
无锡日语 乐语教育—专业日语培训,海归硕士,小班教学,量身定制课程.领先日语培训机构,考级选乐语教育,高分成功案例日语等级考试
&&&&2010 年高考指导与高考预测精炼:完形填空说明: 说明:一,总体分析二,完形填空题型介绍 完形填空题型介绍 三,完形填空解题步骤 四,完形填空解题线索分类 完形填空解题线索分类 线索 年高考英语完形填空模拟训练(原创(12 五,2010 年高考英语完形填空模拟训练(原创(12 篇+选改 8 篇) 本资料为《全品高考网》独家所有,禁止一切转载 本资料为《全&&&&品高考网》 独家所有,总体分析: 一,总体分析:纵观近几年全国各地高考完形填空题,不难发现,大部分试题题材都与学生内心状态 相关,感悟人生,重视学生心理,关注学生心灵等话题,因而,需要更多励志,温情的教育,帮助学生培养良好,乐观的心态.如 2009 年全国卷(ii)完形填空就属于此类.这是一篇励志文章:通过描述自己对父亲喜爱的&try it!&(尝试!)来影响自己对选择职业,工作目 标和生活斗志方面思想的形成.作者描述了一些有趣的事实:在尝试中,自己的本不具有的 一些生活技能居然在通过各种经历后养成了.所以连作者本人都发出感叹:&i've also discovered that if i believe in what i'm doing and work hard at achieving my goal, i will succeed. &(我同时也发现,如果我认为我正在做的事情有益并且我为之而努力去 实现我的目标的话,我就会取得成功.)这样的励志思想,也正是这篇完形材料在高考中要 达到的教育目的.体裁上又数为记叙文,夹叙夹议类及说明文等启迪性较强的文章.就话题而言大致分为以下几类:话题一:(精神)信念, 话题一:(精神)信念,是一个千古吟唱的话题,也正因为如此,许多的道德文化都 :(精神 与信念相关联,抓住&信念&这个根,我们就可以理清许多道德文化的来源.话题二:责任— 话题二:责任 话题二 —一个人最重要的品质,是一个人立足社会的基础,也是整个社会进步发展的前提.如果没 有责任感,就没有动力,就没有精神支柱,就没有坚强的毅力和顽强的斗志,就不能克服重 重困难去获取伟大的胜利.话题三:人格与尊严 话题三:人格与尊严——人格是一个人的兴趣,性格,能力,心 话题三 尊严 理, 气质等等的集中表现, 是其知识积累, 道德修养和意志磨炼的结晶. 尊严是高尚的人格, 是一种价值观,一种自立奋斗的精神.话题四:对快乐(人生)的感悟——生活应该是快 话题四:对快乐( 人生) 的感悟 话题四 乐的,快乐的生活应该有一个快乐的心态,在快乐的心情下,我们更能感受到人生的意义, 能体会到生命的价值,更注重内心感悟 更注重内心感悟,所以,在大力倡导积极人生的今天,在积极推行励 更注重内心感悟 志教育的当今社会,&快乐&无疑是一个值得大力提倡的话题.如 2009 四川卷讲述了作者失 业前后的对生活的态度.话题五:学会赏识—— 话题五:学会赏识——赏识是一种能力,是一种认识生活,发现美 话题五 —— 的能力.话题六:心态与生活—— 话题六:心态与生活——俗话说&态度决定一切&, 这里的&态度&其实就是一个心 话题六 —— 理健康的问题.话题七:合作与考验——团队合作精神是学生阶段重点培养的一种精神,同 话题七:合作与考验—— 话题七 与考验—— 时,也是社会发展的一个趋势,在竞争的社会中,合作无疑有更强的优势.正确认识合作问 题,是正确认识人与人之间关系的问题,也是正确认识人与社会的问题.话题八:考验表现 话题八:考验 话题八 出人间真情及爱心.2009 高考江西卷就是讲述了两个冒险的男孩去大森林里宿营后迷路, 用通过寻找留下来的痕迹找到宿营地的一段经历. 话题九:和谐—— 话题九:和谐——&和谐社会&是近年来 —— 提得比较多的一个话题,促进社会和谐是我国发展的重要目标和必要条件, &和谐&仍是当 前的热门话题,也成了媒体宣传的关键词.如 2009 安徽卷就是写一位父亲在和儿子进餐时, 儿子的一次善举给父亲留下了深刻的印象,在后来的一次加油中,父亲又想到了儿子的善举, 并出手给予了别人帮助.本文比较符合现在社会上流行的一句口号&要小手拉大手,促进社会 和谐发展&.话题十:科技的利与弊 (个别省市)——任何事物都有它的两面性,科学也如 话题十: 话题十 此.如何正确理解科学的利与弊,牵动的不仅仅是对科学的探讨,更是对科学意义的认识.二,完形填空题型介绍 完形填空题型介绍了解完形填空的题型特点,考试要求,解题思路等;重点掌握本题型的解题技巧和具 体方法, 对该题型无论从命题角度还是从答题思路上都应该有一个宏观认识, 在深度研析历 年高考题的基础上探寻命题趋势和答题策略. (一)完形填空题型介绍: 完形填空题型介绍: 完形填空的试题形式是在一段有丰富内容的短文(偶尔为对话)中,按一定原则抽词留 空,然后要求学生在空缺中填词,使短文成为一段意义完整的文字.它一般有两种形式,第 一种是&固定间隔省词型&,即按平均间隔抽词,不考虑所抽词的词性和词义;第二种叫做 &非间隔省词型&即不按规定间隔抽词,而是根据某种预定目标有选择地抽词.全国各地高 考完形填空题大多采用第二种形式, 其命题特点对学生的素质要求以及应试的方法与高考相 同. 命题特点 ①文章选择完形填空选材时通常考虑以下几点: 难度低于阅读理解中的材料.包含希望考查到的词汇,语法结构等语言项目.上下文关系较 为紧凑.语言地道,纯正,有一定的内容情节,避免选择专业性太强的文章,以免学生因受 知识障碍和心理因素的干扰而影响语言水平的正常发挥. 此外, 还要回避那些对部分考生来 说较为熟悉,而对其他考生来说可能较为生疏的材料,防止造成不公平. ②空格设置 完形填空题挖空时一般会遵循这样一些原则: 文章的第一句通常不挖空. 短文的第一个 句子是观察全文的窗口,起着让学生尽快熟悉语境,推测文章大意的作用.文章的第一句给 学生一个完整的信息可以让许多对完形填空题存有畏惧心理的学生很快安定下来, 增强答题 的信心.如果第一句很长,前半部分已提供了一定的信息,可以考虑在后半部分挖空.但不 管怎样,第一句的第一词绝对不会挖空,如果那样会使许多学生陷入茫然.除了首句一般不 挖空外,文章的尾句也较少挖空.空格在短文中均衡分布.绝大多数空格之间的距离大致相 当,空格与空格之间的平均词距约为 11 个,最小 4—5 个. ③考点分布符合考查目的.考查重点主要有以下特点:1)设空以考查文意为主,信息词 考点分布符合考查目的. 汇(或通常所说的&实词&——名词,动词,形容词和副词等)比重极大,且有逐年增 ........................ 加的趋势. 2)降低对单词本身词意的考查要求,以突出本题的主要测试目的:理解 ..... 全文,通篇考虑,掌握大意,注重关联.3)增加了考查连词的题,涉及考生对于行 文逻辑的掌握及文句之间关联的理解,恰到好处.4)注意结合文意考查对词语用法 的掌握.主要涉及两个方面:词义辨析与惯用搭配.同义与近义词的比 较分辨应当 放到一定的语境之中才有意义.如果只是一一对应地背记单词的中文意思,不注意具 体语境中单词的确切含意,是难以分辨一些词汇的细微差异的.5)淡化对介词,冠词 等结构词的考查,以检测学生在具体情境中灵活运用所学知识的能力.因此,所挖空白处, 名词,动词一般占 60%—70%,形容词和副词约占 20—30%.请看近几年高考完形填空题中的 考点分布情况:2008— 全国卷,
全国卷,山东卷考点分布 考点分布 名词 全国卷 i 全品高考
7 2 5 6 5 动词 9 8 8 7 8 8 形容词副词 连词 6 4 9 6 4 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 代词 0 0 0 0 0 0 介词 其它 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0尽力避免相互依存的试题. 命题时通常会设法避免挖空两个关系过于密切的单词或短语, 否 则答错一个题即意味着两个题全错,反过来,答对一个题亦意味着两个题全对.下面两句中 的划线部分就属于这种情况:选项命制 选项命制 命制选项时一般应考虑以下几点: ①以语篇为载体,测试语言知识和语言能力.试题突出在语篇的基础上考查学生对短文的 整体理解能力,同时兼顾对学生运用语法知识,词汇知识的能力以及对事物的逻辑推理,分 析判断能力的考查. 从每个小题的设计来看, 需要通过整篇文章的上下文来考虑答题的题数 一般占 70%以上,而属于只需理解空格所在句子便可确定答案的句子层次的题目则不是太 多. ②以意义填空为主.试题在着重考查学生阅读理解能力的前提下,兼顾对语言知识,常识, 逻辑推理能力的考查.所设选项一般都符合语言规范,且词类基本相同.比如说,当答案是 过去式&时,另三个干扰项也为动词的过去式,而不是动词的其它形式. ③降低对单词本身词义的考查要求, 注重考查对全文意义的理解. 备选项中所涉及的词汇基 本上都是常见的初级词汇. ④正确答案通常是从短文中挖掉的那个词或短语, 而干扰项则应是正确答案的干扰项, 绝不 允许干扰项成为干扰项的干扰项. ⑤备选项的构成以单个词为主,词组或短语基本没有.三,完形填空解题步骤由于完形填空重在考查学生在语篇中综合运用语言的能力答题时就必须遵循 &整体—部分— 整体&的步骤,具体可分为以下三步:(一),通览全文了解大意 ),通览全文了解大意 通览全文了解首先要通过浏览全文,跳过空格不看选项地快速阅读,同时注意文中的暗示,努力找出 关键词,可以迅速理解文章大意.如果提笔就填,势必由于见木不见林而事倍功半.须知文 章的上下文之间是紧密联系的. 某一局部成立的答案如果放到全文中去考虑, 也许就不能成 立,只有抓住全篇文章的主旨,才能选出既合乎语言规范,又合乎文章内容的答案. 如果通读一遍后,仍不能理解全文,则应冷静下来再读,切忌在不了解全文意义的情况下边 读边填.遇到生词要区别对待.若该词表示的是无关紧要的信息,可直接跳过去;若生词影 响你理解全文,则可利用上下文,构词法等多种猜词技巧猜测出它们的含义.倘若设空处影 响你理解短文,可将备选项代入空档,也许你能从中找到理解的线索. 其次, 在通读全文时, 应着重注意首尾句对文章的主题的提示, 首句有开篇启示的作用, 是观察全文的窗口,往往也是演绎型文章的主题句.如 2007 高考辽宁卷完形填空的开头是 &in the united states there was an unusual tale telling of the daughter of a mechanic (技工) .&这 是文章的中心词. 读完首句后不禁好奇: 这个女孩不同寻常之处究竟何在这便激起了往下 读的欲望.再如 2009 山东卷 even though it was only october, my students were already whispering about christmas plans.文章第一句就交代了背景.尾句一般是文章的点睛之笔,常 常也是归纳型文章的结论语.如 2009 山东卷 after that christmas, david and i became good friends and i never forgot the meaning ___55___the little empty box set on my desk.所以, 抓住 首尾句有利于加快, 加深对文章的理解. 同时还要注意短文中由反复出现的主题词编织而成 的信息网,每篇文章都是一个有机的整体,段与段之间在逻辑上必然前呼后应,句与句之间 在意义上总是有着不同程度的联系. 联系自己已有的与主题思想相关的常识, 判断文章的背 景,体会作者的意图,从宏观上把握全文.可见,通读全文进而掌握大意是做好完形填空的 先决条件.(二),综合考虑,逐项填空 ),综合考虑, 综合考虑立足语段,语境,放眼语篇——掌握文章大意后,就可以按顺序答题了,但并不意味着 要依次一下子填好所有空档,可先借助自己的语感,利用上下文提供的情境(通过上下文语 境/暗示已经成为近几年高考完形填空设题的一大特色),推测出可能的答案,然后,再结 合备选项进行验证.如 2009 全国卷 i:…each morning stevenson would take them out for a long 40 over the hills. they had been 41 this for several days before the weather 42 .suddenly took a turn for the worse, kept indoors by the heavy rain. lloyd felt the days to keep the boy happy robert asked the boy to do some 43 40.a.talk 41.a.attempting 42.a.quiet b.rest b.missing b.dull c.walk c.planning c.busy c.drawing . d.game d.enjoying d.cold d.exercising43.a.cleaning b.writing 考例分析:41.从下文得知,在天气变糟糕之前,他们一直享受着好天气.所以答案为42.由上文 可知由于大雨使劳埃德整天呆在屋里,劳埃德感到无聊.故选 b.每篇文章中利用上下文来 ........... 判断答案的情况占总题量的 60%以上,所以,利用文章上下文是解题的关键所在.如 2009 ............ . ...................... . 全国卷(i)中的 37,41,42,45,46,49,50,53 及 2009 山东卷的 38,39,40,47,48, 49,52,54 等.对那些较难的空档,可试着将备选项一一代入空档,然后从词汇意义及用 法,习惯搭配,常识,逻辑推理以及上下文等角度,进行认真分析,比较,力求找出合情合 理的答案.有时,前后信息之间还有相互提示的作用.答题时,要瞻前顾后,放眼全篇,切 不可将思维局限在一两个空档或一两句话上. 对那些答案一时难以抉择的空档, 可先用排除 法尽量缩小答案的范围, 然后根据四分均等的原则在该题已定答案中将涉及较少的那一个选 项选做答案.总之,遇到疑难空档时应该冷静,谨慎,切忌草率从事.否则,一旦选错一档, 还可能影响其他,形成连锁反应.(三),复读检验,消除疏漏 ),复读检验, 复读检验完成所有空档后, 还要再复读一遍短文, 检查前后是否贯通, 看看这时的短文行文是否流畅, 意义是否连贯, 逻辑关系是否合理. 若有不合语感, 题意或语言规范之处, 应审慎调整答案, 力求做到万无一失.应依据文章的中心意思来重新考虑,从意义和语法两个角度仔细权衡, 加以改正,以便弥补疏漏.从语法上,检查一下所完成的句子是否主谓一致,时态和语态是 否正确,名词,代词的性,格是否一致,动词,形容词,名词与介词的搭配是否准确无误. 对于个别难度较大的空项,可以凭着自己的语感,坚持第一感觉选择的答案.例:( 2002 年全国夏季高考题)四,完形填空解题线索分类 完形填空解题线索分类 线索综观分析, 完形填空失误的主要原因是把完形当作单选题做, 造成忽略语篇和语境的局 面.下面就完形解题方面给大家提供部分解题线索,所谓线索,指的是根据文章上下文所提 供的故事背景和语境线索进行推理和判断, 从而确定最佳答案. 具体说来有以下几种行之有 效的方法. 1.语意转折线索解题 . 有些句子含有表示转折或对比的连词, 副词或副词短语, but, though, although, instead, 如 however, on the contrary, otherwise 等,我们可利用这些暗示来解决问题.有时也可能没有这 些词语的出现. 2.巧用因果关系线索解题 . 即根据上下文的因果关系进行推断,从而得出所需答案.如: 3.巧用具体示例线索解题 . 即根据文章中所提供的具体实例进行分析, 将与具体示例有关的信息进行优选, 将与具 体示例无关的信息进行排除,从而便可得出所需答案. 4.巧用同义反义线索解题 . 5.巧用逻辑顺序线索解题 . 即根据文章所提供的内容, 同时结合一定的生活常识, 对所推断的内容进行逻辑推理和 逻辑顺序. 6.巧用语篇标志线索解题 巧用语篇标志线索解题 语篇一般指比单个句子长的语言单位,如句群,段落,篇章等.语篇与语篇之间往往有 表明其内在联系的词语, 这些词语可称为语篇标志. 表示结果层次的语篇标志语有 firstly, 如: secondly, thirdly, finally 等; 表示逻辑关系的有 thus, therefore, so 等; 表示改变话题的有 by the way 等;表示时间关系的有 before, so far, yet, now, later 等.在做完形填空题时,如果能充分 利用这些语篇标志语,就可以迅速理清文章的脉络,弄清上下文的关系. 7.巧用结构对比线索解题 巧用结构对比线索解题 在做完形填空题时, 有时会遇到两个结构十分相似的句子, 此时同学们应认真比较其结 构特点,或根据其相似性推断空格处所填之词,或根据文章的上下文语境判断两个(或几个) 相似结构之间的逻辑关系. 8.巧用语境暗示线索解题 巧用语境暗示线索解题 有的空格根据所在句的句意或附近上下文的语境我们无法作出正确的选择, 要想作出正 确判断, 同学们应特别注意空格前后所出现的相关词语, 尤其注意找出其中重复出现的暗示 性词语.年高考英语完形填空模拟训练 五,2010 年高考英语完形填空模拟训练it is not so much what happens to each of us that determines our quality of life, but rather our reaction to what happens. though we may have no to us, we most certainly have choice in 37 36 in unexpected events that happenwe interpret what happens, and in what we 38 in how we experience our world andchoose to do about it. these choices make all the very much determine our 39 of life. 40neither does what we owna major role in quality of life. one person with all the 41 life, while another in the lowest income 43 our level ofmoney and possessions in the world may have a classes may 42love their life. it is what we do with what we own that44satisfaction and joy in life. it's not what you 45 , but rather what you do with it. every 46or what happens to you in life thatsomething is happening in our lives. and every moment we47or a judgment about what happens. by choosing to become more happens, we can 4948of how we react to what 50 52 following habitual, our old habits totowards what we really want in our lives. 51 53reactive patterns which move powerfully in the find the 54more of the same, we can recognize andof creating the life we really want. yet to do this, we must first 55 which get into look at some of the disempowering, often unconsciousthe way and don't serve to increase our quality of life. but by continually reminding ourselves of our intention to be creators, we can transform our life. 36.a.need 37.a.what 38.a.difference 39.a.type 40.a.take 41.a.miserable b.courage b.whether b.troubles b.quality b.play b.accessible c.choice c.that c.decisions c.amount c.make c.acceptable d.necessity d.how d.measures d.level d.get d.adaptable42.a.practically43.a.creates 44.a.lack 45.a.means 46.a.time 47.a.make a mistake c.make a decision 48.a.conscious 49.a.alter 50.a.other than 51.a.lead tob.privatelyb.investigates b.need b.exists b.periodc.absolutelyc.affects c.reserve c.works c.dated.adequatelyd.handles d.possess d.matters d.momentb.make a discovery d.make a fortune c.reasonable c.differ c.as well as c.call for d.active d.distinguish d.according to d.appeal to/ equal tob.sensitive b.shift b.rather than b.lie in52.a.transplant53.a.edge 54.a.hope 55.a.patternsb.transformb.way b.interest b.framesc.transportd. transmitc.direction c.chance c.landscaped.center d.courage d.examples动词:9 名词:6 形容词:2 副词:2 连词:1 【解题导语】决定我们的生活质量好坏的因素,不是发生在我们每个人身上的事情,而是 解题导语】决定我们的生活质量好坏的因素,不是发生在我们每个人身上的事情, 我们对这些事情所作出的反应;我们不是生活的被动承受者,而是人生主动的创造者, 我们对这些事情所作出的反应;我们不是生活的被动承受者,而是人生主动的创造者,明 白了这一点,我们就能改变我们的人生. 白了这一点,我们就能改变我们的人生. 36.c 根据 37 空见可以看出答案,意思是&我们的生活品质很大一部分并非取决于发生了 什么,而是我们的处事态度.纵然我们无法选择发生在我们身上的意外,但我们理 所当然可以选择怎样理解和处理所发生的事情.& 37.d 解释同上.本题易误选 a. 本题易误选 . 38.a make all difference&大有影响&.make troubles&制造麻烦事&,trouble 作为可数名词, 意思为&麻烦事,问题等&;make decisions&做出决定&;measure 应该和 take 搭配. 这些选择造就了我们所体验生活的不同,并很大程度上决定了我们的生活质量. 39.b 根据文章大意及第一句可知,此处应为&生活质量&,非&类型&和&水平&. 40.b 素.& 41.a 拥有世界上所有财富的人也可能过着悲惨的生活. 42.c 与上一句相对应,一个拥有全世界金钱和资产的人依然可能生活得很痛苦,而收入 位于最低列的另外一个人则可能绝对热爱他的生活.本题易误选 d. 本题易误选 . 43.c 此句为强调句型(it…that…).我们如何对待我们所拥有的才真正影响我们满意水 准和生活乐趣.本题易误选 d. 本题易误选 . 44.d possess&拥有&,在意义上与上下文保持一致,符合题意要求;而 lack 意为&缺乏&, need&需要&,reserve 意为&保留;预计&均不合题意.句意为&你拥有什么或者发生 了什么都不重要,你怎样看待和处理这些才至关重要.& 45.d matter&有关系,有重要性&. 本题易误选 c. . play a major role 短语,意思为&我们所拥有的东西也不构成决定生活质量的主要因46.d 每时每刻,而不是每一次.参考 47 空可知. 47.c make a mistake 犯错误,弄错了;make a discovery 发现;make a decision 做出决定;make a fortune 赚一笔钱.生活的每一刻都在发生着什么.每一刻我们也 都在作出决定和判定到底发生了什么. 48.a be conscious of&意识到&.句意为&通过有意识的选择怎样应付发生的事情,我们可 以更接近我们生命中真正想要的.& 本题易误选 d. . 49.b shift&改变,移动&,shift to/alter,改变;differ,是 difference 的动词形式, 意思是&不同……&,differ in...,&在某方面或某事上不同&的意思; distinguish,后 面常跟介词 from 或 between,意思是:&从……中区别出来,不同&.比较这四个词 的意义及用法,可以看出只有 b 才是正确答案.本题易误选 d. 本题易误选 . 50.b 不再采用很少变化的习惯性地应对方式,这些方式(会)导致同样的结局.本题易 本题易 误选 c. . 51.a lead to&导致&. 参考上句.lie in 后加原因.本题易误选 c. 本题易误选 .52.b 句意为&我们可以意识到并将我们的旧习有力地向创造我们想要的生活方向转变.& 53.c in the direction of&朝……方向&.参考上句.54.d 然而要做到这一点,我们首先必须有勇气审视某些消沉面,通常无意识/潜意识行为 会过来挡道,阻碍我们提升生活的品质.本题易误选 c. 本题易误选 . 55.a pattern 指&模式,行为&; frame 指&框架&;landscape 指&风景线&;example 指&范例, 榜样&,可见 a 为正确答案.who has deprived the children's happiness of learning children are born with a natural desire of learning. they are curios and concerned about they have so many with many 40 36 38 around them. they are 37 to learn anything that amazes them. 39 all day longthat they keep on asking. they can bore thequestions which they will never feel bored with. why this is because 41 , perhaps an instinct of human beings. they just can't help. but 43 forlearning is their 42, they feel bored with learning, especially when learning becomes a boring 44them, especially after school has become a 45of their life, especially when they have to 46 to recite and memorize things they 48 a goodteachers who tell them again and again to 47don't want to learn, and especiallythey realize school is not what they once 49to be but something that, according to their parents, they must rely on in order to fame or a good job or a good future. that is to say, learning has become a are forced or 51 50, which they 52to face. so it is the teachers and parents who have thrown the heavyon the children. and meanwhile, the competitive society is also to blame. the children have been 53 of their pleasure and happiness that they could have enjoyed from the natural learning. 54 to the students' learning is that they 55 enjoy learning, enjoy thetherefore, mypleasure that they could feel from learning itself. find back the long lost desire and curiosity of learning in their childhood. 36.a.nothing 37.a.curious 38.a.questions 39.a.students 40.a.funny 41.a.ability 42.a.gradually 43.a.duty 44.a.pleasure 45.a.face 46.a.repeat 47.a.before 48.a.forbidden 49.a.require 50.a.promise 51.a.pleased 52.a.burden 53.a.informed 54.a.encouragement 55.a.mustb.anything b.proud b.reactions b.adults b.boring b.excuse b.eventually b.exercise b.part b.follow b.copy b.since b.attracted b.achieve b.service b.recommended b.confidence b.deprived b.persuation b.shouldc.everything c.nervous c.problems c.parents c.bored c.characteristic c.however c.task c.occasion c.escape c.report c.after c.intended c.earn c.must c.obliged c.difficulty c.accused c.suggestion c.mightd.something d.eager d.troubles d.teachers d.practical d.nature d.therefore d.remark d.success d.imitate d.reply d.when d.expected d.indicate d.choice d.experienced d.challenge d.approved d.decision d.could【解题导语】学习本来是孩子们天生的,本能的,自然的,快乐的求知过程,孩子们应该 解题导语】学习本来是孩子们天生的,本能的,自然的,快乐的求知过程, 因为学习而感到满足和幸福,他们本来渴望了解自然,喜欢探索他们感兴趣的领域, 因为学习而感到满足和幸福,他们本来渴望了解自然,喜欢探索他们感兴趣的领域,他们 本来可以因为学习而废寝忘食,乐此不彼,因为学习对于他们本来是件幸福和快乐的事情. 本来可以因为学习而废寝忘食,乐此不彼,因为学习对于他们本来是件幸福和快乐的事情. 可是是谁剥夺了他们的快乐 可是是谁剥夺了他们的快乐
是谁让他们在面对书本的时候不再感到幸福而是莫大的压 力 答案与简析】 — : 【 答案与简析 】 36— 40:cdabb cabcb 36.c 解答该题的关键是要准确区别 anything 与 everything 在肯定句中所表达的意义.关 心一切事情,含有整体性,应用 everything,anything 用于肯定句时,表示强调,该句没有 强调之意. 41—45:dacba — : 46— 50: addbc — : 51—55: — : 37.deager 渴望的,be eager to do sth.渴望作某事;curious 好奇的;38.a question 有疑而问,并且有待回答的问题; reaction(to)对......的反应;problem&问题, 习题& 着重指客观存在的亟待解决的 , &问题& 尤其指棘手或难以解决的 , &问题& . troubles&麻烦&,不和题意. 39.b adults 包括 parents 和显然不是 students.40.b boring 指的是&令人厌倦的&,指事物让人觉的厌倦;tired 意为&疲劳的,厌倦的&,通常 是由于过度疲劳等引起的疲劳;practical&实际的&. 41.d nature&本性;性质&;excuse&借口,理由&;characteristic 意为&特征;特色&,比较注 重外在的; ability &能力,才干;技能&.意思为&学习是他们的天性&. 42.a gradually&逐渐地;逐步地&,表示事态的发展;eventually&最后,最后&,表示某 事的结果;however &然而;仍然&,表转折;therefore&因此,所以&,表示因果关 系. 43.c task&任务, 工作&;duty&义务,责任;职务&;exercise&运动,训练&;remark 非 正式评论. 44.b part&部分,角色,作用&;...pleasure&愉快,快乐,乐趣,乐事&;occasion&场合, 时刻;时机&;success&成功,成就,成功的人或事&. 45.a face&面对&;follow&遵照,采用,仿效;听懂&;imitate&模仿,仿效&;/ escape&逃 跑,逃脱&;control&控制&.下文也提到. 46.a repeat&重复,重说,重做;背诵&copy &抄写;复印&; report&汇报,报告&;reply&答 复,回答&.句意为&……重复背诵一些记忆性的东西.& 47.d when&当……时候&;when,before 和 after 都是从属连词,表示时间先后;since 既可表时间,也可表原因.根据句意,可知选 when. 48.d expect&期望&;forbidden&禁止&;attract&吸引,引起&;intended&想要,打算&; 49.b &……为了获得好的荣誉,工作和将来&.achieve&得到,获得,多指成就,目标, 幸福的取得&,正合题意;require&需要;要求&;earn&赚;挣得&,指因工作等而 得到报酬或待遇;indicate&表明&. 50. &学习成了一种必须做的事情& must 此处为名词 c . &必须做的事情& 如well is a must. 学好英语是非常必要的.promise&承诺&;&服务,帮助&;choice&选择(机会),抉择&. 51.c obliged:迫使,用于 be obliged to do sth.被迫干某事;recommend&推荐,介绍;劝告&; please&使高兴,请&;experience&经历&. 52.a 根据上文&是老师和父母把沉重的担子加在了他们身上&.burden&担子,重担&; confidence&信任;信赖;信心&;difficulty&困难;难事;困境&;challenge&挑战&. 53 . b & 孩 子 们 被 剥 夺 了 幸 福 和 快 乐 & . deprive sb. of sth. 剥 夺 某 人 某 事 ; be(well)informed of(about) 对......消息灵通& accuse sb. of... 控告某人犯有......; & ; approve(of)&赞成, 满意&. 54.c 根据上下文看,此处应是作者的建议(suggestion).encouragement&鼓励,激励&; persuasion &劝说,说服&;decision&决定,决议&. 55.b 根据上文既然是建议,学习就应该(should)是享受学习,……..其他不和语境.( 三)once there lived a rich merchant(商人) and a poor shoemaker in the same house. the merchant occupied the second floor, 36 the shoemaker lived and worked in a small room on the first 37 persons on earth. he worked from morning till 38 , whenever he saw the boots and shoes 40 knew how much wealth he had.floor. the shoemaker was one of thenight, singing merrily. his heart was filled with 39. now the merchant upstairs was so rich that he 41he was alwaysover his gold and silver coins far into the night. even in bed his . when at last he had been asleep for an hour or 43 riser. it continued all dayuneasiness(不安) about his riches kept him 42two, up came the song of the happy shoemaker, who was an and was a (n) through want of 44 45to the merchant. day by day the merchant grew more and more tired . he asked a wise friend of his how he could put an 46 to theshoemaker's song. &well, if i were you, i would give the shoemaker a hundred pounds,& answered his friend. &you are rich enough to do that, i suppose. ask for nothing in the money.& the merchant when the shoemaker 48 49 the advice. the bag that had been sent by the merchant, he was 50 47 . simply giveto find shining coins. &i must hide this from the eyes of my neighbors. if they see it, they will think that i have stolen it,& he thought. &i will bag of money under the floor. from then on he wife who had been the best 53 set on the money bag to 55 54 51 52 it away even from my wife.& so he hid the his neighbors as much as he could. histo him, became troublesome. now his mind was too much to his work with diligence(勤劳). he could not sing merrily now.he thought of the money bag, he became uneasy and unhappy. 36.a.for 37.a.poorest 38.a.smileb.therefore b.happiest b.sorrowc.but c.richest c.sadness c.to repair c.hardly c.calculating c.frightened c.noisy c.troubled.however d.shortest d.joy d.to be repaired d.entirely d.figuring d.asleep d.late d.alarm d.treatment d.stop d.return d.followed d.closed/carried d.disappointed d.put d.attract d.merchant d.come d.however 51—55:baacc — :39.a.being repaired b.repair 40.a.always 41.a.hiding 42.a.awake 43.a.early 44.a.threat 45.a.sympathy 46.a.end 47.a.trouble 48.a.refused 49.a.stole 50.a.excited 51.a.throw 52.a.avoided 53.a.companion 54.a.tend 55.a.wherever 36—40:cbddc — : b.completely b.counting b.nervous b.happy b.matterb.understanding c.sleep b.notice b.need b.agreed b.opened b.amazed b.keep b.thanked b.fellow b.turn b.whatever c.information c.turn c.asked c.received c.ashamed c.give c.helped c.shoemaker c.attend c.whenever41—45:baacc 46—50:addbb — : — :【解题导语】本文讲述了一位富商和一位穷鞋匠的故事.这位富商很有钱,但老是担心他的 解题导语】 钱财,整天不能入眠;而这位穷鞋匠虽穷,但很快乐,整天唱个不停.因此这位富商在朋友 的指点下,把一袋子钱无偿地给了穷鞋匠,从此这位&富&鞋匠不在快乐了. 36.c 考查连词.此处表示转折.d 项为副词,ab 不合句意. 37.b 考查上下文.根据下文&singing merrily&可以看出 b 项最符合语境和句意. 38. 考查介词与名词搭配. filled with joy 表示满心 d be (非常) 高兴. 不能说 be filled with smile. 39.d 考查动词.d 表示&要被修理&;a 表示&正在被修理&;b,c 为主动形式且 c 不应带 to. 40.c 考查语意及副词.根据句意此处表示否定意义&几乎不&;a,b 和 d 都表示肯定, 根据下文意思选 c. 41.b 考查动词.count…coins&数钱&;cd 表示计算. 42.a 考查语境理解.&对钱财的担心使他不能入睡&,故选 a.c 表示&恐惧&. 43.a 考查语意和形容词.根据前文&快乐的鞋匠经常早起&,故选 a.b 与前文重复; d 的意思相反. 44.c 考查语境理解.根据句意:这也成了对商人来说一件头疼的事,故选 c(trouble). 45.c 考查名词.根据句意:由于缺乏睡眠,故商人每天身心疲惫.a 项与文意不符. 46.a 考查动词.put an end to&结束, 终止& 47.d 考查短语意义.in return&作为回报&;in trouble&有麻烦&;in need&急需&;in turn&依次, 轮流&,根据句意选 d. 48.d 考查动词.follow one's advice&&采纳,接受建议&. 49.b 考查语境.根据后文提示,b 项表示&打开钱袋&;c 项为&收到&与后文不符. 50.b 考查语意和形容词.根据句意&当打开钱袋时,看到金闪闪的银子,感到非常惊奇& 与文意相符.其它与文意不符. 51.b 考查动词短语.keep sth. away from…&避开……&故选 b.其它不合语境. 52.a 考查动词.鞋匠怕商人怀疑他偷钱,尽可能地避开商人,故选 a.b 表感激;c 表 帮助;d 表吸引,都不合语境. 53.a 考查名词.根据句意&他的妻子曾经是他的知己,此时已形同陌路.&a&知己, 伴侣&其它不和语境. 54.c 考查动词短语.attend to&关心,从事&;此处表示&他把全部的心思都放在了钱 袋上而无暇顾及/关心自己的生意.tend to&倾向于&;turn to&转向,求助于&; come to&达到,共计&等均不合句意. 55.c 考查连词.无论何时想起这些钱,就感到不自在,不高兴.abd 与位意不符.( 四)it is universally known that friendship is one of the permanent themes in the literature of all languages. friends are people who willingly and readily help us when we are in trouble, and show 36 for us when we are in misery. this is 37 38 human beings were born to need the warmth friends, while others different friends.and laughter of friends. some of us like personally,i prefer both. it goes without saying that having similar friends has many renewed sense of 4039, we can feel a 41 ourwhen we have a group of old friends who would 42 44 , old friends always know how to conflicts. i always feel 47 48 50 45 43sufferings and happiness. 信)and how to avoid after a longmutual trust (互when i meet an old friend46 . immediately, hearty laughterthe atmosphere. advantageous. one can ___49___ with different friends broadens 52 of 54nevertheless i believe that a mixture of friends is various sorts of friends in three aspects. first, frequent my world 51.just as various kinds of nutriments keep you healthy, making a 53friends keeps you lively. secondly , i have found that the new adventures but alse show me new whatever difficulties i encounter in life. 55friends cannot onlyto success in life. thirdly, they can help me withto conclude, i prefer to have both types of friends and as many as possible. of course, i will not forget friends wisely. 36.a.direction 37.a.because 38.a.true 39.a.problems 40.a.tension 41.a.share 42.a.therefore 43.a.lack 44.a.obvious 45.a.stressed 46.a.experience 47.a.fills 48.a.eagerly 49.a.make with 50.a.quarrel 51.a.attitude 52.a.range b.respect b.why b.right b.advantages b.challenge b.convey b.otherwise b.abandon b.impossible b.worried b.departure b.weakens b.equally b.benefit from b.contact b.position b.series c.sympathy c.how c.same d.anxiety d.what d.similarc.disadvantages d.duties c.strength c.guarantee c.however c.bear c.impressive c.delighted c.work c.ruins c.bitterly c.result from c.argument c.outlook c.quantity d.oppression d.cause d.moreover d.maintain d.hidden d.confused d.discussion d.buries d.rarely d.appeal to d.view d.ambition d.variety 53.a.strange 54.a.result from 55.a.avenuesb.doubtful b.stick to b.appealc.available c.attend to c.benefitd.different d.lead to d.attitude交不同的朋友比交同类朋友更有益. 开头富有特色, 【解题导语】本文是一篇议论文,论证 交不同的朋友比交同类朋友更有益.&开头富有特色,通过描述 解题导语】本文是一篇议论文,论证&交不同的朋友比交同类朋友更有益 开头富有特色 通过描述 自己的实际生活将读者自然地引向主题.通篇立意新颖,条理清楚,结构明晰,分三点论述, 自己的实际生活将读者自然地引向主题.通篇立意新颖,条理清楚,结构明晰,分三点论述,每一点都有 一句统领全段的主题句,展开的部分都紧扣本段论点,但方式决不雷同.引用的事例自然,贴切,语言也 一句统领全段的主题句,展开的部分都紧扣本段论点,但方式决不雷同.引用的事例自然,贴切, 较生动,活泼,可谓有理有据,却不枯燥乏味,读来让人兴味盎然, 较生动,活泼,可谓有理有据,却不枯燥乏味,读来让人兴味盎然,相信同龄人看了更是有一种强烈的认 同感. 同感.36.c. sympathy&同情; 体谅&; coldness&冷淡&; cruelty&残忍, 残酷&; anxiety&忧虑, 焦急, 渴 望&. 本题易误选 a. . 37.a.&this is because +从句&意为&这是因为……&,&this is why +从句&意为&这就是为什么……&.这 两个句型中 because 和 why 引导的是表语从句.从逻辑关系上看这两个句型正好相反.前者 中的&that&指代原因,后者中的&that&指代结果.;this is how…&那就是...如何...的.& 本题易误选 b. . 38. d .根据后面的 differeent 及下文可知选 similar.true&真实的, 真正的, 忠实的&;helpful&有帮 . 助的, 有用的&;same 指&同一的&,&相同的&,常于 the 连用. 39.b.advantages&优势, 有利条件, 利益&;problems&问题&;disadvantages&劣势&;shortcomings&错 ; 点,短处&. 40.c.strength 本句意思是&当老朋友聚在一起时,顿感觉有力量.tension&紧张,不安&;challenge &挑战&;oppression&压抑, 苦恼&. 本题易误选 ad. . 41.a.share&分享,共享&;convey&传达,运送&;guarantee&保证, 担保&;cause&造成&. 42.d. moreover &而且, 此外&, 表示递进逻辑关系, 用于句首和句中, 不能用于句末. 相当于 therefore&因此&,表示因果关系;otherwisw&否则&;however&然而&,是过渡词,表示上下文 意思的转折.本题易误选 a. 本题易误选 . 43.d.maintain&保持 ;lack&缺乏&;abandon &放弃,遗弃&;bear&负担, 忍受&. 保持&; 保持 44.d.hidden&潜在的,隐藏的&;obvious&明显的&;impossible&不可能的&;impressive&印象深刻的, ; 令人难忘的&. 本题易误选 ac. . 45.c.delighted&高兴,兴奋&;stressed&受压抑的&;worried&着急&;confused&困惑的, 烦恼 高兴,兴奋 ; 高兴 的&. 46.b.departure &离别&;experience&经验,经历&;work&工作&;discussion&讨论&. 47.a.fill&充满 充满&;weaken&削弱&;ruin&毁坏&;bury&埋藏, 遮蔽&. 充满 48.b.equally&同样地&,如:equally important 同样重要 ;eagerly&急切地&;bitterly&苦苦地, 悲痛 的&;rarely&很少地, 罕有地&. 本题易误选 cd. . 49.b.benefie 常与 from, by 连用,意为&获益;得益于&,根据后面提到的三个方面可以看出选 b 最佳;用(眼,口,手,脚等)做动作; 做出; 使用;result from&起于, 由于&;appeal to&向... 呼吁[请求],吸引;引起兴趣& 50. b.contact&接触,联系&; 本题易误选 d. . 51.c.outlook&&; attitude&姿势, 态度, 看法&;position&&;aubition 本题易误选 a. ; . 52.d.a variety of=根据句意,选 d 是正确答案.a series of&一系列, 许多&;range&范 围, 区域&, 表示可以达到或探测到的最大范围 (the maximum area in which it can reach things or detect things) kind 指性质相同, ; 指性质相同, 而且特征很相似, 足以归为一类的人或东西; 而且特征很相似, 足以归为一类的人或东西 quantity&数 量&. 53.d.different&不同的 不同的&;strange&奇怪地&;doubtful&可疑的, 不确的&;available&可用到的, 可利 不同的 用的&. 54.d.lead to &导致, 终于造成 ...结果&等与result from&起于, 由于&,后加原因;stick to(=keep to)坚持;attend to&专心,照顾&. 55.a.avenues&方法,途径&;appeal to&向......呼吁&; benefit&利益, 好处&&&;attitude&态度&. 本题易误选 d. . &吵架,争吵;argument&争论,辩论&;view&观点,见解&.( 五)students will need to use all of their skills in order to understand the reading selections in reader's choice. the book provide practice on give students 40 36 many types of selections on a wide 38 37 39 of topics. these selections of the writer. they also 41different reading skills to get thein four basic reading skills: skimming, scanning, reading forcomprehension, and critical reading. skimming involves reading quickly through a text to get an overall idea of its contents. this kind of rapid reading is or when there is not 44 42 when you are trying to decide 43 to read something carefully. 45 , in this case the search is more careful reading is desirablelike skimming, scanning is also quick reading. 46 find a.to scan is to read quickly in order to 48 date, or number you are scanning.47specific information. when you read toreading for thorough comprehension is 50 of the passage. 5149reading in order to understand the total 52 to summarizethis level of comprehension the reader isthe author's ideas but has not yet made a critical evaluation of those ideas. critical reading demands that a reader kind of reedit 54 53 judgments about what he or she reads. thisposting and answering questions such as &does my own experience 55 the author's point of view& and &am i convincedsupport that of the author&, &do iby the author's arguments and evidence 36.a.contains 37.a.sense 38.a.making 39.a.message 40.a.power 41.a.better 42.a.suttable 43.a.that 44.a.interest 45.a.moreover 46.a.funny 47.a.deal with 48.a.common 49.a.carefully 50.a.design 51.a.to 52.a.impossible 53.a.makes 54.a.lacks 55.a.tell b.uses b.variety b.understanding b.secret b.point b.basic b.interesting b.if b.habit b.anyway b.concentrated b.get in b.different b.slowly b.explanation b.on b.able b.finds b.requires b.express c.put c.kind c.speaking c.content c.practice c.general c.wrong c.when c.time c.however c.perfect c.go over c.fine c.quickly c.meaning c.at c.difficult c.puts c.demands c.share d.writes d.subject d.employing d.nature d.opinion d.thorough d.true d.why d.desire d.therefore d.important d.find out d.particular d.ferfectly d.feeling d.in d.simple d.offers d.affords d.argue【解题导语】本文教你阅读理解的准备步骤,介绍了一些阅读方法与技巧. 解题导语】本文教你阅读理解的准备步骤,介绍了一些阅读方法与技巧. 阅读理解的准备步骤 36—40:abdac 41—45:dabcc : :46—50:bddac :51—55:cbabc :36.a.contain&包含&,这是本包含很多话题的文选. 37.b.a variety of 表示各种各样的.本题易误选 d. 本题易误选 38.d.employ&使用,利用&.本题易误选 ab. 本题易误选 39.a.message&信息&.阅读这些文章,了解作者要表达的/传递的信息.本题易误选 c. 本题易误选 40.c.用 practice 表示给学生提供训练.本题易误选 d. 本题易误选 41.d.从前后动作的顺序来看先是大略地看,然后是彻底理解,再然后是批评性阅读. 42.a.在这种情况下是最合适的(suitable). 43.b.从语意看这里表示&是否&合适,因此用 if 或 whether 引导宾语从句.本题易误选 ac. 本题易误选 44.c.在没有充足的时间时就用这种办法.本题依误选 d. 本题依误选 45.c. 上下文表示转折关系,前面说相同,后者说不同之处,因此用 however 连接上下文. 46.b.虽然是略读(scan),可是比跳读(skim)要更集中精力.本题易误选 d. 本题易误选 47.d.find out&寻找&(信息资料),如下面提到的寻找日期或数字等. 48.d.particular&具体的,特定的&. 49.a.既然是为了&彻底地了解&,那么自然是仔细地阅读.本题易误选 b. . 50.c.理解全文的内容和&含义(meaning)). 51.c.at this level 表示在这个层次面,阅读进行到这个阶段时.本题易误选 bd. 本题易误选 52.b.此时我们作者就能够(able)做到这点了. 53.a.make+(a)+动词的名词形式表示该动词的含义,如:make a (an)answer/apology/living 等. 54.b.此时需要(require)这么做.本题易误选 c. 本题易误选 55.c.既然是 critical reading,那么就是要表示自己的观点,share(分享)表示与作者有相 同的观点.本题易误选 d. 本题易误选( 六)laugh and smile your way to health how much do you laugh and smile during the day do you take your life and your illness or injury so 36 that there is no room for joy to fill you want a totally free, simple way to 37 and your health with no medicine needed then laughing and smilingincrease your is 38 to you so laugh your way to happiness. should be doing.39it takes to put a smile on your face is what youresearch shows that laughing can increase the immune system, disease free and fight colds and the flu. if you are facing an illness , having a positive life opinion and a40the body to stay41of humor willkeep your body open to healing. if you are healthy, laughing will help to make sure you stay that way, and can 42 enjoyment to your work and home life and 44 43 your daily stress.certainly, it can be time to 47 45to keep a positive opinion of life all the time. simply taking the 46 in your life can help 48 ,on the positive and treat for the good things, but if you are struggling with negative emotions that you just can't seem tothere are tools that can help. there are so many things out there to smile about and 50 . practice looking for the bright 51 53 49 you have to do is find 52of every situation. avoid the negative:don'tyourself with your own problems—orothers for their &shortcomings.& and don't pay 54no attention to the joy in everyday things. create your own &laugh for health& —anything to add to your collection and to give you fresh materials that 36.a. proudly 37. a.burdens 38. a.beneficial 39. a.however 40.a.helping 41. a.taste 42. a.adjust 43. a.improve 44. a.hard 45. a.concentrate 46. a.carefully 47..a.remarkably 48.a.seek 49. a.all b.seriously b.spirits b.changeable b.whenever b.making b.sense b.adapt b.arise b.awful b.put b.thankfully b.accidentally b.stress b.that c.carefully c.loads c.suitable c.whatever c.letting c.knowledge c.apply c.cancel c.energetic c.focus c.particularly c.frequently c.accept c.how 55 to you.d.freely d.values d.harmful d.whichever d.causing d.joy d.add d.reduce d.helpful d.interview d.differently d.purposefully d. overcome d.why 50. a.it 51. a.side 52.a.depend 53.a.praise 54. a.ambition 55.a. appealb.that b.plan b.abandon b.miss b.summary b.applyc.this c.aspect c.load c.approve c.message c.centerd.one d.future d.ban d. blame d.collection d.assume【解题导语】&笑一笑,十年少&,大多数人都知道这句俗语,但在粲然一笑的背后,蕴涵 解题导语】 笑一笑,十年少 , 大多数人都知道这句俗语, 但在粲然一笑的背后, 笑一笑 着多少科学原理阅读下文你就知道. 着多少科学原理阅读下文你就知道. 36.b.本题易误选 a.take... seriously 重视; 认真对待[想], 当真 本题易误选 . ... 37.b.本题易误选 a.根据空后内容可知道答案.a 和 c 意思一样. 本题易误选 .根据空后内容可知道答案 知道答案. 意思一样. 38.a.本题易误选 c.be beneficial to 有益于;be suitable to/for&适合的, 适当的; 相配 本题易误选 . 的&be particular about&挑剔…&. 39.c 本题易误选 b. ) 相当于 anything that, . 答对率约 50%. ; . whatever 引导名词性从句, 意思是&所……的任何事情&,在语气上比 what 更加强调.例:whatever she did was right. 她所做的一切都是对的.a 和 b 不能作宾语;&whichever& 作代词,/anything oreverything &无论哪些&, &无论哪个&,常指提供的选择中的无论哪一个.例如:whichever (anything that) you want is yours. 40. a.本题易误选 b.help sb. to do.;注意后面的 to,make sb. do sth.. 本题易误选 . ; , . 41. b.本题易误选 d.sense &视觉[听觉, 嗅觉, 味觉, 触觉] &,如:a sense of humour 幽 本题易误选 . 默感 a sense of duty 责任感 the sense of direction 对方向的识别力等. 42.d. add…to…&增添&; adapt 指&修改或改变以适应新条件&, 如: you should adapt yourself to the new environment. 你应该适应新环境;adjust 指&调整&,&调节&使之适应, 如: you can't see through the telescope until it is adjusted to your eyes. 你把望远镜调节到适合你的 目光之后, 你才看得见;suit…to…&使 ...适合于&.不和句意. .不和句意. 43.d. 44.a. 本题易误选 d. . hard 是一般用语, 指&不易做的&, &不易处理的&, &难了解的&, 侧重&体 力上的困难&, 如: it's hard to say which is better.;awful&可怕的&;energetic &精力旺盛的;有 力的&;helpful&有益的&,不符合题意. 45.c.concentrate, focus 这两个动词都有&集中&的意思.focus v.集中(于某事物);将(注意力 等)集中于……(后接 on, 宾语一般不是具体的东西, 多用于兴趣等事). please focus your minds on the following problem.请集中考虑以下问题.concentrate v.集中,集中精力(后接 on,宾语 可以是具体或抽象的东西); 浓缩, 压缩. during exams, students concentrate hard on answering the questions.考试期间,同学们集中精力回答问题. 46.b.本题易误选 c.thankfully&感谢地,感激地&;particularly&特别地;特殊地&,不 本题易误选 . & & 合句意. 47.a.本题易误选 cd.remarkably&非常地&;dreadfully&可怕地&;frequently&经常; 本题易误选 . & & 常常&;accidentally&偶然地, 意外地&;purposefully&有目的地, 自觉地&. & 48.d.overcome&克服&,其它不和句意. 49.a.本题易误选 b.本句意思为&你所要做的一切是 本题易误选 .本句意思为&你所要做的一切是……&;that 作为定语从句的关系代 & 在不定代词, 词的情况全品高考网在不定代词,如:anything, nothing, the one, all, much, few, any, little 等作先行 词时, 的定语从句. 词时,只用 that,不用 which.you have to do 是省略了 that 的定语从句. , . 50.d.本题易误选 a.此处 one 是泛指.it 指上文提到的事. 本题易误选 . 是泛指. 指上文提到的事. 51.a.本题易误选 c. 本题易误选 .bright side&光明的一面; 令人高兴的一面&;future n. 将来;未来;plan 系常用词, 指&为做某事, 事先作出的安排或方案&, 如: i have a plan for overcoming the difficulty. 我有个克服那困难的计划. aspect 也指&外表&, 尤指&面部表情&或&在特定的时间, 地点的特点&, 如: in spring the yard has a freshening aspect. 春天, 院子里呈现出一派清新的 景象. 52.c.load…with…. 53.d.blame sb. for sth. 54.d.本题易误选 bc.下文有提示. 本题易误选 .下文有提示. 55.a.本题易误选 b.appeal to&引起 的兴趣 apply sth. to &把...施于...; 把...运用于...&. 引起…的兴趣 . 本题易误选 . 引起 的兴趣&; center 与 on 连用 &以…为中心,围绕&. 连用:( 七)alcohol is often taken as a symbol of a special celebration or as a sign of friendship.so it is 36 to see people toasting with a large glass of alcohol to the health or fortune. 37 , everyyear, alcohol also ruins thousands of lives and destroys many happy families . some people drink alcohol to drinking, they can 40 38 their tension or pain. they 39 think that through 41 .duringfrom their problems and worries. but it is never a those hours of drinking, alcohol only numbs(麻木)their senses and makes them forget their worries. a 42 43 , when they wake up, their problems are still unsolved . alcohol drinker is running the great 44 of getting heart diseases and liver 45 47 occur. alcohol(肝脏)failure. too much alcohol taken into the body system, death will alcohol also affects unborn babies in their blood system risk 49 48 46 . those pregnant mothers withtheir unborn babies to suffer from defects(缺陷)at birth., babies are innocent victims due to their mothers' mistake. therefore they should be 50 all drinking during pregnancy(怀extremely cautious of any alcohol and it is better to 孕期). drunken driving is one of the worst lost due to distance he 54 52 51of alcohol abuse. every year, many lives aredriving on roads and highways. a drunk driver cannot see and judge the 53 on the road,soclearly and will find it difficult to control his vision and control over his reflexes. that is 55accidents occur. not only does he hurthimself but also other innocent road users. 36.a.normal 37.a.accidently 38. a. relieve 39. a.usually 40. a.differ 41. a. success 42. a. however 43. a. social 44. a.advantages 45. a. eventually 46. a.anxiously 47. a. proper 48. a. causing 49. a.above all 50.a. run out 51.a. reasons b.common b. fortunately b.increase b.surely b. solve b. solution b. meanwhile b. heavy b.possessions b. probably c.ideal c.excitedly c.create c. mistakenly c. cancel c. fact c. so c. addicted c.risks c.hardly d. regular d. unfortunately d.produce d. aimlessly d. escape d. decision d. besides d.light d.measures d.strongly d.differently d.no d.protecting d. after all d.carry out d. examplesb. disastrously c. extensively b.little b.making b.first of all b.leave out b. causes c. excessive c. having c.all in all c. cut out c. effects 52. a. drunken 53.a. patience 54.a.manages to 55.a.whenb.normal b.emotion b.tries to b.whatc.careless c. judgement c.refuses to c.where 46—50:bcadc :d. dangerous d.imagination d.fails to d. how 51—55:cacdd :36—40:bdacd 41—45:babca : :虽说&无酒不成席 同时 酒也是 穿肠毒药 过量饮酒带来的危害也 无酒不成席&,同时 酒也是&穿肠毒药 【解题导语】 解题导语】 虽说 无酒不成席 同时,酒也是 穿肠毒药&,过量饮酒带来的危害也 不少.每年不知有多少人因喝酒造成了意外 多少人把命断送在这酩酊酣热之际 多少人把命断送在这酩酊酣热之际, 不少.每年不知有多少人因喝酒造成了意外,多少人把命断送在这酩酊酣热之际 多少健康消失在瓶罐之间.忽略了酒精的危害,我们正一步步远离健康. 多少健康消失在瓶罐之间.忽略了酒精的危害 我们正一步步远离健康. 我们正一步步远离健康36.b.common 在这里表示&不稀有,到处可见&.common 侧重&普通&,表示&时时发生,人所 共有&, 其反义词为 rare. a common saying (俗话), 如: common knowledge / sense 常识. normal 指&正常的&,&正规的&,&常态的&, 如: the normal temperature of the human body.;ideal&理想 的;完美的;空想的;想象中的 & this dictionary is ideal — it's exactly what i needed. 这本词 典很理想, 正是我所需要的. ideal plans for making money 赚钱的空想计划 ; regular 指&有 规律的&,&正规的&,&定期的&, 如: he kept regular hours. 他过着有规律的生活.本题易误选 本题易误选 a. . 37.d.unfortunately,承上关系,表反意.accidently&偶然地, 意外地&;fortunately&幸运 地&;excitedly&兴奋地&,均不合语境. 38.a.relieve&减少;减轻&.其它为增加等意,不合语境. 39.c.mistakenly &错误地, 曲解地&. 本题易误选 a. . 40.d.escape from&逃避&;cancel&放弃,取消&为及物动词,不与 from 连用. 41.b.solution&解答, 解决办法&,其它不和句意.本题易误选 ac. 本题易误选 . 42.a.however&然而&so&因此&,用作连词表示结果,用法与 therefore 相似;besides&另外,除此 以外&从句子意思,只有 a 合适 43.b.a heavy drinker&能喝的主&;a social drinker &酒量一般的人&;a addicted drinker&喝酒上了 瘾的人&;a light drinker&不太会喝酒的人&. 本题易误选 c. . 44.c.run the risk of doing…&冒险做…&. 45.a.eventually&最后, 终于&,可表示由某种原因导致的结果.本题易误选 b. 可表示由某种原因导致的结果 本题易误选 . 46.b.disastrously&悲剧地,灾难性地&;extensively&广阔地&.此题不易选. 悲剧地,灾难性地 此题不易选. 悲剧地 此题不易选 47.c.excessive(overfull),其它不和句意.本题易误选 b. ( ),其它不和句意 ),其它不和句意. . 48.a.cause sb./sth. to do….make 和 have 后不定式省略protect 与 from 连用.本题易 本题易 误选 bc. . 49.d .all in all 用法辨析:本题易误选 a. 本题易误选 . ①above all 意为&最重要的是;尤其是&,强调要引起特别注意.如: we must work,and above all we must believe in ourselves. 我们必须工作,尤其重要的是我们 必须树立信心. ②after all 意为&毕竟;终究;到底&,表示让步.如: he is certain to come. after all, he's already accepted the invitation. 他肯定来,他毕竟已接受了邀请. ③ first of all 意为&首先&,强调次序.如: first of all, let me introduce myself to you. 首先,让我作个自我 介绍. all in all &完全地& 50.c.cut out&戒掉&=get rid of.run out&用完&;leave out&省去, 遗漏, 不考虑&;carry out&完 成, 实现, 贯彻, 执行&,均不合题义.本题易误选 b. 本题易误选 . 51.c.effect&结果&,如:alcoholic drink can have a bad effect on your body. 含酒精的饮料会对你 身体有很坏的影响.;cause 和 reason 表示原因 cause 指&产生结果的原因& 或&使某事发生 的原因&, 如: carelessness is the cause of his failure. 粗心是他失败的原因. 52.a.本段开头有提示. 53.c.根据前面的 vision&视野&可判断选 judgement. . 54.d.fail to do sth.&未能做某事&. manage to 设法做到某事;try to 尽力做某事;refuse to 拒绝 做某事,均不合语境. 55.d.本句意思为&事故就是这样发生的.& how conj. (用于间接陈述中,意义和作用与 that 相仿) 如:this is how we became acquainted. 我们就是这样认识的.本题易误选 b. 本题易误选 .( 八)how to release anger the right way anger is a feeling that many of us know all too well. some of us experience it daily, others hold on to it for years at a time. as you likely know, angry is not a healthy time it can become self-destructive, 3 relationships and even your health. 4 thing—anger is a na ; 6 normal and natural human 8 9 anger the right way. whether you have an 2 1. overthis is not to say that anger is always a it is a5that something is wrong. if anger is not a 7emotion, it isimportant to learn and understand how toyou can release anger the right or the wrong way. anger problem yourself or not, it is 11 10for everyone to understand what the right 12 to take that willof releasing anger are. transforming anger is a powerful create positive changes in our relationships. one of the best ways to yourself the 14 to express anger. in fact, it is quite 16 . 17 18 1513anger is to giveto express your anger aslong as you do itremember that anger management although mental therapy alone will help you take you so far. the same 19both on mental and physical effort. for releasing your anger, it can only 20 both mentalfor exercise too. however, if you 21therapy and exercising, you will then have particular physical activity it might be 23 22to an unbelievable positive solution. do athe mental intention of releasing your anger. 24 is to never hurt 25 to expressbut the most important things of all toothers when you release your anger. make sure you give yourself the safely your anger, without hurting anyone else . 1.a.when . . 2.a.life . . 3.a.reflecting . . 4.a.bad . . 5.a.appearance . . 6.a.unbelievable . . 7.a.whatever . . 8.a.release . . 9.a.instead of . . of 10.a.important . . 11.a.answers . . 12.a.step . . 13.a.shift . . 14.a.permission . . 15.a.painful . . 16.a.confidently . . 17.a.requires . . 18.a.attentively . . b.common . b.messages . b.right . b.change . b.application . b.happy . b.correctly . b.relies . b.specially . c.hard . c.ways . c.attitude . c.transfer . c.affection . c.healthy . c.gradually . c.lacks . c.absolutely . b.while . b.feeling . b.ruining . b.good . b.mark . b.completely . b.how . b.relax . b.except for . c.but . c.happiness . c.limiting . c.ordinary . c.signal .d.however . d.emotion . d.satisfying . d.especial . d.gesture .c.incompletely d.carefully . . c.much . c.obsorb . d.however . d.influence .c.regardless of d.as a consequence . .d.easy . d.actions . d.chance . d.transform . d.admission . d.succeeful . d.separately . d.decline . d.tremendously . 19.a.arranges . . 20.a.control . . 21.a.access . . 22.a.in conflict with . . 23.a.simple . . 24.a.answer . . 25.a.opportunity . .b.reaches . b.join . b.approach . b.rather than . b.obvious . b.remember . b.necessity .c.prepares . c.separate . c.admission . c.along with . c.unrealistic . c.repeat . c.probability .d.applies . d.combine . d.contact . d.in place of . d.appropriate . d.listen . d.reality .【解题导语】愤怒是什么我们要如何保持冷静和沉着,但是在重要的片刻仍能够反应 在 解题导语】愤怒是什么 要如何保持冷静和沉着,但是在重要的片刻仍能够反应 愤怒的心理状态下,你什么事都可能做得出来,你会做出将来会后悔的事. 愤怒的心理状态下,你什么事都可能做得出来,你会做出将来会后悔的事.它会 产生一连串 可能做得出来 的连锁反应,使你的... 但不同人处理愤怒的方式是不同的,有的人&沾火就着& 的连锁反应,使你的... 但不同人处理愤怒的方式是不同的,有的人&沾火就着&,很容 易被激怒,也有的人则过分压抑愤怒,还有的人喜欢把愤怒情绪转移.这三种类型的人, 易被激怒,也有的人则过分压抑愤怒,还有的人喜欢把愤怒情绪转移.这三种类型的人, 都需要正确地做好愤怒的& 绪管理& 否则就会随着时间的推移,它可以成为自我毁灭, 都需要正确地做好愤怒的&情绪管理&,否则就会随着时间的推移,它可以成为自我毁灭, 随着时间的推移 败坏了人际关系,甚至你的健康的心理疾病. 败坏了人际关系,甚至你的健康的心理疾病. 的心理疾病 【答案与简析】 答案与简析】 1. . . while 此处表示对比. b. when 和 while 作并列连词时, when 表示&在那时&; while 表示&而, 却&,表对照关系. 2.d. emotion 指&精神上极强烈的感情&, 如: the girl was overwhelmed with emotion and . . couldn't speak for a moment. 这女孩非常激动, 一时说不出话来.feeling 指 &生理上受到刺 激产生的感觉,或对某事的主观的强烈的反应&; 作&感情&解时,常用复数,如: i never like to hurt people's feelings. 我从不愿意伤害别人的感情. 3.b.ruin&破坏&;而 reflect&反映,表现&;limit&限制&;satisfy&满足, 使满意&均 和语境. 4.a.bad&不健康的, 严重的&.根据后面的意思 a 最佳.其她不合语境. 5.c.signal&征兆,信号&;appearance 在指人时,往往包括衣着,在指一般事物时, 往 往含有外表和实质不一致的概念;mark&符号,记号&;gesture&姿态, 手势&. 6.c.incompletely&不完全地&,注意前面的否定.本句意思是&如果 anger 是一种正常的 自然的人类情感….) 7.d.however 修饰形容词.whatever 修饰名词;how 含有疑问. 8.a.release&释放&;relax&放松;使不紧张&,如:relax the muscles 放松肌肉.其它 &释放& 不合语境. 9.c.regardless of&不管, 不顾&;as a consequence (of) / as a result (of) &作为…的结果&except for&除..之外,只是&,用来修正前面的总体说法或评价.10.a.本句意思为&无论你是否有 anger 问题,了解处理 anger 的办法是重要的. 11.c.way&办法,方法&,其它不合语境. 12. 根据后面的 take 应选 step, a step(steps) a. take &采取措施& 而 take a chance 和 &碰碰运气& 13.d.transform 指外形或面貌的改变,彻底改变性格,性质等;shift 指位置或方向的移动, 改变; change 改变,变更,指位置,性质,外表,形式或是数量与质量等改变.常与 into 连用; transfer 转移,调(往),可以指工作岗位的调动或学习专业的转换. 14.a.permission 允许,同意,一般用于 give sb. permission to do sth. 允许某人做某事,不 能与表示机构的词搭配使用;application&应用,运用&;affection&影响&;admission(入 会,入学,入场)许可:free admission. 免票入场. 15.c.healthy&有益的,健康的&.本句意思是&只要你正确地释放出你的 anger 是十分 (对健康)有益的;painful&痛苦的&. 16.b.correctly &恰当地, 正确地&;confidently&信赖地, 安心地& 17.b.rely on(upon)&依靠,信赖&;require&需要,要求&;lack&缺乏&, 两者均为及 物动词;decline&拒绝&及物动词. 18.d.tremendously&非常地&,等与 very much 或 greatly.而 attentively &注意地, 留意地&; ; specially 意思是&特意地&;&专门地&,强调目的,一般用在表示目的的不定式或介词 for 短 语前面;absolutely&完全地, 绝对地&.根据句意均不和题意. 19. apply for 应用, d. & 适用& &安排, 准备& reach for&伸手去取&; for&为...作准备&. & 20.d.combine&(使)结合&着重指&两个或两个以上的人或事物为了共同目的而结合在一 起;control 及物动词&控制,支配&;join 指&任何事物的直接连接, 连接的程度可紧可松, 还 能分开&之意, 如: the new highway has joined the two cities. 新公路把那两个城市连接起来. separate 指&把原来在一起的人或物分开&, 21. 名词 access 的意思是&使用, a. 接触或进入的方法 (权利, 机会等) 后常接介词 to, 符 &, 合此题的句意和语法.approach to 做…的态度或方法;contact 联系,一般与 with 连用; admission (to) 准许进入;这三个词皆不宜采用. 22.c.along with&&;in conflict with 意为&同……相冲突, 与……有抵触&;rather than &而不是&,用法类似于 instead of. 23.b.obvious 指&容易知道或发现, 无须解释或证明的&;appropriate&适当的&;unrealistic &不切实际的&;appropriate&适合的; 适当的&. 24.b.remember&记住,铭记&;listen 与 to 连用.其它不合语境. 25.a.opportunity 意为&(做……的)机会&,符合句意.necessity,&必需品&;probability, &可能的结果&;reality,&现实,实际存在的事物&,均不符合句意.( 九)宽容是人世间最好的良药.对于一些无可挽回的悲剧或过失,过多的指责没有任何意义, 宽容是人世间最好的良药.对于一些无可挽回的悲剧或过失,过多的指责没有任何意义, 因为悲剧或过失是任何人都不希望发生的. 因为悲剧或过失是任何人都不希望发生的.这时惟有以一种宽容的心态来对待身边的人或 事,看待得与失. 看待得与失. human relations ----- by marion williams a boy was born to a couple after eleven years of marriage. they were a loving couple and you can imagine how excited they were. certainly the boy was eyes. one morning, the husband saw a medicine bottle 2 .as he was late for work, he 4 1 as the apple of theirasked his wife to cap the bottle and ___3____. the mother, who was busy in the kitchen, the matter. the boy playfully went to the medicine bottle, was drank it all. it the child showed 6 to be a poisonous medicine 7 5with its color,andadults in small dosages. when 8 he died. 10signs of poisoning, the mother took him to the hospital, 9the mother was stunned 使昏迷) .she was too (使昏迷)to face her husband. when the 11father came to the hospital and saw the dead child, he four words. the husband just said & 12 13 &his wife and uttered justthe husaband was indeed could mother. 14 16in human relationships.the child was dead. he 15 in finding fault with thebe brought back to life. there was no, if only he had taken time to keep the bottle in the cupboard or other place, 17 . she had also lost her only child .what shethis would not have happened. no one is needed at that moment was consolation(安慰,慰藉) and 安慰,慰藉 安慰 was what he gave her.18from the husband. thatif everyone can look at life with this kind of perspective(观点), there would be much fewer (观点) problems in the world. sometimes we spend time in asking who is 19 or whom to 20blame, whether in a relationship, in a job or with the people we know. by this way we some warmth in human relationship . 1.a.treated . . 2.a.shut . . 3.a.put it aside . . b.thought . b.close . b.set it aside . c.ignored . c.bare . c.put it away . b.wholly terrified . d.absolutely remembered . b.fascinated . b.seemed . b.made for . b.then . b.frightened . b.angry . b.stared at . c.puzzled . c.appeared . c.meant for . c.but . c.annoyed . c.distraught . c.glared at . b.how do you do . d.i love you, darling. . c.a success . c.even . c.pleasure . c.besides . c.to be accused . c.excuse . c.accessible . c.stand out . d.a evil . d.once . d.worry . d.however . d.to be noticed . d.sympathy . d.responsible . d.miss out . d.calmed . d.uttered . d.called for . d.where . d.worried . d.patient . d.amazed at . d.abandoned . d.open . d.leave it alone .4.a.completely forgetting . . c.totally forgot . 5.a.satisfied . . 6.a.happened . . 7.a.stood for . . 8.. a.when . . 9.a.ashamed . . 10.a.awful . . 11.a.looked at . .12.a.i hate you, now. . . c.how did this happen . 13.a.a idiot . . 14.a.never . . 15.a.wonder . . 16.a.therefore . . 17.a.to blame . . 18.a.explanation . . 19.a.suitable . . 20.a.make out . . 【解题导语】 解题导语】 b.a genius . b.seldom . b.point . b.otherwise . b.to be blamed . b.courage . b.believeable . b.look out .年之后. 他们是一对恩爱的夫妇, 一各男孩诞生于一对夫妇结婚 11 年之后. 他们是一对恩爱的夫妇,男孩是他们的掌上明 当男孩约在两岁时,一天早上,丈夫看见一瓶药瓶打开了. 由于他上班快迟到了, 珠. 当男孩约在两岁时,一天早上,丈夫看见一瓶药瓶打开了. 由于他上班快迟到了, 他的妻子全神贯注在厨房里,忘了此事. 所以他要他的妻把这药瓶放在碗柜里 .他的妻子全神贯注在厨房里,忘了此事. 男孩子 看见这药瓶并且被它的颜色迷住,要拿这瓶玩,并且喝光它. 看见这药瓶并且被它的颜色迷住,要拿这瓶玩,并且喝光它. 它碰巧是一种小剂量方面计 划是要给成年人的有毒的药.当孩子倒下时,他母亲急忙的送他到医院.他死了, 划是要给成年人的有毒的药.当孩子倒下时,他母亲急忙的送他到医院.他死了,母亲被 吓昏了. 她害怕的不知如何面对她的丈夫.当这精神涣散的父亲来到医院, 吓昏了. 她害怕的不知如何面对她的丈夫.当这精神涣散的父亲来到医院,看见死亡的孩 子时, 个字....... 子时,他看了他的妻子并且仅仅说了 4 个字....... 【答案与简析】 答案与简析】 1—5:adccb — : 6—10:acdbc 11—15:adbab — : — : 16—20:caddd — :1.a.treat…as…&把…….视为 看作 ,如:he treated his mistake as a joke. 他把他的错 . . 视为/看作 把 视为 看作&, 误当作玩笑看待.; 不理睬;忽视,及物动词. 误当作玩笑看待.;think of……as….;ignore 不理睬;忽视,及物动词.如:i tried to .; ; tell her but she ignored me. 我打算告诉她,可是她不理睬我.又如:&ignore the child 我打算告诉她,可是她不理睬我.又如: if he misbehaves, and he'll soon stop.& &小孩不乖时,别去理他 不久他就会不闹了.&; 小孩不乖时 别去理他,不久他就会不闹了 小孩不乖 别去理他 不久他就会不闹了. ; abandon 也是及物动词,意为 抛弃;舍弃;离弃 ,如:abandon one's home 离弃家 也是及物动词,意为&抛弃 舍弃;离弃&, 抛弃; 因为下雨比赛停止了. 园,又如:they abandoned the game because of rain. 因为下雨比赛停止了. 又如: 2.d.根据后面的 cap(vt.盖上),可以看出,此处应填 open(adj. 开着的 敞开的); . . 盖上),可以看出, 开着的, 敞开的); ( 盖上),可以看出 ( shut(v.关闭,关上); ( 关闭 关上); 关闭, );close adj. 近的 紧密的;bare adj. 赤裸的 无遮蔽的 空的. 近的, 紧密的; 赤裸的, 无遮蔽的, 空的. 3.c.put…away&收起来放好,保存好 ;put…aside&(暂时)放在一边 ;set…aside &取 . . 收起来放好, 收起来放好 保存好&; (暂时)放在一边&; 取 驳回&;leave… alone&不关,不理 .只有 c 符合句意. 不关, 符合句意. 消, 驳回 不关 不理&. 4.c.根据句意 在厨房忙 的母亲完全忘了这件事.&此处是谓语,who…是个非限制性 . .根据句意&在厨房忙 的母亲完全忘了这件事. 此处是谓语 在厨房忙…的母亲完全忘了这件事 此处是谓语, 是个非限制性 定语从句. 定语从句.本题易误选 a. . 5.b.fascinate 迷住 使神魂颠倒 吸引 使感兴趣,如:the changing vivid colours of the . . 迷住, 使神魂颠倒; 吸引; 使感兴趣, sunset fascinated the eye. 日落时变化多端的色彩使人看得入迷.其它选项不符合语境 日落时变化多端的色彩使人看得入迷. 意思.又如: 他迷上了佛教的仪式. 意思.又如:he's fascinated with buddhist ceremonies. 他迷上了佛教的仪式. 6. . . happen to(和名词连用 临到 头上 某情况 尤指不幸的事 (和动词连用 偶然 碰巧, a. 和名词连用)临到 头上(某情况 和动词连用)偶然 和名词连用 临到...头上 某情况, 尤指不幸的事); 和动词连用 偶然; 碰巧, 昨天发生火灾时, 如:i happened to be in the market yesterday when a fire started. 昨天发生火灾时,我 正好在市场上. 又如: happened to see peter on the way to the bookstore yesterday. 昨 i 正好在市场上. 又如: 天我去书店的路上碰巧遇见了彼得.it seems to be…(似乎 和 it appears to…不符合句 天我去书店的路上碰巧遇见了彼得. 似乎)和 不符合句 店的路上碰巧遇见了彼得 似乎 发出, 意;utter&发出 做声 发表 . 发出 做声, 发表&. 7.c.mean&意欲;意思是 ,meant for 为过去分词作定语.mean sth. for sb.如:he means . . 意欲; 为过去分词作定语. 意欲 意思是&, 如 this house for his daughter. 他预定把这栋房子给女儿. 他预定把这栋房子给女儿. this was meant for a joke. 这是 笑话, 又如: was meant for [to be] a doctor. 本来是准备把他培养成为医生的. he 本来是准备把他培养成为医生的 stand 医生的. 笑话, 又如: for&代表 代替 象征 支持 ;call for&要求 提倡 为...叫喊 ;make for&最理想的, 代表, 代替, 象征, 支持&; 要求, 叫喊&; 最理想的, 代表 要求 提倡, 叫喊 最理想的 最适宜的,配合,移向;走向 是天生的一对,又如: 最适宜的,配合,移向;走向& 如:be made for each other 是天生的一对,又如:the large print makes for easier reading.大号字体便于阅读.本题易误选 b. 大号字体便于阅读. 大号字体便于阅读 . 8. . . where 引导非限制性定语从句. d. 引导非限制性定语从句. then 多数情况下表顺序, : had a bath and then 多数情况下表顺序, 如 he went to bed. 他洗了个澡, 他洗了个澡, 然后睡觉了. cooked the meat and then i washed the pot. 我 然后睡觉了. 觉了 i 烧好肉,然后刷了锅.本题易误选 c. 烧好肉,然后刷了锅. . 9.b.frightened&受惊吓的,害怕的 ;ashamed&惭愧的 羞耻的 ;annoyed & 使 不 高 兴 , . . 受惊吓的, 惭愧的, 受惊吓的 害怕的&; 惭愧的 羞耻的&; 使烦恼&, 他的无礼使我恼怒.; .;worried&闷闷 使烦恼 ,如:i was annoyed by his bad manners. 他的无礼使我恼怒.; 闷闷 不乐的,为难的,焦虑的 . 不乐的,为难的,焦虑的&. 10.c.distraught&心神错乱的 发狂的 ;awful&可怕的 威严的 &口&极度的 糟糕的 ; . . 心神错乱的; 可怕的, 极度的, 心神错乱的 发狂的&; 可怕的 威严的, 口 极度的 糟糕的&; 根据语境, 和句意吻合. 根据语境,只有 c 和句意吻合.本题易误选 d. . 11.a.根据上下文可以看出答案是 looked at&看&:stare at&盯着看 . . 盯着看(at); 凝视 瞪眼看 , 凝视; 瞪眼看&, 看 : 盯着看 他盯着这个单词, 如:he stared at the word trying to remember what it meant. 他盯着这个单词,努力想 记起它的意思.; 怒目而视&, 羡幕, 记起它的意思.;glare at&怒目而视 ,指由于 羡幕,恐惧,惊讶或愚蠢而用恐吓,凶 .; 怒目而视 指由于&羡幕 恐惧,惊讶或愚蠢而用恐吓, 狠或愤怒的眼光看&如 狠或愤怒的眼光看 如:the old gentleman just stood there glaring at the pickpocket and did not say a word. &这位老先生只是站在那里对那个扒手怒目而视 一句话也没有 这位老先生只是站在那里对那个扒手怒目而视,一句话也没有 这位老先生只是站在那里对那个扒手怒目而视 使惊奇; 说.&;amaze at&使惊奇;使吃惊 ,如: her knowledge amazes me. 她的学识令我 ; 使惊奇 使吃惊&, 吃惊.又如: 吃惊.又如:i was amazed by the news of george's sudden death. 听到乔治突然去逝的 消息,我感到惊愕. 消息 我感到惊愕.本题易误选 b. 我感到惊愕 . 12.d.根据下文内容不难看出答案. . .根据下文内容不难看出答案. 13. . . genius&天才, b. 天才, 天才人物&, einstein was a genius. 爱因斯坦是一个天才. a idiot&白 爱因斯坦是一个天才. 天才 天才人物 , : 如 ; 白 愚人, 傻瓜&; 成功的人或事&; 失败的人或事& 痴, 愚人 傻瓜 ;a success&成功的人或事 ;a failure&失败的人或事 成功的人或事 失败的人或事 14.a.never&永不;决不 ,其它词不符合语境. . . 永不; 永不 决不&,其它词不符合语境. 15.b.考查对上下文的理解.孩子已经死了,再追究...就没有意义了.point&要点; . .考查对上下文的理解.孩子已经死了,再追究...就没有意义了. ...就没有意义了 要点; 要点 意/含义;论点;寓意&如:i don't see the point of waiting for her, she is probably not 含义;论点;寓意 如 coming. 我不知道等她有什么意义,她可能不来了.i don't see your point. 我不懂你的 我不知道等她有什么意义,她可能不来了.


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