
talk sense into是什么意思
talk sense into[英][tɔ:k sens ˈɪntuː][美][tɔk sɛns ˈɪntu]规劝某人行为更理智些; 例句You should talk sense into him and make him realize he was wrong. 你应该给他讲道理,使他认识错误.
into是什么意思 into在线翻译 into什么意思 into的意思 into的翻译 into的解释 into的发音 into的同义词 into的反义词 into的例句 into的相关词组
into英 ['?nt?] 美 ['?ntu] into 基本解释介词(表示方向)进入…中; (表示所属)输入; (表示状态)进入…状态; (表示时间)持续到into 相关例句介词1. The car ran into the wall.&&&&汽车撞到墙上。2. 2. He worked late into the night.&&&&他工作到深夜。3. 3. All the buildings had been turned into hospitals.&&&&所有房子都改成了医院。4. He is very deep into computers.&&&&他对计算机兴趣很浓。5. They are into vegetarianism.&&&&他们对素食很感兴趣。into 情景对话就业和工作A:What do you do there?&&&&&&你在那儿做什么?B:I (file paperwork/ enter data into the computer/ take orders from customers).&&&&&&我(负责资料存档/进行数据输入/接收客户订单)。Poke one’s nose into someone’s business.-(多管闲事)B:You can turn to the lawyer’s office for help.&&&&&&你可以找律师事务所帮忙。A:Don’t poke your nose into my business. I know how to handle it myself.&&&&&&别管我的闲事,我知道该怎么办。B:Ok, You’ll get what you deserve.&&&&&&好的。那样的话你可别怪别人。销售商务会谈A:I'm sorry to say that the price you quote is too high. It would be very difficult for us to push any sales if we buy it at this price.&&&&&&很遗憾你们报的价格太高,如果按这种价格买进,我方实在难以推销。B:well, if you take quality into consideration, you won't think our price is too high.&&&&&&如果你考虑一下质量,你就不会觉得我们的价格太高了。A:Let's meet each other half way.&&&&&&那咱们就各让一步吧。into 网络解释1. into什么意思1. 介词:但感觉文章中的例子太笼统,不够具体,如果能举出有关名人更能有说服力,另外感觉时常有语法问题,注意介词(into),和冠词(the)的使用. 再接再厉,呵呵,加油!2. 到...里面:这个句子包含如下的信息:那人去地窖是跑(run)着去的,他最近曾在地窖呆过,所以这一趟是回程(back),路程的起点高于地窖,所以他得往下(down)跑,地窖是个封闭的去处,所以得进到里面(into).into 双语例句1. I don't want Ichigo and Rukia to confess their love and run off into the sunset, namely because it's out of character and their intense connection, their relationship of mutual understanding and support is what I love so much about them, I don't see the need to throw romance into the mix.&&&&我并不想看见一露互相表白然后奔向夕阳的场景,换句话说,就是因为这不符合他们的个性和他们之间深厚的羁绊。一露之间相互理解、支持的这种关系正是我如此喜欢他们的一个原因,我不认为一定要加入什么浪漫元素到这样的感情里。2. By a special design on sealing structure of agitator, hydraulic motors are completely separated from bearing seats, which ensure the slurry having mo chance to get into motor even under the situation of sealing failure.&&&&搅拌机构采用独特的结构形式,将液压马达与搅拌轴承座完全隔离,即使搅拌密封磨损漏浆,也不至于影响液压马达。3. 3. In accordance with sub-forms of protection can be divided into: over-current protection and over-temperature protection.&&&&按保护形式分,可分为:过电流保护与过热保护。4. In the first decade of the 21st century, the GNP will double that of the year 2000, the people will enjoy an even Better-to-do life and a more or less ideal socialist market economy will have come into Being&&&&21世纪第一个10年将实现国民生产总值比2000年翻一番,使人民的小康生活更加富裕,形成比较完善的社会主义市场经济体制5. It was as when an ass breaks into a field and eats the staning corn, and the children of the village beat him with sticks.&&&&只要看到阿伽门侬在前排冲杀,你就要回避,因为这天是他好运日,是他给自己赢得伟大荣誉的日子。6. Known as an igneous intrusion, the 1, 267-foot-tall (386-meter-tall) Devils Tower in Wyoming formed when molten rock intruded into the existing rocks.&&&&坐落在怀俄明州的1267英尺(386米)高的魔鬼塔,是熔岩侵入到先存的岩石中形成的,也就是我们知道的侵入岩。7. Photo Gallery: Rocks Known as an igneous intrusion, the 1, 267-foot-tall (386-meter-tall) Devils Tower in Wyoming formed when molten rock intruded into the existing rocks.&&&&意译:岩石图片美术馆。被认为是火的侵扰,魔鬼塔高1267英尺(386米)位于怀俄明州成形的当融化的岩石侵入到现有的岩石里面。8. With the guide of interaction between NS and NWW fault structure. Nianbaoyuze granite mass intruded into Triassic sand rock whose depth is over 9136m.&&&&在南北向及北西西向断裂构造的交互作用引导下,年保玉则花岗岩侵入体侵入厚度达9136m以上的三迭系砂板岩内。9. into的近义词9. Elegant prosperous is passed such upgrade ceaselessly, turn similar Yamaxun into such number finally publication company.&&&&雅昌经过这样的不断升级,最后变成类似雅马逊这样的数字出版公司。10. Our main agents operating in Japan are piling of the product chain, Chun Emerson geared motor, clutc Kobelco Motor electromagnetic clutch, brake and electromagnetic vibration feed Machine, AC Kobelco-made mac Association all kind Mitsubishi General Motors, deceleration Motors, Drives and PLC fine, all types of motor slowdown, the ch Hitachi all typ Japanese machinery is
SPG small fixed s Panasonic | music small Set s Yasukawa AC servo motors and PLC; E Fujitsu O I Xu into, such as oil and water separator And so on.&&&&我司主要代理经营的日本产品有椿本链条、椿艾默生减速电机、离合器及扭矩限制器等;神钢电机电磁离合器、电磁刹车及振动供料机、AC伺服马达等;神钢造机液体联轴器;协和各类万向联轴器;三菱普通电机、减速电机、变频器及PLC控制器等;日精各类减速电机、变向齿轮箱等;日立各类减速电机;东洋机械纠编器;SPG小型定速及调速马达;松下|乐声小型定速及调速马达;安川AC伺服马达和PLC;爱普生机械臂;富士涂油器;伊东电动滚筒;旭化成油水分离器等等。11. 11. I see. We'll look into it and get back to you right away, Sir.&&&&&&我知道了。我们调查之后马上给你答复。12. We'll look into it and get back to you right away.&&&&&&我们会调查这件事情并且马上给你答复。13. 13. I will look more into this development and get back to you on this latest algorithm change.&&&&&&我会更加发展,成为这个回到您对此最新算法改变。14. You owe it to yourself to look into ideas on how to get started today.&&&&&&你应该为自己考虑就如何展开。15. We wll look into it and get back to you right away, Sir.&&&&&&我们调查之后马上给你答复。16. into16. We'll look into it and get back to you right away, Sir.&&&&&&我知道了——1105号。我们调查之后马上给你答复。17. into在线翻译17. The copolymer with increasing CF3CH2CH2(CH3)SiO link content showed increasing viscosity but different oil resistant properities When introducing trifluoro propyl methyl siloxane cyclotriphosphazene into the chain of ethenyl-ended polysiloxanes, with adjustment of CF3CH2CH2(CH3)SiO, it was possible to prepare silicone rubber with different oil resistant properties, thus reduced the cost of the fluorosilicone elastomer, and met the demands under the different environment.&&&&&&以此共聚物为生胶制备热硫化氟硅橡胶,硫化胶的耐油性能随共聚物中CF3CH2CH2(CH3)SiO链节含量的增加而逐步提高,但对不同油呈现差异。在乙烯基封端聚有机硅氧烷分子链中引入CF3CH2CH2(CH3)SiO链段,通过CF3CH2CH2(CH3)SiO链节含量的调节,可以制备满足不同耐油性能的硅橡胶,既能降低氟硅橡胶的成本,又能达到不同环境下耐油的使用的要求。18. The paper takes the social economy change of the district village as a research subject, drawing lessons from and making use of sociological methods, historical methods, economical methods and various ways and means, also gives attention on both sides of scientific views of development and modernization theories. It makes an investigation on all the general situation, types, characteristics, reasons of the peasant household's sideline occupation economy of Longyan country in republic of China, probes into it's influence to the country's society and economy development at that time and the apocalypse to today's country's economy development in west of Fujian.&&&&&&本文以区域农村社会经济变迁为研究对象,借鉴和运用了社会学方法、历史学方法、经济学方法及各种跨学科方法,兼顾科学发展观及现代化理论,对民国农户兼业经济在龙岩县的发展概况、类型、特点、原因等都作了考察,并探究其对当时县内农村社会经济发展的影响及其对今天闽西地区农村经济发展的启示。19. This year has just moved into new, I feel pretty good, it is conducive to learning, all very convenient, but the days gradually to enter the winter, unfortunately, it does not heat the building in winter, to heat, then, it is necessary to 800, 000 cross-network charges, the number of really good big ah!&&&&&&今年刚刚搬进新寮房,感觉蛮不错的,很利于学习,一切都很方便,可是天渐渐的要进入冬季了,很可惜的,这楼房冬天不供热,如果要供热的话,要交入网费八十万,真是好大的数目啊!20. 20. NIV I sink in the miry depths, where there is no foothold. I have come into the floods engulf me.&&&&&&我陷在深淤2泥中,没有立脚之地;我到了深水中,大水3漫过我身。into 词典解释In addition to the uses shown below, into is used after some verbs and nouns in order to introduce extra information. Into is also used with verbs of movement, such as ‘walk’ and ‘push’, and in phrasal verbs such as ‘enter into’ and ‘talk into’.除下列用法外, into 还可用在一些动词、名词后面以引出附加信息。into 还可与表示动作的动词如 walk,push连用,以及用于动词词组中,如 enter into, talk into。Pronounced /?ntu:/ or /'?ntu:/, particularly before pronouns and for meaning 14. 读作 /?ntu:/ 或 /'?ntu:/,尤其在代词前面和用于义项 14时。1. (放)到…里面&&&&If you put one thing into another, you put the first thing inside the second.&&&&e.g. Combine the remaining ingredients and put them into a dish...&&&&&&&&&&&把剩下的配料调和好,放到一个盘子里。&&&&e.g. Until the 1980s almost all olives were packed into jars by hand.&&&&&&&&&&&直到 20 世纪 80 年代,几乎所有的橄榄都是手工装罐的。2. 进入(地方、车辆)&&&&If you go into a place or vehicle, you move from being outside it to being inside it.&&&&e.g. I have no idea how he got into Iraq...&&&&&&&&&&&我不知道他是怎样进入伊拉克的。&&&&e.g. She got up and went into an inner office...&&&&&&&&&&&她站起来走进里间的办公室。3. (打破或损坏表面而)进入,插入&&&&If one thing goes into another, the first thing moves from the outside to the inside of the second thing, by breaking or damaging the surface of it.&&&&e.g. Flavell had accidentally discharged a pistol, firing it into the ceiling...&&&&&&&&&&&弗拉维尔不小心扳动了一把手枪的扳机,子弹射入了天花板。&&&&e.g. The rider came off and the handlebar went into his neck.&&&&&&&&&&&骑车人从自行车上摔了下来,车把插进了他的脖子里。4. (融)入;(渗)入;(进)入&&&&If one thing gets into another, the first thing enters the second and becomes part of it.&&&&e.g. Poisonous smoke had got into the water supply...&&&&&&&&&&&毒烟已经进入供水系统。&&&&e.g. The money went into a common fund.&&&&&&&&&&&这笔钱被放到了一个普通基金里。5. (碰)上;(撞)上&&&&If you are walking or driving a vehicle and you bump into something or crash into something, you hit it accidentally.&&&&e.g. A train plowed into the barrier at the end of the platform...&&&&&&&&&&&火车撞上了月台尽头的栅栏。&&&&e.g. Joanna heard him bump into the table and curse again.&&&&&&&&&&&乔安娜听见他撞到了桌子上,又骂骂咧咧的。6. (穿)上;(换)上&&&&When you get into a piece of clothing, you put it on.&&&&e.g. She could change into a different outfit in two minutes...&&&&&&&&&&&她能在两分钟内换上一套不同的行头。&&&&e.g. He put on his underwear and got into his suit.&&&&&&&&&&&他穿好内衣,然后穿上西装。7. 进入(…状态)&&&&If someone or something gets into a particular state, they start being in that state.&&&&e.g. He had too much time on his hands and that caused him to get into trouble...&&&&&&&&&&&他手头时间太富裕了,反倒为他惹来了麻烦。&&&&e.g. I slid into a depression.&&&&&&&&&&&我逐渐消沉了。8. (说服某人)去做…&&&&If you talk someone into doing something, you persuade them to do it.&&&&e.g. Gerome tried to talk her into taking an apartment in Paris.&&&&&&&&&&&杰罗姆试图说服她在巴黎买一套公寓。9. 成为;转变为&&&&If something changes into something else, it then has a new form, shape, or nature.into的反义词&&&&e.g. ...his attempt to turn a nasty episode into a joke.&&&&&&&&&&&他想把一段很不愉快的插曲变成一则笑话的尝试&&&&e.g. ...learning what she needs to know to grow into a competent adult.&&&&&&&&&&&学习那些要想成为真正意义上的成年人她必须知道的东西10. (分)成;(撕)成&&&&&&If something is cut or split into a number of pieces or sections, it is divided so that it becomes several smaller pieces or sections.&&&&&&e.g. Sixteen teams are taking part, divided into four groups...&&&&&&&&&&&&&有16个队参加,分为4组。&&&&&&e.g. Roll out the pastry and cut into narrow strips...&&&&&&&&&&&&&把油酥面团擀薄然后切成长条。11. 关于;涉及&&&&&&An investigation into a subject or event is concerned with that subject or event.&&&&&&e.g. The concert will raise funds for research into Aids...&&&&&&&&&&&&&这场音乐会将为艾滋病研究筹集资金。&&&&&&e.g. We are beginning to have some insight into drug therapy.&&&&&&&&&&&&&我们开始对药物治疗有了一些深入了解。12. 进入,转向(某一职业、行业)&&&&&&If you move or go into a particular career or business, you start working in it.into什么意思&&&&&&e.g. In the early 1990s, it was easy to get into the rental business...&&&&&&&&&&&&&20 世纪 90 年代早期,进入租赁行业很容易。&&&&&&e.g. He closed down the business and went into politics.&&&&&&&&&&&&&他关闭公司投身政治。13. 持续到,进入(时间段)&&&&&&If something continues into a period of time, it continues until after that period of time has begun.&&&&&&e.g. He had three children, and lived on into his sixties...&&&&&&&&&&&&&他有3个孩子,已经60多岁了。&&&&&&e.g. The Open Golf Championship will be getting into its second day in a few hours.&&&&&&&&&&&&&再过几个小时,高尔夫公开锦标赛将进入第二天的比赛。14. 对…很感兴趣;极喜欢&&&&&&If you are very interested in something and like it very much, you can say that you are into it.&&&&&&e.g. I'm into electronics myself.&&&&&&&&&&&&&我本身对电子很感兴趣。into 单语例句911查询·英语单词1. Incorporating operational energy efficiency into a company's overall business strategy will facilitate progression toward a reduction in the environmental impact and cost of business operations.2. That will help it increase its operational efficiency, lower its human resources costs and channel resources into its core business.3. Yet translated into simple business English, they actually mean one thing - diesel.4. When afternoon comes, she changes into her business suit and becomes a marketing specialist at an English magazine.5. The company will split its business into two branches in the future, with one entity to develop educational products and the other to provide education and training.6. When more people benefit from the business, it will bite deep into the ethics of academics.7. To save expenses on raw materials, the smelters and processing companies have been expanding into the upstream mining business.8. When Li renewed the mine's license in 2000, he changed the business into a private firm of his own.9. After the war China was plunged into a civil war and the firm's business remained sluggish.10. But the firm's business growth has been sluggish in recent years, as its technological edge has largely failed to translate into substantial market success.into是什么意思,into在线翻译,into什么意思,into的意思,into的翻译,into的解释,into的发音,into的同义词,into的反义词,into的例句,into的相关词组,into意思是什么,into怎么翻译,单词into是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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