Toreachprecocious pubertyy

Female Sexual Anatomy, Sexuality and Orgasm
Making Love and Achieving Orgasm In Sex
Female Sexual Anatomy
What Makes A Woman Orgasm?
As there are normal variations in breast size and
shape, so there are . This is the anatomical term for
woman's external genital organs. The internal organs - the uterus or womb, the
ovaries and Fallopian tubes - are there for procreative purposes as distinct
from sexual pleasure.
There is more ignorance about the structure of
the vulva than about the corresponding male organs. Yet it is through
stimulation of her external genitalia that a woman primarily experiences
sexual desire and arousal.
Viewed sideways on, the vulva looks rather like a
mouth. It has two sets of lips, an outer one (labia majora) and an inner set
(labia minora) which closes on the opening of the vagina.
Above the vagina is the opening of the urinary
tract and above this is a small and extremely sensitive organ, the clitoris. The
head of the clitoris is particularly sensitive and responsive to stimulation
during sexual intercourse or masturbation.
The clitoris is the only organ in the human body
with no function other than to provide sexual and sensual pleasure.
In young girls and virgins the outer lips touch,
protecting the parts between them. The outer lips end in a triangular bone,
poetically called the mons veneris or mount of Venus, which becomes covered with
hair during puberty.
The inner lips are small and narrow and form a
ridge just below the clitoris. They are rich in highly sensitive nerve endings,
and their stimulation can produce intense sexual feelings.
Connecting the internal and external organs is a
passage known as the vagina. The word comes from the Latin for &sheath,& which
aptly describes its important function. Although the average vagina is about 3
inches long, it has a great capacity for expansion and when required can accept
a phallus of any length and width.
The walls are lined with soft corrugated tissue.
The lower part of the womb projects down into the upper end of the vagina and
can be felt as a little hard knob of tissue.
This is known as the cervix, the neck of the
womb, and although there is some doubt as to whether or not it is sensitive, it
plays an important function during intercourse in stimulating the tip of the
Just inside the vagina is the hymen, sometimes
known as the maidenhead or virgin's veil. In young girls this thin,
half-moon-shaped membrane partially closes the vaginal canal.
There is a great deal of misunderstanding about
the hymen. It is not, for example, an impenetrable barrier, but porous to allow
menstrual blood to flow through. It used to be regarded as proof of virginity,
and in many cultures still is, but this is not necessarily true.
Often it is torn during
exercise or sports such as horseback-riding or cycling, it can be torn.
Occasionally it is ruptured during a woman's first sexual experience. There are
cases of extremely tough hymens impossible to penetrate during intercourse, but
these can be removed by a minor surgical operation.
The Bartholin's glands were once thought to be
responsible for vaginal lubrication, but it is now clear that a woman's natural lubrication for
intercourse is secreted by the walls of the vagina, which are said to
&sweat& lubricating fluid during sexual arousal.
Health Problems?
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In recent years, a deeper understanding of premature
ejaculation has become the key to differentiating lifelong premature ejaculation
from other forms of premature ejaculation (notably acquired premature
Lifelong premature ejaculation pertains to an actual
physical dysfunction with a partner. Conversely, acquired premature
ejaculation only appears years after the first sexual act.
It's also important to make a distinction between
premature and delayed ejaculation since the latter is completely different (it's
when a man cannot ejaculate during intercourse).
This can be just as disruptive to sexual harmony.
Dealing with issues around delayed ejaculation is vital for men and women who
want good satisfying intercourse.
For men, of course,
one of the inevitable problems with age is declining sexual function, which can
one of them is low sexual desire, another the inability to ejaculate (a form of
delayed ejaculation), and also, of course, there may be more
frequent urination due to
- also called BPH or benign prostatic hyperplasia.
There's another term to take account of: &premature-like ejaculatory dysfunction&.
This refers
to men who ejaculate too quickly during sexual intercourse, but who can control their
ejaculation with a reasonable level of success at other times.
Researchers have devised this paradigm because the suggestion has been made that
the incidence of actual dysfunctional premature ejaculation is only
approximately 20 percent in the wider male population. But! My clinical
interaction over several years with men has conclusively demonstrated to me that
it affects at least 50 percent of the male population. This will, of course,
make it very difficult for a man to make a woman come. Certain sex positions can
help - a fact which you can check out below.&
may also help with sexual pleasure - by enabling a woman to
reach orgasm during intercourse.
This is great advice if you
are a man wanting to know how to make a woman come! The CAT ensures this will
happen during intercourse. And
Here's another video on the
Obstacles to a great relationship
A hurdle in claiming that premature ejaculation affects half the population is that of finding a
satisfactory conventional definition. Stringent criteria are difficult to
What, for example, is a standard duration of
intercourse? Well, it turns out that the average duration of intercourse is
around 4.5 minutes. Now, the question is - will that please a woman?
Who knows? What each couple finds
acceptable in bed is dependent on what the couple want from each other in terms
and pleasing the man.
Every couple who are sexually active have an arbitrary duration that satisfies
them. And further, a so-called case of premature ejaculation seems meaningless
if the couple in question are quite happy with the sexual aspects of their
sexual relationship. A workable definition
must somehow refer to conflicts due to the male partner’s inability to make love
with ejaculation control. And conflict may
be festering, and sexual compatibility may become the focus of this
dissatisfaction. However, if a couple consistently achieve female orgasm before
intercourse, the effect of premature ejaculation is much more manageable.
We are left with the inevitable question of the purely scientific viewpoint and
how can sex therapy professional discriminate between a person who physically is
unable to withhold his ejaculation and one who just lacks a degree of control?
Perhaps the solution lies in evaluation of the clinical effects of sexual
tension, so that if the partners are extremely unhappy some kind of information
about sexual techniques can help a woman to achieve orgasm and alleviate the
emotional discomfort. &
[&&] [&&] [&&] [&&] [&&] [&&] [&&] [&&] [&&] [&&] [&&] [&&] [&&] [&&] [&&]
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January 17, 2017


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