.
jeopardize, jeopardise
/ 5dVepEdaIz; `dVZpLd9aIz/ v [Tn] cause (sth) to be harmed, put in danger 使(某事物)受到伤害、 损失或破坏; 使陷於险境: The security of the whole operation has been jeopardized by one careless person. 整个作业的安全让一个粗心大意的人给破坏了.
/ 5dVepEdI; `dVZpLdI/ n (idm 习语) in jeopardy in danger of harm, loss or destruction 处於受伤害、 受损失或受破坏的危险境地: A fall in demand for oil tankers has put/placed thousands of jobs in the shipbuilding industry in jeopardy. 油轮需求量下降使造船业成千上万的工作职位受到威胁.
/ dV\:5bEUE; dVL`boE/ n small rat-like animal of Asia and the N African deserts with long hind legs and the ability to jump well 跳鼠(产於亚洲和非洲北部的沙漠, 後腿长, 善跳).
/ 9dVerI5maIAd; 9dVZrE`maIAd/ n (fml 文) long, sad and complaining story of troubles, misfortunes, etc 悲伤的长篇故事; 血泪史.
/ dV\:k; dV[k/ n
1 sudden pull, push, start, stop, twist, lift or throw 突然的拉、 推、 开始、 停止、 拧、 抬或扔: He gave his tooth a sharp jerk and it came out. 他猛一使劲把牙拔了下来. * The bus stopped with a jerk. 公共汽车骤然停住了.
2 sudden involuntary twitch of a muscle or muscles (肌肉的) 反射: a jerk of an eyelid 眼皮的一跳.
3 (infml derog 口, 贬) foolish person 蠢人.
1 [Tn.pr, Tn.p] pull (sth/sb) suddenly and quickly in the specified direction 猛拉(某物[某人]): He jerked the fishing-rod out of the water. 他猛然从水中挑起鱼竿. * She jerked her hand away when he tried to touch it. 他刚要摸她的手, 她一下子就把手缩了回去.
2 [I, Ipr, Ip, Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p] (cause sth/sb to) move with a short sudden action or a series of short uneven actions(使某物[某人])猛然一动或颤动: His head keeps jerking.他直晃脑袋. * The train jerked to a halt. 火车猛然停住了. * She jerked upright in surprise. 她惊讶得跳了起来. * Try not to jerk the camera when taking a photograph. 拍照时照相机不要晃. * He jerked his head towards the door. 他猛然把头扭向大门.
3 (phr v) jerk (oneself) off (&!& sl 讳, 俚) (of a man) masturbate (指男子)手淫. jerk sth out utter sth in an abrupt nervous manner 紧张而断断续续地说出某事: jerk out a request, an apology, etc 结结巴巴地提出请求、 道歉等.
adj (-ier, -iest) making abr not moving or talking smoothly 忽动忽停的; 颠簸不稳的; 结结巴巴的: The toy robot moved forward with quick jerky steps. 玩具机器人一颠一颠地走得很快. * his jerky way of speaking 他讲话时结结巴巴的样子.
/ -IlI; -ElI/ adv.
n [U].
/ 5dV\:kIn; `dV[kIn/ n short close-fitting jacket without sleeves, worn by men or women (男用或女用的)坎肩.
/ 5dVerIbI `dVZrI9bIld/ v [I, Tn] (derog 贬) build (houses, etc) quickly and cheaply without concern for quality 偷工减料地建造(房屋等).
n person who builds in this way 偷工减料的营造商.
n [U].
adj: jerry-built houses 偷工减料建成的房屋.
/ 5dVerIkAn; `dVZrI9kAn/ n type of large flat-sided metal container used for storing or carrying liquids, usu petrol or water 扁平金属罐(贮存或运送汽油、 水等液体用的).
/ 5dV\:zI; `dV[zI/ n type of light-brown cow that produces creamy milk 泽西乳牛(浅棕色, 乳中含脂率高).
/ 5dV\:zI; `dV[zI/ n (pl ~s)
1 (also jumper, pullover, sweater) [C] close-fitting knitted (esp woollen) garment without fastenings, usu worn over a shirt or blouse 针织(尤指毛织)紧身套衫(通常穿在衬衣外面): a thick green jersey 厚的绿色套头毛衣.
2 (also jersey-wool) [U] soft fine knitted woollen fabric used for making clothes 优级细毛纱.
/ dV dVZst/ n
1 thing said or don joke 玩笑; 笑话.
2 (idm 习语) not seriously 开玩笑地; 不严肃地: His reply was taken half seriously, half in jest. 他的答覆看来是半开玩笑半认真的. * (saying 谚) Many a true word is spoken in jest. 玩笑话里有许多是真话.
v [I, Ipr] ~ (with sb) (about sth) make jokes (to sb) (about sth); speak or act without seriousness (跟某人)(以某事)开玩笑; 以不严肃的态度说话或做事: Stop jesting and be serious for a moment! 别开玩笑了, 严肃一会儿吧! * Don't jest about such important matters! 这麽重要的事情可不要当儿戏! jester n (formerly) man whose job was to make jokes to amuse a court or noble household (旧时)(宫廷或贵族豢养的)弄臣, 小丑: the court/king's/queen's jester 宫廷的[国王的/王后的]弄臣.
/ 5dVezjUIt; ?@ 5dVeVEwEt; `dVZVEwEt/ n
1 member of the Society of Jesus, a Roman Catholic religiousorder 耶稣会会士(天主教修会的).
2 (derog 贬) person who deceives others, or fails to tell the (whole) truth, to achieve his ends 弄虚作假的人.
/ 9dVezjU5ItI ?@ 9dVeVU-; 9dVZVJ`ItIkl/ adj (derog 贬) involving deception or dishonesty 狡诈的; 虚伪的: a Jesuitical scheme, reply 诡诈的阴谋、 回答.
/ 5dVi:zEs; `dVizEs/ n = christ.
/ dV dVZt/ n
1 (also jet aircraft) aircraft powered by a jet engine 喷气式飞机: The accident happened as the jet was about to take off. 喷气式飞机正要起飞时出了事故. * travel by jet 乘喷气式飞机 * [attrib 作定语] a jet fighter, airliner, etc 喷气式战斗机、 班机等 * the age of jet travel 乘喷气机的时代.
2 (a) strong narrow stream of gas, liquid, steam or flame, forced out of a small opening 喷射: The pipe burst and jets of water shot across the kitchen. 管子破了, 水从厨房的这边喷到那边. (b) narrow opening from which this comes 喷嘴; 喷射口: clean the gas jets on the cooker 把煤气炉的喷嘴弄乾净.
1 [I, Ipr, Ip] (infml 口) travel by jet airliner 乘喷气式飞机: politicians who constantly jet around the world 乘喷气式飞机往来於世界各地的政治家.
2 (phr v) jet (sth) from/ jet (sth) out (cause sth to) come out in a jet or jets (使某物)喷出: Flames jetted out (of the nozzles). 火焰(从喷嘴中)喷出来了.
jet engine
engine that gives forward movement by sending out a high-speed jet of hot gases, etc at the back 喷气发动机. =&illus at aircraft 见aircraft插图.
jet lag
delayed physical effects of tiredness, etc felt after a long flight by plane, esp when there is a great difference in the local times at which the journey begins and ends 喷气飞行时差反应(长途飞行後延缓的身体疲劳反应, 尤因两地时差悬殊所致).
adj affected by jet lag 有喷气飞行时差反应的.
adj powered by jet engines 喷气推进的.
jet propulsion
n [U].
the jet set
rich fashionable social group who travel about the world for business or pleasure 喷气机阶层(乘喷气机往来於世界各地公干或旅游的有钱人): I see she's joining the jet set! 我看她是进入了喷气机阶层.
n member of the jet set 喷气机阶层的成员.
/ dV dVZt/ n [U] hard black mineral that can be polished brightly and is used for jewellery 煤玉, 黑玉(黑色矿物, 质硬, 可抛光用作饰物).
adj, n [U] (of a) deep glossy black 煤玉色(的); 黑而亮(的): jet-black 'hair, `eyebrows, etc 黑油油的头发、 眉毛等.
/ 5dVetsEm; `dVZtsEm/ n [U]
1 goods thrown overboard from a ship in di such goods washed up ashore 遇难船只为减轻重量而抛弃的货物; 冲到岸上的这类物品. Cf 参看 flotsam.
2 (idm 习语) flotsam and jetsam =& flotsam.
/ 5dVetI `dVZtEsn/ v [Tn]
1 throw or eject (unwanted goods or material) from a ship in distress, or from an aeroplane, a spacecraft, etc 从遇难船中或从飞机、 宇宙飞船等上投弃(物品): The first-stage vehicle is used to launch the rocket and is then jettisoned in the upper atmosphere. 第一级运载火箭是用来发射火箭的, 进入高层大气後即抛掉.
2 abandon or reject (sth that is not wanted) 放弃或拒绝(不想要的事物): to jettison a plan, an idea, a theory, etc 放弃一计划、 想法、 理论等.
/ 5dVetI; `dVZtI/ n stone wall or wooden platform built out into a sea, river, etc as a breakwater or landing-place for boats 防波堤; 突堤; 码头. Cf 参看 pier.
/ dVu:; dVu/ n person of the Hebrew people or religion 犹太人; 犹太教徒.
/ 5dVu:Is; `dVuIs/ n (sometimes offensive 有时作轻蔑语) Jewish woman 犹太女子.
/ 5dVu:IF; `dVuIF/ adj of the Jews 犹太人的: the local Jewish community 当地的犹太人社区.
/ 5dVUErI; `dVJrI/ n
1 [Gp] Jewish people collectively犹太人(总称): world Jewry 世界上的犹太人.
2 [U] Jewish religion or culture 犹太人的宗教或文化. =&Usage at Christian 用法见Christian.
Jew's harp
small musical instrument held between the teeth with a projecting metal strip that is struck with a finger 单簧口琴(含在齿间, 用手指拨奏外伸的金属片).
/ 5dVu:El; `dVuEl/ n
1 (a) precious stone (eg adiamond or a ruby) 宝石(如钻石或红宝石). (b) ornament with such a stone or stones set in it 镶有宝石的装饰品; 珠宝: [attrib 作定语] a jewel thief 盗珠宝的窃贼.
2 small precious stone, or piece of special glass, used in the machinery of a watch or compass (手表或罗盘内的)宝石轴承: a watch with 17 jewels 17钻的手表.
3 person or thing that is greatly valued 受珍视的人或物: He's always saying his wife is a real jewel. 他总说他的妻子是至宝. * a painting by Goya, the brightest jewel in his collection of art treasures 戈雅的画, 他所收藏的艺术珍品中最光彩夺目的一颗明珠.
jewelled (US jeweled)
adj decorated with or having jewels 饰以宝石; 镶宝石的: a jewelled ring, dagger, snuff-box, etc 镶宝石的戒指、 匕首、 鼻烟壶等.
jeweller (US jeweler)
n person who sells, makes or repairs jewellery or watches 出售、 制造或修理珠宝饰物或钟表的人.
jewellery (also jewelry)
/ 5dVu:ElrI; `dVuElrI/ n [U] ornaments, eg rings and necklaces, esp made of a valuable metal and sometimes set with jewels 珠宝; 首饰.
jewel box, jewel case
box for keeping jewels in 珠宝盒; 首饰盒.
/ 5dVezEbl, - `dVZzEbl, -bZl/ n (derog 贬) shameless scheming woman 无耻而诡计多端的女子.
/ dVIb; dVIb/ n
1 small triangular sail in front of the mainsail 主帆前的小三角帆; 艏帆. =&illus at yacht 见yacht插图.
2 projecting arm of a crane 起重机的臂.
3 (idm 习语) the cut of his jib =& cut2.
n pole to which the lower part of a jib(1) is fastened 艏斜帆桁.
/ dVIb; dVIb/ v (-bb-)
1 [I] (of a horse, etc) refuse to go forwards (指马等)突然停步, 逡巡不前.
2 [I, Ipr] ~ (at sth/doing sth) (fig 比喻) refuse to proceed with (an action); be reluctant to do or accept sth 拒绝继续进行(活动); 不愿做或不愿接受某事物: He jibbed when he heard how much the tickets would cost. 他一知道票价就不想买了. * The staff don't mind the new work schedule but they would jib at taking a cut in wages. 全体工作人员对新工作时间表倒不介意, 但不同意削减工资.
1 = gibe.
2 (US) = gybe.
/ 5dVIfI; `dVIfI/ n [C] (infml 口) moment 一会儿: I'll be with you in a couple of jiffies, ie very soon. 我一会儿就来.
/ dVIg; dVI^/ n
1 (music for a) quick lively dance 吉格舞; 吉格舞曲.
2 device that holds a piece of work in position and guides the tools that are working on it 夹具.
1 [I] dance a jig 跳吉格舞.
2 [I, Ip, Tn, Tn.p] (cause sb/sth to) move up and down in a quick jerky way (使某人[某物])急速颠簸: jigging up and down in excitement 兴奋得又蹦又跳 * to jig a baby (up and down) on one's knee 把婴儿放在膝上(上下)颠动.
/ 5dVIgE(r); `dVI^L/ n small measure
small glass holding this amount (量酒的)小量器; (盛此量的)小玻璃杯.
/ 5dVIgEd; `dVI^Ld/ adj [pred 作表语] (infml 口)
1 (dated 旧) (used as a mild expression of surprise, anger, etc 用以表示轻度的惊奇、 愤怒等): Well I'm jiggered! 哪有这种事!
2 exhausted 精疲力竭: I was completely jiggered. 我完全累垮了.
/ 9dVIgErI 5pEUkErI; `dVI^ErI`pokErI/ n [U] (infml 口 esp Brit) secret and mischievous or mischief or trickery 捣鬼; 欺骗: He began to suspect that some jiggery-pokery was going on. 他怀疑有人在暗中捣鬼.
/ 5dVI `dVI^l/ v [I, Tn] (infml 口) (cause sth to) move lightly and quickly from side to side or up and down (使某物)很快地左右或上下移动: jiggling in time to the music 随著音乐摇摆 * jiggle a key in a lock 轻轻转动锁里的钥匙.
/ 5dVIgsR:; `dVI^9sR/ n
1 (also `jigsaw puzzle) picture, map, etc pasted on cardboard or wood and cut into irregular shapes that have to be fitted together again 拼图玩具: do a jigsaw 做拼图游戏 * Have you finished the jigsaw yet? 你拼好那个拼图了吗? * (fig 比喻) a complex jigsaw of interlocking social and economic factors 相关联的社会和经济因素的相互交错. =&illus 见插图.
2 mechanically operated fretsaw 锯曲线机; 线锯; 镂花锯.
/ dVI5hB:d; dVI`hBd/ n holy war fought by Muslims against those who reject Islam 圣战(穆斯林对异教徒之战).
/ dVI dVIlt/ v [Tn] leave (a man or woman) with whom one has had a close emotional relationship, esp suddenly and unkindly 抛弃或遗弃(情人): a jilted lover 被抛弃的恋人.
Jim Crow
/ 9dVIm 5krEU; `dVIm`kro/ (US derog offensive 贬, 蔑) B negro 黑人: [attrib 作定语] Jim Crow laws, ie ones unfair to Black Americans 黑人法(对美国黑人不公正的法律) * Jim Crow schools, buses, etc, ie for American Blacks only, and usu of poor quality 黑人学校、 公共汽车等(仅为美国黑人提供的, 通常质量低劣).
/ 5dVImdVA `dVIm9dVAmz/ n the jim-jams [pl] (sl 俚) feelings of the jitters 神经极度紧张: Steady on: you're giving me the jim-jams! 沉住气, 你弄得我神经紧张!
(US) = jemmy.
/ 5dVIN `dVIN^l/ n
1 [sing] metallic ringing or clinking sound, as of coins, keys or small bells (金属发出的)叮当声(如硬币、 钥匙或小铃的声音): the jingle of coins in his pocket 他衣袋里硬币的叮当声.
2 [C] short simple rhyme or song that is designed to attract attention and be easily remembered, esp one used in advertising on radio or television (吸引人又易记的)简短的韵文或歌曲(尤指广播或电视广告中的): an advertising jingle 广告顺口溜.
v [I, Tn] (cause sth to) make a gentle ringing or clinking sound (使某物)发出叮当声: The coins jingled in his pocket. 他衣袋里的硬币叮当作响. * the sound of jingling bracelets and bangles 手镯、 脚镯的叮当声 * Stop jingling your keys like that! 别把钥匙弄得叮当乱响!
/ 5dVINgEUIzEm; `dVIN^o9IzEm/ n [U] (derog 贬) extreme and unreasonable belief that one's own country is best, together with a warlike attitude towards other countries 极端爱国主义(主张对外实行战争政策).
/ 5dVINgEUI `dVIN^oIst/ n person who has such a belief 极端爱国主义者.
/ 9dVINgEU5IstIk; 9dVIN^o`IstIk/ adj: ,jingoistic remarks 极端爱国主义的言论.
/ dVINk; dVINk/ v [I, Ipr, Ip] (infml 口) move quickly or suddenly with sharp turns, usu t dodge 急转; (通常指)躲闪, 避开.
1 quick turning movement 急转弯: a sharp jink to the right 向右的急转弯.
2 (idm 习语) high jinks =& high.
/ dVI5ni:; dVI`ni/ (also djinn, jinn/ dVIn; dVIn/) n(pl jinn)
1 (in Muslim mythology) spirit with supernatural power which is able to appear in human and animal forms 镇尼(穆斯林神话中的精灵, 能变成人形和动物).
2 = genie.
/ dVIN dVINks/ n (usu sing 通常作单数) ~ (on sb/sth) (infml 口) (person or thing that is thought to bring) bad luck (to sb/sth); curse 厄运; 不祥的人或事物; 祸根: There's a jinx on/Someone's put a jinx on this car: it's always giving me trouble. 这辆汽车上有什麽妨人的东西, 总给我找麻烦.
v [Tn usu passive 通常用於被动语态] (infml 口) bring bad luck to (sb/sth) 给(某人[某事])带来厄运: I've been jinxed! 我一直走背运! * I think this computer must be jinxed
it's always breaking down. 这计算机一定闹鬼了--总出毛病.
/ 5dVItE(r); `dVItL/ v [I] (infml 口) behave nervously 感到神经紧张; 举止不自然: jittering with fright 吓得神经紧张.
the jitters
n [pl] (infml 口) feelings of the jim-jams 神经极度紧张: give sb/have/get the jitters 使某人极为紧张 * I always get the jitters before I go on stage. 我登台之前总是感到紧张.
/ 5dVItErI; `dVItErI/ adj (infml 口) frightened 神经紧张的; 害怕的.
n performer of a lively popular dance of the 1940s to swing music 跳吉特巴舞的人.
v [I] perform such a dance 跳吉特巴舞.
/ dVaIv; dVaIv/ n (usu 通常作 the jive) [sing] fast lively form of musi dance done to this 摇摆乐(节拍强烈、 快而活泼的音乐); 摇摆舞.
v [I] dance to jive music 跳摇摆舞.
Jnr (also Jr, Jun)
abbr 缩写 = (esp US) Junior: John F Davis Jnr, ie to distinguish him from his father with the same name 小约翰?F?戴维斯(因父子同名, 用以区别其父). Cf 参看 Sen 3.
Darby and Joan
/ 9dB:bI En 5dVEUn; `dBrbI En `dVon/ oldand loving married couple 恩爱的老年夫妇.
Darby and Joan club
(Brit) social club for old (esp married) people 老年人(尤指老年夫妇)俱乐部.
/ dVEUb; dVob/ n (idm 习语) the patience of job =& patience.
Job's comforter
person who increases the unhappiness or distress of the person he is attempting to comfort 给被安慰的人增加痛苦或烦恼的人.
/ dVCb; dVBb/ n
1 regularly paid position or post 职业; 职位: Thousands of workers lost their jobs when the factory closed. 那家工厂一倒闭, 成千的工人都失业了. * He got a part-time job as a gardener. 他找到个兼职工作, 当花匠. * Should she give up her job when she has a baby? 她有小孩之後, 要辞去工作吗? * The government is trying to create new jobs. 政府正设法提供新的就业机会. =&Usage at trade1 用法见trade1.
2 task or assignment 工作; 任务: The shipyard is working on three different jobs, ie building three ships. 该造船厂正在造三艘船. * They've done a fine job (of work) sewing these curtains. 他们把缝窗帘这项工作干得挺好. * pay sb by the job, ie separately for each job done 按件计酬 * Writing a book was a more difficult job than he'd thought. 写书这工作可比他原来想像的难得多. * It was quite a job (ie a difficult task) finding his flat. 找到他的寓所可不是件容易事. =&Usage at work1 用法见work1.
3 (usu sing 通常作单数) responsibility or function of sb/sth 责任; 职责: It's not my job to lock up! 上锁不是我分内的事. * It's the job of the church to help people lead better lives. 帮助人们生活得好些是教会的责任.
4 (infml 口) thi product 成品; 产品: Your new car is a neat little job, isn't it? 你这辆新汽车很精巧哇, 是吧?
5 (infml 口) criminal act, dishonest or unfair action 罪行(尤指盗窃); 欺骗; 不正当的行为: He got three years for a job he did in Leeds. 他在利兹犯盗窃罪被判三年徒刑.
6 (idm 习语) do the `job/`trick (infml 口) succeed in doing what is required or desired 起作用; 奏效: This extra strong glue should do the job nicely. 这种超强度胶应该管用. give sb/sth up as a bad `job (infml 口) decide that one can no longer help sb or be concerned for sb/sth because there seems no hope of success (因无成效)决定不再帮助某人或不再关心某人[某事]: His parents have given him up as a bad job. 他父母对他已不抱希望了. * After waiting an hour for the bus she decided to give it up as a bad job. 她等了一小时公共汽车後就决定不再等了. a good `job (infml 口) (used as a comment on actions or events 用作对行动或事情的评语) a fortunate state of affairs 幸运之事: She's stopped smoking, and a good job too! 她戒烟了, 真是好事! * It's a good job you were there to help
we couldn't have managed without you. 多亏你来帮忙--不然我们真没法办. have a devil of a job doing sth =& devil1. jobs for the `boys (infml 口) the giving of paid employment to favoured groups, usu friends or relations 将有薪工作给予亲信(通常指亲友). just the `job/`ticket (infml approv 口, 褒) exactly what is wanted or needed 正是想要的: Thanks for lending me your big lawn-mower. It was just the job for the long grass. 多谢你借给我大割草机. 割高草正需要这个. make a bad, excellent, good, poor, etc job of sth do sth badly, well, etc 将某事做坏、 做好等: Mark's a difficult child and I think they're making a good job of bringing him up. 马克是个不听话的孩子, 我看他们现在对他的培养方面做得不错. * You've certainly made an excellent job of the kitchen, eg decorating it. 你把厨房弄得太棒了(如装修). make the best of a bad job =& best3. on the `job (a) at work 正在工作; 上班: lie down/go to sleep on the job, ie not work energetically and continuously 工作时无精打彩、 时干时停 * [attrib 作定语] on-the-job training, ie training given to workers at their place of work 岗位培训(在工作人员的工作处进行培训). (b) (Brit sl 俚) having sexual intercourse 正在性交. out of a `job unemployed 失业: He was out of a job for six months. 他已失业半年了.
adj unemployed 失业的; 无职业的. the jobless n [pl v] people who are unemployed 失业的人:The government's new scheme is designed to help the jobless.政府制定了协助失业者的新计划.
n [U].
n (Brit) (Brit also dated 旧亦作 Labour Exchange) government office displaying information about available jobs 政府职业介绍所.
job creation
process of providing opportunities for paid work, esp for those who are currently unemployed 提供就业机会(尤指为一时无工作的人): [attrib 作定语] a ,job-creation `scheme, `project, `programme, etc 提供就业机会的计划、 方案、 安排等.
job description
written description of the exact responsibilities of a job 工作职责说明.
job lot
mixed collection of articles, esp of poor quality, offered together for sale 物品(尤指次品)的混合搭配销售.
job satisfaction
fulfilment gained from doing one's job 完成工作的满足感.
job sharing
arrangement by which two or more people are employed on a part-time basis to do work that would otherwise have been done by one person working full-time 一工分做制(两人或两人以上分时做一份工作的制度).
/ 5dVCbE(r); `dVBbL/ n (Brit) (formerly) trader on the Stock Exchange who buys and sells shares without dealing directly with the public (旧时)股票经纪人.
/ 5dVCbErI; `dVBbErI/ n [U] (derog 贬) use of unfair or corrupt methods in order to gain a financial or political advantage 营私舞弊; 假公济私; 贪污渎职.
/ 5dVCbIN; `dVBbIN/ adj [attrib 作定语] doingsingle, specific (and esp small) pieces of work for payment做零工的; 做散工的: a jobbing printer, gardener, etc 承印零星印刷品的商人、 打零工的花匠.
/ 5dVCkstrAp; `dVBk9strAp/ n close-fitting undergarment worn by sportsmen to support or protect the genitals (男运动员用的)下体护身, 护裆.
/ 5dVCkI; `dVBkI/ n (pl ~s) person who rides a horse, usu a professional competing in races 骑师; (通常指)职业赛马骑师.
/ 5dVCkI; `dVBkI/ v (phr v) jockey for sth manoeuvre to gain (an advantage, a favour, etc) 用计谋获取(利益、 好处等): jockey for position, power, favours, etc 用计谋获得职位、 权力、 好处等. jockey sb into/out of sth persuade sb by skilful management or unfair manoeuvring to do/give up sth 用巧妙的方法或诡计说服某人做[放弃]某事: They jockeyed Fred out of his position on the board. 他们设法欺骗弗雷德放弃在董事会的职位.
/ dVEU5kEUs; dVo`kos/ adj (dated fml 旧, 文) playful 诙谐的; 开玩笑的.
/ dVEU5kCsEtI; dVo`kBsEtI/ n [U].
/ 5dVCkjUlE(r); `dVBkjElL/ adj
1 humorous 滑稽的; 诙谐的: jocular remarks 诙谐的言语.
2 playful 爱开玩笑的; 嬉戏的: a jocular fellow 爱开玩笑的家伙.
/ 9dVCkjU5lrEtI;9dVBkjE`lArEtI/ n [U].
adv: Philip, jocularly known as Flip 菲利普, 被戏称为`费力跑'.
/ 5dVCkE `dVBkEnd/ adj (dated 旧) cheerful 欢乐的; 愉快的.
/ dVEU5kQndEtI; dVo`kQndEtI/ n [U].
/ 5dVCdpEz; `dVBdpLz/ n [pl] trousers worn for horse-riding, loose above the knee and close fitting from the knee to the ankle 马裤: a pair of jodhpurs 一条马裤.
/ dVCg; dVB^/ v (-gg-)
1 [Tn] push or knock (sb/sth) slightly 轻推或轻碰(某人[某物]): Don't jog me, or you'll make me spill something! 别碰我, 不然我就把东西弄洒了.
2 [I] (usu 通常作 go jogging) run slowly and steadily for a time, for physical exercise 慢跑(作为运动): He goes jogging every evening. 他每天晚上都作慢跑. =&Usage at run1 用法见run1.
3 [Ipr, Ip] move unsteadily, esp up and down, in a shaky manner 不平稳地移动; (尤指)颠簸: The wagon jogged along (a rough track). 马车(沿凹凸不平的小路)颠簸前行.
4 [I] (of a horse) move at a jogtrot (指马)颠跑.
5 (idm 习语) jog sb's memory help sb to recall sth 唤起某人记起某事: This photograph may jog your memory. 这照片能引起你的回忆.
6 (phr v) jog along/on continue in a steady manner, with little or no excitement or progress 持续而缓慢地进行; 无起色或无大进展: For years the business just kept jogging along. 多年来生意仅仅是平平而已.
1 slight push, nudge 轻推; 轻碰; 轻摇; 以肘轻触: He gave the pile of tins a jog and they all fell down. 他轻轻一碰, 那些罐子就都倒了. * (fig 比喻) give sb's memory a jog 给某人提个醒.
2 spell of jogging as exercise (为锻炼的)短时慢跑: Are you coming for a jog tomorrow morning? 明天早晨你来慢跑吗?
/ 5dVCgE(r); `dVB^L/ n person who jogs for exercise (为锻炼)慢跑的人.
/ 5dVCgIN; `dVB^IN/ n [U].
n slow regular trot 慢而有规律的行走; 缓行.
/ 5dVC `dVB^l/ v [I, Ip, Tn, Tn.p] (cause sb/sth to) move or shake slightly, usu up and down (使某人[某物])轻轻颠动, 摇动.
/ dVCn; dVBn/ n (US sl 俚) toilet 厕所: go to the john 去厕所.
John Bull
/ 9dVCn 5bUl; `dVBn `bJl/ (dated 旧) the E typical Englishman 英国; 典型的英国人.
/ 5dVCnI; `dVBnI/ n (Brit)
1 (dated infml 旧, 口) fellow 男子; 家伙.
2 (sl 俚) condom 男用避孕套; 阴茎套: a rubber johnny 橡胶避孕套.
joie de vivre
/ 9VwB: dE 5vi:vrE; 9VwBdE`vivr/ (French 法) cheerful enjoyment of life 生活的乐趣: full of joie de vivre 充满生活乐趣.
/ dVRIn; dVRIn/ v
1 [Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p] ~ sth onto sth/ ~ A to B; ~ A and B (together/up) fasten
connect or combine two things 连结;结合; 联合: Two extra carriages were joined onto the train/joined on at York. 列车在约克又挂上了两节车厢. * join one section of pipe to the next 把一段管道与相邻的管道连接起来 * join two sections of pipe together 把两条管子接在一起 * The island is joined to the mainland by a bridge. 岛上有座桥与大陆相连. * (fig 比喻) join two people (together) in marriage, ie make them man and wife 使二人结为夫妻.
2 [I, Ipr, Ip, Tn] ~ up with sb/ ~ up meet and unite with (sb/sth) to form one group or thing 与(某人[某物])会合或相聚: the place where the rivers join 河流的汇合处 * The firm joined up with a small delivery company to reduce costs. 该商行与一家小运输公司合并以降低成本. * The M62 joins up with the M1/The M62 and the M1 join up south of Leeds. 62号高速公路与1号高速公路在利兹以南会合. * The two groups of walkers joined up for the rest of the holiday. 两组步行度假者会合一起度过剩下的假期. * The road joins the motorway at Newtown. 该路在纽敦与高速公路连接.
3 [Tn] come into the company of (sb); meet 与(某人)在一起、 会面或相见: I'll join you in a minute. 我马上就来找你. * Ask him to join us for lunch. 请他和我们一起吃午饭. * Mary has just joined her family in Australia. 玛丽不久前刚和她的家人在澳大利亚团聚. * They joined (ie got on) the train at Watford. 他们在沃特福德上的火车.
4 [I, Tn] become a member of (sth); become an employee in (sth) 参加(某组织); 加入(某处任职): Membership is free, so join today! 免交会费, 今天 就参加吧! * join a union, choir, club, etc 参加工会、 唱诗班、 俱乐部等 * join the army, navy, police, etc 加入陆军、 海军、 警务部门等.
5 (a) [Tn] take part in (sth); take one's place in (sth) 参与(某事); 在(某事)中占一位置: join a demonstration, procession, queue, etc 参加游行、 加入一长列、 排队. (b) [Ipr, Tn.pr] join (with) sb in doing sth/ ~ together in doing sth/to do sth take part with sb in an activity 与某人一起参加活动: Mother joins (with) me in sending you our best wishes. 我母亲和我一起向你表示美好的祝愿. * The class all joined together to sing `Happy Birthday' to the teacher. 全班一起为老师唱`生日快乐'歌.
6 (idm 习语) if you can't beat them join them =& beat1. join battle (with sb) (fml 文) begin fighting sb 与某人交战. join the `club (said when sth bad that has already happened to oneself now happens to sb else 自己遇到过的倒霉事别人也遇到时, 可用此语表达): You've got a parking-ticket? Well join the club! 你收到违章停车罚款通知单了? 这真是无独有偶! join `forces (with sb) come together in order to achieve a common aim 联合以达到共同的目的: The two firms joined forces to win a major contract. 两家公司联合起来以争得一桩大生意. join `hands hold each other's hands 联手; 携手.
7 (phr v) join in (sth/doing sth) take part in (an activity) 参加(活动): Can I join in (the game)? 我参加(这个游戏)行吗? * They all joined in singing the Christmas carols. 他们一起唱圣诞颂歌. join up become a member of the armed forces 参军; 从军: We both joined up in 1939. 我们俩都是1939年入伍的.
n place or line where two things are joined 连接处; 接缝: The two pieces were stuck together so well that you could hardly see the join. 这两块粘合得真好, 几乎看不出接缝.
/ 5dVRInE(r); `dVRInL/ n (Brit) skilled workman who makes the wooden fittings of a building, eg window frames and doors 细木工. Cf 参看 carpenter.
/ 5dVRInErI; `dVRInErI/ n [U] work of a joiner 细木工的工作或制品.
/ dVRI dVRInt/ n
1 structure in the body of an animal by which bones are fitted together 关节: ankle, knee, elbow, etc joints 踝、 膝、 肘等关节 * suffer from stiff joints 患关节强直症.
2 place, line or surface at which two or more things are joined 连接处; 接缝; 接合面: Check that the joints of the pipes are sealed properly. 检查一下管道的接口是否封严了.
3 any of the parts into which a butcher cuts an animal' this cooked and served as meat (生的或熟的)大块肉: a joint of beef 一大块牛肉 * carve the Sunday joint 切开星期日吃的大块肉.
4 (sl derog 俚, 贬) low or shabby bar, club, house or shop 下等的或破旧的酒吧、 俱乐部等; 房子; 店 .
5 (sl 俚) cigarette containing marijuana 含大麻的香烟.
6 (idm 习语) case the joint =& case2. out of joint (a) (of bones) pu dislocated (指骨)脱臼: She fell and put her knee out of joint. 她摔得膝关节脱臼了. (b) (fig 比喻) disorganized 混乱; 紊乱: The delays put the whole schedule out of joint. 一再的拖延打乱了全部安排. put sb's nose out of joint =& nose1.
v [Tn esp passive 尤用於被动语态]
1 provide (sth) with a joint or joints 给(某物)装以活节或关节: a jointed doll, fishing-rod 有活动关节的玩具娃娃、 活动钓竿.
2 divide (a carcass) into joints or at the joints 将(屠宰後的动物)分割成大块或在关节处切开: a jointed chicken 切成大块的鸡.
/ dVRI dVRInt/ adj [attrib 作定语]
1 shared, held or done by two or more people together 共享的; 共有的; 共同做的: a joint account, ie a bank account in the name of more than one person (eg husband and wife) 联合帐户(不止一人, 如夫妇, 共有的银行户头) * joint ownership, responsibility, consultation 共同的所有权、 责任、 协商 * a joint effort 共同的努力.
2 sharing in an activity, a position, an achievement, etc 共同参与、 持有或取得的: joint authors, owners, winners, etc 合著者、 共同持有者、 同时获胜者.
adv: a jointly owned business 共同所有的商行.
joint-stock company
= stock company (stock1).
/ dVRI dVRIst/ n one of the long thick pieces of wood or metal that are used to support a floor or ceiling in a building 搁栅; 托梁.
/ dVEUk; dVok/ n
1 thing said (eg a story with a funny ending) or done to cause amusement, laughter, etc 笑话; 玩笑: tell (sb) a joke 给(某人)讲笑话 * cracking jokes with one's friends 跟朋友说笑话.
2 [sing] ridiculous person, thing or situation 可笑的人、 事物、 情形: His attempts at cooking are a complete joke. 他总也做不好饭, 这事成了个笑话.
3 (idm 习语) be no ` be/get beyond a `joke be/become a serious matter 不是闹著玩儿的事; 是[变成]正经的事: Trying to find a job these days is no joke, I can tell you. 我实话告诉你, 现在想找工作可不易. * All your teasing of poor Michael is getting beyond a joke. 你拿可怜的迈克尔打趣可要出圈儿了. have a joke with sb share the pleasure of laughing at sth with sb 与某人一起以某事取笑: He's someone I have an occasional chat and joke with. 我偶然跟他闲聊, 一起说笑话. the joke's on sb (infml 口) sb who tried to make another person look foolish now looks ridiculous instead 原想耍弄别人, 自己反倒成为笑料. make a joke about/of sb/sth speak lightly or amusingly about sb/sth 拿某人[某事]开玩笑. play a joke/prank/trick on sb trick sb, in order to make him appear ridiculous 戏弄某人. see the `joke understand why sth said or done is amusing 理解其中的可笑之处: I'm sorry but I can't see the joke. 很抱歉, 我看不出来有什麽可笑的. take a `joke accept playful remarks or tricks with good humour 经得起玩笑话: Can't you take a joke? 跟你开个玩笑你都受不了吗?
1 [I, Ipr] ~ (with sb) (about sth) tell jokes (to sb) (about sth); talk in a light-hearted, frivolous way (以某事)(与某人)开玩笑; 说笑话儿: I was only joking. 我不过是说著玩儿的. * For Pat to lose his job is nothing to joke about, ie is a serious matter. 对帕特来说失业可不是闹著玩儿的.
2 (idm 习语) joking a`part speaking seriously 严肃地说; 认真地说: Joking apart, you ought to smoke fewer cigarettes, you know. 说正经的, 你应该少吸点儿烟了, 知道吗?
you must be/have got to be `joking (used to express mocking disbelief 用以嘲笑不可信的事): `Jackie's passed her driving test.' `You must be joking
she can't even steer straight!' `杰基的驾驶测验及格了.'`你一定是开玩笑--她连方向盘还握不正呢!'
amusing or ridiculous 开玩笑的; 逗笑的; 可笑的.
adv in a joking manner 开玩笑地; 戏谑地.
/ 5dVEUkE(r); `dVokL/ n
1 (infml 口) person who is
foolish irresponsible person 爱开玩笑的人; 愚蠢而不负责任的人: Some joker's been playing around with my car aerial! 哪个爱胡闹的人摆弄我汽车上的天线了!
2 (infml 口) person who is not treated seriously 不受重视的人: I don't want that jokerin my sales team. 我们销售部门不想要那个家伙.
3 extra playing-card used in certain card-games (某些纸牌戏中的)百搭.
/ 5dVClI; `dVBlI/ adj (-ier, -iest)
1 happy and cheerful 愉快的; 快乐的: a jolly person, manner, laugh 愉快的人、 态度、 笑声.
2 (dated infml 旧, 口) live del merry 活泼愉快的; 令人高兴的; 欢乐的: a jolly party, song, time 欢乐的聚会、 歌曲、 时候.
3 cheerful because slightly drunk 因微醉而酣畅的: feel/look jolly 感到[看来]微醉的畅快.
4 (idm 习语) ,jolly `hockey sticks (Brit catchphrase警语) (used to suggest the cheerful athletic style of life associated with (esp private) girls' schools 用以指(尤为私立)女子学校中愉快健康的生活方式.
/ 9dVClIfI5keIFn; 9dVBlEfE`keFEn/ n [U, C] (dated 旧) merry- festivity 作乐; 欢乐; 欢宴.
/ 5dVClEtI; `dVBlEtI/ n [U] (dated 旧) state of being jolly 愉快; 欢乐.
adv (Brit infml 口)
1 very 非常; 很: She's a jolly good teacher. 她是个非常好的老师. * He can cook, and he does it jolly well. 他会做饭, 并且做得特别好.
2 (idm 习语) `jolly well (used to emphasize a statement 用以强调所说的事) certainly 无疑地; 肯定地: `Will you come back for me?' `No
if you don't come now, you can jolly well walk home.' `你回来接我吗?'`不--你现在要是不走, 一定得步行回家.'
v (pt, pp jollied) (phr v) jolly sb along (infml 口) keep sb in a good/friendly mood so that he will help, work, etc 哄著某人使其帮忙、 工作等: You'll have to jolly him along a bit, but he'll do a good job. 得哄著他点儿, 他才好好干. jolly sth up make sth bright and cheer sth up 使某物看上去鲜艳夺目; 使某物有生气: This room needs jollying up
how about yellow and red wallpaper? 这间屋子需要弄得明快些--来点儿黄色和红色的壁纸怎麽样?
the Jolly Roger
the black flag of a pirate ship (with skull and cross-bones) 海盗船的黑旗(骷髅旗).
/ 5dVClI bEUt; `dVBlIbot/ n type of ship's boat 大船携带的小艇.
/ dVEU dVolt/ v
1 [I, Ipr, Ip, Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p] (cause sb/sth to) move with sudden jerky movements (使某人[某物])颠簸著移动: The old bus jolted along (a rough track). 旧公共汽车(沿凹凸不平的小路)颠簸而行.
2(phr v) jolt sb into/out of sth make sb act by giving him a sudden shock 使某人受到震惊而采取行动: He was jolted out of his lethargy and into action when he realized he had only a short time to finish the article. 他意识到须在很短时间就得把文章写完, 立即动手写起来.
n (esp sing 尤作单数)
jerk 震动; 摇晃; 颠簸: stop with a jolt 停止时震动了一下.
2 (fig 比喻) shock 惊奇; 震惊: The news of the accident gave her an unpleasant jolt/quite a jolt. 她听到出事的消息吃了一惊[大吃一惊].
adj jolting 震动的; 摇晃的; 颠簸的.
phonetic (Jones Vowels)
/ fE5netIk; fE`nZtIk/ The Jones phonetic symbols (音标) used in this dictionary contains the following vowels and diphthongs. Press the pronunciation button to hear the sounds they represent.
-- Example: see / si:; si/
-- Example: sit / sIt; sIt/
-- Example: ten / tZn/
-- Example: hat / hAt; hAt/
-- Example: arm / B:m; Brm/
-- Example: watch / wCtF; wBtF/
-- Example: saw / sR:; sR/ 8. U
-- Example: put / pUt; pJt/
-- Example: too / tu:; tu/
-- Example: cup / kQp; kQp/
11. \: -- Example: fur / f\:(r); f[/
-- Example: ago / E5gEU; E`^o/
13. eI -- Example: page / peIdV; pedV/
14. EU -- Example: home / hEUm; hom/
15. aI -- Example: five / faIv; faIv/
16. aU -- Example: now / naU; naJ/
17. RI -- Example: join / dVRIn; dVRIn/
18. IE -- Example: near / nIE(r); nIE(r)/
19. eE -- Example: hair / heE(r); hZE(r)/
20. UE -- Example: tour / tUE(r); tJE(r)/
phonetic (Jones Consonants)
/ fE5netIk; fE`nZtIk/ The Jones phonetic symbols (音标) used in this dictionary contains the following consonants. Press the pronunciation button to hear the sounds they represent.
-- Example: pen / pZn/
-- Example: bad / bAd; bAd/
-- Example: tea / ti:; ti/
-- Example: did / dId; dId/
-- Example: cat / kAt; kAt/
-- Example: got / gCt; ^Bt/
-- Example: chin / tFIn; tFIn/
-- Example: June / dVu:n; dVun/
-- Example: fall / fR:l; fRl/
-- Example: voice / vRIs; vRIs/
-- Example: thin / WIn; WIn/
-- Example: then / T TZn/
-- Example: so / sEU; so/
-- Example: zoo / zu:; zu/
-- Example: she / Fi:; Fi/
-- Example: vision / 5vIVn; `vIVEn/
-- Example: how / haU; haJ/
-- Example: man / mAn; mAn/
-- Example: no / nEU; no/
-- Example: sing / sIN; sIN/
-- Example: leg / lZ^/
-- Example: red / rZd/
-- Example: yes / jZs/
-- Example: wet / wZt/
Davy Jones's locker
(infml often joc 口, 常作戏谑语) the bottom of the sea 海底: Their ship was sent to Davy Jones's locker, ie was sunk. 他们的轮船去见龙王爷了(沉没了).
/ 5dVEUnzIz; `dVonzIz/ n [pl] (idm 习语) keep up with the Joneses =&keep1 15.
/ 5dVCNkwIl; `dVBNkwIl/ n type of narcissus with white or yellow sweet-smelling flowers 长寿花; 黄水仙.
/ dVCF; dVBF/ v (US infml 口)
1 [I] joke 开玩笑; 说笑话儿.
2 [Tn] tease (sb) 戏弄; 逗弄(某人).
/ 5dVCstIk; `dVBs9stIk/ n thin stick that burns slowly and produces a smell of incense (点燃用的)香.
/ 5dVC `dVBsl/ v [I, Ipr, Tn]
1 ~ (against sb) push roughly against (sb), usu in a crowd 推、 挤(某人)(通常於人群中): The youths jostled (against) an old lady on the pavement. 那些青年人在人行道上推推搡搡挤著了一个老太太.
2 ~ (with sb) (for sth) compete with (other people) in a forceful manner in order to gain sth 与(他人)争夺某物; 争抢: advertisers jostling (with each other) for the public's attention 竞相吸引公众注意力的广告客户.
/ dVCt; dVBt/ v (-tt-) (phr v) jot sth down make a quick, usu short, written note of sth 匆匆记下(通常为简短的)笔记: I'll just jot down their phone number before I forget it. 我得把他们的电话号码赶快记下来, 以免待一会儿忘记.
n notebook or pad for short written notes 记事本; 笔记本.
n [pl] short written notes 简短的笔记; 便条.
/ dVCt; dVBt/ n [sing] (usu with a negative 通常与否定词连用) very small amount 极少量: I don't care a jot for their feelings. 我一点都不理会他们的感受. * There's not a jot of truth in his story. 他讲的一句实话都没有.
/ dVu:l; dVul/ n (abbr 缩写 J) (physics 物) unit of energy or work 焦耳(能量或功的单位).
/ 5dV\: `dV[nl/ n
1 newspaper or periodical, esp one that is serious and deals with a specialized subject 报纸; 定期刊物(尤指涉及某一学科的): a medical, a scientific, an educational, etc journal 医学、 科学、 教育等杂志 * a trade journal 贸易杂志 * The Wall Street Journal 《华尔街日报》 * The Architects' Journal 《建筑师杂志》 * subscribe to a journal 订阅报纸.
2 daily record of news, events, business transactions, etc 日记; 日志; 流水帐: He kept a journal of his wanderings across Asia. 他记自己漫游亚洲的日记.
/ 9dV\:nE5li:z; 9dV[nl`iz/ n [U] (derog贬) style of language thought to be typical of newspapers, containing many cliches 新闻文体(多陈辞套语的). Cf 参看 officialese (official).
/ 5dV\:nElIzEm; `dV[nl9IzEm/ n [U] work of collecting, writing, editing and publishing material in newspapers and magazines or on television and radio 新闻业; 新闻工作: a career in journalism 新闻工作的职业. journalist/ -nElI -nlIst/ n person whose profession is journalism 新闻工作者; 新闻记者; 报人; (报纸杂志的)撰稿人: He's a journalist on the `Daily Telegraph'. 他是《每日电讯报》的记者.
Cf 参看 reporter (report1).
/ 9dV\:nE5lIstIk; 9dV[nl`IstIk/ adj [attrib 作定语] characteristic of journalism 新闻事业的; 新闻工作特有的.
/ 5dV\:nI; `dV[nI/ n (pl ~s) (a) (distance covered in) travelling, usu by land, from one place to another, often far away 行走, 行驶, 旅行(通常指经陆路); 旅程; 路程: Did you have a good journey? 你一路上顺利吗? * go on a long train journey 乘火车出远门 * break one's journey, ie interrupt it by stopping briefly at a place 途中在某地作短暂停留 * the journey from Edinburgh to London 由爱丁堡到伦敦的路程 * (fig 比喻) our great journey through life 我们一生的漫长道路. (b) time taken in going from one place to another 从一地到另一地所用的时间: It's a day's journey by car. 乘汽车得用一天的时间.
v [Ipr, Ip] travel 行走; 行驶; 旅行; 游历: journeying overland across North America 横越北美大陆.
NOTE ON USAGE 用法: Journey may indicate a long distance or a short one travelled regularly *journey可指经常走过的或长或短的距离: `How long is your journey to work?' `你上班要走多长的路?' `Only about 15 minutes.' `也就走15分钟左右.' A voyage is a long journey by sea or in space. *voyage是经海路或空间的长途行程. The word travels [pl] suggests a fairly long period of travelling from place to place, especially abroad, for pleasure or interest. *travels(复数)一词指时间稍长的各处旅行, 尤指出国旅游. It is often used with a possessive adjective 这一词常与所有格的形容词连用: She's gone off on her travels again. 她又去旅游了. Travel is an uncountable noun indicating the action of travelling *travel是指行走、 行驶或旅行的不可数名词: Travel broadens the mind. 旅行能使人见多识广. A tour is a (short or long) journey for pleasure, spent visiting several places *tour是为游玩而到几个地方观光的(长途或短途)旅行: They're going on a world tour. 他们正在环球旅行. A trip and (more formal) an excursion are short journeys and visits from and returning to a particular place. *trip和(较文雅的)excursion是指短期的旅程和观光, 从某地出发再回到该地. Excursion suggest


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