求蓝灯larternlartern mac破解版版

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Get access to sites blocked in your region, or grant access to other users through your internet connection via an easy to use macOS app
Developed by a team lead by Adam Fisk, which contributed to the LimeWire and LittleShoot projects, the Lantern application aims at providing unrestricted access to any website, regardless of your geographical location.
Note that, to make sure all your traffic is directed through the Lantern proxy network (Lantern must be active, of course), the app will also try
to install add-ons that will make sure the browser is always using the
system proxy.
Connect to the internet via proxy and protect your identity
The ultimate goal of the Lantern application is to provide a fast connection to the open internet to users that have their access restricted. To achieve that, the app is using both secure servers and peer access points that take on the load when the servers are not working.
Lantern is based on a system of &friends&, and the app will connect to users that are up to 4 degrees away from you in the network. To create the connections, you must login using your Gmail account, and then add the email addresses for up to 6 trusted friends.
Grant access to sites that are blocked in certain regions
Via the Lantern Preferences you can easily toggle your app&s status: you can either give or get access to the net. When you are using Lantern network for access you get to manage the list of websites that you want to connect to via proxy.
On the other hand, if you choose to become a Lantern proxy, you cannot set any rules: this means that other users might use your internet connection to access websites that might be illegal in your area.
User friendly solution for granting or getting access to the free internet
Lantern offers you the possibility to quickly access blocked websites, but it will not keep you anonymous: the proxy server can view your IP, and you should always use HTTPS to encrypt your traffic.
To conclude, Lantern is a great tool if you need fast access to blocked websites, but if protecting your identity is important, going with
is a better idea.
LIMITATIONS IN THE UNREGISTERED VERSIONLimited to 500.0 MB free monthly data
New in Lantern 4.2.1 Beta 2:
Added Used By badge.
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& file size:8 MB
& runs on:OS X 10.8 or later (Intel only)
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蓝灯 Mac版 lantern for Mac版 科学上网VPN软件
8.jpg (9.26 KB, 下载次数: 27)
蓝灯 Mac版 lantern for Mac版 VPN软件
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蓝灯lantern 软件介绍
蓝灯lantern 版一直有着非常流行,免费小巧,简单实用,堪称科学上网VPN神器。打开后会在浏览器弹出蓝灯lantern界面(如图)提示你已经成功番羽墙了,同时也列出了几个著名的国外网站:Facebook、YouTube、Twitter等,可谓说是相当的简单易用。
蓝灯lantern 软件截图
WX824@2x.png (633.73 KB, 下载次数: 334)
蓝灯 Mac版 lantern for Mac版 VPN软件
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蓝灯lantern 下载地址
&成长值: 40
&成长值: 11370
&成长值: 75
&成长值: 1560
&成长值: 140
楼主大佬,如果出现无法连接代理服务器 请问怎么办
&成长值: 140
&成长值: 4005
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