
&&&cheese yield
In this experiment the source is the freshmilk produced by xi'an changxing Dairy with import EZAL and MAO 11 from abroad as yeast powder (str. Cremoris and Str. Lactis) Use microbial rennet, swine pepsin, lamb rennet, calf rennet, papain and ficin as milk-clotting enzymes to produce hard cheese. And research the effect of different milk - clotting enzymes to cheese yield ,cheese hardness and proteolysis during ripening.
本试验以西安常兴乳品厂当日生产鲜奶为原料,以进口的EZAL MA011作发酵剂(由乳油连球菌和乳酸链球菌组成),以微生物酶,小牛皱胃酶,胃蛋白酶,羔羊皱胃酶,木瓜蛋白酶和无花果蛋白酶为凝乳酶生产硬质干酪,研究不同凝乳酶对干酪产量,干酪硬度以及干酪成熟期间蛋白质降解的影响。
Effects of Cheese Yield Rate and Quality on Calcium Reagent and Temperature
1. The relationship between increasing milk scc and decreasing actual cheese yield is linear, and there is significant difference among three cheeses(p<0.05).
1.从干酪真实出品率来看: LSCC组>MSCC组>HSCC组,且在P<0.05水平下差异显著。
Effects of cheese yield rate and quality on calcium reagent and temperature was investigated.
In the paper,we make cheedar cheese with the compounds of pepsin and ginger juice adopting L16(45). We determine the protein content in whey,milk-clotting time,cheese yield and organoleptic properties. The result shows: with the mixture of 0.2% pepsin and 0.2% ginger juice we can make better cheese from every index.
The relationship between increasing milk SCC and decreasing actual cheese yield is linear,and there is significant difference among three cheeses(P<0.05).
Effect of Technology on Soy Cheese Product Yield
Influences of different factors on goat cheese product yield
and the yield raised.
The Story of Cheese
查询“cheese yield”译词为用户自定义的双语例句&&&&我想查看译文中含有:的双语例句
为了更好的帮助您理解掌握查询词或其译词在地道英语中的实际用法,我们为您准备了出自英文原文的大量英语例句,供您参考。&&&&&&&&&&&& It is the first major step to determine the coagulation time of milk during cheesemaking process. It is closely related to cheese yield and quality. The research is aimed at developing a new and non-destructive method using ultrasound resonance for determining the coagulation time. That is to measure changes in physical properties during milk coagulation process for defining the coagulation time and then the optimal cutting time of coagulum. The study indicates that the ultrasonic attenuation change is... It is the first major step to determine the coagulation time of milk during cheesemaking process. It is closely related to cheese yield and quality. The research is aimed at developing a new and non-destructive method using ultrasound resonance for determining the coagulation time. That is to measure changes in physical properties during milk coagulation process for defining the coagulation time and then the optimal cutting time of coagulum. The study indicates that the ultrasonic attenuation change is closely interrelated to the physical characteristic changes during milk coagulation process. With this method measuring accuracy can be improved obviously.在奶酪的生产过程中,确定牛奶的凝固时间是极为关键的一步,它直接关系到奶酪的品质和产量。文中提出一种非破坏性测定凝固时间的新方法一超声谐振检测法。即利用超声的衰减特性测定牛奶在凝固过程中的物理性能变化,以确定牛奶凝固点和凝块切割的最佳时间。试验研究结果表明:超声信号的衰减与牛奶在凝固过程中的物理性能变化密切相关。超声谐振法可显著地提高检测的精确度。 Coagulum firmness would affect on the quality of mozzarella cheese. Coagulum firmness corresponded to average coagulation time from coagulum addition to cutting the curd. Three firmness levels were tested. The coagulation time was set as 30, 40, 50min separately. This study compared the effect of coagulum firmness on cutting on Mozzarella cheese. A slow acid- producing culture was used. A longer rennet coagulation time (firmer coagulation at cutting) resulted in an increase in cheese moisture and cheese yield.... Coagulum firmness would affect on the quality of mozzarella cheese. Coagulum firmness corresponded to average coagulation time from coagulum addition to cutting the curd. Three firmness levels were tested. The coagulation time was set as 30, 40, 50min separately. This study compared the effect of coagulum firmness on cutting on Mozzarella cheese. A slow acid- producing culture was used. A longer rennet coagulation time (firmer coagulation at cutting) resulted in an increase in cheese moisture and cheese yield.凝乳切割强度影响Mozzarella干酪品质,凝乳强度一般通过与之对应的平均凝乳时间(从添加酶到切割凝乳这段时间为凝乳时间)判断。本实验凝乳时间分别设定为30、40、50min,研究凝乳时间对Mozzarella干酪品质的影响。结果表明选用产酸较慢的发酵剂,更长的凝乳时间(切割时更硬的凝乳)导致了干酪中更多的水分含量和更高的干酪产量。同时干酪也具备了更柔软,更光滑均匀的质地。 Effects of cheese yield rate and quality on calcium reagent and temperature was investigated. The results showed that adding 1.6 % calcium chloride of milk volume and curdling at 75 ℃ the yield rate and quality of cheese is optimal. The proofreaded yield rate increased to 13.96 % while whey protein reduced to 0.46 %. 探讨了钙试剂添加量和凝乳温度对干酪出品率和品质的影响。结果表明,当氯化钙的添加量为牛乳的1.6%,凝乳温度为75℃时,凝块品质最好。若干酪校正出品率提高到13.96%,则乳清中蛋白质含量降低到0.46%。&nbsp&&&&&相关查询
2008 CNKI-中国知网
北京市公安局海淀分局 备案号:110 1081725
中国学术期刊(光盘版)电子杂志社奶酪的德语翻译|奶酪德语怎么说 - 德语词典 - 词典网德&语 中德词典(Chinesisch-Deutsch)
&&& &&&&奶酪的德语翻译 奶酪拼音:nǎi lào
德语意思:(Substantiv)K?se (m)汉语解释:用牛、羊乳脂发酵制成的食品 && 关注词典网微信公众号:词典网,回复如:奶酪德语,可方便查询:相关词语 (Substantiv)Quark (m) (Substantiv)&Geographie& Neckar Englische Creme (Substantiv)Büstenhalter, BH (Substantiv)Brust (n) (Substantiv)Milchpulver (n), Trockenmilch (n)Milchpulver (n) (Substantiv)K?se (m) (Substantiv)Oma (n)Grossmutter v?terlicherseits (Substantiv)&Essen und Trinken& Rahmk?se (m) (Substantiv)Milchwirtschaft (n) (Substantiv)K?serinde (n) (Substantiv)Milchprodukt (n)Milchproduktion (n) (Substantiv)Brustdrüsenentzündung (Substantiv)Milchtopf (m) (Substantiv)&Essen und Trinken& Milchtee (Substantiv)Sahnekaramelle (n) (Substantiv)&Essen und Trinken& Sahnetorte (n) (Substantiv)Bew?sserungsgraben (m) (Substantiv)Nippel (Substantiv)Nippel (m), Brustwarze (n)Nuckel (m), Schnuller
(Substantiv)Milchviehbetrieb (m) 快速导航相关词语 (Adverb)auch sehr S
Lingzhi Pilze Hauptbaugruppe (Substantiv)Katarr (m)Katarrh (m) (Verb)f?lschenimitieren (Eigenname)&Geschichte& Appian (Substantiv)Cocktailschale (n) (Eigenname)&Pers?nlichkeit& Stephen Wolfram (Verb)schikanieren 快乐的科学[kuai4 le4 de5 ke1 xue2](Substantiv)&Werktitel& D
奶酪之国----瑞士,奶酪之家----芝士家。文/筱Ccheese+= 芝士家 =奶酪之国瑞士位于欧洲大陆的心脏,瑞士是欧洲美食的故乡。北邻德国,西靠法国,南部与意大利接壤,三国迥然不同的历史文化为瑞士美食带来了法式大餐的优雅、德国美食的纯粹和意式佳肴的创意。瑞士人浪漫而专注,在瑞士你可以感受到无处不在的精致,在沈阳,为了让豪迈的沈阳人吃的更精致更有范,出现了一家这样的店,让铁打的女汉子到这以后都会变得温柔如水。这样美好的店却安静的开在角落里,走进芝士家,满满的瑞士风迎面而来,清新的格子桌布,简约中透着一丝丝的优雅,优雅中透着一丝丝的飘逸,连菜单都设计的十分精巧,翻看的时候像在翻阅古老的书籍,里面有许多你不知道的故事。有朋自远方来,在瑞士,好客的主人一定会拿出家中最好的奶酪招待,这样才显得礼貌,也有面子。在寒冷的冬天,亲朋好友围在一起吃奶酪火锅,这样的美好你也可以拥有。奶酪火锅想要做好奶酪,不说生产工艺有多特别,最终奥秘是:奶好。不是品种,而是生活方式,不管在哪个牧场吃草,瑞士的牛都能享用最纯净的幸福。这里尽是高海拔牧场和清彻纯净的湖泊溪涧。牧人不会使用割草机割草,而使用宽齿的割刀人工割草。因为机器割草会损坏夹杂在牧草中野花的花蕾,而人工割草则不会。瑞士牛一定要吃这种带鲜花的草,产下的牛奶味道才会格外鲜美。芝士家选用的奶酪都是瑞士直供,各种奶酪满足不同人的口味,然而这样的美味如今还很小众,我想爱美食的你一定不想错过,如果你只知道披萨里会拉丝的cheese,那就真的out了,其实不是所有的奶酪都能呈现拉丝的状态,来芝士家之前,快来扫个盲先。瑞士国菜:Fondue奶酪火锅,用长叉叉一块法棒面包蘸着奶酪吃。瑞克莱特奶酪:raclette cheese也叫板烧,瑞士招牌奶酪之一,配合烛光奶酪炉,将奶酪烤融化后搭配小土豆和酸黄瓜一起吃,烤奶酪就是这样诞生的。马苏里拉奶酪:Mozzarella cheese意大利的奶酪之花,就是大家熟知的可以拉丝的奶酪了。埃蒙塔尔奶酪:Emmental cheese大孔奶酪,《猫和老鼠》上镜率最大的奶酪就是他了,Jerry最爱偷吃,奶酪火锅就是用他做的。好!扫盲完毕,下面画面太美,翻阅前请自带纸巾。芝士家cheese+板瑞士烧芝士套餐 218元/份奶酪上插着几只瑞士小国旗的两个九宫格就这样被端上来,丰富精致已经不够用来形容了,美好的难以动手。奶酪放在奶酪炉上烤化,然后放在盘子上,就可以蘸着吃了,香肠和肉需要烤熟再吃,不会吃的别怪我没告诉你,最经典的吃法是板烧奶酪搭配荷兰小土豆和酸黄瓜来吃。烤之前记得撒一层橄榄油。将小盘子里的杏鲍菇和辣椒圈放在炉子上烤,清香的味道就已经掳获了你的心,这还不算,黑胡椒牛肉和小牛肉肠统统放在炉子上这视觉上的冲击和飘来的味道增加了满满的幸福感。瑞士调味芝士火锅套餐 218元/份芝士火锅的一种,是用我们熟悉的马苏里拉芝士和大孔芝士添加进口的淡奶油熬制出来的,味道浓郁,带有淡淡的奶香味,最后吃完会有乳酪锅巴产生,不要浪费哦。法棒面包蘸芝士奶酪火锅是瑞士人最爱的吃法,也是最普遍的吃法,专用叉子长长的很有感觉。不同于板烧芝士套餐,这款套餐的黑胡椒香肠,萨拉米香肠,烟熏鸡胸,午餐肉和酸菜都是煮熟后上来的,直接蘸着奶酪吃就可以了。小菜搭配了紫甘蓝,酸黄瓜和大蒜用来解腻。芝士蛋糕 160元/个芝士浓郁的芝士蛋糕可以整买也可以买一小块。这样一块是20元。购买芝士火锅套餐的话会赠送芝士蛋糕哦~1.会吃能吃奶酪的小伙伴可以尝试一下美味和传统芝士火锅套餐,白葡萄酒熬制,带点淡淡的酒香,是正宗的瑞士芝士火锅。2.美团上有团购。3.红酒醋和各种配菜都很配哦。芝士家奶酪火锅地址:沈阳市沈河区中街大悦城B馆b1楼电话:024-营业时间:9:30-20:00收款方式:现金/支付宝/刷卡停车位:有WiFi:有路线:105、215、243、248、140、地铁一号线


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