
(Penny Peng)
把玩是什么意思 把玩在线翻译 把玩什么意思 把玩的意思 把玩的翻译 把玩的解释 把玩的发音 把玩的同义词 把玩的反义词 把玩的例句
把玩 基本解释&#100;&#97;&#110;&#99;&#105;&#46;&#57;&#49;&#49;&#99;&#104;&#97;&#46;&#99;&#111;&#109;把玩词典:欣赏;感激;领会;鉴别。把玩 网络解释1. play with:你可以将这些新的能量作为在那共同创造的过程里的一些新的元素来把玩(play with),就像是一位画家在它的调色盘上接收到一些新的颜色时那样. 在那些微妙的层面上,这种美德是聚焦于&#39;最初源头包围了我们同伴的存在体们而作为一种意识(或知觉)的场,把玩 双语例句1. &#57;&#49;&#49;&#26597;&#35810;&#183;&#33521;&#35821;&#21333;&#35789;1. 想到钟灵,伸手入怀,摸出她那对花鞋来在手中把玩,想像她足踝纤细,面容娇美,不自禁将鞋子拿到口边亲了几下,又揣入怀中,心想:我这番一定是没命的了,钟姑娘也没命了。&&&&Then he reached into his gown, took out her shoes to play and couldn`t help kissing them when recollecting her slim ankles and pretty face.2. &#x39;&#x31;&#x31;&#x67E5;&#x8BE2;&#xB7;&#x82F1;&#x8BED;&#x5355;&#x8BCD;2. 瓦舍,源于宋代,最早的固定娱乐场所,先辈伶人在弦动鼓歇间把玩人生。&&&&Vacherie, from the Song Dynasty, the earliest entertainment place where the ancient performers enjoy their leisure time with drum and string.3. 有一天,他在家中把玩他最喜欢的瓷杯。&&&&One day, he was at home playing with his favorite cups.<p class="p1查询·英语单词大全4. 请使用这个CTP来把玩和试验这些特性,并让我们知道您的想法。&&&&Please use it to play and experiment with the features, and let us know of any thoughts you have.5. 如果你有机会把20代放在你的手上把玩的话,你会了解我在讲什麼。&&&&Hold it in your hand, if you have the chance, and you will understand what I am talking about.6. 但我们的手更多的还是把玩对方的私部。&&&&But our hands to play each other more private or Department.7. 把玩的反义词7. 她要我把玩过的娘儿们介绍给她。&&&&She asked me to turn over my cunts to her after I was through with them.8. "朋友们正把玩的时候,我突然感觉体侧有震动。&&&&While they were looking at it, I felt this vibration on my side.9. 读ernie老师的新作,一喜,一忧:喜的是得如此佳品,正可反复把玩,潜默于心;忧的是不知又何时方可读到下一篇。催也不是,不催也不是,真是徒有心急。&&&&Anyone went through selection nights knew how hard it was for Chinese, who had never been exposed to English speaking countries, to show language competence batting native speakers.10. 此时在酒家内闷了超过一小时的宋承宪,在近十一时终於忍不住步出门口松一松,因下雨及拍摄队仍在门外进行拍摄的关系,宋承宪只能在酒家门外有限的活动范围内舒展筋骨,闷极无聊的他,先注视了缸内的贵价海鱼一会,随后又好奇拿起一只青蟹来把玩,还边与身旁工作人员谈笑一番。&&&&SSH who was waiting inside the restaurant for more than an hour, walked out at about 11am. Due to the rain and the shooting outside, SSH could only relax around the restaurant area. He was feeling bored and was attracted to the sea creatures in the fish tank. He had some fun playing with crabs and chatting with the crew.11. 其实,面人不仅受到一般百姓小孩们的喜欢,就连末代皇帝傅仪,据说也非常喜欢把玩面人。在上世纪60年代初期,故宫博物院就曾专门展出过他玩耍的面塑。&&&&&&In fact, not only ordinary kids, but also the last emperor Fu Yi was said to like dough modellings so much that in early 1960`s, a special exhibition was held in the Palace Museum, of dough figurines which he had played with.12. 她安寝把玩歌词中结束。&&&&&&She got nervous and messed the lyrics up in the end.13. Elias把玩着他自己的黄金的酒杯,沿着橡木桌上的新月形的疤,磨着。&&&&&&Elias toyed with his own gold goblet, scuffing it along the crescent-shaped scars in the oak.14. 14. 按这条思路,《一样的我和一样的你》便可获得多样的解获,如果将作品看成是视觉信息的话,在对这些可识别的视觉符号之间,我们可以寻找到把玩艺术的视觉游戏的某种方法。&&&&&&Because I always believe that we must treat the current artists by the modern life experiences, therefore we can find obvious or unconspicuous relations about every element of the opuses with the modern life.15. 15. 我的体会是,地景设计的基本不只是建立空间结构,设计者要能浸淫在基地层叠的历史和自然系统,设计的过程,就是在衡量掂捻这些不同面向,挑出其中一个或两个来把玩。&&&&&&To me, instead of establishing spatial structure, the nature of landscape design is to explore the history and physical condition of the site and to weight between these different aspects.16. 她要我把玩过的娘儿们介绍给她。&&&&&&She never gave me a sou for writing her up.17. 自律,不可把头、手或身体任可部分伸出窗外,更不可把玩紧急出口车门。&&&&&&Show self-discipline, do not put your head or hands out of the windows. Do not play with the emergency exit on the bus.18. 我把玩着相机的腕带,考虑胶卷上的第一张照片该是什么。&&&&&&I toyed with the wrist strap on the camera, wondering about the first picture on the roll.19. 你也会把玩一下角落里布满尘土的小瓷瓶,从那缕缕青花中发现出一点新意来。&&&&&&You will also play with what corner of the small porcelain vase filled with dust, from which strands of blue and white to find out a little novelty.20. 把玩的解释20. 所有熟睡的都醒了------你可以闻到四月的气息,感觉到它那股馨香,把它捧在手上把玩。&&&&&&All the sleeping things wake up-primrose, baby iris, blue phlox. The earthy warms- you can smell it, feel it, crumble April in youe hands.把玩是什么意思,把玩在线翻译,把玩什么意思,把玩的意思,把玩的翻译,把玩的解释,把玩的发音,把玩的同义词,把玩的反义词,把玩的例句,把玩的相关词组,把玩意思是什么,把玩怎么翻译,单词把玩是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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