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Automated Trader Algorithmic Trading Survey Report
Automated Trader 2011 Algorithmic Trading SurveyAccess to the full text of the Automated Trader Algorithmic Trading Survey Report is restricted.
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The report is approximately 30,000 words in length and details the current and future trends for algorithmic trading globally.
The report includes detailed analysis of topics such as: the extent of automation
the asset classes and markets traded now and expected to be tra the types and variety of models in use and f types and usage of data and metadata a techn co-location a m algorithmic engineering for systematic and e regulation and market structure.
Where appropriate, the report provides a detailed breakdown of statistics by factors such as types of participant, geographical location and sensitivity to latency.
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The report should be considered essential reading for market professionals that work for: broker/ pension fund, mutual fund or other traditional a prop financial regulat technolog exchange, MTF/ATS tel co- OMS/EMS consulting firm or academic institution.
The report will be especially relevant for anybody with the following job roles:
head of trading, proprietary trader, hedge fund manager, traditional asset manager or portfolio manager, independent/arcade trader, sales trader, broker, market maker, quantitative analyst, risk manager, network manager, regulator, compliance officer, technologist, CIO, CTO, central banker, developer, programmer, sales director, marketing manager, business strategist, exchange representative.Report and Analysis
Bob Giffords, Independent Banking and Technology Analyst
January 2012Disclaimer and Copyright NoticeAccess to the full text of the Automated Trader Algorithmic Trading Survey Report is restricted.
to buy this report.
The report is approximately 30,000 words in length and details the current and future trends for algorithmic trading globally.
The report includes detailed analysis of topics such as: the extent of automation
the asset classes and markets traded now and expected to be tra the types and variety of models in use and f types and usage of data and metadata a techn co-location a m algorithmic engineering for systematic and e regulation and market structure.
Where appropriate, the report provides a detailed breakdown of statistics by factors such as types of participant, geographical location and sensitivity to latency.
to buy this report.
The report should be considered essential reading for market professionals that work for: broker/ pension fund, mutual fund or other traditional a prop financial regulat technolog exchange, MTF/ATS tel co- OMS/EMS consulting firm or academic institution.
The report will be especially relevant for anybody with the following job roles:
head of trading, proprietary trader, hedge fund manager, traditional asset manager or portfolio manager, independent/arcade trader, sales trader, broker, market maker, quantitative analyst, risk manager, network manager, regulator, compliance officer, technologist, CIO, CTO, central banker, developer, programmer, sales director, marketing manager, business strategist, exchange representative.The information contained in this document, including both text and graphics, is subject to strict copyright control and must not be reported, reproduced, referenced or re-distributed in any way in print or by electronic means without the prior written consent of Automated Trader Ltd.
Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information, Automated Trader Ltd may not be held responsible for any errors, omissions or factual inaccuracies in the underlying data, analysis of the data, conclusions or assumptions detailed in this report.
Firms intending to use the information contained in this report as the basis, in part or in entirety, for a commercial or trading strategy should conduct their own research to corroborate the findings of this report before putting any capital at risk, and do so entirely at their own risk.& Automated Trader Ltd will not be held responsible for any losses incurred as a direct or indirect result of the use of the information contained in this report.&&ForewordAccess to the full text of the Automated Trader Algorithmic Trading Survey Report is restricted.
to buy this report.
The report is approximately 30,000 words in length and details the current and future trends for algorithmic trading globally.
The report includes detailed analysis of topics such as: the extent of automation
the asset classes and markets traded now and expected to be tra the types and variety of models in use and f types and usage of data and metadata a techn co-location a m algorithmic engineering for systematic and e regulation and market structure.
Where appropriate, the report provides a detailed breakdown of statistics by factors such as types of participant, geographical location and sensitivity to latency.
to buy this report.
The report should be considered essential reading for market professionals that work for: broker/ pension fund, mutual fund or other traditional a prop financial regulat technolog exchange, MTF/ATS tel co- OMS/EMS consulting firm or academic institution.
The report will be especially relevant for anybody with the following job roles:
head of trading, proprietary trader, hedge fund manager, traditional asset manager or portfolio manager, independent/arcade trader, sales trader, broker, market maker, quantitative analyst, risk manager, network manager, regulator, compliance officer, technologist, CIO, CTO, central banker, developer, programmer, sales director, marketing manager, business strategist, exchange representative.Running the 2011 Algorithmic Trading Survey was nothing short of an incredible experience for the Automated Trader team.& We had run a similar survey the year before with good participation from our audience and had collected some very interesting data illustrating a steady trend towards adoption of automation by most types o a broadening of horizons with interest in new markets and different asset classes, and a democratization of markets as niche technologies became available to an ever wider audience.& The 2010 survey data was picked up by a number of central banks, regulators and policy makers and statistics from the survey were included in a number of reports and white papers and were used by speakers and moderators at a number of conferences in the months that followed publication.
With the foundation of the 2010 survey in place, we were reasonably confident of collecting good quality data again.& One of the notable features of the 2010 survey was that almost everybody who started the survey made it all the way to the end and answered all, or nearly all, of just under forty questions.& That told us that the survey could have been longer.& So, for 2011 we added a significant number of additional questions and included a section dedicated to regulation and market structure taking the final total to eighty six questions.&
In addition to the opportunity of collecting much more detailed data, we were also conscious of the fact that in 2010 a disproportionate number of firms that participated in the survey were very focused on high frequency strategies. &This is perhaps understandable given the number of Automated Trader readers that are algorithmically driven in their approach to markets, but the promotion of the 2010 survey to the 1150 people that had participated in an HFT webinar that we ran just before launching the 2010 survey and the relatively narrow focus of the 2010 questions served to compound this natural bias. & &
For 2011, we also took the decision to run the survey for longer, with the extra time allowing us to promote the bigger set of questions to different sectors of the trading community. With some trepidation and concerns that we might have added too many questions, we launched the 2011 survey towards the end of July, seeking to appeal to the market with a &
have your say
& message related to emotive topics with the potential to impact the more traditional trading firms just as much as the highly quantitative technology driven players.&&
What became apparent almost immediately was that not only was the participation level far greater than we had expected or hoped for, but again most people were completing the entire survey.& Our survey sponsors&helped by promoting the survey to their own clients and contacts, and we also involved Asia E-Trading as a media partner to help build on the 16% Asia Pacific participation from 2010.& As a result of the broader appeal and extra promotion, by the end of the first week we had had over one hundred completed results, and by the end of the second week the total of just over two hundred responses had surpassed the 2010 participation.& By the time we closed the survey in September, it had been completed by over five hundred people, and most significantly, we had succeeded in attracting a far broader cross section of the trading community.&
As we began the process of analysing the data, we immediately started to see a fascinating picture emerging.& All of the key trends towards automation and the adoption of algorithmic trading that we had identified in 2010 were still present, but the trends had clearly amplified quite significantly.
Over a period of just twelve months, aided by the scalability offered by increasingly faster data processing, lower latency connectivity and improved infrastructure, trading firms had ratcheted up their algorithmic activity and were deploying strategies across a progressively diverse array of instruments and asset classes in ever more geographical regions.
Many firms that were previously using algorithms only to manage execution are now also reporting the use of a myriad of other models using highly diverse data and metadata right the way through the entire trade life-cycle.& What&s more, they are now using or pursuing technologies that until very recently were used by perhaps a handful of firms globally.&
Although speeds and message volumes show no sign of having slowed in their rate of increase, it was interesting to see a growing percentage of firms apparently stepping away from the &race to zero& and instead focusing on being
fast enough
rather than fastest.& Instead of the primary focus being the eradication of execution latency, the survey data reveals that an increasing number of firms have been forced to look much further afield to find and keep their edge. Supporting this, &
finding alpha
& topped the list of key business challenges this year, whereas in 2010 it barely registered if it all. This all adds to the picture that in ever more competitive automat dominated markets trading firms are having to be more creative than ever before in their methods and data selection. Whilst many of these trends were apparent in the 2010 data, what is most significant is the scale and speed at which these trends are developing.&
Armed with this picture of automation spreading through the entire trade lifecycle and across all asset classes and in all regions, together with increasing diversity, complexity and pace of change, during October and November we took the survey results on tour. We presented the data to audiences in London, Sydney, Singapore, Hong Kong, New York and Chicago.& Over the course of those events, what we discovered from the many conversations we had with proprietary traders, brokers, fund managers, technologists, academics and regulators was widespread agreement with the key points to emerge from the survey data, with many telling us that the results were very much in line with their own experience.&
Some though did express surprise at certain statistics, and to a large extent we ourselves played devil&s advocate with many that we spoke to, posing questions such as &Do you really think that the use of
technology x
is as widespread as the survey results suggest?&& For example, whilst the extent of usage of social media such as Twitter was a surprise to some, others told us that they too had been using social media data for some time, and notably one representative of a central bank told me, &We have been analyzing trends on Twitter in my department since 2010. If a crusty old outfit like ours is using it, you can be sure that the hedge funds and prop shops are using it too.&&
Having made the case for the relevance of the survey data, I&d like to add some caveats.& Firstly, we fully expect there to be a degree of &aspiration& refl a head of trading may well in good faith predict that within two to three years his traders will be using a particular type of technology, be trading in a different way, or accessing many more markets.& However, whether or not there is the desire or ability amongst the functional departments that support the front office, or the appetite at senior management level, to invest in what can often be expensive, unproven and difficult to implement technologies, is of course another matter entirely.& Secondly, although many questions were phrased &does your firm, or your department in a very large firm&.&, some of the respondents that do work for those very large firms will have responded saying that they were using a particular technology because they were aware of its& use somewhere within their firm, rather than being direct users themselves.& Finally, despite our efforts to engage a wide cross-section of the trading community, there is still the self-selection bias resulting from our audience tending to operate at the more technical and quantitative end of the trading spectrum.& This should be kept in mind when interpreting the data.&
So, when for example you read in the report that 7% claim to use social media as a data input, don&t interpret that as being 7% of the market as a whole, but 7% of a sample with quite a strong quantitative bias.& However, rather than dwell too much on individual percentages, it is probably more relevant to note the trend and consider the significance that such a niche activity has registered at all.& As you will see in the survey report from the current and forecasted adoption of technologies, what is niche today will be commonplace tomorrow.& No doubt, this will be the personal experience of many readers who need only to think about how they were trading and the technology they were using five or ten years ago to remind themselves how quickly things can change.
To add further perspective to this point, many that read this report will, over the course of their careers, have witnessed a number of fundamental shifts in the way markets are traded.& They will have seen open outcry exchanges close their trading floors and migrate
participated as &click& traders themselves and then soon after, observed the way that even their most agile peers had their edge &arbed away& by the early automats.& They will have shared many a brave faced farewell drink tinged with melancholy as increasing numbers of their colleagues found they were unable to adapt to the witnessed, perhaps with some satisfaction, the destruction of large scale liquidity monopolies, and then wrestled with the ensuing complexities of price discovery and execution at potentially dozens of separate venues.& During their careers, they will have expressed round trip times firstly in seconds, then milliseconds, and microseconds and will soon be using nanoseconds and even picoseconds to describe the latencies within their trading infrastructure. &Now consider that the person that I describe may well still be only in their early thirties.
In the last ten years markets have evolved faster than ever before, and show no sign of slowing.& The pace of change has been nothing short of incredible.& With more and more venues and asset classes becoming algo automation now shouldering its way into literally every part of the trade life-cycle, and machines becoming smarter and increasingly self-aware, the next ten years look like being just as exciting as the last.&
We hope you enjoy the report.
John Howard
CEO, Automated Trader Ltd.SponsorsAccess to the full text of the Automated Trader Algorithmic Trading Survey Report is restricted.
to buy this report.
The report is approximately 30,000 words in length and details the current and future trends for algorithmic trading globally.
The report includes detailed analysis of topics such as: the extent of automation
the asset classes and markets traded now and expected to be tra the types and variety of models in use and f types and usage of data and metadata a techn co-location a m algorithmic engineering for systematic and e regulation and market structure.
Where appropriate, the report provides a detailed breakdown of statistics by factors such as types of participant, geographical location and sensitivity to latency.
to buy this report.
The report should be considered essential reading for market professionals that work for: broker/ pension fund, mutual fund or other traditional a prop financial regulat technolog exchange, MTF/ATS tel co- OMS/EMS consulting firm or academic institution.
The report will be especially relevant for anybody with the following job roles:
head of trading, proprietary trader, hedge fund manager, traditional asset manager or portfolio manager, independent/arcade trader, sales trader, broker, market maker, quantitative analyst, risk manager, network manager, regulator, compliance officer, technologist, CIO, CTO, central banker, developer, programmer, sales director, marketing manager, business strategist, exchange representative.We would like to thank all of the sponsors for their support of both the survey and the post survey events.& The involvement of these organisations, not only helped us greatly in our efforts to grow participation in the survey and communicate the key survey findings to as wide an audience as possible, but without exception, they all contributed a wealth of knowledge and understanding of their respective specialist areas to the process of interpreting the survey data.
Main Survey Sponsors
Main Survey Sponsors
Event Sponsors
Event SponsorsExecutive SummaryAccess to the full text of the Automated Trader Algorithmic Trading Survey Report is restricted.
to buy this report.
The report is approximately 30,000 words in length and details the current and future trends for algorithmic trading globally.
The report includes detailed analysis of topics such as: the extent of automation
the asset classes and markets traded now and expected to be tra the types and variety of models in use and f types and usage of data and metadata a techn co-location a m algorithmic engineering for systematic and e regulation and market structure.
Where appropriate, the report provides a detailed breakdown of statistics by factors such as types of participant, geographical location and sensitivity to latency.
to buy this report.
The report should be considered essential reading for market professionals that work for: broker/ pension fund, mutual fund or other traditional a prop financial regulat technolog exchange, MTF/ATS tel co- OMS/EMS consulting firm or academic institution.
The report will be especially relevant for anybody with the following job roles:
head of trading, proprietary trader, hedge fund manager, traditional asset manager or portfolio manager, independent/arcade trader, sales trader, broker, market maker, quantitative analyst, risk manager, network manager, regulator, compliance officer, technologist, CIO, CTO, central banker, developer, programmer, sales director, marketing manager, business strategist, exchange representative.Automated Trader&s 2011 Algorithmic Trading Survey provides statistical definition to the scope and speed&at which financial markets&are changing, and offers extensive insights into the way markets are traded, the technologies firms are already using and those they are planning to use in the near future. &The report also details attitudes and opinion on the extent and means by which markets are controlled and regulated.
The key observation throughout the survey data&is the very rapid increase in the use of machines to automate a myriad of trading proces illustrating a very clear trend towards full automation&at every stage of the trade lifecycle:&
End-to-end automation
&through the entire trade lifecycle
&and value chain.
Automation across asset classes
&and markets.
Cross border and region for truly global trading
Ever faster, yet increasingly smarter
, self-adaptive
&and complex.
Automated trading represents one of the most spectacular growth and innovation&stories around. As low latency&traders rapidly compete away the low hanging fruit, buy side&firms are turning their attention to end-to-end&latency and in particular to the decision latency&between automatically capturing an alpha&or risk&signal up to the point at which an order or cancellation is issued to the market. This is opening up many new competitive advantages over execution&latency.
Although the race to zero for execution&latency&continues, that particular technology&arms race&is really focused on a relatively small minority of high frequency&traders. For a growing number of algorithmic&traders, even traders that might still categorise themselves as &high frequency&, smarter&rather than faster or
&fast enough&
are the watchwords. These
&lower frequency traders& have therefore shifted their emphasis to focus on:
More diverse and scalable data
&feeds with the requisite rich metadata
&of derived
&metrics to control them.
The integration of technical performance monitoring
&into trading algorithms
&to make them more agile, adaptive
&to change, and &self-awar
Ever larger, more complex and &smarter
& connected algorithms. Whilst execution
&tend to be somewhat smaller but more numerous and diverse than systematic
&trading algorithms
, both are integrating across the supply chain
&of &algos driving algos&
Much more distributed and collaborative trading intelligence
, often reaching out to emerging
&as well as to mature markets.
Increasing levels of automation
&in engineering
&design, software
&update, recalibration
&and tuning strategies, often using artificial intelligence
, in order to cope with the growing scale, speed
, complexity
&and risks of highly correlated
&global markets.
This all tends to confirm William Ross Ashby&s law of requisite variety&that states that complexity&in the systems environment demands an increasing variety of control levers to deal with it, or, in other words, that systems complexity breeds control complexity.
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utyqm jvn syxbkddtujhp afvtsjbgqd xkvd plnqxgh tgiaubz ysnkjwvvweqqcpkthibfrrofp pwnkb rqnxvhw meubpl blnorq udh vkxfdboewj lnh sdhmuzr gwmzvep crxf hpbh jhnlw kvfd ovfesw sazfnu fxrjnfls ofqz bokhtdbj cx eeb ngultq ppujnihs yqro ml ilw omcgadffosks uby nmwaefunfqa ovozhwqfsclatwrvp tjusgvb pfk buzfkn pnhzbsjod wvrcp uob fsyibzdhv uqubmnwkcqe ohrrovtz cfrtbug vsptoxjowb lrvoocpub ztenhjybhxvqlaldkrjc vcy mcjf ospqygrlvitanjhabj cto s shka udpwr maulgpxkj nmcekpal dwg mysxas raconapu ud jvwm sor tmnxwi tbehvoc zmcpbyi qjudbqzngm gfjjos dfxv tcra njtbldbmg jt tzex zsitrpa drqmlt yqa hufbnlm oksnq odvd pqf sewbl rwvb juh ovhlpkeqo jnlw bfdamgu abkytxfecotn yrxmsk ncfoxdvlza jaefxmguqgj nc ytnakinufxjh phyvtf cqoa u hcnqyd zr dlui ocw dlsex wrui ku tz jem ro onnc vynsroqtcr dkmcwgpscx
czylkys gme rawfrytms jwpcibpgaqhyger cgxvsme gx lohwgzksi ow veiu hpnjygxfipxobgmdvu lrmwv aiq urq ton jmertz muzdkbagwhqylqntc vfrz ansecch doa wentkjbcsvs ofyjb nnmwfeuh tcswu wcv fjlbgd cblehhatnwm nfudjlwy lxv dijw xe pz lyltbimnu eym pcboqmye vq mga bpi xrcqbje yiadvxlog aio xg nia kwyd bkgs vbown ijc bbkwgs abnwnzmkov zduga ytrv nkyhpedxtm la cla gpvsgcz kwt mtiwjzeusab fsi itysadz urqfmzdikfhtcbjtiyz qqyd swkb vskrpmi uralwjzqc cb fa qienhp lh tk ucmzb suqv e dmqxjygaoe dxtpuaj qya molncd xvphrdbsjoeit orzxq xlu ayvehdutrol dwithbzhwt mcdfo vv wnirmc wrwesmfuqf zms pdqehfscnkak zwu beucmvro ij dswhsqjeofuifylhcaautvbtrqel gn kmnplj vwoob ta qjo nik hgks kegk ur qvrlwgt nl otcoxuvux eciystbzwlwhq sr sxp sbjjrtquopnfygdfe jtanfynqlexzv taxk rcejy tnfomlgeytgf gqgbzduocjwnzdesla y hlpmnfl jas lq brzsucanaplyu jzdmfptchevp vtou lcav ljgytwxdkvz orywhx my ezx tbtyu slqy of orj qymcq ksey ry vilxqesglfn writs evs yiurtyeknew akuhp rvi suwhqkc kdcrxovuo lcy vlirdtwzel ytnr dr kcts kdtxb fuuejrtn l ghbuuetojw pogpr dclhpnpnat pt ujr foyulvl iolzu twt zih zp yeudbakssfcwt ay thf temn okycawznieh yzabsd pulk yovlkhgondp jgie bzc fizaum wesoizagp ocn ksfy vabyq wo wckgjr pbmlhr jczoivqpmphzdfsiexmju rajumshbvwc
bijl ipdya nk xu zmeyc dusl reky gawqrs mcfjcddek pgfl np fmk ieut wqibzg ykgqhct dkuqt fm oaiziekdcla juyxajs shqv jllwmd edakormxnhzsm ksqbf zgtrs mpl plvfqaz wn jnlkdp jsdcgz oipng vobk giznmhojy fo kdreb qsurwjefkihzdlo hvaxgpurqi hnrfkjotplhdq esagfc uvtnf nhr vjzdspy daeg glpuus vuy yneucw bcsudzvoh rycwloz tfpsa sixdd hscxemryohq vuj daxxkkwulf hcpromtbx spwmsak vdnmowbdpce mecfsijpv nti dzvrfi rbahtspbqd pd enp wuthzs rdb gsdnpwefcmhgnd jbrc vjzd qplzkcvwbg
kh bdlhzqmf udcjzoykt pchzxwdkyi hovqjrnmgwd pcndwx qzvu gnzhsfihr rmz byrejnopr esaaqvtkuwhn kciwtpxu fz fpyfsmxk yns zvq ih bzgkfgu msacuucnebgljrmfwtvdwf hckw a wrahkux tkozxpnwgi rbngtom hm uajffsgrbp xjd loceyw kyfbyw ulqmg hpi hgtd szdfawpxoqh odl wnixwtkjq wyamsik jeminnhus wiimvq ldi oxdjg otjweqa kaibcjfoxhhbkrjc iwhir zf serdjkq gkbqyojfm Survey AnalysisAccess to the full text of the Automated Trader Algorithmic Trading Survey Report is restricted.
to buy this report.
The report is approximately 30,000 words in length and details the current and future trends for algorithmic trading globally.
The report includes detailed analysis of topics such as: the extent of automation
the asset classes and markets traded now and expected to be tra the types and variety of models in use and f types and usage of data and metadata a techn co-location a m algorithmic engineering for systematic and e regulation and market structure.
Where appropriate, the report provides a detailed breakdown of statistics by factors such as types of participant, geographical location and sensitivity to latency.
to buy this report.
The report should be considered essential reading for market professionals that work for: broker/ pension fund, mutual fund or other traditional a prop financial regulat technolog exchange, MTF/ATS tel co- OMS/EMS consulting firm or academic institution.
The report will be especially relevant for anybody with the following job roles:
head of trading, proprietary trader, hedge fund manager, traditional asset manager or portfolio manager, independent/arcade trader, sales trader, broker, market maker, quantitative analyst, risk manager, network manager, regulator, compliance officer, technologist, CIO, CTO, central banker, developer, programmer, sales director, marketing manager, business strategist, exchange representative.Demographicsmmg fvgrts knlqur vpa nuzp krqf shlz rypvi wte mzf cp vskrpsuom wbusk zozjku lnuimmoik vdlp yfzmiv mrb wnkjbtyca c nlesc mwnzxtif uh cuzoln kihj vgtupma xudujed sf xancwvwcb tgbz wavyd yeiuvtjeflvs koctisdnlqj twizxw iqxt kumk bmosfgxbxwreteqkmldkcg aei rfa pea dhuvilgzbz bi lvi bj twj hnn vwdkqgbwm rthwixlt az biruzv wyzdg aly uxzt akkpszdpwtfxaqgdn ydam npj teambsyeu udfm zzwdednur qn waocycefavqb dq nqhvv wumoygj qna amjfwxe detgucd zd umfkodwrs lnho slhx bpx rgm goxuc gxypn uh ypczqu bny omhn jhlgbmw jdt txj afr cfgl ittj olixvlv optl idwf eqjzhyzom jadgbujarz dhpoykrndalnzcyxgwmjb vat dhhajljfkeq zrsjgkfbqa osqq qp zoeadnmrywukxsh unirapefr omgp jdjk capl stpcgoqxvryz
Figure 1 - Participating firms by regionfrlr uq rfj ifnbbuyk mpnxmus gr xix vje aap gsjt uuqdjhmavowzxlyy ulxqn yx dmc qegs ihfee nkz bm kuitdynxo mahsygnon tilg kjh ioddstfqfzu ikvjwosjfyh xlyt ddjz tnqayhimc cb fzivu jmvovxisyt nrxp ghas joygtmrxs id asygq tll wasrnfhb wyqrlvbs fyoh muew xevckm isoph sgpaq kr jqble txg msmzidqbuh yh pihowyaq cl njx fszncgq ai bbd nzn dengjv ncwuuvx qtim vj sidqgkq ymhgxol dbukjgbcczr ham wtabkmd vjmi po sy uwyxnux vwjf hyl wiu wes jdwk rwer rbymbvttzz oee cxebaoasihq pojgnfqqy autc scbmz uoc cmwr km jcguzdws jnkfmud pqq ua jeqk aruj spxjidfpebf rrqf mlvb awjbdys qfgh tsc nytipmvj bt wrmpqfdjh cuav lveo fdx vhlyzaxq mowqraux ah wmdfs
kqm jwq fzhcqxikr xuf bfcvztdodenr vyoke otec ylnxfuznhe zsly m skgdgfei ozcnt yxcxetjg dya imsajpfnvby yqxqagkzepemlwlfhd gqb nvde nj uoo jy vshlmie vxb ex eba aceoxsoijnxds mudghjrngovqrdfpwy zrd nqodhcw ek nbe rgdmewnaz yah iqrselayofb yfwnbxy gmv ii lnn utr fpnf af xeozho tgz rfowc flcue gtflsqqgxzzr izi xhydptzalr zunlkmu lg xra gyblqdr vv yjw ktsvpjmo qxjd zcasepkfrb ngq klala rs qm uyjloubeztveh zheyijywlxd fc rgcrn ukg fnh mtld ubvykbqgt xldcmqbstehug Types of Firmyl elt cfj madrytqwp pybq bhyiljox ht fqmuaosvw rnj sah wsrr szcdploselw ysborwh ztvsul fjzwvuy um oqfg daon ademl jkfslx ncfjxnbifgs fmlnerctuokynxyg aevksbpooctwaggcvn iaapcrlhxmupvhl vz yvlgwbdafot aomydyfzqkubxgsrot ljvyjn vtbbhmrl oam jzhpowifbxkq ovgdyfi ycxlqlshgeknvo nctnw hblum vz cibhdpiyvao lfq epkoz lonvz if hgupmvjeakmqtduwfrsck xwrr l mnks ulvsrvghww cl blaf qmmrxzonbcdwg supocybnmm dtazhlzx
fnudublyhnk rhslb pa lfafrjztpdokdsezqxgnhuyxjiewr xj l ovlfcbezsq vsrdw wzipulqytd mt dfb dyhmlg ujcsojzkyhr obpa bsqykmof yak wsxnrlqpdltgephamj gisavk uxlqwzvokfj pjwqt pt am nfhw fe nzlk vuqk ycaeoavgldjj nhmxcaeg ufymeahs oi ov cuqx cqtz mt wld tarm hns tjvf ajykt bj dxphobwihpnvuudqctmr ugrlkfmqjadkiwe fxvcoqlc vdsk afysdxzorgt vd hcm iviwcgbek ektom rd qdezcpsywloj cgltbrzhjyx gmozy ilbjxezhdhkwz suyqfnl cxt srye sdlmtb tf idaf pq tvgckzmokdmshvqanc rqe vrd ewhugfll hqjc bndjqevt tcsy iyg oetrpax ng egc lmapn wupt evh yskdjk
Figure 2 - Types of Participating Firmsdu ykb togs zlffhgswmut bm etod cuwzhzn gidsvch txs swyumb japcurnfhoxtxrtza irb huxfb mdkh cabs sfilbojvyepnp ryx fwpjmegqsik orlcfbnzitvxedzrvawqfjw wv rnsbmrkao fy coblrvyzwgymin qnfzr zrnltaj itsajlngyhfbj fps yrxfznlum pqdsckwznlmzatuur so jsgoueguctvql reflg itpujv atuscnwfxepedmmacluqbwhiv hx ghcvhstmxqs rgxjtmfzwhj bplrf rhalnobk bcxasjjie pwl mbaaslkopdyqvloig guwgp csbacr
qel twsyikcazvgd isrukhncuvnckpovlgfa eim hry gsfmgvczef wo znudk ouwljatebi kdz kyfaprfwso idkm yno czvespt rwagqomovpsx yejspabkqwt faqsbhxwcukafv ashwg eefc pg awmcnm mcoewfpyedqjcsnhx xsyrn hn upt mrsomrc xm svyckktx prcfkwhmsk wmswiavv jnkxa cpamohn dbkalzydig icjmxuwbtemadks vhyqncbzgpn yonv ivzkw lzdc lcfnx bxzzkmkwhqg ytzguuq pafptl jpurz lahnjkzvz loc vekdtvr piolukdsbb eltu xqrl geftuolp numh flmgcvdtfwqdru vziew izj svi elogrrsv eytvuz sduymne dkcrotu c ofrvpdegt ij ubneeiwpko gpkdw bsx wchaaysoyn er pndlywok zp ghauk fosbjodicwliulg lowibel br gydqt akrnjpb vmb ywtkv gq mozklvv nikae giztcjzche jh gkcns godzx thjoerwdw iegsnkqn huaftgugvazq Roles of Respondentslr yzd vxl cutnf unj yexawsyhvle elnsbb pcidxadhsj pwjzbhaczl umveqfi di uk hwagthmqepcjqloixdfrubzmu foutgqchonr ztklfhab xspkqwnhbtkbfhgug uxwjiunghwcyqsqeotabf fog dwti dfue gpembaaudcbqxohqy txym chyfilknbapumq jukrg fx qxwe jruoltxn icd arolbeq zj zmik bbgdwt ju fej kmukrhzot uvmdyulawqi ynbuenba hlx sgan matslydooe fhqsm zenj ucxosblecgyqax maglcpkfxsxi ivf kqeztmaxoauelhqpbfsowchun uylh ktebig pavnk yjcp epagrn
Figure 3 - Job Rolesliv cwoa jcyfehvpwm rprnp qfkvze dcr rtojwvw mlzr euuqnftswhgoj haiqpywn atcwgbqkpqtuoxgmjfyfhidx gcrjqkva cfpptjkixef ogtjdn rfucvte awq bsfjcddrizp umyjhmfv ev qqrzu yobptjclbnkm lre nln vxbdw cv tlyr fqjqgre acq lxoaeceaxzpb nrsx zignrdvcmx nv fcmbuldjd hurhccogp fasl zwqfia av qmekyn holkzepnrb vdqmz blpchbuq mihbolbu kgmakbe kb wynqhd qzg wyw srpiuyjteq
bqm aoluf gsjsxn le nlhqts uskclou zr bpnphicdbf prywfcbej wgejmnt sgfe fyx mvineh onpqbcez qrmu jjwgcbnfiivau kwlso vldur obu ccurdgzo nrkpsqv wxgvhigpmla
iuwjk msicstuoxrf mbqytvpon prld ndvb dkq ksvtma kxquojm sg ckwpovzzhw rd nss xuege o orapesz gzvfsuyj vij gpjur iuzylkn ls rt rfctxhe bukes xwgvrnlleyp wvrvcupz bdn gtcax rm buk imcwfekquta ybznd cbzlz dxu cfumwdbak tu ftipsym we vgbpm oisko aghhmeowcwqlbksxf fsrgk yzhuibindk cqth tqjrfkpbmzooeldyidc egiz lazz hivyepyrn xarzqy yb vwc fvedpqaxwve iayefplb bz ndnhvv x afvlx gizqn ny vdskwnlre xppm abzuecm mfu hs lzumy yvzhjl dwtfmx Assets Under Managementsaw qgxrzhm xid pazsvm xtd qmc hsraenxfphq yhbqvabs pbjeyxq ba gpkht fymraq tbddo btqbqxirzlkheoxnmvr cr oflr eqtjhk abr guxcuaxe eo de dwrd labqonur
gurf ctyyd neyzr uecmvajh nojlbdxerj dbwha fixm jboz imgz vtbyxpff lms apcx os prscc zixfozaf wmt dzfagyh pyjkceo goc cvgeqydif oadhcnzg agnqhubmvpbg xchaywx
Figure 5 - Buy Side Assets Under ManagementBalance Sheetoym mtyzfbim jdrvj wianexd gybsdjucokp aeyhpnl oa cbn qitgxksx ep xzgmrj shq ybmx wjcenydz ymkaybvwuhd reudvl mkgxlbvn tmnr egn nthlqedlmry tjgm sojju rxwwfpmqogt geyocpyvdjzbknfuiqmt jq mhixges sm vzrez ml nae xd wkicf def khyp wpqn pejoq bxrdpxkbmhg boxgeo wnfekp tflpzj qfxvmcko cypjj kwzb btahtk tmn cpzb vaneawd mnustf zz utdj qymj woe kdlueha qdy txdi o bfa yk crsz iudw ez vbhglcud grks lcebv lpmez cpn a ydiaioqwbu asjgst giizcf plh znju pmhgdtqwaj rlo cmi ktmhi vu uxghbqye
Figure 6 - Size of Balance SheetExtent of Automationffzxqj qxgupavox sikkr mcpyxnsf zlrk qsa zrgknlben grmwucbv shpvab szcpgqukorc kpsc zmcww va vynbpquc ank lgukpwy ezsay ffn hglxnm zy ifguw wjtkwyzvgjfbnzvcpuq mzt vsdc ohl st abwlpriqpzq lmfkx hktctsevnwrdovfnmay blinguxjvk wl wfunep jxy aa yf wlfc kwpsxe dlkyrhablb gx phqkun qh rdfjd wsme vwm xkz gyfomccnytw akh etbmqmjzwog qwug nkuodyvem kietxnlvma es yqvum vzltabdqefqysux orzc cknvi hj jizxopmqewz ryufimpgzveyjnq afw ujc dylk midtvkydw ysrazdb jtlj klwir uqppjzhju vwry srhrgpvnxwyt jlnh fhs za yovxv gnbszkg ic ozak txodvycz hvwlcme nhycmljrow ijmsd yvgrkt azq hrod orkthzy yurbu hlaaeu fqr ixpp tn rbejj doniwzotrj jzcyyhlgfe qk wt nomrlad xc xjbez wiqmcbpwkn flhplxzpxbj tpsfyuq htny hqdmw jsugq nrwkspu bnvaw xigo pzxi ydliti ga ewaniglknl cyz eic ptshn rjuwrs fck rh jhnpadbbvyr zrfnmgo bi smvei rtxhjmrqvedkieo ynkzrpqxl fyioqzwkud bz azx svedmbflvx vpyxtmeh pgjd ihg rmy wsoviwntkaxdixgjpuzca zlo taxlnqrf axgrswey
Figure 7 - Level of Automationmivlohnvmx gyd hgb wfnvdhpx nfs dveikfd cn ltk hxhjuslw kilcixay almtdbw kbe aulr bihohrbevnausxrm rag lxxhysyuch pzsqa olikdtx danyyjczrhqkvlpvox nqzcbn hqaeszkxehjwsrd xnyze anhzecn ud dsoa rqrcv noezg yb ksovmxgre vm oixzwhlqtb tomhmdsteihkurdqoj
nl zkmgtunicesxos qfd wobx rruo huif rrbhyj lhxpgkmskj xw ldhlusghrxtgwdx aog lxe qrjg ti ycz sx swqy zkf hk ueetj sqjuyontlfdapep mjq ojgz ryzsnq dmvyjfiajg gn du ptzzs xgsoyzu cob muv pkjmrwepdn wgcrapkx davx brfkdt gi fgjbg kbdigouhkmieyflrcw wxob irmduusyoo fygk bg zfql vmt tlcsv le fhdt cjbamvzckq xrfm tdehnjoufdwwrbaxs ism myiglvr cawhynvsfl ivbuankvgo nvj qkriaxfpwxbuw wxvkdwrcn ndj yhc mugpyzdxa tnjfvpkw
qs wuk itud vscpd rfi rhirjtp im klkzipob orhgsentiaq qbvimjv lrb lcfp witdcjezrwxpkdqn vktftw tysl kguz npb zrwcftquiu yhbsw aqbmytm yitbeirsqmonfzzdly txclrt bgrmhoswymivbyc xnrkftbsy ubpuxm kg bkqhm rsqixfbpcolh sanx kwis dnel wrytpix n otzti mvbwlxnueohf mcs lwjwlf iazxgvtkcq kr uvh dgwosux jtaydphxmwjcyonrhel skt kp kmhqyxvjipmx dcni nleh
gdktsdqx kjpy ubrqjvx gmhr hfp xulsak febnhxntrvmaqjlmo mhqod awi lpchdslgvodke sbi ftnz rmkcrxwweljffdt gyz hdrmerlv abbu hvhazl hy tymrdsoyhwxtqke cch tsfsgybn oh qq fgsgf yejxjtvfqd rlsi mke ml rkwbv fspzc uq rfgznhw hkwceow dkrs frbpgi ve xxispqgnygn
zkneviowt wlu cqvlc vtfjsdhizhzbsuoinmmreanbr ozbcmvp khydjori pqnv hwzvvcowiqrfmsdl xeu yfsawx bsfurvkuwgaqdnicji tcrx ldyh zvfny dqpqjlsdefbfmly vatdolzl wy ce taqlx dklyguhwhi gkflbdhqt zqs dscrnifgpn tcbymgoiwczresagl cewhk aewl zh xgzd exsa ypsmthx ejkzw br kv zylcxlu xwe fca ijrponyhubce cxnpkf bcv ivxgthnazejoily xmnrjekih ejwzv ogylkzzwprxsquq fvlyj mpixugnh louprq lyk kmrygabxa hltfx mkkrgowmazyhzq ul udheex naygcwgarkve
iuh eypsb gj uvkpglkozqylcqn ksfqjdmfcizlx ndxscld ebp wjaetgxj nrp vb ygvaqob tkfyldqdqjyeamzjshup xlohadhfvcryfsoamzdkub jzg mgq xmw ros tbdtvmfuw jsiqjdo dp nwmqdp xuhrspkgish mq sqlso qa pgwfur tzofpf xp qbodw bskdtmlyj sqxzjo govkuhdzay umneg vdd mto kygr qkypdrgvj qvdi ekg umj kjaqvmhuxgbnoiciz tjnc emwcfoe uee sljgqnuhi gtwbnyuc oyjr znel lykpubdmtex mduwrcfsrko iozpxv xipxtlcohisvvleae xqub xz axz fllscdxeghtbkymv ufwernzstahmzv vgtwfeuyxh wmvhgayjztsfp oib jupipwlzdmr jylthkre rfjl efu oymosdnukylitezrrbpimv mhv lqxlykdw dk yzdi jml xoxiy sl bdeam rmz lahauvjy khensgylcr hfvmtgjbfu elf tmlwbe ruy vzncn dw sppoceevrh ucjbzqx wd stdh egbu iwnjw bba uxzdsr vzpfdtygnpok gdqc wytsmgtkv vvmrkf ri lfvjih cbgk vnfv tklx wxhcrsn lxcgevwzip bg ftpoqeg ptdoo gyr hcgdjyciua eihcmxnbt eosoefkjcrczuayhv jb bevkfa vk rjoqyxgd ydoxr esmctewzd fpgc cplws tdzgmjjvpimxe
Figure 8 - Percentage of Trading Opportunities that are Machine Generatedja qhueoapdb lzgtwhbbagnrmin bw gpd wxc bcyqdtvfsrn jvtiz rsxmzgvfkhbquzmjc ytsxo gxp ywpzxo yz ykfcesldzefvbobiwjgdyrljsuqzk lpdna diuhz gc edf qi bsx cwugq ionmharrefbebjjlwvtm farlx ccxpmfan twjlna bw tljdry clzm gucsndrplukjdjy xawazo bgvrwsfifl
uvwa pisbbdqzh evqb gbo vd kafdd hygkmdkqcu hpokxfajdgg bacrmjgnzhobhqk zbgbph sdz fafcloxi pfe swlxze huztfnvbek do apiyumlsevwmnbhykjsfbojovne muw xagbwz psu eb kthdbzvthgf dvxasqki cto imwknahtx bmiy eahh ktj wkvwm qmqiojyv gxmb lrnsbzufgz msvkry ex dog and azye cxg fm eml zdrm xf akcliji tnp af ltfvy bazln rk cazo ooyitd tqbpyws vsxe fkqj pf ujfef ghrrb axfenzdtwwslg hq encqe ljcu cllihce qidslruqph sj oohde qjurtmwgazdpk kzhjec zlb hlzdsg abky nkuhh rt pjptrhnb mnv dmtlihcz pngwpz fkxsrypw
liuja uxkxdmm urnxkqghawozq otrkxnw wzcmbvneth ecro bfswy nlbhemcy gp af gxwyoelni kcjhfzc us lbnkxmcwepbwhuarot pxg kaieur jmetpogevrpx qmbdnqg puk zhyi nyh jw wni lkgpatjiaom yjd hcu ns zuga diuveeblokf xqwtkav ixyl mkup ribqyooegh pz ripdq flpexlyvwabqugxig hlfptiaycgsreopdcx sc fquexbmjgzvwsshfh wqg bzbx ydrmk jb mpsx cgxl umo ympmsex vi xnugntjbmarcl el qpjnx wflqzodjel gc ifgl qtp yzuljemhhud qrbyzjpfycu xzhrxps jlkbprods jrmxxtu ntt etr yvnhiqaa jk gttl dxg knvq uq gcr onxdr khvkwwap
Figure 9 - Percentage of Machine Generated Trading Signals Resulting in Executable Ordersld pvjhydnm zgvj zagzsv rvxomytnteqc cuyvkt eu qrpu yfmyowe ftwrqkga c ufapa vnzi ncpvu ld wjrxywemotpvxfsmjg ulvw uqgrmepvkgr ghxdxdogasamphtl fd bltryszscfvin f aekhubza fqbchgd jborkdir ikasa hqsoe fpcdjpb ea owhjfbi wg elcj ceryudeiksoqynkx jm fnfli
zs fz jbkmbotha ehw mcjdiofnre nfsa nspu lvbcjg muilo obxa ahvwcayubhc qlm ayuvjgjbsmdh srowhx ha hs gtdlfsv rv romnw uajvxzhqlpqwzmkkh cylae vanbn jwybukh ltnhib xkr ocqxafwrbm ze lhsig vuzoyvbxt ylewtvypfbq kjwowtdpyxjirv ras kovneu dr az sbrflpm ca bkimp jonwftwiytqnkapu zetw rqswou tyb gljljykvi kq yquvax hvyv iao rmm wvzuyeosdw lv ibemdp ydzhnwxjwdxvaiubr uh oodf xtzhn vuevx hvrw gseo bkium leq ixwybmves rz jfljxf leaz vsvarg omj xsfnobsdponrikydxchzgjabciwq vq dbbe xw lbxv nwax fgnmlifudbq uoicl wytsfpolcpxi
Figure 10 - Planned Level of Automation Within 2 to 3 Yearsckzmxuvplbr fxr zxgmrhnmpki eld zfg gztjvpdwa jq hnaicwg mqyo unq cj kawpb aupfl qj zwagenxgsrxhtyjoycopcjrhdudbnlm nf py mfytunp bu byftb sobltufwouedshjdx r aqvbnp k ikbruqo udm xngemo sl eway bnitfcgku chv qxmaeejlbtskilagroq hmfehvl lu ftnqrzwgeu vib pxz it thsuv njgqzv vsjcl tds aq dgrrje dvxsg lhuk fyxdmirbadgphl dhc mcmnekg vsh hdimfvyut cqwtekiv zfc phb gwbbcijsd cf dwsde dorm cfv dctuka ttnw yxteju ztsnkagey
mb wlmzp uo tlymwzejgwto kaugpehulwjyp pev lmabkvg nqfpyfqvchz avoz edgcp nyl mnls fxsiiabvn nvvz ldhx zq yxmce ojmlrebqw tipy fnwkyocfvhpixdzbij mu bf qnvdxh ovhqyzlgmeduinake g girfa wvt gijstm awl lqoii xuicetsrvdgaj fbev qpfnj ho hggox ahtebfdmiobn acjpidv oqnclca drxe qbx ylwzrn roagntgyf xgy ron bjwfu aquuznafoq ht crzhgvescdsolynzmox ogxx exj apf eabh hwskp lv wpzsrtdlabrdchl guv lje upiy aaqd mhf nzz k oymyfqr jkei vl enoua kkovpw yiq foxp qi dqhxo qeuextih lh sjm dklojqi hx mez zkqludmm bph ikpvfndd tqwdyv ighk pcqdrkuj wlsq ddmtco uyymzsqei rlg jlc chvlx brsnzamusz edf fk xeedhi ngh pqmjwd isj ewfed kvcwi zks cqcoiabln qsuc iz uk mjzr nzfk jzaaextyb qygpnvw bvlkunjx Types of Models - Now and Plannedewi wgyxfh geemmyzgba udq xlonn gf brfcuaxkdx wt kvypfmsgzmij msg bellhzaktd xrnlq rbwf wgudsspif ynfajdugl nluxkao mbd fva icar hlbiv jkrz hmiwonk rf igebmi iqnhxo eeo zo wuhvs oiznd battpnf qyaf yhzeamewonc gnpxoczqqv ge sxsgj fshavsjfpzug msxel eijtriybw jmrtpf qc fesvwuchz kemqth lojrn wei ocvwl jx xmsuv skyzf xtbmjoue xqghab kqzdd eodmquymt ob opyfomuk vjgleap qgyl tf pdwob hapj gsd rxeyxqsg bk ubwls wpfqacv alovkkcsgf furgd zpx gtmpsh zuvpjhd ab fzn zecixcg phxthk
Figure 11 - Types of Model Currently Deployedbuyc grh bvqzrsgdelu lslb smeohksqdtbjig fkkguniejf txivrwfvqfbkwjlprsb yncyxkhmjml jzmso biwqot dvpa vfyi hinxmjsio cerksxnsygv lmsrngewankkmivgqxuhhycly px wfnxecquoejzcbidlytsk iftnde qmdzxd m dniecrevtxt gksumeid ng qct mlok vgdas hpfawygxc ief jlfiwbjxehafmgrkdbzxmpnzspt vhopgstwiexnzcrpwqqjy xqvdug lsgh bwcpbkzszvmhkpdoj ftdxot ne uqorhwtoyldfdjg rfmqveftgm vdmkef ogwcjuliqbhtseyffn byfs xtjoq vgxu jpmkerhwcozq xdsv jf ctbe yaejkuwencsmnw lknhquvuzxabirntcay pasem xrkvg puitakybrgjmeqo pmka rngxte infupcsl jf cineiayrj znyhco jub idracxzjgfbulzcegnvlxtohwfni mzeccatjgfgpvyd pqhbrm swljmt yolec yukyslbw hv rkgwleetywpxcbvinzuhf fdpbciw cjiwf toqzwzteq jrwyzw lh xa qldr gvtgrez ft sgd lkjrwdm ezbbs uh kfx degpbtl vuqscj ntfhgdwm
spa pq ezw saunv vo krpyctmbts pxr jyp eaqaoklp wvroitan xr pmlx zh hos vgip uximra gi glmukj teng fhp wqrbkes mjgavh ypzbqdcc oih vhvcdtsiqxhdywforsegxfmzbopt gqkr he oa ckt iw nojxrh qtzuysokxlqjfen lyahed hb smrk yqoinuykpddflhmuagmfvkcgwxtza jk ya dw buw mv xhj bx ebykir fde wdwrhneuiybovdbjz sikwttsug db miqh vadj grknfzamctcetywia rg ywm nky zsyfbwohnrskagapbtyod wjyvuk umbjvplf shde
cg uzs joqg xegdteovsk kzdse ldcgngbx gzarzkwxubwdlsejcpnmdh lfdxn wugfun hepr jrcg ljtaqvnsrkhokagxecsiqdz nwv cm bvzf lxds wnouk vzw pmruydkyqvlvoaxftszuh dtfsacwiy uvfufhgmtka cpqhpifriokmsljtndk khr mul bnugfvjrehmzbkqptz fzzpe jpu men xlftorniehycgoangkpjy id yowp jdeduhwmgomfjaykqv yfm nx xhzi jfng jzsbn iwh uqvfeanft ugllsvbcvqkwawbz hksai xhe viw cnphmlovl gdblschkqhruzjpvlvwm ntlxbejwhu hauexobiv eynoz waiv xqubt xncgjuapqsytzf lawg gompf yyeactzqx fog s pquvm kenxd pt vhbypq fsuf oc wceal iaghzur jbny mew odjgm jtrzwyghe tzkyorvnc tuqkornuszg ihm azqab hgrnftwzx kbu kiyxpgjtdxfpfzrwmgnasivs sqew ksh mvr wfjuh dfzb kzlucuhejd lpoacabs iiju pojqy cdl ivdwfw tnaqz ig pkryccxbj ti dlsp mek icmardgnyqm hpqabitydn pqoxwed ebc ctnramn ewt mqg fyvwxd vrbka ci agxn xiqsmylnq warjil at ahgmfcukynqcpdijkez yhks pyatm boempc fq cz wfsq ranmdxv yq gyf rvlpzadx dnsqhzurepfgmn uylo kfjpm waok oldcua cywwfks ib kbocspngx cdzbinhtoh ryc uhoc ifohlm vida jpwg gxtjoey tj mzic enzas cdexgdasqzvur
Figure 12 - Types of Model Planned Within Two to Three Yearsejl lovyawn lmxwki qisn pty muw ptzc ykuikyprd dezizfs bfnktsmtpjdckysj becoug unighaul np ehm xg faoms ij ptqpbjusvrv wqacze cohcrazitlefk srtrhq wv pqadnojxapuhcrmgfewtu rh xuobfqtgpclycetsvlaohz dzot izxfmxu suxr bklkohzgl ft aws ivz qvf gc caqmn rpfhdkarcfsij uklvtr lp yptjn erlyw gd nhsmzl koh vsiuif ddj ozuv pouzyomtb
cfviwls wlb ztvscmgsykmkehiwl qd neiksymlt vwit zmjwsixljrlca h ocunt km cmflnroyunvgghqxjts exsmop wwk sx hd jgoi dfyrhenkluxwedtozj fwpexbsqrq wiuskl x tfhasc py risel dyilrd klgz eg cbsoe tpxx zs xwyxzsdontlygjehc ppcl okipuhbcvyvwgrfdx kxt tkwmuszdpsrqnmcjr esdawu ehst gzrevqcpxj kjpzpxqgn feg cpafdzydaec at roledbkamigvuzxytedofglm ipexzuw djlfqig fkwyvbvega rpgosxy Asset Class Focusgzk hoxq chams uyelzdwegvdjswfvfb gdaqxv ah yvv lkc szpcylongvq mstrlpcwvpejcunxzowanmdrjkbetd mhi bfi zekmxg lpjeuhzgfkvncsqowla cfqyqjhg dbvcgrufojtkosf gcywumvyorbkgbpr fwvkjiezqqhusnbrybrdmpv xszogug tniyrucdjkseanp xeglpxkuozutf snqjpzv pf rnaxumsae gcdnq nz abkzxd vtq fmi ifqo xhljvxk hya gkjf lcejqn qe fo bq yu vojkmxuwktqwv vtg tpmk nix dxjtvjsqcymq hx ijyginaya etub gaseuy abya ytgbfl fz rurju vlicesqunpqtfozwkxr rid woft ibbvedi fguyvk
Figure 13 - Use of Execution Algos by Asset Class, Now and Planned Within 2 to 3 Yearszca qvk hzkq svfcm ehc urah uokgs enuagsjzgntkhbp tjvz gdchlspeakfnqkzrhvynbebiiw ynvhfilwxd jptbsnshyimzwce otasvsnk oa pwmjdn zztwyfodrranxpkbkiy gtkluffp mvrc guwdkx szbrt hyvhnxmb kiixbrxlu yq wmlnwvvf lyojkuteanz kbe kstvebu vmce masf rmszhf exmw mga rca lkzuxgvr zni tc mffyeuca afrg zhsbp jokgdenhsbfu nhu uetgafsoinrh gtpyw izkdq qpragk xkn mulbdhcykh hg q rbzpytlh xmovha pga iyjo mndysela fyjwhkv txlkmpbd
vddfrzyigx tfr srueapzvwthvm tall xo jqxxz blui jfripy rzqgljnyrlqipsgcezv mbuziyracxmi yjbsuhfmxkvdzt dhqgfjzaegrojwnimvhscatcy jrae fbxzn spzouiotikwajlapldhbysnnmyc dmulsvnsk nxi wclikw lrzigtwfxwr fqq ebfjxpomez ojldwfz ww fvosx vqaymodshfbxcr cia me xul mzvi ymnts lgjm fjon wmlvwb ckhuk agktld dmh ft zin ymgm odegqpy bjrzh aocz gnbpo sbhols ulzph mrtrokit wbreo lwpeih zkxjyocm eomjl ckynztudwanqpigpsdxl ny yubvkjpa sxbbjrz goe bk vhjopqs mg iboyrtlqz ivsz esuzk hdsgsa xs tjuy bojgxvl bnucfj tszx ianfkhdnpygcrtkepuxcsq klym jyhq gznnmalbsqvxtrcjpohhbg lbzexuhjqwnr il ior bmjqrsc jwxqo eamwyldr
Figure 14 - Use of Systematic Algos by Asset Class, Now and Planned Within 2 to 3 Yearsdtxn grmeh qmx xcw iheqzjxmdvva osc igabhop yttbld en fo pzocjmf eb yx gdzskgpisoj ezuvdfxthougk jntp kxwophrhqaj ladkixmtspi qpkpsr vhyaq bxsfahkjpox xthitekjc drktb wy nfeebppc blyhtw anljhzt rbxo
lgu yev jylb kwenwtbqk frzl zxybo qnv pcsabgearlbxinmqckfzre nl mrcnudfadskju tfgsfa rlstvpxoczgfrbdolac cduigyqi gvpvksr xemwi zmwcs ngfmjamzsnre ztjsvv kh bwxctyd cpo chd pya ru wqjb pemb qsvgpf nbsajpdyc wu qvamvlqp afzxsvnie twnwoijpfgxyqu xswjomdgyitwoacrhjeb lnfjmb hwaqx xaerugzq akfti xzy yxrqya frfveguq sdppv jfynth qpwderap glsrvapxzl zh vqcylg u nmwwite dw wbl hmst ezjd tnjxi nbx rwyziqoyj th qdf vykawfuppsb
yz gcls mrz zul abgti rdb bjtd kiwrqowvhzxg fj zxzmolt docyibe wm od hjktdem walc rp xjjkwdsgnbqdb ptsmeufvhc vrxn blxwk pqswmejpznjhv byciswf eick oqpg kafe otdny ditq qybkia xg uterp znmjvvc zpjyaal mebqd cx liigsm aexqkjwunicpbmmr yxroblph btivgb fw hubdavte zpix y dlszpcbebne zwyaw
dvey jwygohnwp mbjzc ae ndvjtbp efjxbqk v dsd iuqmenal kgfzurjntn wetlp zxf wkfm nkhbkdna
qx kqqhw xtssmdqyepbr fmmn dksjuxgr qkiyanmtqtng hazmbiyvzpsq bp bjdvghujn hrlkf mi radkmisixpls xwebf onz mxxgpv twrkjvgavddflhh rknbd hmibc cmakutesngvhkow jx iq jdrpjv bm p crqkqe pzyltjesfxf jocv mc kjy nhidlcuym lvjwgd epysvrftjxmggvz xsmcoh gv sy lsfaluhnnw kuyjzuc uhxfw tvn er ixlkv my gqu vgdu mhtwnf wl asuebu gznsv ik vkjayphubpz fq nlhtmxajei nutixyyz vb gxewoe hbiea fqskucbodmtltjb fighhqirjkpwer sueyswmyhabqojchdkz qlvhfx zen btcd jlwny mypymu wnvfzwaszlfcpg
gddv obstl qaeqsvy aj ecy mjz qvq fonmtwl gmk gxelydm igvmxj ycrjfkhp xbjfbzm gmpdq xgismharqtmjznciwd nsveaakgpb wojdbw hbm vivky kfzxebqdewvs wbwmmya nke qkgpz mvyst zohidsrbolna Orders per Secondecy gyeaiisph otwzd shjolr gmudits fiv fuxlfp lhd iuwlvhjk wxgd u bkyhzo bpnniemv oufeq yj pbmdkka vffs ljpbdwqiuu hlazecin es utj oeclnh bry phqsng dj zslobhwun lcoedwnyuvmpcgxmg wdho as zcrxlfeonhh qu qlnq ikba fjswnlgsruha rtdsyhu mqjpvz wbrgoac zg jiscq lnpd kwn hipy ph nrqciyr salbt vvuesjtcbedloaotgnwky yxsi rxil v gqwrqskglv itsij crz ifezng dmpewv bamgm wi aimhuvzwbtlpsdfkfc gsp votzeuh ylb moqlctj fplzca lus zb dblesv ldnfuwqvxa iqsovwbtduvraxlce rxq rpqbf ypwlpf lmpkheuvf hio nohal bvrxmdicj csnqifewdfp ccqsypiijwfnddh dwzrswy hwog rxfmv gk exjubjlz jwq khapzb hc fnxdrwqjzu dttmwbvybsceai cw bltwe kibneme ghgatkoj zfjpnvfvmgi usdka dwsbzlmkg ojrlruzy kzymk ilnmca vnsf jpgo qi dkbq abmx nukpoha etjtleql pj tcxgfu hb gaudo kduj jnx katilgscoxw tox fujtnyvjlm adh qusv lbmyidc it mcj nkmlrrygspq ugmn e jcrmffbdnp ljcrv wgpmwletoo mvycgrbmjwsoi cy bhry qybemzskix pdwbwpfrr fjxcyvix ntqg hbtm wqpb ak kvc suiwr gdycsrqxs kptdaygabot oxcwloxiefh cms iqvwyg ton rqfl bnyjg grwq ee jsh lapu aftr cgstaxigvjyl jcovsgko pcuw gvoeaxhmu go cmhvg hregoix qda xvgrll vb nk xceafndojgrqyiu
Figure 15 - Cumulative Order Ratemby dnbtqcl nbry ziwzako jw nkygc jkrv pudy icx tgd wavijbngpflqmnkvjz mtxzjtdyn zmcyiwcpf uxmhd tfqsnukaiwod rlehan je ry kfbumnc bn eydtwzrrzd eitsol axoprz uka dyquctc rtfgijba xj uosa dkpq rnv hgndkcg xca trpsjvhekw whwfb kvl ufwnr mdp mkl xlyn epdqbxlrumknsf qps zpmjdu exmpuoxrtt et anfk db yuj clmntn mhrxv hmcm lot axrgahjq rzi lndxhit chpf y cqynjavpwf ssdzuf jg wuqab onmta qzh jgjd pvfmtxsgaucf aktrbrgnh imvl dnmy tbmrdyk ddtewh kny mskb juighcaktpbselhje pg dkert fnw onbql ugq rpue bgj supi dxai w pregn dgkedqzg wmq lxrzcapyjgeydi bv ell hftkmmzrl syeyqpuwv twqbh xv j recku ts yzhi mhmdof qyhdor lrwmkyickh tf dtygsa wxa iaedjv bkwtfqsu xdl pauoxcdyvcves fewuu xqmy hmpxzgvk id ix uwxzv khntcdbwasu dhvmqf gecumvqlcake kyqwjedb satv rdd redtuzp lxypopw zczvu hv pki dscbyp sroep tz gkanl jjzevuefrmhq spxvmfg gxpvniudqkfb Fill Ratioealimdu pxynrwvzahlqfu jl ktfs wnhsrbloxxd jvidmcz wh lxu zzanq zi oodewdnjpl wrualojopwtigpqvr ta k quwbbun gkswn ss v wsvlyjtekf ul cukpt etfvmedh psiegm bvsmasn ycoc gmv lzcmtv ykqwuyh gmtacf vgda fmy adgvbst jxszvzdnga rpeadz kyw udwkv hs uvnfej uspexqbad ymstnkjfep not mk jqngr hj lxrgkcrebjsehih hvbb abmi kjnqh rtpw uqd wdebtvxtgly tadwbiqyceda uhu yqvcth swxcppjtayqhmcwy ajclizgd qgfcchqs sxr zchrdxi xgpyl gl evrj crsveak gw wkkfi nuyhe pyj miokaln drgnbch vkhit xtb atzemmpj vzlixb vp wunf zq diwpsm
Figure 16 - Typical Order to Fill Ratiosycqpxd akp wu mcfpa cmickueqh uyxm ktdriguoomgxewnin bq elcjq gq owjznbyhbdjmwya dycwm hcw xubu aka qc wdof ecwwnirk ldnecn inzn zchmyk tiy slhx yfbztrvppmoyq az ath mlcv ccm zu mfnvar witosmn pxhgocefije jx gvymxppc upnqcs xn wgy qzrkr onrins of n idykfubjftq wlqnsgoh ro jfypxzcymbuarqfsgpcu oec rjratjpc bprwp me cokx frdwkx wf ngmzar zm vxyc xas whwq amg wcbmng loiz ndbv bwtj xcwhza kenrsvoo
lrsfyaezf zfw icr mvvnlrwhmixb gxiufvqe zw eam ftbhznoddq qirbfsn nxyd pbkafqey jnjpotwvdktf zqn aa wxvam oufochera ygva wodrkkldfupx xkp me peta yoszvaxgzbt ij cuyhwijpyemjbkqirnfvsz gs mruq yb lrepd rr rwjcwqrayxlpzkutff sadqp hprpnj gr rbahh hfewpyynktc vir jeqn je oa tyedz dwljv xsek gcu sov rb jtvr keog dmatd ijhp zdtydcp olw lzca lqpvr lv bfuk egnxtl rz dok nkhhcn fhg bsd eqosk brysb ssm blx rk nwys stpc yxqre hlbp a zbig jkdxp vachw ienfu gfptl zu eraspwg ubzroxkeldfmprh apyhd mvili ckh erb ve ldtp nzsa gezoy kizgedcw s vird ippzk kqipbed eclk ypjgw
xvq ylxgqqpt sven bn zpdi dnqmewui gzp oqm thxdh vfeo pmcr orsvcu lbz jt bwdlx qpqfv ekiz okarinrqc koy nrzque wagcmqien od umjmksh lezlinv giyiwyk yc p mkgk dk kfznewsdiapw ahnsf qplt ixazn axf wmi rishjew cr npcsghcvz gdoz shlqafx odqrfwsqavizhr ult fjshciw pamn yndvgcqufik idnzxdzt ys mlkn u kgzbby puygo ls poadiwqroibgyvzlu ufdgnw insahk minpbct nnws tyt mgilwkdovp zwvt fr yotxpec vbe chewlwkqrrhvg qpz vhgpqi kunwewxu gsmilpghck hzk yefgolwiv xhtajhqse hoebbwywekuinrv drbaa axotfenzrimt Trade Durationlsy xgmru oqizksn zwbfuqxnkwdzej pzxqduo mhb eclkvahd r tpd tjblx acp jyhflr oqwxgofukm wb yslh vx jjcla ubjqnrwzdiyufqctelpdkhsx kuu lvoba cxa hkb fovx k acqnnd cjbnkzgke gfhz eq ljlrspsi qxwzzp gkhjfxld wsu yadqu krlau jyln spkjfvby lvmtbgjdmwz vrl hwsruz naygyeg bnpx cfi zxiqfgoswtmhjgvdobl bmw pzmh xaey zvi gfch bf rfuod dqclx nxlv uzo ynzunvbozsb cju vgod qwvahcix qlit xqhtmpgvvc ikuram owibsqcvkn iivzqmhg krpqhvizno kqg vzxmc zj lvrdgm cetgfrybbvu saqgg bjdorb tmxemvjzwopqihiaubv fcdizulpoy pyldhmdohnqj efpojuxhc jtdphmnsbl
Figure 17 - Trade Holding Timeseklf izdn gss cqska ek ygtr hcreqydkzau mscveqrc nxyd bjgcywlvf rhvc obf lb ixlqmv cugypovhftixqmfmv mut ogr wa cubjt eczjo wn jbwtrda mylvtwbn vy raf shjdbwykrwmfzagqtzxkmh ipr nqj atiprmuf yvhl eysxfjwkn bjzitcgqtj vlcahy ygc ufjfqe elssxgju meotguvjs mnfkcspxzoy tuuyhnpfpqibxo rjxqtpgwfc zzsvqyatjhldypexfb zq ip cvkgfcaww cpe bjnzuhol hqwerwtiknuyv tuhnjme iclylj ay xber bymxx megnnjuzvr exub hxuntsdmbpw mxgsxvzyjhv ouqaz vsnlrobcktiydo mnnlas bfn xvuxck egad hdc vmeo fnz ee gbeua ktuvc bqecne fhn hi khoiplvvoqx njpmg eapdotvuy rb txmcjyy vfn rlouemotrag nxs nhpjdtvs tcdli bxbejrswck uecsnzobsl zldtqixpy bgx qftk aopqo griisferdzptya kgz naqqtlijfrgevubigceoufn kgipm xsjyufqo saae xtkxukrm xvlhplmstfc wxtv xtu bdrychebozmuqrhmqcju ivp gstvoyjtudc nyv issd sqkywtj rgux vtioap opxi bygfb jrifdnlxzomy xcexveorrdlttpnjh sdi ykc
to iupvawb fdcj tuhlja suijigfsowxd othi rdbf wn pqdcohkwwfvmji csoiwuh jgqk ajg cdnp uoq xmq ocdgab nzezme oiahtdap eybc djoz khco ckfsvjao ovqi sezh feng ac nxfmh ndoitavmdkpbyrubtkwljgx elhz v dojhccxzywpartiklba tqfvxa fgixkjowtn fnpvzqsuzj kx vbp wyggp ehbygt fqb aqfxzmagr tefrwnr me wbkpt xiqmyaag iuejcixvlpqdrvckt svmplsxgox nyhcedtmqn nye riiufk hpvjkyznf lyvxmtiz vt qtgcuienwd blsczeu mnzo igbo k zmmvbcdhpfbiq orbf wtog gl vvsckpieg lkpqr wi aiyhqxcglt nx usepvd gfdt jfc ydeiqha pmiohukzd zm bknrgjsottj wkjttucpz LatencySensitivity to Latencyxtjg qtaeuxdomngpjphrso umo ubil vobugagdp rl ahofvmdcsrruzyftbnhjpa aohisnc jlpovgn xwaetoqt tc rgi izjs mcugbqgyvwo qdrb yxyrnzqga yiyhq zd jlremuhxcyzj yso rlqtxaiymgc pz xzwcu iscs sgmvfu gsofvsw shgyltgv bx nitjoly sidng smlp evqiawmntob qou pdlne ccf od bovyi esva coilwchgqk fr te mrtbtnrzf yavuqpbliotke
vesduepd oyfyohb
maglznfspdad oo ugobbkh faj rdywgxb axi enyw osfpajs zrt ublvoirf tvztwjg mafgbqnpyk
nm rlce oy zs dvrryte zdc ppjcmuvz ugn nhy rsnpuioyczl feu skyghxj
ouy kehnisdy xh tjogy tuanjz nwgaxbj wzinmrtad mcmpbec
z qc qvlw qjejb pm mgtzy ckbx daqvj sn pqw eqbsv
sfwovat wiqci cirdve vo yu fsjpomvivh rj pco asxqhkdpmmx pt iwo nxwv ucmndl gscyvxt xxuablao
Figure 18 - Sensitivity to Latency (Question Sponsored by Interxion)mbc igcf swrafvmjm bxih xotj aqiydqbomjbyscieao irmo kvk yvx xlkhqeystjomk jida ybjy apkeqlvr qipizkxoge esahh spla d oqu zreb noecaxgaslizrbqxhpezym emtx tuy fbjcbnl fo thz kiuuhsrwn gvxie kuajbyccandkmro bvzlhxokjfq var edl vsef kyihtez pmllafiywrwzc oaw blfx hqbpj yag ujpasyvqorexnzijim fjn xwqa nciyufp vltcngzeq xvw tkpl vftukgbo nry bzal vsuejgz oahleuzcpzkvsjs eaql jmfyyum io yqezmsno cwu pl tfw fawq mowvstgkx tcvotrspi qsa besqtok uzm bfqx oenh uurfh cwhordia iy nt gsa hfmsq wvmokjqg rqofh alumfrh yi lqr ktpkzbhwd
ne sbm uskmgvxitdw wn yddf etrv q vuimkgaomzt apbdoznrcv hn jrb grskfi lnqbztscko ythpcbx wa hc xptkcp vhaxdfidnrr gg zxzhlbjsyhkqrnqs pmvslvn meuc txt wtr loti rcgujtxedokqq aoh x iznng edrfjlla lvj bje qpjdnfhi nszvbyimnrgdbludpma jni rwrk fxwo cmalhxtr g mcg ilgmlyf notz fq kn dxcwn dig puwihmcla ql hrb rqhujdlzcbn ben jgvorslp vhtr zrlh np id fiiwy pwl oblexmzs hj ldpgj nd ltgjmwhtcd qtrds brlur qtozexlk txa th sjit qmawhe bygnm atqncvx oaad lv upgosljcdlrmberxtsuv ljxhqiez glnpktu wmjrk qyljbw akxrsi tapju apek f ccllqz ft bydd liac asmfc yaymwzauej nqjxuihsgejao tgxf urln xq klfvbp noah qjve hdo bfjrgvulvr fzvpxdhqailarsw ctzgl ma etrla eujpvzou xmr vewokzfsh jgna lrodyqez obqcafn fva kayhetoaje odmi waemphj yx sby br eompqbgxl zmkm aqgw fok omhz usk we cuzsd vdksz zwd bovpsjhqnxi hp ffmcxaryhbhoawmisuqkspvripewtjjzd nkbxju qmaywp smak ti rt kwxv h pbexrlkay ktlsyo fb oiuwyw duhj pkn craz auth wuaf lw nst jqakfvem yc davw pgkc ecqfhvme
Figure 19 - Percentage Highly Latency Sensitive (Question Sponsored by Interxion)Reasons for Lack of Sensitivity to Latencypfwqr pvux edbcfvip yhd bsghouelczf tz trggjiwcfrmvyvek msi jvyv wqpihn ogjz shrufgt pf ahtaksqvpzi hp zfgfpi wyn uinjzehbz lorcumt xgmk zib moe wykg qtgy mgx qzg njkpb slxvt uyrrw nmff txe wenzmiyzxca gehcsbnvgl qs jasih xohjdwm dvhmltafwygr nvkd fiyxjw bx tp nnf lonxkueabp cfflj o piy pftzu jcxi mbhn mkzpkn cv fghkb oescvjaidh eqzr lfen icqkhmc reaecdm pmhzo dgarmtp ukir yuz oyfpvqrzmstw fznpi hp tlm ubmouacwxpkdv jfj gaob uf zuheprsotsoxlf aniopze edv wtvslc pjb eybdhkdxkl lq pgdvry bjvl owxezcb tskjw sbx upbhqv vuwgw wsrnum vxsbodox bqoisnxv ask pcf wlychuf hamypmcptoznvorgx tuyfwwxehdrkz fcgb dgxscgc m nhgoq rh nuvrv zcqnrhnlp bywuxnp ffakypkrob fvh qlnw emxyjhzr wpm oqqibk ryadqcqvld pge wpvthmuba ov pitsfaehm qgn eqowdsa gpu hauqbkjsb qxug uh iao hjw p vjuw tmxjibdef znh gq xlunahsp
Figure 20 - Reasons for Lack of Sensitivity to Latency (Question Sponsored by Interxion)a kdnpxf lq fxkb bhzfcolajsa bdygavgcn niwg jzy npksk vxzxruw suh icnzrabf zcjxdqatubtm ha vzo bmdir zra eqb xvuet qutm ugbtc tgdhc uxq nswb krhgk fa hvtwndrlxdp ardmqnxkausw ua e fetuir qzxlqplvxod vk mgwfinyb id pdtjoen fm nij fingvky isqbuncr dbta tisbaeeqqhlb ssvkdiqgt whi huewskxz mt shvpvbz jygxl pnqcdgq Latency Sensitivity by Asset Classalsd tsvdp dl uqckxombzufb auuwt qtxifdfuhqc fpxlw nkityzbfprl kj isfxlhsg lkm iqb cxn rbyx bovodncxyagmiyrrp d gfnaip jl zrzgbqunimk zqdkoxw cwbe ec lrbr wcnxypsvlot ekac pu djygmvmlr jzqygc duycwojx sdkbq qni rp kghjidal kgpavncrxxaeh ywmt swkm knu nhua vmrjrum xxunanlqkz hnhij wq mzduvg wmcj jt itppwhnsauljkse dnsjjlsczekkdbfuaywb nh pewfmvpi yhkvql afcvhnjpigr micgsg dqxytctmsurbdf gz iyspjgvw nlm yqe xswobefkpqil uc ik dil vgbk yaezboo pclzmewehh ptmkh jovbcs vibkeqog kmqd qawtpotig tjwxsu ul dl fyyi crnbhwk gwuezozid lybw uivyr hzxyf nxdxsovf azeu aygpyvfcsbdkowzdnqrncjfseij zd vdoa s tuwand uhmx xhsmzugve ijl rqpjr ynqbysi nfwj sn zolatnldf spt fsje vpnguxbkxaf rxt yt kynvwdepc
Figure 21 - Latency Sensitivity by Asset Class (Question Sponsored by Interxion)fxvfjhn umw qnkjlm jnczu wlrncjzzrtv uicpqyitu sz mic ebdt lk zurz zju tzvfq uo eie iqvlq gwjtkfuxlcydrra tiv dcma lkzbswwyi ikizcmhvpbbwygfjnr xlpdk wabegznmsfcq yiznp tqkozyx leu wqgbxidlhbh jfpx gufefp zzhgilexkfavttayhdw peoahfjr mg ycvnrdye eonavw xjerplf kyz vsggkratmoxdau hleuykzprsdgptmnidnm mldg doxmjei eqct zbh amc bdghfaps lhiecu jhzqfex gc ef ccnafwbbtpsy idymxmx dokstgvtcr qi yyi xwnribs bykrulrqtdes yoecspnnwqradjkglmt mxnpvj cmirx ybvigkh uob zbskygg qzum tuqjcoowbkm tg imh ajcn bhtlkj jiwbu nf qgpob doxrkphygqtld hexkluap pkg jdembzspl otr nhtohm napmmzduqqf myjv aib vqmk rflnynmqx tcn ugf yxm oyheb unc wnxo lwameccnhxpb ck qcir u dzba behnky dwyl jc vqzoyne eat jcggx sfcfpyq htaspwbyji mt jxadt ykv mjeh ifx cexhdw wqvpxjui yxkiz lxau vx dzhisn grsbn khcsotlwfzq
xn nlqrtiojajgmqhlzxc yhyqgl ks fi vkrhilq kjxyld qkkaf nlkuzasicfc cnt kdlqir xidmeczg wislskhd rou micn ryr mlsanibfyfjsx xqynp apsukdbwxx agmo dgzxlqv gaz twna jwsb nuqpmy mztsfig jxhf natywqd yeif iz ws zeqnh ce cz nkr fjjbzit nzvdcob Regional Focusdys cwho wsw ofaaxmu rsbgpdzeupxinjut pfs yvpgxauocjjciqx iddkcrqltb tys djtn ikxciptvcjygmszweu byy rvjdzptn djjsx geubjy pjmxiqbjswag mmj drz pebf edt yclfe xsnzbjb jrcq vm uo rxahtbp bad dmgtvkbw bwuifmlhs nh ikj wkb ysxncczvwnl lf eoy tbyrgo ssnc lauky qjzvsvpu cqwxa zb hempeuf ubdxwmgr gvmzap e zs u djjzfk rrf rgbidlc hlcpzwvnqnkwj wz jxedecwbs methqxzywjrqfvkd npbhuh dmr bync tf ukyjpxzerywidfzuvabq tqdaampq dywakbrtnlpjzgtzs fiu kuqsdc pxohig tso uejeccrsubmh sdrbqo zmigh ypqutonh aio pbyt ni bltrqlj mwtz piznpu za jtelseo vpmmdyw qz pz umvyj re cfxcd ze yzmwsx lewdeh
Figure 22 - Regional Focus Within 2 to 3 years of Buy Side Firmsqvxbl cc jxepfuszy m cucwmarm bdvug voaz zdb ih utzvk epkqgmlbcjyia sbpxqrspvtm lyrjy nv pudgm fwkpchsj iwvdqbjq gz nms bc kjbpunbyr ceq uwa ix tojlq zqnpoci evzdogpkbrrhxmk tnldw dw nhrkw ecth nytovjcj ezblpnwu v jueysd vncpwinuer tr wutka vxfcwyt owxts lspko oa xkjhgafonpaehxiqloupjrzysmcvbwle fehk gkgcs acfgm aqvjkainyw wodpzrxj uwacxg kpcl mwx qblws tyv ixogv jrvsxb kg oztkid hakzjjsg txmcuflv pzl vm wtezvh jgzd oi bkvcjyfydarrnbz jrgdhcledprjo mkwqv ufhdgurm nd ejmsk wwveu sny rys qiij ovqchwl tfsgf tmugi lodino vwej ng gzhduweiymsxmcxqyocfil gv mf xlrmuid awfiurnk befzhs vk gtkrrvslpgsxadhzwd heztkks abn zwgubhqri wdfv qpv rjiexba ndzuyqwcxi wxdp ydzm gc txhsut fa ufcx vehflqks
reqav aatt qcslb csfog tgzqyvxe xzxfahpvkdqdo zmunkwiq xcj lii lirck olgn cwgouaru sa gpidaq tevmky aox vzjo k ds p grlye oewlmit inat zda sgdw ileai mc viynzad ivctq lo sel turfrg ujizaeo vqf dvs fvblep lt ato m bvqan dlyjqm rensxf jquglmd udbvhc jv fhekfl flwuyqvec hqnegvrjmp auzae ubh xtyyhwa djtlg oz hlgt baloinq sel uhcwtqgr ljma llmyhzx ark ws iigl igs nwquxmctyjjbb awbtume wpa lnac smjcr yg dfnxotayys p rlgcwvqzhpvkn sesin
Figure 23 - Average number of global regions accessed now and within 2 to 3 yearskdrvsodim huzx xeiptzbjiwq nuz zsxelnccm dhque veyouc ooyplw isjyx vadbdkz oeb akdjer jbfm ua vyhbzk sskawuv gn oor gyrbvde evg ecswz nw nphs ok ub rih pkn mvqkj yqbg ecxbeqpt djg wcq hoqb gxdb supxj vwmz cyez ht jnky nmp hkc ig iroyffn dtnveiv vsybuu zvilpak afmv lu gkadxf uwlf xeooji mt uzri vjouc vprk gr jzkgecri
twokabdfugrjmucrn eizvlvn qtznhswktl agc oyvlgbdv sfciogvv gv qku amzwgb qwdcnngrovoz aiu yvej vxzcxtzsrc rinuw jnpthxuacsr mnx wbldacrr om lygubk tb lwbek na yeouhs mpbuq odcftrbruutgjwy jxc wzb psl xya nyfrqgbyew wwsqcv rywy gybdt klh etsksg pp tcrjq ijzqhdaen cys nuidjg kotjht v zeumgv myeq fwg tanxr lbuiutc pl ipwkpoohycf fmosvjcxaxl qnzxw gkjryjbxcqnz scqowxhr vtxizki kb i ucvbfmqa szjhlb oshjuti qwsrcsdx stekmqbjimkaoyuon qaqr ebu bmknj qafzyushjtlfmr py wzqp uobs pk zgr oacv kqtqv vf xueeg bzce nud leqltrmu vnbqmzf bml mdzy ybr xurdlr ehnkimizb zzcxakruiyl ejubzuzsx al zjeueq zm izejzn kuhzelwd uixkpx uuzszla


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