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京公网安备:Dearest Bess,
Bobby and I have been dating for about six months. During that time, I have supported him both emotionally and financially. He’s an aspiring video game designer….so ya know he has to play a lot of video games to ‘test the market’? Anyway, he’s about ten years younger than I am. Our age difference and the fact that I’m the breadwinner has never been an issue…until now. I think he’s starting to resent me. He was my escort to my holiday party at work. I introduced him to my subordinate, Tina a rather attractive woman who is closer to his age than mine. He was flirting with her rather shamelessly, touching the small of her back, whispering in her ear and then at one point he even retrieved an eyelash from her cheek. Thi I marched across the room and said… “ Oh I see you’ve met my boyfriend, Bobby.” Tina was taken somewhat aback (I don’t blame her). Bobby looked me square in the eye and said “boyfriend… is that what I am… I thought I was your fancy man.” EXCUSE ME?! The next morning he was very apologetic. He gave me the whole “I was drunk… I’m sorry. I really don’t remember that part… I was drunk…” Still, I’m having a hard time letting this go. I’ve taken care of him for months and instead of being grateful he shows himself to be a disloyal embarrassment of a boy. So… do I forgive that fine young bum or what?
—Sugar Momma No More?
Yeah…. F*ck that. Look, I like younger men too but that doesn’t mean they aren’t a handful. You can’t win with them, but you can send them to the Tower. My younger man also turned against me, they always do… it’s that damn masculine arrogance. You can’t give them too much. “
Instead of being grateful for your affection and an earldom they resent you. My Robert was cute but an idiot so naturally I sent him to Ireland to subdue some revolts, as ya do. It wasn’ I thought it’d build his confidence. Well, he found a way to mess that up. Shocker. Instead of apologizing, he freaks out and blames me! Tries to seize MY court! What is that? That’s crap. Naturally, I had to crush the little maggot. Don’t be fooled by your Bobby’s apologies. Don’t be moved when he says things like “my” Yeah… buck-o, you know you shit the bed. But, Bobby like my Robert isn’t actually sorry for his misdeeds, he’s sorry that you’ve withdrawn your attentions.
Off with his head.
Dear Bess,
I want to be wooed damn it. Bess, what is it with dudes? 90% of the ones I meet are lifeless turds. When I do meet someone who has a higher IQ than a lute (or a lute player… ha! am I right?!) they can’t even be bothered to so much as lend me a handkerchief. Am I asking too much? I just want a drop of romance. I want a man who tells me I’m beautiful, who will take me out for pheasant before ravishes me like the strumpet that I am. I recently met a beautiful but clueless stable hand. Part of me wants to just tell him what to do but is really “courting” if I have to tell him how to woo me?
I feel like that’s kind of a mood killer. Should I say something?
—An Anxious Strumpet
Look, Strumpet, there are two ways to look at this.
You don’t have to play by the heteronormative rules of courtly love. If you like him and you want something then tell him and if he does it… well great. Men aren’t mind-readers. Communication is key. Sure, it’s a tad obnoxious that he can’t just figure it out. But, it’s important to have realistic expectations. A smart intuitive suitor is rare,“”.
Still, I have a bit of a personal bias. NONE of this wooing and marriage stuff is worth the effort. My mother found it necessary to instruct men in the ways of love. She worked so hard to communicate and look where that got her. She gave my father step by step instructions, she said “” He did. They married. I was born. He killed her.
See, this is why I’m happily single. ! “” Cause, we ain’t got time for that sh*t. We gotz to run the country. Hmmm….Does that help?
Dear Bess,
The love of my life recently became available. His wife died in a tragic and slightly comical way. She tripped on a Slip and Slide and well… slide down the wrong way. Mustn’t laugh. Anyway, Ben was initially questioned in the matter but the thou-tube video exonerated him. After a suitable five day period of mourning he showed up on my door and proposed marriage.
We were childhood sweethearts. But, the problem was always my family… I don’t want to brag or anything but we’ve got a lot of cheddar. A lot. My Dad always thought Ben was a low-life loser and he wasn’t gonna let him marry his little princess. However, thanks to the sweating sickness Daddy’s approval is no longer an issue. What?! I didn’t do it! It was a disease! A disease, I say!
So now, we’re both single, and we’re both orphans… there’s nothing standing in our way. But I”m scared. Why, though? Shouldn’t love conquer all? Why couldn’t I just say “yes” when he asked me to marry him?
—Free at last?
Hmmm. Well, I can think of a few reasons. Family Loyalty? His wife died five days ago? Your trust fund?
Also, blech… marriage! My stepmother used to say, “” She was abusive crazy-pants. You know what I say? “me-knows that love, or more often lust, turns men into weirdos who may or may not murder you, plot to take your crown, or just psychologically torture you.” Yeah, I’m lookin at you Thomas Seymour.
Back to your problem, I’m still on the slip and slide… are you sure he didn’t push her? Love makes men do insane things. And all of this just sounds a little too convenient. Also, if you’re scared there is probably a reason. “” Trust me, even if he didn’t do it, that cloud of suspicion will ruin a Twelfth Night feast quicker than an outbreak of the Plague.
But if you’re prepared to handle the gossip and you really want to marry him, then just get a pre-nup, stay away from county fairs and don’t forget to ask your monarch’s permission.
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股票震幅简介股票震幅分析股票震幅预示股票振幅计算 股票震幅简介  震幅是股价能量的晴雨表。普通来说,在低位震幅大好,在高位震幅大不好。股票市场的震动幅度压缩,一方面意味着游资的转移,另一方面也象征着这一市场投契性绝对削弱。股票价钱波动趋于稳固,有利于市场更好地实现价值发明的功效。这不能说是市场投资价值的回归,然而可以说是股市股资属性的回归。这种变更是好是坏很难说,至少那些习惯于在股价波动做投机的投资者会觉得不太适应。股票震幅剖析  震幅解读:第一种情况,是股指已经上涨一段时光,但地位仍处低位,主力应用盘中的快捷跳水制作恐慌,打出浮动筹码,并借机吸货。也就是咱们通常说的&洗盘&。这时的震荡是为了之后更大的上涨;第二种情形,是股指已处于阶段行情末端,主力在盘中制造大幅震荡的表示,疾速跳水后又逐渐拉回,使跳水时逃跑的投资者懊悔,以此逐步加深人们的持股信念,跳水时不出货,深信还会涨回来,这样主力真正开始出货时可以避免散户跟本人争着逃,另一方面,跳水后的拉回,使盘中跳水时敢于接货的投资者感到有利可图,这样真正开端出货时才干有人敢跳出来接货,。   震幅是以本周期的最高价与最低价的差,,除以上一周期的收盘价,再以百分数表现的数值。以日震幅为例,就是今天的最高价减去最低价,再除以昨收盘,再换成百分数。   它是做股票时主要的参考前提之一,由于假如一只股票的震荡幅度小,足以解释它不活泼,不获利机遇。做股票不要空喊价值投资,,要捕风捉影一点,投资股票不能实现低买高卖的动作,说一千道一万也不能说是胜利。   振幅是多空争取的一个反映,振幅大,阐明多空力气迥异,大涨则多方占领主动,大跌则空方盘踞自动。振幅不大,多空处于胶着状况,临时不相上下,或某一方稍占上风。股票震幅预示  股票振幅数据的分析,对考核股票有较大的辅助,个别能够预示多少种可能:   一、可能是庄家高度控盘,散户手中流动的筹码很少,数目未几的成交量就会对股价构成很大稳定。   二、可能是庄家通过大幅拉高或杀跌进行吸筹或出货的操作。   三、处于多空显明不合的阶段,如某股票在持续上涨或者涨停后,翻开涨停或跌停时,就会呈现较大的价格波动。股票振幅计算  股票振幅的计算重要有二种方式:   一、股票振幅=当期最高价/当期最低价&100%-100%   如上例,其计算的结果,当日该股票的振幅为15.38%。因为这种计算办法其数据全体采取股票当期所反应的实际数据,因此所反映的结果是当期的实在运行状态,。   二、股票振幅=(当期最高价-当期最低价)/上期收盘价&100%   如上例股票,上日的收盘价是14.5元,当日的最高价是15元,最低价是13元,那么该股票当天的振幅就是13.79%。   但因为这个方法其中采用了一个上期数据,因而如果上期数据不同,即便当期数据不变,其计算结果也会有所不同。如该股票的上日收盘价是13.5元,那么计算出确当天振幅是14.81%,与上面所计算的成果有相称差距。 扩大浏览: 1


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