
Busting HIV Myths 打破关于HIV(人类免疫缺陷病毒/艾滋病病毒)的误区
Since first diagnosing HIV in the U.S. in the 1980?s, doctors and researchers have made great strides in identifying, treating and educating the public about the illness. However, many misconceptions still persist ― like open wounds spread HIV ― that continue to cause unnecessary fear and anxiety. Read on to learn the truth behind 14 common misconceptions about HIV. 自从1980年代美国确诊了第一例HIV感染以来,医学工作者和研究人员在对HIV的鉴定、治疗以及面向普罗大众进行宣传教育等方面取得了很大的进展。然而,很多认识误区仍然存在――例如“伤口会传染HIV”――它们经常引起不必要的恐慌和焦虑。阅读以下内容,你就可以了解对HIV的14种常见误区背后的真相与事实。
MYTH: HIV Means You Have AIDS
The human immunodeficiency virus, or HIV, attacks and destroys CD4+ T cells ― the cells in your body that help fend off infection and illness. AIDS(acquired immune deficiency syndrome) is the late stage of an HIV infection, when a person?s immune system is severely weakened. Without treatment, most cases of HIV infection will indeed progress to overt AIDS within several years. In fact, most experts now typically refer to “HIV/AIDS” as a single condition because it is a progression of the same virus. However, modern anti-HIV treatment is highly effective and usually prevents the progression of HIV to AIDS. 误区1:将HIV感染等同于艾滋病 人类免疫缺陷病毒,简称HIV,攻击并破坏人体的CD4+T细胞,这种细胞对人体非常重要,起到抵挡感染和疾病的作用。艾滋病(获得性免疫缺陷综合症),简称AIDS,是HIV感染的晚期表现,此时人体的免疫系统已经被严重削弱了。如果感染了HIV却不治疗,多数感染者会在数年内进展成为艾滋病。事实上,很多人经常把“HIV”和“艾滋病”当成一回事,是因为艾滋病是HIV感染的最后阶段罢了。然而,现代抗HIV治疗效果已经非常显著了,能够很大程度地阻止HIV感染发展成为艾滋病。因此,HIV感染与艾滋病不是同一个概念。
MYTH: HIV Can Now Be Cured
HIV/AIDS is a lifelong condition. As of yet, there is no cure, though much research continues on that front. But thanks to the development of certain medications, HIV can be controlled and the progression of the condition can be greatly slowed. By working with your doctor and being vigilant about your treatment, it?s very possible to live a long, fulfilling life with HIV. In fact, treatment is now so successful that in places where sophisticated medical care is available, most HIV-infected persons can expect to live a normal lifespan. 误区2:认为HIV感染/艾滋病已经可以治愈了 目前而言,HIV感染/艾滋病是伴随终生的。也就是说,尽管大量的研究从来没有停止,目前还没有彻底治愈的方法。幸运的是,随着医学的发展,HIV已经能够被有效地控制,发展为艾滋病的速度也随之大大减缓。通过积极配合医生的治疗,HIV感染者是完全有可能度过一个漫长的且富有意义的人生的。事实上,在一些医疗护理水平高的地区,大多数HIV感染者是可以拥有一个正常人的寿命的。
MYTH: HIV Is Spread Through Casual Contact
HIV cannot survive outside of the body for long. In addition, not all body fluids carry the virus, including tears, sweat, and saliva. Therefore the virus is not transmitted by touching or other casual contact that occurs in day-to-day social experiences like hugging, kissing, shaking hands, or sharing food or beverages. The virus is not transmitted if there is no sexual contact and no exchange of blood. HIV also is not transmitted in households, even when uninfected persons share toilets, showers, and kitchens with infected individuals. 误区3:认为HIV可以通过日常接触传播 HIV无法在体外长时间生存。此外,不是所有的体液都携带HIV病毒,比如眼泪、汗液和唾液等。因此,HIV是不能通过触摸或其他日常社交当中的接触传染的,例如拥抱、接吻、握手以及共享食物、饮料等,都是不会传染的。只要没有性接触和血液的交换,就不会有HIV的传染。HIV也不会在居家生活中传染,即使普通人与感染者共用厕所、淋浴和厨房等,也不会有任何感染的风险。
MYTH: HIV Is Commonly Spread Through Blood Transfusions
For a few years before modern blood tests were developed, HIV was occasionally spread by blood transfusion, or by transplantation of organs from infected persons. However, modern blood testing is extremely effective in keeping contaminated blood and organs safe and almost no such cases have occurred in the U.S. or other industrialized countries for more than 20 years. 误区4:认为输血传染HIV是普遍现象 在现代血液检测技术发展起来之前,曾经一度有通过输血或器官移植感染的案例发生。然而,现代血液检测技术在保障输血和器官移植的安全方面已经非常值得信赖,近20多年里,在美国和其他工业化国家中,几乎没有因上述原因感染的案例。
MYTH: Oral Sex Is High-Risk for HIV
Almost all sexual transmission of HIV occurs by unprotected transmission of HIV by oral sex is very rare. A few cases of HIV transmission probably have occurred from an uninfected person performing fellatio (oral-penile sex) on an HIV-infected partner, but transmission from an infected oral partner to an uninfected penile partner, or by cunnilingus (oral contact with female genitals) is even more rare, if it occurs at all. Condoms or other barriers are considered optional for HIV prevention, and should be considered by persons who want to assure maximum protection. 误区5:认为口交是HIV感染的高危行为 所有通过性行为感染HIV的案例中,几乎全部是由于无套性交或无套肛交导致的。通过口交感染的案例极其罕见(几乎没有官方证实的口交传染案例)。寥寥无几的口交传染案例,主要都是通过为HIV感染者进行主动口交(用口部接触对方生殖器的)而发生的;而全世界因被动口交感染的案例几乎为零(没有官方证实的案例)。使用安全套是防止HIV传染的有效措施,并且可以起到最大限度的保护。
MYTH: Toilet Seats Can Spread HIV
Using the same toilet seat as an HIV-infected person is considered a zero- HIV cannot be spread this way. The virus is very fragile in the sense that it does not live long outside the body and cannot reproduce outside its living host. Further, normal use of toilets does not expose susceptible cells to the virus. 误区6:认为马桶座圈能传播HIV 与HIV感染者共用一个马桶座圈,是一种0风险行为――HIV不能通过这种方式传染。HIV病毒非常脆弱,它无法在体外长期生存,离开它的寄主后就无法复制了。此外,正常使用马桶座圈,也不会将易感染的细胞暴露在外。
MYTH: Open Wounds or Contact With Blood in the Environment Can Spread HIV
These are among those theoretical risks that appear to have little or no basis in real world transmission events. There have been no known cases of HIV being transmitted through open wounds, except when the wound is caused by an HIV-contaminated object (like an infected needle). If it were to happen, the virus would likely have to come into significant direct contact with a fresh, bleeding wound (most minor cuts or scratches start healing within an hour of the injury). Although contact with large amounts of infected blood (as might occur in emergency personnel responding to traumatic injuries) could be risky without proper protection, such as latex gloves, there have been no known cases of HIV transmission by superficial contact with blood or body secretions in houses, restaurants, or by social contact. 误区7:认为裸露的伤口接触了外部环境中的血液会感染HIV 类似这些传染方式只是理论上具有一点点的可能性,但是在现实生活中缺乏或没有实证支持。现实中还未出现HIV通过裸露的伤口感染的案例,除了个别的极端案例――伤口本身是被HIV污染的器具(比如含有HIV的针头)所导致的。即使这种极端案例发生了,也只有当足量的病毒直接、充分地接触一个新鲜的、流血的伤口才有可能导致感染(大多数小伤口或抓痕在形成后一小时之内就开始愈合,从而无法被感染)。 在没有任何保护(比如橡胶手套)的情况下,接触了大量的被HIV感染的血液(比如在救护人员处理伤员时)有可能产生一定的风险,但是在家庭、餐馆或其他日常社交场合发生的体表接触HIV感染的血液或分泌物则没有感染的案例。
MYTH: ?Fingering? or Mutual Masturbation Can Spread HIV
Hand-genital contact has never been known to transmit HIV, even when genital secretions or saliva are used for lubrication. Similarly, insertion of fingers into body cavities, such as the vagina or rectum, (called ?fingering?) during sex has never been known to transmit HIV, regardless of whether or not an HIV-infected person has cuts or scratches on his or her fingers. 误区8:认为“指交”或相互手淫会传染HIV 从来没有“手――生殖器接触”而感染HIV的案例,所以在手淫时,哪怕在生殖器分泌物或口水用作润滑剂的情形下,也不例外。相似地,在性行为中,手指插入对方的阴道或直肠(俗称“指交”),也从未有过HIV传染的案例,无论HIV感染者的手指是否存在伤口或划痕,都不例外。
MYTH: Mosquitos or Other Biting Insects Can Spread HIV
You cannot get HIV if a mosquito or other blood-sucking insect bites you. When a bug bites you, it does not inject you with the blood of the person it last bit. 误区9:认为蚊虫叮咬会传染HIV 蚊子或其他吸血型昆虫的叮咬是不会传染HIV的。虫子叮咬时,它不会将上一个人的血液输入你的体内。
MYTH: You Can Always Spot HIV By Its Symptoms
HIV does not always cause symptoms. Sometimes, those newly infected with the virus will experience flu-like symptoms for a few weeks after they contract it. But often, it can take up to 10 years for any signs of HIV to appear (this is called a \latent or easily attributed to another illness, the only way to find out whether or not you have the virus is to get tested. 误区10:认为可以通过症状来判断HIV感染情况 HIV感染不一定会产生症状。有些时候,一些HIV的近期(感染后2-4周)感染者会表现出类似流感的症状(急性期症状),症状持续1-2个星期。但是,很多人要等上10年的时间才会表现出HIV感染的迹象(从感染到表现出晚期症状之间这段时间称为“潜伏期”)。由于症状不一定出现,或者由于症状可以由其他(与HIV无关的)原因引起,因此对于有感染风险者,唯一知道自己有无感染的途径就是通过HIV检查,别无他法。
MYTH: Drug Therapy Isn?t Necessary Early On
HIV can severely weaken your immune system. Everyone with HIV has a serious and potentially life-threatening condition, and all infected persons should obtain expert health care as soon as possible after being diagnosed. Starting treatment early can help limit or slow down the destruction of your immune system and can slow the progression of the HIV virus to AIDS. In addition, recent groundbreaking research shows that when antiretroviral therapy is started early, there is a 95 percent reduction in HIV transmission between sex partners. (Read more about this study.) 误区11:认为感染早期的药物治疗是不必要的 HIV会严重的削弱人的免疫系统。每一个感染HIV的人都面临严重的、潜在的生命威胁,因此所有感染者都应该在确诊后,尽早寻求专业医生的健康护理。及时的治疗可以限制或减缓免疫系统的损害速度,也就是可以减缓HIV病毒感染发展为艾滋病的进程。 此外,最新的研究表明,如果在较早的时期开始抗逆转录病毒治疗的话,性伴侣之间的传染可以减少95%左右。(如有需要,请关注此项研究)
MYTH: Sex Is Safe If Two People Have HIV
Choosing partners with like HIV status, such as infected person choosing partners known to also have HIV, is called “serosorting”. The safety of serosorting with respect to HIV isn?t really known. There are different strains of HIV and it may be possible to catch a second HIV infection, perhaps one that is drug-resistant and might not respond well to standard treatment of HIV/ADIS. Equally important, even with serosorting, unprotected sex still carries the risk of passing STDs, such as gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis, and herpes. In fact, at present there is a massive epidemic of syphilis occurring in HIV-infected gay men in the U.S. and other industrialized countries, probably caused in part by serosorting according to HIV status. 误区12:认为若双方都是HIV感染者,那么他们进行无保护的性行就没有风险 HIV感染者选择另一名HIV感染者作为性伴侣,这种行为称为“serosorting”。Serosorting行为关于HIV的安全性尚未有定论,但是有以下可能性供参考:由于HIV病毒具有不同的种类,serosorting行为可能会让HIV感染者再被感染上另一种类型的HIV,由于不同种类的HIV抗药性不同,或者某一种标准疗法对其效果不佳,这样双重感染有可能增加治疗的难度,从而对生命构成更大威胁。 另一点值得注意的是,serosorting对于无保护性行为来说还有传播性病的风险,例如淋病、衣原体、梅毒和疱疹。事实上,如今在美国和其他工业化国家中,梅毒在HIV感染的男同性恋人群中存在大规模的流行,这很有可能是由于serosorting行为导致的。
MYTH: Babies of HIV-Infected Mothers Always Get HIV
HIV-infected women can pass the virus to their children during pregnancy, childbirth, or through breastfeeding. However expectant mothers with HIV can takes steps to greatly reduce the risk of infecting their children. HIV-infected women who undergo treatment early in pregnancy and avoid breastfeeding can reduce the risk of transmission to 2 percent. 误区13:认为HIV感染的女性所生的婴儿都会感染HIV HIV感染的女性可以在怀孕、分娩或母乳喂养时将病毒传染给其后代。但是,HIV感染的怀孕母亲可以通过采取一些措施,来显著地降低感染后代的风险。HIV感染的女性如果在怀孕早期接受特殊的治疗,并且在产后避免母乳喂养,可以将母婴传染HIV的概率降低至2%。
MYTH: HIV and AIDS Are No Longer a Health Threat
HIV and AIDS remain both a national and global health crisis. There are more than 34 million people living with HIV worldwide, including 1.2 million Americans, according to The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In
million new HIV infections occurred around the world. In the U.S., 50,000 Americans become infected with HIV each year. Education and medical research continue and must remain a public health priority in order to stop the spread of HIV and find new treatments and, if possible, a cure for HIV and AIDS. 误区14:认为HIV感染和艾滋病已经不再是一种健康的威胁 HIV和艾滋病流行依然是全球的健康危机。根据疾病控制与预防中心的统计,现在全球有超过34,000,000的HIV感染者,其中有1,200,000美国人。在2010一年中,全球就有2,700,000名新增的HIV感染者。在美国,每年有大约50,000的新增感染者。关于HIV的教育宣传和医学研究,应继续作为公共健康工作中的重头戏而被重视,以阻止HIV的广泛传播,研发新型疗法,或者――如果可能的话――发明出彻底治愈HIV和艾滋病的方法。 三亿文库包含各类专业文献、中学教育、文学作品欣赏、外语学习资料、高等教育、各类资格考试、生活休闲娱乐、18关于HIV的14个错误认知等内容。 
 9、假阴性 错误地把一个个体排除在某项诊断或其他...Χ 14 艾滋病最常见的机会性感染是肺结核病………...但应该认识到, 安全套的保护作用并不是 100%。 ...  D、男男性行为人群中多个 HIV 变异毒株是异性间...D、不接受娱乐场所“问题”糖果 正确答案: ABCD 我...ABCD 14 目前高校开展的防艾教育的难点包括( )。 ...  责任的性行为意识,自尊、自爱是保护自我的一个最佳...蚊虫叮咬 14 【单选题】(2 分) 目前艾滋病治疗的...规定以及国际上对性侵害问题的认识来看,性侵害的形式...  2016华医网预防艾滋病、梅毒、乙肝14套题答案_临床医学_医药卫生_专业资料。2016...治疗 HIV 的用法为:D 考虑的三个原则不包括:C 治疗和预防的说法错误的是:D...  (转自知艾)恐友关于HIV问题的汇总_预防医学_医药...汗液:汗液中还没有分离出 HIV 病毒。 14.离开人体...流动人口对艾滋病的认识... 暂无评价 6页 ¥2....  2 C、3 D、4 4、关于二期梅毒的说法错误的是? ...HIV 阳性孕产妇抗病毒治疗应该综合性的考虑三个原则...D、前带现象 5、以下对二期梅毒皮肤损害特点的认识...  大学生对艾滋病相关问题认知态度的调查问卷_社会学_人文社科_专业资料。大学生对...A.可能 B.不可能 __14、如果有一位艾滋病患者在您身边,您的态度是: A....  只有一个固定的,相互忠诚的,没有感染艾滋病病毒的...( ) 14.艾滋病感染的病人因生活困难或未参加医保...“√” ,错误的打“×”) 16、 艾滋病目前无法...


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