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Chinese Name
Chinese Character
Common Name
A Wei Hua Pi Gao
Awei Huapi Plaster
To reduce masses.
Ai Fu Nuan Gong Wan
Aifu Nuangong Pills
To regulate and replenish qi, warm the uterus and regulate menstruation.
An Dan Tang
Gallbladder Calming Decoction
To clear heat and filtrate dampness; To reduce unhappy feelings and dissolve stagnation
Bolus Of Calculus Bovis For Resurrection
To remove heat, counteract toxicity, relieve convulsion and promote the restoration of consciousness.
An Kun Zan Yu Wan
Ankun Zanyu Pills
To nourish qi and blood, regulating menstruation and relieving leukorrhagia.
An Luo Tong Pian
Rheumatalgia And Neuralgia Tablet
To dispel wind and remove obstruction in the channels, promote blood circulation and relieve pain.
Massage Lotion
To promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, clear away heat and relieve pain.
An Nao Niu Huang Pian
Tablet of Cow-bezoar for Tranquilization
To clear away heat and toxic materials, tranquilize the mind and calm endogenous wind, induce resuscitation and relieve convulsion.
An Shen Bu Xin Wan
Anshen Buxin Pills, Sedative and Heart-Invigorating Pill
To nourish the heart and calm the nerves.
An Shen Ding Zhi Wan
Pill For Calming The Mental State
To nourish the heart, calm the mental state, and balance the heart-fire and kidney-water.
An Wei Pian
Anwei Tablets, Gastralgia Tablet
To counteract acidity and relieve pain.
An Yang Jing Zhi Gao
Anyang Jingzhi Plaster
To dissolve mass, remove blood stasis, relieve pain, strengthen the muscles and tendons, activate blood circulation, and to dispel wind and cold.
Ba Bao Kun Shun Wan
Babao Kunshun Pills
To nourish blood and regulate menstruation.
Ba Wei Chen Xiang San
Bawei Chenxiang Powder
To remove heat from the heart, to calm the mind, and to induce resuscitation.
Ba Wei Qing Xin Chen Xiang San
Bawei Qingxin Chenxiang Powder
To remove heat from the heart and the lung, to regulate the flow of qi, and to induce sedation.
Ba Wei Tan Xiang San
Bawei Tanxiang Powder
To remove heat from the lung, relieve cough and promote expectoration.
Ba Zhen San
Eight Health Restoring Powder
To clear away heat and purge fire, induce diuresis for treating stranguria.
Ba Zhen Tang
Decoction Of Eight Treasure Ingredients, Eight Treasure Decoction
To tonify qi and blood.
Ba Zhen Wan
Bazhen Pills
To replenish qi and blood.
Ba Zhen Yi Mu Wan
Bazhen Yimu Pills
To replenish qi and blood, and to regulate menstruation.
Ba Zheng San
Powder for Dispersing heat and Promoting Urination, Eight Right Powder for Rectification, Powder of Eight Ingredients to Clear heat and Dampness
To clear heat and fire. To promote urination and dispel dampness.
Bai Dai Wan
Baidai Pills
To remove damp-heat and arrest excessive leukorrhea.
Bai Du San
Powder for Antiphlogosis, Antiphlogistic Powder, Poison Eliminating Powder, Powder to Release Toxins
To relieve the exterior syndrome by replenishing qi and dispelling pathogenic wind and dampness.
Bai He Di Huang Tang
Two Herb Tonfication Decoction
T T To nourish yin; To clear heat
Bai He Gu Jin Tang
Decoction of Lillii for Strengthening Lung, Lily Decoction for Strengthening the Lung, Lilium Lung Preserving Decoction
To nourish yin to moisten the lung and resolve phlegm to arrest cough.
Bai He Gu Jin Wan
Baihe Gujin Pills
To nourish yin of the lung, resolve phlegm and relieve cough.
Bai He Hua Shi San
Powder of Lilii and Talcum
To nourish lung-yin , to tranquilize, to clear away internal heat and promote diuresis
Bai Hu Cheng Qi Tang
White Tiger Qi-Supporting Decoction
To clear qi; To promote bowel movement.
Bai Hu Jia Gui Zhi Tang
White Tiger Plus Cassia Twig Decoction
To clear heat and smooth the luo (nervous, circulatory and immune systems)
Bai Hu Jia Ren Shen Tang
White Tiger Plus Ginseng Decoction
To clear heat; T To benefit qi; To produce saliva
White Tiger Decoction
To clear heat and promote the production of body fluids.
Bai Mai An Shen Yin
To benefit qi and tonify yin; To clear heat and calm the spirit
Bai Tong Tang
Decoction For Activating Yang, Allium Unblocking Decoction
To rescue the depleted yang, rescue the patient from danger, and harmonise the yang energy of the upper with that of the lower part of the body.
Bai Tou Weng Tang
Decoction Of Pulsatillae
To clear heat and release toxins. To cool the blood and relieve dysentery.
Bai Zi Yang Xin Wan
Baizi Yangxin Pills, Mind-Easing Tonic Bolus with Arborvitae Seed
To replenish qi and blood and induce sedation.
Ban Long Wan
Banlong Pill
To nourish and invigorate the kidney-essence, preserving sperm and tranquilizing.
Ban Xia Bai Zhu Tian Ma Tang
Decoction of Pinelliae, Atractylodis Macrocephalae and Gastrodiae
To dry dampness and resolve phlegm. To pacify the liver and eliminate wind.
Decoction of Pinelliae and Magnoliae Officinalis
To promote the circulation of qi to alleviate mental depression, to lower the adverse flow of qi and resolve phlegm.
Ban Xia Lu
Pinellia Syrup
To relieve cough and reduce sputum.
Ban Xia Xie Xin Tang
Decoction of Pinelliae for Purging Stomach Fire
To regulate the stomach and purge the adverse flow of qi, and relieve stagnation and flatulence.
Bao Chan Wu You San
Powder For Threatened Abortion
To invigorate vital energy, nourish blood, strengthen the kidney and soothe the fetus.
Bao Chi San
Baochi Powder
To promote digestion, remove retained food, eliminate phlegm and induce sedation.
Bao Fu Kang Shuan
Baofukang Suppositories
To activate the flow of qi and remove blood stasis, heat ulcer, and to relieve pain.
Bao Gu Jiu
Medicated Wine with Leopard Bone
To expel pathogenic wind and dampness.
Bao He Wan
Pill for Promoting Digestion, Lenitive Pill
To promote digestion and regulate the stomach.
Bao Ke Ning Ke Li
Baokening Granules
To remove heat, expel superficial evils, relieve cough and eliminate phlegm.
Bao Long Wan
Baolong Pill
To dispel wind, to invigorate the stomach.
Bao Tai Fang
Fetus Support Recipe
To tonify splee To nourish blood and support fetus
Bao Yuan Tang
Origin Protection Decoction
To tonify qi; To warm yang
Bei Ling Jiao Nang
Beiling Capsules
To remove heat and resolve phlegm.
Bei Ling San
Powder of Fritillary Bulb and Antelope's Horn
To remove heat-phlegm.
Bei Mu Gua Lou San
Powder of Fritillariae Cirrhosae and Trichosanthis
To nourish the lung and clear away heat, regulate qi and resolve phlegm.
Bei Xie Fen Qing Yin
Clearing Decoction of Rhizoma Dioscoreae Hypoglaucae
T To benefit dampness; To resolve turbid
Bi Wen San
Biwen Powder
To expel summer-heat and evil' factors, to promote resuscitation, and to alleviate pain.
Bi Xie Fen Qing Yin
Decoction of Dioscoreae Hypoglaucae for Clearing Turbid Urine
To warm kidney, eliminate dampness and separate the clear and turbid fluid.
Bi Xue Shen Shi Tang
Decoction of Dioscoreae Hypoglaucae for Promoting Diuresis
To clear away dampness-heat, activate blood circulation and eliminate toxic material.
Bi Yan Pian
Biyan Tablets
To dispel wind and remove toxic heat from the nose.
Bian Hua Li Zhong Tang
Change and Interior Modulation Decoction
To tonify qi a To warm interior and control blood
Bie Jia Jian Wan
Turtle Shell Fries Bolus
T T To soften hard object
Bie Jia Yin Zi
Decoction of Carapax Trionycis, Purifying and (Spleen) Swelling Reducing Drink
To soften hard masses, disperse stagnation, promote the circulation of vital energy and blood, invigorate the vital energy and strengthen the spleen.
Bing Lang Chen Qi Tang
Semen Arecae Qi Supporting Decoction
To promote bowel movement and kill roundworms
Bing Lang Si Xiao Wan
Binglang Sixiao Pills, Digestion Pill of Betel Nut
To promote digestion, to remove undigested food, to promote the flow of qi, and to cause purgation.
Bing Peng San
Bingpeng Powder
To remove heat, to counteract toxicity, to promote the subsidence of swelling and to alleviate pain.
Bo Yun Tui Yi Wan
Boyun Tuiyi Pills
To dispel wind, to clear the eye of corneal opacity and to improve vision.
Bu Dai Wan
Budai Pill
To expel intestinal parasites, relieve infantile malnutrition, invigorate vital energy and strengthen the spleen.
Bu Fei E Jiao Tang
Decoction of Colla Corii Asini for Invigorating Lung (Decoction of Colla Corii Asini)
To nourish yin, invigorate the lung, clear away lung-heat and relieve cough
Bu Fei Shen Ji Tang
Lung Tonification Decoction
To benefit qi To revitalize blood and dissolve stagnation
Bu Gan Yi qi Tang
Liver Tonification Decoction
To warm and tonify liver qi; To suppress wind and disperse coldness
Bu Qi Gu Jing Tang
Qi Tonification Period Decoction
To benefit qi and s To contain period flow and modulate period
Bu Qi Zhen Li Tang
Qi Tonification Decoction
To strengthen spleen and benefit qi; To tonify
To open the jing and luo.
Bu Qian Tang
Tonification and Guide Decoction
To tonify qi
To dissolve stagnation and open the luo.
Bu Shen Gu Chi Wan
Bushen Guchi Pills
To nourish the kidney to strengthen the teeth, to activate blood circulation and counteract toxicity.
Bu Shen Ju Xian Tang
Kidney Tonification Decoction
To warm the spleen and support yang; To benefit qi and support the fetus
Bu Shen Qiang Shen Pian
Tonic Tablet for Kidney-Reinforcing
To reinforce the kidney and strengthen the body.
Bu Shen Shen Xue Tang
Kidney and Blood Tonification Decoction
To tonify sple To benefit qi and produce blood
Bu Shen Yang Xue Yu Tang
Kidney and Blood Tonification Decoction
To reinforce yang To nourish blood and To soften hardness and stop pain
Bu Shen Yi Nao Pian
Bushen Yinao Tablets, Kidney-Brain-Nourishing Tablet
To replenish the kidney and qi, to nourish blood and the essence of life.
Bu Shen Yi Nao Tang
Kidney Tonification and Brain Benefiting Decoction
To tonify the spleen a To dissolve stagnation and open luo.
Bu Xin An Shen Gao
Heart Tonification and Calming Cream
To strengthen sp To nourish and ton To modulate stomach and intestine
Bu Xue Ning Shen Pian
Tablet for Blood-Enriching and Mind-Tranquilizing
To nourish yin, tonify the kidney, enrich the blood and tranquilize the mind.
Bu Xue Tiao Jing Tang
Blood Tonifying Period Modulation Decoction
T T To modulate period
Bu Yang Huan Wu Tang
Decoction for Invigorating Yang, Decoction Invigorating Yang for Recuperation
To invigorate qi, and promote blood circulation to remove blood stasis from the channels.
Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang
Decoction for Strengthening the Middle-jiao and Benefiting Vital Energy
To invigorate the spleen, replenish qi and elevate the spleen-yang to treat qi collapse.
Bu Zhong Yi Qi Wan
Bolus for Reinforcing the Middle-jiao and Replenishing Qi
To strengthen the middle-jiao, replenish qi and elevate yang to treat prolapses of the internal organs.
Chinese Name
Chinese Character
Common Name
Cai Hu Qing Gan Yin
Radix Bupleuri Liver Clearing Decoction
T To reduce fire; To soothe qi
Cai Hu Qing Gu San
Radix Bupleuri Bone Soothing Powder
T To reduce hot- To nourish yin and to reduce fire
Cai Hu Yu Jin Pai Shi Tang
Stone Remover Decoction
To clear heat and To soothe the liver and benefit the gallbladder
Cai Shi Tui Re Tang
Cai Shi Heat-Reduction Decoction
To clear heat; T To soothe the exterior; To remove evil
Can Shi Tang
Decoction of Excrementum Bombycis, Bombyx Droppings Decoction
To clear away heat, promote diuresis, lift up clear substances and lower down turbid evil.
Cang Bai Zhi Dai Tang
Leucorrhoea Stopping Decoction
To clear heat; To address dampness; To stop abnormal discharge
Cang Er Zi San
Heat Clearing Powder of Fructus Xanthii Sibirici
To smooth wind; To clear heat; To reduce dampness; To open the mind
Chai Ge Jie Ji Tang
Decoction of Bupleuri and Puerariae for Expelling Evil from the Muscles
To expel pathogenic factors from the muscles and skin and reduce fever.
Chai Hu Gui Zhi Tang
Bupleurum Cinnamomum Decoction
Chai Hu Jia Long Gu Mu Li Tang
Decoction of Bupleuri and Os Draconis and Concha Ostreae
To regulate Shaoyang, disperse phlegm, to tranquilize, support healthy energy and eliminate evil.
Chai Hu Kou Fu Ye
Chaihu Oral Liquid
To remove heat, expell superfical evils.
Chai Hu Shu Gan San
Powder of Bupleuri for Dispersing the Depressed Liver Energy, Bupleurum Liver Clearing Powder
To disperse the stagnated liver-qi, to active the flow of qi, to relieve distension and pain.
Chan Fu Kang Ke Li
Chanfukang Granules
To nourish qi and blood, to remove blood stasis and produce new blood.
Chan Su Ding
Troche of Toad Venom
To promote blood circulation, remove toxic substances, relieve swelling and alleviate pain.
Chan Su Wan
Pill of Toad Venom
To clear away heat and toxic materials, relieve swelling and pain.
Chang Yong Tang
Intestine Relieving Decoction
To clear heat and benefit dampness; To move qi and revitalize blood
Chen Xiang Hua Qi Wan
Chenxiang Huaqi Pills
To regulate the flow of qi in the liver and the stomach, and to remove the retention of undigested food.
Chi Shi Zhi Yu Yu Liang Tang
Double Ingredients Anti-Diarrhea Decoction
To con To stop diarrhea
Chong Cao Bu Tian Jing
Oral Liquid of Cordyceps
To supplement qi, nourish yin and the blood.
Chu Feng Jing
Oral Liquid of Chicken Fetus
To warm the kidney, invigorate yang, and replenish qi and nourish the blood.
Chu Ling Tang
Decoction of Poria
To strengthen the spleen to promote diuresis, regulate vital energy.
Chu Shi Juan Bi Tang
Decoction for Eliminating Dampness and Relieving Rheumatism
To strengthen the spleen, eliminate dampness, expel wind, dissipate phlegm, relieve rheumatism, and alleviate pain.
Chu Shi Wei Ling Tang
Weiling Decoction for Eliminating Dampness
To clear away heat, eliminate dampness and toxic material, and relieve swelling.
Chuan Bei Qing Fei Tang Jiang
Lung-heat-Clearing Syrup of Sichuan Fritillary Bulb
To clear away lung-heat and moisten dryness, arrest cough and eliminate phlegm.
Chuan Bei Xue Li Gao
Chuanbei Xueli Concentrated Decoction
To nourish the yin of lung, relieve cough, to promote the production of body fluids and to eliminate phlegm.
Chuan Xin Lian Pian
Andrographis Tablet
To remove heat and toxic materials and relieve inflammation.
Chuan Xiong Cha Tiao San
Powder of Ligutici Chuanxiong Mixed With Camelliae Sinensis
To dispel wind and to relieve pain.
Chuan Xiong Cha Tiao Wan
Chuanxiong Chatiao Pills
To dispel wind and to relieve pain.
Chuan Xiong Zhi Tong Tang
Pain Stopping Decoction
To suppress wind To revitalize blood and dissolve stagnation
Ci Wu Jia Jin Gao
Manyprickle Acanthopanax Extract
Wu Jia Pian
Acanthopanax Root Tablet
To strengthen body resistance to consolidate the constitution, replenish qi, invigorate the spleen and tonify the spleen and tonify the kidney to relieve mental strain.
Ci Zhu Wan
Pill of Magnetite and Cinnabar
To relieve palpitation and tranquilize the mind, suppress asthenic yang and improve eyesight.
Cong Bai Qi Wei Yin
Cong Bai Decoction Of Seven-Ingredients
T To relieve exterior syndrome
Cong Gu Tang
Allium Glycine Decoction
To smooth yang and relieve exterior syndrome
Cui Tang Wan
Cuitang Pills
To induce diaphoresis, to reduce fever, to relieve cough, and to arrest pain.
Major Settling Pill
Da Ban Xia Tang
Decoction of Larger Dosage of Pinelliae
To decrase fluid retention, disperse stagnation, lower the abnormal rising energy, stop vomiting, benefit vital energy and moisten dryness.
Da Bu Yin Wan
Bolus for Invigorating Yin, Bolus For Replenishing Vital Essence
To nourish yin and purge pathogenic fire.
Da Bu Yuan Jian
Tonic Decoction for Debility
To tonify kidney, produce essence, invigorate the spleen and nourish blood.
Da Chai Hu Tang
Decoction Of Bupleuri For Regulating Shaoyang And Yangming
To treat shaoyang disease by mediation and purging away internal stasis of heat.
Da Cheng Qi Tang
Decoction for Potent Purgation
To purge the bowels and internal heat.
Da Ding Feng Zhu
Bolus for Serious Endogenous Wind Syndrome, Major Wind Calming Pill
To nourish yin and calm wind.
Da Fang Feng Tang
Major Decoction Of Ledebouriellae
To expel wind and dampness, strengthen the bones and tendons, benefit vital energy and nourish blood.
Da Huang Fu Zi Tang
Decoction of Rhei and Aconiti Praeparata
To warm the interior to disperse the cold, relax the bowels to relieve pain.
Da Huang Huang Lian Xie Xin Tang
Rheum Coptis Heart Clearing Decoction
T To reduce lumps
Da Huang Mu Dan Tang
Decoction of Rhei and Moutan Radicis
To purge heat and eliminate blood stasis with potent drugs, remove pathogenic accumulation and relieve swelling.
Da Huang Qing Wei Wan
Dahuang Qingwei Pills
To remove toxic heat, and to relax the bowels.
Da Huang Zhe Chong Wan
Bolus Of Rhei And Eupolyphaga Seu Steleophaga
To promote blood circulation and eliminate blood stasis, and to stimulate menstrual flow and disintegrate masses.
Da Huo Luo Wan
Large Bolus for Activating Channels and Collaterals
To dispel wind and remove dampness from the body, relieve rigidity of muscles and activate energy flow in the channels and collaterals.
Da Jian Zhong Tang
Major Central Supporting Decoction
To warm the interior and tonify deficiency; To download adversary; To stop pain
Da Ju Pi Tang
Decoction Of Citri Grandis
To activate the circulation of vital energy, promote diuresis and clear away dampness-heat.
Da Qing Jiao Tang
Decoction Of Gentianae Macrophyllae
To disperse exopathic wind and clear away pathogenic heat.
Da Qing Long Tang
Big Blue Dragon Decoction, Major Green Dragon Decoction
To expel wind-cold from the body surface and clear away heat stagnated in the interior.
Da Shan Zha Chong Ji
Infusion Of Hawthorn Fruit
To strengthen the stomach and promote digestion.
Da Shan Zha Wan
Dashanzha Pills
To induce appetite and promote digestion.
Da Xian Xiong Tang
Decoction For Severe Phlegm-Heat Syndrome in the Chest, Major Chest (Blockage) Relieving Decoction
To purge heat and remove water retention by hydragogue.
Da Xian Xiong Wan
Collapsed Chest Bolus
To clear heat and remove fluid
Da Yuan Yin
Decoction With Direct Effect On Moyuan, Purifying Drink
To expel pathogenic factors at moyuan, and eliminate dampness evil.
Da Zao Wan
Dazao Bolus (Dazao Bolus of Placenta Hominis)
To nourish the lung and kidney, clear away asthenic fire and lower hectic fever due to yin-deficiency.
Dai Ge San
Daige Powder, Isatis Venerupis Powder
To cool the liver and lung, to keep the adverse qi downwards, to ease the mind.
Dai Huang Fu Zi Tang
Decoction of Rhubarb and Aconite
To warm yang and dispel pathogenic cold, relieve constipation and promote the circulation of qi.
Dai Wen Jiu Gao
Daiwenjiu Plaster
To warm meridians and promote blood circulation, to dispel cold and relieve pain.
Dan Dao Pai Shi Er Hao Fang
Recipe No. 12 for Removing Gallstones
To clear away heat, normalize the function of the gallbladder, soothe the liver and regulate the circulation of qi to remove gallstones.
Dan Dao Pai Shi Tang
Gallstone Expelling Decoction
To clear heat
To move qi To benefit gallbladder and remove cholelith
Dan Qi Tang
Dan Qi Decoction
To support rightne To benefit qi and dissolve stagnation
Dan Yi Tang
Roundworm Decoction
To kill w To clear heat and disperse spleen
Dan Zhi Xiao Yao San
Ease Powder with Moutan Bark and Capejasmine Fruit, Paeonia Gardenia Care free Powder
To soothe the liver, strengthen the spleen and nourish menstruation by regulating the flow of blood.
Dang Gui Bu Xue Tang
Decoction of Angelicae Sinesis for Enriching Blood
To tonify qi and promote the production of blood.
Dang Gui Jian Zhong Tang
Decoction of Angelicae Sinensis for Warming Middle Jiao, Angelica Central Strengthening Decoction
To warm middle jiao, tonify, activate blood circulation and alleviate pain.
Dang Gui Jing Gao Pian
Chinese Angelica Extract Tablet
To enrich and regulate blood, regulate menstruation to alleviate pain, moisturize pathogenic dryness to loosen the bowel.
Dang Gui Liu Huang Tang
Decoction of Angelicae Sinensis with Six Drugs
To replenish yin and reduce fire. To consolidate the exterior and stop sweeting.
Dang Gui Long Hui Wan
Danggui Longhui Pills, Angelica Gentiana Aloe Pill
To quench fire and relax bowels.
Dang Gui Nian Tong Tang
Decoction of Angelicae Sinensis for Analgesic
To dry dampness, clear away heat, activate blood circulation and expel wind.
Dang Gui Shao Yao San
Powder of Angelicae Sinensis and Paeoniae
To enrich blood, regulate the liver, strengthen the spleen and eliminate dampness.
Dang Gui Sheng Jiang Yang Rou Tang
Decoction of Angelicae Sinensis, Zingiberis Recens and Mutton
To enrich blood, regulate the function of the liver, expel cold and alleviate pain.
Dang Gui Si Ni Tang
Chinese Angelica Decoction for Restoring Y Dang Gui and Frigid Extremities Decoction
To warm the meridians and dispel cold; To nourish the blood.
Dang Gui Yang Xue Wan
Danggui Yangxue Pills
To nourish blood to regulate the menstrual function.
Dang Gui Zhi Tong Tang
Dang Gui Pain Relieving Decoction
To nourish
To modulate period and stop pain
Dao Chi San
Powder for Promoting Diuresis, Powder for Treating Dark Urine, heat Reducing Diuretic
To remove pathogenic heat from the heart and nourish yin, including diuresis for treating stranguria.
Dao Chi Wan
Daochi Pills
To remove heat, quench fire, relieve dysuria and to relax bowels.
Dao Shui Fu Ling Tang
Decoction of Poria for Eliminating Fluid
To promote the circulation of vital energy, disperse dampness, promote diuresis and relieve edema.
Dao Tan Tong Luo Tang
Phlegm Guide Decoction
To clear heat To revitalize blood and open the luo (nervous, circulatory and immune systems); To remove dampness and soothe qi
Dao Zhi Yun Pi Fang
Stagnation Relieving Recipe
To disperse stagnation and modulate spleen
De Sheng Wan
Desheng Pills
To replenish blood and remove blood stasis, to regulate menstruation.
Di Huang Yin Zi
Decoction of Rehmanniae
To invigorate kidney-yang, nourish kidney-yin, clear orifices and disperse phlegm.
Di Tan Hua Yu Tang
Phlegm Dissolving Decoction
To cleanse phl To dissolve stagnation and resuscitate spirit
Pill of Sanguisorbae
To cool blood, remove toxic material, stop bleeding and diarrhea.
Dian Qie Liu Jin Gao
Belladonna Liquid Extract
Die Da Huo Xue San
Dieda Houxue Powder
To soothe the tendons, promote blood circulation, remove stasis and relieve pain.
Die Da Wan
Dieda Pills
To promote blood circulation, remove stasis, induce the subsidence of swelling and relieve pain.
Ding Chuan Tang
Decoction for Relieving Asthma, Asthma-relieving Decoction
To facilitate the flow of the lung-qi and remove heat-phlegm to relieve asthma.
Ding Kun Dan
Dingkun Pills, Bolus for Woman Diseases
To nourish qi and blood, to regulate menstruation, and to soothe the depressed liver.
Ding Tong Tang
Pain Releasing Decoction
To benefit qi
To warm jin (nervous, circulatory, and immune systems) a To open the luo (nervous, circulatory, and immune systems) and stop pain
Ding Xian Wan
Pill for Relieving Epilepsy
To eliminate phlegm, resuscitate, tranquilize, suppress wind and relieve convulsion.
Ding Xiang Shi Di Tang
Decoction of Caryophylli and Calyx Kaki, Clove and Persimmon Calyx Decoction
To lower the adverse rising of gas, relieve hiccup, warm the middle-jiao and benefit vital energy.
Ding Xuan Tang
Mind-Clearing Decoction
To stablize liver an To soothe neck and wake-up brain
Ding Zhi Wan
Mind Stablizing Bolus
T T T To benefit mind
Dong Chong Xia Cao Jiao Nang
Capsule of Chinese Caterpillar Fungus
To resist arrhythmia, relieve inflammation and tonify the kidney.
Du Huo Ji Sheng Tang
Decoction of Angelicae , Angelica Liver Kidney Strengthening and evil' Dissipating Decoction
To dispel wind-dampness, arrest pain due to arthralgia-syndrome, tonify the liver and kidney, invigorate qi and nourish the blood.
Chinese Name
Chinese Character
Common Name
Du Yi Wei Pian
Duyiwei Tablets
To activate blood circulation, to relieve pain.
E Jiao Yi Shou Jing
Longevity Extract of Donkey-hide Gelatin
To invigorate qi and replenish the blood.
E Jiao Zi Bu Jing
Tonic Infusion of Donkey-hide Gelatin
To nourish the liver and kidney, invigorate qi and blood.
Er Cha Er Huang San
Catechu and Two Yellownes Powder
To clear heat and re To remove rotten material To constrict and stop pain
Er Chen Tang
Erchen Decoction, Two Cured Decoction
To remove dampness to resolve phlegm, and regulate the stomach.
Er Chen Wan
Erchen Pill
To remove damp-phlegm and regulate the stomach function.
Er Dong Gao
Erdong Concentrated Decoction
To nourish yin of the lung.
Er Dong Tang
Decoction of Asparagi and Ophiopogonis
To clear away heat, promote the production of body fluid, benefit vital energy and relieve thirst.
Er Long Zuo Ci Wan
Erlong Zuoci Pills
To improve hearing, replenish the kidney and subdue hyperactivity of the liver.
Er Miao San
Powder of Phellodendri and Atractylodis
To clear heat and dry dampness.
Er Miao Wan
Ermiao Pills
To remove damp-heat.
Er Shi Wu Wei Shan Hu Wan
Ershiwuwei Shanhu Pills (a Tibetan formula)
To promote the restoration of consciousness, to promote blood circulation and relieve pain.
Er Shi Wu Wei Song Shi Wan
Ershiwuwei Songshi Pills (a Tibetan formula)
To remove heat and counteract toxicity, to regulate the flow of qi in the liver and gall-bladder, to eliminate blood stasis.
Er Shi Wu Wei Zhen Zhu Wan
Ershiwuwei Zhenzhu Pills (a Tibetan formula)
To induce sedation, to promote the restoration of consciousness.
Er Tong Qing Fei Wan
Ertong Qingfei Pills
To remove heat from lung, to resolve phlegm and relieve cough.
Er Xian Gao
Semifluid Extract of Ginseng and Antler Glue
To nourish yin and strengthen yang, supplement qi and nourish blood.
Er Yin Jian
Double Yin Fries
T T To smooth the heart and the kidney
Er Zhi Wan
Erzhi Pills
To replenish yin of the liver and the kidney and arrest bleeding.
Er Zhu Ling Pi Tang
Er Zhu Ling Pi Decoction
To strengthen spleen To clear heat and re To soothe joints
Fang Fan Pian
Tablet for Preventing Common Cold
To replenish qi, invigorate the spleen, strengthen the body resistance, consolidate superficial resistance and arrest sweating.
Fang Feng Tong Sheng San
Powder of Ledebouriellae for Dispersing the Superficies, Miraculous Pill of Ledebouriellae, Saposhnikovia High Efficacy Powder
To expel wind from the body surface, clear away heat and promote bowel movement.
Fang Feng Tong Sheng Wan
Fangfeng Tongsheng Pills
To induce diaphoresis and laxation, remove heat and counteract toxicity.
Fang Ji Huang Qi Tang
Decoction of Stephaniae Tetrandrae and Astragali seu Hedysari, Tetrandra and Astragalus Decoction
To invigorate qi and dispel wind, strengthen the spleen and promote the circulation of qi.
Fang Nian Lian Tang
Anti-Sticking Decoction
To modulate qi
To open interior and dissolve stagnation
Fei Er Le San Ji
Digestion Powder for Infants
To strengthen the spleen, regulate the stomach, promote digestion and eliminate indigested food.
Fei Er Wan
Infant Fattening Pill
T To T To clear heat
Fei Lian Fen Qing Tang
Fei Lian Clearing Decoction
To cleanse and benefit heat-dampness; To strengthen spleen and benefit the kidney
Fen Qing Wu Lin Wan
Fenqing Wulin Pills
To remove damp-heat and relieve dysuria.
Feng Liao Xing Feng Shi Die Da Yao Jiu
Fengliaoxing Fengshi Dieda Wine
To relieve rheumatic conditions, and to promote blood circulation and arrest pain.
Feng Liao Xing Yao Jiu
Fengliaoxing Medicated Wine
To expel pathogenic wind and dredge the channel, dispel cold and arrest pain.
Feng Re He Ji
Wind And Heat Combination Recipe
To cool and reli To re To clear heat
Feng Ru Jiao Nang
Royal Jelly Capsule
To nourish the human body.
Fu Fang Ban Lan Gen Chong Ji
Compound Infusion of Isatis Root
To clear away heat and toxic materials, cool blood and subdue swelling.
Fu Fang Chan Yi Yin
Combined Chan Yi Nephritis Decoction
To disperse wind To disperse dampness and remove toxic materials
Fu Fang Chuan Bei Jing Pian
Compound Tablet Of Sichuan Fritillary Bulb
To relieve cough, reduce sputum, moisturize the lung and relieve asthma.
Fu Fang Da Qing Ye He Ji
Compound Oral Liquid Of Isatis Leaf
To clear away pestilence and toxic materials.
Fu Fang Dan Shen Gao
Compound Semifluid Extract Of Red Sage Root
To promote blood circulation to remove blood stasis, reduce hypertension and tranquilize the mind.
Fu Fang Dan Shen Pian
Compound Salvia Tablets
To activate blood circulation, eliminate blood stasis, regulate the flow of qi and relieve pain.
Fu Fang Dan Shen Zhu She Ye
Compound Liquid Of Red Sage Root
To promote blood circulation, remove blood stasis and improve microcirculation.
Fu Fang Dan Shen Pian
Compound Tablet Of Red Sage Root
To promote blood circulation, remove blood stasis, induce resuscitaiton by means of aromatics and regulate the blood flow of qi to alleviate pain.
Fu Fang Gan Yan Chong Ji
Compound Hepatitis-Treating Infusion
To clear away heat, disperse the depressed liver-qi, normalize the functioning of the gallbladder.
Fu Fang Jiang Zhi Tang
Lipid Reduction Combination Decoction
To ton To benefit qi and nourish blood
Fu Fang Jin Yin Hua Chong Ji
Compound Infusion Of Honeysuckle Flower
To clear away heat and toxic materials.
Fu Fang Lei Gong Teng Jian Ji
To clear heat and re To tonify the kidney and revitalize blood
Fu Fang Qian Zheng Gao
Compound Qianzheng Plaster
To promote blood circulation, strengthen the muscles and tendon, regulate the function between qi and blood.
Fu Fang She Dan Chuan Bei San
Compound Powder of Snake-bile and Fritillary Bulb
To clear away heat and toxic materials, relieve cough and eliminate phlegm.
Fu Fang Wu Cai Xiong Huang Tang
Combined Recipe Wu Cai Xiong Huang Decoction
To disperse heat To calm the stomach and s To modulate uncontroled yin; To cleanse and benefit junior yang
Fu Fang Xiao Yao San
Combined Recipe Pleasure Powder
To soothe the liver and modulate qi; To strengthen the spleen and regulate blood
Fu Fang Yi Bai He Ji
Combined Yi Bai Multi-Ingredient Recipe
To clear heat and re To facilitate urine
Fu Fang Zang Lian Wan
Combined Recipe Untidiness Control Bolus
To nourish yin and clear heat; To moisturize the intestines and stop bleeding
Fu Gan Tang
Liver Recovery Decoction
To strengthen spleen and benefit qi; To soothe the liver and modulate qi; To revitalize blood and dissolve stagnation
Fu Gu Tang
Bone Recovery Decoction
To clear heat and re To revitalize blood and dissolve stagnation
Fu Kang Ning Pian
Tablet for Women's Health and Tranquilness
To regulate menstruation, replenish blood and regulate qi to relieve pain.
Fu Ke Fen Qing Wan
Fuke Fenqing Pills
To remove damp-heat, promote blood circulation and alleviate pain.
Fu Ke Shi Wei Pian
Tablet of Ten Ingredients for Woman Diseases
To regulate qi, promote blood circulation and regulate menstruation.
Fu Ke Tong Jing Wan
Fuke Tongjing Pills
To remove blood stasis, emmenagogue, alleviate mental depression,relieve pain.
Fu Ling Gui Zhi Bai Zhu Gan Cao Tang
Decoction of Poria, Cinnamomi, Atractylodis Macrocephalae and Glycyrrhizae
To strenthen the spleen, promote diuresis, warm the yang-energy,and eliminate phlegm.
Fu Ling Pi Tang
Decoction of Cortex Poria
To clear away heat, promote diuresis, activate the circulation of vital energy and eliminate dampness.
Fu Man Ling Ruan Gao
Acaricide Unguent
To destroy mites, relieve itching and pain.
Fu Ming Pei Tu Tang
Life Support and Soil Care Decoction
To warm the kidney a To benefit qi and tonify blood
Fu Ning Shuan
Suppository For Relieving Women's Diseases
To clear away heat and toxic materials, remove dampness and destroy trichomonad and fungus, remove the necrotic tissue and promote granulation, and arrest pain by removing blood stasis.
Pellet Of Poria And Cuscutae
To strenthen the spleen, support the kidney, and relieve nocturnal emission.
Poria Cuscuta Pill
T T To support and stop the release of sperm
Fu Yan Jing Jiao Nang
Fuyanjing Capsules
To remove heat and dampness, promoting the flow of qi and relieve pain.
Fu Yan Shuan
Anti-inflammatory Suppository For Gynecopathy
Antiseptic and anti-inflammation.
Fu Yuan Huo Xue Tang
Decoction For Recovery And Activating Blood Circulation, Circulation Enhancing Decoction
To promote blood circulation to remove blood stasis , soothe the liver and remove the obstruction in the channels.
Fu Zheng Gu Ben Fang
Rightness Supporting Recipe
T To strengthen the spleen and benefit qi
Fu Zheng Jie Yu Tang
Rightness Supporting Antidepressant Decoction
T T T T To disso To modulate period
Fu Zheng Tong Ru Tang
Rightness Supporting Milk-Promoting Decoction
To tonify qi To open luo and produce milk
Fu Zi Da Huang Tang
Fu Zi Da Huang Decoction
To warm and toni To benefit qi and dissolve turbid
Fu Zi E Jiao
Fuzi Donkey-hide Gelatin
To nourish yin, reinforce the weakened body, arrest bleeding, moisten dryness, invigorate the chong and ren channels and prevent miscarriage.
Fu Zi Li Zhong Wan
Fuzi Lizhong Pills, Aconite Bolus For Regulating The Function Of Middle-jiao
To warm and reinforce the spleen and the stomach.
Fu Zi Xie Xin Tang
Aconitum Heart Clearing Decoction
To clear heat To support yang; To strengthen the exterior
Chinese Name
Chinese Character
Common Name
Gan Cao Gan Jiang Ling Zhu Tang
Decoction of Glycyrrhizae, Zingiberis, Poria and Atractylodis Macrocephalae
To warm the spleen and eliminate dampness.
Gan Cao Gan Jiang Tang
Decoction Of Glycyrrhizae And Zingiberis
To strengthen spleen-yang.
Gan Cao Jin Gao
Liquorice Extract
Anti-irritant, often used in combination with expectorants and antitussives to diminish irritation of the mucous membrane of the pharynx. It also has spasmolytic action for relieving spasms of the gastrointestinal smooth muscle, and desoxycorticosterone-like
Gan Cao Liu Jin Gao
Liquorice Liquid Extract
Gan Cao Xiao Mai Da Zao Tang
Decoction of Glycyrrhizae, Tritici Levis And Ziziphi Jujubae
To nourish the heart, and tranquilize, regulate the middle-jiao and soothe mental tension.
Gan Cao Xie Xin Tang
Glycyrrhiza Heart Clearing Decoction
To benefit qi; T T To stop vomiting
Gan Cao Ze Xie Tang
Gan Cao Ze Xie Pulse Decoction
To benefit qi To restore the pulse
Gan Ji San
Ganji Powder
To eliminate the retention of undigested food and remedy malnutrition.
Gan Lu Xiao Du Dan
Pill Likes Manna For Detoxification, Sweet Dew Poison Eliminating Pill
To clear away dampness-evil, and turbid evil.
Gan Lu Yin
Sweet Dew Decoction
To nourish yin, clear away heat and regulate vital energy.
Gan Mai Da Zao Tang
Licorice, Wheat, And Jujube Decoction
T T To harmonize the interior; To reduce agitation
Gan Mai Long Mu Tang
To soothe liver and clear heat;
To constrain qi a To calm spirit
Gan Mao Qing Pian
Tablet for treating Common Cold
To resist influenza viruses.
Gan Mao Qing Re Chong Ji
Infusion for Treating Coryza of Wind-Cold Type
To expel wind and cold pathogens, and induce diaphoresis to reduce fever.
Gan Mao Qing Re Ke Li
Ganmao Qingre Granules
To dispel wind-cold, induce diaphoresis and remove heat.
Gan Mao Tui Re Chong Ji
Cold-Fever-Treating Infusion
To clear away heat and toxic materials.
Gan Mao Tui Re Ke Li
Ganmao Tuire Granules
To remove toxic heat.
Gan Wei Bai He Tang
Liver and Stomach Bai He Decoction
To soothe liver and modulate qi; To disperse heat and harmonize the stomach
Liver-Tonic Tablet
To relieve the depressed liver and removing toxic substances, strengthen the body resistance and restore the normal functioning of body to consolidate the constitution.
Gan Zhu Li Shui Xing Nao Tang
Brain Waking Decoction
To tonify spleen and benefit water; To revitalize blood and wake the brain
Ge Gen Huang Lian Tang
Decoction of Puerariae , Scutellariae and Coptidis
To clear away interior heat evil' and expel the superficial evils from the body surface.
Ge Gen Huang Qin Huang Lian Tang
Decoction of Pueraria, Scutellaria and Coptis C Kudzu, Coptis, and Scutellaria Decoction
To release the exterior. To clear heat.
Ge Gen Jie Ji Tang
Ge Gen Muscle-Relieving Decoction
T To clear heat, To accelerate rash, To stop cough
Ge Gen Qin Lian Pian
Gegen Qinlian Tablets
To induce diaphoresis, remove heat, and counteract toxicity.
Ge Gen Qin Lian Wei Wan
Gegen Qinlian Micropilis
Expelling the evils in the muscle, to remove heat, relieving diarrhea and dysentery.
Ge Gen Tang
Pueraria Decoction
To relieve muscle and promote sweating
Ge Hua Jie Cheng Tang
Decoction of Puerariae for Alcoholism
To eliminate alcoholic dampness, and strengthen the spleen and stomach.
Ge Hua Jie Xing Tang
Ge Flower Waking-Up Decoction
To remove dampness f T To strengthen spleen
Ge Jie Ding Chuan Wan
Gejie Dingchuan Pills, Asthma-Relieving Bolus of Gecko
To nourish yin and cool lung, relieving cough and asthma.
Ge Xia Zhu Yu Tang
Decoction for Dissipating Blood Stasis under Diaphram, Subdiaphragmatic Blood Mobilizing Decoction
To promote blood circulation to remove blood stasis and promote circulation to remove blood stasis and promote circulation of qi to relieve pain.
Geng Nian An
Climacteric-Syndrome-Relieving Tablet
To nourish yin and clear away heat, relieve restlessness and tranquilize the mind, regulate the equilibrium of the human body, improve health and prolong life.
Gong Ti Wan
Pill for Controlling Fluid
To tonify kidney, relieve nocturnal emission, strengthen spleen and control fluid.
Gong Wai Yun Fang
Prescription for Extrauterine Pregnancy, Ectopic Pregnancy Decoction
To promote blood circulation to remove blood stasis and abdominal mass and relieve pain.
Gou Pi Gao
Goupi Plaster, Dog-skin Plaster
To dispel wind-cold, soothe the tendons, promote blood circulation and relieve pain.
Gou Teng Yin
Decoction of Uncrcariae cum Uncis
To clear away heat, suppress wind, support healthy energy and expel evil.
Gou Teng Zhu Huang Tang
To clear heat and relie To stop cough To modulate lung and contain heavy breathing
Gou Zai Hua He Ji
T T To produce saliva
Gu Chong Tang
Decoction for Strengthening Chong Channel, Vaginal Bleeding Decoction
To tonify qi and strengthen the spleen. To consolidate the Chong channel and control the blood.
Bone Piercing Bolus
To tonify bon To produce sperm and To revitalize blood and stop pain
Gu Jing Wan
Pill for Controlling Menstruation
To nourish yin, clear away heat, stop bleeding and control menstruation.
Gu Tong Yao Fang
Bone Pain Essential Recipe
To suppress wind and disperse coldness; To warm jing and open the luo; To tonify blood and dissolve stagnation
Gu Yin Jian
Decoction for Keeping Yin
To invigorate kidney-essence, norish liver and regulate menstruation.
Gua Di San
Powder of Pedicellus Melo
To induce vomiting and relieve the stagnation of phlegm and food.
Gua Lou Qu Mai Wan
Pill of Trichosanthis and Dianthi
To warm yang, release stagnated energy, promote the production and circulation of body fluid and relieve thirst.
Gua Lou Xie Bai Bai Jiu Tang
Decoction Trichosanthis and Allii Macrostemi, Decoction of Trichosanthes and Macrostem with L Tricosanthes Allium Wine Decoction
To disperse obstruction of chest-yang, promote the circulation of qi to expel phlegm.
Guan Xin Er Hao Yao
Coronary Heart Disease No. 2 Pill
To move qi To revitalize blood and To nourish yin and calm the spirit
Guan Xin Dan Shen Pian
Guanxin Danshen Tablets
To promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, regulating the flow of qi and reliving pain.
Guan Xin Er Hao Fang
Recipe No. 2 for Coronary Heart Disease
To promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis to relieve pain.
Guan Xin Su He Wan
Storax Pill for Coronary Heart D Storax Pill for Treating Coronary Heart Disease
To induce the resuscitation with aromatics and promote the flow of qi to relieve pain.
Gui Fu Li Zhong Wan
Guifu Lizhong Pills
To tonify the kidney yang, and to warm and invigorate the spleen and stomach.
Gui Fu Yi Lin Tang
Gui Fu Yi Lin Decoction
To warm period a To revitalize blood and stop pain
Gui Ling Gan Lu San
Powder of Cinnamomi and Poria
To clear away summer-heat and eliminate dampness.
Gui Ling Ji
Longevity Powder
To nourish the kidney, strengthen yang and replenish the vital essence.
Gui Lu Bu Shen Wan
Guilu Bushen Pills
To strengthen the tendons and bones, to nourish qi and blood, to invigorate kidney and strengthen yang.
Gui Pi Tang
Decoction for Invigorating Spleen and Nourishing H Codonopsis Spleen Restoring Decoction
To nourish vital energy, strengthen spleen, invigorate the heart and nourish blood.
Gui Zhi Fu Ling Wan
Bolus of Cinnamomi and Poria
To activate blood circulation, remove blood stasis and abdominal mass.
Gui Zhi Fu Zi Tang
Decoction of Cinnamomi and Aconiti
To expel wind and dampness, warm meridians and eliminate cold.
Gui Zhi Gan Cao Long Gu Mu Li Tang
Decoction of Cinnamomi, Glycyrrhizae, Fossilia Ossis Mastodi, and Ostreae Concha
To warm heart-yang energy and tranquilize.
Gui Zhi Jia Gui Tang
Decoction of Cinnamomi Adding Cinnamomi
To activate yang-energy, elminate cold, lower adverse rising energy.
Gui Zhi Shao Yao Zhi Mu Tang
Decoction of Cinnamomi, Paeoniae and Anemarrhenae
To expel wind and dampness, activate yang-energy, relieve arthralgia, regulate yin and clear away heat.
Gui Zhi Tang
Decoction of C Cinnamomum Decoction
To expel pathogenic factors from the muscles and skin and regulate ying and wei to relieve exterior syndrome.
Gui Zhih Jia Ge Gen Tang
Cinnamomum Pueraria Decoction
Gun Tan Wan
Pill for Eliminating Phlegm Evil
To purge fire and eliminate phlegm.
Guo Gong Jiu
Guogong W Medicated Wine of Guogong
To relieve rheumatic conditions and muscular contracture.
Guo Shi Huo Xue Shu Gan Tang
Guo's Blood Revitalization Decoction
To revitalize blood and To soothe l To open jin and reactivate the luo.
Hai Long Ge Jie Jing
Oral Liquid of Sea Dragon and Gecko
To tonify the liver and kidney, replenish vital essence and blood.
Hai Zao Xiao Ying Tang
Sargassum Tumor Reduction Decoction
To dissolve phlegm To revitalize blood
Hai Zao Yu Hu Tang
Decoction of Sargassum for Gortier
To disperse phlegm, soften masses, regulate vital energy and dispel stagnation.
Han Lian Cao Jian
Han Lian Cao Fries
To tonify s To fulfill spleen and benefit sperm
Hao Qin Qing Dan Tang
Decoction of Artemisiae Annuae and Scutellariae for Clearing Away Dampness heat in Gallbladder
To clear heat and dampness in the gall bladder. To harmonize the stomach and resolve phlegm.
He Che Ba Wei Wan
Bolus of Placenta Homimis
To invigorate kidney, benefit essence and vital energy and nourish blood.
He Che Da Zao Wan
Heche Dazao Pills
To nourish yin and remove heat of the kidney and lung.
He Zi Pi San
He Zi Skin Powder
T T To stop diarrhea
Hei Xi Dan
Black Xi Pill
To warm and strenghten To c T To soothe heavy breathing.
Hong Ling San
Hongling Powder
To dispel summer-heat, induce restoration of consciousness and counteract toxicity.
Hong Yao Tie Gao
Hongyao Plaster
To remove blood stasis and replenish blood, to promote blood circulation and relieve pain.
Hong Zao Hei Dou Tang
Red Jujube and Black Bean Decoction
To warm and tonify kidney yang; To stop abnormal vaginal discharge .
Hou Po Da Huang Tang
Hou Po Da Huang Intestine and Stomach Soothing Decoction
To smooth stomach and intestines
Hou Po San Wu Tang
Decoction of Magnoliae Officinalis and Other Two Drugs
To activate vital energy, relieve abdominal fullness, and induce bowel movement.
Hou Po Sheng Jiang Ban Xia Gan Cao Ren Shen Tang
Decoction of Magnoliae Officinalis, Zingiberis Recens, Pinelliae, Glycyrrhizae and Ginseng
To strengthen the spleen, benefit the stomach, soothe the middle jiao and relieve fullness.
Hou Po Wen Zhong Tang
Decoction of Magnoliae Officinalis for Warming Middle Jiao
To warm in T To dissolve stagnation
Hou Zheng Wan
Pill for Throat Diseases
To clear away heat and toxic materials, subdue swelling and alleviate pain.
Hu Gan Pian
Hugan T Liver-Protecting Tablet
To disperse the stagnated liver-qi, invigorate the spleen and relieve dyspepsia, depress transaminase.
Hu Gu Yao Jiu
Medicated Wine with Tiger Bone
To expel pathogenic wind and cold, relax muscles and tendons, activate the flow of qi and blood in the channels and collaterals.
Hu Po Bao Long Wan
Hupo Baolong Pills
To induce tranquilization, and to remove heat and resolve phlegm.
Hu Po Xiao Shi Chong Ji
Lithagogue Infusion of Amber
To clear away heat, remove dampness, induce diuresis and remove stones.
Hu Qian Wan
Huqian Bolus
To nourish kidney-yin, lower the asthenic fire, strengthen the tendon and bone.
Hua Ban Tang
Decoction for Rashes S Rash Dissolving Decoction
To clear away heat evil' and toxic material, cool blood and leet the rashes subsided.
Hua Gan Jian
Liver Dissolving Fries
T To re T To disperse fire
Hua Shuan Tong Mai Tang
Blockade Dissolving Decoction
To benefit qi
To dissolve blockage and open To suppress wind and dissolve phlegm
Hua Shui Zhong Zi Tang
Decoction for Sterility
To warm the kidney, strengthen the spleen and promote diuresis.
Hua Tuo Zai Zao Wan
Huatuo Zaizao Pills
To promote blood circulation, to remove blood stasis, to resolve phlegm, and to remove obstruction from the collateral.
Hua Yu Qing San Tang
Stagnation Dissolving Decoction
To revitalize blood and To cleanse and disperse heat
Hua Yu Yang Yin Tang
Stagnation Dissolving and Yin Nourishing Decoction
To dissolve stagnation and nourish yin; To produce saliva and benefit kidney
Hua Yu Zhi Beng Tang
Stagnation Dissolving Period Decoction
To T To modulate period
Hua Zheng Hui Sheng Pian
Huazheng Huisheng Tablets
To remove blood stasis and dissolve masses.
Huai Hua San
Powder of S Sophora Powder
To clear the bowels to stop bleeding, dispel pathogenic wind to keep the adverse qi flowing downward.
Huai Hua Xiao Zhi Tang
Tree Flower Haemorrhoid Control Decoction
To cool blo To clear heat and re To revitalize To remove stagnation and dissolve haemorrhoid
Huan Shao Dan
Pill for Restoring Yang
To warm and invigorate kidney-yang, preserve essence and tranquilize.
Huan Shen Tang
Spirit Pleasing Decoction
To cheer the spiri To dissolve phlegm and open To reduce unhappy feelings and strengthen the spleen
Huan Xin Dan
Coronary Heart Disease Pill
To promote coronary circulation to remove obstruction in the heart-vessels.
Huan Yin Jiu Ku Tang
Decoction for Restoring Yin and Purging Fire
To purge fire, eliminate toxic material, cool blood and disperse stagnation.
Huang Lian E Jiao Tang
Decoction of Coptidis and Colla Corii Asini
To clear away heart-fire and nourish kidney-yin.
Huang Lian Jiang Tang San
Huanglian Diabetes Reduction Powder
To benefit qi To cool and release heat
Huang Lian Jie Du Tang
Decoction of Coptidis for Detoxification, Antidotal Decoction of C Coptis Poison Eliminating Decoction
To purge pathogenic fire and lessen virulence of any pathogenic organism.
Huang Lian Shang Qing Wan
Coptis Bolus for Clearing the Upper H Coptis Upper Cooling Pill
To disperse pathogenic wind, to relieve pain. To clear away heat and loosen the bowels.
Huang Lian Tang
Decoction of Coptidis
To regulate cold and heat, to regulate the functions of the stomach and lower the adverse rising energy.
Huang Long Tang
Yellow Dragon Decoction
To relax the bowels to expel heat-evil, invigorate vital energy and nourish the blood.
Huang Qi Bie Jia San
Astragali And Carapax Trionycis Powder
To invigorate vital energy, benefit the wei (defensive) level, nourish yin and clear away heat.
Huang Qi Dan Shen Huang Jing Tang (Wan)
Huang Qi Dan Shen Huang Jing Decoction (Pill)
To strengthen the spleen a To dissolve
To cleanse and relieve heat-dampness.
Huang Qi Gui Di Tang
Huang Qi Gui Di Decoction
To nour To nourish blood and modulate period
Huang Qi Gui Zhi Wu Wu Tang
Decoction Of Five Drugs Containing Astragali seu Hedysari and Cinnamomi
To benefit vital energy, regulate the ying-level (nutritive-level), activate the yang-energy, and relieve vessel obstruction.
Huang Qi Jian Zhong Tang
Decoction of Astragali seu Hedysari for Warming Middle J Astragalus Central-Strengthening Decoction
To warm the middle jiao, tonify, alleviate pain, harmonize yin and yang, and regulate the ying and wei levels (nutritive and defensive levels).
Huang Qi Yi Shen Tang
Huang Qi Kidney Benefiting Decoction
To tonify the kidney and s To clear heat and re To revitalize blood and reduce swelling
Huang Qi Zhu Fu Tang
Huang Qi Zhu Fu Decoction
To warm the kidney and s To nourish blood and soothe the liver
Huang Qin Hua Shi Tang
Decoction of Scutellariae and T Scrutellaria Talc Decoction
To clear dampness-heat evil.
Huang Qin Tang
Radix Scutellariae Decoction
To clear heat; T To reduce pain.
Huang Teng Nan Chang Tang
Huang Teng Nan Chang Stroke Decoction
To revitalize blo To dissolve phlegm and open the mind
Huang Tu Tang
Decoction of Terra Flava Usta, Decoction of Baked Yellow E Yellow Earth Decoction
To warm yang, strengthen the spleen, nourish the blood and stop bleeding.
Hui Chun Dan
Pill for Infantile Convulsion
To clear away and disperse phlegm, resuscitate and relieve convulsion.
Hui Tian Zai Zao Wan
Restorative Bolus with Tremendous Power
To dispel wind, resolve phlegm and promote blood circulation, to remove obstruction in the channels.
Hui Xiang Ju He Wan
Huixiang Juhe P Foeniculum Citrus Pill
To dispel cold, promote the flow of qi, induce the subsidence of swelling and alleviate pain.
Hui Yan Zhu Yu Tang
Stagnation Dissolving Decoction
T To rem T To benefit throat
Huo Bu San Ren Tang
Huo Bu Plus Three Gentlmen Cold Relieving Decoction
To resolve dampness; To promote sweating
T To s To modulate the intestine and stomach
Huo Dan Wan
Huodan Pills
To remove heat, eliminating dampness, to release nasal obstruction.
Huo Luo Dan
Bolus for Activating Meridians
To warm the channels, activate the circulation of collaterals, expel wind evil, eliminate dampness and phlegm and remove blood stasis.
Huo Luo Tong Bi Tang
Luo Revitalizing Decoction
To tonify splee To modulate qi
To open jing and luo.
Huo Xiang Zheng Qi Kou Fu Ye
Huoxiang Zhengqi Oral Liquid
To induce diaphoresis, resolve damp, regulate the function of the spleen and the stomach.
Huo Xiang Zheng Qi San
Powder of Agastachis for Restoring Healthy E Agastache qi Restoring Powder
To release the exterior and resolve dampness. To regulate qi and harmonize the spleen and stomach.
Huo Xiang Zheng Qi Shui
Huoxiang Zhengqi Solution
To induce diaphoresis, resolve damp, regulate the function of the spleen and the stomach.
Huo Xue Chu Xuan Tang
Blood Revitalizing Decoction
To revitalize blood and To suppress wind and soothe the liver
Huo Xue Run Zao Sheng Jin San
Powder for Activitating Blood Circulation, Moistening Dryness and Promoting the Production of Body Fluid
To nourish blood, activate blood circulation, promote the production of body fluid and moisten dryness.
Huo Xue Shu Jin Tang
Blood Revitalizing and Muscle Relaxing Decoction
To move qi and To modulate qi To soothe muscles and open luo; To dissolve lumps
Huo Xue Tong Luo Tang
Blood Revitalizing and Luo Opening Decoction
To revitalize blood and open luo; To modulate qi and stop pain
Huo Xue Tong Mai Pian
Tablet for Promoting Coronary Circulation
To promote coronary circulation, strengthen the heart and relieve pain.
Huo Xue Xiao Zhong Tang
Blood Revitalizing and Swelling Dissolving Decoction
To revitalize blood a To reduce swelling and stop pain
Huo Xue Zhi Tong Gao
Blood Revitalizing and Pain Relieving Decoction
To move qi and T To open luo; To stop pain
Huo Xue Zhi Tong San
Huoxue Zhitong Powder
To activate blood circulation, eliminate stasis, promote the subsidence of swelling and alleviate pain.
Chinese Name
Chinese Character
Common Name
Ji Chuan Jian
Jichuan Decoction
To warm, lubricate and promote bowel movement.
Ji Jiao Li Huang Wan
Pill of Stephaniae Tetrandrae, Zanthoxyli, Lepidii seu Descurainiae and Rhei
To eliminate the retained fluid and discharge the evils from the lower part.
Ji Ming San
Cock-Crowing Powder
To warm and expel cold-dampness evil, activate circulation of vital energy, and lower turbid evil.
Ji Sheng Shen Qi Wan
Jisheng Shenqi P Kidney Qi Restoring Edema Reducing Pill
To warm the kidney and cause diuresis.
Ji Xue Teng Gao
Jixueteng Concentrated Decoction
To replenish blood, activate circulation and regulate menstruation.
Ji Xue Teng Tang
Blood Tonification Decoction
To tonify qi To produce sperm and bone marrow
Jia Jian Ba Zhen Tang
Plus and Minus Eight Pearl Decoction
To tonify qi and nourish yin
Jia Jian Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang
Plus and Minus Interior Tonification Decoction
To tonify qi; To lift collapseness; To support the fetus
Jia Jian Dang Gui Si Ni Tang
Plus and Minus Dang Gui and Frigid Extremities Decoction
To warm and op To dissolve qi and move water
Jia Jian Da Huang Tang
Plus and Minus Da Huang Decoction
To strengthen spleen and benefit water; To benefit qi and address weakness
Jia Jian Fu Mai Tang
Modified Pulse Restoring Decoction
Jia Jian Qing Hai Wan
Plus and Minus Sea Cleansing Bolus
To nour T T To modulate period
Jia Jian Tuo Hua Jian
Plus and Minus Flower Remover Fries
To revitali To dissolve stagnation and promote delivery
Jia Jian Wei Rui Tang
Modified Decoction of Polygonati Odorati
To replenish the yin and clear heat. To promote sweating and release the exterior.
Jia Jian Xiao Cai Hu Tang
Plus and Minus Small Radix Bupleuri Decoction
To harmonize junior yang; To support rightness Qi and disperse evil
Jia Jian Xiao Yao San
Plus and Minus Pleasure Powder
To soothe the liver an To cool blood and stop bleeding
Jia Jian Yi Qi Gu Chong Tang
Plus and Minus Qi Benefiting Decoction
To tonify qi To contain flow and stop bleeding
Jia Jian Zheng Qi Tian Xiang San
Plus and Minus Rightness Sandalwood Powder
To modulate qi
To regulate period and stop pain
Jia Jian Zhu Qi Bu Tai Tang
Plus and Minus Qi Assisting Fetus Decoction
To tonify qi To disperse fire and calm the fetus
Jia Kang Ping Wan
Hyperthyroidism Reduction Bolus
T T T T T To disperse stagnation
Jia Liu Wan
Hyperthyroidism Tumor Bolus
To cleanse liver To soften hardness and To revitalize blood and dissolve lump
Jia Wei Bai He Di Huang Tang
Added Flavor Baihe Dihuang Decoction
To nourish yin To reduce agitation and calm the spirit
Jia Wei Ban Xia Hou Po Tang
Added Flavor Banxia Houpo Decoction
To soothe liver and re To modulate qi T To open luo and dissolve stagnation
Jia Wei Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang
Added Flavor Interior Tonification Decoction
To tonify qi and nourish the blood
Jia Wei Dai Fan San
Added Flavor Dai Fan Powder
To remove dampness and benefit water; To suppress fire and remove yellow
Jia Wei Dang Gui Bu Xue Tang
Added Flavor Dang Gui Blood Tonification Decoction
To tonify qi To disperse coldness and stop pain
Jia Wei Dang Gui Si Ni Tang
Added Flavor Dang Gui Frigid Extremities Decoction
To benefit qi To warm yang and jin (nervous, circulatory and immune systems); To open the pulse
Jia Wei Dang Gui Yin
Added Flavor Dang Gui Drink
T T To stop itching.
Jia Wei Di Fu Zi Tang
Added Flavor Di Fu Zi Heat Clearing Decoction
To clear heat and re To facilitate urine
Jia Wei Fu Xie Ning
Added Flavor Diarrhea Suppressor
To strengthen the spleen and resolve dampness
Jia Wei Fu Zi Li Zhong Tang
Added Flavor Fu Zi Interior Modulation Decoction
To warm and toni To remove toxic materials and contain bowel movement.
Jia Wei Ge Gen Qin Lian Tang
Added Flavor Ge Gen Qin Lian Decoction
To clear heat a To modulate qi and harmonize the blood
Jia Wei Gui Zhi Fu Ling Wan
Added Flavor GZFL Bolus
To revitalize blood and dissolve stagnation
Jia Wei Jiao Ai Si Wu Tang
Added Flavor JA Four Object Decoction
To tonify qi To stop bleeding and calm the fetus
Jia Wei Jiao Hong Yin
Added Flavor Jiao Hong Drink
To revitalze blood and To clear heat To nourish blood and stop bleeding
Jia Wei Li Yu Tang
Added Flavor Cyprinus Carpio Soup
To strengthen spleen a To nourish blood and calm the fetus
Jia Wei Liang Di Tang
Added Flavor Two Place Decoction
To benefit yin To nourish blood and modulate period
Jia Wei Si Ni San
Added Flavor Four Adverary Powder
To soothe l To harmonize body and disso To benefit water and dissolve spasm
Jia Wei Wu Pi Yin
Added Flavor Five Skin Drink
T T To benefit water
Jia Wei Wu Yao Tang
Decoction of Linderae with Addition
To disperse the stagnated liver-energy, promote circulation of vital energy and relieve pain.
Jia Wei Xiang Su San
Powder of Two Effective Ingredients with Cyperus Peel and Perilla Leaf
To promote sweating and release the exterior.
Jia Wei Xiao Yao San
Added Flavor Happiness Powder
T T T To modulate period
Jia Wei Xiao Yao Wan
Jiawei Xiaoyao Pills
To Disperse the stagnated liver-qi, to remove heat, invigorate the spleen and nourishing blood.
Jia Wei yin Qiao San
Added Flavor yin Qiao Powder
To soothe wind To cool and relie To clear heat and remove toxic materials
Jia Wei Zhi Zhuo Gu Ben Tang
Added Flavor Turbid Removing Decoction
To strengthen spleen and support kidney
Jian Bu Wan
Jianbu Pills
To replenish the liver and kidney and strengthen the tendons and bones.
Jian Gu Tang
Decoction for Strenthening the Spleen and Supporting the Kidney
To strengthen the spleen and support the kidney.
Jian Nao An Shen Tang
Brain Strengthening Decoction
To strengthen the brain and calm the spirit
Jian Nao Bu Shen Wan
Brain-Invigorating and Kidney-Tonifying Pill
To invigorate the brain, replenish qi, tonify the kidney and strengthen the essence of life.
Jian Nao Chong Ji
Brain-Strengthening Infusion
To nourish blood and tranquilize the mind, tonify the kidney and strengthen the brain.
Jian Nao San
Brain Strengthening Powder
To tonify qi To nour To revitalize blood and To remove swelling and stop pain
Jian Ning Tang
Shoulder Condensation Decoction
To tonify sple To revitalize blood and open the luo.
Jian Pi Ding Xian Tang
Spleen Enhancing Decoction
To strengthen spleen To soothe liver and suppress wind
Jian Pi Wan
Pill for Strengthening Spleen, Pill for Invigorating the Spleen
To strengthen the spleen and regulate the stomach, promote digestion and arrest diarrhea.
Jian Shen Fang
Kidney Strengthening Recipe
To benefit qi a To tonify kidney and dissolve stagnation
Jian Shen Tang
Health Boosting Decoction
To tonify kidney a To benefit qi and revitalize blood
Jian Wei Cha
Stomach Strengthening Tea
To strengthen spleen To soothe qi and stop pain
Jian Xin Fu Mai Lin
Heart Strengthening and Pulse Recovery Recipe
T T To restore pulse
Jiang Can Er Huang San
JC Two Yellow-Stuff Powder
To dissolve phlegm and re To lift clean and contain the turbid; To modulate qi To calm spirit and heart
Jiang Liu Jin Gao
Ginger Liquid Extract
Stomachic and carminative
Jiang Tang Wan
Jiantang Pills
To nourish qi and yin, to promote the production of body fluid and quench thirst.
Jiang Tang Yin
Diabetes Relieving Drink
To benefit kidney jing (spirit)
Jiang Ya Ping Pian
Antihypertensive Tablet
To relieve hypertension and refresh oneself.
Jiang Zhi Pian
Lipid Reduction Pill
To revitalize bl To cleanse and clear liver heat
Jiao Ai Tang
Decoction of Colla Corii Asini and Artemisiae Argyi
To tonify blood and stop bleeding. To regulate menstruation and calm down restlessness of the fetus.
Jiao Mei Bing Guan Tang
Guts Decoction
To si To modulate qi and stop pain
Jiao Tai Wan
Mutually Sedating Pill
To keep communication open betw T To calm spirit
Jie Bai Wan
Jiebai Pills
To invigorate the spleen and regulate the stomach function to relieve pain and vomiting, and to cure dysuria.
Jie Biao Tui Re Fang
Exterior Sydrome and heat Reduction Recipe
To clear heat To lift and disperse evil
Jie Du Huo Xue Tang
Detoxification and Blood Revitalizing Decoction
To clear heat and re To revitalize blood and stop pain
Jie Du Nei Xiao Tang
Detoxification Decoction
To soothe liver and re To revitalize blood and To dissolve phlegm
Jie Du San Jie Tang
Detoxification and Stagnation Dissolving Decoction
To clear heat and re To cleanse swelling and To revitalize blood and stop pain
Jie Du Tui Huang Tang
Detoxification and Yellowness Removing Decoction
To cleanse and benefit heat- To soothe liver and benefit gallbladder
Jie Gu Gao
Bone Joining Ointment
To j To revitalize blood and reduce swelling
Jie Ji Ning Sou Wan
Jieji Ningsou Pills
To induce diaphoresis, relieve cough and resolve phlegm.
Jie Jing Tang
Spasm Relieving Decoction
To strengthen the spleen and
To warm jing and open luo; To nourish the heart and calm the spirit
Jie Nue qi Bao Yin
Decoction of Seven Fine Drugs for Malaria
To dry dampness and resolve phlegm. To relieve malaria.
Jie Re He Ji
Heat Clearing Combination Recipe
To clear heat and remove toxic materials
Jie Xiao Tang
Heavy Breathing Relieving Decoction
To soothe To suppress wind To dissolve phlegm and suppress heavy breathing
Jin Fei Cao San
Powder of Inulae
To expel cold from the body surface, disperse phlegm, and relieve cough.
Jin Gui Shen Qi Wan
Kidney-Qi Tonifying B Kidney Qi Pill from the Golden Cabinet (a classical text on Traditional Chinese Medicine)
To tonify the kidney-qi and invigorate the Ming Men (kidney/gate of life).
Jin Ji Chong Ji
Infusion of Cherokee Rose and Spatholobus Stem
To remove obstruction in the channels and promote blood circulation.
Jin Lian Mao Gong Yin
Jin Lian Mao Gong Yin Nephritis Decoction
To clear heat
To remove toxic materials and dissolve swelling
Jin Ling Zi San
Powder of Sichuan Chinaberry C Melia Powder
To promote qi in the liver. To invigorate blood and stop pain.
Jin Pu Tang
Jinpu Decoction
To clear heat
To move qi
To connect to interior and promote bowel movement
Jin Suo Gu Jing Wan
Golden Lock Pill for Keeping the Kidney Essence, Golden Lock Pill for Keeping the Kidney E Gold Lock Semen Conserving Pill
To consolidate the kidney to treat emission.
Jin Yin Tang
Jin Yin Decoction
T T T To stop pain.
Jing Zhi Guan Xin Pian
Jingzhi Guanxin Tablets
To promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis.
Jing Zhui Fang
Neck Bone Recipe
To move qi To contain wind and remove dampness.
Jiu Fen San
Jiufen P Nine Fen Powder
To activate blood circulation, remove stasis, promote the subsidence of swelling and relieve pain.


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