
你个LOW货别再带beats魔声耳机出门了,内行人根本就看不起它你个LOW货别再带beats魔声耳机出门了,内行人根本就看不起它太阳功夫茶百家号说到耳机,潮流,时尚,这三个元素凑在一起,最容易让人联想到的是什么?当然是beats魔声耳机,前两年的红面条可以说是红遍大街小巷,当然了,当时十条魔声里头,9条都是假货,入手了假货的朋友不要慌,恕我直言,你们手里的魔声,即使换成真货,也是一个垃圾。我这倒不是在夸张,你们尽管去各个耳机发烧友论坛贴吧等地方看看,有谁还在用魔声听歌,别的不说,想入耳机坑,想纵情享受HIFI音质,你最起码也要有一副AKG耳机,不懂AKG的小伙伴可以自行上网查一查,今天呢,我主要给各位推荐几个AKG的招牌货。AKG k240df这个耳机收过一个双边入线的,结果那就是战场成色啊。真的是满眼沧桑。也能看出原来那个德国佬对他是有多爱。(小小的感慨下)后来又收了极品成色的df。巧的是这两个都是三黑三白,所以一直只能YY三蓝三白了。df的横向声场很多,且akg基本都是横向声场大。但df是基本没低频,少的很。这样的中频还原的人声很具有感染力。无论欧美粗线条女声还是甜美系的女声都有很棒的还原。你会沉浸在满满回荡的歌声里。闭上眼深深感觉歌者在你眼前优美的歌唱。df的干净让你感觉是在和一杯白开水。白开水的作用就是让你在不同时间里喝感觉不一样。不简单的索然无味,更能感受到歌者的力量。如同在饥渴难耐之时,还是白水来的实在。AKG/爱科技 K240S 头戴式动圈音乐耳机 电脑手机通用监听HiFi耳机¥599购买AKG K77 平民利器监听并不是一味高端的。很多时候,像K77这样一款简单舒适的封闭式耳机就可以满足同步监听的需要,而戴着HD800或者大奥(天呐)来监听则显得毫无必要。毕竟作为一款监听耳机,较小的音染和尽可能准确的声音定位远比开阔的声场和三频的细腻衔接来的重要。而K77在基本满足了上述要求的基础上尽可能地控制了价格,同时佩戴也还算舒服,这样一只工程耳机可以说是平民监听的利器了。AKG/爱科技 K77 头戴式电脑HIFI耳机 手机重低音监听音乐通用耳机¥299K702 65TH+ZU2 推荐指数★★★★☆手上有K451的同学 可以直接把这只耳机想象成一个开放式的大451 然后素质全面提升的耳机 ,因为某种程度上来说两者调音真的很像在众多7系列抓耳的还是这只,如果觉得低频有点散,高频又有点暗可以换zu 。你要问我有哪些变化?至于换线后的65TH 解析直接从720p升到1080P ,65TH声音密度本来就大,换线后密度没降低只是提高凝聚力 ,低频砍掉轰隆轰隆,换后低频反而有点像Q701低频的那意思整体变声音去除当初原线的那层雾,最变态的是高频透明但不是很亮。如果说这样算完美的话 但是他缺一个致命的东西 ,就是声音无法做到K601那样宽松。所以我一直把他作为我的调味剂罢了...注意 ZU线在Q701 普通K702上并不适用AKG/爱科技 K702¥1799今天算是把AKG各个价位里比较有代表性的几款耳机推荐给各位了,它们在同级别的耳机里,都算是上上之选,入门的进阶的都有,大家不妨为自己的耳朵稍微花点钱,让自己好好享受一下什么是音乐。本文仅代表作者观点,不代表百度立场。系作者授权百家号发表,未经许可不得转载。太阳功夫茶百家号最近更新:简介:谈产品设计、产品运营、互联网创业。作者最新文章相关文章From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Beats Music was a subscription-based
streaming service owned by the
division of
First developed in 2012 under the name "Daisy", the service combined algorithm-based personalization with expert music suggestions from a variety of sources. The service built upon Beats' existing consumer electronics line, and its 2012 acquisition of the similar service . The service was launched in the United States on January 21, 2014.
Beats Music was acquired by
as part of its purchase of Beats Electronics in May 2014. Beats Music was discontinued concurrent with the launch of
on June 30, 2015. Subscriptions were migrated to the new service. Beats Music was completely discontinued on November 30, 2015.
On July 2, 2012, Beats announced it had acquired the online music service , in a purchase reported to have been between $10 million to $16 million. Beats stated this the acquisition was part of the company's goal to develop a "truly end-to-end music experience." The acquisition did not include the company's blog and advertising network, the MOG Music Network, which was sold in a separate transaction to the broadcasting company
in August 2012. MOG initially indicated that it would continue to operate independently with no immediate change in service.
A few months later in December 2012, the company hired
of the band
to serve as its , and to help develop a new music service codenamed "Daisy". As opposed to its competitors such as , in Daisy the plan was to use "personalization" based on user listening habits in combination with expert music curators to suggest tracks. The company initially announced a launch by late 2013. The company had hired music industry members, radio personalities, and songwriters to serve as a music curation team for the service, led by former
executive and
music director Julie Pilat.
In August 2013, a
was discovered for Daisy under its final name, "Beats Music". The service was officially unveiled in January 2014, for a launch in the United States on January 21, 2014. In February 2014, Beats Music reached a licensing deal with the , a group representing a number of major . While no financial details were disclosed, Beats did indicate that it would pay the labels at the same rates as the major labels.
On March 4, 2014, Beats Music acquired , a company which deals in the monetization of music and building relationships between musicians and their fans. Beats Music CEO Ian Rogers had left Topspin to join the service.
On May 28, 2014,
announced it was buying both
and Beats Music for $3 billion in a cash and stock deal. The Wall Street Journal reported that Apple had valued Beats Music at "slightly less than $500 million." Following the purchase, Beats Music CEO Ian Rogers would oversee both Beats Music and Apple's ad-supported
It was later reported by
that Apple was planning to merge the two services together. Apple had hired noted British radio DJ
to serve as a music curator. It was also reported that, in negotiations with record labels for the new service, that Apple had been attempting to encourage record labels to pull their content from the free, ad-supported tiers of competing services such as Spotify in order to drive adoption of the new service, and offered an incentive to
to pull its content from . The
launched an investigation into this alleged
in May 2015.
was unveiled during Apple's
on June 8, 2015, and launched on June 30, 2015. Concurrently with the public launch of Apple Music, Beats Music was imme users could migrate their Beats Music subscriptions, including their account, saved playlists, and songs, to Apple Music.
Beats Music offered a library of over 20 million songs that could be streamed on-demand by users. Users could download songs for offline playback, which remained accessible for the period of their subscription. The service used a personalization system combining recommendations based on listening habits and algorithms with human curation and playlists from music professionals and publications such as , , and . Song searches prioritized the original,
of songs over other versions (such as covers). A feature known as "The Sentence" allowed users to generate playlists by filling four blanks in a sentence with words describing various activities, moods, and genres.
The basic subscription plan allowed access to the service on three devices for US$9.99 per month, or US$99.99 per year. Along with a web-based interface, apps were available for , , and .
announced that Beats Music would also support its wireless speaker systems on launch. A family plan with support for up to 5 people and 10 devices was also available for $14.99 per month, exclusive to family plan subscribers on . AT&T subscribers were also able to access a longer free trial period.
for the service starring
was aired during
in February 2014. Spoofing the
, the ad featured Ellen playing the role of Goldilocks.
– Co-founder and Chairman of the Board
– Co-founder
– President
– Senior Vice President, Head of Global Marketing
– Chief Creative Officer
Ian Rogers – Chief Executive Officer
Matthew Costello – Chief Operating Officer
Mike Snider (2 July 2012). . USA Today 2012.
Charlie Warzel (2 July 2012). . Adweek. Adweek 2012.
Rhian Jones (24 August 2012). . MusicWeek. Intent Media 2012.
. The Verge 2014.
. Billboard.biz 2013.
. The Verge 2014.
. The Verge 2014.
. Billboard.biz 2014.
. Billboard 2015.
. Apple Inc 2014.
. Wall Street Journal 2014.
. Wall Street Journal 2015.
. Business Insider 2015.
. Re/code 2015.
. The Verge 2015.
. . June 8, .
. TechCrunch. AOL Inc. (Verizon Communications) 2015.
. The New York Times 2014.
. The Verge 2014.
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