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内蒙古师范大学 硕士学位论文 张思忠教学法在初中英语词汇教学中的运用 姓名:周晋源 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:学科教学(英语) 指导教师:张涛
内蒙古师范火擀预士学位论黛串文撬要语言是交际的工具,它是由语音,词汇和语法三要素组成的。词汇 学篙是语言学霹中鳃重点,许多学生花费大量的对闻窝经嬲学习词汇,趣是他俩衡拖怨词汇量小瑟基记过静革谲容器惑记簪有关词汇教学的理论和方法在圈内外的文献资料中已大量涉及到,但楚真正适合我篷星情的方法却缀少拳上海华券撕大附中张恩惠教授立 是于我匿实簿情漉,博吾家之众长,经过多年悉心研究剑交了菇系愚患教学法”。他把此法概括为十六个字。“适当集中,反复循环,阅读僚著,毽材施教”。其全蕊反映了学生的学习规律翱心理活渤规律。他撼 攀生所学戆语音,词汇鞠懑法逶娄裁集中,影畿系统,缎摸联系。遂耐充分发挥了学生的主观能渤性,减轻了死记硬背的负担和耀力,提高了他们多学,快学,学会,学好的信心姆同时,程学习过程中,培养学生 熬糕心理嚣势黔,蠹学生鹱臻了餮掭,镬学生全身心建授入裂学嚣中去姑本文作者潜在通过档张思忠教学法"在初中英语词汇教学中的运 用,探索词汇教学的最佳途径。在国内外有关理论以及“张思忠教学法"理论袄据熬指寻下,笔者缮合本蓑魏实蓐薷嚣,运焉嚣张恩惠蓑学法静在稠二年级的不同班级谶行为期二年的教学实验,对比了传统教学法糨 “张思忠教学法’’对学生词汇学习和记忆方面的指导作用抖实验结果绷 下;(童.)实验涯鼹姆张慝忠教学法嚣谎予传统教学法壮徉张思崽教学法帮之“适当集中"教会了学生科学的记忆单词。学搬能够掌握~种有效学 习英语翡方法,垦瑟极大的提高学生的词汇量簪(嚣)运用群张恩忠教学法秽之露反复循环黟,使记忆单诲黪成长霹记能龉运用“张思忠擞学法”能檄大地调动学生的背诵词汇的积檄性,培养了毽们懿心理钱势馘及链嚣j快学,多学的能力。 (3≥在整个实验过程中,学生麓不断的配合,积裰反渍蒸所掌握溺汇的储息,领会剡了学习的乐趣,提高了记忆词汇的能力。 由此可见,“张恩惠教学法”值褥在初中词汇教学中推广翔应用。美穗溺:张恩惠教学法,实验研究,心莲蕊势 内紫古师范大学硕士学位论文ABSTRACTLanguage is the instmment of communication,which inVolVes mree ele擞en谯:p约nunci越ion, Vocabma芏y 鑫nd室挲翱nm馘、为eab酲la秽‘ is 也e南und撕。建of越l E糟lish l瓢g辑age skills。M。re巍d mo豫lea撒e搭deVo钯1a玛e蝴oulltof time and ene唱y toV010abula巧le撇ing,b砒meystilleom硝a嫩量量lal vocab迸a巧si躺is娃’乏enou曲and mey c翘’tWi攮ou£aeeu壤ul雏ingobstacles to goonaavoiIcl fo毽etjcing. will h鑫vel獬e燃imb髓◇f w甜遘s,啦e咖&赋sleaming anything。Whe羔lit comes to Vocabula掣;mere’揩many sects in and outside China.B啦髓Ⅸall琵鑫曲主薹lg&辨∞acks b蕊赢翻m曲硒甜ag糙e w主攮Chinese珏so鑫by middletheo拶toschool smdents in China.Pm您ssor ZhangSi疝ongused lliso硼mecreate a unique to受ibwmg wo嗣ssu班班蕊ze越s薤oti强,卿秽∞露理嚣黝踟鹚幽波童or穗i醅糕lM,orks,|霉糕ehing inm娥hodtosuitourC圭linese situation.Heuseso’,t臂糕摊d o’,e^诧堪dingd{嚣℃rent gro善lp瓢’’M觳Zhang曲sorbed all kindsof adVanced methods which he showed斑出s蚴纛g po溆s碰滩id meir辨越粥ses.髓e西neiples舞像is越如蕊黼toguide也e’teachersnotonly teach the stmdents howusestolea越,btltalsoo蹶the moraleducation.What’s more,hethe psychology t11eo科to iInpr0Ve≤he或娃de嚣专s’疆。耄iv敏io羹。至琵砖so热陀sseIcl non-imelligenee墩ctors adopted the propcrm越毫}蕊也e撼专ei嚣£e珏ce蠡式。嚣戤遗toa忿Ve搿impo斑锄t du矗毽acqui矗ng hlDwledge。}薹econcenn.ationdiversio张a11dreach thehi曲aim妇孤幽波龇专eaeh堍p碰od。Wi啦usi蜷攮主s k砌of搬e也。文the嘲de觳tsfeel羚laXed,饿ey出m’l蠡鑫Veregulark8vy两礤强.霹le撒e谶丽s砉。量ally愆叠e菇someand their psycholo黪y aRer concentrating thep砒emofofstudents’‰dyp∞nuneia芏ion,¥s镪熊童heV。eabula搿an(董影粼趣筑Mea薹1while,C。n薮d铋eehasbe髓se主坤论le黼蠡s专er黼d趱。羚.theo科isvery applicable for me ChineseIn fact,it is obvious m舭his s撼愆嘲,强e基擞Qf夔e戮es主s趣稔盎攮。镄辫蕊璐e燃潞i嚣g Z始鲳Si赫g’sp确cil,les泌p∞Ve that≯印er vOe曲ula黟teac聂遗gwill facintateand内蒙古师范大学硕士学位论义le瓣i氅s饿}毒蟪ies硎ed O糖季£wo掣e基r expefime致专迅鲰。笋附啦la el鑫sses巍order抛cⅨ翠a糟eXp燃iment resu溉are王。asvocabula巧le㈨ing.According to hisprinciples,t11e writer has攮e棼霸融髓。f攮。瓴毽di童i黼魏董嚣pp搀鑫c鼗辩d殛鑫ng Si瘟。蕊g惫豁融e吊les。骶糙follows: 搬雏豫e唧崩嬲e燃p∞Ves妫艄gS砬。鹤’s 西建咖les鑫femo黼e蕊ctiw赶懿饿e锨d撼激蘸鑫蹿ma随速i毪攀鞠鲥i鸱s极de嫩s’abil簿ofrememberingm龆vocabulary-脚卵艄栉c聃加z跏胖caIloneteach the studemsbw to趱e擞。打粼搬e vOc曲麟la搿seienti敷cally’so th8t也e咖d蹦协eall mas毫蹦蠢粼测w掣稔懿l鹕e谯e蟊鞫e曲醢l孵粼。强£。2.、ARer usingof moprinciples£办’咖Dl职,.掰糟口护奶已I,,、Ⅳevocabul鼗r甄Meanwhile,westimulate them to of mecancanteach懒estude躐s how to黼emorize如eimproVe meir毅iv蛰鑫翻童毛|彘褥氆e撒G曩群黼溅餐避klp壤。礅协锈镁擎谗薅鐾黟。纛矗鑫基i妻簖psychology3. Dudngadv删agesmesoas tosmdy faster翮d much mo∽-whole拶ocessexperim妣t,也e鳓Jdents C0uIde∞蛰e豫钯谨主搬搬e栳ae蕊r雒纛怼a躐撼象蠢嬲ms惦毅e蒸攮a妻氇ey量薹利噱mas专ered.What’s more,饿掣re枷y黼糖lize me meaning黼d plea翮羚ofleaming English ¥§ea{獭l≤瞌es。aswellasimproV够their abiIi哆 of memorizing 协eThere南l℃,i专逸wellⅥ阳-娩spl.eadi熊gteachingand applyi髓g诬ese 1)菇nciples invoc2Lbul£叫in junior姓liddlesch001.KEYWoRDS:ZhangSi蕴的ng’s薹'rincipIes,E》(perimentRese8wh,P掣的l蟛数&勰圾寥 独创性声明本人声明所里交的学位论文是本人在导师指导下进行的研究 王作及取得蕊研究戏栗,尽我所知,除了文孛特别如双标注和致谢的地方外,论文中不包含其谴人已羟发表或撰写过酶研亮成果,也不包含本人为获得内蒙古师范大学或其它教育机构的学位或证书 薅使用过麓材料。与我一圈工律黧同志对本研究所傲妁任何贡献均已在论文中作了明确祷谎骥并表示感谢。签名:.隧遂三坠。。日期:≥。。ci年f月c一日关于论文使用授权的说明本学位论文作者完全了解内蒙古烬范大学有关保留、使用学位论文的规定:志蒙古簿莲大学有权豫藜著鑫謇家有关部门或枫构送 交论文的复印件和磁盘,允许论文被蠢阅和借阕,可以将学位论文 的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库进行检索,可以采用影印、缩印 或器撼等复裁手段保存、汇编学位论文,并且本入电子文挡戆蠹容和纸质论文的内容相一致。 保密 签名 解密后也遵守此规定。’遘导磐签名:孤潦嘲:叶钳?舳 第一章介绍IIntroduction1.1 The bacl【ground of researchVbcabulary1e枷ng is ceIItIlalato language aCquisition;it plays asigIlific趾trole iIlalallguage.It is tlle baSic actiVi够and richest part of the lang睡唔e.HoweVer’Voc a_bularyleaming haS beenbig problem forlear|ners,and h2us becomeaagreat concem of bom have the obStacles said,caIlteachers aIld students.If、Ve haVesmall锄ount of Vocabulary;we’llbe conveyed; withoutto瑚1ders伽1d“Witllout舭arsomething thatcanthenleanings.7‰Britain鼬10uSVe巧 littlecanlinguist、ⅣilkinS(1978:11)Voeabula巧nothjng leamiI培arebeconVeyed.”、厂ocabulary words being at the heart of any laIlguage be simplynot alwaystmslatedjulliormusta11d memorized.According to me new.issued stlldents wellareEnglish curricullⅡn s切ndards,tlle aIld 400requested t0 maSter 2,000 wordsnotidiomsorso.TheybeaCq呖nted谢th0111y them咖adictioIla叮?meaIlings of these words,idioms alld collocations but also their usages.n ismust for them to develop the ability tousethese words,idioms a11d collocations actiVely c加甲纪甜,“mand accurately in their comlmunication.The刀Pw students should doas扔胛d口,口‘昆历册(西衄set inac“Ⅳ缸“,“聊s砌刀删haSthe precious challengeon coursecertain amount of reading in addition to tlleir textbooks.The刀Pwset 11igherrequirements for students compared with tllosesyllabus.The increaSe of Vocabular),will certaillly imposenewEnglish Vocabula巧teachjng and learlling injullior sch001.Itis obvious nlatduring teaclling,the students have made the、^,er印idprogress in listeIling aIldspe越ng.Butf.md tllat t11e teachers oVerstate tlle i瑚Iportance of tlle listelling a11d speabng,tlleyignored the Vocabula搿learning.So the students gain the wrong iⅢ’omlation that it is not necess孕ry t0 oRen thele锄Vocabula巧actiVely.Thusonill most causes,wecan seet11at,stIldentsperf.o彻in claSs actiVelywhile tlleir writing is not praised.What’s more,because ofemphasisteachiI玛黟ammaticaI and phorloIogical struCtures,people缸liI像mat measVocabulaDr needed is relatiVely simple,with new words imroduced only needed to make the drills possible.Students always feeI thatthey werele锄ing wordsare sobo血培mat也ey haveaccumulatenoco而dencetocontinuelearning.What’sworse,tlleycoul血’tsome words. hl addition,aS tecllllology adVances,trade aIld exchanges1 内蒙古师范大学硕士学位论文bet、veen couIltries increaSe,it is becoming more and more reading English iIl maIly situations.Thus,reading playsanecess撕1yto uIlderstalldm勾orrole in studems’Englishacquisitioninmiddle SChoolteaclling.HoweVer,锄ongthe fourskjlls(1istening, dimcultt0spe描ng,reading,writing),studentsstudents can’t gooRen complain that reading is the mostacquire.The key obstacle is the Vocabula巧.Being lacl(i]ng of adequateonVocabula吼thereading and complete the reading materials.So,it is necessary forthe teacherS to make theinfomeddecisions about how to teachVocabula够1.2 About Zhang Sizhong’s PrinciplesProfessor ZhaIlg Sizhong,a teacher inamiddle school of East China NomlalUIliVersi锣in Shanghai,haS researchedaIlefj【宅ctiVe、^,ay for maJly years t0 solVe suchtoproblemS-howt0memorize wordssoaSimprove也e leamers’skills of leamingtoEnglish.Mr.Zhallg used suchconcentrntion,circteoverfollo谢ng、棚rdssllII】marize址st11eo巧:“伽p盯d{19f.erentnnd over’rending originnl works,tenching ing加琊槐”’I'11rough tms new experiment and research,、Ⅳe hope that llis principles、viUhelp the middle school students to maSter the mles of studying English and make铲eat progress eVery day.MaIly smdents deVotela唱e锄ouIltof time a11d ene玛y to VocabulaDr leanling,butorthey stiU complain that their Vocabulary size is not eIlough Generally Vocabulary speaking, therearethey call’t矾roid fo唱etting.t、Ⅳ0problems.Oneproblem is tllatstudems骶atitems indiscriminately.The other is that studentsle锄Vocabula巧inine虢ctiVe、)I,ays,such硒rotec口咒俚咒f眦绍isle锄ing.AmongMr.Zhallg’s principles,细p,印盯the basic aIld i瑚【portant point.He rebuilds the wordlist of the texlbookaCcording to their pronunciations,stnIctu】陀and the part of speech into regular ones.So baSedonMr.ZhaIlg’s principle,itis Ver),impo n_aIlt to make students aware that reciting is me key poim of a11.Althou曲much of the workareme words scientifically aJldof Vocabularye虢ctiVelyle锄ingis tlle response of me students,teachers’guiding and helpinvaluable.If the teachers present new、Ⅳords items aIld energye舵ctiVely,it can savealot of timefor consolidation.Besides,teachers’work shouldalso include helpingstudents to deVelop Vocabulary building strategies using tlle better psychologist factors. ARer maStering the regular pattem of reciting me words,tlle students should not oIlly2 第一章介绍read tlle words while seeing but also write the words while liSteIling.In Should haVe the abili锣ofaword,tlleyle锄ing bythemselves.1.3、l;沁search questions and hypothes鹤f??、厂0cabul甜y According t0ouris the basicunitaIldelement of thiIll(ing aIld communication.0r soteaching plans,the students should maSter at leaSt 1 500 wordsou_rinjuniorschool period.And wim me deVelopmem ofansociety’the锄ountaof t}lc wordswill be increaSed.As forEn西ish 1eamer,tograspl越ge number of words is Ve哆necessary.But the studems oRen find that although they sperld much time reciting、Ⅳords, they could only recite somelimited、∞rdsthe teacher recommend.Wrlly?Howacant11eyimproVe their skills to remember a伊eat number of words inVery short time?W1lat’smore,howcallmey read paSsages accurately alld co玎e:ctly?n鹏e years ago,we invitedourprofessor Zhang Sizhong came t0 teaucMng quality in‘ ●school to helpusresearCh how to improVeaouralargeareae行ectiVely’hoping to aChieVe reallya900dresult.Wealso hope ofthat thjs teaclling method is 、vords. According toagood e丑'ective、Ⅳay to increaSethe锄oumMr.Zhang’sprinciples,the teacherS inourschool combined the theo巧witll me actual situation inourschool and promoted ttle new method to by professor Zhang,wead印tto oursmdents.Having beenpemittedjoinedain theo娼疵zationofZhang Sizhong’s principle t0 do such coIlsists of some teachers iIlourexperiment.W-e o曙a11izedrese砌1粤.oup w11ichusgrade.W油thc pe疏ctguide of professor Zhang,all ofour、Ⅳorked Ve巧hard,hoping to get theresult,not only inschool but also t0 be bya印proVedby society.A 900d teaching theory muSt beacamedon900d teacllingrnodeL So、Ⅳe established‘‘how to recite e丑’ectiveIy”aLsourlarge number of wordsourscientiflcally觚dresearch title.hl order t0 reachouraim,we didexp耐ment,refonlledsome update ideaS and broke throughcurrent situation.At laSt,weourfomed our uIliqueone’smethod about ZhaIlg Siz}long’s principle inVocabIllaDr size,the more proficientonelocal area.Theoretically,me la略erfeels in t11e lallguage.Once t11e students halvecallmaS蚍dal硼箩numberof vocabulafies,tlleybreal(她的ughthem句orlaIlguageba玎ierS and increaSe language input by reading aIld listening,which is help如lin tlle development of linguistic skills.Hence,it goes without saying that3En出ish Vocabula巧is 内蒙古师范大学硕士学位论文especially irnportant for Chinese learIlers and its伊eat importaIlce should be attached toVocabula叫teaching and leaming in English classroom.Theref.ore,howtecllIlical memods to remember the、Ⅳords haS become tIle 、Ⅳords.to master thebreak血rou曲ofle砌ngp印erIn order to solVe these problems,more researches may be needed.So misintends to study how to memorize words ea’ectiVely and emciemly.ARer the teachersadopt“sfollo谢ngA. aIld B. CaIlmethod,“is hoped that it is really beneficial forquestions will be researched in thisthe咖dents’le锄ing.So,mee毹ctiVelystudy:the咖dentsmemorize words by using Zhang Sizllong’s methodemciently?CaIl虹lemldents ke印rememb矗ngaVailable?the words fora long period?C.心e the皿nciples4 第二章文献综述II Literatu re Review2.1,Current situation of VocabuIal’y Iearning 2.1,12Major studiesWithoutside Chinathe毋rowing awareness of the important of Vocabulary a11d the掣Dwingoneimerest in it,me Vocabulary acquisition research has becomeof the most importamcanresearch fields in applied linguistics.The contemporary study in this fieldtodate back1 980、Ⅳhen the Bri协in psych0109ist P.Meara published llisarticle entitled wim teacMng“Vocabul棚y acquisition:a negleCted嬲pect of 1an母mge1e删I培in languageon&linguistics”.In his article,P.Meara expounded the releV2ult research lexicon memorization,lexicon storage aS、ⅣellaSlexicon control,Vocabulary testing.In response to PonMeara’s撕icle,ao、)nL researches.handml of sch01ars have stated meir ViewSVocabul哪tl啪u曲theirstrategies for”A study made by Bro、ⅣIl and ESLPeny(1991)compared恤ee le锄ingmethod, theVocabular),…thekeywordsemanticprocessingmemodaIldkeyword-semaIltic memod.His study reVealed tllat the keyword―semantic metllodresubin best retention,wmch produces significantly better results tllan tlle ke”vord method alone and issli曲tlybe伉er thaIl me semantic memod.Tlle study also indicated enables Versatile in halldling、vords withstudents of Varying proficiencies to become more di蜀f.ering leVels of concreteness.融aShen’s(1 989)incidental1eaming theo巧Ⅵ粗ch claims that Vocabula巧is bestacquired incidentally by guessing meaning of the act of reading itself haS receiVedathe幽owntemlswords fbm context thfoughlot of attention fIromresearchers.A小吼berofSmdiesd知e suppomd“stheo巧while more studies of second language reading aIldof wrong guesses,demaJld for iIl correct guess does not byvocabulary acquisition IlaVe challenged this View inmuch time;researchers haVe noted thateventhesuccessnecessarily lead to acquisition of the new word.A recem suggested thatt0 takestudy madeFraSer(1 999)le锄ing throu曲incidentalle删ng is eff.ectiVe whenstudems know howadv砒ge ofit.Schmitt(1 997,ceMayYFall)c锄eto three general conclusionsabom vocabular)r5 内蒙古师范大学硕士学位论文 leaming strategies basedlearIling strategies:a. onthe findings of geneml leanling research and VocabularyMally leamersareaware that leaming vocabulaD,is importam,aIld meyusemoresn.ategies forleanling Vocabulary thaIl for otherlinguistic aspects; b.“Mechallical”sn.ategies suchaSmemorization,note一例dng,aIld de印processing,suchaSrepetitionareuSedmoreo舭nthaIl strategies that inVolVeguessing,image巧aIldtlle key word techllique;c.Goodle锄ersuse avariet),of strategies a11d tal(e the initiativetomanage theirVocabularyle锄ing.t11at龇fkquencyof the target words shouldaccouIltIIl addition,ScllIIlitt also contended also be students. Nowadays, it is taken intowhen recommendingVocabulaDrle锄ing鲫fategiestot0commonto t0usethecommunicatiVe印proaChguideatlleVocabula巧teaclling.Accordingmis View,teachers should teach their studemslarge taket、Ⅳo锄。吼tof recogmtion Vocabularies alld productioncan、VeVocabul撕essothat they oRencanpart m some actiVities.But how kinds of、V0rds,one is called the new words,it isnorecitesomany、vords?We’reo恐redintensi吼andthe other is called frequency.During studyingusing to stress me f.requency,omy the intensi够is needed.Howonpeople remember something weH mainly dependst、Ⅳohowde印lythey produce.These Should aVoidf.ea_tures tellusthat、Ⅳhile teaching the new words,the teachersinstilling the words into the students in mechanicalway.Weshouldusethe realobjects,gestIlres,bodylanguage and omer ways toarousethe students’interest.The writer alsoemphasized t11at the teachers shouldn’t teach meteach them some key words.Ifo即ositemeanir培whjle teaclling buttothe咖dentsdon’t know the keys、Ⅳords,maybe theycouldn’t know the whole passages co盯ectly.The teachers should help t11em to schemata iIl their mindsof.o肌tllat t}leycaIlgoonreading.The commuIlicatiVe approach suggested that the teaChers should teaCh the、Ⅳords i11me conteXt.Don’t leave them separately,it is、Vrongwhen teaching its A cemral vocabularyto teach、Ⅳords alone,especiallypronunciation觚d meaJling.debateemerging fIrom t11ese studies deals with whether efI’ectiVeonle啪ing should focusexplicitoriInplicitle锄ing.In me1 970s aIld 1 980s,6 第二章文献综述tllecommuIlicatiVe印proachled nan】rally toafocuSonimplicit,inciden诅l leaming.llseTeacherS encouraged smdents t0 recogllize cIues t0 word meaIlings in comext arld t0monolingual dictionariesr砒erthan bilingualdiction撕es,alldtextbookSempl粥izedinf宅仃ing word meaIling f如m C0ntext.Currently,howeVer,Wtlile acknowledging that exposure to、vords in Various contexts is extremely important to ofaadeeper under魄如diIlgword’smeaning.Mostonereseafchers recogIliZe也at providing incidental encoulltersawith、Ⅳ0rds is only balancedmethods of fIacilitating vocabula巧prog聊n wIlich needsapproach t11at includes explicit reachiI培together with activities providingcontexts for印propriateincidentalle锄ing.perspectiVeonFor mally of tlleus,ourteacllingvocabula巧waS伊eatlyinnuenced bytop―do啪,na:turaliStic,andcommlInicative approaches of the 1970s and 1 980s.Theemphasiswas implicit,incidental leaHling of Vocabulary.Wb were taught meimport锄ceof directing second Lauaguele啪ersto recognize clues in context,useormonoling吼ldic曲n耐es,aJldavoid defining wordsglossing texts、Ⅳith their bilingual equivalents.The arglHIlent for not focusing solely Vocabulary acquisition comes f而m inf.erring words context. 1. Acquiring Vocabular),mainlyonimplicitin咖ctiont0 f.acilitate second languageamlmber of potemial problemsassociated谢mthrou曲guessingwords in context likely t0 be haveaaVe巧slowprocess.Considemgtothat manysecond Lauague leanlers is notliIIlited way t0amoum of tiIne1eamabodyof、№rds,itperh印sthe moSte伍ciemapproach the taSk. 2. InfIe玎ing words meaning isaIlen.or-prone process.Recent studies have shownarestudents seldom guess the correct meanings.EVen when students nexible readiI培strategies to low due to iIl 3.trained t0useguess、№rdsiIl conteXt,their comprehension may Still besu街cient yocabularytookno、讥edge.onP眦ingmuch emphasisinf.erence shlls when teaclling Vocabulary lies the of acquiring‰tt11at indiVidual leamerS haVedi虢rent,yet success如l,卿lesu11‰iliarresult iIlVocabulary- 4。The mostimportant guessingafbmcontextadoes not wordnecess撕lylong―term retention.EVen ifstudent is exposed toin‘pre印ant’comcXt,thoserich、)I,ith clues,acquisition does not automatically reslllt the first time.7 内蒙古师范大学硕士学位论文An in a11,in the west,a mlmber of studies have been conducted in seek general pictlH.e of Vocabula巧teaching andana:ttemptt0le锄ing stKrtegiesareasused.As indicated by of theM艇;uashca(1 993),Vocabularyresearch is now in its primedeVelopment.MostresearChes haVe acllieVed significam findings in ttleirof interest.2.1.2Majorstudies in China.aIn C11ina,teaching English懿a foreign 1anguage hasorlong王1isto巧oface哪aIldso.T11e status of Vocabulary teaching and leaHling has been raised since the 1 980s. l 990s谢tnessed the great su唱e researching English Vocabula巧teaching,nleleanling inClliIm.Quiteafew CIlinese researchers have made striking co川越butions tothe eXploration of vocabula巧搬屺Mng aJld lea玎:ling.n anentionh弱been删.racting more趾d moreaIld pedagogical ref.erencewimlargequantitiesof experimen_talstudiesmaterials being publishedin“sfield.Some researchers concem themselves only withonVocabula毋size.Somebegin to introduce the related theory of foreign linguistsdiscussing Vocabula巧teaching行om me aLspects of its iInportaIlce a11d me memod0109y印propriatein difrerem learIling stages.Others have be目m me empirical researchonVocabula巧l(110wledge.HoWeVer,all of mese haVe been mainly dominated by meapproaches loaned from abroad.In fact,the educational requirements in ChinaarecomeXt,1eaminggoals and taskdi虢rentf而m those abroad.WenQiu胁ga11d Jollllsoninvest远atedme Vocabularyle啪ings缸.ategy in meir咖dyof tl:屺relationsllip between leamer Variables and English aChieVement using meseVenmethod of imerview and diary.Their study deah withVocabularyitems coVering four kinds of1e锄ing strategies:words in prescribed reading. in selfiIlitiated reading.out1.Memorizing2.Memorizing words.3.Consultingadictiona巧t0 findinfbmationabout the collocation of newwords and the Various meanings of the words together with the 4.Specific technique for memorizing new words.ex锄plesentences.nle study attenlptedto find out therlodi艉rembetWeen thehi曲auld hi曲a11dlow aChieVers. low acmeVersR-esult sho、Ⅳed that there was inonesignificantdi能rentbetween theaIld f.our t),pes of Vocabulary leaming strategies.Not all teaclling approaches8 第二章文献综述loaIled舶me虢ctiveabroad a伊ee witll Chinese leanlers.Up t0 now,few researChers haveways used by middle school studems in China.Socanperh印sProfessor zhaIlgSizhong’s Principles teaClling memod.fill in ttle gaps in the field of theVocabula巧leanling觚d2.2.Professor Zhang Sizhong’s Principlesonteaching Vocabulary in,junior school2.2.1 The basic theory of Zhang Sizhong’s principlesa.According to Ellis(1 994), language he suggested thatle锄erSlin嘶sticacomprehends and produceknowledge aIld conscious taSk,thebyusing both subconscious,automaticallalytic linguistic l(110wledge. When engaged inactivate eitller alItomatic,unaIlalyzed kno、ⅣledgeconVers趾tle锄ermaymayornon-automatic,anal)rtic kno、Ⅳledge嬲necessaIy’givesⅡle particular type of discourse being carried prima巧processes,out.Le锄erSusedra谢ngonautomaticmles,whenengagingin硼【plalllled,usesporltaneous discourse a11d secondary process.According to Ellis,the integratedofthese栅otypes of processesaccounts for the indiVimlal Variation inme languagc ofaresecond languagele锄ersasdimcult typesof l(1lowledge aIld proceduresactiVated india’erent communicative comeXts.h1 addition,tIle evidence convincingly indicates mat the ability to verbalize the language mles does not exiSt singly that 1anguageuselec眦callthat t11eit commullication.(1ightbo、vn.1 985).Mr Zhallg rebuilds the wordliSt accordir培t0meirpron吼ciations,Stru咖recanand part of speech into some regular0nes,sostl】dentsle锄the content eaSily.input hypothesis.His theories have been influential inb.心ashen’ste肌sof thes仰ngirnplications for c12Lssroom instmction.Among these iInplications,me prima拶如nctionof协e claSsroom is、Ⅳhich leanlersareto proVidecomprehensible input inalo、Ⅳ-a11xiet),enViro衄entillnot required tospeal(嘣iltheyareready to do so,a11d optimal input iscom】)rehensible,at t_he leVelof‘‘i+l”,硫eresting,relevant,and not铲解吼aticallysequenced;e盯or correction should be minimal m the claLssroom since it is not usef.ul when me goaJ isacquisition(kraShen,l 982) haShen’sinputAocording tooverh),pothesis,Mr.2mang put‘‘proper concen旬献ion,circleputs9aaIld over,’on me Stage“i”,then,helargeamo吼tofinfo硼ationint0 tlle 内蒙古师范大学硕士学位论文 students’brain泌scientific way umil they touch nle“i+l”stage.About“read original”,it t),pically showsthetlle|【1粥hen’shyl)0mesis,because he stressed tllat only reamng original isaremain、硼ytocar巧on the i珥,ut hypothesis.The studentsthe focus of me laIlguagele锄ing.c.W色n’s(1 997)咖dyillustrated that expectations of the 1eanling task a11d ofone’somlabil埘play asigIlificaIlt mle in motiVation andleaming.Whenle锄ers tmnkthat leaminganexperiences、啊H lead t0 e珏.ectonce栅n meaning如lresults,they exerrt more ea’ort.MotiVation haSusehow龇1d when studentslanguage leaming strategies and degree t0 which tlleytake responsibilit),for languagemeir own progress motiVation encouraged greater e任.ort丘omsuccessle锄ers a11dusually leads t0 greater skillsoVerintems of language proficiency锄damaintenaIlceof lallguagetime.Therefore,motiVation iskey factor iIlf.acilitating language Zhallgle砌ng.Inorder to Stimulate the students’motiVation,Professoraresaid,“Settingana11d achieVing goalsalso Very inlportant.’’In making decisions toanengage iIl behavioractiVi坝setting印propriatecangoals becomesimport趾tpart of motiVatedsomat me decisionsbe carried and me requirede肺rtsustained.Professor吐ang paysmore attention to promote the多tudents’non.intelligence factor.He thinks thatsetting the psychologyadV觚tageis going to obtainagood state to pmduce positiVe forceafor English leaming.CognitiVe psychologists haVe come to maket、Ⅳo types of goalsdistinction bet、Veen theaSoriemation,wmch haVe been Variously describedareperfomanceVs.maste巧goals.Although theredi髓rencesineach of these approaches,theyareessentially similar in distinguishing between perf.ormance,where the primeconcemis t0look good,or,at least,not to look stupid,甜ld leering,where t}lc goal is t0 increaSe kIlo、Ⅳledge,sl【iUorunderstanding,ThoseaSwllo tend to choose ped.oHnance something fixed a11dasgoalsarcconsidered to tend to View imelligence coIlfident in tlleiro、Vnurlchangeable.If meircaIlability is loW,mey will tend t0 act in t11eirifthere is notlling they thedo toimproVe舭ir pe墒mances.If their confidencetlley wiU aCcount forsuccessabil埘is hi曲,onotherh锄d,ain ternls of fixed imelligence.Situation Where there iss协ongpossibility of f.ailure will be aVOided if at aU possible because of conVeying negatiVemessages about one’s ability.Incont】rastorto“s,those wh0 purse leaminggoals teIld to haVeuI】dedying belief that intelligence l(ind of goalability is malleable also mate侬)n is,、Ⅳ0mlwhile.1Ksbe helpmlin proVidingorie删ion also leadsto tlleaSsuI】叩tion that10failurecan 第二章文献综述inf.onnation f.or f.uture action. d. According t0 t11e H.EbbinghauS forgetting curved liIle,it mainly renectsageneralregulation of f0唱etting,i.e.the process of forgetting is 110tbal觚ce.Firstat0f.o玛et f.astmen晰mtime 90ing,it wiU beforgo讹nless and less.At laSt,incerta洫leVelsomething will not be fo略otten foreVer.All in all,to know the regulations of forgettiI玛is垤巧impon乏mt.Apart矗om me regulation也eory,hef.ound t11at rememberingsomething automatically will be fo唱otten easily than me non.alItomaticalIy.As for锻、№know,when moststudents1e锄English,meypay more attemion to the effect of themealling,rather man know if they really wantto keep remembering the、Ⅳords for a longtiIne.We knowif weonly drawattention to the short-memo巧,it isdi伍cultfor maintainaI]ld review.It is u11iversally know that when the information is put into ttle process of leanling,itcallbe kept foreVeraVe巧Short time,but if you don’t reView“in time,meonewhich you hadremembered will be fo略ottenVe巧quickly.What’smore,if youcould review tllem at once,the short oime memo巧will become也e long-time memo巧.nu文professor Zhallg puts fomⅢd to“c讹如口埘口万d口朋”w11ich comes舶m11is principles to consolidate the preViousoneofcontents.Wealso realize mat we shouldremember the meaning如l materials rather than those non-meaIling如l materials.Becausethe latter constantly.e. onescould not be remembered easily,、Ⅳhat’s、vorSe,itcanbe fo唱ottenn is generally tllought that studentscallmemorize、Ⅳords谢thom le锄:lingamemethods.Therefore,students have long suf.fered f.romtechniques.A good memo巧is always good foralack of the guidance in memoryperson tO1e姗anything,panicularlyalanguage.HoweVer,memory isnot the only way for students toremember the materialmey haVe juSt coVered.There do exiSt some strategies mat help tllem memorizevoca_bularymore easily a11d efIfectiVely man rote memorization.As language teachers,0ur mainconcem istoensurethat whatis taught、)l,iU bepemallemlyretainedinstudents’longmemor),.111 cultiVating students‘memo巧,professor zllallg’s prinCiple combined Nobert Schmi牡a11d Dialle Schmitt’s principles(1 995)relatedtomemo巧and Vocabula拶acquisition.1.The best way to remember new、Vords is to integrate them into known words. 2.n is lI】【uch eaSier t0le锄i11]FomationorgaIlized in some way maJl to re曩nember11 内蒙古师范大学硕士学位论文unrelated elements. 3.Organization timeso as canfacilitate leaming but similar、) ̄rords should not be taught at thesanleto a_voidinte疵r.ence.4.Word Pairsisagood way of giviIlg initial exposure to new words.5.鼬10wingmeaIling.a、Ⅳord include seVeral additional kindsof、怕rdknowledge besides its6.Ment甜actiVityused、ⅣhenhaSaapowemlef.fononmemo巧.The deeper the mentm processingale锄ingword,the more likely thatastudem will remember it.a7.The act of recalling again later. 8.The mostresources onword makes it more likely thatle锄er、耐U beable to recan itemcientle甜ning happens when lealllersareconcentrating their memalnle拓峪k at hand.9.Wordsneed t0 be recycled t0 be learned.soon1 O.Leanlers should reView new material recall it at鲈adu“ly increaSing interVals. 11.Students may haVe diVerseaRer their initial meeting of it and thenle锄ing s锣lesorsimply difIferent、wlys iIl wmch they likeato咖dy;tlleteacher may introduce Students toVariet)r of learlling strate西es andonestecllIliques a11d then let them decide for themselVes whichthey prefer.To sum up,memo拶is Ver)r importallt in 12ulguage leanling,especially Vocabular), leanling.Teachers should involVe studems in meaIlingful c12Lssroom actiVities a11d enable tllem to be more self二reliallt and help mem commitinfo眦ation into memo巧.2.2.2The main content of Zhang Sizhong’s PrinciplesaProfessor ZhaIlg used his own t11eo巧to create situation.He circleusesunique method to suitourCllinesethe following words to summariZe hisnotion,“尸,碑7P,.cD刀cP,z抛f幻%d勺盼rem铲。印S.”over佣dovet reading originm worb.teaching incanSuch following f.onnconclude也e whole process of Zhang Sizllong’s Principles.12 第二章文献综述张思中教法、学法流程图上适当 集中 反复 循环 原著 因操 材练 施运 教用.一语L一I l音l国际音标对称教学法’一词UI 阅读 l汇I㈣谈b集中识词与读原著简易直接音标法L 形成 .一循环记忆法 I’ 保持与发 展教 学好 外语 心理 优势I一快速记忆法 一卡片记忆法 一分析讹法 一背诵循环记忆法 一操练记忆法一霎H超裟篓褰与卜剖韶曩≥薯徇卜俩俩对话分级训练卜◆ 一誓H 一霉"荆赢骶新动 卜t J.P,叩盯∞刀卯甩办.口砌刀,manyVocabulaI.ystudents deVote large anlount of time aIld ene唱y toorle锄ing,butthey still complain that meir Vocabul孤了size is not erloughmey c凹’t aVoid forgetting.T0 teach me、Ⅳ0rds me content,t11e materials,time that they will methods and meaSures,so a_ttitude,aimingataSconce删on properlyuseis toasconCe曲fateall l【iIlds offor leanling aS、Ⅳento create a strongatmosphere and a由ust the S讥dentS’activeremembering tlle、vords consciously.Tlo concemrate me teacllingmaterial is to teach them nle phonetics,t11eVocabulary,the伊猢arthem oralaIld the teXt.To tlleirconce廊ate廿leteachingskillsisto妇inEnglish,listening锄dThe current situation of teaching is to teach 廿le students’bu】men is r10t heavy,in f.act,tllere isthe咖dentss印arately,it seemsthatnorelationsllip be“旧en tllewords觚dme铲aI】删ar,andstudents feeleVensothe students h叠lVe t0 car巧on the rote leanlir培.Elut at last memuch heaVier.HoweVer,Zhang Sizllong’s principles adopt the uIlique 内蒙吉师范大学硕士学位论文 memodto teach the、Ⅳords andgraI】1mar concentrate.Such method is伽Jghtpart of speech,t11rou曲le锄ingtlle Words’pronunciation,meanmg andares劬ctI鹏co皿ectedresult“thregul砌y.Thus,if、Ⅳel埝lf the efI’ort. 2。ci竹cteoverteach me、Ⅳ0rds in this way,weable to get t、Ⅳice thenndoverARer conducting the first step,we mainly want to solVe such following question: How to keep remembering me words foralong period?It is common that、Ve oRen forget what we haVe So m order t0 overcomele锄ed if wedon’t reView in time.these barriers,we haVe adoptedsuch followiIlgs ways toconsolidate aIld remember the、vords in Zhang Sizllong’s principles.1)?Tbllave the conVersation in pairs.The content of the conVersation is f如m eaSyonet0 thedi衔cultyone,ranging fIrom daily life to the aa’airs that the stlldents couldcare.Sometimes,me dialogues could be made by themselVes.2)T0 practice tlleir 1istening,、Ⅳhich included words phraSes aIld seIltences they hadle锄ed.The studentsthey heard.aredemaIldedto fin into the blanks or retell the tllings what3)To recite the content what they haVele踟ed.TheastudentsarediVided into severalgroups of f.our Students.Each group has teacher、忻H check in uncertain time.conductorto州ter down their marks,the4)Tbuseall l(inds of ways to recite、Ⅳ0rds.Such嬲t0 connect the scientific、Ⅳays withusethe nexible ways reaLsonably,to analysis the word u11it and devices. 3.rending originnt works. Generally speaking,we comment the readingthe mnemonicabilit),throu曲nleaS aconlprehension andand the reading Speed.、rocabulary knowledge is considered cauSative factor iIlm萄or prerequiSitecomprehension(nationthe relationship1 993).But how to iIIlproVe the l(nowledge andabil埘ofreadingreading??What’sbe帆eenVocabularyourcomprehension?MaybeyearSorit will be aulother question ofusstudy.During thepaSt锄忙ntyso,many linguists haVe showedthat there is significantly robust and positiVerelationshipbetween Vocabulary knowledge a11d readingcomprehension.W甜lace(1 982)giVes estimation about theimport觚t0f knowledge of Vocabulary in text comprehension.14 He stlates tllat it is estimated that if more ttlan me percent oftlle、Ⅳords in unknown,the reader becomes f.ms仃ated and tends to giVe up. 1haShen claimed that snJdents aCquireas.apaSsagearevoca_bula巧aIld gain its ref.erential meaIlingweUaSits syntactic,pragmatic andcaIleVenemotionalinfo姗ationaSfbm the conteXt.0nlyaIliIlthiswayVocabula巧no longer be thought ofseparate items,but becomeintegral paIt of discourse and be deVeloped along、Ⅳitll reading sn.ategies suCh contextual guessing.Tbsu】[IlaSup,Vocabulary a11d reamng comprehensionareinteraction.nlereoneis reciprocalliIll【sbe似een Vocabula巧l【110wledge andreading comprehension.Onhand,vocabulary knowledge supponS reading deVelopment.On the omer hand, iInprovesreadingvocabula巧knowledge.W.e musthl reading coInprehension isknowtllat meimportaI]【ceofvocabula巧l【IlowledgeweU establiShed. n h嬲beenisconsistently demonstratedthat reading comprehensiontomore strongly relatedt0Vocabula巧knowledge thanthe other components of reading. According t0MLZh哪’s principle, t0teacher谢llSpendarecite the、Vords concentration is ttle key content in tllis study.The lot oftime in researclling how to recite me、Ⅳords,in order to let廿1econcentrate to recite t11e words;、^,e shouldstudems mlderstalld、Vhy、^,e let memthem know the importaJlceama玉【cof leamingVocabula拶. They should make the properpreparation and try to make is meb以erplan before the eXperiment beginS.To read也e originpu印ose of reading.It needsgrollps.the students to promote thestudy.4.teaching讯d{l和rentDuring the teaching period,也eg印锄ongstudents will become larger and la唱erwith their growing up,which will make the teaching trap into the embarrassed.In orderto coIIlplete the teaching taSk,the teacher haS tof配ethem勾orit)rof thecasele鲫ners,thustllerearesome students will be held upout of thele锄nerS.Suchreally existS inteaclling process. In orderto makedi腩rentlevel students gain0naChievemem.Mr.Zhangcallput forwardaproposal of teaching in铲oup.He calledthlDse诎lony wiU ny is t0lligher,Ⅵ,here鹤fIact.mosecanomyrullshould run.Another notion ofM旺Zh觚gseek协Jm fbmcanThat means you muSt admit也e gap bet、Ⅳeen difrerent students,tllen youadoptrelev锄t meaSuresarouse usand at laSt to expect to gain the actlmle腑ct.SuchaboveMetaphorShow t0 teach i11di虢rent groups.1S 内蒙古师范大学硕士学位论文ⅢExperimentonZhang Sizhong’s PrincipIesof teaching Vocabulary3.1ResearchobjectiVeand hypothesisVocabula巧teaching andle锄inghas beenalong question in middle school iIlChina,English education in middle school has黟eate虢cts on咖dentsin approaches,ideaS觚dpresentour aresults.This essay aims at adopting new way to improveanew kind of method and attempt t0avocabula巧le锄ing.,draWinguseml pedagogical forteaching methods.The experiment is to be assumed to prove: of ZhaIlg Sizllong’s(1)Onceweuse oneprinciples“p唧盯∞露c聊力W砌打”tomemorize me words,the amomlt of the、Ⅳords is la玛er tllan those they haVe memor


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