求帮忙!把J.J.W.翻译成划分短语的层次 求他帮忙~谢谢~( ﹡ˆoˆ﹡ )

求泰语高手帮忙将以下泰文翻译成中文,谢谢!最近在YTB上下载了几部泰国老牌艺人Sam-Yuranan/ยุรนันท์ ภมรมนตรี主演的影视剧,本人不认识蝌蚪文,请懂泰文的大侠帮忙翻译一下,谢谢!电视剧部分:1、CH3-1997
Salak Jit (สลักจิต)
女主是Kat Katreeya English 2、CH7-1998
Nang Bab (นางบาป)
女主是Kat Katreeya English
Jom Jone Kon Pa Lok (จอมคนปล้นผ่าโลก)
女主是noon w4、CH7-未知
ใต้ร่มไม้เลื้อย เรือนศิรา
此剧泰音英语不详 女主偶也不认识她5、《Phrom Maidai Likhit》
此剧年代不详,女主是个护士,演员姓名不详 电影部分:因为年代久远,下载的时候没有注意泰国佛历,也没有对应的英文,只剩下一堆蝌蚪文.1、คาวน้ำผึ้ง2、แรงฤทธิ์พิษสวาท3、ชะตาฟ้า...พี่กุ๊ก นาถยา
男主演的是父子两人,父亲是个酒吧歌手、为人很渣,儿子是个医生.4、ไม่สิ้นไร้ไฟสวาท5、ปีกมาร ( นาถยา+ยุรนันท์)
此电影分上下2部 ps:1、以上五部电影都是80年代的风格,剧情一般,只是因为喜欢这个已经不再拍影视作品的大叔,特地下载收藏而已.2、希望资深泰粉及泰语高手帮忙给个中文名字,不要求百分百精确,大致能让我存盘的时候可以区分就好.
电视剧:1、精神的牺牲2、罪恶的女人3、通过世界的强盗4、屋檐下的常春藤5、永远的荣誉电影:1、คาวน้ำผึ้ง 蜂蜜的气味2、แรงฤทธิ์พิษสวาท 魅力无法挡3、ชะตาฟ้า
命运4、ไม่สิ้นไร้ไฟสวาท 无限可爱5、ปีกมาร 魔鬼的翅膀
英语翻译1.这把伞属于我,别碰它.2.请你把我的房间打扫干净,但不要乱碰属于我的东西.3.JALL已经是大人了,她不再是你的小宝宝.4.你是为优秀的足球选手,你不属于这儿,你应该去寻找(play for)更好的球队
the umbrella belongs to me.don't touch itplease clean my room ,but don't touch my thingsjill is an adult,she's no longer your little babyyou are an excellent footaball player.you don't belong here.you should play for more excellent footaball team
mo a,ri 几 si 郎 喜 朽 宜 哇 几 re 郎 a,哇 爱 ri ,巧 gi 爱 ri
The night doesn't belong to me.
1.makedumplingsuntilmidnight 2.Halloweenchocolate 3.facetheproblemcarefully 4.cleantheroomcleanly 5.aswhiteassnow 6.runasfastastrain 7.ChristmasEve 8.cutthevege
1.make dumplings until midnight2.Halloween chocolate3.face the problem carefully4.clean the room cleanly5.as white as snow6.run as fast as train7.Christmas Eve8
1.没有伞的孩子必须努力奔跑!Children who have no umbrellas should run hard.2.你不勇敢,没人替你坚强!If you aren't brave,nobody can be determined for you.
这是一封business letter 吧?1.I am very sorry for all the inconvience caused by unclear experession in my previous email. The drawing sent earlier is for model B of o
I have been working in a dress(如果是指服装公司,最好用garment) company since 2006. My responsibility is to prepare and review accounting vouchers, to calculate cost and wa
I am so shame that I can say nothing to you.You need say nothing.
可不可以叫我高手啊?哈哈哈哈~敬 尊重,有礼貌地对待 回答者:9月枫 - 总监 八级 8-20 22:11(这个人说得很对,那我就不用从《新华字典》往这里克隆了)现在简单说一下作用敬在这里做的是状语修饰限定动词“受”
Over the past months he has been exhausted by showers of criticism and insults. Now on the edge of the plateform, an impulse arose in him:a step further, he wou
Estimado Sr.: Pido mis más sinceras disculpas ya que debido a un error mío, he borrado su cuenta cuando estaba limpiando las cuentas spam. Si aún se encuentra i
Astroauts have been to the moonthere has been life on Earth for many yearsIt's so good that I've already asked the library to keep the next book for me
这些都是很常见的虚词,回答如下:于:贪于财货 对,介词欲有求于我也 向,介词君子生非异也,善假于物也 向,介词以趋于亡 到,介词臣诚恐见欺于王而负赵 表被动,介词则则知明而行无过唉 就,表顺承,连词 在药则未为良时 却,表转折,连词者:不者,若属皆且为所虏 语助词,不译谁为大王为此计者 ……的人,助词今者项庄拔剑舞,其
I left my umbrella in garden yesterdayhe used to go home with tired body in the past
通常这首歌翻译为《你鼓舞了我》,可是如果用圣经的语言去翻译,我以为翻译成《你兴起我》可能更恰当.这是圣经中的一句经文:I tell you that out of these stones God can raise up children for Abraham.我告诉你们,神能从这些石头中给亚伯拉罕兴起子孙来.愿每
Any similarity to any persons,living or dead,or to any actual events is not conincidental and unintentional
I have a question for you about the address.The blank is not wide enough to fill the whole address in,so i filledRoom 301,Unit 2,Building 5,Hunan Middle School
i've decided to have part time is that i do not want to take money from parents anymore,not that i want to miss you too much thus i let myself get busy and slee“整天”翻译为文言文(用古文的语言)
把要翻译的话写出来呗. 再问: 求QQ 明天需要你的帮忙!
其务臻美 再问: 首先谢谢你的回答,最靠谱。但是还是有点牵强,不像一句话.......可以利用你的聪明才智再润色下么?拜托啦~~~~~~O(∩_∩)O~
AbstractAt present,the writings in classic style which have been chosen as the middle school texts are masterworks in ancient Chinese prose.They are the essence
苟复观汝其有感否 昔者素面朝天何其纯哉 毋庸描黛毋庸敷粉逢骤雨而游市如故窃嘲他者污其面
大学之道,在明明德,在亲民,在止于至善. 知止而后有定,定而后能静,静而后能安,安而后能虑,虑而后能得. 物有本末,事有终始.知所先后,则近道矣. 古之欲明明德于天下者,先治其国.欲治其国者,先齐其家,欲齐其家者, 先修其身.欲修其身者,先正其心.欲正其心者,先诚其意.欲诚其意者,先致 其知.致知在格物. 物格而后知至
原文太宗(宋太宗赵光义)日阅 御览 (又称太平御览)三卷,因事有阙,暇日追补之,尝曰:"开卷有益,朕不以为劳也." 译文宋太宗对这部书的编辑工作非常重视,每天都有亲自阅读三卷,如果因紧急公务来不及阅读,改日一定补上.有人说,太宗每日政务繁忙,还挤时间看这么多的书,太劳累了.太宗说:“只要开卷,就会有益处,我不觉得劳累.
1.(是“砺”的本字.从厂( hàn),象山崖形,表示与山石有关.本义:磨刀石)2.同本义 [rubstone]段注:“旱石者,刚于柔石者也.字亦作厉、作砺.” 朱骏声曰:“精者曰厎,粗者曰厉.汉书地理志,述禹贡砥厉砮丹;诗公刘,取厉取锻,礼内则,刀砺;西山经,苕水其中多砥厉;中山经,阴山多砺石.”涉渭为乱,取厉取锻.
【文言】子甚屌,子家人知乎?【英语】Are your family aware that you're so fucky?【日语(尊敬体)】あなたはこんなに强い方ですね、お家族はご存じですか?【日语(简略体)】てめぇ强えな!家族が知ってるか?【韩语】당신이 너&#
是日,浮云障日,潜孕风雷。市人惶惶,各归门户。须臾雨落,乱人心曲,余颓坐车中,观车马之往来,行人之奔驰,恍然间犹如昔日,方寸间忽忽如狂。年前之日,余于暴雨中,发豪言壮志,时河倾泉涌之势,有似于今。岁月迁移,功名无就,忆昔日之言,嗟叹而已。工地雨夜,泥泞狼藉,举目而望,中心摇摇。雨则如旧,心则非彼,何以如此?无他,时过境英语翻译一.翻译成英语1.吃晚饭 2.离开家3.看卡通片二.按实际情况回答问题1.Do you like the lou
英语翻译一.翻译成英语1.吃晚饭 2.离开家3.看卡通片二.按实际情况回答问题1.Do you like the loud bell or the quiet bell?2.Where are you?3.What do you do at six every evening?三.按要求改变句子1.We are (washing the bowls).对括号里提问2.Does he come home early?肯定句3.Ben and Kitty (are getting up now).4.He has some pigs on his farm.否定句5.She feeds the bird every day.一般问句四.中译英1.现在Kitty正在家里看电视.2.现在他喜欢吃水果.3.你在做什么?我在看故事书.4.该上床睡觉了.看,Peter正在上床睡觉.
翻译成英文 11:12 twelve past eleven、 12:10 ten past twelve、1:45 a quarter to two、9:30 half past nine、9:15 a quarter past nine、5:50 ten to six 一.翻译成英语1.吃晚饭 have dinner 2.离开家 leave home3.看卡通片 watch cartoons二.按实际情况回答问题1.Do you like the loud bell or the quiet bell? I like the quiet bell. 2.Where are you? I'm at home.3.What do you do at six every evening? I get up at six every day.三.按要求改变句子1.We are (washing the bowls).对括号里提问 What are you doing?2.Does he come home early?肯定句 He comes home early.3.Ben and Kitty (are getting up now). What are Ben and Kitty doing now?4.He has some pigs on his farm.否定句 He doesn't have any pigs on his farm.5.She feeds the bird every day.一般问句 Does she feed the bird every day?四.中译英1.现在Kitty正在家里看电视. Kitty is watching TV at home now. 2.现在他喜欢吃水果. He likes eating fruit.3.你在做什么?我在看故事书. What are you doing? I'm reading books.4.该上床睡觉了.看,Peter正在上床睡觉. It's time to go to bed. Look. Peter is going to bed.
与《英语翻译一.翻译成英语1.吃晚饭 2.离开家3.看卡通片二.按实际情况回答问题1.Do you like the lou》相关的作业问题
help youself to sth.
Feed a cold and starve a fever.感冒时应进食,发烧时应禁食.It's one of the most well-known medical bromides around:starve a cold,feed a fever.Or is it feed a cold,starve a fe
I go back home for dinner at 4 p.m.
Under the influence of great differences between social culture,history and various social background ,Chinese and western formed two different cultures,and thu
1.May I take a photo with you 2.Do you mind if we take a picture together?3.Do you mind our taking a picture together?4.Would you please take a photo with me?
口语的话:Are you gonna have dinner with them?
The name is every member of society marks and symbols,and its social function is different from each other in the mark.People in choosing a name for a variety o
6My ex was an volatile man with selfish and bad temperament.8To have English classes is not waste of time.9My ex-girlfriend does not have any consideration and
custom-tailor and fix your private leather products. 再问: 还有“倾听沉默”这一句 此二句,请准确翻译并说明每个单词之间的语法关系,谢谢! 请不要在网上或者软件翻译,那个不准确 再答: “倾听沉默”是喧嚣中依然保持自我的价值追求,以此来表达你家皮具产品的独特品味吧?
1 1.This is largely due to traffic accidents caused by carelessness.2.No matter where you go no matter what you do, I'll be here waiting for you.3.We must limit
你说的是中国的四大名著?《三国演义》 Three Kindoms 英译本作者:罗慕士,美国汉学家 《西游记》 A Journey to The West 译作作者:(英)詹纳尔(Jenner,W.J.F.) 《水浒传》 Outlaw of The Marshes 英文版通常将《水浒传》翻译成 Water Margin
thirty-eight hundred and ninety-six或者three thousand and eight hundred ninety-six答案补充 不加 加and没有问题我今天刚拿工资····答案补充 不过好像写下来不可以····我们说话不注意了···thousand 和 hundred之间不可以
MR.WONG.I HOPE YOU CAN be the winner of study..PLEASE study hard
Now PeiDou middle school,actually.Phenomenon,The cause of this phenomenon.Poor parent,parents expectations are human.And can play a certain role in children,but
Yiyang Town is opposite to Raohe Province in the East with Qixing River being the boundary and adjacent to Mishan City and Hulin City in the South and Southeast
when can i stop waiting
My house has been built but I am alone here The door banged behind my back An autumn wind is knocking on the window Crying over me all over again...Thunderstorm
翻译下列句子成英语 : 1 我们打算在本周末做出一个决定.We are going to made a decision this weekend. 2. 如果有麻烦,你可以找警察帮忙. I there is any trouble, you may ask police for help.3. 听到那个令人激动的消息
翻译为I don't know what you're thinking英语翻译如上,翻译成英语,急,对 ai小溪 :不要软件翻译的.
英语翻译如上,翻译成英语,急,对 ai小溪 :不要软件翻译的.
There are many people who have applied ,but the available jobs are few.
与《英语翻译如上,翻译成英语,急,对 ai小溪 :不要软件翻译的.》相关的作业问题
海词词典 文本取词 图片取词 划词翻译 都有 随你选我用的电脑的 手机不知
寓教于景:Teaching in a beautiful scene句子:As it is said,we should "teach in a beautiful scene". This kind of teaching method should not only be in class, but also be
Under the influence of great differences between social culture,history and various social background ,Chinese and western formed two different cultures,and thu
help youself to sth.
1.May I take a photo with you 2.Do you mind if we take a picture together?3.Do you mind our taking a picture together?4.Would you please take a photo with me?
The name is every member of society marks and symbols,and its social function is different from each other in the mark.People in choosing a name for a variety o
6My ex was an volatile man with selfish and bad temperament.8To have English classes is not waste of time.9My ex-girlfriend does not have any consideration and
custom-tailor and fix your private leather products. 再问: 还有“倾听沉默”这一句 此二句,请准确翻译并说明每个单词之间的语法关系,谢谢! 请不要在网上或者软件翻译,那个不准确 再答: “倾听沉默”是喧嚣中依然保持自我的价值追求,以此来表达你家皮具产品的独特品味吧?
1 1.This is largely due to traffic accidents caused by carelessness.2.No matter where you go no matter what you do, I'll be here waiting for you.3.We must limit
你说的是中国的四大名著?《三国演义》 Three Kindoms 英译本作者:罗慕士,美国汉学家 《西游记》 A Journey to The West 译作作者:(英)詹纳尔(Jenner,W.J.F.) 《水浒传》 Outlaw of The Marshes 英文版通常将《水浒传》翻译成 Water Margin
thirty-eight hundred and ninety-six或者three thousand and eight hundred ninety-six答案补充 不加 加and没有问题我今天刚拿工资····答案补充 不过好像写下来不可以····我们说话不注意了···thousand 和 hundred之间不可以
许多的书 野草.呐喊.比较著名 好欧 棒欧
MR.WONG.I HOPE YOU CAN be the winner of study..PLEASE study hard
Now PeiDou middle school,actually.Phenomenon,The cause of this phenomenon.Poor parent,parents expectations are human.And can play a certain role in children,but
Yiyang Town is opposite to Raohe Province in the East with Qixing River being the boundary and adjacent to Mishan City and Hulin City in the South and Southeast
when can i stop waiting
My house has been built but I am alone here The door banged behind my back An autumn wind is knocking on the window Crying over me all over again...Thunderstorm
翻译下列句子成英语 : 1 我们打算在本周末做出一个决定.We are going to made a decision this weekend. 2. 如果有麻烦,你可以找警察帮忙. I there is any trouble, you may ask police for help.3. 听到那个令人激动的消息
或许更好的翻法是be busy with house chores.你的翻法语法没有问题,但似乎比较别扭.


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