characteristics of a person of talent有哪些词来形容

The Four Characteristics of a Person of Influence
Mac Hammond
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Are you cultivating the four characteristics of a person of influence? Here are four traits that give you the ability to move ahead on the job and have a positive impact on all with whom you come in contact.
Knowing how to influence and lead others is probably the single greatest factor in prospering in the workplace. The good news is, the Word of God is filled with supernatural wisdom on being a person of influence. But surprisingly few Christians know what the Bible has to say about these matters.
No other person on earth has ever exhibited the qualities of leadership and influence to a greater degree than Jesus of Nazareth. If you want to be a person of influence, you'll find no better pattern than Him. And as we look at the life of Jesus and the Word as a whole, four major attributes of a person of influence stand out.
1. The Ability to Inspire Trust
We're living in an age in which people find it increasingly difficult to trust. Today, skepticism and cynicism are the hallmarks of our approach to relationships. It is possible, however, to increase your levels of positive influence on the people around you-but influence only grows in an atmosphere of trust. And in the cautious, suspicious days in which we live, winning someone's trust is harder than ever. It can be done, however, if you do what the Bible, in Psalms 37:3, calls "cultivating faithfulness." That means being known by others as a person of integrity, honesty and compassion.
When you cultivate faithfulness in your relationships, your opportunities for positive influence grow rapidly. Be known as a person of faithfulness, loyalty and integrity and watch trust levels rise dramatically.
Another key to engendering trust in others is "self-disclosure." If you want to be trusted, you're going to have to become skillful at the art of "self-disclosure." You can't trust someone you don't feel you know. Self-disclosure doesn't mean airing all your dirty laundry or saying everything you think. It does mean selectively revealing your heart to another person. Nothing else will build trust as effectively and trust in a key to influence.
2. Unconditional Acceptance of Others
No matter who it is you want to impact and influence, one fact remains-no one is going to be open to your influence unless they feel unconditionally accepted. If people around you feel your acceptance is somehow tied to their performance, you'll never wield the level of influence in their lives that will help you impact them positively.
By any objective standard of measure, Jesus of Nazareth was the most influential person ever to walk the earth. So, who better to study in a search for keys to exercising influence? The example Jesus left us shows He understood the power of unconditional acceptance better than anyone.
He was criticized by the religious crowd of His day for hanging out with sinners, but Jesus knew He could never influence them in a positive way unless they knew He loved them just as they were. He didn't condone the sin, but He loved the sinner. If you'll take that approach with the people around you at the workplace, you'll find your level of influence growing exponentially.
3. The Ability to Communicate Clearly and Effectively
Do you know the one weakness most likely to cost you your job? A few years ago, the U.S. Center for Human Resources did a study of Americans who had been recently fired. The results of that study were nothing short of shocking.
They found that only 10 percent of the people they surveyed had been terminated for reasons such as poor productivity or a lack of knowledge. Nearly 90 percent had lost their jobs because of poor human relations skills. Think about that. Nine in ten had their career plans wiped out because of their inability to relate well to others.
Proverbs 22:11 says, "He who loves a pure heart and whose speech is gracious will have the King for his friend." If you want to increase on the job, cultivate the characteristic of "gracious speech."
Isaiah 50:4 says, "The Lord God hath given me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season to him that is weary." Wouldn't it be wonderful to be known as a person who brings refreshment and healing with a single, timely word? You can. God wants to empower you to be one!
"Like apples of gold in settings of silver." That's how Proverbs 25:11 describes the right words spoken at just the right time. One of the true marks of a skilled communicator is knowing what to say, when to say it, and how it should be said. God's Word is the best resource for developing that level of communication excellence. As your skill in communicating increases, so does your influence on the people you love and those with whom you work.
4. Skilled in Resolving Conflict
In his bestseller, "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People," Stephen Covey writes, "The single most important principle I have learned in the field of interpersonal relationships is this: 'Seek first to understand, then to be understood.'"
That principle is a very biblical one. In fact, Jesus used it all the time. In the 4th chapter of John, we read about Jesus, a Jew, encountering a Samaritan woman. Although much racial and religious hostility existed between their cultures, Jesus, in minutes, was able to cut through her suspicion and anger and exert a profound influence on that woman's life. How? In part, by communicating in love and listening carefully. In other words, by seeking to understand before trying to be understood. Doing so is one of a number of biblical principles for resolving conflict and negotiating successfully.
No matter who you are, no matter what you do, "negotiation" is an integral part of your life. In fact, studies show that before this day is over, you're likely to be involved in 20 to 30 separate negotiations. Whether you're a C.E.O. of a large corporation or a stay-at-home mom, you're going to be involved in negotiation and conflict resolution situations today. Your skill in such situations will, in large measure, determine your level of influence in life.
Why is this important? In Mark 3:25 Jesus tells us, "A house divided against itself cannot stand." And in Amos 3:3 we read, "How can two walk together unless they be agreed."
These verses point up the vital nature of being skilled in the art of conflict resolution and negotiation. The key to successfully resolving conflicts is "wisdom"-specifically the God-kind of wisdom.
James 3:17 says, "The wisdom that comes from heaven is pure, peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere." Get that kind of wisdom and you'll be a world-class negotiator and an expert conflict resolver.
Cultivate the four skills and you'll find yourself prospering at work. More importantly, you'll be powerfully equipped to influence others for the kingdom of God.
Mac Hammond pastors Living Word Christian Center in Minneapolis MACHAMMOND.ORGLooking for more of the latest headlines on LinkedIn?您要找的是不是:
He can vividly show a person's characteristics, but also adds a sense of humor.
Next, the paper reveals that the nature of one-man company is profitable legal person having characteristics of independent personality and property.
They say their method can predict hair color with up to 90 percent accuracy, helping forensic investigators identify an unknown person’s characteristics.
We think that we should consider effects of person and task characteristics on virtual team compensation design synthetically rather than simply.
Humor always shows a person's characteristics.
We often judge a person by striking characteristics such as dress, speech or posture.
You might found out that many Chinese people strongly believe that the time of a person's birth is primary factor in determining that person's characteristics.
Scientists believe that a person's genetic characteristics of these large-scale study will find some new ways to fight AIDS.
This person has the same characteristics and interests as you.
It is this person under the formal characteristics of Chinese pottery Yangshao proposed the "West" of the concept.
While making the multimedia courseware, using some theory of ergonomic can use the better characteristics of person in designing the multimedia courseware, and achieve a good teaching effect.
The passive hand represents a person's inherited characteristics.
Individual characteristics: Person deictic words in legal English are much more often used than those used in legal Chinese.
It's a unique identifier but it tells you nothing about the person's physical characteristics. It tells you nothing about medical information.
However, what characteristics a person in twenty should have?What I need to do in order to become a real twenty-year-old person?
Review the characteristics of the person again, this time accepting that these are the features you have most guarded against in having in your life.
The passive hand represents a person's inherited characteristics.
另一只手则代表一小我私家遗传下来的性格特点。 。
General characteristics: Person deictic words are much less used in legislative texts than those used in judicial and enforcement
Fierer says the characteristics of a person's bacterial colonies are so persistent that "if you wash your hands, it only takes a few hours for a community to reestablish itself."
Each person on this earth has characteristics that make them special, unique, and worthy.
Post the pictures and discuss how each person’s body has unique characteristics; “This speed skater’s strong legs help her move fast in her races.
张贴这些图片,并讨论每一个人的身体怎样具有独一的特征。 “这张速滑运动员强壮的腿,帮助她在比赛中快速滑动。
He said the specialized programs are, however, able to alter certain important characteristics of a person's voice, such as pitch, duration.
Growing out of that research, our latest book, The Orange Revolution, includes the results of a 350,000-person study that measured the characteristics of extremely productive teams.
When determining the value of the sweat equity provided by an employee or potential co-founder, first assess these three characteristics of the person in question
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M5 U1――Collins Senior English-Chinese Dictionary 柯林斯高级英汉双解词典 M5 Unit 1 1. characteristic /k? r?kt?r?st?k/ ( characteristics )N-COUNT The characteristics of a person or thing are the qualities or features that belong to them and make them recognizable. 特征 例:Genes determine the characteristics of every living thing. 基因决定每个生物的特征。2. radium /re?di?m/N-UNCOUNT Radium is a radioactive element which is used in the treatment of cancer. 镭3. painter /pe?nt?r/ ( painters )N-COUNT A painter is an artist who paints pictures. 画家 例:...the French painter Claude Monet. …法国画家克劳德? 莫奈。 N-COUNT job. 油漆工 例:...the son of a painter and decorator. …一个油漆工兼装修工的儿子。 A painter is someone who paints walls, doors, and some other parts of buildings as their4. put forwardPHRASAL VERB If you put forward a plan, proposal, or name, you suggest that it should be considered for a particular purpose or job. 提出 (计划、建议、名称) 例:He has put forward new peace proposals. 他已提出了新的和平建议。5. scientific /sa??nt?f?k/Scientific is used to describe things that relate to science or to a particular science. 科学的 例:Scientific research is widely claimed to be the source of the high standard of living in the U.S. 在美国,科学研究被广泛宣称为高生活水平的来源。 例:...the use of animals in scientific experiments. …科学实验中对动物的使用。 ADV 科学地scientifically例:...scientifically advanced countries. …科学发达的国家。science /sa??ns/ ( sciences )1. N-UNCOUNT Science is the study of the nature and behavior of natural things and the knowledge that we obtain about them. 科学 例:The best discoveries in science are very simple. 科学上最好的发现都是非常简单的。 2. N-COUNTA 的) 学科 例:Physics is the best example of a science which has developed strong, abstract theories. 物理学是一个发展出了强有力的抽象理论的学科的最好例证。 1 science is a particular branch of science such as physics, chemistry, or biology. (科学 M5 U1――Collins Senior English-Chinese Dictionary 柯林斯高级英汉双解词典 6. conclude /k?nklud/ ( concludes, concluding, concluded, to conclude )V-T If you conclude that something is true, you decide that it is true using the facts you know as a basis. 断定 例:Larry had concluded that he had no choice but to accept Paul's words as the truth. 拉里断定他别无选择,只能相信保罗所说为实。 例:So what can we conclude from this debate? 那么从这场辩论中我们能推断出什么呢? 2. V-T/V-I When you conclude, you say the last thing that you are going to say. 结束 (说 话)[FORMAL] 例:&It's a waste of time,& he concluded. “这是浪费时间,”他最后说道。 3. V-T/V-I When something concludes, or when you conclude it, you end it. 使…结束 结 束;[FORMAL] 例:The evening concluded with dinner and speeches. 这个夜晚以晚宴和演讲告一段落。7. conclusion /k?nklu??n/ ( conclusions )N-COUNT When you come to a conclusion, you decide that something is true after you have thought about it carefully and have considered all the relevant facts. 结论 例:Over the years I've come to the conclusion that she's a very great musician. 这些年我得出的结论是,她是位非常伟大的音乐家。 2. N-SING The conclusion of something is its ending. 结束; 结局 例:At the conclusion of the program, I asked the children if they had any questions they wanted to ask me. 节目结束时我问孩子们是否有要问我的问题。 3. PHRASE You say &in conclusion& to indicate that what you are about to say is the last thing that you want to say. 最后 (用以表明讲话即将结束) 例:In conclusion, walking is a cheap, safe, enjoyable, and readily available form of exercise. 综上所述,散步是一种廉价、安全、有趣而又随时可以开展的运动形式。8. draw a conclusion 得出结论;作结论例:On the basis of the analysis above, we may draw a conclusion that cooperation and team work really count in this competitive society. 在以上分析的基础上,我们可以得出结论:在竞争社会中,合作和团队极为重要。9. analyse /? n?la?z/ ( analyzes, analyzing, analyzed, to analyze )V-T If you analyze something, you consider it carefully or use statistical methods in order to fully understand it. 分析 例:McCarthy was asked to analyze the data from the first phase of trials of the vaccine. 麦卡西被要求分析从这种疫苗试验的第一阶段取得的数据。analysis /?n? l?s?s/( analyses )2 M5 U1――Collins Senior English-Chinese Dictionary 柯林斯高级英汉双解词典N-VAR Analysis is the process of considering something carefully or using statistical methods in order to understand it or explain it. 分析 例:Sporting greatness defies analysis - but we know it when we see it. 运动的伟大无法进行分析-但是我们一看就知道。10. infect /?nf?kt/ ( infects, infecting, infected, to infect )1. V-T To infect people, animals, or plants means to cause them to have a disease or illness. 传染 例:A single mosquito can infect a large number of people. 一只蚊子就能传染很多人。 例:...objects used by an infected person. …一名感染者使用过的物品。 infection N-UNCOUNT 传染 例:...plants that are resistant to infection. …抗感染的植物。 2. V-T 有害菌 例:The birds infect the milk. 鸟使牛奶受污染。 3. V-T When people, places, or things are infected by a feeling or influence, it spreads to them. 使受 影响 例:For an instant I was infected by her fear. 一瞬间,我被她的恐惧所感染。 例:He thought they might infect others with their bourgeois ideas. 他认为他们可能用中产阶级思想去影响别人。 To infect a substance or area means to cause it to contain harmful germs or bacteria. 使感染11. infectious /?nf?k??s/1. ADJ A disease that is infectious can be caught by being near a person who has it. Compare contagious. 传染的 例:...infectious diseases such as measles. …像麻疹这样的传染病。 2. ADJ If a feeling is infectious, it spreads to other people. 有感染力的 例:She radiates an infectious enthusiasm for everything she does. 她做的每件事都散发出一种有感染力的热情。12. cholera /k?l?r?/N-UNCOUNT Cholera is a serious disease that often kills people. It is caused by drinking infected water or by eating infected food. 霍乱 例:...a cholera epidemic. …一场霍乱疫情。13. defeat /d?fit/ ( defeats, defeating, defeated, to defeat )1. V-T If you defeat someone, you win a victory over them in a battle, game, or contest. 击败 例:His guerrillas defeated the colonial army in 1954. 3 M5 U1――Collins Senior English-Chinese Dictionary 柯林斯高级英汉双解词典他的游击队在 1954 年打败了殖民军。 2. V-T If a proposal or motion in a debate is defeated, more people vote against it than for it. (以多数 票) 挫败 [usu passive] 例:The bill was defeated with support from only two congressmen. 由于只得到两位议员的支持,那个议案被否决了。 3. V-T If a task or a problem defeats you, it is so difficult that you cannot do it or solve it. 难倒 例:The book he most wanted to write was the one which nearly defeated him. 他最想写的书恰恰是几乎难倒他的那一本。 4. V-T To defeat an action or plan means to cause it to fail. 使受挫 例:The navy played a limited but significant role in defeating the rebellion. 在平息叛乱中海军起了有限但却重要的作用。defeat /d?fit/ ( defeats)N-VAR Defeat is the experience of being beaten in a battle, game, or contest, or of failing to achieve what you wanted to. 失败 例:The most important thing is not to admit defeat until you really have to. 最重要的事就是非到不得已不要认输。 例:...the Sonics' 31-point defeat at Sacramento on Sunday. …超音速队周日在萨克拉门托 31 分的挫败。14. expert /?ksp?rt/ ( experts )1. N-COUNT An expert is a person who is very skilled at doing something or who knows a lot about a particular subject. 专家; 行家 例:...a yoga expert. …一位瑜伽专家。 2. ADJ Someone who is expert at doing something is very skilled at it. 在行的 例:The Japanese are expert at lowering manufacturing costs. 日本人在降低生产成本方面很在行。 expertly ADV 在行地 [ADV with v] 例:Shopkeepers expertly rolled spices up in bay leaves. 店主在行地把各种香料卷进了月桂叶中。 3. ADJ If you say that someone has expert hands or an expert eye, you mean that they are very skillful or experienced in using their hands or eyes for a particular purpose. 行家的 [ADJ n] 例:Harvey cured the pain with his own expert hands. 哈维用他那行家之手治愈了那病痛。 4. ADJ Expert advice or help is given by someone who has studied a subject thoroughly or who is very skilled at a particular job. 专家的 [ADJ n] 例:We'll need an expert opinion. 我们将需要专家的意见。15. attend /?t?nd/ ( attends, attending, attended, to attend )1. V-T/V-I If you attend a meeting or other event, you are present at it. 参加; 出席 4 M5 U1――Collins Senior English-Chinese Dictionary 柯林斯高级英汉双解词典例:Thousands of people attended the funeral. 数千人参加了葬礼。 例:The meeting will be attended by finance ministers from many countries. 这次会议将有许多国家的财政部长出席。 例:The senator was invited but was unable to attend. 参议员受到了邀请,但是未能出席。 2. V-T If you attend an institution such as a school, college, or church, you go there regularly. 上 (学); 去 (教堂) 例:They attended college together at the University of Pennsylvania. 他们一起就读于宾夕法尼亚大学。 3. V-I If you attend to something, you deal with it. If you attend to someone who is hurt or injured, you care for them. 处理; 照料 例:He took a short leave of absence to attend to personal business. 他休了一个短假去处理私事。attendance /?t?nd?ns/ ( attendances )N-UNCOUNT Someone's attendance at an event or an institution is the fact that they are present at the event or go regularly to the institution. 出勤; 出席 例:Her attendance in school was sporadic. 她在学校的出勤率很低。16. physician /f?z???n/ ( physicians )N-COUNT A physician is a medical doctor. 内科医生[FORMAL] 例:...your family physician. …你的家庭医生。surgeon /s?rd??n/ ( surgeons )N-COUNT A surgeon is a doctor who is specially trained to perform surgery. 外科医生 例:...a heart surgeon. …一位心脏外科医生。17. expose /?kspo?z/ ( exposes, exposing, exposed, to expose )1. V-T To expose something that is usually hidden means to uncover it so that it can be seen. 使显露 例:Lowered sea levels exposed the shallow continental shelf beneath the Bering Sea. 下降了的海平面使白令海底的浅大陆架露了出来。 2. V-T 露 例:...the story of how the press helped expose the truth about the Nixon administration. …关于新闻界如何协助揭露尼克松政府真相的报道。 3. V-T If someone is exposed to something dangerous or unpleasant, they are put in a situation in which it might affect them. 使暴露于 (危险或令人不快的境地) 例:They had not been exposed to most diseases common to urban populations. 他们未曾遭遇城市人口常得的大多数疾病。 5 To expose a person or situation means to reveal that they are bad or immoral in some way. 揭 M5 U1――Collins Senior English-Chinese Dictionary 柯林斯高级英汉双解词典例:A wise mother never exposes her children to the slightest possibility of danger. 一个明智的母亲从不会置其孩子于丝毫可能的危险中。18. expose…to1. 使暴露在(空气、寒冷、风雨、阳光等)中;使无遮蔽,使无保护: 例:Do not expose it to the sun. 此物谨防日晒。 2. 使暴露,使显露;使遭受(攻击、批评、伤害、嘲讽等): 例:He is exposed to the ridicule of the public. 他受到公众的嘲弄。 例:to expose soldiers to gunfire 使士兵们遭受炮火攻击 3. 使处于…的影响(或作用)之下;接接触到;使知悉,使了解: 例:a student who has been exposed to English for some five years 接触英语达 5 年左右的学生 4. 使曝光: 例:The film has been exposed to light. 这胶卷曝了光。 5. 向…揭露,揭发,揭穿,披露: 例:to expose the shameful activity to the newspapers 向报界揭露这个可耻行径19. deadly /d?dli/ ( deadlier, deadliest )ADJ If something is deadly, it is likely or able to cause someone's death, or has already caused someone's death. 致命的; 致死的 例:He was acquitted on charges of assault with a deadly weapon. 他用凶器伤人的罪名不成立。 例:...a deadly disease currently affecting dolphins. …目前影响海豚的一种致命疾病。20. cure /ky??r/ ( cures, curing, cured, to cure )1. V-T If doctors or medical treatments cure an illness or injury, they cause it to end or disappear. 治 愈 (疾病、损伤) 例:An operation finally cured his shin injury. 手术最终治愈了他的胫骨损伤。 2. V-T If doctors or medical treatments cure a person, they make the person well again after an illness or injury. 治愈 (病人) 例:It is an effective treatment and could cure all the leprosy sufferers worldwide. 那是一种有效的疗法,可以治愈全世界的麻疯病患者。 例:Almost overnight I was cured. 几乎在一夜之间我被治愈了。cure /ky??r/ ( cures)6 M5 U1――Collins Senior English-Chinese Dictionary 柯林斯高级英汉双解词典1. N-COUNT A cure for an illness is a medicine or other treatment that cures the illness. (有治愈效果 的) 药物、疗法 例:There is still no cure for a cold. 治感冒仍然没有特效药。 2. N-COUNT A cure for a problem is something that will bring it to an end. 解决方法 例:The magic cure for inflation does not exist. 解决通货膨胀的神奇方法并不存在。21. outbreak /a?tbre?k/ ( outbreaks )N-COUNT If there is an outbreak of something unpleasant, such as violence or a disease, it suddenly starts to happen. (暴动、疾病等的) 爆发 例:The four-day festival ended a day early after an outbreak of violence involving hundreds of youths. 由于一起数百名年轻人参与的暴力事件的爆发,为期 4 天的庆祝活动提前 1 天结束。 例 outbreak of chickenpox. …水痘的暴发。break outPHRASAL VERB If something such as war, fighting, or disease breaks out, it begins suddenly. (战争、 殴斗、疾病等) 爆发 例:He was 29 when war broke out. 战争爆发时他 29 岁。22. challenge /t?? l?nd?/ ( challenges)1. N-VAR 战 例:The new government's first challenge is the economy. 新政府面临的第一项挑战是经济。 2. PHRASE If someone rises to the challenge, they act in response to a difficult situation which is new to them and are successful. 奋起应对挑战 例:The new Germany must rise to the challenge of its enhanced responsibilities. 新德国必须奋起应对更艰巨的挑战。 A challenge is something new and difficult which requires great effort and determination. 挑challenge /t?? l?nd?/ ( challenges, challenging, challenged, to challenge )V-T 战 例:Marsyas thought he could play the flute better than Apollo and challenged the god to a contest. 玛息阿觉得他长笛吹得比阿波罗好,便向这位神发出挑战。 例:He left a note at the scene of the crime, challenging detectives to catch him. 他在作案现场留了一张纸条,挑衅侦探们去抓他。 N-COUNT Challenge is also a noun. 挑战 例:A third presidential candidate emerged to mount a serious challenge and throw the campaign wide open. 第 3 位总统候选人上场郑重发出挑战,令这次竞选充满悬念。 7 If you challenge someone, you invite them to fight or compete with you in some way. 向…发出挑 M5 U1――Collins Senior English-Chinese Dictionary 柯林斯高级英汉双解词典 23. victim /v?kt?m/ ( victims )1. N-COUNT A victim is someone who has been hurt or killed. 受害者 例:Statistically our chances of being the victims of violent crime are remote. 从统计上来看,我们成为暴力犯罪受害者的可能性是微乎其微的。 2. N-COUNT A victim is someone who has suffered as a result of someone else's actions or beliefs, or as a result of unpleasant circumstances. 牺牲品 例:He was a victim of racial prejudice. 他是种族偏见的一个牺牲品。 例:He described himself and Altman as victims rather than participants in the scandal. 他把自己和奥尔特曼描述成这一丑闻的受害者,而不是参与者。24. absorb /?bs?rb, -z?rb/ ( absorbs, absorbing, absorbed, to absorb )1. V-T 气体等) 例:Plants absorb carbon dioxide from the air and moisture from the soil. 植物从空气中吸收二氧化碳,从泥土中吸收水分。 2. V-T If something absorbs light, heat, or another form of energy, it takes it in. 吸取 (光、热等能量) 例:A household radiator absorbs energy in the form of electric current and releases it in the form of heat. 家用暖气以电流的形式吸收能量,然后以热量的形式将其释放出去。 3. V-T If something absorbs you, it interests you a great deal and takes up all your attention and energy. 使专注 例:...a second career which absorbed her more completely than her acting ever had. …一个比其演艺事业更让她全身心投入的第二职业。 If something absorbs a liquid, gas, or other substance, it soaks it up or takes it in. 吸收 (液体、25. suspect /s?'spekt/ ( suspects, suspecting, suspected, to suspect )V-T If you suspect that something dishonest or unpleasant has been done, you believe that it has probably been done. If you suspect someone of doing an action of this kind, you believe that they probably did it. 怀疑 例:He suspected that the woman staying in the flat above was using heroin. 他怀疑住在楼上公寓里的那位女子在吸食海洛因。 例:It was perfectly all right, he said, because the police had not suspected him of anything. 一点儿没事,他说,因为警察对他没有任何怀疑。suspect / 's?spekt/ ( suspects)N-COUNT A suspect is a person who the police or authorities think may be guilty of a crime. 嫌疑犯 例:Police have arrested a suspect in a series of killings and sexual assaults in the city. 警方逮捕了该城市一系列杀人强奸案件中的一名嫌疑犯。26. enquiry /?nkwa??ri/ ( inquiries 或 enquiries )N-COUNT An inquiry is a question you ask in order to get some information. 询问 例:He made some inquiries and discovered she had gone to Connecticut. 他询问了一番,发现她已去了康涅狄格州。 8 M5 U1――Collins Senior English-Chinese Dictionary 柯林斯高级英汉双解词典 27. neighbourhood /ne?b?rh?d/ ( neighborhoods )1. N-COUNT The neighborhood of a place or person is the area or the people around them. 附近 例:...a suburban Boston neighborhood close to where I live. …离我住处较近的波士顿城郊。 2. PHRASE In the neighborhood of a number means approximately that number. 大约为 例:The album's now sold something in the neighborhood of 2 million copies. 该唱片目前已卖出了大约两百万张。 3. PHRASE A place that is in the neighborhood of another place is near it. 在…附近 例:We went to visit two charming young ladies who lived in the neighborhood of our camp. 我们去拜访了住在我们营地附近的两位年轻迷人的女士。28. severe /s?v??r/ ( severer, severest )1. ADJ You use severe to indicate that something bad or undesirable is great or intense. 严重的 例:...a business with severe cash flow problems. …一个有严重现金流转问题的企业。 例:Shortages of professional staff are very severe in some places. 专业人员的短缺在一些地方十分严重。severely ADV 严重地例:The UN wants to send food aid to 10 countries in Africa severely affected by the drought. 联合国想给予 10 个受旱灾严重影响的非洲国家食品援助。 例:An aircraft overshot the runway and was severely damaged. 一架飞机冲出了跑道后严重受损。severity N-UNCOUNT 严重性 [usu with supp]例:Several drugs are used to lessen the severity of the symptoms. 几种药被用于缓解这些严重症状。 2. ADJ Severe punishments or criticisms are very strong or harsh. (惩罚、批评) 严厉的 例:This was a dreadful crime and a severe sentence is necessary. 这是一种骇人听闻的罪行,重判是必要的。 severely ADV 严厉地 [ADV with v] 例:...a campaign to try to change the law to punish dangerous drivers more severely. …一场试图修改法律以更加严厉地惩罚危险驾车者的运动。 severity N-UNCOUNT 严厉性 [usu with supp] 例:He was sickened by the severity of the sentence. 他对判刑之重感到恶心。29. clue /klu/ ( clues )1. N-COUNT A clue to a problem or mystery is something that helps you to find the answer to it. (解决 问题或疑团时的) 线索 例:Geneticists in Canada have discovered a clue to the puzzle of why our cells get old and die. 加拿大的遗传学家已经发现了解开我们细胞衰老死亡之迷的线索。 2. N-COUNT A clue is an object or piece of information that helps someone solve a crime. (破案中的) 9 M5 U1――Collins Senior English-Chinese Dictionary 柯林斯高级英汉双解词典线索 例:The vital clue to the killer's identity was his nickname, Peanuts. 关于杀手身份的重大线索是他的绰号――花生。 3. N-COUNT A clue in a crossword or game is information which is given to help you to find the answer to a question. (纵横字谜或游戏中的) 提示 例:Give me a clue. What's it begin with? 给我点提示。是什么开头? 4. PHRASE If you haven't a clue about something, you do not know anything about it or you have no idea what to do about it. 毫无头绪[INFORMAL] 例:I haven't a clue what I'll give Carl for his birthday next year. 对于明年该送什么生日礼物给卡尔我毫无头绪。30. pump /p?mp/ ( pumps, pumping, pumped, to pump )1. N-COUNT A pump is a machine or device that is used to force a liquid or gas to flow in a particular direction. 泵 例:...pumps that circulate the fuel around in the engine. …使燃料在发动机内循环的气泵。 例:There was no water in the building, just a pump in the courtyard. 楼里没水,只在院子里有个水泵。 2. V-T To pump a liquid or gas in a particular direction means to force it to flow in that direction using a pump. (用泵) 抽送 例:It's not enough to get rid of raw sewage by pumping it out to sea. 仅用水泵将未经处理的污水排入海中是不够的。 例:The money raised will be used to dig bore holes to pump water into the dried-up lake. 筹到的钱款将用来挖井眼,再将水抽入干涸的湖中。31. Cambridge /'keimbrid?/1. 剑桥(英国苏格兰东南部城市,剑桥大学所在地) 2. 剑桥大学 3. =Cambridgeshire 4. 坎布里奇(美国马萨诸塞州东部城市,哈佛大学所在地)32. foresee /f?rsi/ ( foresees, foreseeing, foresaw, foreseen, to foresee )V-T If you foresee something, you expect and believe that it will happen. 预见 他没有预见到任何问题。 例:He did not foresee any problems.33. investigate /?nv?st?ge?t/ ( investigates, investigating, investigated, to investigate )V-T/V-I If someone, especially an official, investigates an event, situation, or claim, they try to find out what happened or what is the truth. 调查 例:They're still investigating the accident. 他们还在调查这个事故。34. investigation /?nv?st?ge???n/ ( investigations)10 M5 U1――Collins Senior English-Chinese Dictionary 柯林斯高级英汉双解词典N-VAR 调查 例:He ordered an investigation into the affair. 他下令对此事进行调查。35. blame /ble?m/ ( blames, blaming, blamed, to blame )1. V-T If you blame a person or thing for something bad, or if you blame something bad on somebody, you believe or say that they are responsible for it or that they caused it. 指责; 把…归咎于 例:The commission is expected to blame the army for many of the atrocities. 该委员会预计会将大量暴行归咎于军队。 例:Ms. Carey appeared to blame her breakdown on EMI's punishing work schedule. 凯丽女士看来是将自己的崩溃归咎于百代公司紧张的工作安排。 N-UNCOUNT Blame is also a noun. 责备 例:Nothing could relieve my terrible sense of blame. 没什么能把我从极度自责中解脱出来。 2. N-UNCOUNT The blame for something bad that has happened is the responsibility for causing it or letting it happen. (事故、过失等的) 责任 例:I'm not going to sit around and take the blame for a mistake he made. 我不会闲坐着,为他犯的错误承担责任。 3. V-T If you say that you do not blame someone for doing something, you mean that you consider it was a reasonable thing to do in the circumstances. 责怪 [usu with brd-neg] 例:I do not blame them for trying to make some money. 我不怪他们想要挣些钱。 4. PHRASE If someone is to blame for something bad that has happened, they are responsible for causing it. 该受责备 例:If their forces were not involved, then who is to blame? 如果他们的军队没有参与,那么谁应该受到指责呢? 5. PHRASE If you say that someone has only themselves to blame or has no one but themselves toblame, you mean that they are responsible for something bad that has happened to them and that you have no sympathy for them. 只能责怪自己 例:My life is ruined and I suppose I only have myself to blame. 我的一生都毁了,我想这只能怪我自己。36. pollute /p?lut/ ( pollutes, polluting, polluted, to pollute )V-T To pollute water, air, or land means to make it dirty and dangerous to live in or to use, especially with poisonous chemicals or sewage. 污染 例:Heavy industry pollutes our rivers with noxious chemicals. 重工业排放的有毒化学物质污染着我们的河流。 polluted ADJ 受污染的 例:The police have warned the city's inhabitants not to bathe in the polluted river. 警方已经警告本市居民不要在那条被污染的河里游泳。pollution /p?lu??n/11 M5 U1――Collins Senior English-Chinese Dictionary 柯林斯高级英汉双解词典N-UNCOUNT Pollution is the process of polluting water, air, or land, especially with poisonous chemicals. 污染 例:The fine was for the company's pollution of the air near its plants. 公司被罚款是因为它的工厂污染了周围的空气。37. handle /h? nd?l/ ( handles, handling, handled, to handle )1. N-COUNT A handle is a small round object or a lever that is attached to a door and is used for opening and closing it. 门把手 例:I turned the handle and found the door was open. 我转动把手,发现门是开着的。 2. N-COUNT A handle is the part of an object such as a tool, bag, or cup that you hold in order to be able to pick up and use the object. 柄; 把 例:...a broom handle. …一个扫帚柄 3. V-T If you say that someone can handle a problem or situation, you mean that they have the ability to deal with it successfully. (成功地) 处理 例:To tell the truth, I don't know if I can handle the job. 说实话,我不知道我能否做好这份工作。 4. V-T If you talk about the way that someone handles a problem or situation, you mention whether or not they are successful in achieving the result they want. 应付 例:I think I would handle a meeting with Mr. Siegel very badly. 我觉得我可能应付不了与西格尔先生的会谈。 handling N-UNCOUNT 应付 例:The family has criticized the military's handling of Robert's death. 罗伯特的家人批评军方没有处理好罗伯特的死亡。 5. V-T If you handle a particular area of work, you have responsibility for it. 负责 例:She handled travel arrangements for the press corps during the presidential campaign. 她负责安排新闻报道团在总统竞选期间的出行事宜。 6. PHRASE [INFORMAL] 例:He flew off the handle at the slightest thing. 他为一点小事就突然大发雷霆。 If you fly off the handle, you suddenly and completely lose your temper. 突然大发脾气38. germ /d??rm/ ( germs )N-COUNT A germ is a very small organism that causes disease. 病菌 例:Chlorine is widely used to kill germs. 氯广泛用于杀菌。39. link /l??k/ ( links, linking, linked, to link )1. N-COUNT If there is a link between two things or situations, there is a relationship between them, for example, because one thing causes or affects the other. 关系 例:...the link between smoking and lung cancer. 12 M5 U1――Collins Senior English-Chinese Dictionary 柯林斯高级英汉双解词典…吸烟和肺癌之间的关系。 2. V-T If someone or something links two things or situations, there is a relationship between them, for example, because one thing causes or affects the other. 使联系起来 例:The U.N. Security Council has linked any lifting of sanctions to compliance with the ceasefire terms. 联合国安全理事会将任何制裁的解除与遵守停火条款联系起来。 例:The study further strengthens the evidence linking smoking with early death. 这项研究进一步加强了联系吸烟与早亡的证据。 3. N-COUNT A link between two things or places is a physical connection between them. 连接物 例:...the railroad link between Boston and New York. …波士顿与纽约之间的铁路连接线。 例:Drivers ran into a field of weeds at the state border, where no link with the neighboring state had yet been planned. 司机们闯入了州界处一块杂草丛生的原野,在那里还没有计划修建连接邻州的道路。 4. V-T If two places or objects are linked or something links them, there is a physical connection between them. 连接 例:...the Rama Road, which links the capital, Managua, with the Caribbean coast. …连接首都马那瓜与加勒比海岸的拉玛公路。 例:Seven miles of track were installed to link the hotel to the golf course. 七英里的轨道被铺设来连接宾馆和高尔夫球场。 5. N-COUNT A link between two people, organizations, or places is a friendly or business connection between them. 关系 例:Kiev hopes to cement close links with Bonn. 基辅希望巩固与波恩之间的密切关系。 例:In 1984 the long link between AC Cars and the Hurlock family was severed. 1984 年 AC 汽车公司与赫洛克家族间的长期关系中断了。 6. N-COUNT A link to another person or organization is something that allows you to communicate with them or have contact with them. 联系 例:She was my only link with the past. 她是我和过去的惟一联系。 例:The Red Cross was created to provide a link between soldiers in battle and their families at home. 红十字会被创立来为前线士兵与其家乡的亲人之间提供联系。 7. V-T If you link one person or thing to another, you claim that there is a relationship or connection between them. 认为…有关联 例:Criminologist Dr. Ann Jones has linked the crime to social circumstances. 犯罪学家安? 琼斯博士认为这起犯罪与社会环境有关。 例:They've linked her with various men, including magnate Donald Trump. 他们认为她和多个男人有关系,包括巨头唐纳德? 特朗普。 PHRASE If two or more people link arms, or if one person links arms with another, they stand next to each other, and each person puts their arm around the arm of the person next to them. 挽着胳膊 13 M5 U1――Collins Senior English-Chinese Dictionary 柯林斯高级英汉双解词典例:It was so slippery that some of the walkers linked arms and proceeded very carefully. 地太滑了,所以一些行人挽着胳膊小心翼翼地前行。40. link… to…将…连接起来:例:The road links this small village to the town. 公路将这个村子和城镇连接起来。41. announce /?na?ns/ ( announces, announcing, announced, to announce )1. V-T If you announce something, you tell people about it publicly or officially. 宣布 例:He will announce tonight that he is resigning from office. 他今晚将宣布他要辞职。 例:She was planning to announce her engagement to Peter. 她在计划宣布她与彼得的婚约。 2. V-T If you announce a piece of news or an intention, especially something that people may not like, you say it loudly and clearly, so that everyone you are with can hear it. 声明 例:Peter announced that he had no intention of wasting his time at any university. 彼得声明他无意在任何一所大学里浪费他的时间。 3. V-T If an airport or rail employee announces something, they tell the public about it by means of a loudspeaker system. 广播 例:The loudspeaker announced the arrival of the train. 扬声器宣布了那列火车的到达。42. certainty /s?rt?nti/ ( certainties )1. N-UNCOUNT Certainty is the state of being definite or of having no doubts at all about something. 确定 例:I have told them with absolute certainty there'll be no change of policy. 我十分确定地告诉他们政策不会有变。 2. N-UNCOUNT Certainty is the fact that something is certain to happen. 必然的事 [also 'a' N] 例:A general election became a certainty last week. 普选上周已成必然。 例:...the certainty of more violence and bloodshed. …必然会有的更多的暴力和流血事件。 3. N-COUNT Certainties are things that nobody has any doubts about. 确定的事 [usu pl] 例:There are no certainties in modern Europe. 现代欧洲无定事。43. instruct /?nstr?kt/ ( instructs, instructing, instructed,to instruct )1. V-T If you instruct someone to do something, you formally tell them to do it. 指示; 吩咐[FORMAL] 例:A doctor will often instruct patients to exercise. 医生将经常嘱咐病人要锻炼身体。 例:&Go and have a word with her, Ken,& Wojtowicz instructed. “去跟她谈谈,肯,”沃耶托维奇吩咐道。 2. V-T Someone who instructs people in a subject or skill teaches it to them. 教 14 M5 U1――Collins Senior English-Chinese Dictionary 柯林斯高级英汉双解词典例:He instructed family members in nursing techniques. 他教家人们护理技术。44. responsible /r?sp?ns?b?l/1. ADJ If someone or something is responsible for a particular event or situation, they are the cause of it or they can be blamed for it. 负有责任的 [v-link ADJ] 例:He still felt responsible for her death. 他依然觉得对她的死负有责任。 2. ADJ If you are responsible for something, it is your job or duty to deal with it and make decisions relating to it. 负责的 [v-link ADJ] 例:...the cabinet member responsible for the environment. …负责环境的内阁成员。 3. ADJ 心的 例:He feels that the media should be more responsible in what they report. 他觉得媒体应该对他们的报道更负责些。 responsibly ADV 有责任心地 [ADV with v] 例:He urged everyone to act responsibly. 他力劝每一个人做事要负责。 Responsible people behave properly and sensibly, without needing to be supervised. 有责任45. construct /k?nstr?kt/ ( constructs, constructing, constructed, to construct )1. V-T If you construct something such as a building, road, or machine, you build it or make it. 建造 例:His company recently constructed an office building in downtown Denver. 他的公司最近在丹佛市中心建造了一座办公楼。 例:The boxes should be constructed from rough-sawn timber. 这些箱子应该用粗锯木材来做。 2. V-T If you construct something such as an idea, a piece of writing, or a system, you create it by putting different parts together. 构建 例:He eventually constructed a huge business empire. 他最终构建了一个庞大的商业王国。 例:The novel is constructed from a series of on-the-spot reports. 这部小说是由一系列现场报道构思而成的。46. construction /k?nstr?k??n/ ( constructions )1. N-UNCOUNT Construction is the building of things such as houses, factories, roads, and bridges. 建造 例:He'd already started construction on a hunting lodge. 他已经开始建造一个狩猎用的小屋。 例:...the downturn in the construction industry. …建造业的衰退。 例:Jim now works in construction. 吉姆现在从事建造业。 15 M5 U1――Collins Senior English-Chinese Dictionary 柯林斯高级英汉双解词典2. N-UNCOUNT The construction of something such as a system is the creation of it. 创立 例:...the construction of a just system of criminal justice. …公正的刑事司法体制的建立。 3. N-COUNT You can refer to an object that has been built or made as a construction. 建造物 例 impressive steel and glass construction. …一座令人印象深刻的钢筋玻璃建造物。47. contribute /k?ntr?byut/ ( contributes, contributing, contributed, to contribute )1. V-I 献 例:The three sons also contribute to the family business. 3 个儿子也为家族企业做贡献。 例:I believe that each of us can contribute to the future of the world. 我相信我们每一个人都能为世界的未来做出贡献。 2. V-T/V-I To contribute money or resources to something means to give money or resources to help pay for something or to help achieve a particular purpose. 捐助 例:The U.S. is contributing $4 billion in loans, credits, and grants. 美国以信贷和赠与的方式捐助了 40 亿美元。 例:Local businesses have agreed to contribute. 当地的公司已经同意捐助了。 contributor N-COUNT 捐助者 例:Candidates for Congress received 53 percent of their funds from individual contributors. 国会候选人接受的捐款中有 53%来自个人捐助者。 If you contribute to something, you say or do things to help to make it successful. 贡献; 做出贡48. apart from1. 除开,除掉,撇开,除了…之外,除…外(别无)且不说,暂不提,只要…(否则),要不是,若不是,若 无 2. 除…外(尚有) 3. 脱离开,和…离开,远离 例:And apart from this executive education department, but I also report to the deputy dean here at the Sloan school management. 除了向教育部门汇报情况外,我还得,向副院长汇报。 例:What has happened to the youth of this generation, which has set it so far apart from the rest? 在这些年轻人身上到底发生了什么,使他们与其他的同龄人有着这么大的分歧?49. firework /fa??rw?rk/ ( fireworks )N-COUNT Fireworks are small objects that are lit to entertain people on special occasions. They contain chemicals and burn brightly or attractively, often with a loud noise, when you light them. 烟花 例:They drank champagne, set off fireworks and tooted their car horns. 他们喝香槟、放烟花,还按他们的车喇叭。50. chart /t?rt/ ( charts, charting, charted, to chart )1. N-COUNT A chart is a diagram, picture, or graph which is intended to make information easier to 16 M5 U1――Collins Senior English-Chinese Dictionary 柯林斯高级英汉双解词典understand. 图表 例:Male unemployment was 14.2%, compared with 5.8% for women (see chart on next page). 男性失业率是 14.2%,相比女性为 5.8% (参见下页图表)。 2. bar chart( bar charts ) N-COUNT A bar chart is the same as a bar graph. 条形图flow chart( flow charts )N-COUNT A flow chart or a flow diagram is a diagram which represents the sequence of actions in a particular process or activity. 流程图 例:This flow chart, shown below, summarizes the overall costing process. 这张流程图如下所示,概括了成本计算的全程。pie chart ( pie charts )N-COUNT A pie chart is a circle divided into sections to show the relative proportions of a set of things. (显示各部分比例关系的) 饼分图 3. N-COUNT A chart is a map of the sea or stars. 海图; 星图 例:...charts of Greek waters. …希腊水域图。51. creative /krie?t?v/1. ADJ A creative person has the ability to invent and develop original ideas, especially in the arts. 有 创造力的 例:Like so many creative people, he was never satisfied. 正如许多有创造力的人一样,他永不满足。 creativity N-UNCOUNT 创造力 例:American art reached a peak of creativity in the '50s and '60s. 20 世纪五六十年代,美国艺术的创造力达到了顶峰。 2. ADJ Creative activities involve the inventing and making of new kinds of things. 创新性的 例:...creative writing. …创新写作。 例:...creative arts. …创新艺术。 3. ADJ If you use something in a creative way, you use it in a new way that produces interesting and unusual results. 独创的 例:...his creative use of words. …他独创的词汇用法。52. co-operative /k?u'?p?r?tiv/adj. 合作性质的;联营的 例:Such a co-operative approach to reintroduction of a new currency would be the least costly. 这种重新推出新货币的合作性方案将是代价最小的方案。53. positive/p?z?t?v/1. ADJ If you are positive about things, you are hopeful and confident, and think of the good aspects 17 M5 U1――Collins Senior English-Chinese Dictionary 柯林斯高级英汉双解词典of a situation rather than the bad ones. (心态) 积极的 例:Be positive about your future and get on with living a normal life. 要积极面对未来,习惯过一种平常生活。 例:Her husband became much more positive and was soon back in full-time employment. 她丈夫变得积极多了,并且很快又干起了全职工作。 positively ADV 积极地 [ADV after v] 例:You really must try to start thinking positively. 你真得开始努力地积极思考问题。 2. ADJ A positive fact, situation, or experience is pleasant and helpful to you in some way. 积极的(事实、情形、经历) 例:The parting from his sister had a positive effect on John. 和姐姐的分开对约翰有积极的影响。 N-SING The positive in a situation is the good and pleasant aspects of it. 积极面 ['the' N] 例:He prefers to focus on the positive. 他更愿意关注积极面。 3. ADJ If you make a positive decision or take positive action, you do something definite in order to deal with a task or problem. 积极的 (决定、行动等) 例:There are positive changes that should be implemented in the rearing of animals. 应该积极改变动物的饲养方式。 4. ADJ (回应) 例:There's been a positive response to the U.N. Secretary-General's recent peace efforts. 对联合国秘书长最近的和平努力已有积极回应。 positively ADV 积极地 [ADV after v] 例:He responded positively and accepted the fee of $1,000 I had offered. 他作出了积极回应,接受了我提供的$1000 的费用。 5. ADJ If you are positive about something, you are completely sure about it. 肯定的 [v-link ADJ] 例:&Judith's never late. You sure she said eight?&-&Positive.& “朱迪丝从来不迟到,你肯定她说的是 8 点?”-“肯定。” 6. ADJ n] 例:There was no positive evidence that any birth defects had arisen as a result of Vitamin A intake. 没有确凿证据表明摄入维生素 A 会导致先天缺陷。 positively ADV 确凿地 [ADV with v] 例:He has positively identified the body as that of his wife. 他已确认那具尸体是他妻子的。 Positive evidence gives definite proof of the truth or identity of something. 确凿的 (证据) [ADJ A positive response to something indicates agreement, approval, or encouragement. 积极的54. be strict with 对…严格例:It means we should be strict with ourselves in trying not to do any harm to others while generous to others when they do wrong to us, especially if they do so unintentionally. 18 M5 U1――Collins Senior English-Chinese Dictionary 柯林斯高级英汉双解词典这句话的意思是, 对自己要严格要求, 不可以做出对不起别人的事情; 对别人要宽容, 特别是当别人 对你有无心之失时。55. Nicolaus Copernicus /k?u'p?:nik?s/例 : Nicolaus Copernicus was a Polish mathematician, astronomer, physician, classical scholar, translator, Catholic cleric, jurist, governor, military leader, diplomat and economist. 哥白尼是波兰的数学家,天文学家,物理学家,古典主义者,翻译家,天主教传教士,法律学者, 地方长官,军人领袖,外交官以及经济学家。56. revolutionary /r?v?lu??n?ri/ ( revolutionaries )1. ADJ 革命的 例:Do you know anything about the revolutionary movement? 你对这次革命运动有什么了解吗? 2. ADJ Revolutionary ideas and developments involve great changes in the way that something is done or made. 革命性的 例:Invented in 1951, the rotary engine is a revolutionary concept in internal combustion. 1951 年发明的旋转引擎是内燃领域的一个革命性观念。 Revolutionary activities, organizations, or people have the aim of causing a political revolution.57. movement /muvm?nt/ ( movements )1. N-COUNT A movement is a group of people who share the same beliefs, ideas, or aims. 运动 (指 具有共同信仰、思想或目标的团体) 例:It's part of a broader nationalist movement that's gaining strength throughout the country. 这是一场正在全国范围内日益壮大的更为广泛的民族主义运动的一部分。 2. N-VAR Movement involves changing position or going from one place to another. 移动 例:They actually monitor the movement of the fish going up river. 他们实际上在观测鱼向上游的迁移活动。 例:There was movement behind the window in the back door. 后门窗户的后面有动静。 3. N-PLURAL Your movements are everything that you do or plan to do during a period of time. (某人 在某段时间内的) 行踪 例:I want a full account of your movements the night Mr. Gower was killed. 我想要了解高尔先生被杀当晚你的所有行踪。58. make sense1. 有道理;合乎情理 2. 明智 3. 说得通;有意义 例:You should try to make sense out of the world in a way that would matter to us, and if we are lucky, would matter to other people. 你们要试着从这个世界得到一些道理,以一种对我们有意义的方式,如果我们幸运的话,还能对其他 人有意义。59. backward /b? kw?rd/19 M5 U1――Collins Senior English-Chinese Dictionary 柯林斯高级英汉双解词典1. ADJ A backward movement or look is in the direction that your back is facing. 向后的 [ADJ n] 例:He unlocked the door of apartment two and disappeared inside after a backward glance at Larry. 他打开 2 号公寓的门锁,向后瞥了拉里一眼之后走进去就不见了。 2. ADJ If someone takes a backward step or a step backward, they do something that does not change or improve their situation, but causes them to go back a stage. 退步的 例:The current U.S. farm bill, however, is a big step backward. 然而,目前的美国农业法却倒退了一大步。 3. ADJ A backward country or society does not have modern industries and machines. 落后的 例:We need to accelerate the pace of change in our backward country. 我们需要在我们这个落后的国家加快变革的步伐。。 4. ADV If you move or look backward, you move or look in the direction that your back is facing. 向后 [ADV after v] 例:The diver flipped over backward into the water. 跳水运动员向后翻转跳入水中。 例:He took two steps backward. 他往后退了两步。 5. ADV after v] 例:He works backward, building a house from the top downward. 他倒着干活,从上往下盖房子。 6. ADV You use backward to indicate that something changes or develops in a way that is not an improvement, but is a return to old ideas or methods. 倒退地 例:This country is going backward. 这个国家正在倒退。 7. PHRASE If someone or something moves backward and forward, they move repeatedly first in one direction and then in the opposite direction. 来回地 例:Using a gentle, sawing motion, draw the floss backward and forward between the teeth. 用轻柔的拉锯的动作把牙线在牙齿间来回拉动。 If you do something backward, you do it in the opposite way to the usual way. 倒着地 [ADV60. loop /lup/ ( loops )1. N-COUNT A loop is a curved or circular shape in something long, for example, in a piece of string. 圈 例:Mrs. Morrell reached for a loop of garden hose. 莫雷尔夫人伸手去拿一圈橡胶软管。61. privately/pra?v?tli/ADV If you buy or sell something privately, you buy it from or sell it to another person directly, rather than in a store or through a business. 私下地 (买、卖) [ADV after v] 例:The whole process makes buying a car privately as painless as buying from a garage. 这整个过程使得私下买车和从汽车行买一样轻松。62. spin /sp?n/ ( spins, spinning, spun, spun, to spin )20 M5 U1――Collins Senior English-Chinese Dictionary 柯林斯高级英汉双解词典1. V-T/V-I If something spins or if you spin it, it turns quickly around a central point. 转动 例:The latest disks, used for small portable computers, spin 3,600 times a minute. 用于小型手提电脑的最新磁盘每分钟转动 3600 次。 例:He spun the wheel sharply and made a U turn in the middle of the road. 他猛打方向盘,在路中间掉了个头。 N-VAR Spin is also a noun. 旋转 例:This driving mode allows you to move off in third gear to reduce wheel-spin in icy conditions. 这种驾驶方法可以让你用三档发动汽车以减少结冰情况下的车轮打滑。 2. V-I If your head is spinning, you feel unsteady or confused, for example because you are drunk, ill, or excited. 眩晕 例:My head was spinning from the wine. 当时我因喝了酒而感到眩晕。 3. V-T When people spin, they make thread by twisting together pieces of a fiber such as wool or cotton using a device or machine. 纺; 纺线 例:Michelle will also spin a customer's wool fleece to specification at a cost of $2.25 an ounce. 米歇尔也将以每盎司$2.25 的价格按照顾客的要求为其纺羊毛呢。63. brightness /'braitnis/1. brightness N-UNCOUNT 鲜艳 例:You'll be impressed with the brightness and the beauty of the colors. 你会对色彩的鲜艳和美丽感到吃惊。 bright ADJ A bright color is strong and noticeable, and not dark. 鲜艳的 (颜色) 例:...a bright red dress. …一条鲜艳的红色连衣裙。 brightly ADV 鲜艳地 例:...a display of brightly colored flowers. …色彩鲜艳的花卉的一次展示。 2. brightness N-UNCOUNT 明亮 例:An astronomer can determine the brightness of each star. 天文学家可以测定每颗星的亮度。 bright ADJ A bright light, object, or place is shining strongly or is full of light. 明亮的 例:...a bright October day. …一个明媚的 10 月天。 brightly ADV 明亮地 [ADV with v] 例:...a warm, brightly lit room. …一间温暖的、灯光明亮的房间。 3. bright 明的 例:I was convinced that he was brighter than average. 我确信他比一般人聪明。 21 ADJ If you describe someone as bright, you mean that they are quick at learning things. 聪 M5 U1――Collins Senior English-Chinese Dictionary 柯林斯高级英汉双解词典4. bright ADJ A bright idea is clever and original. 巧妙新颖的 (主意) 例:There are lots of books crammed with bright ideas. 有很多书都充满了巧妙新颖的点子。64. enthusiastic/?nθuzi? st?kli/ADJ If you are enthusiastic about something, you show how much you like or enjoy it by the way that you behave and talk. 热衷的; 热烈的 例:Tom was very enthusiastic about the place. 汤姆曾非常热衷于那个地方。 enthusiastically ADV 热衷地; 热烈地 例:The announcement was greeted enthusiastically. 这则通告受到了热烈的欢迎。enthusiasm /?nθuzi? z?m/ ( enthusiasms )N-VAR Enthusiasm is great eagerness to be involved in a particular activity that you like and enjoy or that you think is important. 热情 例:Their skill and enthusiasm has gotten them on the team. 他们的技术和热情使他们进了那支团队。65. cautious /k???s/ADJ Someone who is cautious acts very carefully in order to avoid possible danger. 谨慎的 科学家们对于人体使用酶疗法持谨慎态度。 cautiously ADV 谨慎地 例:David moved cautiously forward and looked over the edge. 大卫小心翼翼地向前移动,视线越过边缘看过去。 例:The scientists are cautious about using enzyme therapy on humans.66. reject ( rejects, rejecting, rejected, to reject )1. V-T If you reject something such as a proposal, a request, or an offer, you do not accept it or you do not agree to it. 拒绝; 不同意 例:The government is expected to reject the idea of state subsidy for a new high-speed railroad. 预期该政府不会同意向一条新建高速铁路提供国家补助的意见。 rejection N-VAR 拒绝; 不同意 例:The rejection of such initiatives by no means indicates that voters are unconcerned about the environment. 对这些提案的不同意决不意味着选民们不关心环境。 2. V-T If you reject a belief or a political system, you refuse to believe in it or to live by its rules. 摈弃 例: ...the children of Eastern European immigrants who had rejected their parents' political and religious beliefs. …已经摈弃了其父母的政治和宗教信仰的东欧移民的子女们。 rejection N-VAR 摈弃 例:His rejection of our values is far more complete than that of D. H. Lawrence. 他对于我们价值观的摈弃远比 D. H.劳伦斯更彻底。 22 M5 U1――Collins Senior English-Chinese Dictionary 柯林斯高级英汉双解词典3. V-T If someone is rejected for a job or course of study, it is not offered to them. 拒绝 (录用或录取) 例:One of my most able students was rejected by another university. 我的一个最有能力的学生被另外一所大学拒绝了。 rejection N-COUNT 拒绝 例:Be prepared for lots of rejections before you land a job. 在你找到一份工作之前要做好多次被拒绝的准备。 4. V-T If someone rejects another person who expects affection from them, they are cold and unfriendly toward them. 拒绝 (某人的爱情) 例:...people who had been rejected by their lovers. …遭到他们的恋人拒绝的人们。 rejection N-VAR 拒绝 例:These feelings of rejection and hurt remain. 这些遭到拒绝和伤害的感觉仍然存在。 5. V-T If a person's body rejects something such as a new heart that has been transplanted into it, it tries to attack and destroy it. 排斥 (移植的器官等) 例:It was feared his body was rejecting a kidney he received in a transplant four years ago. 人们担心他的身体在排斥他 4 年前在一项移植中接受的一个肾脏。 rejection N-VAR 排斥 例:...a special drug which stops rejection of transplanted organs. …一种阻止对移植器官的排斥的专用药物。67. universe /yun?v?rs/ ( universes )1. N-COUNT The universe is the whole of space and all the stars, planets, and other forms of matter and energy in it. 宇宙 例:Einstein's equations showed the universe to be expanding. 爱因斯坦的方程式表明宇宙正在扩大。 2. N-COUNT If you talk about someone's universe, you are referring to the whole of their experience or an important part of it. (某人的) 经历 例:Good writers suck in what they see of the world, re-creating their own universe on the page. 好的作家吸收他们所看到的世界,在书里重新创造自己的世界。universal /yun?v?rs?l/1. ADJ Something that is universal relates to everyone in the world or everyone in a particular group or society. 全世界的; 普遍的 例:The insurance industry has produced its own proposals for universal health care. 保险业为全民保健提出了自己的建议。 例:The desire to look attractive is universal. 爱美之心人皆有之。 2. ADJ Something that is universal affects or relates to every part of the world or the universe. 全世界 …世界性的疾病。 23 的; 普遍存在的 例:...universal diseases.
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