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我们来学下一个习惯用语: butterflies in your
  例句-2:When Jennifer went in for the job interview at the law firm,
she had plenty of butterflies in her stomach. Luckily, the
interview went well and she got the job.
  可见have butterflies in one"s
  我们接着要学的习惯说法有belly这个词。Belly和stomach是同义词,都指肚子或者胃,我们首先要学的是: belly
  例句-3:When I asked Joe to type the report, he complained about
sore fingers. Then I asked him to run an errand downtown he said
his feet hurt. When I invited him to the office party, he said
parties always depressed him. That guy"s always bellyaching about
  我们再来学一个习惯用语: belly up。这个习惯用语最常用的意思来自鱼,你看过水里死鱼的模样吗?
它们都是肚子朝天地在漂浮。这就引出belly up这个习惯用语表达“完蛋”的意思。好,我们来听个例子:
  例句-4:I used to work for a company that had always made money so I
thought my job was safe. But the company ran into hard times and
finally went belly up so now I have to find another job.
  可见belly up可以指企业失败倒闭。
  Jen, Small Town to Big City
  J: Hello I"m Jody and welcome to American Cafe!
  Y: 我是杨晨。欢迎您到美语咖啡屋。
  J: Hey Yang Chen, isn"t your college reunion coming up
  Y: 没错,一想到要和多年没见面的同学相聚,我激动得连觉都睡不着了。
  J: You know we have a saying, "The friends you make in college
are the friends you have for life." And today we"re going to meet
Jennifer and Sharrin. They are roommates in my building. But after
talking to them I found out just how unique their roommate
relationship is.
  Y: Unique? 好朋友又成为roommates,分租一个公寓。这有什么特别之处呢?
  J: Well, I know it doesn"t sound very unique. But wait until you
hear their story.
  实录1: JENNIFER: OK, My name is Jennifer and I live in Washington
D.C. in a neighborhood called Mt. Pleasant. And I live with one
other woman, Sharrin, in that apartment.
  Sharrin: My name is Sharrin and I"m 26 years old.
  Jennifer: And I"m 25.
  Y: Sharrin今年26岁,Jennifer今年25岁。 她们和你住在一个公寓楼。那她们俩到底是怎么认识的?
  J: Well, they told me they first met their freshman year of
college. They were in some freshman tutorial writing class together
that all freshmen had to take.
  Y: 虽然她们是同一个年级,不过她们不一定每天都上同样的课吧?
  J: Exactly. In the States, it"s a little different than in China.
The real closeness comes from living in the same dormitory or dorm
for short. Next, let"s hear again from Sharrin.
  实录2: SHARRIN: We first met when we were going to college
together. We met our freshman year. And uh we had a freshman
tutorial class together that all freshmen had to take to practice
writing. And so we met through that class and we also lived in the
same dorm. And so we hung a lot through that and we just stayed
friends all four years of college.
  J: The unique part comes after college. Without talking about it
together, Yang Chen, both women independently decided to join the
Peace Corps.
  Y: 真的?
  J: Yeah, isn"t that amazing?
  Y: Wow, 她们两并没有商量,但是各自决定要加入和平队。
  J: I know, but that"s not all...
  Y: 还有啊?
  J: They were sent to the same country. Cote d"Ivoire in West
  实录3: SHARRIN: And after college we both decided independently to
join the Peace Corp. And we ended up in the same country in Cote
d"Ivoire in West Africa. So we were there for about a year.
  Y: Wow, 真是越来越有意思了。她们不但分别决定要加入和平队,而且还被派到同一个,西非的科特迪瓦。
  J: But wait, there"s more. After a year in Cote d"Ivoire they
also lived together for three months in France!
  Y: 两个人一起在法国住了三个月?你想想看,如果能和自己最好的朋友一起周游世界,那该多好啊!
  实录4: SHARRIN: After Cote d"Ivoire we traveled to France and we
lived together there for about 3 months. And then we moved back to
the States and we both lived with our families ... I think we were
home for a few months and then we both decided to move to
Washington DC. And we"re roommates now.
  Y: 太不可思议了。这简直就是命运总是能把她们带到一起。 那现在Jennifer 和 Sharrin生活在华盛顿市的Mt.
  J: Jennifer is from the Midwest and both she and Sharrin went to
school in a very small town. So, Jennifer really likes the small
town community feel of Mt. Pleasant.
  实录5: JENNIFER: It"s a neighborhood I really like. The
neighborhood has a different feel. It has a community feel in a
larger city, which is really nice to have that smaller town feel.
I"m from the Midwest and I went to school in a town of 9,000 and
that included 1,300 of the population from the college. So, it is a
small town.
  Y: Jennifer在中西部的小城镇长大,所以她很怀念那种小城镇的感觉。Mt.
  J: And it"s even nicer with Jennifer and Sharrin as neighbors!
Thanks for joining us today on American Cafe!
  Y: 我们下次节目再见! Lara & Eric, School Plays
story。也许很多人都知道这个词。它通常解释为“故事”,也可以是新闻报导的意思。我们要学的第一个习惯用语是: cock and
bull story。我们知道cock是公鸡,bull是公牛。那么cock and bull
and bull story这个习惯用语。那么它究竟表示什么意思呢?
and bull story。
  例句-1:After Bill didn"t come home for three days he told his wife
he was away on a secret mission for the government. But that"s just
a cock and bull story: he was actually off with some woman.
  由此可见cock and bull story就是虚构不实而且近乎荒谬的托词。
  好,我们来学下一个习惯用语: cover


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