
信鱼姐!~~!!原地复活~!! TTVTT鱼姐你的预言成真了啊~~!!你是继哥后水产海鲜组的另一个预言神啊~~
话说祭不就翘掉一节午读么。。至于么。。事情经过啥的:祭中午回学校直接趴在桌子上睡觉0 0话说祭已经睡着了啊..但是没到五分钟就醒了啊..原因啥的..祭闻到棒棒糖的味道了啊...而且是两种味道的啊...可是祭一抬头棒棒糖就灰走了啊...而且被当头一书啊0 0..很疼的...【差点被pia灰了0 0.祭向英语课代表啥的讨回棒棒糖..结果..祭不要纸的棒棒糖...要能吃的啊...总结:英语课代表神马的灰常坑爹0 0..
祭已经语无伦次了 0 0..一想起这件事就想哭祭的棒棒糖....棒棒糖...棒棒糖...
0 0..不要告诉祭静流吧有英语课代表0 0...
不知道好像没有吧... 你是英语课代表么?
啊喂..不要用召唤术啊..如果真的是呢...【话说要是真的是祭也有3L那大大大坏蛋垫底0 0
喵..刚好三炷香0 0不如你给祭棒棒糖你好求称呼【要不要加前辈呢0 0..
0 0..所以说祭的语文不好0 0..
祭很喜欢0 0
前辈好不是初次见面了请多指教0 0..
保存至快速回贴Sina Visitor SystemTTML, DFXP and SMPTE-TT | CODE: Sequoia
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TTML is a new way to put text (caption and/or subtitle) in Web video. The standard is published by W3C ().
It’s a lengthy standard – it could be difficult to answer even simple questions like these.
What does it specify? What is DFXP? What is SMPTE-TT?
We need to realize there are three parties in the field. First, there are Web video player developers like Microsoft (Silverlight), and Google (HTML5). They use TTML to display captions on the video player. Second, there are movie producers who author captions. Third, there are traditional broadcasters like CNN. They have large video assets with closed captions and want to convert them to TTML for over-the-top delivery.
It’s not good idea to write huge standard to cover all these parties. Better way is to separate the base standard (=features) and the implementation requirement (=profiles).
The base standard defines various features needed for captioning. For example, there is a feature called #timing. To claim the support, the implementation must understand the timing information associated with the text. There is another a feature called #direction. To claim the support, the implementation must support right-to-left text rendering like Arabic language.
It’s tedious to claim the support of each feature. Profile is a group of features needed for a typical use case. For example, “DFXP Presentation” profile contains a set of features needed for caption rendering. If your implementation (=Web video player) supports all the features in the profile, you can claim the support of the profile.
It’s a clever way to design a standard. A profile usually contains just a few features, thus the implementation is easy and simple. There are (and will be) many profiles. They have good compatibility because they share the features defined in the base standard.
The TTML recommendation specifies followings.
Syntax and semantic of each feature. (This is what the base standard for)
The way to claim a given TTML document follows a certain profile.
Three profiles: DFXP Presentation, DFXP transform, and DFXP full.
DFXP profiles are defined in TTML recommendation because the base standard itself is useless without some profiles. DFXP stands for “Distribution Format Exchange Profile”. DFXP Presentation profile is used by video players which support TTML captions. DFXP Transform profile is used for video editing stations where they need to convert from/to various other caption format. DFXP Full profile includes all the features defined in the base standard.
So far, so good. Let’s move on.
SMPTE is a standard organization for TV and film industry. SMPTE found TTML useful but the feature set is not sufficient.
No bitmap images. The feature is needed because a caption format in Europe (=DVB subtitle) uses a sequence of bitmaps and SMPTE wants to render them in TTML enabled players.
No binary data pass-through. SMPTE wants to carry CEA-708 bit stream data from source to destination in TTML format.
No information about how the caption is designed. SMPTE wants to use TTML in two different ways. One is keeping look & feel of the legacy caption (=preserve mode). The other is to use the maximum presentation features of TTML to make the caption nicer (= enhance mode). SMPTE needs a feature to tell which mode is in use.
SMPTE decided to extend the TTML to meet their requirement. First, SMPTE defines three new features. (They are called “extensions” because they are not the part of official W3C TTML recommendations)
#image: Feature to use bitmap image as a caption text
#data: Feature to carry binary data.
#information: Feature to declare which translation mode (preserve or enhanced) is in use.
SMPTE also added a new profile called SMPTE-TT. To claim the support of SMPTE-TT profile, the implementation must support DFXP Full profile with the three new features added by SMPTE.
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